| Index Entry | Section |
D | | |
| d, as exponent marker in number | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| decoded time | 15.5 Date and Time |
| default object (defn) | 2.1 Lambda Expressions |
| defaulting, of pathname | 15.1.3 Operations on Pathnames |
| defaulting, of pathname | 15.1.3 Operations on Pathnames |
| define, procedure (defn) | 2.4 Definitions |
| defining foreign procedures | 18.2.2 Windows Foreign Procedures |
| defining foreign types | 18.2.1 Windows Types |
| defining foreign types | 18.2.1 Windows Types |
| definition | 2.4 Definitions |
| definition, internal | 2.4.2 Internal Definitions |
| definition, internal (defn) | 2.4 Definitions |
| definition, top-level | 2.4.1 Top-Level Definitions |
| definition, top-level (defn) | 2.4 Definitions |
| deletion, of alist element | 11.1 Association Lists |
| deletion, of file | 15.3 File Manipulation |
| deletion, of list element | 7.5 Filtering Lists |
| delimiter, in programs (defn) | 1.3.2 Delimiters |
| device coordinates, graphics (defn) | 17.2 Coordinates for Graphics |
| device, pathname component | 15.1.2 Components of Pathnames |
| difference, of numbers | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| directive, format (defn) | 14.6 Format |
| directory path (defn) | 15.1.2 Components of Pathnames |
| directory, converting pathname to | 15.1.3 Operations on Pathnames |
| directory, current working (defn) | 15.2 Working Directory |
| directory, pathname component | 15.1.2 Components of Pathnames |
| directory, predicate for | 15.3 File Manipulation |
| directory, reading | 15.1.4 Miscellaneous Pathname Procedures |
| directory, reading | 15.4 Directory Reader |
| discrete maps, using binary trees | 11.7 Weight-Balanced Trees |
| discretionary flushing, of buffered output | 14.5 Output Procedures |
| disembodied property list | 10.2 Symbols |
| display, clearing | 14.5 Output Procedures |
| display, X graphics | 17.9.2 Utilities for X Graphics |
| division, of integers | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| division, of numbers | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| DLL, DIBUTILS.DLL | 18.3 Device Independent Bitmap Utilities |
| DLL, exports | 18.3.2 Other parts of the DIB Utilities implementation |
| DLL, GDI32.DLL | 18.2.2 Windows Foreign Procedures |
| DLL, KERNEL32.DLL | 18.2.2 Windows Foreign Procedures |
| DLL, loading | 18.2.2 Windows Foreign Procedures |
| DLL, USER32.DLL | 18.2.2 Windows Foreign Procedures |
| dot, as external representation | 7. Lists |
| dotted notation, for pair (defn) | 7. Lists |
| dotted pair (see pair) | 7. Lists |
| double precision, of inexact number | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| double quote, as external representation | 6. Strings |
| drawing arcs and circles, graphics | 17.9.3 Custom Operations on X Graphics Devices |
| drawing arcs and circles, graphics | 17.9.3 Custom Operations on X Graphics Devices |
| drawing mode, graphics (defn) | 17.4 Characteristics of Graphics Output |
| dynamic binding | 2.3 Dynamic Binding |
| dynamic binding | 16.3 Condition Handling |
| dynamic binding | 16.3 Condition Handling |
| dynamic binding, and continuations | 2.3 Dynamic Binding |
| dynamic binding, versus static scoping | 1.2.4 Static Scoping |
| dynamic types (defn) | 1. Overview |
E | | |
| e, as exponent marker in number | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| effector, restart (defn) | 16.4 Restarts |
| element, of list (defn) | 7. Lists |
| ellipse, graphics | 17.10.2 Custom Operations for Win32 Graphics |
| ellipsis, in entries | 1.1.3 Entry Format |
| else clause, of case expression (defn) | 2.7 Conditionals |
| else clause, of cond expression (defn) | 2.7 Conditionals |
| empty list (defn) | 7. Lists |
| empty list, external representation | 7. Lists |
| empty list, predicate for | 7.3 Selecting List Components |
| empty stream, predicate for | 10.6 Streams |
| empty string, predicate for | 6.2 Selecting String Components |
| end of file object (see EOF object) | 14.4 Input Procedures |
| end, of substring (defn) | 6. Strings |
| end, of subvector (defn) | 8. Vectors |
| entity (defn) | 12.4 Application Hooks |
| entry format | 1.1.3 Entry Format |
| environment (defn) | 1.2.2 Environment Concepts |
| environment, current | 13.4 Top-level Environments |
