The Student Information Processing Board
SIPB Members
Any member of the MIT community is eligible to be a member of SIPB.
One becomes a member by becoming involved in SIPB, getting nominated
and voted in. Only students are voting members, though a large
portion of our active membership are non students (alumni, etc).
Active voting members who have been members for a full term
are eligible to be officers, except
that members of the Executive Committee need not have been a
member for a full term.
Active Voting Members
- alex_c, Alex Coventry
- amu, Aaron Ucko
- arolfe, Alex Rolfe
- aurora
- dmaze, David Maze
- foley, Joe Foley
- fyfer, Liana Lareau, Chair
- gif, Gif
- golem, Chris Laas
- ingolia, Nick Ingolia
- jmorzins, Jacob Morzinski
- keithw, Keith Winstein
- klmitch, Kevin Mitchell
- kolya, Kolya Zedlovich
- lgdean, Laura Dean
- lockhart, Matthew Lockhart
- nathanw, Nathan Williams
- nim, Nick Martin
- pipa, Heather Drake
- sly, Angie Kelic
- tibbetts, Richard Tibbetts
Active Non Voting Members
- abbe, Abbe Cohen
- annmarie, Ann-Marie White
- belmonte, Matthew Belmonte
- bert, bert Dvornik
- cat, Calista Tait
- cfox, Camilla Fox
- deberg, Matt Debergalis
- dkk, David Krikorian
- eichin, Mark Eichin
- elliot, Elliot Schwartz
- fastcart, Arcell Frazier
- frodo (once known as len18), Len Giambrone
- fubob, Kevin Fu
- gemery, Grant Emery
- ghudson, Greg Hudson
- gisele, Gisele Proulx
- gutnik, Vadim Gutnik
- hartmans, Sam Hartman
- jcb, Jeff Bigler
- jdaniel, Jeremy Daniel
- jered, Jered Floyd
- jewell, Darrin Jewell
- jfmurphy, Jennifer Murphy
jhawk, John Hawkinson
- jtkohl, John Kohl
- jonmon, Jon Monsarrat
- jweiss, Jonathon Weiss
- kcr, Karl Ramm
- klee, Klee
- kretch, James Kretchmar, Executive Committee
- leira, Linda Julien
- lyudmila,Lyudmila Borodavkina
- magdalen, Lara Karbiner "Bean"
- marc, Marc Horowitz
- mcmullan, Greg McMullan
- mhpower, Matt Power
- mjbauer, Michael Bauer
- mhbraun, Matt Braun, Executive Committee
- mkgray, Matthew Gray
- mwhitson, Michael Whitson
- mycroft, Charles Hannum
- nygren, Erik Nygren, Executive Committee
- nocturne, Eric Mumpower
- proven, Chris Provenzano
- raeburn, Ken Raeburn
- rei, Eri Izawa
- rls, Ruth Saltzer
- sepherke, Christina Chu
- sgw, Stephen Wadlow
- shabby, Chris Shabsin
- sidlives, David Rho
- sit, Emil Sit
- srz, Stan Zanarotti
- svalente, Sal Valente
- thessaly, Amy Yu
- tlai, Teresa Lai
- tlyu, Tom Yu
- warlord, Derek Atkins
- wesommer, Bill Sommerfeld
- xiphmont, Christopher "Monty" Montgomery
- danw, Dan Winship
- rjbarbal, Richard Barbalace
- yak, Brad Thompson
- yandros, Chad Brown
- yoav, Yoav Yerushalmi
- yonah, Yonah Schmeidler
- zacheiss, Garry Zacheiss
Last updated on March 8, 2001. Send updates by e-mail to
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