In file ../include/EST_WFST.h:

class EST_WFST

a call representing a weighted finite-state transducer

Public Methods

[more] Reseting functions

[more]void init (int init_num_states=10)
Clear with (estimation of number of states required)
[more]void init (LISP in, LISP out)
clear an initialise with given input and out alphabets
[more]void copy (const EST_WFST &wfst)
Copy from existing wfst
[more]void clear ()
clear removing existing states if any

[more] General utility functions

[more]int in_symbol (const EST_String &s) const
Map input symbol to input alphabet index
[more]const EST_String& in_symbol (int i) const
Map input alphabet index to input symbol
[more]int out_symbol (const EST_String &s) const
Map output symbol to output alphabet index
[more]const EST_String& out_symbol (int i) const
Map output alphabet index to output symbol
[more]LISP epsilon_label () const
LISP for on epsilon symbols
[more]int in_epsilon () const
Internal index for input epsilon
[more]int out_epsilon () const
Internal index for output epsilon
[more]const EST_WFST_State* state (int i) const
Return internal state information
[more]int final (int i) const
True if state i is final

[more] transduction functions

[more]int transition (int state, int in, int out) const
Find (first) new state given in and out symbols
[more]EST_WFST_Transition* find_transition (int state, int in, int out) const
Find (first) transition given in and out symbols
[more]int transition (int state, const EST_String &in, const EST_String &out) const
Find (first) new state given in and out strings
[more]int transition (int state, const EST_String &inout) const
Find (first) new state given in/out string
[more]int transduce (int state, int in, int &out) const
Transduce in to out from state
[more]int transduce (int state, const EST_String &in, EST_String &out) const
Transduce in to out (strings) from state
[more]void transduce (int state, int in, wfst_translist &out) const
Transduce in to list of transitions
[more]void transition_all (int state, int in, int out, EST_WFST_MultiState* ms) const
Find all possible transitions for given state/input/output

[more] Cumulation functions for adding collective probabilities

[more]int cumulate () const
Cumulation condition
[more]void start_cumulate ()
Clear and start cumulation
[more]void stop_cumulate ()
Stop cumulation and calculate probabilities on transitions

[more] WFST construction functions from external represenations *

[more]int add_state (enum wfst_state_type state_type)
Add a new state, returns new name
[more]enum wfst_state_type ms_type (EST_WFST_MultiState* ms) const
Given a multi-state return type (final, ok, error)
[more]void build_wfst (int start, int end, LISP regex)
Basic regex constructor
[more]void build_and_transition (int start, int end, LISP conjunctions)
Basic conjunction constructor
[more]void build_or_transition (int start, int end, LISP disjunctions)
Basic disjunction constructor

[more] Basic WFST operators

[more]void determinize (const EST_WFST &a)
Build determinized form of a
[more]void minimize (const EST_WFST &a)
Build minimized form of a
[more]void complement (const EST_WFST &a)
Build complement of a
[more]void intersection (EST_TList<EST_WFST> &wl)
Build intersection of all WFSTs in given list.
[more]void intersection (const EST_WFST &a, const EST_WFST &b)
Build intersection of WFSTs a and b The new WFST recognizes the only the strings that are recognized by both a and b list
[more]void uunion (EST_TList<EST_WFST> &wl)
Build union of all WFSTs in given list.
[more]void uunion (const EST_WFST &a, const EST_WFST &b)
Build union of WFSTs a and b.
[more]void compose (const EST_WFST &a, const EST_WFST &b)
Build new WFST by composition of a and b.
[more]void difference (const EST_WFST &a, const EST_WFST &b)
Build WFST that accepts only strings in a that aren't also accepted by strings in b.
[more]void concat (const EST_WFST &a, const EST_WFST &b)
Build WFST that accepts a language that consists of any string in a followed by any string in b *