| environment, current (defn) | 1.2.3 Initial and Current Environments |
| environment, extension (defn) | 1.2.2 Environment Concepts |
| environment, initial (defn) | 1.2.3 Initial and Current Environments |
| environment, interpreter | 13.4 Top-level Environments |
| environment, of procedure | 2.1 Lambda Expressions |
| environment, procedure closing (defn) | 2.1 Lambda Expressions |
| environment, procedure invocation (defn) | 2.1 Lambda Expressions |
| environment, top-level | 13.4 Top-level Environments |
| EOF object, construction | 14.9.2 Constructors and Accessors for Ports |
| EOF object, predicate for | 14.4 Input Procedures |
| equivalence predicate (defn) | 3. Equivalence Predicates |
| equivalence predicate, for bit strings | 9.4 Bitwise Operations on Bit Strings |
| equivalence predicate, for boolean objects | 10.1 Booleans |
| equivalence predicate, for characters | 5.2 Comparison of Characters |
| equivalence predicate, for fixnums | 4.7.1 Fixnum Operations |
| equivalence predicate, for flonums | 4.7.2 Flonum Operations |
| equivalence predicate, for numbers | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| equivalence predicate, for pathname host | 15.1.4 Miscellaneous Pathname Procedures |
| equivalence predicate, for pathnames | 15.1.3 Operations on Pathnames |
| equivalence predicate, for strings | 6.3 Comparison of Strings |
| equivalence predicate, of hash table | 11.4.1 Construction of Hash Tables |
| equivalence predicates, for characters | 5.2 Comparison of Characters |
| error messages, conventions | 16.2 Error Messages |
| error, in examples | 1.1.2 Examples |
| error, unassigned variable | 1.2.1 Variable Bindings |
| error, unbound variable (defn) | 1.2.2 Environment Concepts |
| error--> notational convention | 1.1.2 Examples |
| errors, notational conventions | 1.1.1 Errors |
| escape character, for string | 6. Strings |
| escape procedure (defn) | 12.3 Continuations |
| escape procedure, alternate invocation | 12.3 Continuations |
| evaluation order, of arguments | 1.4.4 Procedure Call Syntax |
| evaluation, call by need (defn) | 10.5 Promises |
| evaluation, in examples | 1.1.2 Examples |
| evaluation, lazy (defn) | 10.5 Promises |
| evaluation, of s-expression | 13.1 Environment Operations |
| even number | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| exactness | 4.2 Exactness |
| examples | 1.1.2 Examples |
| existence, testing of file | 15.3 File Manipulation |
| exit, non-local | 12.3 Continuations |
| explicit renaming | 2.11.4 Explicit Renaming |
| exponent marker (defn) | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| expression (defn) | 1.4 Expressions |
| expression, binding (defn) | 1.2.4 Static Scoping |
| expression, conditional (defn) | 2.7 Conditionals |
| expression, constant (defn) | 1.4.1 Literal Expressions |
| expression, input from port | 14.4 Input Procedures |
| expression, iteration (defn) | 2.9 Iteration |
| expression, literal (defn) | 1.4.1 Literal Expressions |
| expression, output to port | 14.5 Output Procedures |
| expression, procedure call (defn) | 1.4.4 Procedure Call Syntax |
| expression, special form (defn) | 1.4.3 Special Form Syntax |
| extended comment, in programs (defn) | 1.3.6 Comments |
| extension, of environment (defn) | 1.2.2 Environment Concepts |
| extent, of dynamic binding (defn) | 2.3 Dynamic Binding |
| extent, of objects | 1. Overview |
| external representation (defn) | 1.2.6 External Representations |
| external representation, and quasiquote | 2.6 Quoting |
| external representation, and quote | 2.6 Quoting |
| external representation, for bit string | 9. Bit Strings |
| external representation, for character | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| external representation, for empty list | 7. Lists |
| external representation, for list | 7. Lists |
| external representation, for number | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| external representation, for pair | 7. Lists |
| external representation, for procedure | 12. Procedures |
| external representation, for string | 6. Strings |
| external representation, for symbol | 10.2 Symbols |
| external representation, for vector | 8. Vectors |
| external representation, generating | 14.5 Output Procedures |
| external representation, parsing | 14.4 Input Procedures |
| extra object, of application hook | 12.4 Application Hooks |