About Us
The Biology Undergraduate Student Association (BUSA) serves all MIT students with an interest in biology. BUSA helps to broaden the biology undergraduate experience through both social and academic activities. BUSA also provides resources and support for biology students.
Contact us at: bexec@mit.edu
All MIT undergraduates interested in biology are eligible for membership in BUSA!
As a BUSA member, you get advance notice of BUSA-sponsored events and activities, including the opportunity to participate in the annual Howard Hughes Lecture luncheon. You'll be interacting with other students who are interested in and/or majoring in Biology, as well as being able to participate in faculty luncheons, attend guest lectures, and have a chance to take a leadership role in BUSA. All undergraduate students majoring in Biology are automatically notified of BUSA-sponsored events through the course mailing list.
To become a member, please fill out this form: