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Android APIs
Added in API level 1
public interface

Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

The interface to manage owners of objects that require ownership.

See Also


Public Methods
abstract boolean addOwner(Principal caller, Principal owner)
Adds a principal to the list of owners.
abstract boolean deleteOwner(Principal caller, Principal owner)
Removes a principal from the list of owners.
abstract boolean isOwner(Principal owner)
Checks whether the specified principal is an owner of this object.

Public Methods

public abstract boolean addOwner (Principal caller, Principal owner)

Added in API level 1

Adds a principal to the list of owners.

caller the invoking principal.
owner the owner to added.
  • true if the owner was added, false if it was already an owner.
NotOwnerException if the invoking principal is not an owner.

public abstract boolean deleteOwner (Principal caller, Principal owner)

Added in API level 1

Removes a principal from the list of owners.

caller the invoking principal.
owner the owner to be removed.
  • true if the owner was removed, false if it was not an owner.
NotOwnerException if the invoking principal is not an owner.
LastOwnerException if the owner to be removed is the last owner and hence removing it would make this object owner-less.

public abstract boolean isOwner (Principal owner)

Added in API level 1

Checks whether the specified principal is an owner of this object.

owner the principal to check.
  • true if the specified principal is an owner, otherwise false.