
Creating a New Virtual Machine

The Configuration Wizard guides you through the key steps for setting up a new virtual machine, helping you set various options and parameters. You can then use the Configuration Editor (Settings > Configuration Editor) if you need to make any changes to your virtual machine's setup.

A new virtual machine is like a physical computer with a blank hard disk. Before you can use it, you need to format the virtual disk and install an operating system. The operating system's installation program may handle the formatting step for you.

Before you begin configuring your virtual machine, check the following notes and make any necessary adjustments to the configuration of your host operating system.

  1. Open a local console.
  2. Select File > Wizard to start the wizard.
  3. Click Next after reading the introduction.
  4. Select the guest operating system and click Next.

    When you select the operating system that you want to run in the virtual machine, the Wizard uses this information to set appropriate default values, such as the amount of memory needed. The Wizard also uses this information when naming associated virtual machine files. It is generally not possible or advisable to run the host operating system again inside the virtual machine. Doing so may cause the host system to crash and possibly cause disk corruption if two operating systems attempt to concurrently use the same disk partitions.

  5. Provide a display name and directory for the virtual machine and click Next.

    Each virtual machine should have its own directory. All associated files, such as the configuration file and the disk file, are placed in this directory. Be sure to choose a directory on a local drive because virtual machine performance may suffer if your virtual hard disk is on a network drive.

  6. Select the disk type and click Next.

    You can choose from: Create a new virtual disk, Use an existing virtual disk or Use a physical disk. It is recommended that you select Create a new virtual disk.

  7. Depending on your selection in the last step, the steps are as follows:
  8. Decide whether or not to enable the virtual machine to access the CD-ROM drive and click Next. If you want to enable the CD-ROM drive, select CD-ROM enabled and enter the path to the CD-ROM drive, typically /dev/cdrom. (More information...).
  9. Enable the floppy drive by selecting Floppy enabled and entering the path to the floppy drive, typically /dev/fd0, then click Next. (More information...).
  10. Select the type of networking you want to enable for the virtual machine, then click Next.
  11. Click Done to create the new virtual machine.

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