Aeronautics and Astronautics' annual publication, AeroAstro, chronicles and celebrates the department's recent innovations in technology and engineering education. Packed with interesting articles, reports, and photographs, each glossy issue includes articles on specific research projects, educational initiatives, profiles of faculty and alumni, and reports from each of our research labs.
AeroAstro No. 8, 2010-2011
Featuring AeroAstro's research in autonomous and humans-in-the-loop systems.
(Articles will be posted as they are made available in web form. Complete issue No.8 pdf is downloadable below)
- Faculty Interview: New AeroAstro head Jaime Peraire. William Litant
- Thinking for themselves: Autonomous robots plan their own actions in complex, dynamic environments. Jon How. Emilio Frazzoli, and Brian Williams
- Humans-in-the-loop. Mary Cummings, Jon How, and Brian Williams
- Where am I: Absent external positioning systems, UAVs need to be clever learners. Nickolas Roy, and Jon How
- Autonomous mobility. Emilio Frazzoli, Jon How, Nicholas Roy, Russ Tendrake, and Brian Williams
- MIT autonomous systems education. Brian Williams
- Alumni Interview: Dave Voss. Dick Dahl
- Lab report. News from AeroAstro research labs
Download AeroAstro No.8 (pdf 4.7M)
AeroAstro No. 7, 2009-2010
Featuring AeroAstro's research in aviation-related energy and environment.
Download AeroAstro No.7 (pdf 4.3M)
AeroAstro No. 6, 2008-2009
Featuring Giant Leaps, the MIT and AeroAstro celebration of the 40th anniversary of the moon landing.
Download AeroAstro No.6 (pdf, 6.9M)
AeroAstro No. 5, 2007-2008
Featuring young AeroAstro faculty and their research.
Download AeroAstro No.5 (pdf, 3.1M)
AeroAstro No. 4, 2006-2007
- The Silent Aircraft, Ann Dowling, Edward Greitzer, Thomas Hynes, Edward Greitzer, James Hileman, and Zoltan Spakovszky
- CDIO in AeroAstro and beyond, Edward Crawley CDIO is an innovative framework for engineering education, created at MIT AeroAstro
- Raven: Testbed for autonomous UAVs, Jonathan How
- Hand and mind ... and heart, Three AeroAstro students combine engineering skills and social conscience to better the world.
- Blending passions for planes and teaching, Bob Sales. Faculty member Robert Liebeck profile
- Brad Parkinson, Bob Sales. Alumni profile of the father of the global positioning system
- Lab report. News from AeroAstro research labs
- Appreciation: Earll Murman, Wesley Harris
Download AeroAstro No. 4 (pdf, 1.8M)
AeroAstro No. 3, 2005-2006
- MIT tackles interplanetary transportation of supplies, equipment, and humans, Olivier de Weck.
- Small teams make experimental project lab a unique, popular place, Jennifer Craig and Edward Greitzer.
- A global balance: Aviation and the environment, Ian A. Waitz.
- Transition: This personal vehicle's future is in the air and on the road, Carl Dietrich.
- Computational engineering is growing, and AeroAstro is in the thick of it, David Darmofal, et al.
- Mark Drela's research - and his teaching - offer beauty and functionality, Lauren Clark.
- Sci-fi turns high-fly for astronaut-alumna Janet Voss, Matthew Silver.
- Lab report. News from AeroAstro research labs.
- Appreciation: Gene Covert and the Guggenheim Medal, William T.G. Litant
Download AeroAstro No. 3 (pdf, 2.5M)
AeroAstro No. 2, 2004-2005
- Distributed satellite systems offer vision for exploration and education, David Miller.
- MIT-designed aspirated compressors = shorter, lighter engines, Jack Kerrebrock.
- Learning in AeroAstro's Landmark Laboratory, William Litant.
- Students react to more effective teaching: Changing the pedagogy,
- Confidence in the Code, Nancy Leveson.
- Multipath wireless at the threshold of robust, low-cost communication, Moe Win.
- Of mice and Mars, Paul Wooster and Erika Wagner.
- A one-on-one with Widnall, Lauren Clark.
- Lab report. News from AeroAstro research labs.
Download AeroAstro No. 2 (pdf, 1M)
AeroAstro No. 1, 2003-2004
- An innovation in airport noise reduction, J-P Clarke.
- A paradigm shift in communications satellite design, Eytan Modiano.
- Space electric propulsion. it's been a long time coming, Manuel Martinez-Sanchez.
- Lean Aerospace Initiative.
- Teaching by questioning, Steven Hall.
- Profile of Professor Dava Newman, Lauren Clark.
- Profile of Boeing Chief Research Pilot Tom Imrich, Dick Dahl.
- Lab report. News from AeroAstro research labs.
Download AeroAstro No. 1 (pdf, 2.1M)