FreeWRL/FreeX3D  3.0.0
1 /*
3  GeneratedCode.c: generated by DO NOT MODIFY, MODIFY INSTEAD.
5 */
7 /****************************************************************************
8  This file is part of the FreeWRL/FreeX3D Distribution.
10  Copyright 2009 CRC Canada. (
12  FreeWRL/FreeX3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
14  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
15  (at your option) any later version.
17  FreeWRL/FreeX3D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  GNU General Public License for more details.
22  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23  along with FreeWRL/FreeX3D. If not, see <>.
24 ****************************************************************************/
27 /*
28  GeneratedCode.c: generated by DO NOT MODIFY, MODIFY INSTEAD.
29 */
31 #include <config.h>
32 #include <system.h>
33 #include <display.h>
34 #include <internal.h>
36 #include <libFreeWRL.h>
37 #include <io_files.h>
39 #include "../vrml_parser/Structs.h"
40 #include "../main/headers.h"
41 #include "../main/ProdCon.h"
42 #include "Component_Networking.h"
43 #include "Component_Picking.h"
44 #include "../list.h"
45 #include "../io_http.h"
48 /**********************************************************************************************/
49 /* */
50 /* This file is part of the FreeWRL/FreeX3D Distribution, from */
51 /* */
52 /**********************************************************************************************/
54 #include "../input/EAIHeaders.h"
55 #include "../input/EAIHelpers.h"
56 #include "../x3d_parser/Bindable.h"
58 #include "../opengl/Textures.h"
59 #include "Component_CubeMapTexturing.h"
60 #include "Polyrep.h"
61 void add_OSCsensor(struct X3D_Node* node); /* WANT_OSC*/
62 void addNodeToKeySensorList(struct X3D_Node* node);
63 void collide_genericfaceset (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet *node );
64 void make_genericfaceset(struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet *this_);
65 void render_ray_polyrep(void *node);
66 void dump_scene(FILE *fp, int level, struct X3D_Node* node);
67 extern char *parser_getNameFromNode(struct X3D_Node* node);
69 /* Table of built-in fieldIds */
70  const char *FIELDNAMES[] = {
71  "FIFOsize",
72  "_CPU_Routes_out",
73  "_GPU_Routes_out",
74  "_JT",
75  "_NV",
76  "_OK",
77  "_PVI",
78  "_PVW",
79  "_T0",
80  "_T1",
81  "__DEFnames",
82  "__EXPORTS",
83  "__GC",
84  "__IMPORTS",
85  "__IS",
86  "__ROUTES",
87  "__Samples",
88  "__SphereIndxVBO",
89  "__StartLoadTime",
90  "__VBO",
91  "__afterPound",
92  "__backTexture",
93  "__botpoints",
94  "__bottomTexture",
95  "__child1Node",
96  "__child2Node",
97  "__child3Node",
98  "__child4Node",
99  "__childloadstatus",
100  "__children",
101  "__colours",
102  "__coneTriangles",
103  "__coneVBO",
104  "__ctex",
105  "__ctflag",
106  "__cylinderTriangles",
107  "__cylinderVBO",
108  "__do_anything",
109  "__do_center",
110  "__do_rotation",
111  "__do_scale",
112  "__do_scaleO",
113  "__do_trans",
114  "__externProtoDeclares",
115  "__finishedloading",
116  "__fogScale",
117  "__fogType",
118  "__frac",
119  "__frontTexture",
120  "__fw_movie",
121  "__geoSystem",
122  "__highest",
123  "__hit",
124  "__ifsnode",
125  "__inRange",
126  "__inittime",
127  "__isX3D",
128  "__lastlocation",
129  "__lasttime",
130  "__leftTexture",
131  "__level",
132  "__loadResource",
133  "__loading",
134  "__loadstatus",
135  "__localOrient",
136  "__lowest",
137  "__movedCoords",
138  "__movedOrientation",
139  "__movedPosition",
140  "__movedValue",
141  "__nodes",
142  "__normals",
143  "__numPoints",
144  "__occludeCheckCount",
145  "__oldChildren",
146  "__oldEnabled",
147  "__oldFieldOfView",
148  "__oldGeoCenter",
149  "__oldHeadlight",
150  "__oldJump",
151  "__oldKeyPtr",
152  "__oldKeyValuePtr",
153  "__oldMFString",
154  "__oldSFString",
155  "__oldSize",
156  "__old_anchorPoint",
157  "__old_angularVelocity",
158  "__old_axis",
159  "__old_axis1",
160  "__old_axis1Angle",
161  "__old_axis2",
162  "__old_axis2Angle",
163  "__old_axis3Angle",
164  "__old_body1",
165  "__old_body2",
166  "__old_centerOfMass",
167  "__old_finiteRotationAxis",
168  "__old_linearVelocity",
169  "__old_motor1Axis",
170  "__old_motor2Axis",
171  "__old_motor3Axis",
172  "__old_orientation",
173  "__old_position",
174  "__oldgeoCoords",
175  "__oldload",
176  "__oldmetadata",
177  "__oldurl",
178  "__parentProto",
179  "__pindices",
180  "__points",
181  "__protoDeclares",
182  "__protoDef",
183  "__protoFlags",
184  "__prototype",
185  "__proxNode",
186  "__quadcount",
187  "__regenSubTextures",
188  "__rightTexture",
189  "__rootUrl",
190  "__rooturlloadstatus",
191  "__rotyup",
192  "__scriptObj",
193  "__scripts",
194  "__segCount",
195  "__sibAffectors",
196  "__sidepoints",
197  "__simpleDisk",
198  "__solid",
199  "__sourceNumber",
200  "__subTextures",
201  "__subcontexts",
202  "__t1",
203  "__t2",
204  "__texCoords",
205  "__texture",
206  "__textureTableIndex",
207  "__textureright",
208  "__topTexture",
209  "__transparency",
210  "__typename",
211  "__vertArr",
212  "__vertIndx",
213  "__vertexCount",
214  "__vertices",
215  "__visible",
216  "__wireindices",
217  "__wireindicesVBO",
218  "__xcolours",
219  "__xparams",
220  "_align",
221  "_amb",
222  "_appliedParameters",
223  "_appliedParametersMask",
224  "_bboxCenter",
225  "_bboxSize",
226  "_body",
227  "_boxtris",
228  "_buffer",
229  "_bufferendtime",
230  "_class",
231  "_col",
232  "_colourSize",
233  "_coloursVBO",
234  "_controlPoint",
235  "_coordIndex",
236  "_csensor",
237  "_destination",
238  "_dir",
239  "_dlchange",
240  "_donethispass",
241  "_enabled",
242  "_fbohandles",
243  "_floatInpFIFO",
244  "_floatOutFIFO",
245  "_forceout",
246  "_frameSpeed",
247  "_geom",
248  "_geomIdentityTransform",
249  "_geometryType",
250  "_group",
251  "_hatchScale",
252  "_ifs",
253  "_initialRotation",
254  "_initialTranslation",
255  "_initialized",
256  "_input",
257  "_int32InpFIFO",
258  "_int32OutFIFO",
259  "_isScreen",
260  "_joint",
261  "_keyVBO",
262  "_keyValueVBO",
263  "_knot",
264  "_knotrange",
265  "_lasttick",
266  "_lasttime",
267  "_layerId",
268  "_loc",
269  "_ltex",
270  "_method",
271  "_motor1",
272  "_motor2",
273  "_needs_gradient",
274  "_normkey",
275  "_normkeyValue",
276  "_npoints",
277  "_nseg",
278  "_offsetUnits",
279  "_oldhitNormal",
280  "_oldhitPoint",
281  "_oldhitTexCoord",
282  "_oldisActive",
283  "_oldpickTarget",
284  "_oldpickedGeometry",
285  "_oldpickedPoint",
286  "_oldrotation",
287  "_oldtrackPoint",
288  "_oldtranslation",
289  "_origCoords",
290  "_origNormalizedPoint",
291  "_origNorms",
292  "_origPoint",
293  "_p",
294  "_parentResource",
295  "_particles",
296  "_patch",
297  "_phaseFunction",
298  "_pointsVBO",
299  "_portions",
300  "_previousvalue",
301  "_radius",
302  "_remainder",
303  "_retrievedURLData",
304  "_rotationAngle",
305  "_scale",
306  "_scaleMode",
307  "_screendata",
308  "_segs",
309  "_selected",
310  "_shaderLoadThread",
311  "_shaderUserDefinedFields",
312  "_shaderUserNumber",
313  "_shaderflags_base",
314  "_shaderflags_effects",
315  "_shaderflags_usershaders",
316  "_sideVBO",
317  "_sizeUnits",
318  "_sortedChildren",
319  "_space",
320  "_status",
321  "_steptime",
322  "_stringInpFIFO",
323  "_stringOutFIFO",
324  "_t",
325  "_takefirstinput",
326  "_talkToNodes",
327  "_tau",
328  "_tris",
329  "_tscale",
330  "_ttex",
331  "_type",
332  "_uKnot",
333  "_vKnot",
334  "_values",
335  "_verifiedBackColor",
336  "_verifiedColor",
337  "_verifiedFrontColor",
338  "_weightFunction1",
339  "_weightFunction2",
340  "_world",
341  "_xyzw",
342  "actionKeyPress",
343  "actionKeyRelease",
344  "activate",
345  "activeLayer",
346  "addChildren",
347  "addGeometry",
348  "addTrimmingContour",
349  "addedEntities",
350  "address",
351  "align",
352  "alpha",
353  "altKey",
354  "ambientIntensity",
355  "anchorPoint",
356  "angle",
357  "angleRate",
358  "angularDampingFactor",
359  "angularVelocity",
360  "anisotropicDegree",
361  "antennaLocation",
362  "antennaPatternLength",
363  "antennaPatternType",
364  "appearance",
365  "applicationID",
366  "applied",
367  "appliedParameters",
368  "articulationParameterArray",
369  "articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArr",
370  "articulationParameterCount",
371  "articulationParameterDesignatorArray",
372  "articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToAr",
373  "articulationParameterTypeArray",
374  "articulationParameterValue0_changed",
375  "articulationParameterValue1_changed",
376  "articulationParameterValue2_changed",
377  "articulationParameterValue3_changed",
378  "articulationParameterValue4_changed",
379  "articulationParameterValue5_changed",
380  "articulationParameterValue6_changed",
381  "articulationParameterValue7_changed",
382  "aspectRatio",
383  "attenuation",
384  "attrib",
385  "autoCalc",
386  "autoDamp",
387  "autoDisable",
388  "autoOffset",
389  "avatarSize",
390  "axis",
391  "axis1",
392  "axis1Angle",
393  "axis1Torque",
394  "axis2",
395  "axis2Angle",
396  "axis2Torque",
397  "axis3Angle",
398  "axis3Torque",
399  "axisOfRotation",
400  "axisRotation",
401  "back",
402  "backAmbientIntensity",
403  "backDiffuseColor",
404  "backEmissiveColor",
405  "backShininess",
406  "backSpecularColor",
407  "backTexture",
408  "backTransparency",
409  "backUrl",
410  "bboxCenter",
411  "bboxSize",
412  "beamWidth",
413  "beginCap",
414  "bindTime",
415  "bodies",
416  "body1",
417  "body1AnchorPoint",
418  "body1Axis",
419  "body2",
420  "body2AnchorPoint",
421  "body2Axis",
422  "borderColor",
423  "borderWidth",
424  "bottom",
425  "bottomRadius",
426  "bottomTexture",
427  "bottomUrl",
428  "bounce",
429  "boundaryModeR",
430  "boundaryModeS",
431  "boundaryModeT",
432  "boundaryOpacity",
433  "category",
434  "ccw",
435  "center",
436  "centerOfMass",
437  "centerOfRotation",
438  "centerOfRotation_changed",
439  "child1Url",
440  "child2Url",
441  "child3Url",
442  "child4Url",
443  "children",
444  "choice",
445  "clipBoundary",
446  "closed",
447  "closureType",
448  "collidable",
449  "collidables",
450  "collide",
451  "collideTime",
452  "collider",
453  "collisionType",
454  "color",
455  "colorIndex",
456  "colorKey",
457  "colorPerVertex",
458  "colorRamp",
459  "colorSteps",
460  "constantForceMix",
461  "contactNormal",
462  "contactSurfaceThickness",
463  "contacts",
464  "contourStepSize",
465  "controlKey",
466  "controlPoint",
467  "convex",
468  "coolColor",
469  "coord",
470  "coordIndex",
471  "country",
472  "creaseAngle",
473  "createParticles",
474  "crossSection",
475  "crossSectionCurve",
476  "cryptoKeyID",
477  "cryptoSystem",
478  "cutOffAngle",
479  "cycleInterval",
480  "cycleTime",
481  "data",
482  "dataLength",
483  "deadReckoning",
484  "deletionAllowed",
485  "depth",
486  "description",
487  "desiredAngularVelocity1",
488  "desiredAngularVelocity2",
489  "detonateTime",
490  "detonationLocation",
491  "detonationRelativeLocation",
492  "detonationResult",
493  "diffuseColor",
494  "dimensions",
495  "directOutput",
496  "direction",
497  "disableAngularSpeed",
498  "disableLinearSpeed",
499  "disableTime",
500  "diskAngle",
501  "displacements",
502  "displacers",
503  "displayed",
504  "domain",
505  "duration",
506  "duration_changed",
507  "easeInEaseOut",
508  "edgeColor",
509  "effects",
510  "elapsedTime",
511  "emissiveColor",
512  "emitter",
513  "enabled",
514  "enabledAxes",
515  "encodingScheme",
516  "endAngle",
517  "endCap",
518  "enterTime",
519  "enteredText",
520  "entityCategory",
521  "entityCountry",
522  "entityDomain",
523  "entityExtra",
524  "entityID",
525  "entityKind",
526  "entitySpecific",
527  "entitySubCategory",
528  "errorCorrection",
529  "eventApplicationID",
530  "eventEntityID",
531  "eventNumber",
532  "eventSiteID",
533  "exitTime",
534  "extra",
535  "family",
536  "fanCount",
537  "fieldOfView",
538  "fillProperties",
539  "filled",
540  "filter",
541  "finalText",
542  "finiteRotationAxis",
543  "fireMissionIndex",
544  "fired1",
545  "fired2",
546  "firedTime",
547  "firingRange",
548  "firingRate",
549  "fixed",
550  "floatInp",
551  "focalPoint",
552  "fogCoord",
553  "fogType",
554  "fontStyle",
555  "force",
556  "forceID",
557  "forceOutput",
558  "forceTransitions",
559  "forces",
560  "fovMode",
561  "fraction_changed",
562  "frequency",
563  "frictionCoefficients",
564  "frictionDirection",
565  "front",
566  "frontTexture",
567  "frontUrl",
568  "function",
569  "fuse",
570  "generateMipMaps",
571  "geoCenter",
572  "geoCoord_changed",
573  "geoCoords",
574  "geoGridOrigin",
575  "geoOrigin",
576  "geoSystem",
577  "geometry",
578  "geometry1",
579  "geometry2",
580  "geometryType",
581  "geovalue_changed",
582  "global",
583  "gotEvents",
584  "gradientThreshold",
585  "gradients",
586  "gravity",
587  "groundAngle",
588  "groundColor",
589  "gustiness",
590  "handler",
591  "hatchColor",
592  "hatchStyle",
593  "hatched",
594  "headlight",
595  "height",
596  "hinge1Angle",
597  "hinge1AngleRate",
598  "hinge2Angle",
599  "hinge2AngleRate",
600  "hitGeoCoord_changed",
601  "hitNormal_changed",
602  "hitPoint_changed",
603  "hitTexCoord_changed",
604  "horizontal",
605  "image",
606  "index",
607  "inertia",
608  "info",
609  "initialDestination",
610  "initialValue",
611  "innerRadius",
612  "inputFalse",
613  "inputNegate",
614  "inputSource",
615  "inputTrue",
616  "int32Inp",
617  "integerKey",
618  "intensity",
619  "intensityThreshold",
620  "internal",
621  "intersectionType",
622  "intersections",
623  "isActive",
624  "isBound",
625  "isCollided",
626  "isDetonated",
627  "isLoaded",
628  "isNetworkReader",
629  "isNetworkWriter",
630  "isOver",
631  "isPaused",
632  "isPickable",
633  "isPositionAvailable",
634  "isRotationAvailable",
635  "isRtpHeaderHeard",
636  "isSelected",
637  "isStandAlone",
638  "isValid",
639  "iterations",
640  "joints",
641  "jump",
642  "justify",
643  "key",
644  "keyPress",
645  "keyRelease",
646  "keyValue",
647  "keyVelocity",
648  "kind",
649  "knot",
650  "language",
651  "layers",
652  "layout",
653  "left",
654  "leftTexture",
655  "leftToRight",
656  "leftUrl",
657  "length",
658  "lengthOfModulationParameters",
659  "level",
660  "levelChanged",
661  "level_changed",
662  "lifetimeVariation",
663  "lighting",
664  "limitOrientation",
665  "lineBounds",
666  "lineProperties",
667  "lineSegments",
668  "linearAcceleration",
669  "linearDampingFactor",
670  "linearVelocity",
671  "linetype",
672  "linewidthScaleFactor",
673  "listenfor",
674  "llimit",
675  "load",
676  "loadTime",
677  "location",
678  "loop",
679  "magnificationFilter",
680  "mapping",
681  "marking",
682  "mass",
683  "massDensityModel",
684  "matchCriterion",
685  "material",
686  "matrix",
687  "maxAngle",
688  "maxAngle1",
689  "maxBack",
690  "maxCorrectionSpeed",
691  "maxExtent",
692  "maxFront",
693  "maxParticles",
694  "maxPosition",
695  "maxSeparation",
696  "maxTorque1",
697  "maxTorque2",
698  "metadata",
699  "method",
700  "minAngle",
701  "minAngle1",
702  "minBack",
703  "minBounceSpeed",
704  "minFront",
705  "minPosition",
706  "minSeparation",
707  "minificationFilter",
708  "mode",
709  "modifiedFraction_changed",
710  "modulationTypeDetail",
711  "modulationTypeMajor",
712  "modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum",
713  "modulationTypeSystem",
714  "momentsOfInertia",
715  "motor1Angle",
716  "motor1AngleRate",
717  "motor1Axis",
718  "motor2Angle",
719  "motor2AngleRate",
720  "motor2Axis",
721  "motor3Angle",
722  "motor3AngleRate",
723  "motor3Axis",
724  "multicastRelayHost",
725  "multicastRelayPort",
726  "munitionApplicationID",
727  "munitionEndPoint",
728  "munitionEntityID",
729  "munitionQuantity",
730  "munitionSiteID",
731  "munitionStartPoint",
732  "mustEvaluate",
733  "name",
734  "navType",
735  "networkMode",
736  "next",
737  "normal",
738  "normalIndex",
739  "normalPerVertex",
740  "normal_changed",
741  "normalizeVelocity",
742  "numComponents",
743  "objectType",
744  "offset",
745  "offsetUnits",
746  "on",
747  "opacityFactor",
748  "order",
749  "orientation",
750  "orientation_changed",
751  "origin",
752  "orthogonalColor",
753  "outerRadius",
754  "parallelColor",
755  "parameter",
756  "particleLifetime",
757  "particleSize",
758  "parts",
759  "pauseTime",
760  "phaseFunction",
761  "physics",
762  "pickTarget",
763  "pickable",
764  "pickedGeometry",
765  "pickedNormal",
766  "pickedPoint",
767  "pickedTextureCoordinate",
768  "pickingGeometry",
769  "pitch",
770  "plane",
771  "point",
772  "pointSize",
773  "port",
774  "position",
775  "position_changed",
776  "power",
777  "preferAccuracy",
778  "previous",
779  "priority",
780  "profileCurve",
781  "programs",
782  "progress",
783  "protocol",
784  "proxy",
785  "radioEntityTypeCategory",
786  "radioEntityTypeCountry",
787  "radioEntityTypeDomain",
788  "radioEntityTypeKind",
789  "radioEntityTypeNomenclature",
790  "radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion",
791  "radioID",
792  "radius",
793  "range",
794  "readInterval",
795  "receivedPower",
796  "receiverState",
797  "reference",
798  "relativeAntennaLocation",
799  "removeChildren",
800  "removeGeometry",
801  "removeTrimmingContour",
802  "removedEntities",
803  "renderStyle",
804  "repeatR",
805  "repeatS",
806  "repeatT",
807  "resumeTime",
808  "retainUserOffsets",
809  "retainedOpacity",
810  "right",
811  "rightTexture",
812  "rightUrl",
813  "rootNode",
814  "rootUrl",
815  "rotateYUp",
816  "rotation",
817  "rotation_changed",
818  "rtpHeaderExpected",
819  "sampleRate",
820  "samples",
821  "scale",
822  "scaleMode",
823  "scaleOrientation",
824  "segmentEnabled",
825  "segmentIdentifiers",
826  "segments",
827  "separateBackColor",
828  "separation",
829  "separationRate",
830  "setValue",
831  "set_articulationParameterValue0",
832  "set_articulationParameterValue1",
833  "set_articulationParameterValue2",
834  "set_articulationParameterValue3",
835  "set_articulationParameterValue4",
836  "set_articulationParameterValue5",
837  "set_articulationParameterValue6",
838  "set_articulationParameterValue7",
839  "set_bind",
840  "set_boolean",
841  "set_colorIndex",
842  "set_contacts",
843  "set_coordIndex",
844  "set_crossSection",
845  "set_destination",
846  "set_fraction",
847  "set_height",
848  "set_index",
849  "set_intersectionType",
850  "set_normalIndex",
851  "set_orientation",
852  "set_position",
853  "set_scale",
854  "set_sortOrder",
855  "set_spine",
856  "set_texCoordIndex",
857  "set_triggerTime",
858  "set_value",
859  "shaders",
860  "shadows",
861  "shape",
862  "shiftKey",
863  "shininess",
864  "side",
865  "silhouetteBoundaryOpacity",
866  "silhouetteRetainedOpacity",
867  "silhouetteSharpness",
868  "siteID",
869  "sites",
870  "size",
871  "sizeUnits",
872  "skeleton",
873  "skin",
874  "skinCoord",
875  "skinCoordIndex",
876  "skinCoordWeight",
877  "skinNormal",
878  "skyAngle",
879  "skyColor",
880  "sliderForce",
881  "slipCoefficients",
882  "slipFactors",
883  "softnessConstantForceMix",
884  "softnessErrorCorrection",
885  "solid",
886  "sortOrder",
887  "source",
888  "spacing",
889  "spatialize",
890  "specific",
891  "specularColor",
892  "speed",
893  "speedFactor",
894  "spine",
895  "startAngle",
896  "startTime",
897  "stiffness",
898  "stop1Bounce",
899  "stop1ErrorCorrection",
900  "stop2Bounce",
901  "stop2ErrorCorrection",
902  "stop3Bounce",
903  "stop3ErrorCorrection",
904  "stopBounce",
905  "stopBounce1",
906  "stopConstantForceMix1",
907  "stopErrorCorrection",
908  "stopErrorCorrection1",
909  "stopTime",
910  "string",
911  "stringInp",
912  "stripCount",
913  "style",
914  "subcategory",
915  "summary",
916  "surface",
917  "surfaceArea",
918  "surfaceNormals",
919  "surfaceSpeed",
920  "surfaceTolerance",
921  "surfaceValues",
922  "suspensionErrorCorrection",
923  "suspensionForce",
924  "talksTo",
925  "targetObject",
926  "tau",
927  "tdlType",
928  "tessellation",
929  "tessellationScale",
930  "texCoord",
931  "texCoordIndex",
932  "texCoordKey",
933  "texCoordRamp",
934  "textBounds",
935  "texture",
936  "textureCompression",
937  "texturePriority",
938  "textureProperties",
939  "textureTransform",
940  "tickTime",
941  "time",
942  "timeOut",
943  "timestamp",
944  "title",
945  "toggle",
946  "tolerance",
947  "top",
948  "topTexture",
949  "topToBottom",
950  "topUrl",
951  "torques",
952  "touchTime",
953  "trackPoint_changed",
954  "trajectoryCurve",
955  "transferFunction",
956  "transitionComplete",
957  "transitionTime",
958  "transitionType",
959  "translation",
960  "translation_changed",
961  "transmitFrequencyBandwidth",
962  "transmitState",
963  "transmitterApplicationID",
964  "transmitterEntityID",
965  "transmitterRadioID",
966  "transmitterSiteID",
967  "transparency",
968  "triggerTime",
969  "triggerTrue",
970  "triggerValue",
971  "trimmingContour",
972  "turbulence",
973  "type",
974  "uClosed",
975  "uDimension",
976  "uKnot",
977  "uOrder",
978  "uTessellation",
979  "ulimit",
980  "update",
981  "url",
982  "useFiniteRotation",
983  "useGeometry",
984  "useGlobalGravity",
985  "vClosed",
986  "vDimension",
987  "vKnot",
988  "vOrder",
989  "vTessellation",
990  "value",
991  "valueChanged",
992  "value_changed",
993  "variation",
994  "vector",
995  "version",
996  "vertexCount",
997  "vertices",
998  "viewpoints",
999  "viewport",
1000  "visibilityLimit",
1001  "visibilityRange",
1002  "visible",
1003  "voxels",
1004  "warhead",
1005  "warmColor",
1006  "watchList",
1007  "weight",
1008  "weightConstant1",
1009  "weightConstant2",
1010  "weightFunction1",
1011  "weightFunction2",
1012  "weightTransferFunction1",
1013  "weightTransferFunction2",
1014  "whichChoice",
1015  "whichGeometry",
1016  "writeInterval",
1017  "xDimension",
1018  "xSpacing",
1019  "yScale",
1020  "zDimension",
1021  "zSpacing",
1022 };
1026 /* Table of EVENT_OUTs */
1027  const char *EVENT_OUT[] = {
1028  "actionKeyPress",
1029  "actionKeyRelease",
1030  "addedEntities",
1031  "altKey",
1032  "angle",
1033  "angleRate",
1034  "articulationParameterValue0_changed",
1035  "articulationParameterValue1_changed",
1036  "articulationParameterValue2_changed",
1037  "articulationParameterValue3_changed",
1038  "articulationParameterValue4_changed",
1039  "articulationParameterValue5_changed",
1040  "articulationParameterValue6_changed",
1041  "articulationParameterValue7_changed",
1042  "aspectRatio",
1043  "bindTime",
1044  "body1AnchorPoint",
1045  "body1Axis",
1046  "body2AnchorPoint",
1047  "body2Axis",
1048  "centerOfRotation_changed",
1049  "children",
1050  "collideTime",
1051  "contacts",
1052  "controlKey",
1053  "cycleTime",
1054  "detonateTime",
1055  "duration_changed",
1056  "elapsedTime",
1057  "enterTime",
1058  "enteredText",
1059  "exitTime",
1060  "fieldOfView",
1061  "finalText",
1062  "firedTime",
1063  "focalPoint",
1064  "fovMode",
1065  "fraction_changed",
1066  "geoCoord_changed",
1067  "geovalue_changed",
1068  "hinge1Angle",
1069  "hinge1AngleRate",
1070  "hinge2Angle",
1071  "hinge2AngleRate",
1072  "hitGeoCoord_changed",
1073  "hitNormal_changed",
1074  "hitPoint_changed",
1075  "hitTexCoord_changed",
1076  "image",
1077  "inputFalse",
1078  "inputNegate",
1079  "inputTrue",
1080  "intersections",
1081  "isActive",
1082  "isBound",
1083  "isCollided",
1084  "isDetonated",
1085  "isLoaded",
1086  "isNetworkReader",
1087  "isNetworkWriter",
1088  "isOver",
1089  "isPaused",
1090  "isPositionAvailable",
1091  "isRotationAvailable",
1092  "isRtpHeaderHeard",
1093  "isSelected",
1094  "isStandAlone",
1095  "isValid",
1096  "keyPress",
1097  "keyRelease",
1098  "levelChanged",
1099  "level_changed",
1100  "lineBounds",
1101  "loadTime",
1102  "modifiedFraction_changed",
1103  "motor1Angle",
1104  "motor1AngleRate",
1105  "motor1Axis",
1106  "motor2Angle",
1107  "motor2AngleRate",
1108  "motor2Axis",
1109  "motor3Angle",
1110  "motor3AngleRate",
1111  "motor3Axis",
1112  "normal_changed",
1113  "orientation_changed",
1114  "origin",
1115  "pickedGeometry",
1116  "pickedNormal",
1117  "pickedPoint",
1118  "pickedTextureCoordinate",
1119  "position",
1120  "position_changed",
1121  "progress",
1122  "removedEntities",
1123  "rotation",
1124  "rotation_changed",
1125  "separation",
1126  "separationRate",
1127  "shiftKey",
1128  "textBounds",
1129  "time",
1130  "timestamp",
1131  "toggle",
1132  "touchTime",
1133  "trackPoint_changed",
1134  "transitionComplete",
1135  "translation_changed",
1136  "triggerTime",
1137  "triggerTrue",
1138  "triggerValue",
1139  "valueChanged",
1140  "value_changed",
1141 };
1145 /* Table of EVENT_INs */
1146  const char *EVENT_IN[] = {
1147  "activate",
1148  "addChildren",
1149  "addGeometry",
1150  "addTrimmingContour",
1151  "coordIndex",
1152  "method",
1153  "next",
1154  "previous",
1155  "removeChildren",
1156  "removeGeometry",
1157  "removeTrimmingContour",
1158  "setValue",
1159  "set_articulationParameterValue0",
1160  "set_articulationParameterValue1",
1161  "set_articulationParameterValue2",
1162  "set_articulationParameterValue3",
1163  "set_articulationParameterValue4",
1164  "set_articulationParameterValue5",
1165  "set_articulationParameterValue6",
1166  "set_articulationParameterValue7",
1167  "set_bind",
1168  "set_boolean",
1169  "set_colorIndex",
1170  "set_contacts",
1171  "set_coordIndex",
1172  "set_crossSection",
1173  "set_destination",
1174  "set_fraction",
1175  "set_height",
1176  "set_index",
1177  "set_intersectionType",
1178  "set_normalIndex",
1179  "set_orientation",
1180  "set_position",
1181  "set_scale",
1182  "set_sortOrder",
1183  "set_spine",
1184  "set_texCoordIndex",
1185  "set_triggerTime",
1186  "set_value",
1187  "tickTime",
1188 };
1192 /* Table of EXPOSED_FIELDs */
1193  const char *EXPOSED_FIELD[] = {
1194  "FIFOsize",
1195  "activeLayer",
1196  "address",
1197  "align",
1198  "alpha",
1199  "ambientIntensity",
1200  "anchorPoint",
1201  "angle",
1202  "angularDampingFactor",
1203  "angularVelocity",
1204  "anisotropicDegree",
1205  "antennaLocation",
1206  "antennaPatternLength",
1207  "antennaPatternType",
1208  "appearance",
1209  "applicationID",
1210  "applied",
1211  "appliedParameters",
1212  "articulationParameterArray",
1213  "articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArr",
1214  "articulationParameterCount",
1215  "articulationParameterDesignatorArray",
1216  "articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToAr",
1217  "articulationParameterTypeArray",
1218  "aspectRatio",
1219  "attenuation",
1220  "attrib",
1221  "autoDamp",
1222  "autoDisable",
1223  "autoOffset",
1224  "avatarSize",
1225  "axis",
1226  "axis1",
1227  "axis1Angle",
1228  "axis1Torque",
1229  "axis2",
1230  "axis2Angle",
1231  "axis2Torque",
1232  "axis3Angle",
1233  "axis3Torque",
1234  "axisOfRotation",
1235  "axisRotation",
1236  "back",
1237  "backAmbientIntensity",
1238  "backDiffuseColor",
1239  "backEmissiveColor",
1240  "backShininess",
1241  "backSpecularColor",
1242  "backTexture",
1243  "backTransparency",
1244  "backUrl",
1245  "beamWidth",
1246  "bodies",
1247  "body1",
1248  "body2",
1249  "borderColor",
1250  "borderWidth",
1251  "bottom",
1252  "bottomTexture",
1253  "bottomUrl",
1254  "bounce",
1255  "boundaryModeR",
1256  "boundaryModeS",
1257  "boundaryModeT",
1258  "boundaryOpacity",
1259  "center",
1260  "centerOfMass",
1261  "centerOfRotation",
1262  "children",
1263  "choice",
1264  "clipBoundary",
1265  "closed",
1266  "collidables",
1267  "collide",
1268  "collider",
1269  "collisionType",
1270  "color",
1271  "colorSteps",
1272  "constantForceMix",
1273  "contactNormal",
1274  "contactSurfaceThickness",
1275  "contourStepSize",
1276  "controlPoint",
1277  "coolColor",
1278  "coord",
1279  "createParticles",
1280  "crossSectionCurve",
1281  "cryptoKeyID",
1282  "cryptoSystem",
1283  "cutOffAngle",
1284  "cycleInterval",
1285  "data",
1286  "dataLength",
1287  "deadReckoning",
1288  "deletionAllowed",
1289  "depth",
1290  "description",
1291  "desiredAngularVelocity1",
1292  "desiredAngularVelocity2",
1293  "detonationLocation",
1294  "detonationRelativeLocation",
1295  "detonationResult",
1296  "diffuseColor",
1297  "dimensions",
1298  "direction",
1299  "disableAngularSpeed",
1300  "disableLinearSpeed",
1301  "disableTime",
1302  "diskAngle",
1303  "displacements",
1304  "displacers",
1305  "displayed",
1306  "easeInEaseOut",
1307  "edgeColor",
1308  "effects",
1309  "emissiveColor",
1310  "enabled",
1311  "enabledAxes",
1312  "encodingScheme",
1313  "entityCategory",
1314  "entityCountry",
1315  "entityDomain",
1316  "entityExtra",
1317  "entityID",
1318  "entityKind",
1319  "entitySpecific",
1320  "entitySubCategory",
1321  "errorCorrection",
1322  "eventApplicationID",
1323  "eventEntityID",
1324  "eventNumber",
1325  "eventSiteID",
1326  "fieldOfView",
1327  "fillProperties",
1328  "filled",
1329  "filter",
1330  "finiteRotationAxis",
1331  "fireMissionIndex",
1332  "fired1",
1333  "fired2",
1334  "firingRange",
1335  "firingRate",
1336  "fixed",
1337  "floatInp",
1338  "fogCoord",
1339  "fogType",
1340  "fontStyle",
1341  "force",
1342  "forceID",
1343  "forceOutput",
1344  "forces",
1345  "fovMode",
1346  "frequency",
1347  "frictionCoefficients",
1348  "frictionDirection",
1349  "front",
1350  "frontTexture",
1351  "frontUrl",
1352  "function",
1353  "fuse",
1354  "geoCenter",
1355  "geoCoords",
1356  "geometry",
1357  "geometry1",
1358  "geometry2",
1359  "global",
1360  "gotEvents",
1361  "gradientThreshold",
1362  "gradients",
1363  "gravity",
1364  "groundAngle",
1365  "groundColor",
1366  "gustiness",
1367  "handler",
1368  "hatchColor",
1369  "hatchStyle",
1370  "hatched",
1371  "headlight",
1372  "image",
1373  "index",
1374  "inertia",
1375  "inputSource",
1376  "int32Inp",
1377  "integerKey",
1378  "intensity",
1379  "intensityThreshold",
1380  "internal",
1381  "isPickable",
1382  "iterations",
1383  "joints",
1384  "jump",
1385  "key",
1386  "keyValue",
1387  "keyVelocity",
1388  "knot",
1389  "layers",
1390  "layout",
1391  "left",
1392  "leftTexture",
1393  "leftUrl",
1394  "length",
1395  "lengthOfModulationParameters",
1396  "level",
1397  "lifetimeVariation",
1398  "lighting",
1399  "limitOrientation",
1400  "lineProperties",
1401  "linearAcceleration",
1402  "linearDampingFactor",
1403  "linearVelocity",
1404  "linetype",
1405  "linewidthScaleFactor",
1406  "listenfor",
1407  "llimit",
1408  "load",
1409  "location",
1410  "loop",
1411  "magnificationFilter",
1412  "mapping",
1413  "marking",
1414  "mass",
1415  "massDensityModel",
1416  "matchCriterion",
1417  "material",
1418  "matrix",
1419  "maxAngle",
1420  "maxAngle1",
1421  "maxBack",
1422  "maxCorrectionSpeed",
1423  "maxExtent",
1424  "maxFront",
1425  "maxParticles",
1426  "maxPosition",
1427  "maxSeparation",
1428  "maxTorque1",
1429  "maxTorque2",
1430  "metadata",
1431  "minAngle",
1432  "minAngle1",
1433  "minBack",
1434  "minBounceSpeed",
1435  "minFront",
1436  "minPosition",
1437  "minSeparation",
1438  "minificationFilter",
1439  "mode",
1440  "modulationTypeDetail",
1441  "modulationTypeMajor",
1442  "modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum",
1443  "modulationTypeSystem",
1444  "momentsOfInertia",
1445  "multicastRelayHost",
1446  "multicastRelayPort",
1447  "munitionApplicationID",
1448  "munitionEndPoint",
1449  "munitionEntityID",
1450  "munitionQuantity",
1451  "munitionSiteID",
1452  "munitionStartPoint",
1453  "name",
1454  "navType",
1455  "networkMode",
1456  "normal",
1457  "normalizeVelocity",
1458  "objectType",
1459  "offset",
1460  "offsetUnits",
1461  "on",
1462  "opacityFactor",
1463  "order",
1464  "orientation",
1465  "orthogonalColor",
1466  "parallelColor",
1467  "parameter",
1468  "particleLifetime",
1469  "particleSize",
1470  "parts",
1471  "pauseTime",
1472  "pickTarget",
1473  "pickable",
1474  "pickingGeometry",
1475  "pitch",
1476  "plane",
1477  "point",
1478  "pointSize",
1479  "port",
1480  "position",
1481  "power",
1482  "preferAccuracy",
1483  "priority",
1484  "profileCurve",
1485  "programs",
1486  "protocol",
1487  "radioEntityTypeCategory",
1488  "radioEntityTypeCountry",
1489  "radioEntityTypeDomain",
1490  "radioEntityTypeKind",
1491  "radioEntityTypeNomenclature",
1492  "radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion",
1493  "radioID",
1494  "radius",
1495  "readInterval",
1496  "receivedPower",
1497  "receiverState",
1498  "relativeAntennaLocation",
1499  "renderStyle",
1500  "resumeTime",
1501  "retainUserOffsets",
1502  "retainedOpacity",
1503  "right",
1504  "rightTexture",
1505  "rightUrl",
1506  "rotation",
1507  "rtpHeaderExpected",
1508  "sampleRate",
1509  "samples",
1510  "scale",
1511  "scaleMode",
1512  "scaleOrientation",
1513  "segmentEnabled",
1514  "segmentIdentifiers",
1515  "segments",
1516  "separateBackColor",
1517  "shaders",
1518  "shadows",
1519  "shape",
1520  "shininess",
1521  "silhouetteBoundaryOpacity",
1522  "silhouetteRetainedOpacity",
1523  "silhouetteSharpness",
1524  "siteID",
1525  "sites",
1526  "size",
1527  "sizeUnits",
1528  "skeleton",
1529  "skin",
1530  "skinCoord",
1531  "skinCoordIndex",
1532  "skinCoordWeight",
1533  "skinNormal",
1534  "skyAngle",
1535  "skyColor",
1536  "sliderForce",
1537  "slipCoefficients",
1538  "slipFactors",
1539  "softnessConstantForceMix",
1540  "softnessErrorCorrection",
1541  "source",
1542  "specularColor",
1543  "speed",
1544  "startTime",
1545  "stiffness",
1546  "stop1Bounce",
1547  "stop1ErrorCorrection",
1548  "stop2Bounce",
1549  "stop2ErrorCorrection",
1550  "stop3Bounce",
1551  "stop3ErrorCorrection",
1552  "stopBounce",
1553  "stopBounce1",
1554  "stopConstantForceMix1",
1555  "stopErrorCorrection",
1556  "stopErrorCorrection1",
1557  "stopTime",
1558  "string",
1559  "stringInp",
1560  "summary",
1561  "surface",
1562  "surfaceNormals",
1563  "surfaceSpeed",
1564  "surfaceTolerance",
1565  "surfaceValues",
1566  "suspensionErrorCorrection",
1567  "suspensionForce",
1568  "talksTo",
1569  "targetObject",
1570  "tau",
1571  "tdlType",
1572  "tessellation",
1573  "tessellationScale",
1574  "texCoord",
1575  "texture",
1576  "textureCompression",
1577  "texturePriority",
1578  "textureTransform",
1579  "timeOut",
1580  "tolerance",
1581  "top",
1582  "topTexture",
1583  "topUrl",
1584  "torques",
1585  "trajectoryCurve",
1586  "transferFunction",
1587  "transitionTime",
1588  "transitionType",
1589  "translation",
1590  "transmitFrequencyBandwidth",
1591  "transmitState",
1592  "transmitterApplicationID",
1593  "transmitterEntityID",
1594  "transmitterRadioID",
1595  "transmitterSiteID",
1596  "transparency",
1597  "trimmingContour",
1598  "turbulence",
1599  "type",
1600  "uDimension",
1601  "uOrder",
1602  "uTessellation",
1603  "ulimit",
1604  "update",
1605  "url",
1606  "useFiniteRotation",
1607  "useGeometry",
1608  "useGlobalGravity",
1609  "vDimension",
1610  "vOrder",
1611  "vTessellation",
1612  "value",
1613  "variation",
1614  "vector",
1615  "version",
1616  "vertexCount",
1617  "vertices",
1618  "viewpoints",
1619  "viewport",
1620  "visibilityLimit",
1621  "visibilityRange",
1622  "visible",
1623  "voxels",
1624  "warhead",
1625  "warmColor",
1626  "watchList",
1627  "weight",
1628  "weightConstant1",
1629  "weightConstant2",
1630  "weightTransferFunction1",
1631  "weightTransferFunction2",
1632  "whichChoice",
1633  "whichGeometry",
1634  "writeInterval",
1635 };
1639 /* Table of FIELDs */
1640  const char *FIELD[] = {
1641  "autoCalc",
1642  "bboxCenter",
1643  "bboxSize",
1644  "beginCap",
1645  "bottomRadius",
1646  "category",
1647  "ccw",
1648  "child1Url",
1649  "child2Url",
1650  "child3Url",
1651  "child4Url",
1652  "closed",
1653  "closureType",
1654  "collidable",
1655  "colorIndex",
1656  "colorKey",
1657  "colorPerVertex",
1658  "colorRamp",
1659  "convex",
1660  "coordIndex",
1661  "country",
1662  "creaseAngle",
1663  "crossSection",
1664  "directOutput",
1665  "domain",
1666  "duration",
1667  "emitter",
1668  "endAngle",
1669  "endCap",
1670  "extra",
1671  "family",
1672  "fanCount",
1673  "forceTransitions",
1674  "generateMipMaps",
1675  "geoGridOrigin",
1676  "geoOrigin",
1677  "geoSystem",
1678  "geometryType",
1679  "height",
1680  "horizontal",
1681  "index",
1682  "info",
1683  "initialDestination",
1684  "initialValue",
1685  "innerRadius",
1686  "intersectionType",
1687  "justify",
1688  "kind",
1689  "knot",
1690  "language",
1691  "leftToRight",
1692  "lineSegments",
1693  "mass",
1694  "mustEvaluate",
1695  "normalIndex",
1696  "normalPerVertex",
1697  "numComponents",
1698  "order",
1699  "outerRadius",
1700  "phaseFunction",
1701  "physics",
1702  "proxy",
1703  "range",
1704  "reference",
1705  "repeatR",
1706  "repeatS",
1707  "repeatT",
1708  "rootNode",
1709  "rootUrl",
1710  "rotateYUp",
1711  "rtpHeaderExpected",
1712  "shape",
1713  "side",
1714  "size",
1715  "solid",
1716  "sortOrder",
1717  "spacing",
1718  "spatialize",
1719  "specific",
1720  "speedFactor",
1721  "spine",
1722  "startAngle",
1723  "stripCount",
1724  "style",
1725  "subcategory",
1726  "surfaceArea",
1727  "texCoordIndex",
1728  "texCoordKey",
1729  "texCoordRamp",
1730  "textureProperties",
1731  "title",
1732  "topToBottom",
1733  "type",
1734  "uClosed",
1735  "uKnot",
1736  "vClosed",
1737  "vKnot",
1738  "weightFunction1",
1739  "weightFunction2",
1740  "xDimension",
1741  "xSpacing",
1742  "yScale",
1743  "zDimension",
1744  "zSpacing",
1745 };
1746 const int FIELD_COUNT = ARR_SIZE(FIELD);
1749 /* Table of keywords */
1750  const char *KEYWORDS[] = {
1751  "BROTO",
1752  "COMPONENT",
1753  "DEF",
1754  "EXPORT",
1757  "FALSE",
1758  "IMPORT",
1759  "IS",
1760  "META",
1761  "NULL",
1762  "PROFILE",
1763  "PROTO",
1764  "ROUTE",
1765  "TO",
1766  "TRUE",
1767  "UNIT",
1768  "USE",
1769  "eventIn",
1770  "eventOut",
1771  "exposedField",
1772  "field",
1773  "initializeOnly",
1774  "inputOnly",
1775  "inputOutput",
1776  "outputOnly",
1777 };
1781 /* Table of profiles */
1782  const char *PROFILES[] = {
1783  "CADInterchange",
1784  "Core",
1785  "Full",
1786  "Immersive",
1787  "Interactive",
1788  "Interchange",
1789  "MPEG-4",
1790 };
1794 /* Table of components */
1795 const char *COMPONENTS[] = {
1796  "CADGeometry",
1797  "Core",
1798  "CubeMapTexturing",
1799  "DIS",
1800  "EnvironmentalEffects",
1801  "EnvironmentalSensor",
1802  "EventUtilities",
1803  "Followers",
1804  "Geometry2D",
1805  "Geometry3D",
1806  "Geospatial",
1807  "Grouping",
1808  "H-Anim",
1809  "Interpolation",
1810  "KeyDeviceSensor",
1811  "Layering",
1812  "Layout",
1813  "Lighting",
1814  "NURBS",
1815  "Navigation",
1816  "Networking",
1817  "ParticleSystems",
1818  "Picking",
1819  "PointDeviceSensor",
1820  "Rendering",
1821  "RigidBodyPhysics",
1822  "Scripting",
1823  "Shaders",
1824  "Shape",
1825  "Sound",
1826  "Text",
1827  "Texturing",
1828  "Texturing3D",
1829  "Time",
1830  "VolumeRendering",
1831 };
1835 /* Table of PROTO keywords */
1836 const char *PROTOKEYWORDS[] = {
1837  "initializeOnly",
1838  "inputOnly",
1839  "outputOnly",
1840  "inputOutput",
1841  "field",
1842  "eventIn",
1843  "eventOut",
1844  "exposedField",
1845 };
1849 /* Table of MULTITEXTUREMODE keywords */
1850  const char *MULTITEXTUREMODE[] = {
1851  "ADD",
1852  "ADDSIGNED",
1853  "ADDSIGNED2X",
1854  "ADDSMOOTH",
1859  "DOTPRODUCT3",
1860  "MODULATE",
1861  "MODULATE2X",
1862  "MODULATE4X",
1866  "OFF",
1867  "REPLACE",
1868  "SELECTARG1",
1869  "SELECTARG2",
1870  "SUBTRACT",
1871 };
1875 /* Table of MULTITEXTURESOURCE keywords */
1876  const char *MULTITEXTURESOURCE[] = {
1877  "DIFFUSE",
1878  "FACTOR",
1879  "SPECULAR",
1880 };
1884 /* Table of TEXTURECOORDINATEGENERATOR keywords */
1889  "COORD",
1890  "COORD-EYE",
1891  "NOISE",
1892  "NOISE-EYE",
1893  "SPHERE",
1897 };
1901 /* Table of MULTITEXTUREFUNCTION keywords */
1902  const char *MULTITEXTUREFUNCTION[] = {
1905 };
1909 /* Table of X3DSPECIAL keywords */
1910  const char *X3DSPECIAL[] = {
1911  "EXPORT",
1912  "ExternProtoDeclare",
1913  "Header",
1914  "IMPORT",
1915  "IS",
1916  "ProtoBody",
1917  "ProtoDeclare",
1918  "ProtoInstance",
1919  "ProtoInterface",
1920  "ROUTE",
1921  "Scene",
1922  "X3D",
1923  "component",
1924  "connect",
1925  "field",
1926  "fieldValue",
1927  "head",
1928  "meta",
1929 };
1933 /* Table of TEXTUREBOUNDARY keywords */
1934  const char *TEXTUREBOUNDARYKEYWORDS[] = {
1935  "CLAMP",
1937  "CLAMP_TO_EDGE",
1939  "REPEAT",
1940 };
1944 /* Table of TEXTUREMAGNIFICATION keywords */
1946  "AVG_PIXEL",
1947  "DEFAULT",
1948  "FASTEST",
1950  "NICEST",
1951 };
1955 /* Table of TEXTUREMINIFICATION keywords */
1957  "AVG_PIXEL",
1960  "DEFAULT",
1961  "FASTEST",
1965  "NICEST",
1966 };
1970 /* Table of TEXTURECOMPRESSION keywords */
1972  "DEFAULT",
1973  "FASTEST",
1974  "HIGH",
1975  "LOW",
1976  "MEDIUM",
1977  "NICEST",
1978 };
1982 /* Table of GEOSPATIAL keywords */
1983  const char *GEOSPATIAL[] = {
1984  "AA",
1985  "AM",
1986  "AN",
1987  "BN",
1988  "BR",
1989  "CC",
1990  "CD",
1991  "EA",
1992  "EB",
1993  "EC",
1994  "ED",
1995  "EE",
1996  "EF",
1997  "FA",
1998  "GC",
1999  "GCC",
2000  "GD",
2001  "GDC",
2002  "HE",
2003  "HO",
2004  "ID",
2005  "IN",
2006  "KA",
2007  "RF",
2008  "SA",
2009  "UTM",
2010  "WD",
2011  "WE",
2012  "WGS84",
2013  "coordinateSystem",
2014  "copyright",
2015  "dataFormat",
2016  "dataUrl",
2017  "date",
2018  "description",
2019  "ellipsoid",
2020  "extent",
2021  "horizontalDatum",
2022  "metadataFormat",
2023  "originator",
2024  "resolution",
2025  "title",
2026  "verticalDatum",
2027 };
2031 /* Table of Field Types */
2032  const char *FIELDTYPES[] = {
2033  "SFFloat",
2034  "MFFloat",
2035  "SFRotation",
2036  "MFRotation",
2037  "SFVec3f",
2038  "MFVec3f",
2039  "SFBool",
2040  "MFBool",
2041  "SFInt32",
2042  "MFInt32",
2043  "SFNode",
2044  "MFNode",
2045  "SFColor",
2046  "MFColor",
2047  "SFColorRGBA",
2048  "MFColorRGBA",
2049  "SFTime",
2050  "MFTime",
2051  "SFString",
2052  "MFString",
2053  "SFVec2f",
2054  "MFVec2f",
2055  "FreeWRLPTR",
2056  "SFImage",
2057  "SFVec3d",
2058  "MFVec3d",
2059  "SFDouble",
2060  "MFDouble",
2061  "SFMatrix3f",
2062  "MFMatrix3f",
2063  "SFMatrix3d",
2064  "MFMatrix3d",
2065  "SFMatrix4f",
2066  "MFMatrix4f",
2067  "SFMatrix4d",
2068  "MFMatrix4d",
2069  "SFVec2d",
2070  "MFVec2d",
2071  "SFVec4f",
2072  "MFVec4f",
2073  "SFVec4d",
2074  "MFVec4d",
2075  "FreeWRLThread",
2076 };
2080 /* Table of Node Types */
2081  const char *NODES[] = {
2082  "Anchor",
2083  "Appearance",
2084  "Arc2D",
2085  "ArcClose2D",
2086  "AudioClip",
2087  "BackdropBackground",
2088  "Background",
2089  "BallJoint",
2090  "Billboard",
2091  "BlendedVolumeStyle",
2092  "BooleanFilter",
2093  "BooleanSequencer",
2094  "BooleanToggle",
2095  "BooleanTrigger",
2096  "BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle",
2097  "BoundedPhysicsModel",
2098  "Box",
2099  "CADAssembly",
2100  "CADFace",
2101  "CADLayer",
2102  "CADPart",
2103  "CalibratedCameraSensor",
2104  "CartoonVolumeStyle",
2105  "Circle2D",
2106  "ClipPlane",
2107  "CollidableOffset",
2108  "CollidableShape",
2109  "Collision",
2110  "CollisionCollection",
2111  "CollisionSensor",
2112  "CollisionSpace",
2113  "Color",
2114  "ColorChaser",
2115  "ColorDamper",
2116  "ColorInterpolator",
2117  "ColorRGBA",
2118  "ComposedCubeMapTexture",
2119  "ComposedShader",
2120  "ComposedTexture3D",
2121  "ComposedVolumeStyle",
2122  "CompositeVolumeStyle",
2123  "Cone",
2124  "ConeEmitter",
2125  "Contact",
2126  "Contour2D",
2127  "ContourPolyline2D",
2128  "Coordinate",
2129  "CoordinateChaser",
2130  "CoordinateDamper",
2131  "CoordinateDouble",
2132  "CoordinateInterpolator",
2133  "CoordinateInterpolator2D",
2134  "Cylinder",
2135  "CylinderSensor",
2136  "DISEntityManager",
2137  "DISEntityTypeMapping",
2138  "DirectionalLight",
2139  "Disk2D",
2140  "DoubleAxisHingeJoint",
2141  "EaseInEaseOut",
2142  "EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle",
2143  "Effect",
2144  "EffectPart",
2145  "ElevationGrid",
2146  "EspduTransform",
2147  "ExplosionEmitter",
2148  "Extrusion",
2149  "FillProperties",
2150  "FloatVertexAttribute",
2151  "Fog",
2152  "FogCoordinate",
2153  "FontStyle",
2154  "ForcePhysicsModel",
2155  "GeneratedCubeMapTexture",
2156  "GeoCoordinate",
2157  "GeoElevationGrid",
2158  "GeoLOD",
2159  "GeoLocation",
2160  "GeoMetadata",
2161  "GeoOrigin",
2162  "GeoPositionInterpolator",
2163  "GeoProximitySensor",
2164  "GeoTouchSensor",
2165  "GeoTransform",
2166  "GeoViewpoint",
2167  "Group",
2168  "HAnimDisplacer",
2169  "HAnimHumanoid",
2170  "HAnimJoint",
2171  "HAnimSegment",
2172  "HAnimSite",
2173  "ImageBackdropBackground",
2174  "ImageCubeMapTexture",
2175  "ImageTexture",
2176  "ImageTexture3D",
2177  "IndexedFaceSet",
2178  "IndexedLineSet",
2179  "IndexedQuadSet",
2180  "IndexedTriangleFanSet",
2181  "IndexedTriangleSet",
2182  "IndexedTriangleStripSet",
2183  "Inline",
2184  "IntegerSequencer",
2185  "IntegerTrigger",
2186  "IsoSurfaceVolumeData",
2187  "KeySensor",
2188  "LOD",
2189  "Layer",
2190  "LayerSet",
2191  "Layout",
2192  "LayoutGroup",
2193  "LayoutLayer",
2194  "LinePickSensor",
2195  "LineProperties",
2196  "LineSensor",
2197  "LineSet",
2198  "LoadSensor",
2199  "LocalFog",
2200  "Material",
2201  "Matrix3VertexAttribute",
2202  "Matrix4VertexAttribute",
2203  "MetadataBoolean",
2204  "MetadataDouble",
2205  "MetadataFloat",
2206  "MetadataInteger",
2207  "MetadataMFBool",
2208  "MetadataMFColor",
2209  "MetadataMFColorRGBA",
2210  "MetadataMFDouble",
2211  "MetadataMFFloat",
2212  "MetadataMFInt32",
2213  "MetadataMFMatrix3d",
2214  "MetadataMFMatrix3f",
2215  "MetadataMFMatrix4d",
2216  "MetadataMFMatrix4f",
2217  "MetadataMFNode",
2218  "MetadataMFRotation",
2219  "MetadataMFString",
2220  "MetadataMFTime",
2221  "MetadataMFVec2d",
2222  "MetadataMFVec2f",
2223  "MetadataMFVec3d",
2224  "MetadataMFVec3f",
2225  "MetadataMFVec4d",
2226  "MetadataMFVec4f",
2227  "MetadataSFBool",
2228  "MetadataSFColor",
2229  "MetadataSFColorRGBA",
2230  "MetadataSFDouble",
2231  "MetadataSFFloat",
2232  "MetadataSFImage",
2233  "MetadataSFInt32",
2234  "MetadataSFMatrix3d",
2235  "MetadataSFMatrix3f",
2236  "MetadataSFMatrix4d",
2237  "MetadataSFMatrix4f",
2238  "MetadataSFNode",
2239  "MetadataSFRotation",
2240  "MetadataSFString",
2241  "MetadataSFTime",
2242  "MetadataSFVec2d",
2243  "MetadataSFVec2f",
2244  "MetadataSFVec3d",
2245  "MetadataSFVec3f",
2246  "MetadataSFVec4d",
2247  "MetadataSFVec4f",
2248  "MetadataSet",
2249  "MetadataString",
2250  "MotorJoint",
2251  "MovieTexture",
2252  "MultiTexture",
2253  "MultiTextureCoordinate",
2254  "MultiTextureTransform",
2255  "NavigationInfo",
2256  "Normal",
2257  "NormalInterpolator",
2258  "NurbsCurve",
2259  "NurbsCurve2D",
2260  "NurbsOrientationInterpolator",
2261  "NurbsPatchSurface",
2262  "NurbsPositionInterpolator",
2263  "NurbsSet",
2264  "NurbsSurfaceInterpolator",
2265  "NurbsSweptSurface",
2266  "NurbsSwungSurface",
2267  "NurbsTextureCoordinate",
2268  "NurbsTrimmedSurface",
2269  "OSC_Sensor",
2270  "OpacityMapVolumeStyle",
2271  "OrientationChaser",
2272  "OrientationDamper",
2273  "OrientationInterpolator",
2274  "OrthoViewpoint",
2275  "PackagedShader",
2276  "ParticleSystem",
2277  "PickableGroup",
2278  "PixelTexture",
2279  "PixelTexture3D",
2280  "PlaneSensor",
2281  "PointEmitter",
2282  "PointLight",
2283  "PointPickSensor",
2284  "PointSet",
2285  "Polyline2D",
2286  "PolylineEmitter",
2287  "Polypoint2D",
2288  "PositionChaser",
2289  "PositionChaser2D",
2290  "PositionDamper",
2291  "PositionDamper2D",
2292  "PositionInterpolator",
2293  "PositionInterpolator2D",
2294  "PrimitivePickSensor",
2295  "ProgramShader",
2296  "ProjectionVolumeStyle",
2297  "Proto",
2298  "ProximitySensor",
2299  "QuadSet",
2300  "ReceiverPdu",
2301  "Rectangle2D",
2302  "RigidBody",
2303  "RigidBodyCollection",
2304  "ScalarChaser",
2305  "ScalarDamper",
2306  "ScalarInterpolator",
2307  "ScreenFontStyle",
2308  "ScreenGroup",
2309  "Script",
2310  "SegmentedVolumeData",
2311  "ShadedVolumeStyle",
2312  "ShaderPart",
2313  "ShaderProgram",
2314  "Shape",
2315  "SignalPdu",
2316  "SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle",
2317  "SingleAxisHingeJoint",
2318  "SliderJoint",
2319  "Sound",
2320  "Sphere",
2321  "SphereSensor",
2322  "SplinePositionInterpolator",
2323  "SplinePositionInterpolator2D",
2324  "SplineScalarInterpolator",
2325  "SpotLight",
2326  "SquadOrientationInterpolator",
2327  "StaticGroup",
2328  "StringSensor",
2329  "SurfaceEmitter",
2330  "Switch",
2331  "Teapot",
2332  "TexCoordChaser2D",
2333  "TexCoordDamper2D",
2334  "Text",
2335  "TextureBackground",
2336  "TextureCoordinate",
2337  "TextureCoordinate3D",
2338  "TextureCoordinate4D",
2339  "TextureCoordinateGenerator",
2340  "TextureProperties",
2341  "TextureTransform",
2342  "TextureTransform3D",
2343  "TextureTransformMatrix3D",
2344  "TimeSensor",
2345  "TimeTrigger",
2346  "ToneMappedVolumeStyle",
2347  "TouchSensor",
2348  "TrackingSensor",
2349  "Transform",
2350  "TransformSensor",
2351  "TransmitterPdu",
2352  "TriangleFanSet",
2353  "TriangleSet",
2354  "TriangleSet2D",
2355  "TriangleStripSet",
2356  "TwoSidedMaterial",
2357  "UniversalJoint",
2358  "Viewpoint",
2359  "ViewpointGroup",
2360  "Viewport",
2361  "VisibilitySensor",
2362  "VolumeData",
2363  "VolumeEmitter",
2364  "VolumePickSensor",
2365  "WindPhysicsModel",
2366  "WorldInfo",
2367 };
2368 const int NODES_COUNT = ARR_SIZE(NODES);
2370 /* Virtual tables for each node */
2372 void child_Anchor(struct X3D_Anchor *);
2373 struct X3D_Virt virt_Anchor = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_Anchor,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2375 void child_Appearance(struct X3D_Appearance *);
2376 struct X3D_Virt virt_Appearance = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_Appearance,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2378 void render_Arc2D(struct X3D_Arc2D *);
2379 void compile_Arc2D(struct X3D_Arc2D *);
2380 struct X3D_Virt virt_Arc2D = { NULL,(void *)render_Arc2D,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_Arc2D};
2382 void render_ArcClose2D(struct X3D_ArcClose2D *);
2383 void compile_ArcClose2D(struct X3D_ArcClose2D *);
2384 struct X3D_Virt virt_ArcClose2D = { NULL,(void *)render_ArcClose2D,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_ArcClose2D};
2386 void render_AudioClip(struct X3D_AudioClip *);
2387 struct X3D_Virt virt_AudioClip = { NULL,(void *)render_AudioClip,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2389 struct X3D_Virt virt_BackdropBackground = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2391 void render_Background(struct X3D_Background *);
2392 struct X3D_Virt virt_Background = { NULL,(void *)render_Background,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2394 struct X3D_Virt virt_BallJoint = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2396 void prep_Billboard(struct X3D_Billboard *);
2397 void child_Billboard(struct X3D_Billboard *);
2398 void fin_Billboard(struct X3D_Billboard *);
2399 void proximity_Billboard(struct X3D_Billboard *);
2400 struct X3D_Virt virt_Billboard = { (void *)prep_Billboard,NULL,(void *)child_Billboard,(void *)fin_Billboard,NULL,NULL,(void *)proximity_Billboard,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2402 struct X3D_Virt virt_BlendedVolumeStyle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2404 struct X3D_Virt virt_BooleanFilter = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2406 struct X3D_Virt virt_BooleanSequencer = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2408 struct X3D_Virt virt_BooleanToggle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2410 struct X3D_Virt virt_BooleanTrigger = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2412 struct X3D_Virt virt_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2414 struct X3D_Virt virt_BoundedPhysicsModel = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2416 void render_Box(struct X3D_Box *);
2417 void rendray_Box(struct X3D_Box *);
2418 void collide_Box(struct X3D_Box *);
2419 void compile_Box(struct X3D_Box *);
2420 struct X3D_Virt virt_Box = { NULL,(void *)render_Box,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_Box,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_Box,(void *)compile_Box};
2422 void prep_CADAssembly(struct X3D_CADAssembly *);
2423 void child_CADAssembly(struct X3D_CADAssembly *);
2424 void compile_CADAssembly(struct X3D_CADAssembly *);
2425 struct X3D_Virt virt_CADAssembly = { (void *)prep_CADAssembly,NULL,(void *)child_CADAssembly,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_CADAssembly};
2427 void child_CADFace(struct X3D_CADFace *);
2428 struct X3D_Virt virt_CADFace = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_CADFace,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2430 void child_CADLayer(struct X3D_CADLayer *);
2431 struct X3D_Virt virt_CADLayer = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_CADLayer,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2433 void prep_CADPart(struct X3D_CADPart *);
2434 void child_CADPart(struct X3D_CADPart *);
2435 void fin_CADPart(struct X3D_CADPart *);
2436 void compile_CADPart(struct X3D_CADPart *);
2437 struct X3D_Virt virt_CADPart = { (void *)prep_CADPart,NULL,(void *)child_CADPart,(void *)fin_CADPart,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_CADPart};
2439 struct X3D_Virt virt_CalibratedCameraSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2441 struct X3D_Virt virt_CartoonVolumeStyle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2443 void render_Circle2D(struct X3D_Circle2D *);
2444 void compile_Circle2D(struct X3D_Circle2D *);
2445 struct X3D_Virt virt_Circle2D = { NULL,(void *)render_Circle2D,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_Circle2D};
2447 struct X3D_Virt virt_ClipPlane = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2449 void prep_CollidableOffset(struct X3D_CollidableOffset *);
2450 void child_CollidableOffset(struct X3D_CollidableOffset *);
2451 void fin_CollidableOffset(struct X3D_CollidableOffset *);
2452 void compile_CollidableOffset(struct X3D_CollidableOffset *);
2453 struct X3D_Virt virt_CollidableOffset = { (void *)prep_CollidableOffset,NULL,(void *)child_CollidableOffset,(void *)fin_CollidableOffset,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_CollidableOffset};
2455 void prep_CollidableShape(struct X3D_CollidableShape *);
2456 void child_CollidableShape(struct X3D_CollidableShape *);
2457 void fin_CollidableShape(struct X3D_CollidableShape *);
2458 void compile_CollidableShape(struct X3D_CollidableShape *);
2459 struct X3D_Virt virt_CollidableShape = { (void *)prep_CollidableShape,NULL,(void *)child_CollidableShape,(void *)fin_CollidableShape,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_CollidableShape};
2461 void child_Collision(struct X3D_Collision *);
2462 struct X3D_Virt virt_Collision = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_Collision,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2464 struct X3D_Virt virt_CollisionCollection = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2466 struct X3D_Virt virt_CollisionSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2468 struct X3D_Virt virt_CollisionSpace = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2472 struct X3D_Virt virt_ColorChaser = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2474 struct X3D_Virt virt_ColorDamper = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2476 struct X3D_Virt virt_ColorInterpolator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2480 void render_ComposedCubeMapTexture(struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture *);
2481 struct X3D_Virt virt_ComposedCubeMapTexture = { NULL,(void *)render_ComposedCubeMapTexture,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2483 void render_ComposedShader(struct X3D_ComposedShader *);
2484 void compile_ComposedShader(struct X3D_ComposedShader *);
2485 struct X3D_Virt virt_ComposedShader = { NULL,(void *)render_ComposedShader,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_ComposedShader};
2487 void render_ComposedTexture3D(struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D *);
2488 struct X3D_Virt virt_ComposedTexture3D = { NULL,(void *)render_ComposedTexture3D,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2490 struct X3D_Virt virt_ComposedVolumeStyle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2492 struct X3D_Virt virt_CompositeVolumeStyle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2494 void render_Cone(struct X3D_Cone *);
2495 void rendray_Cone(struct X3D_Cone *);
2496 void collide_Cone(struct X3D_Cone *);
2497 void compile_Cone(struct X3D_Cone *);
2498 struct X3D_Virt virt_Cone = { NULL,(void *)render_Cone,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_Cone,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_Cone,(void *)compile_Cone};
2500 struct X3D_Virt virt_ConeEmitter = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2502 struct X3D_Virt virt_Contact = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2504 struct X3D_Virt virt_Contour2D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2506 void compile_ContourPolyline2D(struct X3D_ContourPolyline2D *);
2507 struct X3D_Virt virt_ContourPolyline2D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_ContourPolyline2D};
2509 struct X3D_Virt virt_Coordinate = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2511 struct X3D_Virt virt_CoordinateChaser = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2513 struct X3D_Virt virt_CoordinateDamper = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2515 struct X3D_Virt virt_CoordinateDouble = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2517 struct X3D_Virt virt_CoordinateInterpolator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2519 struct X3D_Virt virt_CoordinateInterpolator2D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2521 void render_Cylinder(struct X3D_Cylinder *);
2522 void rendray_Cylinder(struct X3D_Cylinder *);
2523 void collide_Cylinder(struct X3D_Cylinder *);
2524 void compile_Cylinder(struct X3D_Cylinder *);
2525 struct X3D_Virt virt_Cylinder = { NULL,(void *)render_Cylinder,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_Cylinder,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_Cylinder,(void *)compile_Cylinder};
2527 struct X3D_Virt virt_CylinderSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2529 struct X3D_Virt virt_DISEntityManager = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2531 struct X3D_Virt virt_DISEntityTypeMapping = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2533 void prep_DirectionalLight(struct X3D_DirectionalLight *);
2534 void render_DirectionalLight(struct X3D_DirectionalLight *);
2535 void compile_DirectionalLight(struct X3D_DirectionalLight *);
2536 struct X3D_Virt virt_DirectionalLight = { (void *)prep_DirectionalLight,(void *)render_DirectionalLight,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_DirectionalLight};
2538 void render_Disk2D(struct X3D_Disk2D *);
2539 void collide_Disk2D(struct X3D_Disk2D *);
2540 void compile_Disk2D(struct X3D_Disk2D *);
2541 struct X3D_Virt virt_Disk2D = { NULL,(void *)render_Disk2D,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_Disk2D,(void *)compile_Disk2D};
2543 struct X3D_Virt virt_DoubleAxisHingeJoint = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2545 struct X3D_Virt virt_EaseInEaseOut = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2547 struct X3D_Virt virt_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2549 void compile_Effect(struct X3D_Effect *);
2550 struct X3D_Virt virt_Effect = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_Effect};
2552 struct X3D_Virt virt_EffectPart = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2554 void render_ElevationGrid(struct X3D_ElevationGrid *);
2555 struct X3D_Virt virt_ElevationGrid = { NULL,(void *)render_ElevationGrid,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_ElevationGrid,(void *)make_ElevationGrid,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_ElevationGrid,NULL};
2557 struct X3D_Virt virt_EspduTransform = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2559 struct X3D_Virt virt_ExplosionEmitter = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2561 void render_Extrusion(struct X3D_Extrusion *);
2562 void make_Extrusion(struct X3D_Extrusion *);
2563 void collide_Extrusion(struct X3D_Extrusion *);
2564 struct X3D_Virt virt_Extrusion = { NULL,(void *)render_Extrusion,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_Extrusion,(void *)make_Extrusion,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_Extrusion,NULL};
2566 void render_FillProperties(struct X3D_FillProperties *);
2567 struct X3D_Virt virt_FillProperties = { NULL,(void *)render_FillProperties,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2569 struct X3D_Virt virt_FloatVertexAttribute = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2571 void render_Fog(struct X3D_Fog *);
2572 struct X3D_Virt virt_Fog = { NULL,(void *)render_Fog,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2574 struct X3D_Virt virt_FogCoordinate = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2576 struct X3D_Virt virt_FontStyle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2578 struct X3D_Virt virt_ForcePhysicsModel = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2580 void render_GeneratedCubeMapTexture(struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture *);
2581 void compile_GeneratedCubeMapTexture(struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture *);
2582 struct X3D_Virt virt_GeneratedCubeMapTexture = { NULL,(void *)render_GeneratedCubeMapTexture,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_GeneratedCubeMapTexture};
2584 void compile_GeoCoordinate(struct X3D_GeoCoordinate *);
2585 struct X3D_Virt virt_GeoCoordinate = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_GeoCoordinate};
2587 void render_GeoElevationGrid(struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid *);
2588 void compile_GeoElevationGrid(struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid *);
2589 struct X3D_Virt virt_GeoElevationGrid = { NULL,(void *)render_GeoElevationGrid,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_GeoElevationGrid,(void *)make_GeoElevationGrid,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_GeoElevationGrid,(void *)compile_GeoElevationGrid};
2591 void child_GeoLOD(struct X3D_GeoLOD *);
2592 void compile_GeoLOD(struct X3D_GeoLOD *);
2593 struct X3D_Virt virt_GeoLOD = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_GeoLOD,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_GeoLOD};
2595 void prep_GeoLocation(struct X3D_GeoLocation *);
2596 void child_GeoLocation(struct X3D_GeoLocation *);
2597 void fin_GeoLocation(struct X3D_GeoLocation *);
2598 void compile_GeoLocation(struct X3D_GeoLocation *);
2599 struct X3D_Virt virt_GeoLocation = { (void *)prep_GeoLocation,NULL,(void *)child_GeoLocation,(void *)fin_GeoLocation,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_GeoLocation};
2601 void compile_GeoMetadata(struct X3D_GeoMetadata *);
2602 struct X3D_Virt virt_GeoMetadata = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_GeoMetadata};
2604 void compile_GeoOrigin(struct X3D_GeoOrigin *);
2605 struct X3D_Virt virt_GeoOrigin = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_GeoOrigin};
2607 void compile_GeoPositionInterpolator(struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator *);
2608 struct X3D_Virt virt_GeoPositionInterpolator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_GeoPositionInterpolator};
2610 void proximity_GeoProximitySensor(struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor *);
2611 void compile_GeoProximitySensor(struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor *);
2612 struct X3D_Virt virt_GeoProximitySensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)proximity_GeoProximitySensor,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_GeoProximitySensor};
2614 void compile_GeoTouchSensor(struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor *);
2615 struct X3D_Virt virt_GeoTouchSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_GeoTouchSensor};
2617 void prep_GeoTransform(struct X3D_GeoTransform *);
2618 void child_GeoTransform(struct X3D_GeoTransform *);
2619 void fin_GeoTransform(struct X3D_GeoTransform *);
2620 void compile_GeoTransform(struct X3D_GeoTransform *);
2621 struct X3D_Virt virt_GeoTransform = { (void *)prep_GeoTransform,NULL,(void *)child_GeoTransform,(void *)fin_GeoTransform,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_GeoTransform};
2623 void prep_GeoViewpoint(struct X3D_GeoViewpoint *);
2624 void compile_GeoViewpoint(struct X3D_GeoViewpoint *);
2625 struct X3D_Virt virt_GeoViewpoint = { (void *)prep_GeoViewpoint,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_GeoViewpoint};
2627 void prep_Group(struct X3D_Group *);
2628 void child_Group(struct X3D_Group *);
2629 void compile_Group(struct X3D_Group *);
2630 struct X3D_Virt virt_Group = { (void *)prep_Group,NULL,(void *)child_Group,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_Group};
2632 struct X3D_Virt virt_HAnimDisplacer = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2634 void render_HAnimHumanoid(struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid *);
2635 void child_HAnimHumanoid(struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid *);
2636 void compile_HAnimHumanoid(struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid *);
2637 struct X3D_Virt virt_HAnimHumanoid = { NULL,(void *)render_HAnimHumanoid,(void *)child_HAnimHumanoid,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_HAnimHumanoid};
2639 void prep_HAnimJoint(struct X3D_HAnimJoint *);
2640 void render_HAnimJoint(struct X3D_HAnimJoint *);
2641 void child_HAnimJoint(struct X3D_HAnimJoint *);
2642 void fin_HAnimJoint(struct X3D_HAnimJoint *);
2643 void compile_HAnimJoint(struct X3D_HAnimJoint *);
2644 struct X3D_Virt virt_HAnimJoint = { (void *)prep_HAnimJoint,(void *)render_HAnimJoint,(void *)child_HAnimJoint,(void *)fin_HAnimJoint,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_HAnimJoint};
2646 void child_HAnimSegment(struct X3D_HAnimSegment *);
2647 struct X3D_Virt virt_HAnimSegment = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_HAnimSegment,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2649 void prep_HAnimSite(struct X3D_HAnimSite *);
2650 void child_HAnimSite(struct X3D_HAnimSite *);
2651 void fin_HAnimSite(struct X3D_HAnimSite *);
2652 void compile_HAnimSite(struct X3D_HAnimSite *);
2653 struct X3D_Virt virt_HAnimSite = { (void *)prep_HAnimSite,NULL,(void *)child_HAnimSite,(void *)fin_HAnimSite,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_HAnimSite};
2655 struct X3D_Virt virt_ImageBackdropBackground = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2657 void render_ImageCubeMapTexture(struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture *);
2658 void compile_ImageCubeMapTexture(struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture *);
2659 struct X3D_Virt virt_ImageCubeMapTexture = { NULL,(void *)render_ImageCubeMapTexture,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_ImageCubeMapTexture};
2661 void render_ImageTexture(struct X3D_ImageTexture *);
2662 struct X3D_Virt virt_ImageTexture = { NULL,(void *)render_ImageTexture,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2664 void render_ImageTexture3D(struct X3D_ImageTexture3D *);
2665 struct X3D_Virt virt_ImageTexture3D = { NULL,(void *)render_ImageTexture3D,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2667 void render_IndexedFaceSet(struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet *);
2668 struct X3D_Virt virt_IndexedFaceSet = { NULL,(void *)render_IndexedFaceSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_IndexedFaceSet,(void *)make_IndexedFaceSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_IndexedFaceSet,NULL};
2670 void render_IndexedLineSet(struct X3D_IndexedLineSet *);
