Amber's White Knight
If Torquil is the most typical Amberite of the younger generation,
Katarina is probably the most atypical. She's honorable and chivalrous
and the only one who would ever call her opponent "Villain." Katarina
seems more the knight errant in shining armor, than Princess of Amber.
Katarina is tall (about 5'8'') and very thin. (Built almost like a
boy.) With light brown hair in a "Prince Valiant" style haircut. Her
eyes are brown.
Katarina is nearly always in her silver armor with her white and red
surcoat, bearing her symbol (a sort of backwards rho) on it. Her
faithful horse Steadfast (also
translated into Thari as "Surefoot") is never far away.
Katarina is probably the oldest of her generation in terms of when in
Amber's history she was born, though in terms of her absolute age, she
is certainly the youngest that we know of, being only in her early to
mid twenties. She was raised in a very slow time shadow, known as "the
Kingdom" where she was fostered into the Court of King Arthur where she
was visited periodically by her father, Eric.
She was taken to Amber well before the Patternfall war to walk the
Pattern and was presumably introduced to Julian at that time. Of all
the elder Amberites, after her father, Katarina seems closest to
Points and Powers
Katarina has walked the Pattern and has a number of impressive creatures
and artifacts, the most noteworthy of which are her horse, Steadfast, and
her helmet which senses danger and can provide a psychic barrier.
Her points, as bid for in the original auction were:
Psyche nb
Strength 16 (2nd rank)
Endurance 7 (5th rank)
Warfare 17 (2nd rank)
Since the run started, Katarina has learned to make sculptures of
shadows which then give her a certain amount of control of that shadow.
She has also acquired a couple of unusual gifts from Santa Claus as well
as a fairly impressive sword.
Adventures, Exploits, and Other Noteworthy Information
Katarina first joined our story when her shadow musuem, which she had
been happily tending to as curator for some time, suffered considerable
damage from the appearance of a black and silver road which cut through
many shadows and the center of her museum as well. Annoyed by this, she
set out down the black and silver road to see who it was responsible for
this irksome thing and complain to them about the damage done to her
museum. After some travel she met and fought Liesl who managed to best
her by trickery, or rather a poisoned blade, thus starting a (notably
brief) enmity between Katarina & Liesl. Katarina did manage to
escape and decided that perhaps someone in Amber could explain to her
what was going on. She arrived just in time to participate in the
rescue of Keverian, Lucius, Mikele, and Martin from Ur-Avalon, which
turned out not to be quite so needed as was originally believed.
The Duel In light of his dastardly use of poison on his blade in
their first encounter and the still not apologised for damage to her
museum, Katarina tracks down and demands satisfaction of our friend
Liesl. (Actually, she demanded either an apology or satisfaction, and
Liesl foolishly declined to give the apology.) Liesl couldn't quite
bring himself to apologise, so they fought the duel. Unfortunately, a
lot of uninvited people showed up.
The Beavers
Death of Liesl
A Visit to Santa Claus
How to Split a Party of Four People Four Ways The adventures of
Katarina, Mikele, Martin, & Nikrowd, with Finndo guest starring as chief
bad guy. Read all about it here. (It's
A Conversation Between Katarina and Finndo
"You can surrender now."
"On what terms?"
"I don't see how that matters. You're in no position to
"It matters. If you're going to string me up in town square in an hour,
I'd rather die here."
Best of Katarina
``I backhand Delwin to make sure he's unconscious, then I check to see
if he's dead.''