| Constructor functions
| EST_TList ()
default constructor
| EST_TList (const EST_TList<T> &l)
copy constructor
| Access functions for reading and writing items.
T& | item (const EST_Litem* p)
return the value associated with the EST_Litem pointer.
const T& | item (const EST_Litem* p) const
return a const value associated with the EST_Litem pointer
T& | nth (int n)
return the Nth value
const T& | nth (int n) const
return a const Nth value
const T& | first () const
return const reference to first item in list
const T& | last () const
return const reference to last item in list
T& | first ()
return reference to first item in list
T& | last ()
return reference to last item in list
const T& | operator () (const EST_Litem* ptr) const
return const reference to item in list pointed to by ptr
T& | operator () (const EST_Litem* ptr)
return const reference to item in list pointed to by ptr
| Removing items in a list.
EST_Litem* | remove (EST_Litem* ptr)
remove item pointed to by ptr, return pointer to previous item.
EST_Litem* | remove_nth (int n)
remove nth item, return pointer to previous item
| Adding items to a list.
void | append (const T &item)
add item onto end of list
void | prepend (const T &item)
add item onto start of list
EST_Litem* | insert_after (EST_Litem* ptr, const T &item)
add item after position given by ptr, return pointer to added item.
EST_Litem* | insert_before (EST_Litem* ptr, const T &item)
add item before position given by ptr, return pointer to added item.
| Exchange
void | exchange (EST_Litem* a, EST_Litem* b)
exchange 1
void | exchange (int i, int j)
exchange 2
static void | exchange_contents (EST_Litem* a, EST_Litem* b)
exchange 3
| General functions
EST_TList<T> & | operator= (const EST_TList<T> &a)
make full copy of list
EST_TList<T> & | operator += (const EST_TList<T> &a)
Add list onto end of existing list
void | clear (void)
remove all items in list