2671 void compile_IndexedLineSet(struct X3D_IndexedLineSet *);
2672 struct X3D_Virt virt_IndexedLineSet = { NULL,(void *)render_IndexedLineSet,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_IndexedLineSet};
2674 void render_IndexedQuadSet(struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet *);
2675 struct X3D_Virt virt_IndexedQuadSet = { NULL,(void *)render_IndexedQuadSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_IndexedQuadSet,(void *)make_IndexedQuadSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_IndexedQuadSet,NULL};
2677 void render_IndexedTriangleFanSet(struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet *);
2678 struct X3D_Virt virt_IndexedTriangleFanSet = { NULL,(void *)render_IndexedTriangleFanSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_IndexedTriangleFanSet,(void *)make_IndexedTriangleFanSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_IndexedTriangleFanSet,NULL};
2680 void render_IndexedTriangleSet(struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet *);
2681 struct X3D_Virt virt_IndexedTriangleSet = { NULL,(void *)render_IndexedTriangleSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_IndexedTriangleSet,(void *)make_IndexedTriangleSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_IndexedTriangleSet,NULL};
2683 void render_IndexedTriangleStripSet(struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet *);
2684 struct X3D_Virt virt_IndexedTriangleStripSet = { NULL,(void *)render_IndexedTriangleStripSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_IndexedTriangleStripSet,(void *)make_IndexedTriangleStripSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_IndexedTriangleStripSet,NULL};
2686 void prep_Inline(struct X3D_Inline *);
2687 void child_Inline(struct X3D_Inline *);
2688 void compile_Inline(struct X3D_Inline *);
2689 struct X3D_Virt virt_Inline = { (void *)prep_Inline,NULL,(void *)child_Inline,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_Inline};
2691 struct X3D_Virt virt_IntegerSequencer = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2693 struct X3D_Virt virt_IntegerTrigger = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2695 void child_IsoSurfaceVolumeData(struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData *);
2696 void compile_IsoSurfaceVolumeData(struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData *);
2697 struct X3D_Virt virt_IsoSurfaceVolumeData = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_IsoSurfaceVolumeData,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_IsoSurfaceVolumeData};
2699 struct X3D_Virt virt_KeySensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2701 void child_LOD(struct X3D_LOD *);
2702 void proximity_LOD(struct X3D_LOD *);
2703 struct X3D_Virt virt_LOD = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_LOD,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)proximity_LOD,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2705 void prep_Layer(struct X3D_Layer *);
2706 void child_Layer(struct X3D_Layer *);
2707 void fin_Layer(struct X3D_Layer *);
2708 struct X3D_Virt virt_Layer = { (void *)prep_Layer,NULL,(void *)child_Layer,(void *)fin_Layer,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2710 void child_LayerSet(struct X3D_LayerSet *);
2711 struct X3D_Virt virt_LayerSet = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_LayerSet,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2713 void compile_Layout(struct X3D_Layout *);
2714 struct X3D_Virt virt_Layout = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_Layout};
2716 void prep_LayoutGroup(struct X3D_LayoutGroup *);
2717 void child_LayoutGroup(struct X3D_LayoutGroup *);
2718 void fin_LayoutGroup(struct X3D_LayoutGroup *);
2719 struct X3D_Virt virt_LayoutGroup = { (void *)prep_LayoutGroup,NULL,(void *)child_LayoutGroup,(void *)fin_LayoutGroup,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2721 void prep_LayoutLayer(struct X3D_LayoutLayer *);
2722 void child_LayoutLayer(struct X3D_LayoutLayer *);
2723 void fin_LayoutLayer(struct X3D_LayoutLayer *);
2724 struct X3D_Virt virt_LayoutLayer = { (void *)prep_LayoutLayer,NULL,(void *)child_LayoutLayer,(void *)fin_LayoutLayer,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2726 struct X3D_Virt virt_LinePickSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2728 void render_LineProperties(struct X3D_LineProperties *);
2729 struct X3D_Virt virt_LineProperties = { NULL,(void *)render_LineProperties,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2731 struct X3D_Virt virt_LineSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2733 void render_LineSet(struct X3D_LineSet *);
2734 void compile_LineSet(struct X3D_LineSet *);
2735 struct X3D_Virt virt_LineSet = { NULL,(void *)render_LineSet,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_LineSet};
2737 void render_LoadSensor(struct X3D_LoadSensor *);
2738 struct X3D_Virt virt_LoadSensor = { NULL,(void *)render_LoadSensor,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2740 struct X3D_Virt virt_LocalFog = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2742 void render_Material(struct X3D_Material *);
2743 void compile_Material(struct X3D_Material *);
2744 struct X3D_Virt virt_Material = { NULL,(void *)render_Material,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_Material};
2746 struct X3D_Virt virt_Matrix3VertexAttribute = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2748 struct X3D_Virt virt_Matrix4VertexAttribute = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2750 void compile_MetadataBoolean(struct X3D_MetadataBoolean *);
2751 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataBoolean = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataBoolean};
2753 void compile_MetadataDouble(struct X3D_MetadataDouble *);
2754 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataDouble = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataDouble};
2756 void compile_MetadataFloat(struct X3D_MetadataFloat *);
2757 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataFloat = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataFloat};
2759 void compile_MetadataInteger(struct X3D_MetadataInteger *);
2760 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataInteger = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataInteger};
2762 void compile_MetadataMFBool(struct X3D_MetadataMFBool *);
2763 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFBool = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFBool};
2765 void compile_MetadataMFColor(struct X3D_MetadataMFColor *);
2766 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFColor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFColor};
2768 void compile_MetadataMFColorRGBA(struct X3D_MetadataMFColorRGBA *);
2769 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFColorRGBA = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFColorRGBA};
2771 void compile_MetadataMFDouble(struct X3D_MetadataMFDouble *);
2772 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFDouble = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFDouble};
2774 void compile_MetadataMFFloat(struct X3D_MetadataMFFloat *);
2775 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFFloat = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFFloat};
2777 void compile_MetadataMFInt32(struct X3D_MetadataMFInt32 *);
2778 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFInt32 = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFInt32};
2780 void compile_MetadataMFMatrix3d(struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3d *);
2781 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFMatrix3d = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFMatrix3d};
2783 void compile_MetadataMFMatrix3f(struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3f *);
2784 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFMatrix3f = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFMatrix3f};
2786 void compile_MetadataMFMatrix4d(struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4d *);
2787 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFMatrix4d = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFMatrix4d};
2789 void compile_MetadataMFMatrix4f(struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4f *);
2790 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFMatrix4f = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFMatrix4f};
2792 void compile_MetadataMFNode(struct X3D_MetadataMFNode *);
2793 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFNode = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFNode};
2795 void compile_MetadataMFRotation(struct X3D_MetadataMFRotation *);
2796 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFRotation = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFRotation};
2798 void compile_MetadataMFString(struct X3D_MetadataMFString *);
2799 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFString = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFString};
2801 void compile_MetadataMFTime(struct X3D_MetadataMFTime *);
2802 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFTime = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFTime};
2804 void compile_MetadataMFVec2d(struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2d *);
2805 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFVec2d = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFVec2d};
2807 void compile_MetadataMFVec2f(struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2f *);
2808 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFVec2f = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFVec2f};
2810 void compile_MetadataMFVec3d(struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3d *);
2811 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFVec3d = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFVec3d};
2813 void compile_MetadataMFVec3f(struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3f *);
2814 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFVec3f = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFVec3f};
2816 void compile_MetadataMFVec4d(struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4d *);
2817 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFVec4d = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFVec4d};
2819 void compile_MetadataMFVec4f(struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4f *);
2820 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataMFVec4f = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataMFVec4f};
2822 void compile_MetadataSFBool(struct X3D_MetadataSFBool *);
2823 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFBool = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFBool};
2825 void compile_MetadataSFColor(struct X3D_MetadataSFColor *);
2826 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFColor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFColor};
2828 void compile_MetadataSFColorRGBA(struct X3D_MetadataSFColorRGBA *);
2829 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFColorRGBA = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFColorRGBA};
2831 void compile_MetadataSFDouble(struct X3D_MetadataSFDouble *);
2832 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFDouble = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFDouble};
2834 void compile_MetadataSFFloat(struct X3D_MetadataSFFloat *);
2835 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFFloat = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFFloat};
2837 void compile_MetadataSFImage(struct X3D_MetadataSFImage *);
2838 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFImage = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFImage};
2840 void compile_MetadataSFInt32(struct X3D_MetadataSFInt32 *);
2841 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFInt32 = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFInt32};
2843 void compile_MetadataSFMatrix3d(struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3d *);
2844 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFMatrix3d = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFMatrix3d};
2846 void compile_MetadataSFMatrix3f(struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3f *);
2847 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFMatrix3f = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFMatrix3f};
2849 void compile_MetadataSFMatrix4d(struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4d *);
2850 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFMatrix4d = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFMatrix4d};
2852 void compile_MetadataSFMatrix4f(struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4f *);
2853 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFMatrix4f = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFMatrix4f};
2855 void compile_MetadataSFNode(struct X3D_MetadataSFNode *);
2856 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFNode = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFNode};
2858 void compile_MetadataSFRotation(struct X3D_MetadataSFRotation *);
2859 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFRotation = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFRotation};
2861 void compile_MetadataSFString(struct X3D_MetadataSFString *);
2862 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFString = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFString};
2864 void compile_MetadataSFTime(struct X3D_MetadataSFTime *);
2865 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFTime = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFTime};
2867 void compile_MetadataSFVec2d(struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2d *);
2868 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFVec2d = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFVec2d};
2870 void compile_MetadataSFVec2f(struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2f *);
2871 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFVec2f = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFVec2f};
2873 void compile_MetadataSFVec3d(struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3d *);
2874 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFVec3d = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFVec3d};
2876 void compile_MetadataSFVec3f(struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3f *);
2877 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFVec3f = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFVec3f};
2879 void compile_MetadataSFVec4d(struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4d *);
2880 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFVec4d = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFVec4d};
2882 void compile_MetadataSFVec4f(struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4f *);
2883 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSFVec4f = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSFVec4f};
2885 void compile_MetadataSet(struct X3D_MetadataSet *);
2886 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataSet = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataSet};
2888 void compile_MetadataString(struct X3D_MetadataString *);
2889 struct X3D_Virt virt_MetadataString = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_MetadataString};
2891 struct X3D_Virt virt_MotorJoint = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2893 void render_MovieTexture(struct X3D_MovieTexture *);
2894 struct X3D_Virt virt_MovieTexture = { NULL,(void *)render_MovieTexture,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2896 void render_MultiTexture(struct X3D_MultiTexture *);
2897 struct X3D_Virt virt_MultiTexture = { NULL,(void *)render_MultiTexture,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2899 struct X3D_Virt virt_MultiTextureCoordinate = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2901 struct X3D_Virt virt_MultiTextureTransform = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2903 struct X3D_Virt virt_NavigationInfo = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2905 struct X3D_Virt virt_Normal = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2907 struct X3D_Virt virt_NormalInterpolator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2909 void render_NurbsCurve(struct X3D_NurbsCurve *);
2910 void compile_NurbsCurve(struct X3D_NurbsCurve *);
2911 struct X3D_Virt virt_NurbsCurve = { NULL,(void *)render_NurbsCurve,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_NurbsCurve};
2913 struct X3D_Virt virt_NurbsCurve2D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2915 struct X3D_Virt virt_NurbsOrientationInterpolator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2917 void render_NurbsPatchSurface(struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface *);
2918 void rendray_NurbsPatchSurface(struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface *);
2919 void collide_NurbsPatchSurface(struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface *);
2920 void compile_NurbsPatchSurface(struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface *);
2921 struct X3D_Virt virt_NurbsPatchSurface = { NULL,(void *)render_NurbsPatchSurface,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_NurbsPatchSurface,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_NurbsPatchSurface,(void *)compile_NurbsPatchSurface};
2923 struct X3D_Virt virt_NurbsPositionInterpolator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2925 struct X3D_Virt virt_NurbsSet = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2927 struct X3D_Virt virt_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2929 void render_NurbsSweptSurface(struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface *);
2930 void rendray_NurbsSweptSurface(struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface *);
2931 void collide_NurbsSweptSurface(struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface *);
2932 void compile_NurbsSweptSurface(struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface *);
2933 struct X3D_Virt virt_NurbsSweptSurface = { NULL,(void *)render_NurbsSweptSurface,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_NurbsSweptSurface,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_NurbsSweptSurface,(void *)compile_NurbsSweptSurface};
2935 void render_NurbsSwungSurface(struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface *);
2936 void rendray_NurbsSwungSurface(struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface *);
2937 void collide_NurbsSwungSurface(struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface *);
2938 void compile_NurbsSwungSurface(struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface *);
2939 struct X3D_Virt virt_NurbsSwungSurface = { NULL,(void *)render_NurbsSwungSurface,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_NurbsSwungSurface,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_NurbsSwungSurface,(void *)compile_NurbsSwungSurface};
2941 struct X3D_Virt virt_NurbsTextureCoordinate = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2943 void render_NurbsTrimmedSurface(struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface *);
2944 void rendray_NurbsTrimmedSurface(struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface *);
2945 void collide_NurbsTrimmedSurface(struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface *);
2946 void compile_NurbsTrimmedSurface(struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface *);
2947 struct X3D_Virt virt_NurbsTrimmedSurface = { NULL,(void *)render_NurbsTrimmedSurface,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_NurbsTrimmedSurface,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_NurbsTrimmedSurface,(void *)compile_NurbsTrimmedSurface};
2951 struct X3D_Virt virt_OpacityMapVolumeStyle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2953 struct X3D_Virt virt_OrientationChaser = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2955 struct X3D_Virt virt_OrientationDamper = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2957 struct X3D_Virt virt_OrientationInterpolator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2959 void prep_OrthoViewpoint(struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint *);
2960 struct X3D_Virt virt_OrthoViewpoint = { (void *)prep_OrthoViewpoint,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2962 void render_PackagedShader(struct X3D_PackagedShader *);
2963 void compile_PackagedShader(struct X3D_PackagedShader *);
2964 struct X3D_Virt virt_PackagedShader = { NULL,(void *)render_PackagedShader,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_PackagedShader};
2966 void child_ParticleSystem(struct X3D_ParticleSystem *);
2967 void compile_ParticleSystem(struct X3D_ParticleSystem *);
2968 struct X3D_Virt virt_ParticleSystem = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_ParticleSystem,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_ParticleSystem};
2970 void prep_PickableGroup(struct X3D_PickableGroup *);
2971 void child_PickableGroup(struct X3D_PickableGroup *);
2972 void other_PickableGroup(struct X3D_PickableGroup *);
2973 struct X3D_Virt virt_PickableGroup = { (void *)prep_PickableGroup,NULL,(void *)child_PickableGroup,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)other_PickableGroup,NULL,NULL};
2975 void render_PixelTexture(struct X3D_PixelTexture *);
2976 struct X3D_Virt virt_PixelTexture = { NULL,(void *)render_PixelTexture,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2978 void render_PixelTexture3D(struct X3D_PixelTexture3D *);
2979 struct X3D_Virt virt_PixelTexture3D = { NULL,(void *)render_PixelTexture3D,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2981 struct X3D_Virt virt_PlaneSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2983 struct X3D_Virt virt_PointEmitter = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
2985 void prep_PointLight(struct X3D_PointLight *);
2986 void render_PointLight(struct X3D_PointLight *);
2987 void compile_PointLight(struct X3D_PointLight *);
2988 struct X3D_Virt virt_PointLight = { (void *)prep_PointLight,(void *)render_PointLight,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_PointLight};
2990 void other_PointPickSensor(struct X3D_PointPickSensor *);
2991 struct X3D_Virt virt_PointPickSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)other_PointPickSensor,NULL,NULL};
2993 void render_PointSet(struct X3D_PointSet *);
2994 void compile_PointSet(struct X3D_PointSet *);
2995 struct X3D_Virt virt_PointSet = { NULL,(void *)render_PointSet,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_PointSet};
2997 void render_Polyline2D(struct X3D_Polyline2D *);
2998 void compile_Polyline2D(struct X3D_Polyline2D *);
2999 struct X3D_Virt virt_Polyline2D = { NULL,(void *)render_Polyline2D,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_Polyline2D};
3001 struct X3D_Virt virt_PolylineEmitter = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3003 void render_Polypoint2D(struct X3D_Polypoint2D *);
3004 void compile_Polypoint2D(struct X3D_Polypoint2D *);
3005 struct X3D_Virt virt_Polypoint2D = { NULL,(void *)render_Polypoint2D,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_Polypoint2D};
3007 struct X3D_Virt virt_PositionChaser = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3009 struct X3D_Virt virt_PositionChaser2D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3011 struct X3D_Virt virt_PositionDamper = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3013 struct X3D_Virt virt_PositionDamper2D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3015 struct X3D_Virt virt_PositionInterpolator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3017 struct X3D_Virt virt_PositionInterpolator2D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3019 struct X3D_Virt virt_PrimitivePickSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3021 void render_ProgramShader(struct X3D_ProgramShader *);
3022 void compile_ProgramShader(struct X3D_ProgramShader *);
3023 struct X3D_Virt virt_ProgramShader = { NULL,(void *)render_ProgramShader,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_ProgramShader};
3025 struct X3D_Virt virt_ProjectionVolumeStyle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3027 void prep_Proto(struct X3D_Proto *);
3028 void child_Proto(struct X3D_Proto *);
3029 void compile_Proto(struct X3D_Proto *);
3030 struct X3D_Virt virt_Proto = { (void *)prep_Proto,NULL,(void *)child_Proto,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_Proto};
3032 void proximity_ProximitySensor(struct X3D_ProximitySensor *);
3033 struct X3D_Virt virt_ProximitySensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)proximity_ProximitySensor,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3035 void render_QuadSet(struct X3D_QuadSet *);
3036 struct X3D_Virt virt_QuadSet = { NULL,(void *)render_QuadSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_QuadSet,(void *)make_QuadSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_QuadSet,NULL};
3038 struct X3D_Virt virt_ReceiverPdu = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3040 void render_Rectangle2D(struct X3D_Rectangle2D *);
3041 void collide_Rectangle2D(struct X3D_Rectangle2D *);
3042 void compile_Rectangle2D(struct X3D_Rectangle2D *);
3043 struct X3D_Virt virt_Rectangle2D = { NULL,(void *)render_Rectangle2D,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_Rectangle2D,(void *)compile_Rectangle2D};
3045 struct X3D_Virt virt_RigidBody = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3047 struct X3D_Virt virt_RigidBodyCollection = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3049 struct X3D_Virt virt_ScalarChaser = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3051 struct X3D_Virt virt_ScalarDamper = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3053 struct X3D_Virt virt_ScalarInterpolator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3055 struct X3D_Virt virt_ScreenFontStyle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3057 void prep_ScreenGroup(struct X3D_ScreenGroup *);
3058 void child_ScreenGroup(struct X3D_ScreenGroup *);
3059 void fin_ScreenGroup(struct X3D_ScreenGroup *);
3060 struct X3D_Virt virt_ScreenGroup = { (void *)prep_ScreenGroup,NULL,(void *)child_ScreenGroup,(void *)fin_ScreenGroup,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3062 struct X3D_Virt virt_Script = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3064 void child_SegmentedVolumeData(struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData *);
3065 void compile_SegmentedVolumeData(struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData *);
3066 struct X3D_Virt virt_SegmentedVolumeData = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_SegmentedVolumeData,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_SegmentedVolumeData};
3068 struct X3D_Virt virt_ShadedVolumeStyle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3070 struct X3D_Virt virt_ShaderPart = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3072 struct X3D_Virt virt_ShaderProgram = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3074 void child_Shape(struct X3D_Shape *);
3075 void compile_Shape(struct X3D_Shape *);
3076 struct X3D_Virt virt_Shape = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_Shape,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_Shape};
3078 struct X3D_Virt virt_SignalPdu = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3080 struct X3D_Virt virt_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3082 struct X3D_Virt virt_SingleAxisHingeJoint = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3084 struct X3D_Virt virt_SliderJoint = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3086 void render_Sound(struct X3D_Sound *);
3087 struct X3D_Virt virt_Sound = { NULL,(void *)render_Sound,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3089 void render_Sphere(struct X3D_Sphere *);
3090 void rendray_Sphere(struct X3D_Sphere *);
3091 void other_Sphere(struct X3D_Sphere *);
3092 void collide_Sphere(struct X3D_Sphere *);
3093 void compile_Sphere(struct X3D_Sphere *);
3094 struct X3D_Virt virt_Sphere = { NULL,(void *)render_Sphere,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_Sphere,NULL,NULL,(void *)other_Sphere,(void *)collide_Sphere,(void *)compile_Sphere};
3096 struct X3D_Virt virt_SphereSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3098 struct X3D_Virt virt_SplinePositionInterpolator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3100 struct X3D_Virt virt_SplinePositionInterpolator2D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3102 struct X3D_Virt virt_SplineScalarInterpolator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3104 void prep_SpotLight(struct X3D_SpotLight *);
3105 void render_SpotLight(struct X3D_SpotLight *);
3106 void compile_SpotLight(struct X3D_SpotLight *);
3107 struct X3D_Virt virt_SpotLight = { (void *)prep_SpotLight,(void *)render_SpotLight,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_SpotLight};
3109 struct X3D_Virt virt_SquadOrientationInterpolator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3111 void child_StaticGroup(struct X3D_StaticGroup *);
3112 struct X3D_Virt virt_StaticGroup = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_StaticGroup,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3114 struct X3D_Virt virt_StringSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3116 struct X3D_Virt virt_SurfaceEmitter = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3118 void child_Switch(struct X3D_Switch *);
3119 struct X3D_Virt virt_Switch = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_Switch,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3121 void render_Teapot(struct X3D_Teapot *);
3122 void rendray_Teapot(struct X3D_Teapot *);
3123 void collide_Teapot(struct X3D_Teapot *);
3124 void compile_Teapot(struct X3D_Teapot *);
3125 struct X3D_Virt virt_Teapot = { NULL,(void *)render_Teapot,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_Teapot,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_Teapot,(void *)compile_Teapot};
3127 struct X3D_Virt virt_TexCoordChaser2D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3129 struct X3D_Virt virt_TexCoordDamper2D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3131 void render_Text(struct X3D_Text *);
3132 void make_Text(struct X3D_Text *);
3133 void collide_Text(struct X3D_Text *);
3134 struct X3D_Virt virt_Text = { NULL,(void *)render_Text,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_Text,(void *)make_Text,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_Text,NULL};
3136 void render_TextureBackground(struct X3D_TextureBackground *);
3137 struct X3D_Virt virt_TextureBackground = { NULL,(void *)render_TextureBackground,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3139 struct X3D_Virt virt_TextureCoordinate = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3141 struct X3D_Virt virt_TextureCoordinate3D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3143 struct X3D_Virt virt_TextureCoordinate4D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3145 struct X3D_Virt virt_TextureCoordinateGenerator = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3147 struct X3D_Virt virt_TextureProperties = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3149 struct X3D_Virt virt_TextureTransform = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3151 struct X3D_Virt virt_TextureTransform3D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3153 struct X3D_Virt virt_TextureTransformMatrix3D = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3155 struct X3D_Virt virt_TimeSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3157 struct X3D_Virt virt_TimeTrigger = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3159 struct X3D_Virt virt_ToneMappedVolumeStyle = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3161 struct X3D_Virt virt_TouchSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3163 struct X3D_Virt virt_TrackingSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3165 void prep_Transform(struct X3D_Transform *);
3166 void child_Transform(struct X3D_Transform *);
3167 void fin_Transform(struct X3D_Transform *);
3168 void compile_Transform(struct X3D_Transform *);
3169 struct X3D_Virt virt_Transform = { (void *)prep_Transform,NULL,(void *)child_Transform,(void *)fin_Transform,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_Transform};
3171 struct X3D_Virt virt_TransformSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3173 struct X3D_Virt virt_TransmitterPdu = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3175 void render_TriangleFanSet(struct X3D_TriangleFanSet *);
3176 struct X3D_Virt virt_TriangleFanSet = { NULL,(void *)render_TriangleFanSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_TriangleFanSet,(void *)make_TriangleFanSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_TriangleFanSet,NULL};
3178 void render_TriangleSet(struct X3D_TriangleSet *);
3179 struct X3D_Virt virt_TriangleSet = { NULL,(void *)render_TriangleSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_TriangleSet,(void *)make_TriangleSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_TriangleSet,NULL};
3181 void render_TriangleSet2D(struct X3D_TriangleSet2D *);
3182 void collide_TriangleSet2D(struct X3D_TriangleSet2D *);
3183 void compile_TriangleSet2D(struct X3D_TriangleSet2D *);
3184 struct X3D_Virt virt_TriangleSet2D = { NULL,(void *)render_TriangleSet2D,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_TriangleSet2D,(void *)compile_TriangleSet2D};
3186 void render_TriangleStripSet(struct X3D_TriangleStripSet *);
3187 struct X3D_Virt virt_TriangleStripSet = { NULL,(void *)render_TriangleStripSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)rendray_TriangleStripSet,(void *)make_TriangleStripSet,NULL,NULL,(void *)collide_TriangleStripSet,NULL};
3189 void render_TwoSidedMaterial(struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial *);
3190 void compile_TwoSidedMaterial(struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial *);
3191 struct X3D_Virt virt_TwoSidedMaterial = { NULL,(void *)render_TwoSidedMaterial,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_TwoSidedMaterial};
3193 struct X3D_Virt virt_UniversalJoint = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3195 void prep_Viewpoint(struct X3D_Viewpoint *);
3196 struct X3D_Virt virt_Viewpoint = { (void *)prep_Viewpoint,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3198 void child_ViewpointGroup(struct X3D_ViewpointGroup *);
3199 void compile_ViewpointGroup(struct X3D_ViewpointGroup *);
3200 struct X3D_Virt virt_ViewpointGroup = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_ViewpointGroup,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_ViewpointGroup};
3202 void prep_Viewport(struct X3D_Viewport *);
3203 void child_Viewport(struct X3D_Viewport *);
3204 void fin_Viewport(struct X3D_Viewport *);
3205 struct X3D_Virt virt_Viewport = { (void *)prep_Viewport,NULL,(void *)child_Viewport,(void *)fin_Viewport,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3207 void other_VisibilitySensor(struct X3D_VisibilitySensor *);
3208 struct X3D_Virt virt_VisibilitySensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)other_VisibilitySensor,NULL,NULL};
3210 void child_VolumeData(struct X3D_VolumeData *);
3211 void compile_VolumeData(struct X3D_VolumeData *);
3212 struct X3D_Virt virt_VolumeData = { NULL,NULL,(void *)child_VolumeData,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(void *)compile_VolumeData};
3214 struct X3D_Virt virt_VolumeEmitter = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3216 struct X3D_Virt virt_VolumePickSensor = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3218 struct X3D_Virt virt_WindPhysicsModel = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3220 struct X3D_Virt virt_WorldInfo = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
3222 /* table containing pointers to every virtual struct for each node type */
3223 struct X3D_Virt* virtTable[] = {
3224  &virt_Anchor,
3225  &virt_Appearance,
3226  &virt_Arc2D,
3227  &virt_ArcClose2D,
3228  &virt_AudioClip,
3229  &virt_BackdropBackground,
3230  &virt_Background,
3231  &virt_BallJoint,
3232  &virt_Billboard,
3233  &virt_BlendedVolumeStyle,
3234  &virt_BooleanFilter,
3235  &virt_BooleanSequencer,
3236  &virt_BooleanToggle,
3237  &virt_BooleanTrigger,
3238  &virt_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle,
3239  &virt_BoundedPhysicsModel,
3240  &virt_Box,
3241  &virt_CADAssembly,
3242  &virt_CADFace,
3243  &virt_CADLayer,
3244  &virt_CADPart,
3245  &virt_CalibratedCameraSensor,
3246  &virt_CartoonVolumeStyle,
3247  &virt_Circle2D,
3248  &virt_ClipPlane,
3249  &virt_CollidableOffset,
3250  &virt_CollidableShape,
3251  &virt_Collision,
3252  &virt_CollisionCollection,
3253  &virt_CollisionSensor,
3254  &virt_CollisionSpace,
3255  &virt_Color,
3256  &virt_ColorChaser,
3257  &virt_ColorDamper,
3258  &virt_ColorInterpolator,
3259  &virt_ColorRGBA,
3260  &virt_ComposedCubeMapTexture,
3261  &virt_ComposedShader,
3262  &virt_ComposedTexture3D,
3263  &virt_ComposedVolumeStyle,
3264  &virt_CompositeVolumeStyle,
3265  &virt_Cone,
3266  &virt_ConeEmitter,
3267  &virt_Contact,
3268  &virt_Contour2D,
3269  &virt_ContourPolyline2D,
3270  &virt_Coordinate,
3271  &virt_CoordinateChaser,
3272  &virt_CoordinateDamper,
3273  &virt_CoordinateDouble,
3274  &virt_CoordinateInterpolator,
3275  &virt_CoordinateInterpolator2D,
3276  &virt_Cylinder,
3277  &virt_CylinderSensor,
3278  &virt_DISEntityManager,
3279  &virt_DISEntityTypeMapping,
3280  &virt_DirectionalLight,
3281  &virt_Disk2D,
3282  &virt_DoubleAxisHingeJoint,
3283  &virt_EaseInEaseOut,
3284  &virt_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle,
3285  &virt_Effect,
3286  &virt_EffectPart,
3287  &virt_ElevationGrid,
3288  &virt_EspduTransform,
3289  &virt_ExplosionEmitter,
3290  &virt_Extrusion,
3291  &virt_FillProperties,
3292  &virt_FloatVertexAttribute,
3293  &virt_Fog,
3294  &virt_FogCoordinate,
3295  &virt_FontStyle,
3296  &virt_ForcePhysicsModel,
3297  &virt_GeneratedCubeMapTexture,
3298  &virt_GeoCoordinate,
3299  &virt_GeoElevationGrid,
3300  &virt_GeoLOD,
3301  &virt_GeoLocation,
3302  &virt_GeoMetadata,
3303  &virt_GeoOrigin,
3304  &virt_GeoPositionInterpolator,
3305  &virt_GeoProximitySensor,
3306  &virt_GeoTouchSensor,
3307  &virt_GeoTransform,
3308  &virt_GeoViewpoint,
3309  &virt_Group,
3310  &virt_HAnimDisplacer,
3311  &virt_HAnimHumanoid,
3312  &virt_HAnimJoint,
3313  &virt_HAnimSegment,
3314  &virt_HAnimSite,
3315  &virt_ImageBackdropBackground,
3316  &virt_ImageCubeMapTexture,
3317  &virt_ImageTexture,
3318  &virt_ImageTexture3D,
3319  &virt_IndexedFaceSet,
3320  &virt_IndexedLineSet,
3321  &virt_IndexedQuadSet,
3322  &virt_IndexedTriangleFanSet,
3323  &virt_IndexedTriangleSet,
3324  &virt_IndexedTriangleStripSet,
3325  &virt_Inline,
3326  &virt_IntegerSequencer,
3327  &virt_IntegerTrigger,
3328  &virt_IsoSurfaceVolumeData,
3329  &virt_KeySensor,
3330  &virt_LOD,
3331  &virt_Layer,
3332  &virt_LayerSet,
3333  &virt_Layout,
3334  &virt_LayoutGroup,
3335  &virt_LayoutLayer,
3336  &virt_LinePickSensor,
3337  &virt_LineProperties,
3338  &virt_LineSensor,
3339  &virt_LineSet,
3340  &virt_LoadSensor,
3341  &virt_LocalFog,
3342  &virt_Material,
3343  &virt_Matrix3VertexAttribute,
3344  &virt_Matrix4VertexAttribute,
3345  &virt_MetadataBoolean,
3346  &virt_MetadataDouble,
3347  &virt_MetadataFloat,
3348  &virt_MetadataInteger,
3349  &virt_MetadataMFBool,
3350  &virt_MetadataMFColor,
3351  &virt_MetadataMFColorRGBA,
3352  &virt_MetadataMFDouble,
3353  &virt_MetadataMFFloat,
3354  &virt_MetadataMFInt32,
3355  &virt_MetadataMFMatrix3d,
3356  &virt_MetadataMFMatrix3f,
3357  &virt_MetadataMFMatrix4d,
3358  &virt_MetadataMFMatrix4f,
3359  &virt_MetadataMFNode,
3360  &virt_MetadataMFRotation,
3361  &virt_MetadataMFString,
3362  &virt_MetadataMFTime,
3363  &virt_MetadataMFVec2d,
3364  &virt_MetadataMFVec2f,
3365  &virt_MetadataMFVec3d,
3366  &virt_MetadataMFVec3f,
3367  &virt_MetadataMFVec4d,
3368  &virt_MetadataMFVec4f,
3369  &virt_MetadataSFBool,
3370  &virt_MetadataSFColor,
3371  &virt_MetadataSFColorRGBA,
3372  &virt_MetadataSFDouble,
3373  &virt_MetadataSFFloat,
3374  &virt_MetadataSFImage,
3375  &virt_MetadataSFInt32,
3376  &virt_MetadataSFMatrix3d,
3377  &virt_MetadataSFMatrix3f,
3378  &virt_MetadataSFMatrix4d,
3379  &virt_MetadataSFMatrix4f,
3380  &virt_MetadataSFNode,
3381  &virt_MetadataSFRotation,
3382  &virt_MetadataSFString,
3383  &virt_MetadataSFTime,
3384  &virt_MetadataSFVec2d,
3385  &virt_MetadataSFVec2f,
3386  &virt_MetadataSFVec3d,
3387  &virt_MetadataSFVec3f,
3388  &virt_MetadataSFVec4d,
3389  &virt_MetadataSFVec4f,
3390  &virt_MetadataSet,
3391  &virt_MetadataString,
3392  &virt_MotorJoint,
3393  &virt_MovieTexture,
3394  &virt_MultiTexture,
3395  &virt_MultiTextureCoordinate,
3396  &virt_MultiTextureTransform,
3397  &virt_NavigationInfo,
3398  &virt_Normal,
3399  &virt_NormalInterpolator,
3400  &virt_NurbsCurve,
3401  &virt_NurbsCurve2D,
3402  &virt_NurbsOrientationInterpolator,
3403  &virt_NurbsPatchSurface,
3404  &virt_NurbsPositionInterpolator,
3405  &virt_NurbsSet,
3406  &virt_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator,
3407  &virt_NurbsSweptSurface,
3408  &virt_NurbsSwungSurface,
3409  &virt_NurbsTextureCoordinate,
3410  &virt_NurbsTrimmedSurface,
3411  &virt_OSC_Sensor,
3412  &virt_OpacityMapVolumeStyle,
3413  &virt_OrientationChaser,
3414  &virt_OrientationDamper,
3415  &virt_OrientationInterpolator,
3416  &virt_OrthoViewpoint,
3417  &virt_PackagedShader,
3418  &virt_ParticleSystem,
3419  &virt_PickableGroup,
3420  &virt_PixelTexture,
3421  &virt_PixelTexture3D,
3422  &virt_PlaneSensor,
3423  &virt_PointEmitter,
3424  &virt_PointLight,
3425  &virt_PointPickSensor,
3426  &virt_PointSet,
3427  &virt_Polyline2D,
3428  &virt_PolylineEmitter,
3429  &virt_Polypoint2D,
3430  &virt_PositionChaser,
3431  &virt_PositionChaser2D,
3432  &virt_PositionDamper,
3433  &virt_PositionDamper2D,
3434  &virt_PositionInterpolator,
3435  &virt_PositionInterpolator2D,
3436  &virt_PrimitivePickSensor,
3437  &virt_ProgramShader,
3438  &virt_ProjectionVolumeStyle,
3439  &virt_Proto,
3440  &virt_ProximitySensor,
3441  &virt_QuadSet,
3442  &virt_ReceiverPdu,
3443  &virt_Rectangle2D,
3444  &virt_RigidBody,
3445  &virt_RigidBodyCollection,
3446  &virt_ScalarChaser,
3447  &virt_ScalarDamper,
3448  &virt_ScalarInterpolator,
3449  &virt_ScreenFontStyle,
3450  &virt_ScreenGroup,
3451  &virt_Script,
3452  &virt_SegmentedVolumeData,
3453  &virt_ShadedVolumeStyle,
3454  &virt_ShaderPart,
3455  &virt_ShaderProgram,
3456  &virt_Shape,
3457  &virt_SignalPdu,
3458  &virt_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle,
3459  &virt_SingleAxisHingeJoint,
3460  &virt_SliderJoint,
3461  &virt_Sound,
3462  &virt_Sphere,
3463  &virt_SphereSensor,
3464  &virt_SplinePositionInterpolator,
3465  &virt_SplinePositionInterpolator2D,
3466  &virt_SplineScalarInterpolator,
3467  &virt_SpotLight,
3468  &virt_SquadOrientationInterpolator,
3469  &virt_StaticGroup,
3470  &virt_StringSensor,
3471  &virt_SurfaceEmitter,
3472  &virt_Switch,
3473  &virt_Teapot,
3474  &virt_TexCoordChaser2D,
3475  &virt_TexCoordDamper2D,
3476  &virt_Text,
3477  &virt_TextureBackground,
3478  &virt_TextureCoordinate,
3479  &virt_TextureCoordinate3D,
3480  &virt_TextureCoordinate4D,
3481  &virt_TextureCoordinateGenerator,
3482  &virt_TextureProperties,
3483  &virt_TextureTransform,
3484  &virt_TextureTransform3D,
3485  &virt_TextureTransformMatrix3D,
3486  &virt_TimeSensor,
3487  &virt_TimeTrigger,
3488  &virt_ToneMappedVolumeStyle,
3489  &virt_TouchSensor,
3490  &virt_TrackingSensor,
3491  &virt_Transform,
3492  &virt_TransformSensor,
3493  &virt_TransmitterPdu,
3494  &virt_TriangleFanSet,
3495  &virt_TriangleSet,
3496  &virt_TriangleSet2D,
3497  &virt_TriangleStripSet,
3498  &virt_TwoSidedMaterial,
3499  &virt_UniversalJoint,
3500  &virt_Viewpoint,
3501  &virt_ViewpointGroup,
3502  &virt_Viewport,
3503  &virt_VisibilitySensor,
3504  &virt_VolumeData,
3505  &virt_VolumeEmitter,
3506  &virt_VolumePickSensor,
3507  &virt_WindPhysicsModel,
3508  &virt_WorldInfo,
3509  NULL};
3512 const int OFFSETS_Anchor[] = {
3513  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Anchor, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3514  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Anchor, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3515  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Anchor, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3516  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Anchor, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3517  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Anchor, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3518  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Anchor, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3519  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Anchor, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3520  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Anchor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3521  (int) FIELDNAMES_parameter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Anchor, parameter), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3522  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Anchor, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3523  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Anchor, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3524  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3526 const int OFFSETS_Appearance[] = {
3527  (int) FIELDNAMES_effects, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Appearance, effects), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3528  (int) FIELDNAMES_fillProperties, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Appearance, fillProperties), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3529  (int) FIELDNAMES_lineProperties, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Appearance, lineProperties), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3530  (int) FIELDNAMES_material, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Appearance, material), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3531  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Appearance, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3532  (int) FIELDNAMES_shaders, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Appearance, shaders), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3533  (int) FIELDNAMES_texture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Appearance, texture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3534  (int) FIELDNAMES_textureTransform, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Appearance, textureTransform), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3535  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3537 const int OFFSETS_Arc2D[] = {
3538  (int) FIELDNAMES___numPoints, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Arc2D, __numPoints), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3539  (int) FIELDNAMES___points, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Arc2D, __points), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3540  (int) FIELDNAMES_endAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Arc2D, endAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3541  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Arc2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3542  (int) FIELDNAMES_radius, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Arc2D, radius), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3543  (int) FIELDNAMES_startAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Arc2D, startAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3544  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3546 const int OFFSETS_ArcClose2D[] = {
3547  (int) FIELDNAMES___numPoints, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ArcClose2D, __numPoints), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3548  (int) FIELDNAMES___points, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ArcClose2D, __points), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3549  (int) FIELDNAMES_closureType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ArcClose2D, closureType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3550  (int) FIELDNAMES_endAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ArcClose2D, endAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3551  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ArcClose2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3552  (int) FIELDNAMES_radius, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ArcClose2D, radius), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3553  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ArcClose2D, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3554  (int) FIELDNAMES_startAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ArcClose2D, startAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3555  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3557 const int OFFSETS_AudioClip[] = {
3558  (int) FIELDNAMES___inittime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, __inittime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3559  (int) FIELDNAMES___lasttime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, __lasttime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3560  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, __loadResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3561  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadstatus, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, __loadstatus), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3562  (int) FIELDNAMES___sourceNumber, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, __sourceNumber), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3563  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3564  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3565  (int) FIELDNAMES_duration_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, duration_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3566  (int) FIELDNAMES_elapsedTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, elapsedTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3567  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3568  (int) FIELDNAMES_isPaused, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, isPaused), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3569  (int) FIELDNAMES_loop, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, loop), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3570  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3571  (int) FIELDNAMES_pauseTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, pauseTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3572  (int) FIELDNAMES_pitch, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, pitch), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3573  (int) FIELDNAMES_resumeTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, resumeTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3574  (int) FIELDNAMES_startTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, startTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3575  (int) FIELDNAMES_stopTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, stopTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3576  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_AudioClip, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3577  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3579 const int OFFSETS_BackdropBackground[] = {
3580  (int) FIELDNAMES___VBO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BackdropBackground, __VBO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3581  (int) FIELDNAMES___texture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BackdropBackground, __texture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
3582  (int) FIELDNAMES_bindTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BackdropBackground, bindTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3583  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BackdropBackground, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3584  (int) FIELDNAMES_isBound, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BackdropBackground, isBound), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3585  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BackdropBackground, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3586  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_bind, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BackdropBackground, set_bind), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3587  (int) FIELDNAMES_transparency, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BackdropBackground, transparency), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3588  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BackdropBackground, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3589  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3591 const int OFFSETS_Background[] = {
3592  (int) FIELDNAMES___VBO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, __VBO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3593  (int) FIELDNAMES___backTexture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, __backTexture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
3594  (int) FIELDNAMES___bottomTexture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, __bottomTexture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
3595  (int) FIELDNAMES___colours, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, __colours), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColor, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3596  (int) FIELDNAMES___frontTexture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, __frontTexture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
3597  (int) FIELDNAMES___leftTexture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, __leftTexture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
3598  (int) FIELDNAMES___points, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, __points), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3599  (int) FIELDNAMES___quadcount, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, __quadcount), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3600  (int) FIELDNAMES___rightTexture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, __rightTexture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
3601  (int) FIELDNAMES___textureright, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, __textureright), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
3602  (int) FIELDNAMES___topTexture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, __topTexture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
3603  (int) FIELDNAMES__layerId, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, _layerId), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3604  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3605  (int) FIELDNAMES_backUrl, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, backUrl), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3606  (int) FIELDNAMES_bindTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, bindTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3607  (int) FIELDNAMES_bottomUrl, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, bottomUrl), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3608  (int) FIELDNAMES_frontUrl, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, frontUrl), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3609  (int) FIELDNAMES_groundAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, groundAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3610  (int) FIELDNAMES_groundColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, groundColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3611  (int) FIELDNAMES_isBound, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, isBound), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3612  (int) FIELDNAMES_leftUrl, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, leftUrl), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3613  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3614  (int) FIELDNAMES_rightUrl, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, rightUrl), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3615  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_bind, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, set_bind), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3616  (int) FIELDNAMES_skyAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, skyAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3617  (int) FIELDNAMES_skyColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, skyColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3618  (int) FIELDNAMES_topUrl, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, topUrl), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3619  (int) FIELDNAMES_transparency, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Background, transparency), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3620  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3622 const int OFFSETS_BallJoint[] = {
3623  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_anchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BallJoint, __old_anchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3624  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_body1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BallJoint, __old_body1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3625  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_body2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BallJoint, __old_body2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3626  (int) FIELDNAMES__forceout, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BallJoint, _forceout), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3627  (int) FIELDNAMES__joint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BallJoint, _joint), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3628  (int) FIELDNAMES_anchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BallJoint, anchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3629  (int) FIELDNAMES_body1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BallJoint, body1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3630  (int) FIELDNAMES_body1AnchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BallJoint, body1AnchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3631  (int) FIELDNAMES_body2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BallJoint, body2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3632  (int) FIELDNAMES_body2AnchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BallJoint, body2AnchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3633  (int) FIELDNAMES_forceOutput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BallJoint, forceOutput), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3634  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BallJoint, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3635  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3637 const int OFFSETS_Billboard[] = {
3638  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Billboard, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3639  (int) FIELDNAMES__rotationAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Billboard, _rotationAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3640  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Billboard, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3641  (int) FIELDNAMES_axisOfRotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Billboard, axisOfRotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3642  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Billboard, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3643  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Billboard, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3644  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Billboard, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3645  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Billboard, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3646  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Billboard, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3647  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3649 const int OFFSETS_BlendedVolumeStyle[] = {
3650  (int) FIELDNAMES__fbohandles, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, _fbohandles), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3651  (int) FIELDNAMES__weightFunction1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, _weightFunction1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3652  (int) FIELDNAMES__weightFunction2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, _weightFunction2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3653  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3654  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3655  (int) FIELDNAMES_renderStyle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, renderStyle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3656  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceNormals, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, surfaceNormals), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3657  (int) FIELDNAMES_voxels, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, voxels), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3658  (int) FIELDNAMES_weightConstant1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, weightConstant1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3659  (int) FIELDNAMES_weightConstant2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, weightConstant2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3660  (int) FIELDNAMES_weightFunction1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, weightFunction1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3661  (int) FIELDNAMES_weightFunction2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, weightFunction2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3662  (int) FIELDNAMES_weightTransferFunction1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, weightTransferFunction1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3663  (int) FIELDNAMES_weightTransferFunction2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle, weightTransferFunction2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3664  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3666 const int OFFSETS_BooleanFilter[] = {
3667  (int) FIELDNAMES_inputFalse, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanFilter, inputFalse), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3668  (int) FIELDNAMES_inputNegate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanFilter, inputNegate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3669  (int) FIELDNAMES_inputTrue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanFilter, inputTrue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3670  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanFilter, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3671  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_boolean, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanFilter, set_boolean), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3672  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3674 const int OFFSETS_BooleanSequencer[] = {
3675  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanSequencer, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3676  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanSequencer, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3677  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanSequencer, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3678  (int) FIELDNAMES_next, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanSequencer, next), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3679  (int) FIELDNAMES_previous, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanSequencer, previous), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3680  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanSequencer, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3681  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanSequencer, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3682  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3684 const int OFFSETS_BooleanToggle[] = {
3685  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanToggle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3686  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_boolean, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanToggle, set_boolean), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3687  (int) FIELDNAMES_toggle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanToggle, toggle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3688  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3690 const int OFFSETS_BooleanTrigger[] = {
3691  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanTrigger, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3692  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_triggerTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanTrigger, set_triggerTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3693  (int) FIELDNAMES_triggerTrue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BooleanTrigger, triggerTrue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3694  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3696 const int OFFSETS_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle[] = {
3697  (int) FIELDNAMES_boundaryOpacity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle, boundaryOpacity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3698  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3699  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3700  (int) FIELDNAMES_opacityFactor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle, opacityFactor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3701  (int) FIELDNAMES_retainedOpacity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle, retainedOpacity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3702  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3704 const int OFFSETS_BoundedPhysicsModel[] = {
3705  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BoundedPhysicsModel, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3706  (int) FIELDNAMES_geometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BoundedPhysicsModel, geometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3707  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_BoundedPhysicsModel, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3708  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3710 const int OFFSETS_Box[] = {
3711  (int) FIELDNAMES___points, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Box, __points), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3712  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Box, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3713  (int) FIELDNAMES_size, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Box, size), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3714  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Box, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3715  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3717 const int OFFSETS_CADAssembly[] = {
