In file ../include/EST_TSimpleVector.h:
A derived class from <tt>EST_TVector</tt> which is used for containing simple types, such as <tt>float</tt> or <tt>int</tt>
Public Methods
| EST_TSimpleVector ()
default constructor
| EST_TSimpleVector (const EST_TSimpleVector<T> &v)
copy constructor
| EST_TSimpleVector (int n)
"size" constructor
void | resize (int n, int set=1)
resize vector
EST_TSimpleVector& | operator= (const EST_TSimpleVector<T> &s)
assignment operator
void | zero (void)
Fill entire array with 0 bits.
void | empty (void)
Fill vector with default value
Public Fields
T* p_memory
unsigned int p_num_columns
unsigned int p_offset
static const T* def_val
static T* error_return
Public Methods
INLINE unsigned int vcell_pos(unsigned int c, unsigned int cs) const
INLINE const T& fast_a_v(int c) const
void set_values(const T* data, int step, int start_c, int num_c)
void copy(const EST_TVector<T> &a)
void copy_data(const EST_TVector<T> &a)
void just_resize(int new_cols, T** old_vals)
void default_vals()
const T* memory() const
int num_columns() const
- number of items in vector
int length() const
- number of items in vector
int n() const
- number of items in vector
INLINE const T& a_no_check(int n) const
- read-only const access operator: without bounds checking
INLINE T& a_no_check(int n)
- read/write non-const access operator: without bounds checking
INLINE const T& a_no_check_1(int n) const
- read-only const access operator: without bounds checking
INLINE T& a_no_check_1(int n)
- read/write non-const access operator: without bounds checking
const T& a_check(int n) const
- read-only const access operator: with bounds checking
T& a_check(int n)
- read/write non-const access operator: with bounds checking
const T& operator () (int n) const
- read-only const access operator: return reference to nth member
T& operator [] (int n)
- read/write non const access operator: return reference to nth member
void fill(const T &v)
EST_write_status save(const EST_String &filename)
int operator == (const EST_TVector &v) const
int operator != (const EST_TVector &v) const
void copy_section(T* dest, int offset=0, int num=-1) const
void sub_vector(EST_TVector<T> &sv, int start_c=0, int len=-1)
void integrity() const
A derived class from <tt>EST_TVector</tt> which is used for
containing simple types, such as <tt>float</tt> or <tt>int</tt>
- default constructor
EST_TSimpleVector(const EST_TSimpleVector<T> &v)
- copy constructor
EST_TSimpleVector(int n)
- "size" constructor
void resize(int n, int set=1)
- resize vector
EST_TSimpleVector& operator=(const EST_TSimpleVector<T> &s)
- assignment operator
void zero(void)
- Fill entire array with 0 bits.
void empty(void)
- Fill vector with default value
- Direct child classes:
- EST_FVector
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
This page is part of the
Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997