Other Recurring Characters
(and horses)

Here's a list and brief description of a bunch of the recurring
characters that don't appear on the main page. (Not to be confused with
the players characters.) I'm still working on
this. It flip-flops a lot between snide comments and actual
information. No guarantees are expresed or implied about spelling.
- Aaron
- Calm, cool compatriot
(son?) of Finndo's. When Aaron came to arrest Nikrowd and Mikele in
the Pattern room, accompanied by a half dozen guards with arrows,
Nikrowd attempted to divert him by pointing out that Mikele had the
Logrus called to mind and if she should be shot and it came flashing
through... well, that would be bad. Aaron pulled a pair of sunglasses
out of his pocket and donned them.
- Ann
- Felicia's maid, a present from her mother.
Don't get into a fight with her.
- Armand Hendrake
- The Duke of Hendrake
- the Beavers
- These six foot tall sentient beavers named
Reksark and ?? are friends of Katarina's.
They were kidnapped by Liesl in attempt to coerce
Katarina into doing what he and Corwin wanted. Katarina's reaction was
to kill him instead. She's been looking for those beavers ever since.
- Belissa Minobee Hendrake
- The
Duchess of Hendrake
- Callidora
- Felicia's pet baby
fire-angel. If this sounds like a recipe for disaster to you, you are
not alone. She currently looks like a bright red kitten with wings, and
speaks in a code of her own devising, which is still only poorly
understood. (Picture coutresy of Meilin.)
- Cannell Swayhill
Former Crown Prince of Chaos and general all around great guy. He was
off sulking, because no one would let him take the throne of Chaos, but
then someone killed him so he's not doing that any more.
- Charon
- A very old redheaded
aquaintance of Nikrowd's. Oberon locked him up 800 years ago, and a
couple weeks ago, Nikrowd let him go. He's responsible for the dead manticore that got left in Dworkin's living
- Chinaway Hendrake
- Cousin of
Mikele's, he's quite possibly the best hand to hand fighter in
Chaos. (Imagine a ferocious Gerard, with more warfare and shapeshift.)
In the Patterfall war, he engaged in one-on-one combat, on foot, with a
mounted Prince Bleys of Amber; Bleys is reported to have fled after
Chinaway (slightly injured at that point) tore Bleys' horse's head off.
After being mind controlled by Torquil at Elaine's coronation, Chinaway
has vowed to find Torquil and rip him limb from limb.
- Devan Chanicutt
- The Duke of Chanicutt
- Dolshenib
- The guy in the black
robe with the spikard was surprised to see
him again, especially in the company of the Blasphemer. We know him
better as Nikrowd.
- Derrista
- Felicia's mother and
Caine's wife, she's feeling like a whole new woman these days, so she's
moving to Amber with Caine.
- Dorian Noli
- Favorite Inquisitor for
the late Emperor of Chaos, who recently has been showing a lot of
interest in Torquil.
- Elaine Swayhill
Canell's twin sister, and now Empress of Chaos. She recovered
from the rather nasty knife wound, delivered by Martin at her coronation and was able to proceed
with her war to destroy Amber. Well, until Felicia blew her up in the
middle of the climatic battle.
- Evan Jesby
- New husband of Gilva.
Their wedding was, ah, memorable.
- Evander Minobee
- Desparate to get
on the throne of Chaos, he tried to marry Felicia in order to spring
board himself there.
- Gilva Hendrake Jesby
- A cousin of
Mikele's, recently married to Evan
- Greyson Sawall
- The Duke of Sawall
- Helena Minobee
- Evander's sister
and a competant sorcerous.
- Horse
- Nikrowd's horse, whose name was
inspired by Keverian's mount Steed. Just a horse.
- Illidor
- Mikele's little Chaos
creature who warns her of danger and generally make sure she's clear on
how stupid she she's being, especially when she hangs around all this
Pattern stuff. There's some friction between Callidora and Illidor, perhaps owing to to
Felicia's giving so a similar name to (in Illidor's opinion) a clearly
less intelligent creature. (Picture coutresy of Meilin.)