3718  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADAssembly, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3719  (int) FIELDNAMES__sortedChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADAssembly, _sortedChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
3720  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADAssembly, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3721  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADAssembly, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3722  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADAssembly, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3723  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADAssembly, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3724  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADAssembly, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3725  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADAssembly, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3726  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADAssembly, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3727  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3729 const int OFFSETS_CADFace[] = {
3730  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADFace, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3731  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADFace, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3732  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADFace, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3733  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADFace, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3734  (int) FIELDNAMES_shape, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADFace, shape), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3735  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3737 const int OFFSETS_CADLayer[] = {
3738  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADLayer, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3739  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADLayer, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3740  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADLayer, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3741  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADLayer, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3742  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADLayer, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3743  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADLayer, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3744  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADLayer, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3745  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADLayer, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3746  (int) FIELDNAMES_visible, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADLayer, visible), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3747  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3749 const int OFFSETS_CADPart[] = {
3750  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_anything, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, __do_anything), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3751  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, __do_center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3752  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, __do_rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3753  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, __do_scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3754  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_scaleO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, __do_scaleO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3755  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_trans, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, __do_trans), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3756  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3757  (int) FIELDNAMES__sortedChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, _sortedChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
3758  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3759  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3760  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3761  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3762  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3763  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3764  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3765  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3766  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3767  (int) FIELDNAMES_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3768  (int) FIELDNAMES_scaleOrientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, scaleOrientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3769  (int) FIELDNAMES_translation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CADPart, translation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3770  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3772 const int OFFSETS_CalibratedCameraSensor[] = {
3773  (int) FIELDNAMES_aspectRatio, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor, aspectRatio), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3774  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3775  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3776  (int) FIELDNAMES_fieldOfView, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor, fieldOfView), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3777  (int) FIELDNAMES_focalPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor, focalPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3778  (int) FIELDNAMES_fovMode, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor, fovMode), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3779  (int) FIELDNAMES_image, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor, image), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFImage, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3780  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3781  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3782  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3784 const int OFFSETS_CartoonVolumeStyle[] = {
3785  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorSteps, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CartoonVolumeStyle, colorSteps), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3786  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CartoonVolumeStyle, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3787  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CartoonVolumeStyle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3788  (int) FIELDNAMES_orthogonalColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CartoonVolumeStyle, orthogonalColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColorRGBA, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3789  (int) FIELDNAMES_parallelColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CartoonVolumeStyle, parallelColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColorRGBA, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3790  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceNormals, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CartoonVolumeStyle, surfaceNormals), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3791  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3793 const int OFFSETS_Circle2D[] = {
3794  (int) FIELDNAMES___numPoints, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Circle2D, __numPoints), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3795  (int) FIELDNAMES___points, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Circle2D, __points), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3796  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Circle2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3797  (int) FIELDNAMES_radius, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Circle2D, radius), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3798  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3800 const int OFFSETS_ClipPlane[] = {
3801  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ClipPlane, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3802  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ClipPlane, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3803  (int) FIELDNAMES_plane, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ClipPlane, plane), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3804  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3806 const int OFFSETS_CollidableOffset[] = {
3807  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, __do_rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3808  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_trans, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, __do_trans), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3809  (int) FIELDNAMES__csensor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, _csensor), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3810  (int) FIELDNAMES__geom, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, _geom), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3811  (int) FIELDNAMES__initialRotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, _initialRotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3812  (int) FIELDNAMES__initialTranslation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, _initialTranslation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3813  (int) FIELDNAMES__initialized, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, _initialized), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3814  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3815  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3816  (int) FIELDNAMES_collidable, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, collidable), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3817  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3818  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3819  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3820  (int) FIELDNAMES_translation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset, translation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3821  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3823 const int OFFSETS_CollidableShape[] = {
3824  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, __do_rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3825  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_trans, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, __do_trans), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3826  (int) FIELDNAMES__csensor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, _csensor), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3827  (int) FIELDNAMES__geom, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, _geom), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3828  (int) FIELDNAMES__initialRotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, _initialRotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3829  (int) FIELDNAMES__initialTranslation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, _initialTranslation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3830  (int) FIELDNAMES__initialized, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, _initialized), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3831  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3832  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3833  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3834  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3835  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3836  (int) FIELDNAMES_shape, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, shape), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3837  (int) FIELDNAMES_translation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollidableShape, translation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3838  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3840 const int OFFSETS_Collision[] = {
3841  (int) FIELDNAMES___hit, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Collision, __hit), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
3842  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Collision, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3843  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Collision, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3844  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Collision, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3845  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Collision, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3846  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Collision, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3847  (int) FIELDNAMES_collide, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Collision, collide), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3848  (int) FIELDNAMES_collideTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Collision, collideTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3849  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Collision, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3850  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Collision, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3851  (int) FIELDNAMES_proxy, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Collision, proxy), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3852  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Collision, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3853  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3855 const int OFFSETS_CollisionCollection[] = {
3856  (int) FIELDNAMES__appliedParametersMask, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, _appliedParametersMask), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3857  (int) FIELDNAMES__class, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, _class), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3858  (int) FIELDNAMES__csensor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, _csensor), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3859  (int) FIELDNAMES_appliedParameters, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, appliedParameters), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3860  (int) FIELDNAMES_bounce, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, bounce), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3861  (int) FIELDNAMES_collidables, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, collidables), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3862  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3863  (int) FIELDNAMES_frictionCoefficients, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, frictionCoefficients), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3864  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3865  (int) FIELDNAMES_minBounceSpeed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, minBounceSpeed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3866  (int) FIELDNAMES_slipFactors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, slipFactors), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3867  (int) FIELDNAMES_softnessConstantForceMix, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, softnessConstantForceMix), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3868  (int) FIELDNAMES_softnessErrorCorrection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, softnessErrorCorrection), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3869  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceSpeed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection, surfaceSpeed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3870  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3872 const int OFFSETS_CollisionSensor[] = {
3873  (int) FIELDNAMES_collider, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionSensor, collider), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3874  (int) FIELDNAMES_contacts, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionSensor, contacts), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3875  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3876  (int) FIELDNAMES_intersections, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionSensor, intersections), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3877  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3878  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3879  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3881 const int OFFSETS_CollisionSpace[] = {
3882  (int) FIELDNAMES__space, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionSpace, _space), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3883  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionSpace, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3884  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionSpace, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3885  (int) FIELDNAMES_collidables, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionSpace, collidables), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3886  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionSpace, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3887  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionSpace, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3888  (int) FIELDNAMES_useGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CollisionSpace, useGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3889  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3891 const int OFFSETS_Color[] = {
3892  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Color, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3893  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Color, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3894  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3896 const int OFFSETS_ColorChaser[] = {
3897  (int) FIELDNAMES__buffer, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, _buffer), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3898  (int) FIELDNAMES__bufferendtime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, _bufferendtime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3899  (int) FIELDNAMES__destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, _destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3900  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3901  (int) FIELDNAMES__previousvalue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, _previousvalue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3902  (int) FIELDNAMES__steptime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, _steptime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3903  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3904  (int) FIELDNAMES_duration, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, duration), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3905  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3906  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3907  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3908  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3909  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3910  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3911  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorChaser, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3912  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3914 const int OFFSETS_ColorDamper[] = {
3915  (int) FIELDNAMES__input, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, _input), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3916  (int) FIELDNAMES__lasttick, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, _lasttick), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3917  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3918  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3919  (int) FIELDNAMES__takefirstinput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, _takefirstinput), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3920  (int) FIELDNAMES__tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, _tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3921  (int) FIELDNAMES__values, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, _values), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3922  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3923  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3924  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3925  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3926  (int) FIELDNAMES_order, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, order), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3927  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3928  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3929  (int) FIELDNAMES_tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3930  (int) FIELDNAMES_tolerance, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, tolerance), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3931  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorDamper, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3932  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3934 const int OFFSETS_ColorInterpolator[] = {
3935  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorInterpolator, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3936  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorInterpolator, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3937  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorInterpolator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3938  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorInterpolator, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3939  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorInterpolator, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3940  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3942 const int OFFSETS_ColorRGBA[] = {
3943  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorRGBA, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColorRGBA, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3944  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ColorRGBA, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3945  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3947 const int OFFSETS_ComposedCubeMapTexture[] = {
3948  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3949  (int) FIELDNAMES_back, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture, back), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3950  (int) FIELDNAMES_bottom, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture, bottom), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3951  (int) FIELDNAMES_front, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture, front), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3952  (int) FIELDNAMES_left, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture, left), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3953  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3954  (int) FIELDNAMES_right, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture, right), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3955  (int) FIELDNAMES_top, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture, top), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3956  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3958 const int OFFSETS_ComposedShader[] = {
3959  (int) FIELDNAMES__initialized, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedShader, _initialized), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3960  (int) FIELDNAMES__retrievedURLData, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedShader, _retrievedURLData), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3961  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderLoadThread, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedShader, _shaderLoadThread), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLThread, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3962  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderUserDefinedFields, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedShader, _shaderUserDefinedFields), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3963  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderUserNumber, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedShader, _shaderUserNumber), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3964  (int) FIELDNAMES_activate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedShader, activate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3965  (int) FIELDNAMES_isSelected, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedShader, isSelected), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3966  (int) FIELDNAMES_isValid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedShader, isValid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3967  (int) FIELDNAMES_language, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedShader, language), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3968  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedShader, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3969  (int) FIELDNAMES_parts, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedShader, parts), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3970  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3972 const int OFFSETS_ComposedTexture3D[] = {
3973  (int) FIELDNAMES___textureTableIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D, __textureTableIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3974  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3975  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3976  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatR, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D, repeatR), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3977  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatS, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D, repeatS), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3978  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatT, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D, repeatT), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3979  (int) FIELDNAMES_texture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D, texture), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3980  (int) FIELDNAMES_textureProperties, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D, textureProperties), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3981  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3983 const int OFFSETS_ComposedVolumeStyle[] = {
3984  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedVolumeStyle, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3985  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedVolumeStyle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3986  (int) FIELDNAMES_renderStyle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ComposedVolumeStyle, renderStyle), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3987  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3989 const int OFFSETS_CompositeVolumeStyle[] = {
3990  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CompositeVolumeStyle, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3991  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CompositeVolumeStyle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3992  (int) FIELDNAMES_renderStyle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CompositeVolumeStyle, renderStyle), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
3993  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
3995 const int OFFSETS_Cone[] = {
3996  (int) FIELDNAMES___botpoints, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cone, __botpoints), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3997  (int) FIELDNAMES___coneTriangles, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cone, __coneTriangles), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3998  (int) FIELDNAMES___coneVBO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cone, __coneVBO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
3999  (int) FIELDNAMES___normals, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cone, __normals), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4000  (int) FIELDNAMES___sidepoints, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cone, __sidepoints), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4001  (int) FIELDNAMES___wireindices, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cone, __wireindices), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4002  (int) FIELDNAMES_bottom, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cone, bottom), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4003  (int) FIELDNAMES_bottomRadius, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cone, bottomRadius), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4004  (int) FIELDNAMES_height, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cone, height), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4005  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cone, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4006  (int) FIELDNAMES_side, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cone, side), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4007  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cone, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4008  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4010 const int OFFSETS_ConeEmitter[] = {
4011  (int) FIELDNAMES_angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ConeEmitter, angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4012  (int) FIELDNAMES_direction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ConeEmitter, direction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4013  (int) FIELDNAMES_mass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ConeEmitter, mass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4014  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ConeEmitter, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4015  (int) FIELDNAMES_position, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ConeEmitter, position), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4016  (int) FIELDNAMES_speed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ConeEmitter, speed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4017  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceArea, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ConeEmitter, surfaceArea), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4018  (int) FIELDNAMES_variation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ConeEmitter, variation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4019  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4021 const int OFFSETS_Contact[] = {
4022  (int) FIELDNAMES__appliedParameters, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, _appliedParameters), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4023  (int) FIELDNAMES_appliedParameters, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, appliedParameters), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4024  (int) FIELDNAMES_body1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, body1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4025  (int) FIELDNAMES_body2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, body2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4026  (int) FIELDNAMES_bounce, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, bounce), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4027  (int) FIELDNAMES_contactNormal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, contactNormal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4028  (int) FIELDNAMES_depth, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, depth), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4029  (int) FIELDNAMES_frictionCoefficients, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, frictionCoefficients), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4030  (int) FIELDNAMES_frictionDirection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, frictionDirection), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4031  (int) FIELDNAMES_geometry1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, geometry1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4032  (int) FIELDNAMES_geometry2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, geometry2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4033  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4034  (int) FIELDNAMES_minBounceSpeed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, minBounceSpeed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4035  (int) FIELDNAMES_position, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, position), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4036  (int) FIELDNAMES_slipCoefficients, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, slipCoefficients), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4037  (int) FIELDNAMES_softnessConstantForceMix, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, softnessConstantForceMix), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4038  (int) FIELDNAMES_softnessErrorCorrection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, softnessErrorCorrection), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4039  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceSpeed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contact, surfaceSpeed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4040  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4042 const int OFFSETS_Contour2D[] = {
4043  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contour2D, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4044  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contour2D, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4045  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contour2D, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4046  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contour2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4047  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Contour2D, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4048  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4050 const int OFFSETS_ContourPolyline2D[] = {
4051  (int) FIELDNAMES_controlPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ContourPolyline2D, controlPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) ( SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4052  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ContourPolyline2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4053  (int) FIELDNAMES_point, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ContourPolyline2D, point), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 ),
4054  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4056 const int OFFSETS_Coordinate[] = {
4057  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Coordinate, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4058  (int) FIELDNAMES_point, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Coordinate, point), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4059  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4061 const int OFFSETS_CoordinateChaser[] = {
4062  (int) FIELDNAMES__buffer, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, _buffer), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4063  (int) FIELDNAMES__bufferendtime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, _bufferendtime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4064  (int) FIELDNAMES__destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, _destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4065  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4066  (int) FIELDNAMES__previousvalue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, _previousvalue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4067  (int) FIELDNAMES__steptime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, _steptime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4068  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4069  (int) FIELDNAMES_duration, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, duration), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4070  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4071  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4072  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4073  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4074  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4075  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4076  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4077  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4079 const int OFFSETS_CoordinateDamper[] = {
4080  (int) FIELDNAMES__input, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, _input), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4081  (int) FIELDNAMES__lasttick, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, _lasttick), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4082  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4083  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4084  (int) FIELDNAMES__takefirstinput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, _takefirstinput), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4085  (int) FIELDNAMES__tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, _tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4086  (int) FIELDNAMES__values, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, _values), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4087  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4088  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4089  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4090  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4091  (int) FIELDNAMES_order, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, order), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4092  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4093  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4094  (int) FIELDNAMES_tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4095  (int) FIELDNAMES_tolerance, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, tolerance), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4096  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4097  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4099 const int OFFSETS_CoordinateDouble[] = {
4100  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDouble, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4101  (int) FIELDNAMES_point, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateDouble, point), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4102  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4104 const int OFFSETS_CoordinateInterpolator[] = {
4105  (int) FIELDNAMES__CPU_Routes_out, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator, _CPU_Routes_out), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4106  (int) FIELDNAMES__GPU_Routes_out, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator, _GPU_Routes_out), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4107  (int) FIELDNAMES__keyVBO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator, _keyVBO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4108  (int) FIELDNAMES__keyValueVBO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator, _keyValueVBO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4109  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4110  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4111  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4112  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4113  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4114  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4116 const int OFFSETS_CoordinateInterpolator2D[] = {
4117  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator2D, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4118  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator2D, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4119  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4120  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator2D, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4121  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator2D, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4122  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4124 const int OFFSETS_Cylinder[] = {
4125  (int) FIELDNAMES___cylinderTriangles, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cylinder, __cylinderTriangles), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4126  (int) FIELDNAMES___cylinderVBO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cylinder, __cylinderVBO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4127  (int) FIELDNAMES___normals, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cylinder, __normals), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4128  (int) FIELDNAMES___points, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cylinder, __points), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4129  (int) FIELDNAMES___wireindices, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cylinder, __wireindices), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4130  (int) FIELDNAMES_bottom, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cylinder, bottom), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4131  (int) FIELDNAMES_height, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cylinder, height), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4132  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cylinder, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4133  (int) FIELDNAMES_radius, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cylinder, radius), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4134  (int) FIELDNAMES_side, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cylinder, side), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4135  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cylinder, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4136  (int) FIELDNAMES_top, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Cylinder, top), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4137  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4139 const int OFFSETS_CylinderSensor[] = {
4140  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4141  (int) FIELDNAMES__dlchange, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, _dlchange), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4142  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldrotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, _oldrotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
4143  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldtrackPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, _oldtrackPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
4144  (int) FIELDNAMES__origPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, _origPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4145  (int) FIELDNAMES__radius, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, _radius), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4146  (int) FIELDNAMES_autoOffset, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, autoOffset), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4147  (int) FIELDNAMES_axisRotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, axisRotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4148  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4149  (int) FIELDNAMES_diskAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, diskAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4150  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4151  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4152  (int) FIELDNAMES_isOver, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, isOver), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4153  (int) FIELDNAMES_maxAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, maxAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4154  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4155  (int) FIELDNAMES_minAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, minAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4156  (int) FIELDNAMES_offset, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, offset), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4157  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, rotation_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4158  (int) FIELDNAMES_trackPoint_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor, trackPoint_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4159  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4161 const int OFFSETS_DISEntityManager[] = {
4162  (int) FIELDNAMES_addedEntities, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityManager, addedEntities), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4163  (int) FIELDNAMES_address, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityManager, address), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4164  (int) FIELDNAMES_applicationID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityManager, applicationID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4165  (int) FIELDNAMES_mapping, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityManager, mapping), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4166  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityManager, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4167  (int) FIELDNAMES_port, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityManager, port), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4168  (int) FIELDNAMES_removedEntities, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityManager, removedEntities), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4169  (int) FIELDNAMES_siteID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityManager, siteID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4170  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4172 const int OFFSETS_DISEntityTypeMapping[] = {
4173  (int) FIELDNAMES_category, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping, category), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4174  (int) FIELDNAMES_country, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping, country), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4175  (int) FIELDNAMES_domain, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping, domain), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4176  (int) FIELDNAMES_extra, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping, extra), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4177  (int) FIELDNAMES_kind, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping, kind), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4178  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4179  (int) FIELDNAMES_specific, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping, specific), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4180  (int) FIELDNAMES_subcategory, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping, subcategory), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4181  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4182  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4184 const int OFFSETS_DirectionalLight[] = {
4185  (int) FIELDNAMES__amb, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DirectionalLight, _amb), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4186  (int) FIELDNAMES__col, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DirectionalLight, _col), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4187  (int) FIELDNAMES__dir, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DirectionalLight, _dir), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4188  (int) FIELDNAMES_ambientIntensity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DirectionalLight, ambientIntensity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4189  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DirectionalLight, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4190  (int) FIELDNAMES_direction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DirectionalLight, direction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4191  (int) FIELDNAMES_global, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DirectionalLight, global), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4192  (int) FIELDNAMES_intensity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DirectionalLight, intensity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4193  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DirectionalLight, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4194  (int) FIELDNAMES_on, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DirectionalLight, on), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4195  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4197 const int OFFSETS_Disk2D[] = {
4198  (int) FIELDNAMES___numPoints, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Disk2D, __numPoints), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4199  (int) FIELDNAMES___points, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Disk2D, __points), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4200  (int) FIELDNAMES___simpleDisk, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Disk2D, __simpleDisk), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4201  (int) FIELDNAMES___texCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Disk2D, __texCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4202  (int) FIELDNAMES___wireindices, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Disk2D, __wireindices), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4203  (int) FIELDNAMES_innerRadius, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Disk2D, innerRadius), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4204  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Disk2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4205  (int) FIELDNAMES_outerRadius, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Disk2D, outerRadius), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4206  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Disk2D, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4207  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4209 const int OFFSETS_DoubleAxisHingeJoint[] = {
4210  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_anchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, __old_anchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4211  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_axis1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, __old_axis1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4212  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_axis2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, __old_axis2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4213  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_body1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, __old_body1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4214  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_body2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, __old_body2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4215  (int) FIELDNAMES__forceout, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, _forceout), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4216  (int) FIELDNAMES__joint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, _joint), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4217  (int) FIELDNAMES__motor1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, _motor1), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4218  (int) FIELDNAMES__motor2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, _motor2), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4219  (int) FIELDNAMES_anchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, anchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4220  (int) FIELDNAMES_axis1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, axis1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4221  (int) FIELDNAMES_axis1Angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, axis1Angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4222  (int) FIELDNAMES_axis2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, axis2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4223  (int) FIELDNAMES_body1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, body1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4224  (int) FIELDNAMES_body1AnchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, body1AnchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4225  (int) FIELDNAMES_body1Axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, body1Axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4226  (int) FIELDNAMES_body2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, body2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4227  (int) FIELDNAMES_body2AnchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, body2AnchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4228  (int) FIELDNAMES_body2Axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, body2Axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4229  (int) FIELDNAMES_desiredAngularVelocity1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, desiredAngularVelocity1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4230  (int) FIELDNAMES_desiredAngularVelocity2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, desiredAngularVelocity2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4231  (int) FIELDNAMES_forceOutput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, forceOutput), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4232  (int) FIELDNAMES_hinge1Angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, hinge1Angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4233  (int) FIELDNAMES_hinge1AngleRate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, hinge1AngleRate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4234  (int) FIELDNAMES_hinge2Angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, hinge2Angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4235  (int) FIELDNAMES_hinge2AngleRate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, hinge2AngleRate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4236  (int) FIELDNAMES_maxAngle1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, maxAngle1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4237  (int) FIELDNAMES_maxTorque1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, maxTorque1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4238  (int) FIELDNAMES_maxTorque2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, maxTorque2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4239  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4240  (int) FIELDNAMES_minAngle1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, minAngle1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4241  (int) FIELDNAMES_stopBounce1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, stopBounce1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4242  (int) FIELDNAMES_stopConstantForceMix1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, stopConstantForceMix1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4243  (int) FIELDNAMES_stopErrorCorrection1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, stopErrorCorrection1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4244  (int) FIELDNAMES_suspensionErrorCorrection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, suspensionErrorCorrection), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4245  (int) FIELDNAMES_suspensionForce, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint, suspensionForce), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4246  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4248 const int OFFSETS_EaseInEaseOut[] = {
4249  (int) FIELDNAMES_easeInEaseOut, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut, easeInEaseOut), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4250  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4251  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4252  (int) FIELDNAMES_modifiedFraction_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut, modifiedFraction_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4253  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4254  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4256 const int OFFSETS_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle[] = {
4257  (int) FIELDNAMES_edgeColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle, edgeColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColorRGBA, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4258  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4259  (int) FIELDNAMES_gradientThreshold, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle, gradientThreshold), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4260  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4261  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceNormals, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle, surfaceNormals), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4262  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4264 const int OFFSETS_Effect[] = {
4265  (int) FIELDNAMES__initialized, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Effect, _initialized), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4266  (int) FIELDNAMES__retrievedURLData, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Effect, _retrievedURLData), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4267  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderLoadThread, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Effect, _shaderLoadThread), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLThread, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4268  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderUserDefinedFields, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Effect, _shaderUserDefinedFields), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4269  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderUserNumber, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Effect, _shaderUserNumber), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4270  (int) FIELDNAMES_activate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Effect, activate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4271  (int) FIELDNAMES_isSelected, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Effect, isSelected), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4272  (int) FIELDNAMES_isValid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Effect, isValid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4273  (int) FIELDNAMES_language, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Effect, language), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4274  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Effect, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4275  (int) FIELDNAMES_parts, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Effect, parts), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4276  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4278 const int OFFSETS_EffectPart[] = {
4279  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EffectPart, __loadResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4280  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadstatus, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EffectPart, __loadstatus), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4281  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EffectPart, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4282  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderUserDefinedFields, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EffectPart, _shaderUserDefinedFields), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4283  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EffectPart, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4284  (int) FIELDNAMES_type, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EffectPart, type), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4285  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EffectPart, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4286  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4288 const int OFFSETS_ElevationGrid[] = {
4289  (int) FIELDNAMES__coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, _coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4290  (int) FIELDNAMES_attrib, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, attrib), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4291  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4292  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4293  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, colorPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4294  (int) FIELDNAMES_creaseAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, creaseAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4295  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, fogCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4296  (int) FIELDNAMES_height, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, height), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4297  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4298  (int) FIELDNAMES_normal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, normal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4299  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, normalPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4300  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_height, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, set_height), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4301  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4302  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4303  (int) FIELDNAMES_xDimension, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, xDimension), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4304  (int) FIELDNAMES_xSpacing, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, xSpacing), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4305  (int) FIELDNAMES_zDimension, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, zDimension), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4306  (int) FIELDNAMES_zSpacing, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid, zSpacing), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4307  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4309 const int OFFSETS_EspduTransform[] = {