[more] construction support fuctions

[more]int deterministic () const
True if WFST is deterministic
[more]EST_WFST_MultiState* apply_multistate (const EST_WFST &wfst, EST_WFST_MultiState* ms, int in, int out) const
Transduce a multi-state given n and out
[more]void add_epsilon_reachable (EST_WFST_MultiState* ms) const
Extend multi-state with epsilon reachable states
[more]void remove_error_states (const EST_WFST &a)
Remove error states from the WFST
[more]EST_WFST& operator = (const EST_WFST &a)


a call representing a weighted finite-state transducer
o Constructor and initialisation functions

o Reseting functions

ovoid init(int init_num_states=10)
Clear with (estimation of number of states required)

ovoid init(LISP in, LISP out)
clear an initialise with given input and out alphabets

ovoid copy(const EST_WFST &wfst)
Copy from existing wfst

ovoid clear()
clear removing existing states if any

o General utility functions

oint in_symbol(const EST_String &s) const
Map input symbol to input alphabet index

oconst EST_String& in_symbol(int i) const
Map input alphabet index to input symbol

oint out_symbol(const EST_String &s) const
Map output symbol to output alphabet index

oconst EST_String& out_symbol(int i) const
Map output alphabet index to output symbol

oLISP epsilon_label() const
LISP for on epsilon symbols

oint in_epsilon() const
Internal index for input epsilon

oint out_epsilon() const
Internal index for output epsilon

oconst EST_WFST_State* state(int i) const
Return internal state information

oint final(int i) const
True if state i is final

o file i/o

o transduction functions

oint transition(int state, int in, int out) const
Find (first) new state given in and out symbols

oEST_WFST_Transition* find_transition(int state, int in, int out) const
Find (first) transition given in and out symbols

oint transition(int state, const EST_String &in, const EST_String &out) const
Find (first) new state given in and out strings

oint transition(int state, const EST_String &inout) const
Find (first) new state given in/out string

oint transduce(int state, int in, int &out) const
Transduce in to out from state

oint transduce(int state, const EST_String &in, EST_String &out) const
Transduce in to out (strings) from state

ovoid transduce(int state, int in, wfst_translist &out) const
Transduce in to list of transitions

ovoid transition_all(int state, int in, int out, EST_WFST_MultiState* ms) const
Find all possible transitions for given state/input/output

o Cumulation functions for adding collective probabilities
for transitions from data

oint cumulate() const
Cumulation condition

ovoid start_cumulate()
Clear and start cumulation

ovoid stop_cumulate()
Stop cumulation and calculate probabilities on transitions

o WFST construction functions from external represenations *

oint add_state(enum wfst_state_type state_type)
Add a new state, returns new name

oenum wfst_state_type ms_type(EST_WFST_MultiState* ms) const
Given a multi-state return type (final, ok, error)

ovoid build_wfst(int start, int end, LISP regex)
Basic regex constructor

ovoid build_and_transition(int start, int end, LISP conjunctions)
Basic conjunction constructor

ovoid build_or_transition(int start, int end, LISP disjunctions)
Basic disjunction constructor

o Basic WFST operators

ovoid determinize(const EST_WFST &a)
Build determinized form of a

ovoid minimize(const EST_WFST &a)
Build minimized form of a

ovoid complement(const EST_WFST &a)
Build complement of a

ovoid intersection(EST_TList<EST_WFST> &wl)
Build intersection of all WFSTs in given list. The new WFST recognizes the only the strings that are recognized by all WFSTs in the given list

ovoid intersection(const EST_WFST &a, const EST_WFST &b)
Build intersection of WFSTs a and b The new WFST recognizes the only the strings that are recognized by both a and b list

ovoid uunion(EST_TList<EST_WFST> &wl)
Build union of all WFSTs in given list. The new WFST recognizes the only the strings that are recognized by at least one WFSTs in the given list

ovoid uunion(const EST_WFST &a, const EST_WFST &b)
Build union of WFSTs a and b. The new WFST recognizes the only the strings that are recognized by either a or b

ovoid compose(const EST_WFST &a, const EST_WFST &b)
Build new WFST by composition of a and b. Outputs of a are fed to b, given a new WFSTs which has a's input language and b's output set. a's output and b's input alphabets must be the same

ovoid difference(const EST_WFST &a, const EST_WFST &b)
Build WFST that accepts only strings in a that aren't also accepted by strings in b.

ovoid concat(const EST_WFST &a, const EST_WFST &b)
Build WFST that accepts a language that consists of any string in a followed by any string in b *

o construction support fuctions

oint deterministic() const
True if WFST is deterministic

oEST_WFST_MultiState* apply_multistate(const EST_WFST &wfst, EST_WFST_MultiState* ms, int in, int out) const
Transduce a multi-state given n and out

ovoid add_epsilon_reachable(EST_WFST_MultiState* ms) const
Extend multi-state with epsilon reachable states

ovoid remove_error_states(const EST_WFST &a)
Remove error states from the WFST

oEST_WFST& operator = (const EST_WFST &a)

This class has no child classes.

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997