In file ../include/EST_ServiceTable.h:

class EST_ServiceTable

A global table of known services.

Public Classes

class Entry
A service record.

Public Methods

[more] Finding What Services Are Available.

[more]static void read_table (void)
Read the users default table.
[more]static void read_table (EST_String socketsFileName)
Read a specific table
[more]static void write_table (void)
Write the users default table.
[more]static void write_table (EST_String socketsFileName)
Write a specific table
[more]static void list (ostream &s, const EST_String type)
List the table to given stream
[more]static void names (EST_TList<EST_String> &names, const EST_String type="")
Return a list of server names

[more]static const Entry& lookup (const EST_String name, const EST_String type)
Return the entry for the server with the given name and type.
[more]static const Entry& create (const EST_String name, const EST_String type, int socket)
Create an entry for a server of the given name and type which is listening on the given socket


A global table of known services. Used for fringe and festival servers.

o Finding What Services Are Available.
Servers maintain a per-user file which lists the processes which are running in server mode by name. These functions read that table.

ostatic void read_table(void)
Read the users default table. <filename>~/.estServices</filename>

ostatic void read_table(EST_String socketsFileName)
Read a specific table

ostatic void write_table(void)
Write the users default table. <filename>~/.estServices</filename>

ostatic void write_table(EST_String socketsFileName)
Write a specific table

ostatic void list(ostream &s, const EST_String type)
List the table to given stream

ostatic void names(EST_TList<EST_String> &names, const EST_String type="")
Return a list of server names

ostatic const Entry& lookup(const EST_String name, const EST_String type)
Return the entry for the server with the given name and type. If no such entry is found a dummy entry with a port of 0 is returned.

ostatic const Entry& create(const EST_String name, const EST_String type, int socket)
Create an entry for a server of the given name and type which is listening on the given socket

This class has no child classes.
Richard Caley <>

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This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997