4310  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4311  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4312  (int) FIELDNAMES_address, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, address), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4313  (int) FIELDNAMES_applicationID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, applicationID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4314  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterArray, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterArray), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4315  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArr, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArr), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4316  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterCount, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterCount), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4317  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterDesignatorArray, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterDesignatorArray), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4318  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToAr, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToAr), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4319  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterTypeArray, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterTypeArray), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4320  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterValue0_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterValue0_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4321  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterValue1_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterValue1_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4322  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterValue2_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterValue2_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4323  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterValue3_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterValue3_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4324  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterValue4_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterValue4_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4325  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterValue5_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterValue5_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4326  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterValue6_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterValue6_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4327  (int) FIELDNAMES_articulationParameterValue7_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, articulationParameterValue7_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4328  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4329  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4330  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4331  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4332  (int) FIELDNAMES_collideTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, collideTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4333  (int) FIELDNAMES_collisionType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, collisionType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4334  (int) FIELDNAMES_deadReckoning, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, deadReckoning), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4335  (int) FIELDNAMES_detonateTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, detonateTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4336  (int) FIELDNAMES_detonationLocation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, detonationLocation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4337  (int) FIELDNAMES_detonationRelativeLocation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, detonationRelativeLocation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4338  (int) FIELDNAMES_detonationResult, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, detonationResult), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4339  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4340  (int) FIELDNAMES_entityCategory, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, entityCategory), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4341  (int) FIELDNAMES_entityCountry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, entityCountry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4342  (int) FIELDNAMES_entityDomain, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, entityDomain), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4343  (int) FIELDNAMES_entityExtra, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, entityExtra), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4344  (int) FIELDNAMES_entityID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, entityID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4345  (int) FIELDNAMES_entityKind, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, entityKind), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4346  (int) FIELDNAMES_entitySpecific, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, entitySpecific), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4347  (int) FIELDNAMES_entitySubCategory, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, entitySubCategory), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4348  (int) FIELDNAMES_eventApplicationID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, eventApplicationID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4349  (int) FIELDNAMES_eventEntityID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, eventEntityID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4350  (int) FIELDNAMES_eventNumber, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, eventNumber), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4351  (int) FIELDNAMES_eventSiteID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, eventSiteID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4352  (int) FIELDNAMES_fireMissionIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, fireMissionIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4353  (int) FIELDNAMES_fired1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, fired1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4354  (int) FIELDNAMES_fired2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, fired2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4355  (int) FIELDNAMES_firedTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, firedTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4356  (int) FIELDNAMES_firingRange, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, firingRange), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4357  (int) FIELDNAMES_firingRate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, firingRate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4358  (int) FIELDNAMES_forceID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, forceID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4359  (int) FIELDNAMES_fuse, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, fuse), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4360  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4361  (int) FIELDNAMES_isCollided, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, isCollided), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4362  (int) FIELDNAMES_isDetonated, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, isDetonated), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4363  (int) FIELDNAMES_isNetworkReader, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, isNetworkReader), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4364  (int) FIELDNAMES_isNetworkWriter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, isNetworkWriter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4365  (int) FIELDNAMES_isRtpHeaderHeard, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, isRtpHeaderHeard), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4366  (int) FIELDNAMES_isStandAlone, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, isStandAlone), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4367  (int) FIELDNAMES_linearAcceleration, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, linearAcceleration), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4368  (int) FIELDNAMES_linearVelocity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, linearVelocity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4369  (int) FIELDNAMES_marking, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, marking), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4370  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4371  (int) FIELDNAMES_multicastRelayHost, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, multicastRelayHost), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4372  (int) FIELDNAMES_multicastRelayPort, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, multicastRelayPort), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4373  (int) FIELDNAMES_munitionApplicationID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, munitionApplicationID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4374  (int) FIELDNAMES_munitionEndPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, munitionEndPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4375  (int) FIELDNAMES_munitionEntityID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, munitionEntityID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4376  (int) FIELDNAMES_munitionQuantity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, munitionQuantity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4377  (int) FIELDNAMES_munitionSiteID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, munitionSiteID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4378  (int) FIELDNAMES_munitionStartPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, munitionStartPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4379  (int) FIELDNAMES_networkMode, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, networkMode), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4380  (int) FIELDNAMES_port, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, port), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4381  (int) FIELDNAMES_readInterval, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, readInterval), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4382  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4383  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4384  (int) FIELDNAMES_rtpHeaderExpected, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, rtpHeaderExpected), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4385  (int) FIELDNAMES_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4386  (int) FIELDNAMES_scaleOrientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, scaleOrientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4387  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_articulationParameterValue0, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, set_articulationParameterValue0), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4388  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_articulationParameterValue1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, set_articulationParameterValue1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4389  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_articulationParameterValue2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, set_articulationParameterValue2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4390  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_articulationParameterValue3, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, set_articulationParameterValue3), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4391  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_articulationParameterValue4, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, set_articulationParameterValue4), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4392  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_articulationParameterValue5, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, set_articulationParameterValue5), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4393  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_articulationParameterValue6, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, set_articulationParameterValue6), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4394  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_articulationParameterValue7, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, set_articulationParameterValue7), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4395  (int) FIELDNAMES_siteID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, siteID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4396  (int) FIELDNAMES_timestamp, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, timestamp), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4397  (int) FIELDNAMES_translation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, translation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4398  (int) FIELDNAMES_warhead, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, warhead), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4399  (int) FIELDNAMES_writeInterval, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_EspduTransform, writeInterval), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4400  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4402 const int OFFSETS_ExplosionEmitter[] = {
4403  (int) FIELDNAMES_mass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ExplosionEmitter, mass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4404  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ExplosionEmitter, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4405  (int) FIELDNAMES_position, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ExplosionEmitter, position), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4406  (int) FIELDNAMES_speed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ExplosionEmitter, speed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4407  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceArea, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ExplosionEmitter, surfaceArea), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4408  (int) FIELDNAMES_variation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ExplosionEmitter, variation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4409  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4411 const int OFFSETS_Extrusion[] = {
4412  (int) FIELDNAMES_beginCap, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, beginCap), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4413  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4414  (int) FIELDNAMES_convex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, convex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4415  (int) FIELDNAMES_creaseAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, creaseAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4416  (int) FIELDNAMES_crossSection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, crossSection), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4417  (int) FIELDNAMES_endCap, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, endCap), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4418  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4419  (int) FIELDNAMES_orientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, orientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4420  (int) FIELDNAMES_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4421  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_crossSection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, set_crossSection), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4422  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_orientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, set_orientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFRotation, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4423  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, set_scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4424  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_spine, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, set_spine), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4425  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4426  (int) FIELDNAMES_spine, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Extrusion, spine), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4427  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4429 const int OFFSETS_FillProperties[] = {
4430  (int) FIELDNAMES__enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FillProperties, _enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4431  (int) FIELDNAMES__hatchScale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FillProperties, _hatchScale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4432  (int) FIELDNAMES_filled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FillProperties, filled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4433  (int) FIELDNAMES_hatchColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FillProperties, hatchColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4434  (int) FIELDNAMES_hatchStyle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FillProperties, hatchStyle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4435  (int) FIELDNAMES_hatched, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FillProperties, hatched), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4436  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FillProperties, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4437  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4439 const int OFFSETS_FloatVertexAttribute[] = {
4440  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FloatVertexAttribute, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4441  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FloatVertexAttribute, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4442  (int) FIELDNAMES_numComponents, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FloatVertexAttribute, numComponents), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4443  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FloatVertexAttribute, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4444  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4446 const int OFFSETS_Fog[] = {
4447  (int) FIELDNAMES___fogScale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Fog, __fogScale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4448  (int) FIELDNAMES___fogType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Fog, __fogType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4449  (int) FIELDNAMES__layerId, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Fog, _layerId), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4450  (int) FIELDNAMES_bindTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Fog, bindTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4451  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Fog, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4452  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Fog, fogType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4453  (int) FIELDNAMES_isBound, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Fog, isBound), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4454  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Fog, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4455  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_bind, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Fog, set_bind), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4456  (int) FIELDNAMES_visibilityRange, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Fog, visibilityRange), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4457  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4459 const int OFFSETS_FogCoordinate[] = {
4460  (int) FIELDNAMES_depth, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FogCoordinate, depth), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4461  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FogCoordinate, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4462  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4464 const int OFFSETS_FontStyle[] = {
4465  (int) FIELDNAMES_family, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FontStyle, family), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4466  (int) FIELDNAMES_horizontal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FontStyle, horizontal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4467  (int) FIELDNAMES_justify, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FontStyle, justify), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4468  (int) FIELDNAMES_language, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FontStyle, language), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4469  (int) FIELDNAMES_leftToRight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FontStyle, leftToRight), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4470  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FontStyle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4471  (int) FIELDNAMES_size, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FontStyle, size), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4472  (int) FIELDNAMES_spacing, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FontStyle, spacing), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4473  (int) FIELDNAMES_style, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FontStyle, style), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4474  (int) FIELDNAMES_topToBottom, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_FontStyle, topToBottom), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4475  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4477 const int OFFSETS_ForcePhysicsModel[] = {
4478  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ForcePhysicsModel, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4479  (int) FIELDNAMES_force, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ForcePhysicsModel, force), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4480  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ForcePhysicsModel, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4481  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4483 const int OFFSETS_GeneratedCubeMapTexture[] = {
4484  (int) FIELDNAMES___regenSubTextures, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture, __regenSubTextures), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4485  (int) FIELDNAMES___subTextures, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture, __subTextures), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4486  (int) FIELDNAMES___textureTableIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture, __textureTableIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4487  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4488  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4489  (int) FIELDNAMES_size, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture, size), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4490  (int) FIELDNAMES_textureProperties, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture, textureProperties), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4491  (int) FIELDNAMES_update, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture, update), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4492  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4494 const int OFFSETS_GeoCoordinate[] = {
4495  (int) FIELDNAMES___geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoCoordinate, __geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4496  (int) FIELDNAMES___movedCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoCoordinate, __movedCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4497  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoOrigin, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoCoordinate, geoOrigin), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4498  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoCoordinate, geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4499  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoCoordinate, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4500  (int) FIELDNAMES_point, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoCoordinate, point), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4501  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4503 const int OFFSETS_GeoElevationGrid[] = {
4504  (int) FIELDNAMES___geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, __geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4505  (int) FIELDNAMES__coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, _coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4506  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4507  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4508  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, colorPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4509  (int) FIELDNAMES_creaseAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, creaseAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4510  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoGridOrigin, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, geoGridOrigin), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4511  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoOrigin, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, geoOrigin), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4512  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4513  (int) FIELDNAMES_height, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, height), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4514  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4515  (int) FIELDNAMES_normal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, normal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4516  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, normalPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4517  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_height, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, set_height), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4518  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4519  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4520  (int) FIELDNAMES_xDimension, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, xDimension), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4521  (int) FIELDNAMES_xSpacing, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, xSpacing), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4522  (int) FIELDNAMES_yScale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, yScale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4523  (int) FIELDNAMES_zDimension, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, zDimension), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4524  (int) FIELDNAMES_zSpacing, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid, zSpacing), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4525  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4527 const int OFFSETS_GeoLOD[] = {
4528  (int) FIELDNAMES___child1Node, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, __child1Node), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4529  (int) FIELDNAMES___child2Node, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, __child2Node), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4530  (int) FIELDNAMES___child3Node, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, __child3Node), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4531  (int) FIELDNAMES___child4Node, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, __child4Node), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4532  (int) FIELDNAMES___childloadstatus, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, __childloadstatus), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4533  (int) FIELDNAMES___geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, __geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4534  (int) FIELDNAMES___inRange, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, __inRange), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4535  (int) FIELDNAMES___level, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, __level), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4536  (int) FIELDNAMES___movedCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, __movedCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4537  (int) FIELDNAMES___rootUrl, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, __rootUrl), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4538  (int) FIELDNAMES___rooturlloadstatus, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, __rooturlloadstatus), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4539  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4540  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4541  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4542  (int) FIELDNAMES_child1Url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, child1Url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4543  (int) FIELDNAMES_child2Url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, child2Url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4544  (int) FIELDNAMES_child3Url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, child3Url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4545  (int) FIELDNAMES_child4Url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, child4Url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4546  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4547  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoOrigin, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, geoOrigin), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4548  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4549  (int) FIELDNAMES_level_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, level_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4550  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4551  (int) FIELDNAMES_range, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, range), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4552  (int) FIELDNAMES_rootNode, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, rootNode), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4553  (int) FIELDNAMES_rootUrl, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLOD, rootUrl), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4554  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4556 const int OFFSETS_GeoLocation[] = {
4557  (int) FIELDNAMES___geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, __geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4558  (int) FIELDNAMES___localOrient, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, __localOrient), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4559  (int) FIELDNAMES___movedCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, __movedCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4560  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, __oldChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4561  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldgeoCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, __oldgeoCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4562  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4563  (int) FIELDNAMES__sortedChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, _sortedChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4564  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4565  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4566  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4567  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4568  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, geoCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4569  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoOrigin, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, geoOrigin), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4570  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4571  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4572  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoLocation, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4573  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4575 const int OFFSETS_GeoMetadata[] = {
4576  (int) FIELDNAMES_data, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoMetadata, data), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4577  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoMetadata, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4578  (int) FIELDNAMES_summary, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoMetadata, summary), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4579  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoMetadata, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4580  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4582 const int OFFSETS_GeoOrigin[] = {
4583  (int) FIELDNAMES___geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoOrigin, __geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4584  (int) FIELDNAMES___movedCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoOrigin, __movedCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4585  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldMFString, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoOrigin, __oldMFString), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4586  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldgeoCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoOrigin, __oldgeoCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4587  (int) FIELDNAMES___rotyup, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoOrigin, __rotyup), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4588  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoOrigin, geoCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4589  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoOrigin, geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4590  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoOrigin, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4591  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotateYUp, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoOrigin, rotateYUp), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4592  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4594 const int OFFSETS_GeoPositionInterpolator[] = {
4595  (int) FIELDNAMES___geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator, __geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4596  (int) FIELDNAMES___movedValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator, __movedValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4597  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldKeyPtr, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator, __oldKeyPtr), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
4598  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldKeyValuePtr, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator, __oldKeyValuePtr), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
4599  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoOrigin, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator, geoOrigin), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4600  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator, geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4601  (int) FIELDNAMES_geovalue_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator, geovalue_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4602  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4603  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4604  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4605  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4606  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4607  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4609 const int OFFSETS_GeoProximitySensor[] = {
4610  (int) FIELDNAMES___geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, __geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4611  (int) FIELDNAMES___hit, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, __hit), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4612  (int) FIELDNAMES___localOrient, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, __localOrient), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4613  (int) FIELDNAMES___movedCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, __movedCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4614  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4615  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldGeoCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, __oldGeoCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4616  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, __oldSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4617  (int) FIELDNAMES___t1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, __t1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4618  (int) FIELDNAMES___t2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, __t2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4619  (int) FIELDNAMES_centerOfRotation_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, centerOfRotation_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4620  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4621  (int) FIELDNAMES_enterTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, enterTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4622  (int) FIELDNAMES_exitTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, exitTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4623  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, geoCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4624  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoCoord_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, geoCoord_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4625  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoOrigin, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, geoOrigin), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4626  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4627  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4628  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4629  (int) FIELDNAMES_orientation_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, orientation_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4630  (int) FIELDNAMES_position_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, position_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4631  (int) FIELDNAMES_size, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor, size), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4632  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4634 const int OFFSETS_GeoTouchSensor[] = {
4635  (int) FIELDNAMES___geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, __geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4636  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4637  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldhitNormal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, _oldhitNormal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
4638  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldhitPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, _oldhitPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
4639  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldhitTexCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, _oldhitTexCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
4640  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4641  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4642  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoOrigin, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, geoOrigin), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4643  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4644  (int) FIELDNAMES_hitGeoCoord_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, hitGeoCoord_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4645  (int) FIELDNAMES_hitNormal_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, hitNormal_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4646  (int) FIELDNAMES_hitPoint_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, hitPoint_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4647  (int) FIELDNAMES_hitTexCoord_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, hitTexCoord_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4648  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4649  (int) FIELDNAMES_isOver, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, isOver), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4650  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4651  (int) FIELDNAMES_touchTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor, touchTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4652  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4654 const int OFFSETS_GeoTransform[] = {
4655  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, __do_center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4656  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, __do_rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4657  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, __do_scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4658  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_scaleO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, __do_scaleO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4659  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_trans, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, __do_trans), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4660  (int) FIELDNAMES___geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, __geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4661  (int) FIELDNAMES___localOrient, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, __localOrient), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4662  (int) FIELDNAMES___movedCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, __movedCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4663  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, __oldChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4664  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldGeoCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, __oldGeoCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4665  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4666  (int) FIELDNAMES__sortedChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, _sortedChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4667  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4668  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4669  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4670  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4671  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, geoCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4672  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoOrigin, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, geoOrigin), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4673  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4674  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4675  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4676  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4677  (int) FIELDNAMES_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4678  (int) FIELDNAMES_scaleOrientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, scaleOrientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4679  (int) FIELDNAMES_translation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoTransform, translation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
4680  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4682 const int OFFSETS_GeoViewpoint[] = {
4683  (int) FIELDNAMES___geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, __geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4684  (int) FIELDNAMES___movedOrientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, __movedOrientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4685  (int) FIELDNAMES___movedPosition, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, __movedPosition), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4686  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldFieldOfView, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, __oldFieldOfView), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4687  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldHeadlight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, __oldHeadlight), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4688  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldJump, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, __oldJump), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4689  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldMFString, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, __oldMFString), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4690  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldSFString, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, __oldSFString), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4691  (int) FIELDNAMES__donethispass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, _donethispass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4692  (int) FIELDNAMES__layerId, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, _layerId), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4693  (int) FIELDNAMES_bindTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, bindTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4694  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4695  (int) FIELDNAMES_fieldOfView, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, fieldOfView), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4696  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoOrigin, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, geoOrigin), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4697  (int) FIELDNAMES_geoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, geoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4698  (int) FIELDNAMES_headlight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, headlight), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4699  (int) FIELDNAMES_isBound, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, isBound), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4700  (int) FIELDNAMES_jump, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, jump), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4701  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4702  (int) FIELDNAMES_navType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, navType), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4703  (int) FIELDNAMES_orientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, orientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4704  (int) FIELDNAMES_position, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, position), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4705  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_bind, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, set_bind), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4706  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_orientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, set_orientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4707  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_position, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, set_position), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4708  (int) FIELDNAMES_speedFactor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint, speedFactor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4709  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4711 const int OFFSETS_Group[] = {
4712  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Group, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4713  (int) FIELDNAMES__sortedChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Group, _sortedChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4714  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Group, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4715  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Group, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4716  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Group, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4717  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Group, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4718  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Group, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4719  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Group, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4720  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4722 const int OFFSETS_HAnimDisplacer[] = {
4723  (int) FIELDNAMES_coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimDisplacer, coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4724  (int) FIELDNAMES_displacements, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimDisplacer, displacements), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4725  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimDisplacer, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4726  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimDisplacer, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4727  (int) FIELDNAMES_weight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimDisplacer, weight), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4728  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4730 const int OFFSETS_HAnimHumanoid[] = {
4731  (int) FIELDNAMES__JT, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, _JT), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4732  (int) FIELDNAMES__NV, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, _NV), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4733  (int) FIELDNAMES__PVI, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, _PVI), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4734  (int) FIELDNAMES__PVW, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, _PVW), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4735  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4736  (int) FIELDNAMES__origCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, _origCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4737  (int) FIELDNAMES__origNorms, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, _origNorms), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4738  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4739  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4740  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4741  (int) FIELDNAMES_info, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, info), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4742  (int) FIELDNAMES_joints, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, joints), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4743  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4744  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4745  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4746  (int) FIELDNAMES_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4747  (int) FIELDNAMES_scaleOrientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, scaleOrientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4748  (int) FIELDNAMES_segments, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, segments), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4749  (int) FIELDNAMES_sites, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, sites), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4750  (int) FIELDNAMES_skeleton, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, skeleton), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4751  (int) FIELDNAMES_skin, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, skin), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4752  (int) FIELDNAMES_skinCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, skinCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4753  (int) FIELDNAMES_skinNormal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, skinNormal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4754  (int) FIELDNAMES_translation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, translation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4755  (int) FIELDNAMES_version, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, version), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4756  (int) FIELDNAMES_viewpoints, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid, viewpoints), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4757  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4759 const int OFFSETS_HAnimJoint[] = {
4760  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_anything, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, __do_anything), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4761  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, __do_center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4762  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, __do_rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4763  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, __do_scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4764  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_scaleO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, __do_scaleO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4765  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_trans, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, __do_trans), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4766  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4767  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4768  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4769  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4770  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4771  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4772  (int) FIELDNAMES_displacers, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, displacers), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4773  (int) FIELDNAMES_limitOrientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, limitOrientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4774  (int) FIELDNAMES_llimit, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, llimit), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4775  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4776  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4777  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4778  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4779  (int) FIELDNAMES_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4780  (int) FIELDNAMES_scaleOrientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, scaleOrientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4781  (int) FIELDNAMES_skinCoordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, skinCoordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4782  (int) FIELDNAMES_skinCoordWeight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, skinCoordWeight), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4783  (int) FIELDNAMES_stiffness, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, stiffness), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4784  (int) FIELDNAMES_translation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, translation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4785  (int) FIELDNAMES_ulimit, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint, ulimit), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4786  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4788 const int OFFSETS_HAnimSegment[] = {
4789  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4790  (int) FIELDNAMES__origCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, _origCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4791  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4792  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4793  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4794  (int) FIELDNAMES_centerOfMass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, centerOfMass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4795  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4796  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4797  (int) FIELDNAMES_displacers, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, displacers), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4798  (int) FIELDNAMES_mass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, mass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4799  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4800  (int) FIELDNAMES_momentsOfInertia, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, momentsOfInertia), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4801  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4802  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4803  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4805 const int OFFSETS_HAnimSite[] = {
4806  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_anything, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, __do_anything), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4807  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, __do_center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4808  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, __do_rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4809  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, __do_scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4810  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_scaleO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, __do_scaleO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4811  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_trans, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, __do_trans), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4812  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4813  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4814  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4815  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4816  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4817  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4818  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4819  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4820  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4821  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4822  (int) FIELDNAMES_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4823  (int) FIELDNAMES_scaleOrientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, scaleOrientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4824  (int) FIELDNAMES_translation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_HAnimSite, translation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4825  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4827 const int OFFSETS_ImageBackdropBackground[] = {
4828  (int) FIELDNAMES___VBO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground, __VBO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4829  (int) FIELDNAMES___texture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground, __texture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
4830  (int) FIELDNAMES_bindTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground, bindTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4831  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4832  (int) FIELDNAMES_image, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground, image), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFImage, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4833  (int) FIELDNAMES_isBound, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground, isBound), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4834  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4835  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_bind, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground, set_bind), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4836  (int) FIELDNAMES_transparency, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground, transparency), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4837  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4839 const int OFFSETS_ImageCubeMapTexture[] = {
4840  (int) FIELDNAMES___regenSubTextures, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture, __regenSubTextures), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4841  (int) FIELDNAMES___subTextures, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture, __subTextures), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4842  (int) FIELDNAMES___textureTableIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture, __textureTableIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4843  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4844  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4845  (int) FIELDNAMES_textureProperties, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture, textureProperties), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4846  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4847  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4849 const int OFFSETS_ImageTexture[] = {
4850  (int) FIELDNAMES___textureTableIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture, __textureTableIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4851  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4852  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4853  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatS, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture, repeatS), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4854  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatT, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture, repeatT), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4855  (int) FIELDNAMES_textureProperties, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture, textureProperties), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4856  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4857  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4859 const int OFFSETS_ImageTexture3D[] = {
4860  (int) FIELDNAMES___textureTableIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture3D, __textureTableIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4861  (int) FIELDNAMES__needs_gradient, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture3D, _needs_gradient), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4862  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture3D, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4863  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture3D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4864  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatR, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture3D, repeatR), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4865  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatS, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture3D, repeatS), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4866  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatT, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture3D, repeatT), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4867  (int) FIELDNAMES_textureProperties, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture3D, textureProperties), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4868  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ImageTexture3D, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4869  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4871 const int OFFSETS_IndexedFaceSet[] = {
4872  (int) FIELDNAMES_attrib, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, attrib), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4873  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4874  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4875  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, colorIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4876  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, colorPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4877  (int) FIELDNAMES_convex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, convex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4878  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4879  (int) FIELDNAMES_coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4880  (int) FIELDNAMES_creaseAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, creaseAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4881  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, fogCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4882  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4883  (int) FIELDNAMES_normal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, normal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4884  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, normalIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4885  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, normalPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4886  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_colorIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, set_colorIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4887  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, set_coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4888  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_normalIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, set_normalIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4889  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_texCoordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, set_texCoordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4890  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4891  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4892  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet, texCoordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4893  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4895 const int OFFSETS_IndexedLineSet[] = {
4896  (int) FIELDNAMES___segCount, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, __segCount), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4897  (int) FIELDNAMES___vertArr, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, __vertArr), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4898  (int) FIELDNAMES___vertIndx, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, __vertIndx), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4899  (int) FIELDNAMES___vertexCount, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, __vertexCount), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4900  (int) FIELDNAMES___vertices, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, __vertices), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4901  (int) FIELDNAMES___xcolours, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, __xcolours), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4902  (int) FIELDNAMES_attrib, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, attrib), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4903  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4904  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, colorIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4905  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, colorPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4906  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4907  (int) FIELDNAMES_coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4908  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, fogCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4909  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4910  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_colorIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, set_colorIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4911  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet, set_coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4912  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4914 const int OFFSETS_IndexedQuadSet[] = {
4915  (int) FIELDNAMES__coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, _coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4916  (int) FIELDNAMES_attrib, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, attrib), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4917  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4918  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4919  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, colorPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4920  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4921  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, fogCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4922  (int) FIELDNAMES_index, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, index), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4923  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4924  (int) FIELDNAMES_normal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, normal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4925  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, normalPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4926  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_index, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, set_index), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4927  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4928  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4929  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4931 const int OFFSETS_IndexedTriangleFanSet[] = {
