Discussion Panels
BUSA hosts discussion panels on a variety of biology-related topics. These can range from scientific panels featuring MIT professors who conduct research in related areas, to class information and UROP panels featuring students with experience in these areas.
One example was BUSA's infectious disease panel, featuring MIT professors that conduct research in various areas of infectious disease, in response to the current Ebola crisis, enterovirus outbreaks, and the general prevalence of infectious disease. The panel featured MIT Professors Dedon, Kim, and Ploegh.
7.01x Review Sessions
Cramming for that midterm or final? Confused by a pset? Come grab food, study with other 7.01x students, and get your questions answered by a BEXEC member.
Study Breaks
•Leap Day Study Break - 2/29, 4PM to 5PM, TBD
Take a break from psets, exams and projects at one of our study breaks! Eat delicious food, hang-out with friends and relax!
Biology Department Events
•Course 7 Undergraduate Dinner - 5/12
These are events hosted by the Biology Department for all Course 7 and 6-7 students!
•Holt Lecture, April
Come listen to a distinguished scientist and educator speak! Stay tuned for our 2016 lecturer!
CPW and Family Weekend Events
•CPW Freshmen Open House - 4/7 7PM to 8PM, 68-181
•CPW Academic Fair - 4/8, Johnson Arena
•CPW UROP Panel - 4/8, 4PM to 5PM, 68-180
Every year, we help represent the Biology department at CPW, to help prefrosh (and curious freshmen!) understand what being course 7 at MIT is like. You can find BEXEC members at the Biology Open House and the CPW Academic Expo, and you can see us host the annual Biology UROP panel featuring student panelists. We also represent the Biology department during Family Weekend in the fall at the department's panel for biology students and their parents.
MATLAB Biostatistics Workshop
•Late April.
MathWorks representatives provide a hands-on introduction to MATLAB for biological data analysis. The workshop concludes with a short MicroHackathon challenge. Food is provided.
Outreach: MIT Museum
•MIT Museum Outreach - 2/27, 11AM to 1PM, MIT Museum - Sign up here!
We partner with the MIT Museum to run an interactive demo for museum-goers. In previous years, we partnered with the Museum of Science at last year's Cambridge Science Festival, helping out with their demos and activities.
DEX Events
•Last week of IAP
DEX, Departmental Exploration, is a program held during the last week of IAP to give freshmen information about all of MIT's courses, helping them decide a major. We represent the biology department at official DEX events and have hosted events of our own the past two years, including 2014's Professor Panel and 2013's Student Lightning Lectures. If you have any feedback from past events or ideas for this year's events, we want to hear from you! Please contact Exec with any comments.
Faculty Lunches and Dinners
•Dinner with Professor Tyler Jacks - 2/25, 6:30PM to 8PM, TBD
BUSA hosts informal lunches and dinners with MIT Biology professors, giving students the opportunity to meet and talk to professors in the department about classes, research, etc.
If you have suggestion for BUSA events, please fill out this form: