Qt Quick Examples - Image Elements

Image Elements is a collection of small QML examples relating to image types. For more information, visit Use Case - Visual Elements In QML.

Running the Example

To run the example from Qt Creator, open the Welcome mode and select the example from Examples. For more information, visit Building and Running an Example.


BorderImage shows off the various scaling modes of the BorderImage type by setting its horizontalTileMode and verticalTileMode properties.


Image shows off the various fill modes of the Image type.


Shadows shows how to create a drop shadow effect for a rectangular item using a BorderImage:

      BorderImage {
          anchors.fill: rectangle
          anchors { leftMargin: -6; topMargin: -6; rightMargin: -8; bottomMargin: -8 }
          border { left: 10; top: 10; right: 10; bottom: 10 }
          source: "shadow.png"


AnimatedSprite shows how to display a simple animation using an AnimatedSprite object:

      AnimatedSprite {
          id: sprite
          width: 170
          height: 170
          anchors.centerIn: parent
          source: "content/speaker.png"
          frameCount: 60
          frameSync: true
          frameWidth: 170
          frameHeight: 170
          loops: 3

The sprite animation will loop three times.


SpriteSequence demonstrates using a sprite sequence to draw an animated and interactive bear. The SpriteSequence object defines five different sprites. The bear is initially in a still state:

              name: "still"
              source: "content/BearSheet.png"
              frameCount: 1
              frameWidth: 256
              frameHeight: 256
              frameDuration: 100
              to: {"still":1, "blink":0.1, "floating":0}

When the scene is clicked, an animation sets the sprite sequence to the falling states and animates the bear's y property.

      SequentialAnimation {
          id: anim
          ScriptAction { script: image.goalSprite = "falling"; }
          NumberAnimation { target: image; property: "y"; to: 480; duration: 12000; }
          ScriptAction { script: {image.goalSprite = ""; image.jumpTo("still");} }
          PropertyAction { target: image; property: "y"; value: 0 }

At the end of the animation the bear is set back to its initial state.