4932  (int) FIELDNAMES__coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, _coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4933  (int) FIELDNAMES_attrib, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, attrib), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4934  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4935  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4936  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, colorPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4937  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4938  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, fogCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4939  (int) FIELDNAMES_index, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, index), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4940  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4941  (int) FIELDNAMES_normal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, normal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4942  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, normalPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4943  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_index, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, set_index), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4944  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4945  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4946  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4948 const int OFFSETS_IndexedTriangleSet[] = {
4949  (int) FIELDNAMES__coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, _coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4950  (int) FIELDNAMES_attrib, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, attrib), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4951  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4952  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4953  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, colorPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4954  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4955  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, fogCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4956  (int) FIELDNAMES_index, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, index), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4957  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4958  (int) FIELDNAMES_normal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, normal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4959  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, normalPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4960  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_index, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, set_index), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4961  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4962  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4963  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4965 const int OFFSETS_IndexedTriangleStripSet[] = {
4966  (int) FIELDNAMES__coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, _coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4967  (int) FIELDNAMES_attrib, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, attrib), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4968  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4969  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4970  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, colorPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4971  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4972  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, fogCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4973  (int) FIELDNAMES_index, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, index), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4974  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4975  (int) FIELDNAMES_normal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, normal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4976  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, normalPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4977  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_index, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, set_index), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4978  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4979  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4980  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
4982 const int OFFSETS_Inline[] = {
4983  (int) FIELDNAMES___DEFnames, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __DEFnames), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4984  (int) FIELDNAMES___EXPORTS, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __EXPORTS), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4985  (int) FIELDNAMES___GC, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __GC), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4986  (int) FIELDNAMES___IMPORTS, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __IMPORTS), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4987  (int) FIELDNAMES___IS, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __IS), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4988  (int) FIELDNAMES___ROUTES, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __ROUTES), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4989  (int) FIELDNAMES___afterPound, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __afterPound), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4990  (int) FIELDNAMES___children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4991  (int) FIELDNAMES___externProtoDeclares, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __externProtoDeclares), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4992  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __loadResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4993  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadstatus, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __loadstatus), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4994  (int) FIELDNAMES___nodes, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __nodes), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4995  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldload, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __oldload), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4996  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldurl, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __oldurl), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4997  (int) FIELDNAMES___parentProto, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __parentProto), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
4998  (int) FIELDNAMES___protoDeclares, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __protoDeclares), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
4999  (int) FIELDNAMES___protoDef, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __protoDef), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5000  (int) FIELDNAMES___protoFlags, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __protoFlags), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5001  (int) FIELDNAMES___prototype, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __prototype), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5002  (int) FIELDNAMES___scripts, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __scripts), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5003  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5004  (int) FIELDNAMES___subcontexts, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __subcontexts), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5005  (int) FIELDNAMES___typename, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, __typename), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5006  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5007  (int) FIELDNAMES__sortedChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, _sortedChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
5008  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5009  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5010  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5011  (int) FIELDNAMES_load, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, load), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5012  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5013  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5014  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Inline, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5015  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5017 const int OFFSETS_IntegerSequencer[] = {
5018  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IntegerSequencer, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5019  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IntegerSequencer, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5020  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IntegerSequencer, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5021  (int) FIELDNAMES_next, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IntegerSequencer, next), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5022  (int) FIELDNAMES_previous, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IntegerSequencer, previous), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5023  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IntegerSequencer, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5024  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IntegerSequencer, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5025  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5027 const int OFFSETS_IntegerTrigger[] = {
5028  (int) FIELDNAMES_integerKey, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IntegerTrigger, integerKey), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5029  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IntegerTrigger, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5030  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_boolean, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IntegerTrigger, set_boolean), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5031  (int) FIELDNAMES_triggerValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IntegerTrigger, triggerValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5032  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5034 const int OFFSETS_IsoSurfaceVolumeData[] = {
5035  (int) FIELDNAMES__boxtris, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData, _boxtris), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5036  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5037  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5038  (int) FIELDNAMES_contourStepSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData, contourStepSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5039  (int) FIELDNAMES_dimensions, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData, dimensions), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5040  (int) FIELDNAMES_gradients, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData, gradients), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5041  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5042  (int) FIELDNAMES_renderStyle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData, renderStyle), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5043  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceTolerance, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData, surfaceTolerance), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5044  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceValues, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData, surfaceValues), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5045  (int) FIELDNAMES_voxels, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData, voxels), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5046  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5048 const int OFFSETS_KeySensor[] = {
5049  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_KeySensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
5050  (int) FIELDNAMES_actionKeyPress, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_KeySensor, actionKeyPress), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5051  (int) FIELDNAMES_actionKeyRelease, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_KeySensor, actionKeyRelease), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5052  (int) FIELDNAMES_altKey, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_KeySensor, altKey), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5053  (int) FIELDNAMES_controlKey, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_KeySensor, controlKey), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5054  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_KeySensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5055  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_KeySensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5056  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyPress, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_KeySensor, keyPress), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5057  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyRelease, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_KeySensor, keyRelease), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5058  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_KeySensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5059  (int) FIELDNAMES_shiftKey, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_KeySensor, shiftKey), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5060  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5062 const int OFFSETS_LOD[] = {
5063  (int) FIELDNAMES___isX3D, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, __isX3D), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5064  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5065  (int) FIELDNAMES__selected, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, _selected), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5066  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5067  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5068  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5069  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5070  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5071  (int) FIELDNAMES_forceTransitions, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, forceTransitions), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5072  (int) FIELDNAMES_level, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, level), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML),
5073  (int) FIELDNAMES_levelChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, levelChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5074  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5075  (int) FIELDNAMES_range, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, range), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5076  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LOD, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5077  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5079 const int OFFSETS_Layer[] = {
5080  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layer, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5081  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layer, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5082  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layer, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5083  (int) FIELDNAMES_isPickable, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layer, isPickable), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5084  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layer, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5085  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layer, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5086  (int) FIELDNAMES_viewport, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layer, viewport), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5087  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5089 const int OFFSETS_LayerSet[] = {
5090  (int) FIELDNAMES_activeLayer, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayerSet, activeLayer), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5091  (int) FIELDNAMES_layers, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayerSet, layers), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5092  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayerSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5093  (int) FIELDNAMES_order, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayerSet, order), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5094  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5096 const int OFFSETS_Layout[] = {
5097  (int) FIELDNAMES__align, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layout, _align), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5098  (int) FIELDNAMES__offsetUnits, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layout, _offsetUnits), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5099  (int) FIELDNAMES__scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layout, _scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5100  (int) FIELDNAMES__scaleMode, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layout, _scaleMode), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5101  (int) FIELDNAMES__sizeUnits, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layout, _sizeUnits), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5102  (int) FIELDNAMES_align, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layout, align), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5103  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layout, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5104  (int) FIELDNAMES_offset, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layout, offset), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5105  (int) FIELDNAMES_offsetUnits, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layout, offsetUnits), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5106  (int) FIELDNAMES_scaleMode, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layout, scaleMode), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5107  (int) FIELDNAMES_size, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layout, size), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5108  (int) FIELDNAMES_sizeUnits, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Layout, sizeUnits), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5109  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5111 const int OFFSETS_LayoutGroup[] = {
5112  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutGroup, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5113  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutGroup, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5114  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutGroup, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5115  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutGroup, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5116  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutGroup, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5117  (int) FIELDNAMES_layout, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutGroup, layout), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5118  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutGroup, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5119  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutGroup, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5120  (int) FIELDNAMES_viewport, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutGroup, viewport), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5121  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5123 const int OFFSETS_LayoutLayer[] = {
5124  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutLayer, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5125  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutLayer, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5126  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutLayer, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5127  (int) FIELDNAMES_isPickable, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutLayer, isPickable), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5128  (int) FIELDNAMES_layout, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutLayer, layout), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5129  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutLayer, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5130  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutLayer, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5131  (int) FIELDNAMES_viewport, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LayoutLayer, viewport), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5132  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5134 const int OFFSETS_LinePickSensor[] = {
5135  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
5136  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5137  (int) FIELDNAMES_intersectionType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, intersectionType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5138  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5139  (int) FIELDNAMES_matchCriterion, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, matchCriterion), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5140  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5141  (int) FIELDNAMES_objectType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, objectType), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5142  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickTarget, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, pickTarget), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5143  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickedGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, pickedGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5144  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickedNormal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, pickedNormal), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5145  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickedPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, pickedPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5146  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickedTextureCoordinate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, pickedTextureCoordinate), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5147  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickingGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, pickingGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5148  (int) FIELDNAMES_sortOrder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor, sortOrder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5149  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5151 const int OFFSETS_LineProperties[] = {
5152  (int) FIELDNAMES_applied, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineProperties, applied), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5153  (int) FIELDNAMES_linetype, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineProperties, linetype), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5154  (int) FIELDNAMES_linewidthScaleFactor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineProperties, linewidthScaleFactor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5155  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineProperties, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5156  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5158 const int OFFSETS_LineSensor[] = {
5159  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
5160  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldtrackPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, _oldtrackPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
5161  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldtranslation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, _oldtranslation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
5162  (int) FIELDNAMES__origPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, _origPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5163  (int) FIELDNAMES_autoOffset, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, autoOffset), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5164  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5165  (int) FIELDNAMES_direction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, direction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5166  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5167  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5168  (int) FIELDNAMES_isOver, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, isOver), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5169  (int) FIELDNAMES_maxPosition, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, maxPosition), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5170  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5171  (int) FIELDNAMES_minPosition, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, minPosition), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5172  (int) FIELDNAMES_offset, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, offset), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5173  (int) FIELDNAMES_trackPoint_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, trackPoint_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5174  (int) FIELDNAMES_translation_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSensor, translation_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5175  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5177 const int OFFSETS_LineSet[] = {
5178  (int) FIELDNAMES___segCount, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSet, __segCount), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5179  (int) FIELDNAMES___vertArr, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSet, __vertArr), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5180  (int) FIELDNAMES___vertIndx, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSet, __vertIndx), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5181  (int) FIELDNAMES_attrib, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSet, attrib), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5182  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSet, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5183  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSet, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5184  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSet, fogCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5185  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5186  (int) FIELDNAMES_vertexCount, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LineSet, vertexCount), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5187  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5189 const int OFFSETS_LoadSensor[] = {
5190  (int) FIELDNAMES___StartLoadTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LoadSensor, __StartLoadTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
5191  (int) FIELDNAMES___finishedloading, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LoadSensor, __finishedloading), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5192  (int) FIELDNAMES___loading, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LoadSensor, __loading), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5193  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LoadSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
5194  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LoadSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5195  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LoadSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5196  (int) FIELDNAMES_isLoaded, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LoadSensor, isLoaded), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5197  (int) FIELDNAMES_loadTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LoadSensor, loadTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5198  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LoadSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5199  (int) FIELDNAMES_progress, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LoadSensor, progress), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5200  (int) FIELDNAMES_timeOut, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LoadSensor, timeOut), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5201  (int) FIELDNAMES_watchList, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LoadSensor, watchList), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5202  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5204 const int OFFSETS_LocalFog[] = {
5205  (int) FIELDNAMES___fogScale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LocalFog, __fogScale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
5206  (int) FIELDNAMES___fogType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LocalFog, __fogType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5207  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LocalFog, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5208  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LocalFog, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5209  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LocalFog, fogType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5210  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LocalFog, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5211  (int) FIELDNAMES_visibilityRange, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_LocalFog, visibilityRange), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5212  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5214 const int OFFSETS_Material[] = {
5215  (int) FIELDNAMES__verifiedColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Material, _verifiedColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5216  (int) FIELDNAMES_ambientIntensity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Material, ambientIntensity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5217  (int) FIELDNAMES_diffuseColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Material, diffuseColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5218  (int) FIELDNAMES_emissiveColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Material, emissiveColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5219  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Material, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5220  (int) FIELDNAMES_shininess, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Material, shininess), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5221  (int) FIELDNAMES_specularColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Material, specularColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5222  (int) FIELDNAMES_transparency, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Material, transparency), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5223  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5225 const int OFFSETS_Matrix3VertexAttribute[] = {
5226  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Matrix3VertexAttribute, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5227  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Matrix3VertexAttribute, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5228  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Matrix3VertexAttribute, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5229  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5231 const int OFFSETS_Matrix4VertexAttribute[] = {
5232  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Matrix4VertexAttribute, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5233  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Matrix4VertexAttribute, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5234  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Matrix4VertexAttribute, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix4f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5235  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5237 const int OFFSETS_MetadataBoolean[] = {
5238  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataBoolean, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5239  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataBoolean, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5240  (int) FIELDNAMES_reference, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataBoolean, reference), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5241  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataBoolean, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5242  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5244 const int OFFSETS_MetadataDouble[] = {
5245  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataDouble, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5246  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataDouble, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5247  (int) FIELDNAMES_reference, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataDouble, reference), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5248  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataDouble, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5249  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5251 const int OFFSETS_MetadataFloat[] = {
5252  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataFloat, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5253  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataFloat, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5254  (int) FIELDNAMES_reference, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataFloat, reference), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5255  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataFloat, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5256  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5258 const int OFFSETS_MetadataInteger[] = {
5259  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataInteger, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5260  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataInteger, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5261  (int) FIELDNAMES_reference, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataInteger, reference), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5262  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataInteger, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5263  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5265 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFBool[] = {
5266  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFBool, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5267  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFBool, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5268  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFBool, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5269  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFBool, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5270  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5272 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFColor[] = {
5273  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFColor, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColor, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5274  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFColor, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5275  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFColor, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5276  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFColor, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColor, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5277  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5279 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFColorRGBA[] = {
5280  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFColorRGBA, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColorRGBA, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5281  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFColorRGBA, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5282  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFColorRGBA, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColorRGBA, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5283  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFColorRGBA, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColorRGBA, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5284  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5286 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFDouble[] = {
5287  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFDouble, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5288  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFDouble, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5289  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFDouble, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5290  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFDouble, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5291  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5293 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFFloat[] = {
5294  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFFloat, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5295  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFFloat, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5296  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFFloat, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5297  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFFloat, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5298  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5300 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFInt32[] = {
5301  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFInt32, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5302  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFInt32, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5303  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFInt32, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5304  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFInt32, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5305  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5307 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFMatrix3d[] = {
5308  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3d, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix3d, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5309  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3d, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5310  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3d, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5311  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3d, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix3d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5312  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5314 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFMatrix3f[] = {
5315  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3f, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix3f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5316  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3f, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5317  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3f, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5318  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3f, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5319  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5321 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFMatrix4d[] = {
5322  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4d, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix4d, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5323  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4d, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5324  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4d, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix4d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5325  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4d, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix4d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5326  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5328 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFMatrix4f[] = {
5329  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4f, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix4f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5330  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4f, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5331  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4f, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix4f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5332  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4f, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix4f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5333  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5335 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFNode[] = {
5336  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFNode, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5337  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFNode, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5338  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFNode, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5339  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFNode, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5340  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5342 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFRotation[] = {
5343  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFRotation, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFRotation, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5344  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFRotation, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5345  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFRotation, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5346  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFRotation, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5347  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5349 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFString[] = {
5350  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFString, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5351  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFString, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5352  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFString, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5353  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFString, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5354  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5356 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFTime[] = {
5357  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFTime, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5358  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFTime, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5359  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFTime, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5360  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFTime, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5361  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5363 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFVec2d[] = {
5364  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2d, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2d, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5365  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2d, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5366  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2d, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5367  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2d, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5368  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5370 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFVec2f[] = {
5371  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2f, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5372  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2f, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5373  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2f, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5374  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2f, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5375  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5377 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFVec3d[] = {
5378  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3d, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5379  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3d, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5380  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3d, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5381  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3d, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5382  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5384 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFVec3f[] = {
5385  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3f, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5386  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3f, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5387  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3f, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5388  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3f, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5389  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5391 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFVec4d[] = {
5392  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4d, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec4d, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5393  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4d, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5394  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4d, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec4d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5395  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4d, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec4d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5396  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5398 const int OFFSETS_MetadataMFVec4f[] = {
5399  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4f, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec4f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5400  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4f, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5401  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4f, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec4f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5402  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4f, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec4f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5403  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5405 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFBool[] = {
5406  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFBool, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5407  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFBool, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5408  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFBool, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5409  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFBool, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5410  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5412 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFColor[] = {
5413  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFColor, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5414  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFColor, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5415  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFColor, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5416  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFColor, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5417  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5419 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFColorRGBA[] = {
5420  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFColorRGBA, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColorRGBA, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5421  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFColorRGBA, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5422  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFColorRGBA, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColorRGBA, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5423  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFColorRGBA, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColorRGBA, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5424  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5426 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFDouble[] = {
5427  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFDouble, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFDouble, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5428  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFDouble, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5429  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFDouble, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFDouble, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5430  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFDouble, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFDouble, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5431  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5433 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFFloat[] = {
5434  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFFloat, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5435  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFFloat, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5436  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFFloat, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5437  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFFloat, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5438  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5440 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFImage[] = {
5441  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFImage, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFImage, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5442  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFImage, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5443  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFImage, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFImage, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5444  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFImage, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFImage, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5445  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5447 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFInt32[] = {
5448  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFInt32, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5449  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFInt32, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5450  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFInt32, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5451  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFInt32, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5452  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5454 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFMatrix3d[] = {
5455  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3d, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3d, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5456  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3d, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5457  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3d, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5458  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3d, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5459  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5461 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFMatrix3f[] = {
5462  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3f, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5463  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3f, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5464  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3f, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5465  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3f, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5466  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5468 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFMatrix4d[] = {
5469  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4d, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4d, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5470  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4d, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5471  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4d, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5472  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4d, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5473  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5475 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFMatrix4f[] = {
5476  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4f, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5477  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4f, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5478  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4f, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5479  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4f, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5480  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5482 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFNode[] = {
5483  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFNode, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5484  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFNode, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5485  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFNode, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5486  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFNode, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5487  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5489 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFRotation[] = {
5490  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFRotation, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5491  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFRotation, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5492  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFRotation, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5493  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFRotation, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5494  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5496 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFString[] = {
5497  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFString, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5498  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFString, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5499  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFString, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5500  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFString, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5501  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5503 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFTime[] = {
5504  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFTime, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5505  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFTime, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5506  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFTime, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5507  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFTime, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5508  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5510 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFVec2d[] = {
5511  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2d, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2d, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5512  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2d, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5513  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2d, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5514  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2d, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5515  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5517 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFVec2f[] = {
5518  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2f, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5519  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2f, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5520  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2f, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5521  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2f, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5522  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5524 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFVec3d[] = {
5525  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3d, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5526  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3d, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5527  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3d, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5528  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3d, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5529  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5531 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFVec3f[] = {
5532  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3f, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5533  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3f, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5534  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3f, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5535  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3f, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5536  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5538 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFVec4d[] = {
5539  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4d, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4d, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5540  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4d, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5541  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4d, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5542  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4d, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4d, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5543  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5545 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSFVec4f[] = {
5546  (int) FIELDNAMES_setValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4f, setValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5547  (int) FIELDNAMES_tickTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4f, tickTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5548  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4f, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5549  (int) FIELDNAMES_valueChanged, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4f, valueChanged), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5550  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5552 const int OFFSETS_MetadataSet[] = {
5553  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5554  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSet, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5555  (int) FIELDNAMES_reference, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSet, reference), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5556  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataSet, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5557  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5559 const int OFFSETS_MetadataString[] = {
5560  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataString, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5561  (int) FIELDNAMES_name, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataString, name), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5562  (int) FIELDNAMES_reference, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataString, reference), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5563  (int) FIELDNAMES_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MetadataString, value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5564  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5566 const int OFFSETS_MotorJoint[] = {
5567  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_axis1Angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, __old_axis1Angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5568  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_axis2Angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, __old_axis2Angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5569  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_axis3Angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, __old_axis3Angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5570  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_body1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, __old_body1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5571  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_body2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, __old_body2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5572  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_motor1Axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, __old_motor1Axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5573  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_motor2Axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, __old_motor2Axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5574  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_motor3Axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, __old_motor3Axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5575  (int) FIELDNAMES__forceout, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, _forceout), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5576  (int) FIELDNAMES__joint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, _joint), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5577  (int) FIELDNAMES_autoCalc, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, autoCalc), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5578  (int) FIELDNAMES_axis1Angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, axis1Angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5579  (int) FIELDNAMES_axis1Torque, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, axis1Torque), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5580  (int) FIELDNAMES_axis2Angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, axis2Angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5581  (int) FIELDNAMES_axis2Torque, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, axis2Torque), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5582  (int) FIELDNAMES_axis3Angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, axis3Angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5583  (int) FIELDNAMES_axis3Torque, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, axis3Torque), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5584  (int) FIELDNAMES_body1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, body1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5585  (int) FIELDNAMES_body2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, body2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5586  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabledAxes, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, enabledAxes), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5587  (int) FIELDNAMES_forceOutput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, forceOutput), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5588  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5589  (int) FIELDNAMES_motor1Angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, motor1Angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5590  (int) FIELDNAMES_motor1AngleRate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, motor1AngleRate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5591  (int) FIELDNAMES_motor1Axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, motor1Axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5592  (int) FIELDNAMES_motor2Angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, motor2Angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5593  (int) FIELDNAMES_motor2AngleRate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, motor2AngleRate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5594  (int) FIELDNAMES_motor2Axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, motor2Axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5595  (int) FIELDNAMES_motor3Angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, motor3Angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5596  (int) FIELDNAMES_motor3AngleRate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, motor3AngleRate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5597  (int) FIELDNAMES_motor3Axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, motor3Axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5598  (int) FIELDNAMES_stop1Bounce, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, stop1Bounce), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5599  (int) FIELDNAMES_stop1ErrorCorrection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, stop1ErrorCorrection), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5600  (int) FIELDNAMES_stop2Bounce, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, stop2Bounce), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5601  (int) FIELDNAMES_stop2ErrorCorrection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, stop2ErrorCorrection), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5602  (int) FIELDNAMES_stop3Bounce, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, stop3Bounce), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5603  (int) FIELDNAMES_stop3ErrorCorrection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MotorJoint, stop3ErrorCorrection), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5604  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5606 const int OFFSETS_MovieTexture[] = {
5607  (int) FIELDNAMES___ctex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, __ctex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5608  (int) FIELDNAMES___frac, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, __frac), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5609  (int) FIELDNAMES___fw_movie, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, __fw_movie), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5610  (int) FIELDNAMES___highest, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, __highest), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5611  (int) FIELDNAMES___inittime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, __inittime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5612  (int) FIELDNAMES___lasttime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, __lasttime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5613  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, __loadResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5614  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadstatus, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, __loadstatus), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5615  (int) FIELDNAMES___lowest, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, __lowest), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5616  (int) FIELDNAMES___sourceNumber, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, __sourceNumber), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5617  (int) FIELDNAMES___textureTableIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, __textureTableIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5618  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5619  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5620  (int) FIELDNAMES_duration_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, duration_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5621  (int) FIELDNAMES_elapsedTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, elapsedTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5622  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5623  (int) FIELDNAMES_isPaused, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, isPaused), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5624  (int) FIELDNAMES_loop, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, loop), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5625  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5626  (int) FIELDNAMES_pauseTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, pauseTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5627  (int) FIELDNAMES_pitch, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, pitch), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5628  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatS, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, repeatS), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5629  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatT, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, repeatT), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5630  (int) FIELDNAMES_resumeTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, resumeTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5631  (int) FIELDNAMES_speed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, speed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5632  (int) FIELDNAMES_startTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, startTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5633  (int) FIELDNAMES_stopTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, stopTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5634  (int) FIELDNAMES_textureProperties, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, textureProperties), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5635  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MovieTexture, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5636  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5638 const int OFFSETS_MultiTexture[] = {
5639  (int) FIELDNAMES___xparams, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MultiTexture, __xparams), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5640  (int) FIELDNAMES_alpha, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MultiTexture, alpha), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5641  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MultiTexture, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5642  (int) FIELDNAMES_function, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MultiTexture, function), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5643  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MultiTexture, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5644  (int) FIELDNAMES_mode, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MultiTexture, mode), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5645  (int) FIELDNAMES_source, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MultiTexture, source), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5646  (int) FIELDNAMES_texture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MultiTexture, texture), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5647  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5649 const int OFFSETS_MultiTextureCoordinate[] = {
5650  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MultiTextureCoordinate, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5651  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MultiTextureCoordinate, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5652  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5654 const int OFFSETS_MultiTextureTransform[] = {
5655  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MultiTextureTransform, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5656  (int) FIELDNAMES_textureTransform, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_MultiTextureTransform, textureTransform), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5657  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5659 const int OFFSETS_NavigationInfo[] = {
5660  (int) FIELDNAMES__layerId, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo, _layerId), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5661  (int) FIELDNAMES_avatarSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo, avatarSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5662  (int) FIELDNAMES_bindTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo, bindTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5663  (int) FIELDNAMES_headlight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo, headlight), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5664  (int) FIELDNAMES_isBound, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo, isBound), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5665  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5666  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_bind, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo, set_bind), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5667  (int) FIELDNAMES_speed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo, speed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5668  (int) FIELDNAMES_transitionComplete, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo, transitionComplete), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5669  (int) FIELDNAMES_transitionTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo, transitionTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5670  (int) FIELDNAMES_transitionType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo, transitionType), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5671  (int) FIELDNAMES_type, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo, type), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5672  (int) FIELDNAMES_visibilityLimit, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo, visibilityLimit), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5673  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5675 const int OFFSETS_Normal[] = {
5676  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Normal, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5677  (int) FIELDNAMES_vector, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Normal, vector), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5678  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5680 const int OFFSETS_NormalInterpolator[] = {
5681  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NormalInterpolator, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5682  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NormalInterpolator, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5683  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NormalInterpolator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5684  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NormalInterpolator, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5685  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NormalInterpolator, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5686  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5688 const int OFFSETS_NurbsCurve[] = {
5689  (int) FIELDNAMES___numPoints, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve, __numPoints), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5690  (int) FIELDNAMES___points, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve, __points), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5691  (int) FIELDNAMES__tscale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve, _tscale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5692  (int) FIELDNAMES_closed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve, closed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5693  (int) FIELDNAMES_controlPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve, controlPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5694  (int) FIELDNAMES_knot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve, knot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5695  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5696  (int) FIELDNAMES_order, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve, order), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5697  (int) FIELDNAMES_tessellation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve, tessellation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5698  (int) FIELDNAMES_weight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve, weight), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5699  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5701 const int OFFSETS_NurbsCurve2D[] = {
5702  (int) FIELDNAMES__tscale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D, _tscale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5703  (int) FIELDNAMES_closed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D, closed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5704  (int) FIELDNAMES_controlPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D, controlPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2d, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5705  (int) FIELDNAMES_knot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D, knot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5706  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5707  (int) FIELDNAMES_order, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D, order), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5708  (int) FIELDNAMES_tessellation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D, tessellation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5709  (int) FIELDNAMES_weight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D, weight), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5710  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5712 const int OFFSETS_NurbsOrientationInterpolator[] = {
5713  (int) FIELDNAMES__OK, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator, _OK), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5714  (int) FIELDNAMES__knot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator, _knot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5715  (int) FIELDNAMES__knotrange, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator, _knotrange), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5716  (int) FIELDNAMES__xyzw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator, _xyzw), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec4f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5717  (int) FIELDNAMES_controlPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator, controlPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5718  (int) FIELDNAMES_knot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator, knot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5719  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5720  (int) FIELDNAMES_order, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator, order), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5721  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5722  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5723  (int) FIELDNAMES_weight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator, weight), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5724  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5726 const int OFFSETS_NurbsPatchSurface[] = {
5727  (int) FIELDNAMES__tscale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, _tscale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5728  (int) FIELDNAMES_controlPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, controlPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5729  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5730  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5731  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5732  (int) FIELDNAMES_uClosed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, uClosed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5733  (int) FIELDNAMES_uDimension, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, uDimension), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5734  (int) FIELDNAMES_uKnot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, uKnot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5735  (int) FIELDNAMES_uOrder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, uOrder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5736  (int) FIELDNAMES_uTessellation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, uTessellation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5737  (int) FIELDNAMES_vClosed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, vClosed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5738  (int) FIELDNAMES_vDimension, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, vDimension), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5739  (int) FIELDNAMES_vKnot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, vKnot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5740  (int) FIELDNAMES_vOrder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, vOrder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5741  (int) FIELDNAMES_vTessellation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, vTessellation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5742  (int) FIELDNAMES_weight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface, weight), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5743  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5745 const int OFFSETS_NurbsPositionInterpolator[] = {
5746  (int) FIELDNAMES__OK, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator, _OK), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5747  (int) FIELDNAMES__knot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator, _knot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5748  (int) FIELDNAMES__knotrange, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator, _knotrange), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5749  (int) FIELDNAMES__xyzw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator, _xyzw), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec4f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5750  (int) FIELDNAMES_controlPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator, controlPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5751  (int) FIELDNAMES_knot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator, knot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5752  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5753  (int) FIELDNAMES_order, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator, order), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5754  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5755  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5756  (int) FIELDNAMES_weight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator, weight), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5757  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5759 const int OFFSETS_NurbsSet[] = {
5760  (int) FIELDNAMES_addGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSet, addGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5761  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSet, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5762  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSet, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5763  (int) FIELDNAMES_geometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSet, geometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5764  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5765  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSet, removeGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5766  (int) FIELDNAMES_tessellationScale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSet, tessellationScale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5767  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5769 const int OFFSETS_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator[] = {
5770  (int) FIELDNAMES__OK, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, _OK), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5771  (int) FIELDNAMES__controlPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, _controlPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec4f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5772  (int) FIELDNAMES__uKnot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, _uKnot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5773  (int) FIELDNAMES__vKnot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, _vKnot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5774  (int) FIELDNAMES_controlPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, controlPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5775  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5776  (int) FIELDNAMES_normal_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, normal_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5777  (int) FIELDNAMES_position_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, position_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5778  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5779  (int) FIELDNAMES_uDimension, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, uDimension), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5780  (int) FIELDNAMES_uKnot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, uKnot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5781  (int) FIELDNAMES_uOrder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, uOrder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5782  (int) FIELDNAMES_vDimension, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, vDimension), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5783  (int) FIELDNAMES_vKnot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, vKnot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5784  (int) FIELDNAMES_vOrder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, vOrder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5785  (int) FIELDNAMES_weight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator, weight), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5786  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5788 const int OFFSETS_NurbsSweptSurface[] = {
5789  (int) FIELDNAMES__method, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface, _method), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5790  (int) FIELDNAMES__patch, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface, _patch), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5791  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5792  (int) FIELDNAMES_crossSectionCurve, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface, crossSectionCurve), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5793  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5794  (int) FIELDNAMES_method, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface, method), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) 0,
5795  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5796  (int) FIELDNAMES_trajectoryCurve, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface, trajectoryCurve), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5797  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5799 const int OFFSETS_NurbsSwungSurface[] = {
5800  (int) FIELDNAMES__patch, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface, _patch), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5801  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5802  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5803  (int) FIELDNAMES_profileCurve, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface, profileCurve), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5804  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5805  (int) FIELDNAMES_trajectoryCurve, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface, trajectoryCurve), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5806  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5808 const int OFFSETS_NurbsTextureCoordinate[] = {
5809  (int) FIELDNAMES__controlPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate, _controlPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec4f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5810  (int) FIELDNAMES__uKnot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate, _uKnot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5811  (int) FIELDNAMES__vKnot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate, _vKnot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5812  (int) FIELDNAMES_controlPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate, controlPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5813  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5814  (int) FIELDNAMES_uDimension, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate, uDimension), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5815  (int) FIELDNAMES_uKnot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate, uKnot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5816  (int) FIELDNAMES_uOrder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate, uOrder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5817  (int) FIELDNAMES_vDimension, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate, vDimension), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5818  (int) FIELDNAMES_vKnot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate, vKnot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5819  (int) FIELDNAMES_vOrder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate, vOrder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5820  (int) FIELDNAMES_weight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate, weight), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5821  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5823 const int OFFSETS_NurbsTrimmedSurface[] = {
5824  (int) FIELDNAMES__tscale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, _tscale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5825  (int) FIELDNAMES_addTrimmingContour, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, addTrimmingContour), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5826  (int) FIELDNAMES_controlPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, controlPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5827  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5828  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeTrimmingContour, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, removeTrimmingContour), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5829  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5830  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5831  (int) FIELDNAMES_trimmingContour, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, trimmingContour), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5832  (int) FIELDNAMES_uClosed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, uClosed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5833  (int) FIELDNAMES_uDimension, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, uDimension), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5834  (int) FIELDNAMES_uKnot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, uKnot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5835  (int) FIELDNAMES_uOrder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, uOrder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5836  (int) FIELDNAMES_uTessellation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, uTessellation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5837  (int) FIELDNAMES_vClosed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, vClosed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5838  (int) FIELDNAMES_vDimension, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, vDimension), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5839  (int) FIELDNAMES_vKnot, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, vKnot), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5840  (int) FIELDNAMES_vOrder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, vOrder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5841  (int) FIELDNAMES_vTessellation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, vTessellation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5842  (int) FIELDNAMES_weight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface, weight), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFDouble, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5843  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5845 const int OFFSETS_OSC_Sensor[] = {
5846  (int) FIELDNAMES_FIFOsize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, FIFOsize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
5847  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldmetadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, __oldmetadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
5848  (int) FIELDNAMES__floatInpFIFO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, _floatInpFIFO), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5849  (int) FIELDNAMES__floatOutFIFO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, _floatOutFIFO), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5850  (int) FIELDNAMES__int32InpFIFO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, _int32InpFIFO), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5851  (int) FIELDNAMES__int32OutFIFO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, _int32OutFIFO), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5852  (int) FIELDNAMES__status, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, _status), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
5853  (int) FIELDNAMES__stringInpFIFO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, _stringInpFIFO), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5854  (int) FIELDNAMES__stringOutFIFO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, _stringOutFIFO), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5855  (int) FIELDNAMES__talkToNodes, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, _talkToNodes), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
5856  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5857  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5858  (int) FIELDNAMES_filter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, filter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5859  (int) FIELDNAMES_floatInp, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, floatInp), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5860  (int) FIELDNAMES_gotEvents, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, gotEvents), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5861  (int) FIELDNAMES_handler, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, handler), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5862  (int) FIELDNAMES_int32Inp, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, int32Inp), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5863  (int) FIELDNAMES_listenfor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, listenfor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5864  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5865  (int) FIELDNAMES_port, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, port), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
5866  (int) FIELDNAMES_protocol, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, protocol), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5867  (int) FIELDNAMES_stringInp, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, stringInp), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5868  (int) FIELDNAMES_talksTo, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor, talksTo), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5869  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5871 const int OFFSETS_OpacityMapVolumeStyle[] = {
5872  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OpacityMapVolumeStyle, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5873  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OpacityMapVolumeStyle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5874  (int) FIELDNAMES_transferFunction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OpacityMapVolumeStyle, transferFunction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5875  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5877 const int OFFSETS_OrientationChaser[] = {
5878  (int) FIELDNAMES__buffer, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, _buffer), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5879  (int) FIELDNAMES__bufferendtime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, _bufferendtime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5880  (int) FIELDNAMES__destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, _destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5881  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5882  (int) FIELDNAMES__previousvalue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, _previousvalue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5883  (int) FIELDNAMES__steptime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, _steptime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5884  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5885  (int) FIELDNAMES_duration, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, duration), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5886  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5887  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5888  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5889  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5890  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5891  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5892  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5893  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5895 const int OFFSETS_OrientationDamper[] = {
5896  (int) FIELDNAMES__input, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, _input), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5897  (int) FIELDNAMES__lasttick, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, _lasttick), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5898  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5899  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5900  (int) FIELDNAMES__takefirstinput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, _takefirstinput), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5901  (int) FIELDNAMES__tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, _tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5902  (int) FIELDNAMES__values, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, _values), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5903  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5904  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5905  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5906  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5907  (int) FIELDNAMES_order, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, order), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5908  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5909  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5910  (int) FIELDNAMES_tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5911  (int) FIELDNAMES_tolerance, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, tolerance), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5912  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5913  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5915 const int OFFSETS_OrientationInterpolator[] = {
5916  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationInterpolator, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5917  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationInterpolator, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5918  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationInterpolator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5919  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationInterpolator, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5920  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrientationInterpolator, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5921  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5923 const int OFFSETS_OrthoViewpoint[] = {
5924  (int) FIELDNAMES__donethispass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint, _donethispass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5925  (int) FIELDNAMES__layerId, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint, _layerId), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5926  (int) FIELDNAMES_bindTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint, bindTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5927  (int) FIELDNAMES_centerOfRotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint, centerOfRotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5928  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5929  (int) FIELDNAMES_fieldOfView, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint, fieldOfView), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5930  (int) FIELDNAMES_isBound, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint, isBound), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5931  (int) FIELDNAMES_jump, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint, jump), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5932  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5933  (int) FIELDNAMES_orientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint, orientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5934  (int) FIELDNAMES_position, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint, position), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5935  (int) FIELDNAMES_retainUserOffsets, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint, retainUserOffsets), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5936  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_bind, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint, set_bind), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5937  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5939 const int OFFSETS_PackagedShader[] = {
5940  (int) FIELDNAMES__initialized, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PackagedShader, _initialized), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5941  (int) FIELDNAMES__retrievedURLData, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PackagedShader, _retrievedURLData), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5942  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderLoadThread, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PackagedShader, _shaderLoadThread), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLThread, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5943  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderUserDefinedFields, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PackagedShader, _shaderUserDefinedFields), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5944  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderUserNumber, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PackagedShader, _shaderUserNumber), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5945  (int) FIELDNAMES_activate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PackagedShader, activate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5946  (int) FIELDNAMES_isSelected, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PackagedShader, isSelected), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5947  (int) FIELDNAMES_isValid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PackagedShader, isValid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5948  (int) FIELDNAMES_language, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PackagedShader, language), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5949  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PackagedShader, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5950  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PackagedShader, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5951  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5953 const int OFFSETS_ParticleSystem[] = {
5954  (int) FIELDNAMES__geometryType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, _geometryType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5955  (int) FIELDNAMES__lasttime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, _lasttime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFDouble, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5956  (int) FIELDNAMES__ltex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, _ltex), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5957  (int) FIELDNAMES__particles, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, _particles), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5958  (int) FIELDNAMES__remainder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, _remainder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5959  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderflags_base, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, _shaderflags_base), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5960  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderflags_effects, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, _shaderflags_effects), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5961  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderflags_usershaders, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, _shaderflags_usershaders), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5962  (int) FIELDNAMES__tris, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, _tris), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5963  (int) FIELDNAMES__ttex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, _ttex), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5964  (int) FIELDNAMES_appearance, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, appearance), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5965  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5966  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5967  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorKey, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, colorKey), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5968  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorRamp, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, colorRamp), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5969  (int) FIELDNAMES_createParticles, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, createParticles), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5970  (int) FIELDNAMES_emitter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, emitter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5971  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5972  (int) FIELDNAMES_geometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, geometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5973  (int) FIELDNAMES_geometryType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, geometryType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5974  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5975  (int) FIELDNAMES_lifetimeVariation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, lifetimeVariation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5976  (int) FIELDNAMES_maxParticles, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, maxParticles), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5977  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5978  (int) FIELDNAMES_particleLifetime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, particleLifetime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5979  (int) FIELDNAMES_particleSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, particleSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5980  (int) FIELDNAMES_physics, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, physics), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5981  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoordKey, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, texCoordKey), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5982  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoordRamp, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem, texCoordRamp), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5983  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5985 const int OFFSETS_PickableGroup[] = {
5986  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PickableGroup, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5987  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PickableGroup, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5988  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PickableGroup, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5989  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PickableGroup, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5990  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PickableGroup, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5991  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PickableGroup, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5992  (int) FIELDNAMES_objectType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PickableGroup, objectType), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5993  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickable, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PickableGroup, pickable), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5994  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PickableGroup, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
5995  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
5997 const int OFFSETS_PixelTexture[] = {
5998  (int) FIELDNAMES___textureTableIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture, __textureTableIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
5999  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6000  (int) FIELDNAMES_image, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture, image), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFImage, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6001  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6002  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatS, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture, repeatS), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6003  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatT, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture, repeatT), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6004  (int) FIELDNAMES_textureProperties, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture, textureProperties), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6005  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6007 const int OFFSETS_PixelTexture3D[] = {
6008  (int) FIELDNAMES___textureTableIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture3D, __textureTableIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6009  (int) FIELDNAMES__needs_gradient, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture3D, _needs_gradient), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6010  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture3D, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6011  (int) FIELDNAMES_image, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture3D, image), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6012  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture3D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6013  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatR, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture3D, repeatR), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6014  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatS, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture3D, repeatS), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6015  (int) FIELDNAMES_repeatT, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture3D, repeatT), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6016  (int) FIELDNAMES_textureProperties, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PixelTexture3D, textureProperties), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6017  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6019 const int OFFSETS_PlaneSensor[] = {
6020  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6021  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldtrackPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, _oldtrackPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
6022  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldtranslation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, _oldtranslation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
6023  (int) FIELDNAMES__origPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, _origPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6024  (int) FIELDNAMES_autoOffset, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, autoOffset), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6025  (int) FIELDNAMES_axisRotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, axisRotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6026  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6027  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6028  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6029  (int) FIELDNAMES_isOver, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, isOver), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6030  (int) FIELDNAMES_maxPosition, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, maxPosition), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6031  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6032  (int) FIELDNAMES_minPosition, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, minPosition), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6033  (int) FIELDNAMES_offset, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, offset), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6034  (int) FIELDNAMES_trackPoint_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, trackPoint_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6035  (int) FIELDNAMES_translation_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor, translation_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6036  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6038 const int OFFSETS_PointEmitter[] = {
6039  (int) FIELDNAMES_direction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointEmitter, direction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6040  (int) FIELDNAMES_mass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointEmitter, mass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6041  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointEmitter, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6042  (int) FIELDNAMES_position, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointEmitter, position), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6043  (int) FIELDNAMES_speed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointEmitter, speed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6044  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceArea, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointEmitter, surfaceArea), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6045  (int) FIELDNAMES_variation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointEmitter, variation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6046  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6048 const int OFFSETS_PointLight[] = {
6049  (int) FIELDNAMES__amb, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointLight, _amb), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6050  (int) FIELDNAMES__col, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointLight, _col), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6051  (int) FIELDNAMES__loc, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointLight, _loc), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6052  (int) FIELDNAMES_ambientIntensity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointLight, ambientIntensity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6053  (int) FIELDNAMES_attenuation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointLight, attenuation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6054  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointLight, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6055  (int) FIELDNAMES_global, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointLight, global), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6056  (int) FIELDNAMES_intensity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointLight, intensity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6057  (int) FIELDNAMES_location, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointLight, location), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6058  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointLight, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6059  (int) FIELDNAMES_on, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointLight, on), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6060  (int) FIELDNAMES_radius, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointLight, radius), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6061  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6063 const int OFFSETS_PointPickSensor[] = {
6064  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6065  (int) FIELDNAMES__bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, _bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6066  (int) FIELDNAMES__bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, _bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6067  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldisActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, _oldisActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6068  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldpickTarget, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, _oldpickTarget), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6069  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldpickedGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, _oldpickedGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6070  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldpickedPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, _oldpickedPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6071  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6072  (int) FIELDNAMES_intersectionType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, intersectionType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6073  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6074  (int) FIELDNAMES_matchCriterion, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, matchCriterion), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6075  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6076  (int) FIELDNAMES_objectType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, objectType), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6077  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickTarget, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, pickTarget), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6078  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickedGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, pickedGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6079  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickedPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, pickedPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6080  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickingGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, pickingGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6081  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_intersectionType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, set_intersectionType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6082  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_sortOrder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, set_sortOrder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6083  (int) FIELDNAMES_sortOrder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor, sortOrder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6084  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6086 const int OFFSETS_PointSet[] = {
6087  (int) FIELDNAMES__colourSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointSet, _colourSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6088  (int) FIELDNAMES__coloursVBO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointSet, _coloursVBO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6089  (int) FIELDNAMES__npoints, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointSet, _npoints), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6090  (int) FIELDNAMES__pointsVBO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointSet, _pointsVBO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6091  (int) FIELDNAMES_attrib, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointSet, attrib), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6092  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointSet, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6093  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointSet, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6094  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointSet, fogCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6095  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PointSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6096  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6098 const int OFFSETS_Polyline2D[] = {
6099  (int) FIELDNAMES_lineSegments, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Polyline2D, lineSegments), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6100  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Polyline2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6101  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6103 const int OFFSETS_PolylineEmitter[] = {
6104  (int) FIELDNAMES__method, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter, _method), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6105  (int) FIELDNAMES__nseg, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter, _nseg), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6106  (int) FIELDNAMES__portions, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter, _portions), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6107  (int) FIELDNAMES__segs, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter, _segs), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6108  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6109  (int) FIELDNAMES_coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter, coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6110  (int) FIELDNAMES_direction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter, direction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6111  (int) FIELDNAMES_mass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter, mass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6112  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6113  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter, set_coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6114  (int) FIELDNAMES_speed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter, speed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6115  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceArea, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter, surfaceArea), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6116  (int) FIELDNAMES_variation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter, variation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6117  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6119 const int OFFSETS_Polypoint2D[] = {
6120  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Polypoint2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6121  (int) FIELDNAMES_point, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Polypoint2D, point), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6122  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6124 const int OFFSETS_PositionChaser[] = {
6125  (int) FIELDNAMES__buffer, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, _buffer), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6126  (int) FIELDNAMES__bufferendtime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, _bufferendtime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6127  (int) FIELDNAMES__destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, _destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6128  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6129  (int) FIELDNAMES__previousvalue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, _previousvalue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6130  (int) FIELDNAMES__steptime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, _steptime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6131  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6132  (int) FIELDNAMES_duration, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, duration), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6133  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6134  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6135  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6136  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6137  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6138  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6139  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6140  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6142 const int OFFSETS_PositionChaser2D[] = {
6143  (int) FIELDNAMES__buffer, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, _buffer), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6144  (int) FIELDNAMES__bufferendtime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, _bufferendtime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6145  (int) FIELDNAMES__destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, _destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6146  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6147  (int) FIELDNAMES__previousvalue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, _previousvalue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6148  (int) FIELDNAMES__steptime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, _steptime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6149  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6150  (int) FIELDNAMES_duration, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, duration), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6151  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6152  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6153  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6154  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6155  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6156  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6157  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6158  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6160 const int OFFSETS_PositionDamper[] = {
6161  (int) FIELDNAMES__input, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, _input), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6162  (int) FIELDNAMES__lasttick, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, _lasttick), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6163  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6164  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6165  (int) FIELDNAMES__takefirstinput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, _takefirstinput), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6166  (int) FIELDNAMES__tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, _tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6167  (int) FIELDNAMES__values, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, _values), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6168  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6169  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6170  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6171  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6172  (int) FIELDNAMES_order, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, order), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6173  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6174  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6175  (int) FIELDNAMES_tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6176  (int) FIELDNAMES_tolerance, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, tolerance), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6177  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6178  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6180 const int OFFSETS_PositionDamper2D[] = {
6181  (int) FIELDNAMES__input, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, _input), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6182  (int) FIELDNAMES__lasttick, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, _lasttick), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6183  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6184  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6185  (int) FIELDNAMES__takefirstinput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, _takefirstinput), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6186  (int) FIELDNAMES__tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, _tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6187  (int) FIELDNAMES__values, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, _values), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6188  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6189  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6190  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6191  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6192  (int) FIELDNAMES_order, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, order), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6193  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6194  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6195  (int) FIELDNAMES_tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6196  (int) FIELDNAMES_tolerance, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, tolerance), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6197  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6198  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6200 const int OFFSETS_PositionInterpolator[] = {
