In file ../include/ling_class/EST_Utterance.h:

class EST_Utterance

A class that contains <link linkend="est-item">EST_Items</link> and <link linkend="est-relation">EST_Relations</link> between them.

Public Fields

[more] Utterance access

Public Methods

[more] Constructor and initialisation Functions

[more] EST_Utterance ()
default constructor

[more] Utility Functions

[more]void init ()
initialise utterance
[more]void clear ()
remove everything in utterance
[more]void clear_relations ()
clear the contents of the relations only
[more]void set_highest_id (int n)
set the next id to be <parameter>n</parameter>
[more]int next_id ()
return the id of the next item

[more] File i/o

[more]EST_read_status load (const EST_String &filename)
load an utterance from an ascii file
[more]EST_read_status load (EST_TokenStream &ts)
load an utterance from a already opened token stream
[more]EST_write_status save (const EST_String &filename, const EST_String &type="est_ascii") const
save an utterance to an ascii file
[more]EST_write_status save (ostream &outf, const EST_String &type) const
save an utterance to an ostream


A class that contains <link linkend="est-item">EST_Items</link> and <link linkend="est-relation">EST_Relations</link> between them. Used for holding interrelated linguistic structures.
o Constructor and initialisation Functions

o EST_Utterance()
default constructor

o Utility Functions

ovoid init()
initialise utterance

ovoid clear()
remove everything in utterance

ovoid clear_relations()
clear the contents of the relations only

ovoid set_highest_id(int n)
set the next id to be <parameter>n</parameter>

oint next_id()
return the id of the next item

o File i/o

oEST_read_status load(const EST_String &filename)
load an utterance from an ascii file

oEST_read_status load(EST_TokenStream &ts)
load an utterance from a already opened token stream

oEST_write_status save(const EST_String &filename, const EST_String &type="est_ascii") const
save an utterance to an ascii file

oEST_write_status save(ostream &outf, const EST_String &type) const
save an utterance to an ostream

o Utterance access
Utterance access

oEST_Features f
Utterance level features

ovoid evaluate_all_features()
Evaluarte all feature functions in utterance

oEST_Features relations
The list of named relations

oint num_relations() const
number of relations in this utterance

obool relation_present(const EST_String name) const
returns true if utterance contains named relations. name can be either a single string or a bracketed list of strings e.g. "(Word Phone Syl)".

obool relation_present(EST_StrList &names) const
returns true if utterance contains all the relations named in the list name.

oEST_Relation* relation(const char* name, int err_on_not_found=1)
get relation by name

oEST_Item* id(const EST_String &n)
return EST_Item whose id is <parameter>n</parameter>

oEST_Relation* create_relation(const EST_String &relname)
create a new relation called <parameter>n</parameter>

ovoid remove_relation(const EST_String &relname)
remove the relation called <parameter>n</parameter>

This class has no child classes.
ostream& operator << (ostream &s, const EST_Utterance &u)

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997