Eye Power

Control your world with a wearable that senses eye movement using electrooculography.

Amadou Bah, Emily Chen, Mussie Demisse, Olivia Seow, Rima Rebei

Muscular dystrophy is a debilitating illness characterized by muscle atrophy and loss, ultimately depriving the affected of autonomy beyond minute facial expressions. It affects approximately 1:3,500 to 6,000 live male births and 1:50,000,000 live female births. However individuals often retain the ability to make minute facial expressions and thus retain a vital means of communication.

Our Solution


While there is no cure for muscular dystrophy, EyePower offers individuals a means of communication and the added power to be more in control and independent. Eyepower is an assistive wearable device for autonomy expression and communication. We use custom fabricated electrodes to detect blinks and eye movement through electrooculography. Electrooculography is the measurement of the electrical potential between electrodes placed at points close to the eye, used to investigate eye movements.

Traditional Glasses Form Factors


User blinks will be used as the user’s main mode of communication and translate into commands to carry out a greater Internet of things application.


Circuit Design

EMG (blink) allows us to detect electrical activity in response to a nerve's stimulation of the muscle. EOG (electrooculography) works on the corneo-retinal dipole. The cornea (front of eye) is slightly positively charged and the retina (back of eye) is slightly negatively charged.




Web Application