6201  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6202  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6203  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6204  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6205  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6206  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6208 const int OFFSETS_PositionInterpolator2D[] = {
6209  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator2D, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6210  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator2D, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6211  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6212  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator2D, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6213  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator2D, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6214  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6216 const int OFFSETS_PrimitivePickSensor[] = {
6217  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6218  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6219  (int) FIELDNAMES_intersectionType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor, intersectionType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6220  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6221  (int) FIELDNAMES_matchCriterion, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor, matchCriterion), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6222  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6223  (int) FIELDNAMES_objectType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor, objectType), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6224  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickTarget, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor, pickTarget), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6225  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickedGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor, pickedGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6226  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickingGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor, pickingGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6227  (int) FIELDNAMES_sortOrder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor, sortOrder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6228  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6230 const int OFFSETS_ProgramShader[] = {
6231  (int) FIELDNAMES__initialized, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProgramShader, _initialized), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6232  (int) FIELDNAMES__retrievedURLData, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProgramShader, _retrievedURLData), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6233  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderLoadThread, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProgramShader, _shaderLoadThread), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLThread, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6234  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderUserNumber, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProgramShader, _shaderUserNumber), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6235  (int) FIELDNAMES_activate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProgramShader, activate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6236  (int) FIELDNAMES_isSelected, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProgramShader, isSelected), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6237  (int) FIELDNAMES_isValid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProgramShader, isValid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6238  (int) FIELDNAMES_language, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProgramShader, language), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6239  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProgramShader, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6240  (int) FIELDNAMES_programs, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProgramShader, programs), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6241  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6243 const int OFFSETS_ProjectionVolumeStyle[] = {
6244  (int) FIELDNAMES__type, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProjectionVolumeStyle, _type), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6245  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProjectionVolumeStyle, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6246  (int) FIELDNAMES_intensityThreshold, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProjectionVolumeStyle, intensityThreshold), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6247  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProjectionVolumeStyle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6248  (int) FIELDNAMES_type, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProjectionVolumeStyle, type), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6249  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6251 const int OFFSETS_Proto[] = {
6252  (int) FIELDNAMES___DEFnames, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __DEFnames), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6253  (int) FIELDNAMES___EXPORTS, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __EXPORTS), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6254  (int) FIELDNAMES___GC, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __GC), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6255  (int) FIELDNAMES___IMPORTS, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __IMPORTS), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6256  (int) FIELDNAMES___IS, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __IS), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6257  (int) FIELDNAMES___ROUTES, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __ROUTES), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6258  (int) FIELDNAMES___afterPound, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __afterPound), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6259  (int) FIELDNAMES___children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6260  (int) FIELDNAMES___externProtoDeclares, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __externProtoDeclares), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6261  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __loadResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6262  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadstatus, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __loadstatus), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6263  (int) FIELDNAMES___nodes, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __nodes), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6264  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldload, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __oldload), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6265  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldurl, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __oldurl), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6266  (int) FIELDNAMES___parentProto, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __parentProto), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6267  (int) FIELDNAMES___protoDeclares, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __protoDeclares), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6268  (int) FIELDNAMES___protoDef, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __protoDef), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6269  (int) FIELDNAMES___protoFlags, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __protoFlags), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6270  (int) FIELDNAMES___prototype, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __prototype), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6271  (int) FIELDNAMES___scripts, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __scripts), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6272  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6273  (int) FIELDNAMES___subcontexts, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __subcontexts), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6274  (int) FIELDNAMES___typename, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, __typename), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6275  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6276  (int) FIELDNAMES__sortedChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, _sortedChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6277  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6278  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6279  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6280  (int) FIELDNAMES_load, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, load), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6281  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6282  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6283  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Proto, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6284  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6286 const int OFFSETS_ProximitySensor[] = {
6287  (int) FIELDNAMES___hit, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, __hit), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6288  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6289  (int) FIELDNAMES___t1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, __t1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6290  (int) FIELDNAMES___t2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, __t2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6291  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6292  (int) FIELDNAMES_centerOfRotation_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, centerOfRotation_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6293  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6294  (int) FIELDNAMES_enterTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, enterTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6295  (int) FIELDNAMES_exitTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, exitTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6296  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6297  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6298  (int) FIELDNAMES_orientation_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, orientation_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6299  (int) FIELDNAMES_position_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, position_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6300  (int) FIELDNAMES_size, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor, size), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6301  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6303 const int OFFSETS_QuadSet[] = {
6304  (int) FIELDNAMES__coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_QuadSet, _coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6305  (int) FIELDNAMES_attrib, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_QuadSet, attrib), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6306  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_QuadSet, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6307  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_QuadSet, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6308  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_QuadSet, colorPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6309  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_QuadSet, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6310  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_QuadSet, fogCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6311  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_QuadSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6312  (int) FIELDNAMES_normal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_QuadSet, normal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6313  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_QuadSet, normalPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6314  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_QuadSet, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6315  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_QuadSet, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6316  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6318 const int OFFSETS_ReceiverPdu[] = {
6319  (int) FIELDNAMES_address, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, address), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6320  (int) FIELDNAMES_applicationID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, applicationID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6321  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6322  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6323  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6324  (int) FIELDNAMES_entityID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, entityID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6325  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6326  (int) FIELDNAMES_isNetworkReader, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, isNetworkReader), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6327  (int) FIELDNAMES_isNetworkWriter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, isNetworkWriter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6328  (int) FIELDNAMES_isRtpHeaderHeard, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, isRtpHeaderHeard), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6329  (int) FIELDNAMES_isStandAlone, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, isStandAlone), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6330  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6331  (int) FIELDNAMES_multicastRelayHost, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, multicastRelayHost), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6332  (int) FIELDNAMES_multicastRelayPort, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, multicastRelayPort), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6333  (int) FIELDNAMES_networkMode, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, networkMode), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6334  (int) FIELDNAMES_port, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, port), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6335  (int) FIELDNAMES_radioID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, radioID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6336  (int) FIELDNAMES_readInterval, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, readInterval), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6337  (int) FIELDNAMES_receivedPower, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, receivedPower), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6338  (int) FIELDNAMES_receiverState, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, receiverState), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6339  (int) FIELDNAMES_rtpHeaderExpected, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, rtpHeaderExpected), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6340  (int) FIELDNAMES_siteID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, siteID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6341  (int) FIELDNAMES_timestamp, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, timestamp), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6342  (int) FIELDNAMES_transmitterApplicationID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, transmitterApplicationID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6343  (int) FIELDNAMES_transmitterEntityID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, transmitterEntityID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6344  (int) FIELDNAMES_transmitterRadioID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, transmitterRadioID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6345  (int) FIELDNAMES_transmitterSiteID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, transmitterSiteID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6346  (int) FIELDNAMES_whichGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, whichGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6347  (int) FIELDNAMES_writeInterval, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu, writeInterval), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6348  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6350 const int OFFSETS_Rectangle2D[] = {
6351  (int) FIELDNAMES___numPoints, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Rectangle2D, __numPoints), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6352  (int) FIELDNAMES___points, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Rectangle2D, __points), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6353  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Rectangle2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6354  (int) FIELDNAMES_size, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Rectangle2D, size), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6355  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Rectangle2D, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6356  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6358 const int OFFSETS_RigidBody[] = {
6359  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_angularVelocity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, __old_angularVelocity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6360  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_centerOfMass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, __old_centerOfMass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6361  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_finiteRotationAxis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, __old_finiteRotationAxis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6362  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_linearVelocity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, __old_linearVelocity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6363  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_orientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, __old_orientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6364  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_position, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, __old_position), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6365  (int) FIELDNAMES__body, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, _body), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6366  (int) FIELDNAMES__geomIdentityTransform, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, _geomIdentityTransform), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6367  (int) FIELDNAMES_angularDampingFactor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, angularDampingFactor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6368  (int) FIELDNAMES_angularVelocity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, angularVelocity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6369  (int) FIELDNAMES_autoDamp, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, autoDamp), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6370  (int) FIELDNAMES_autoDisable, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, autoDisable), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6371  (int) FIELDNAMES_centerOfMass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, centerOfMass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6372  (int) FIELDNAMES_disableAngularSpeed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, disableAngularSpeed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6373  (int) FIELDNAMES_disableLinearSpeed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, disableLinearSpeed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6374  (int) FIELDNAMES_disableTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, disableTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6375  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6376  (int) FIELDNAMES_finiteRotationAxis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, finiteRotationAxis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6377  (int) FIELDNAMES_fixed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, fixed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6378  (int) FIELDNAMES_forces, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, forces), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6379  (int) FIELDNAMES_geometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, geometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6380  (int) FIELDNAMES_inertia, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, inertia), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6381  (int) FIELDNAMES_linearDampingFactor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, linearDampingFactor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6382  (int) FIELDNAMES_linearVelocity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, linearVelocity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6383  (int) FIELDNAMES_mass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, mass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6384  (int) FIELDNAMES_massDensityModel, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, massDensityModel), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6385  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6386  (int) FIELDNAMES_orientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, orientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6387  (int) FIELDNAMES_position, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, position), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6388  (int) FIELDNAMES_torques, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, torques), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6389  (int) FIELDNAMES_useFiniteRotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, useFiniteRotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6390  (int) FIELDNAMES_useGlobalGravity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBody, useGlobalGravity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6391  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6393 const int OFFSETS_RigidBodyCollection[] = {
6394  (int) FIELDNAMES__group, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, _group), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6395  (int) FIELDNAMES__world, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, _world), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6396  (int) FIELDNAMES_autoDisable, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, autoDisable), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6397  (int) FIELDNAMES_bodies, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, bodies), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6398  (int) FIELDNAMES_collider, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, collider), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6399  (int) FIELDNAMES_constantForceMix, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, constantForceMix), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6400  (int) FIELDNAMES_contactSurfaceThickness, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, contactSurfaceThickness), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6401  (int) FIELDNAMES_disableAngularSpeed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, disableAngularSpeed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6402  (int) FIELDNAMES_disableLinearSpeed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, disableLinearSpeed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6403  (int) FIELDNAMES_disableTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, disableTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6404  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6405  (int) FIELDNAMES_errorCorrection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, errorCorrection), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6406  (int) FIELDNAMES_gravity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, gravity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6407  (int) FIELDNAMES_iterations, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, iterations), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6408  (int) FIELDNAMES_joints, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, joints), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6409  (int) FIELDNAMES_maxCorrectionSpeed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, maxCorrectionSpeed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6410  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6411  (int) FIELDNAMES_preferAccuracy, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, preferAccuracy), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6412  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_contacts, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection, set_contacts), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6413  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6415 const int OFFSETS_ScalarChaser[] = {
6416  (int) FIELDNAMES__buffer, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, _buffer), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6417  (int) FIELDNAMES__bufferendtime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, _bufferendtime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6418  (int) FIELDNAMES__destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, _destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6419  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6420  (int) FIELDNAMES__previousvalue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, _previousvalue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6421  (int) FIELDNAMES__steptime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, _steptime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6422  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6423  (int) FIELDNAMES_duration, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, duration), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6424  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6425  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6426  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6427  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6428  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6429  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6430  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6431  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6433 const int OFFSETS_ScalarDamper[] = {
6434  (int) FIELDNAMES__input, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, _input), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6435  (int) FIELDNAMES__lasttick, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, _lasttick), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6436  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6437  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6438  (int) FIELDNAMES__takefirstinput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, _takefirstinput), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6439  (int) FIELDNAMES__tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, _tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6440  (int) FIELDNAMES__values, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, _values), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6441  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6442  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6443  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6444  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6445  (int) FIELDNAMES_order, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, order), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6446  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6447  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6448  (int) FIELDNAMES_tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6449  (int) FIELDNAMES_tolerance, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, tolerance), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6450  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6451  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6453 const int OFFSETS_ScalarInterpolator[] = {
6454  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarInterpolator, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6455  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarInterpolator, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6456  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarInterpolator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6457  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarInterpolator, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6458  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScalarInterpolator, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6459  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6461 const int OFFSETS_ScreenFontStyle[] = {
6462  (int) FIELDNAMES_family, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle, family), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6463  (int) FIELDNAMES_horizontal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle, horizontal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6464  (int) FIELDNAMES_justify, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle, justify), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6465  (int) FIELDNAMES_language, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle, language), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6466  (int) FIELDNAMES_leftToRight, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle, leftToRight), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6467  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6468  (int) FIELDNAMES_pointSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle, pointSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6469  (int) FIELDNAMES_spacing, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle, spacing), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6470  (int) FIELDNAMES_style, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle, style), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6471  (int) FIELDNAMES_topToBottom, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle, topToBottom), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6472  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6474 const int OFFSETS_ScreenGroup[] = {
6475  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenGroup, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6476  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenGroup, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6477  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenGroup, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6478  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenGroup, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6479  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenGroup, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6480  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenGroup, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6481  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ScreenGroup, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6482  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6484 const int OFFSETS_Script[] = {
6485  (int) FIELDNAMES___scriptObj, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Script, __scriptObj), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6486  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Script, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6487  (int) FIELDNAMES_directOutput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Script, directOutput), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6488  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Script, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6489  (int) FIELDNAMES_mustEvaluate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Script, mustEvaluate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6490  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Script, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6491  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6493 const int OFFSETS_SegmentedVolumeData[] = {
6494  (int) FIELDNAMES__boxtris, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData, _boxtris), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6495  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6496  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6497  (int) FIELDNAMES_dimensions, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData, dimensions), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6498  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6499  (int) FIELDNAMES_renderStyle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData, renderStyle), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6500  (int) FIELDNAMES_segmentEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData, segmentEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6501  (int) FIELDNAMES_segmentIdentifiers, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData, segmentIdentifiers), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6502  (int) FIELDNAMES_voxels, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData, voxels), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6503  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6505 const int OFFSETS_ShadedVolumeStyle[] = {
6506  (int) FIELDNAMES__phaseFunction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle, _phaseFunction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6507  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6508  (int) FIELDNAMES_lighting, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle, lighting), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6509  (int) FIELDNAMES_material, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle, material), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6510  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6511  (int) FIELDNAMES_phaseFunction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle, phaseFunction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6512  (int) FIELDNAMES_shadows, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle, shadows), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6513  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceNormals, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle, surfaceNormals), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6514  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6516 const int OFFSETS_ShaderPart[] = {
6517  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderPart, __loadResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6518  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadstatus, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderPart, __loadstatus), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6519  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderPart, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6520  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderUserDefinedFields, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderPart, _shaderUserDefinedFields), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6521  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderPart, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6522  (int) FIELDNAMES_type, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderPart, type), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6523  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderPart, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6524  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6526 const int OFFSETS_ShaderProgram[] = {
6527  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderProgram, __loadResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6528  (int) FIELDNAMES___loadstatus, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderProgram, __loadstatus), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6529  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderProgram, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6530  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderUserDefinedFields, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderProgram, _shaderUserDefinedFields), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6531  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderProgram, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6532  (int) FIELDNAMES_type, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderProgram, type), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6533  (int) FIELDNAMES_url, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ShaderProgram, url), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6534  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6536 const int OFFSETS_Shape[] = {
6537  (int) FIELDNAMES___Samples, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Shape, __Samples), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6538  (int) FIELDNAMES___occludeCheckCount, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Shape, __occludeCheckCount), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6539  (int) FIELDNAMES___visible, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Shape, __visible), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6540  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderflags_base, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Shape, _shaderflags_base), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6541  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderflags_effects, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Shape, _shaderflags_effects), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6542  (int) FIELDNAMES__shaderflags_usershaders, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Shape, _shaderflags_usershaders), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6543  (int) FIELDNAMES_appearance, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Shape, appearance), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6544  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Shape, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6545  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Shape, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6546  (int) FIELDNAMES_geometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Shape, geometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6547  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Shape, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6548  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6550 const int OFFSETS_SignalPdu[] = {
6551  (int) FIELDNAMES_address, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, address), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6552  (int) FIELDNAMES_applicationID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, applicationID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6553  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6554  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6555  (int) FIELDNAMES_data, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, data), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6556  (int) FIELDNAMES_dataLength, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, dataLength), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6557  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6558  (int) FIELDNAMES_encodingScheme, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, encodingScheme), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6559  (int) FIELDNAMES_entityID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, entityID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6560  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6561  (int) FIELDNAMES_isNetworkReader, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, isNetworkReader), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6562  (int) FIELDNAMES_isNetworkWriter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, isNetworkWriter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6563  (int) FIELDNAMES_isRtpHeaderHeard, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, isRtpHeaderHeard), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6564  (int) FIELDNAMES_isStandAlone, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, isStandAlone), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6565  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6566  (int) FIELDNAMES_multicastRelayHost, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, multicastRelayHost), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6567  (int) FIELDNAMES_multicastRelayPort, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, multicastRelayPort), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6568  (int) FIELDNAMES_networkMode, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, networkMode), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6569  (int) FIELDNAMES_port, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, port), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6570  (int) FIELDNAMES_radioID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, radioID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6571  (int) FIELDNAMES_readInterval, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, readInterval), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6572  (int) FIELDNAMES_rtpHeaderExpected, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, rtpHeaderExpected), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6573  (int) FIELDNAMES_sampleRate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, sampleRate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6574  (int) FIELDNAMES_samples, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, samples), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6575  (int) FIELDNAMES_siteID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, siteID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6576  (int) FIELDNAMES_tdlType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, tdlType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6577  (int) FIELDNAMES_timestamp, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, timestamp), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6578  (int) FIELDNAMES_whichGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, whichGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6579  (int) FIELDNAMES_writeInterval, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SignalPdu, writeInterval), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6580  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6582 const int OFFSETS_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle[] = {
6583  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6584  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6585  (int) FIELDNAMES_silhouetteBoundaryOpacity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle, silhouetteBoundaryOpacity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6586  (int) FIELDNAMES_silhouetteRetainedOpacity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle, silhouetteRetainedOpacity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6587  (int) FIELDNAMES_silhouetteSharpness, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle, silhouetteSharpness), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6588  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceNormals, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle, surfaceNormals), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6589  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6591 const int OFFSETS_SingleAxisHingeJoint[] = {
6592  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_anchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, __old_anchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6593  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, __old_axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6594  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_body1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, __old_body1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6595  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_body2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, __old_body2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6596  (int) FIELDNAMES__forceout, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, _forceout), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6597  (int) FIELDNAMES__joint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, _joint), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6598  (int) FIELDNAMES_anchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, anchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6599  (int) FIELDNAMES_angle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, angle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6600  (int) FIELDNAMES_angleRate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, angleRate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6601  (int) FIELDNAMES_axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6602  (int) FIELDNAMES_body1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, body1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6603  (int) FIELDNAMES_body1AnchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, body1AnchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6604  (int) FIELDNAMES_body2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, body2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6605  (int) FIELDNAMES_body2AnchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, body2AnchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6606  (int) FIELDNAMES_forceOutput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, forceOutput), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6607  (int) FIELDNAMES_maxAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, maxAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6608  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6609  (int) FIELDNAMES_minAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, minAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6610  (int) FIELDNAMES_stopBounce, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, stopBounce), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6611  (int) FIELDNAMES_stopErrorCorrection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint, stopErrorCorrection), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6612  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6614 const int OFFSETS_SliderJoint[] = {
6615  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, __old_axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6616  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_body1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, __old_body1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6617  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_body2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, __old_body2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6618  (int) FIELDNAMES__forceout, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, _forceout), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6619  (int) FIELDNAMES__joint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, _joint), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6620  (int) FIELDNAMES_axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6621  (int) FIELDNAMES_body1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, body1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6622  (int) FIELDNAMES_body2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, body2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6623  (int) FIELDNAMES_forceOutput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, forceOutput), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6624  (int) FIELDNAMES_maxSeparation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, maxSeparation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6625  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6626  (int) FIELDNAMES_minSeparation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, minSeparation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6627  (int) FIELDNAMES_separation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, separation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6628  (int) FIELDNAMES_separationRate, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, separationRate), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6629  (int) FIELDNAMES_sliderForce, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, sliderForce), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6630  (int) FIELDNAMES_stopBounce, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, stopBounce), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6631  (int) FIELDNAMES_stopErrorCorrection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SliderJoint, stopErrorCorrection), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6632  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6634 const int OFFSETS_Sound[] = {
6635  (int) FIELDNAMES___lastlocation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, __lastlocation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6636  (int) FIELDNAMES___lasttime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, __lasttime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6637  (int) FIELDNAMES___sourceNumber, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, __sourceNumber), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6638  (int) FIELDNAMES_direction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, direction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6639  (int) FIELDNAMES_intensity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, intensity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6640  (int) FIELDNAMES_location, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, location), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6641  (int) FIELDNAMES_maxBack, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, maxBack), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6642  (int) FIELDNAMES_maxFront, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, maxFront), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6643  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6644  (int) FIELDNAMES_minBack, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, minBack), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6645  (int) FIELDNAMES_minFront, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, minFront), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6646  (int) FIELDNAMES_priority, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, priority), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6647  (int) FIELDNAMES_source, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, source), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6648  (int) FIELDNAMES_spatialize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sound, spatialize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6649  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6651 const int OFFSETS_Sphere[] = {
6652  (int) FIELDNAMES___SphereIndxVBO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sphere, __SphereIndxVBO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6653  (int) FIELDNAMES___pindices, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sphere, __pindices), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6654  (int) FIELDNAMES___points, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sphere, __points), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6655  (int) FIELDNAMES___wireindicesVBO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sphere, __wireindicesVBO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6656  (int) FIELDNAMES__sideVBO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sphere, _sideVBO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6657  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sphere, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6658  (int) FIELDNAMES_radius, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sphere, radius), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6659  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Sphere, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6660  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6662 const int OFFSETS_SphereSensor[] = {
6663  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6664  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldrotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, _oldrotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
6665  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldtrackPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, _oldtrackPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
6666  (int) FIELDNAMES__origNormalizedPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, _origNormalizedPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6667  (int) FIELDNAMES__origPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, _origPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6668  (int) FIELDNAMES__radius, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, _radius), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6669  (int) FIELDNAMES_autoOffset, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, autoOffset), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6670  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6671  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6672  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6673  (int) FIELDNAMES_isOver, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, isOver), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6674  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6675  (int) FIELDNAMES_offset, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, offset), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6676  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, rotation_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6677  (int) FIELDNAMES_trackPoint_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SphereSensor, trackPoint_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6678  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6680 const int OFFSETS_SplinePositionInterpolator[] = {
6681  (int) FIELDNAMES__T0, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator, _T0), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6682  (int) FIELDNAMES__T1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator, _T1), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6683  (int) FIELDNAMES_closed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator, closed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6684  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6685  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6686  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyVelocity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator, keyVelocity), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6687  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6688  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalizeVelocity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator, normalizeVelocity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6689  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6690  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6691  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6693 const int OFFSETS_SplinePositionInterpolator2D[] = {
6694  (int) FIELDNAMES__T0, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D, _T0), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6695  (int) FIELDNAMES__T1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D, _T1), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6696  (int) FIELDNAMES_closed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D, closed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6697  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6698  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6699  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyVelocity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D, keyVelocity), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6700  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6701  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalizeVelocity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D, normalizeVelocity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6702  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6703  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6704  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6706 const int OFFSETS_SplineScalarInterpolator[] = {
6707  (int) FIELDNAMES__T0, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator, _T0), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6708  (int) FIELDNAMES__T1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator, _T1), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6709  (int) FIELDNAMES_closed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator, closed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6710  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6711  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6712  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyVelocity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator, keyVelocity), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6713  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6714  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalizeVelocity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator, normalizeVelocity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6715  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6716  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6717  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6719 const int OFFSETS_SpotLight[] = {
6720  (int) FIELDNAMES__amb, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, _amb), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6721  (int) FIELDNAMES__col, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, _col), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6722  (int) FIELDNAMES__dir, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, _dir), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6723  (int) FIELDNAMES__loc, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, _loc), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6724  (int) FIELDNAMES_ambientIntensity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, ambientIntensity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6725  (int) FIELDNAMES_attenuation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, attenuation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6726  (int) FIELDNAMES_beamWidth, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, beamWidth), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6727  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6728  (int) FIELDNAMES_cutOffAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, cutOffAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6729  (int) FIELDNAMES_direction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, direction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6730  (int) FIELDNAMES_global, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, global), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6731  (int) FIELDNAMES_intensity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, intensity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6732  (int) FIELDNAMES_location, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, location), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6733  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6734  (int) FIELDNAMES_on, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, on), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6735  (int) FIELDNAMES_radius, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SpotLight, radius), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6736  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6738 const int OFFSETS_SquadOrientationInterpolator[] = {
6739  (int) FIELDNAMES__normkey, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator, _normkey), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6740  (int) FIELDNAMES__normkeyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator, _normkeyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6741  (int) FIELDNAMES_closed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator, closed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6742  (int) FIELDNAMES_key, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator, key), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6743  (int) FIELDNAMES_keyValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator, keyValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6744  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6745  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalizeVelocity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator, normalizeVelocity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6746  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_fraction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator, set_fraction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6747  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6748  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6750 const int OFFSETS_StaticGroup[] = {
6751  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StaticGroup, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6752  (int) FIELDNAMES___solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StaticGroup, __solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6753  (int) FIELDNAMES___transparency, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StaticGroup, __transparency), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6754  (int) FIELDNAMES__sortedChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StaticGroup, _sortedChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6755  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StaticGroup, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6756  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StaticGroup, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6757  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StaticGroup, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6758  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StaticGroup, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6759  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6761 const int OFFSETS_StringSensor[] = {
6762  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StringSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6763  (int) FIELDNAMES__initialized, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StringSensor, _initialized), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6764  (int) FIELDNAMES_deletionAllowed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StringSensor, deletionAllowed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6765  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StringSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6766  (int) FIELDNAMES_enteredText, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StringSensor, enteredText), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6767  (int) FIELDNAMES_finalText, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StringSensor, finalText), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6768  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StringSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6769  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_StringSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6770  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6772 const int OFFSETS_SurfaceEmitter[] = {
6773  (int) FIELDNAMES__ifs, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter, _ifs), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6774  (int) FIELDNAMES_coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter, coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6775  (int) FIELDNAMES_geometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter, geometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6776  (int) FIELDNAMES_mass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter, mass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6777  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6778  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter, set_coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6779  (int) FIELDNAMES_speed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter, speed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6780  (int) FIELDNAMES_surface, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter, surface), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6781  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceArea, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter, surfaceArea), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6782  (int) FIELDNAMES_variation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter, variation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6783  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6785 const int OFFSETS_Switch[] = {
6786  (int) FIELDNAMES___isX3D, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Switch, __isX3D), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6787  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Switch, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6788  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Switch, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6789  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Switch, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6790  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Switch, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6791  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Switch, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6792  (int) FIELDNAMES_choice, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Switch, choice), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML),