- Joakim Minobee
- The Duke of Minobee,
uncle to Evander
- Liesl
Descendent of Corwin of Avalon (also known as "Ur-Corwin") who had the misfortune of being the
one sent to deal with Katarina. Katarina objected to the unchivalrous
use of poison and challenged Liesl to a duel,
and made the mistake of letting word get out. Lots of uninvited people
showed up; the whole thing was a wash. Worse for Liesl, Katarina was
still at least mad at him, so when he kidnapped her beaver friends, she
killed him. Oops.
- Marcus
- We have no idea, but his dog
sure has a lot of psyche.
- Marris Bariman
- Felicia's second
attempt to date someone from Chaos. He turned
out not to be a step up.
- Mary
- No, not Felicia, though she looks
just like her. As far as we can tell, she's part dryad, part blood copy
of Felicia, part something else (Pattern?). In her first appearance,
attempted to drop a load of manure of Torquil. ("Hello, Torquil." "Hello." "Two
syllables and not a lie in them, I'm impressed." [dump])
- Morgaine Chanicutt
- Merlin's (former) girlfriend. Does anybody else
find this a little worrisome?
- Nicola Noli
- Little Miss Trouble in
- Phaedron
- The Black knight,
grandson of Corwin of Avalon. In his first appearance, he knocked Keverian, and then Mikele, flat. He was
eventually captured by Katarina and Keverian (at the duel gone arwy) and
then interrogated (psychically) by Felicia and Dalamar. Big mistake. Someone did not
appreciate being mind reamed. He escaped and he's been hounding Felicia
ever since. Who knows what he'll do when he catches up with Dalamar.
- Philip
- A noble from the Golden
Circle country of Demion. He's been seen with Katarina a lot lately.
- Reynard (Renald Volra)
- He claims
to be the son of Brand and a noblewoman of Chaos. That might even be
true. We first encountered him in his stronghold of Mortivan. (This is
the same adventure during which we "lost" Benedict.) Deirdre claimed to
have been held prisoner there, and Reena was still
prisoner there when we arrived. Mortivan is a fascinating place, with
something that looks like an inverted Pattern in its basement. Mikele
and Lucis Minax killed one of Reynard's friends there, and he's sworn a
vendetta against them both for it.
- Reena
- Keverian's first dangerous
blond girlfriend. (Well, she isn't a natural blond, and Felicia
thinks she's tacky...) She's been in league with Corwin at one point,
but it's not clear that hasn't broken down. Last anyone saw of her was
at Mikele and Martin's wedding reception. She was Torquil's date.
- Sira
- Queen of the Hellmaids and mother
to be of Valeria. One of Keverian's
dangerous blond girlfriends.
- Steadfast
- Katarina's faithful
horse, who could certainly defeat Torquil in single combat, if not
several of the rest of us as well. Steadfast (or Surefoot, the name
doesn't translate well into Thari) is the offspring of Morganstern and
King Arthur's horse (from Katarina's home shadow) and is perhaps the
second most frightening horse in existance.
- Steed
- Keverian's chestnut brown
winged horse.
- Vialle
- Wife of Random and Queen of
Amber, a job she takes very seriously. She was in a coma for a while,
after doing something to get Random out of a similar state immediately
after giving birth to their daughter, but she's recovering now.
- Victoria
- Inadvertent instigator of
the motorcycle chase at Martin's bachelor
- Zeran
- Torquil's loyal killing
machines. Imagine, if you can, (if not, see picture) a ten-foot tall
headless rag-clad samurai wearing a sombrero with tassles all around the
brim. The face is about an inch tall, situated in the front center of
the sombrero-head, and snakes out on a tentacle occasionally. On top of
that, they reek of Pattern and sorcery.