| Index Entry | Section |
T | | |
| table, association (defn) | 11.3 The Association Table |
| table, one-dimensional (defn) | 11.2 1D Tables |
| tail recursion (defn) | 1. Overview |
| tail recursion, vs. iteration expression | 2.9 Iteration |
| taxonomical link, of condition type (defn) | 16. Error System |
| terminal mode, of port | 14.9.6 Terminal Mode |
| terminal screen, clearing | 14.5 Output Procedures |
| tick | 15.6 Machine Time |
| time, decoded | 15.5 Date and Time |
| time, file | 15.5 Date and Time |
| time, string | 15.5 Date and Time |
| time, universal | 15.5 Date and Time |
| token, in programs (defn) | 1.3.1 Whitespace |
| top, bucky bit prefix (defn) | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| top-level definition | 2.4.1 Top-Level Definitions |
| top-level definition (defn) | 2.4 Definitions |
| top-level environment | 13.4 Top-level Environments |
| total ordering (defn) | 7.9 Miscellaneous List Operations |
| transformer environment | Transformer Definition |
| tree, copying | 7.1 Pairs |
| trees, balanced binary | 11.6 Red-Black Trees |
| trees, balanced binary | 11.7 Weight-Balanced Trees |
| trimming, of string | 6.5 Cutting and Pasting Strings |
| true, boolean object | 1.2.5 True and False |
| true, boolean object (defn) | 10.1 Booleans |
| true, in conditional expression (defn) | 2.7 Conditionals |
| truename, of input file | 15.3 File Manipulation |
| type predicate, for 1D table | 11.2 1D Tables |
| type predicate, for alist | 11.1 Association Lists |
| type predicate, for apply hook | 12.4 Application Hooks |
| type predicate, for bit string | 9.2 Selecting Bit String Components |
| type predicate, for boolean | 10.1 Booleans |
| type predicate, for cell | 10.3 Cells |
| type predicate, for character | 5.3 Miscellaneous Character Operations |
| type predicate, for character set | 5.6 Character Sets |
| type predicate, for compiled procedure | 12.1 Procedure Operations |
| type predicate, for compound procedure | 12.1 Procedure Operations |
| type predicate, for continuation | 12.3 Continuations |
| type predicate, for empty list | 7.3 Selecting List Components |
| type predicate, for entity | 12.4 Application Hooks |
| type predicate, for environment | 13.1 Environment Operations |
| type predicate, for EOF object | 14.4 Input Procedures |
| type predicate, for fixnum | 4.7.1 Fixnum Operations |
| type predicate, for flonum | 4.7.2 Flonum Operations |
| type predicate, for hash table | 11.4.2 Basic Hash Table Operations |
| type predicate, for list | 7.3 Selecting List Components |
| type predicate, for number | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| type predicate, for pair | 7.1 Pairs |
| type predicate, for pathname | 15.1.3 Operations on Pathnames |
| type predicate, for pathname host | 15.1.4 Miscellaneous Pathname Procedures |
| type predicate, for port | 14.1 Ports |
| type predicate, for primitive procedure | 12.1 Procedure Operations |
| type predicate, for procedure | 12.1 Procedure Operations |
| type predicate, for promise | 10.5 Promises |
| type predicate, for record | 10.4 Records |
| type predicate, for record type | 10.4 Records |
| type predicate, for stream pair | 10.6 Streams |
| type predicate, for string | 6.2 Selecting String Components |
| type predicate, for symbol | 10.2 Symbols |
| type predicate, for top-level environment | 13.4 Top-level Environments |
| type predicate, for vector | 8.2 Selecting Vector Components |
| type predicate, for weak pair | 10.7 Weak Pairs |
| type, condition | 16. Error System |
| type, of condition | 16.6 Condition Types |
| type, of procedure | 12. Procedures |
| type, pathname component | 15.1.2 Components of Pathnames |
| types, latent (defn) | 1. Overview |
| types, manifest (defn) | 1. Overview |
| types, Windows | 18.2.1 Windows Types |
U | | |
| unassigned binding | 13.1 Environment Operations |
| unassigned variable | 1.4.2 Variable References |
| unassigned variable (defn) | 1.2.1 Variable Bindings |
| unassigned variable, and assignment | 2.5 Assignments |
| unassigned variable, and definition | 2.4.1 Top-Level Definitions |
| unassigned variable, and dynamic bindings | 2.3 Dynamic Binding |
| unassigned variable, and named let | 2.9 Iteration |
| unbound variable | 1.4.2 Variable References |
| unbound variable (defn) | 1.2.2 Environment Concepts |
| Unicode | 5.7 Unicode |
| uninterned symbol (defn) | 10.2 Symbols |
| universal time | 15.5 Date and Time |
| unparser method (defn) | 14.7 Custom Output |
| unspecified result (defn) | 1.1.2 Examples |
| up, as pathname component | 15.1.2 Components of Pathnames |
| uppercase | 1.3.4 Uppercase and Lowercase |
| uppercase, character conversion | 5.3 Miscellaneous Character Operations |
| uppercase, in string | 6.4 Alphabetic Case in Strings |
| usable size, of hash table (defn) | 11.4.3 Resizing of Hash Tables |
| usage environment | Transformer Definition |
V | | |
| V as format parameter | 14.6 Format |
| valid index, of bit string (defn) | 9. Bit Strings |
| valid index, of list (defn) | 7.3 Selecting List Components |
| valid index, of string (defn) | 6. Strings |
| valid index, of subvector (defn) | 8. Vectors |
| valid index, of vector (defn) | 8. Vectors |
| value, of variable (defn) | 1.2.1 Variable Bindings |
| values, multiple | 12.3 Continuations |
| variable binding | 1.2.1 Variable Bindings |
| variable binding | 13.1 Environment Operations |
| variable binding, do | 2.9 Iteration |
| variable binding, fluid-let | 2.3 Dynamic Binding |
| variable binding, internal definition | 2.4.2 Internal Definitions |
| variable binding, lambda | 2.1 Lambda Expressions |
| variable binding, let | 2.2 Lexical Binding |
| variable binding, let* | 2.2 Lexical Binding |
| variable binding, letrec | 2.2 Lexical Binding |
| variable binding, top-level definition | 2.4.1 Top-Level Definitions |
| variable reference (defn) | 1.4.2 Variable References |
| variable, adding to environment | 2.4 Definitions |
| variable, assigning values to | 2.5 Assignments |
| variable, binding region (defn) | 1.2.4 Static Scoping |
| variable, entry category | 1.1.3 Entry Format |
| variable, identifier as | 1.3.3 Identifiers |
| vector (defn) | 8. Vectors |
| vector index (defn) | 8. Vectors |
| vector length (defn) | 8. Vectors |
| vector, byte | 6.11 Byte Vectors |
| vector, converting to list | 7.2 Construction of Lists |
| version, pathname component | 15.1.2 Components of Pathnames |
| virtual coordinates, graphics (defn) | 17.2 Coordinates for Graphics |