6793  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Switch, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6794  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Switch, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6795  (int) FIELDNAMES_whichChoice, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Switch, whichChoice), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6796  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6798 const int OFFSETS_Teapot[] = {
6799  (int) FIELDNAMES___ifsnode, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Teapot, __ifsnode), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6800  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Teapot, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6801  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Teapot, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6802  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6804 const int OFFSETS_TexCoordChaser2D[] = {
6805  (int) FIELDNAMES__buffer, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, _buffer), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6806  (int) FIELDNAMES__bufferendtime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, _bufferendtime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6807  (int) FIELDNAMES__destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, _destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6808  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6809  (int) FIELDNAMES__previousvalue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, _previousvalue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6810  (int) FIELDNAMES__steptime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, _steptime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6811  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6812  (int) FIELDNAMES_duration, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, duration), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6813  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6814  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6815  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6816  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6817  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6818  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6819  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6820  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6822 const int OFFSETS_TexCoordDamper2D[] = {
6823  (int) FIELDNAMES__input, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, _input), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6824  (int) FIELDNAMES__lasttick, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, _lasttick), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6825  (int) FIELDNAMES__p, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, _p), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6826  (int) FIELDNAMES__t, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, _t), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6827  (int) FIELDNAMES__takefirstinput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, _takefirstinput), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6828  (int) FIELDNAMES__tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, _tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6829  (int) FIELDNAMES__values, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, _values), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6830  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialDestination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, initialDestination), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6831  (int) FIELDNAMES_initialValue, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, initialValue), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6832  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6833  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6834  (int) FIELDNAMES_order, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, order), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6835  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_destination, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, set_destination), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6836  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_value, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, set_value), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6837  (int) FIELDNAMES_tau, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, tau), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6838  (int) FIELDNAMES_tolerance, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, tolerance), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6839  (int) FIELDNAMES_value_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D, value_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6840  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6842 const int OFFSETS_Text[] = {
6843  (int) FIELDNAMES__isScreen, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Text, _isScreen), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6844  (int) FIELDNAMES__screendata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Text, _screendata), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6845  (int) FIELDNAMES_fontStyle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Text, fontStyle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6846  (int) FIELDNAMES_length, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Text, length), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6847  (int) FIELDNAMES_lineBounds, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Text, lineBounds), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6848  (int) FIELDNAMES_maxExtent, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Text, maxExtent), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6849  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Text, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6850  (int) FIELDNAMES_origin, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Text, origin), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6851  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Text, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6852  (int) FIELDNAMES_string, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Text, string), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6853  (int) FIELDNAMES_textBounds, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Text, textBounds), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6854  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6856 const int OFFSETS_TextureBackground[] = {
6857  (int) FIELDNAMES___VBO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, __VBO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6858  (int) FIELDNAMES___colours, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, __colours), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6859  (int) FIELDNAMES___points, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, __points), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6860  (int) FIELDNAMES___quadcount, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, __quadcount), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6861  (int) FIELDNAMES__layerId, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, _layerId), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6862  (int) FIELDNAMES__parentResource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, _parentResource), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6863  (int) FIELDNAMES_backTexture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, backTexture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6864  (int) FIELDNAMES_bindTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, bindTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6865  (int) FIELDNAMES_bottomTexture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, bottomTexture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6866  (int) FIELDNAMES_frontTexture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, frontTexture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6867  (int) FIELDNAMES_groundAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, groundAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6868  (int) FIELDNAMES_groundColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, groundColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6869  (int) FIELDNAMES_isBound, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, isBound), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6870  (int) FIELDNAMES_leftTexture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, leftTexture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6871  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6872  (int) FIELDNAMES_rightTexture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, rightTexture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6873  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_bind, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, set_bind), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6874  (int) FIELDNAMES_skyAngle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, skyAngle), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6875  (int) FIELDNAMES_skyColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, skyColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6876  (int) FIELDNAMES_topTexture, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, topTexture), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6877  (int) FIELDNAMES_transparency, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureBackground, transparency), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6878  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6880 const int OFFSETS_TextureCoordinate[] = {
6881  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6882  (int) FIELDNAMES_point, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate, point), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6883  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6885 const int OFFSETS_TextureCoordinate3D[] = {
6886  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate3D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6887  (int) FIELDNAMES_point, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate3D, point), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6888  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6890 const int OFFSETS_TextureCoordinate4D[] = {
6891  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate4D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6892  (int) FIELDNAMES_point, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate4D, point), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec4f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6893  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6895 const int OFFSETS_TextureCoordinateGenerator[] = {
6896  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureCoordinateGenerator, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6897  (int) FIELDNAMES_mode, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureCoordinateGenerator, mode), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6898  (int) FIELDNAMES_parameter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureCoordinateGenerator, parameter), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6899  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6901 const int OFFSETS_TextureProperties[] = {
6902  (int) FIELDNAMES_anisotropicDegree, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureProperties, anisotropicDegree), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6903  (int) FIELDNAMES_borderColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureProperties, borderColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColorRGBA, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6904  (int) FIELDNAMES_borderWidth, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureProperties, borderWidth), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6905  (int) FIELDNAMES_boundaryModeR, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureProperties, boundaryModeR), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6906  (int) FIELDNAMES_boundaryModeS, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureProperties, boundaryModeS), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6907  (int) FIELDNAMES_boundaryModeT, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureProperties, boundaryModeT), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6908  (int) FIELDNAMES_generateMipMaps, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureProperties, generateMipMaps), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6909  (int) FIELDNAMES_magnificationFilter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureProperties, magnificationFilter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6910  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureProperties, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6911  (int) FIELDNAMES_minificationFilter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureProperties, minificationFilter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6912  (int) FIELDNAMES_textureCompression, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureProperties, textureCompression), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6913  (int) FIELDNAMES_texturePriority, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureProperties, texturePriority), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6914  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6916 const int OFFSETS_TextureTransform[] = {
6917  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureTransform, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6918  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureTransform, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6919  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureTransform, rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6920  (int) FIELDNAMES_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureTransform, scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6921  (int) FIELDNAMES_translation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureTransform, translation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6922  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6924 const int OFFSETS_TextureTransform3D[] = {
6925  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureTransform3D, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6926  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureTransform3D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6927  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureTransform3D, rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6928  (int) FIELDNAMES_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureTransform3D, scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6929  (int) FIELDNAMES_translation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureTransform3D, translation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6930  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6932 const int OFFSETS_TextureTransformMatrix3D[] = {
6933  (int) FIELDNAMES_matrix, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureTransformMatrix3D, matrix), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6934  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TextureTransformMatrix3D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6935  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6937 const int OFFSETS_TimeSensor[] = {
6938  (int) FIELDNAMES___ctflag, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, __ctflag), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6939  (int) FIELDNAMES___inittime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, __inittime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6940  (int) FIELDNAMES___lasttime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, __lasttime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
6941  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6942  (int) FIELDNAMES_cycleInterval, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, cycleInterval), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6943  (int) FIELDNAMES_cycleTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, cycleTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6944  (int) FIELDNAMES_elapsedTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, elapsedTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6945  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6946  (int) FIELDNAMES_fraction_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, fraction_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6947  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6948  (int) FIELDNAMES_isPaused, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, isPaused), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6949  (int) FIELDNAMES_loop, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, loop), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6950  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6951  (int) FIELDNAMES_pauseTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, pauseTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6952  (int) FIELDNAMES_resumeTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, resumeTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6953  (int) FIELDNAMES_startTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, startTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6954  (int) FIELDNAMES_stopTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, stopTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6955  (int) FIELDNAMES_time, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeSensor, time), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6956  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6958 const int OFFSETS_TimeTrigger[] = {
6959  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeTrigger, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6960  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_boolean, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeTrigger, set_boolean), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6961  (int) FIELDNAMES_triggerTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TimeTrigger, triggerTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6962  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6964 const int OFFSETS_ToneMappedVolumeStyle[] = {
6965  (int) FIELDNAMES_coolColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ToneMappedVolumeStyle, coolColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColorRGBA, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6966  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ToneMappedVolumeStyle, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6967  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ToneMappedVolumeStyle, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6968  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceNormals, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ToneMappedVolumeStyle, surfaceNormals), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6969  (int) FIELDNAMES_warmColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ToneMappedVolumeStyle, warmColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColorRGBA, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6970  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6972 const int OFFSETS_TouchSensor[] = {
6973  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TouchSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
6974  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldhitNormal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TouchSensor, _oldhitNormal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
6975  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldhitPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TouchSensor, _oldhitPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
6976  (int) FIELDNAMES__oldhitTexCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TouchSensor, _oldhitTexCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) 0,
6977  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TouchSensor, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6978  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TouchSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6979  (int) FIELDNAMES_hitNormal_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TouchSensor, hitNormal_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6980  (int) FIELDNAMES_hitPoint_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TouchSensor, hitPoint_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6981  (int) FIELDNAMES_hitTexCoord_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TouchSensor, hitTexCoord_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6982  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TouchSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6983  (int) FIELDNAMES_isOver, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TouchSensor, isOver), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6984  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TouchSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6985  (int) FIELDNAMES_touchTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TouchSensor, touchTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6986  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6988 const int OFFSETS_TrackingSensor[] = {
6989  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TrackingSensor, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6990  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TrackingSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6991  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TrackingSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6992  (int) FIELDNAMES_isPositionAvailable, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TrackingSensor, isPositionAvailable), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6993  (int) FIELDNAMES_isRotationAvailable, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TrackingSensor, isRotationAvailable), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6994  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TrackingSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6995  (int) FIELDNAMES_position, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TrackingSensor, position), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6996  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TrackingSensor, rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
6997  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
6999 const int OFFSETS_Transform[] = {
7000  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_anything, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, __do_anything), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7001  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, __do_center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7002  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, __do_rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7003  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, __do_scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7004  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_scaleO, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, __do_scaleO), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7005  (int) FIELDNAMES___do_trans, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, __do_trans), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7006  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7007  (int) FIELDNAMES__sortedChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, _sortedChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
7008  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7009  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7010  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7011  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7012  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7013  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7014  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7015  (int) FIELDNAMES_rotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, rotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7016  (int) FIELDNAMES_scale, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, scale), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7017  (int) FIELDNAMES_scaleOrientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, scaleOrientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7018  (int) FIELDNAMES_translation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Transform, translation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7019  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7021 const int OFFSETS_TransformSensor[] = {
7022  (int) FIELDNAMES___hit, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, __hit), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
7023  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
7024  (int) FIELDNAMES___t1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, __t1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
7025  (int) FIELDNAMES___t2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, __t2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
7026  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7027  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7028  (int) FIELDNAMES_enterTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, enterTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7029  (int) FIELDNAMES_exitTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, exitTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7030  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7031  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7032  (int) FIELDNAMES_orientation_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, orientation_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7033  (int) FIELDNAMES_position_changed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, position_changed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7034  (int) FIELDNAMES_size, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, size), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7035  (int) FIELDNAMES_targetObject, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransformSensor, targetObject), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7036  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7038 const int OFFSETS_TransmitterPdu[] = {
7039  (int) FIELDNAMES_address, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, address), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7040  (int) FIELDNAMES_antennaLocation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, antennaLocation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7041  (int) FIELDNAMES_antennaPatternLength, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, antennaPatternLength), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7042  (int) FIELDNAMES_antennaPatternType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, antennaPatternType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7043  (int) FIELDNAMES_applicationID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, applicationID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7044  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7045  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7046  (int) FIELDNAMES_cryptoKeyID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, cryptoKeyID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7047  (int) FIELDNAMES_cryptoSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, cryptoSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7048  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7049  (int) FIELDNAMES_entityID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, entityID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7050  (int) FIELDNAMES_frequency, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, frequency), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7051  (int) FIELDNAMES_inputSource, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, inputSource), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7052  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7053  (int) FIELDNAMES_isNetworkReader, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, isNetworkReader), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7054  (int) FIELDNAMES_isNetworkWriter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, isNetworkWriter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7055  (int) FIELDNAMES_isRtpHeaderHeard, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, isRtpHeaderHeard), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7056  (int) FIELDNAMES_isStandAlone, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, isStandAlone), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7057  (int) FIELDNAMES_lengthOfModulationParameters, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, lengthOfModulationParameters), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7058  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7059  (int) FIELDNAMES_modulationTypeDetail, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, modulationTypeDetail), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7060  (int) FIELDNAMES_modulationTypeMajor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, modulationTypeMajor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7061  (int) FIELDNAMES_modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7062  (int) FIELDNAMES_modulationTypeSystem, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, modulationTypeSystem), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7063  (int) FIELDNAMES_multicastRelayHost, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, multicastRelayHost), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7064  (int) FIELDNAMES_multicastRelayPort, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, multicastRelayPort), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7065  (int) FIELDNAMES_networkMode, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, networkMode), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7066  (int) FIELDNAMES_port, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, port), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7067  (int) FIELDNAMES_power, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, power), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7068  (int) FIELDNAMES_radioEntityTypeCategory, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, radioEntityTypeCategory), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7069  (int) FIELDNAMES_radioEntityTypeCountry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, radioEntityTypeCountry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7070  (int) FIELDNAMES_radioEntityTypeDomain, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, radioEntityTypeDomain), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7071  (int) FIELDNAMES_radioEntityTypeKind, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, radioEntityTypeKind), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7072  (int) FIELDNAMES_radioEntityTypeNomenclature, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, radioEntityTypeNomenclature), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7073  (int) FIELDNAMES_radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7074  (int) FIELDNAMES_radioID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, radioID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7075  (int) FIELDNAMES_readInterval, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, readInterval), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7076  (int) FIELDNAMES_relativeAntennaLocation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, relativeAntennaLocation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7077  (int) FIELDNAMES_rtpHeaderExpected, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, rtpHeaderExpected), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7078  (int) FIELDNAMES_siteID, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, siteID), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7079  (int) FIELDNAMES_timestamp, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, timestamp), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7080  (int) FIELDNAMES_transmitFrequencyBandwidth, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, transmitFrequencyBandwidth), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7081  (int) FIELDNAMES_transmitState, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, transmitState), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7082  (int) FIELDNAMES_whichGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, whichGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7083  (int) FIELDNAMES_writeInterval, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu, writeInterval), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7084  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7086 const int OFFSETS_TriangleFanSet[] = {
7087  (int) FIELDNAMES__coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet, _coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7088  (int) FIELDNAMES_attrib, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet, attrib), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7089  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7090  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7091  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet, colorPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7092  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7093  (int) FIELDNAMES_fanCount, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet, fanCount), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7094  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet, fogCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7095  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7096  (int) FIELDNAMES_normal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet, normal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7097  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet, normalPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7098  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7099  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7100  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7102 const int OFFSETS_TriangleSet[] = {
7103  (int) FIELDNAMES__coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet, _coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7104  (int) FIELDNAMES_attrib, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet, attrib), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7105  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7106  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7107  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet, colorPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7108  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7109  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet, fogCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7110  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7111  (int) FIELDNAMES_normal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet, normal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7112  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet, normalPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7113  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7114  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7115  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7117 const int OFFSETS_TriangleSet2D[] = {
7118  (int) FIELDNAMES___texCoords, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet2D, __texCoords), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7119  (int) FIELDNAMES___wireindices, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet2D, __wireindices), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7120  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet2D, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7121  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet2D, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7122  (int) FIELDNAMES_vertices, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleSet2D, vertices), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7123  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7125 const int OFFSETS_TriangleStripSet[] = {
7126  (int) FIELDNAMES__coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet, _coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7127  (int) FIELDNAMES_attrib, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet, attrib), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7128  (int) FIELDNAMES_ccw, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet, ccw), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7129  (int) FIELDNAMES_color, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet, color), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7130  (int) FIELDNAMES_colorPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet, colorPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7131  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7132  (int) FIELDNAMES_fogCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet, fogCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7133  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7134  (int) FIELDNAMES_normal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet, normal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7135  (int) FIELDNAMES_normalPerVertex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet, normalPerVertex), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7136  (int) FIELDNAMES_solid, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet, solid), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7137  (int) FIELDNAMES_stripCount, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet, stripCount), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7138  (int) FIELDNAMES_texCoord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet, texCoord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7139  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7141 const int OFFSETS_TwoSidedMaterial[] = {
7142  (int) FIELDNAMES__verifiedBackColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, _verifiedBackColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7143  (int) FIELDNAMES__verifiedFrontColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, _verifiedFrontColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7144  (int) FIELDNAMES_ambientIntensity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, ambientIntensity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7145  (int) FIELDNAMES_backAmbientIntensity, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, backAmbientIntensity), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7146  (int) FIELDNAMES_backDiffuseColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, backDiffuseColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7147  (int) FIELDNAMES_backEmissiveColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, backEmissiveColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7148  (int) FIELDNAMES_backShininess, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, backShininess), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7149  (int) FIELDNAMES_backSpecularColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, backSpecularColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7150  (int) FIELDNAMES_backTransparency, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, backTransparency), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7151  (int) FIELDNAMES_diffuseColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, diffuseColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7152  (int) FIELDNAMES_emissiveColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, emissiveColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7153  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7154  (int) FIELDNAMES_separateBackColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, separateBackColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7155  (int) FIELDNAMES_shininess, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, shininess), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7156  (int) FIELDNAMES_specularColor, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, specularColor), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFColor, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7157  (int) FIELDNAMES_transparency, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial, transparency), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D33),
7158  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7160 const int OFFSETS_UniversalJoint[] = {
7161  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_anchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, __old_anchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7162  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_axis1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, __old_axis1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7163  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_axis2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, __old_axis2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7164  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_body1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, __old_body1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7165  (int) FIELDNAMES___old_body2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, __old_body2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7166  (int) FIELDNAMES__forceout, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, _forceout), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7167  (int) FIELDNAMES__joint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, _joint), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7168  (int) FIELDNAMES_anchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, anchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7169  (int) FIELDNAMES_axis1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, axis1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7170  (int) FIELDNAMES_axis2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, axis2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7171  (int) FIELDNAMES_body1, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, body1), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7172  (int) FIELDNAMES_body1AnchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, body1AnchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7173  (int) FIELDNAMES_body1Axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, body1Axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7174  (int) FIELDNAMES_body2, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, body2), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7175  (int) FIELDNAMES_body2AnchorPoint, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, body2AnchorPoint), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7176  (int) FIELDNAMES_body2Axis, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, body2Axis), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7177  (int) FIELDNAMES_forceOutput, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, forceOutput), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7178  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7179  (int) FIELDNAMES_stop1Bounce, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, stop1Bounce), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7180  (int) FIELDNAMES_stop1ErrorCorrection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, stop1ErrorCorrection), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7181  (int) FIELDNAMES_stop2Bounce, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, stop2Bounce), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7182  (int) FIELDNAMES_stop2ErrorCorrection, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint, stop2ErrorCorrection), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7183  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7185 const int OFFSETS_Viewpoint[] = {
7186  (int) FIELDNAMES__donethispass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, _donethispass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7187  (int) FIELDNAMES__layerId, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, _layerId), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7188  (int) FIELDNAMES_aspectRatio, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, aspectRatio), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7189  (int) FIELDNAMES_bindTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, bindTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7190  (int) FIELDNAMES_centerOfRotation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, centerOfRotation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7191  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7192  (int) FIELDNAMES_fieldOfView, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, fieldOfView), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7193  (int) FIELDNAMES_fovMode, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, fovMode), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7194  (int) FIELDNAMES_isBound, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, isBound), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7195  (int) FIELDNAMES_jump, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, jump), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7196  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7197  (int) FIELDNAMES_orientation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, orientation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFRotation, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7198  (int) FIELDNAMES_position, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, position), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7199  (int) FIELDNAMES_retainUserOffsets, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, retainUserOffsets), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7200  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_bind, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewpoint, set_bind), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7201  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7203 const int OFFSETS_ViewpointGroup[] = {
7204  (int) FIELDNAMES___proxNode, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ViewpointGroup, __proxNode), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
7205  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ViewpointGroup, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7206  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ViewpointGroup, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7207  (int) FIELDNAMES_description, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ViewpointGroup, description), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7208  (int) FIELDNAMES_displayed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ViewpointGroup, displayed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7209  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ViewpointGroup, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7210  (int) FIELDNAMES_retainUserOffsets, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ViewpointGroup, retainUserOffsets), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7211  (int) FIELDNAMES_size, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_ViewpointGroup, size), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7212  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7214 const int OFFSETS_Viewport[] = {
7215  (int) FIELDNAMES___sibAffectors, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewport, __sibAffectors), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7216  (int) FIELDNAMES_addChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewport, addChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7217  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewport, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7218  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewport, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7219  (int) FIELDNAMES_children, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewport, children), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7220  (int) FIELDNAMES_clipBoundary, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewport, clipBoundary), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7221  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewport, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7222  (int) FIELDNAMES_removeChildren, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_Viewport, removeChildren), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7223  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7225 const int OFFSETS_VisibilitySensor[] = {
7226  (int) FIELDNAMES___Samples, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor, __Samples), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7227  (int) FIELDNAMES___occludeCheckCount, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor, __occludeCheckCount), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7228  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
7229  (int) FIELDNAMES___points, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor, __points), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7230  (int) FIELDNAMES___visible, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor, __visible), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7231  (int) FIELDNAMES_center, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor, center), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7232  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7233  (int) FIELDNAMES_enterTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor, enterTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7234  (int) FIELDNAMES_exitTime, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor, exitTime), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFTime, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7235  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7236  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7237  (int) FIELDNAMES_size, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor, size), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7238  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7240 const int OFFSETS_VolumeData[] = {
7241  (int) FIELDNAMES__boxtris, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeData, _boxtris), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7242  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxCenter, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeData, bboxCenter), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7243  (int) FIELDNAMES_bboxSize, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeData, bboxSize), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7244  (int) FIELDNAMES_dimensions, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeData, dimensions), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7245  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeData, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7246  (int) FIELDNAMES_renderStyle, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeData, renderStyle), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7247  (int) FIELDNAMES_voxels, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeData, voxels), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7248  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7250 const int OFFSETS_VolumeEmitter[] = {
7251  (int) FIELDNAMES__ifs, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter, _ifs), (int) FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7252  (int) FIELDNAMES_coord, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter, coord), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7253  (int) FIELDNAMES_coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter, coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7254  (int) FIELDNAMES_direction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter, direction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7255  (int) FIELDNAMES_internal, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter, internal), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7256  (int) FIELDNAMES_mass, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter, mass), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7257  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7258  (int) FIELDNAMES_set_coordIndex, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter, set_coordIndex), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFInt32, (int) KW_inputOnly, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7259  (int) FIELDNAMES_speed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter, speed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7260  (int) FIELDNAMES_surfaceArea, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter, surfaceArea), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7261  (int) FIELDNAMES_variation, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter, variation), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7262  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7264 const int OFFSETS_VolumePickSensor[] = {
7265  (int) FIELDNAMES___oldEnabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor, __oldEnabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) 0,
7266  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7267  (int) FIELDNAMES_intersectionType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor, intersectionType), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7268  (int) FIELDNAMES_isActive, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor, isActive), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7269  (int) FIELDNAMES_matchCriterion, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor, matchCriterion), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7270  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7271  (int) FIELDNAMES_objectType, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor, objectType), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7272  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickTarget, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor, pickTarget), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7273  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickedGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor, pickedGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFNode, (int) KW_outputOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7274  (int) FIELDNAMES_pickingGeometry, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor, pickingGeometry), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7275  (int) FIELDNAMES_sortOrder, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor, sortOrder), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7276  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7278 const int OFFSETS_WindPhysicsModel[] = {
7279  (int) FIELDNAMES__frameSpeed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_WindPhysicsModel, _frameSpeed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) 0,
7280  (int) FIELDNAMES_direction, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_WindPhysicsModel, direction), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7281  (int) FIELDNAMES_enabled, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_WindPhysicsModel, enabled), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFBool, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7282  (int) FIELDNAMES_gustiness, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_WindPhysicsModel, gustiness), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7283  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_WindPhysicsModel, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7284  (int) FIELDNAMES_speed, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_WindPhysicsModel, speed), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7285  (int) FIELDNAMES_turbulence, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_WindPhysicsModel, turbulence), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFFloat, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7286  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7288 const int OFFSETS_WorldInfo[] = {
7289  (int) FIELDNAMES_info, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_WorldInfo, info), (int) FIELDTYPE_MFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7290  (int) FIELDNAMES_metadata, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_WorldInfo, metadata), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFNode, (int) KW_inputOutput, (int) (SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7291  (int) FIELDNAMES_title, (int) offsetof (struct X3D_WorldInfo, title), (int) FIELDTYPE_SFString, (int) KW_initializeOnly, (int) (SPEC_VRML | SPEC_X3D30 | SPEC_X3D31 | SPEC_X3D32 | SPEC_X3D33),
7292  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
7294 const int *NODE_OFFSETS[] = {
7295  OFFSETS_Anchor,
7296  OFFSETS_Appearance,
7297  OFFSETS_Arc2D,
7298  OFFSETS_ArcClose2D,
7299  OFFSETS_AudioClip,
7300  OFFSETS_BackdropBackground,
7301  OFFSETS_Background,
7302  OFFSETS_BallJoint,
7303  OFFSETS_Billboard,
7304  OFFSETS_BlendedVolumeStyle,
7305  OFFSETS_BooleanFilter,
7306  OFFSETS_BooleanSequencer,
7307  OFFSETS_BooleanToggle,
7308  OFFSETS_BooleanTrigger,
7309  OFFSETS_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle,
7310  OFFSETS_BoundedPhysicsModel,
7311  OFFSETS_Box,
7312  OFFSETS_CADAssembly,
7313  OFFSETS_CADFace,
7314  OFFSETS_CADLayer,
7315  OFFSETS_CADPart,
7316  OFFSETS_CalibratedCameraSensor,
7317  OFFSETS_CartoonVolumeStyle,
7318  OFFSETS_Circle2D,
7319  OFFSETS_ClipPlane,
7320  OFFSETS_CollidableOffset,
7321  OFFSETS_CollidableShape,
7322  OFFSETS_Collision,
7323  OFFSETS_CollisionCollection,
7324  OFFSETS_CollisionSensor,
7325  OFFSETS_CollisionSpace,
7326  OFFSETS_Color,
7327  OFFSETS_ColorChaser,
7328  OFFSETS_ColorDamper,
7329  OFFSETS_ColorInterpolator,
7330  OFFSETS_ColorRGBA,
7331  OFFSETS_ComposedCubeMapTexture,
7332  OFFSETS_ComposedShader,
7333  OFFSETS_ComposedTexture3D,
7334  OFFSETS_ComposedVolumeStyle,
7335  OFFSETS_CompositeVolumeStyle,
7336  OFFSETS_Cone,
7337  OFFSETS_ConeEmitter,
7338  OFFSETS_Contact,
7339  OFFSETS_Contour2D,
7340  OFFSETS_ContourPolyline2D,
7341  OFFSETS_Coordinate,
7342  OFFSETS_CoordinateChaser,
7343  OFFSETS_CoordinateDamper,
7344  OFFSETS_CoordinateDouble,
7345  OFFSETS_CoordinateInterpolator,
7346  OFFSETS_CoordinateInterpolator2D,
7347  OFFSETS_Cylinder,
7348  OFFSETS_CylinderSensor,
7349  OFFSETS_DISEntityManager,
7350  OFFSETS_DISEntityTypeMapping,
7351  OFFSETS_DirectionalLight,
7352  OFFSETS_Disk2D,
7353  OFFSETS_DoubleAxisHingeJoint,
7354  OFFSETS_EaseInEaseOut,
7355  OFFSETS_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle,
7356  OFFSETS_Effect,
7357  OFFSETS_EffectPart,
7358  OFFSETS_ElevationGrid,
7359  OFFSETS_EspduTransform,
7360  OFFSETS_ExplosionEmitter,
7361  OFFSETS_Extrusion,
7362  OFFSETS_FillProperties,
7363  OFFSETS_FloatVertexAttribute,
7364  OFFSETS_Fog,
7365  OFFSETS_FogCoordinate,
7366  OFFSETS_FontStyle,
7367  OFFSETS_ForcePhysicsModel,
7368  OFFSETS_GeneratedCubeMapTexture,
7369  OFFSETS_GeoCoordinate,
7370  OFFSETS_GeoElevationGrid,
7372  OFFSETS_GeoLocation,
7373  OFFSETS_GeoMetadata,
7374  OFFSETS_GeoOrigin,
7375  OFFSETS_GeoPositionInterpolator,
7376  OFFSETS_GeoProximitySensor,
7377  OFFSETS_GeoTouchSensor,
7378  OFFSETS_GeoTransform,
7379  OFFSETS_GeoViewpoint,
7380  OFFSETS_Group,
7381  OFFSETS_HAnimDisplacer,
7382  OFFSETS_HAnimHumanoid,
7383  OFFSETS_HAnimJoint,
7384  OFFSETS_HAnimSegment,
7385  OFFSETS_HAnimSite,
7386  OFFSETS_ImageBackdropBackground,
7387  OFFSETS_ImageCubeMapTexture,
7388  OFFSETS_ImageTexture,
7389  OFFSETS_ImageTexture3D,
7390  OFFSETS_IndexedFaceSet,
7391  OFFSETS_IndexedLineSet,
7392  OFFSETS_IndexedQuadSet,
7393  OFFSETS_IndexedTriangleFanSet,
7394  OFFSETS_IndexedTriangleSet,
7395  OFFSETS_IndexedTriangleStripSet,
7396  OFFSETS_Inline,
7397  OFFSETS_IntegerSequencer,
7398  OFFSETS_IntegerTrigger,
7399  OFFSETS_IsoSurfaceVolumeData,
7400  OFFSETS_KeySensor,
7402  OFFSETS_Layer,
7403  OFFSETS_LayerSet,
7404  OFFSETS_Layout,
7405  OFFSETS_LayoutGroup,
7406  OFFSETS_LayoutLayer,
7407  OFFSETS_LinePickSensor,
7408  OFFSETS_LineProperties,
7409  OFFSETS_LineSensor,
7410  OFFSETS_LineSet,
7411  OFFSETS_LoadSensor,
7412  OFFSETS_LocalFog,
7413  OFFSETS_Material,
7414  OFFSETS_Matrix3VertexAttribute,
7415  OFFSETS_Matrix4VertexAttribute,
7416  OFFSETS_MetadataBoolean,
7417  OFFSETS_MetadataDouble,
7418  OFFSETS_MetadataFloat,
7419  OFFSETS_MetadataInteger,
7420  OFFSETS_MetadataMFBool,
7421  OFFSETS_MetadataMFColor,
7422  OFFSETS_MetadataMFColorRGBA,
7423  OFFSETS_MetadataMFDouble,
7424  OFFSETS_MetadataMFFloat,
7425  OFFSETS_MetadataMFInt32,
7426  OFFSETS_MetadataMFMatrix3d,
7427  OFFSETS_MetadataMFMatrix3f,
7428  OFFSETS_MetadataMFMatrix4d,
7429  OFFSETS_MetadataMFMatrix4f,
7430  OFFSETS_MetadataMFNode,
7431  OFFSETS_MetadataMFRotation,
7432  OFFSETS_MetadataMFString,
7433  OFFSETS_MetadataMFTime,
7434  OFFSETS_MetadataMFVec2d,
7435  OFFSETS_MetadataMFVec2f,
7436  OFFSETS_MetadataMFVec3d,
7437  OFFSETS_MetadataMFVec3f,
7438  OFFSETS_MetadataMFVec4d,
7439  OFFSETS_MetadataMFVec4f,
7440  OFFSETS_MetadataSFBool,
7441  OFFSETS_MetadataSFColor,
7442  OFFSETS_MetadataSFColorRGBA,
7443  OFFSETS_MetadataSFDouble,
7444  OFFSETS_MetadataSFFloat,
7445  OFFSETS_MetadataSFImage,
7446  OFFSETS_MetadataSFInt32,
7447  OFFSETS_MetadataSFMatrix3d,
7448  OFFSETS_MetadataSFMatrix3f,
7449  OFFSETS_MetadataSFMatrix4d,
7450  OFFSETS_MetadataSFMatrix4f,
7451  OFFSETS_MetadataSFNode,
7452  OFFSETS_MetadataSFRotation,
7453  OFFSETS_MetadataSFString,
7454  OFFSETS_MetadataSFTime,
7455  OFFSETS_MetadataSFVec2d,
7456  OFFSETS_MetadataSFVec2f,
7457  OFFSETS_MetadataSFVec3d,
7458  OFFSETS_MetadataSFVec3f,
7459  OFFSETS_MetadataSFVec4d,
7460  OFFSETS_MetadataSFVec4f,
7461  OFFSETS_MetadataSet,
7462  OFFSETS_MetadataString,
7463  OFFSETS_MotorJoint,
7464  OFFSETS_MovieTexture,
7465  OFFSETS_MultiTexture,
7466  OFFSETS_MultiTextureCoordinate,
7467  OFFSETS_MultiTextureTransform,
7468  OFFSETS_NavigationInfo,
7469  OFFSETS_Normal,
7470  OFFSETS_NormalInterpolator,
7471  OFFSETS_NurbsCurve,
7472  OFFSETS_NurbsCurve2D,
7473  OFFSETS_NurbsOrientationInterpolator,
7474  OFFSETS_NurbsPatchSurface,
7475  OFFSETS_NurbsPositionInterpolator,
7476  OFFSETS_NurbsSet,
7477  OFFSETS_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator,
7478  OFFSETS_NurbsSweptSurface,
7479  OFFSETS_NurbsSwungSurface,
7480  OFFSETS_NurbsTextureCoordinate,
7481  OFFSETS_NurbsTrimmedSurface,
7482  OFFSETS_OSC_Sensor,
7483  OFFSETS_OpacityMapVolumeStyle,
7484  OFFSETS_OrientationChaser,
7485  OFFSETS_OrientationDamper,
7486  OFFSETS_OrientationInterpolator,
7487  OFFSETS_OrthoViewpoint,
7488  OFFSETS_PackagedShader,
7489  OFFSETS_ParticleSystem,
7490  OFFSETS_PickableGroup,
7491  OFFSETS_PixelTexture,
7492  OFFSETS_PixelTexture3D,
7493  OFFSETS_PlaneSensor,
7494  OFFSETS_PointEmitter,
7495  OFFSETS_PointLight,
7496  OFFSETS_PointPickSensor,
7497  OFFSETS_PointSet,
7498  OFFSETS_Polyline2D,
7499  OFFSETS_PolylineEmitter,
7500  OFFSETS_Polypoint2D,
7501  OFFSETS_PositionChaser,
7502  OFFSETS_PositionChaser2D,
7503  OFFSETS_PositionDamper,
7504  OFFSETS_PositionDamper2D,
7505  OFFSETS_PositionInterpolator,
7506  OFFSETS_PositionInterpolator2D,
7507  OFFSETS_PrimitivePickSensor,
7508  OFFSETS_ProgramShader,
7509  OFFSETS_ProjectionVolumeStyle,
7510  OFFSETS_Proto,
7511  OFFSETS_ProximitySensor,
7512  OFFSETS_QuadSet,
7513  OFFSETS_ReceiverPdu,
7514  OFFSETS_Rectangle2D,
7515  OFFSETS_RigidBody,
7516  OFFSETS_RigidBodyCollection,
7517  OFFSETS_ScalarChaser,
7518  OFFSETS_ScalarDamper,
7519  OFFSETS_ScalarInterpolator,
7520  OFFSETS_ScreenFontStyle,
7521  OFFSETS_ScreenGroup,
7522  OFFSETS_Script,
7523  OFFSETS_SegmentedVolumeData,
7524  OFFSETS_ShadedVolumeStyle,
7525  OFFSETS_ShaderPart,
7526  OFFSETS_ShaderProgram,
7527  OFFSETS_Shape,
7528  OFFSETS_SignalPdu,
7529  OFFSETS_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle,
7530  OFFSETS_SingleAxisHingeJoint,
7531  OFFSETS_SliderJoint,
7532  OFFSETS_Sound,
7533  OFFSETS_Sphere,
7534  OFFSETS_SphereSensor,
7535  OFFSETS_SplinePositionInterpolator,
7536  OFFSETS_SplinePositionInterpolator2D,
7537  OFFSETS_SplineScalarInterpolator,
7538  OFFSETS_SpotLight,
7539  OFFSETS_SquadOrientationInterpolator,
7540  OFFSETS_StaticGroup,
7541  OFFSETS_StringSensor,
7542  OFFSETS_SurfaceEmitter,
7543  OFFSETS_Switch,
7544  OFFSETS_Teapot,
7545  OFFSETS_TexCoordChaser2D,
7546  OFFSETS_TexCoordDamper2D,
7547  OFFSETS_Text,
7548  OFFSETS_TextureBackground,
7549  OFFSETS_TextureCoordinate,
7550  OFFSETS_TextureCoordinate3D,
7551  OFFSETS_TextureCoordinate4D,
7552  OFFSETS_TextureCoordinateGenerator,
7553  OFFSETS_TextureProperties,
7554  OFFSETS_TextureTransform,
7555  OFFSETS_TextureTransform3D,
7556  OFFSETS_TextureTransformMatrix3D,
7557  OFFSETS_TimeSensor,
7558  OFFSETS_TimeTrigger,
7559  OFFSETS_ToneMappedVolumeStyle,
7560  OFFSETS_TouchSensor,
7561  OFFSETS_TrackingSensor,
7562  OFFSETS_Transform,
7563  OFFSETS_TransformSensor,
7564  OFFSETS_TransmitterPdu,
7565  OFFSETS_TriangleFanSet,
7566  OFFSETS_TriangleSet,
7567  OFFSETS_TriangleSet2D,
7568  OFFSETS_TriangleStripSet,
7569  OFFSETS_TwoSidedMaterial,
7570  OFFSETS_UniversalJoint,
7571  OFFSETS_Viewpoint,
7572  OFFSETS_ViewpointGroup,
7573  OFFSETS_Viewport,
7574  OFFSETS_VisibilitySensor,
7575  OFFSETS_VolumeData,
7576  OFFSETS_VolumeEmitter,
7577  OFFSETS_VolumePickSensor,
7578  OFFSETS_WindPhysicsModel,
7579  OFFSETS_WorldInfo,
7580  };
7581 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the field type */
7582 const char *stringFieldType (int st) {
7583  if ((st < 0) || (st >= FIELDNAMES_COUNT)) return "(fieldName invalid)";
7584  return FIELDNAMES[st];
7585 }
7587 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the keyword type */
7588 const char *stringKeywordType (int st) {
7589  if ((st < 0) || (st >= KEYWORDS_COUNT)) return "(keyword invalid)";
7590  return KEYWORDS[st];
7591 }
7593 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the profile type */
7594 const char *stringProfileType (int st) {
7595  if ((st < 0) || (st >= PROFILES_COUNT)) return "(profile invalid)";
7596  return PROFILES[st];
7597 }
7599 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the component type */
7600 const char *stringComponentType (int st) {
7601  if ((st < 0) || (st >= COMPONENTS_COUNT)) return "(component invalid)";
7602  return COMPONENTS[st];
7603 }
7605 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the PROTO keyword type */
7606 const char *stringPROTOKeywordType (int st) {
7607  if ((st < 0) || (st >= PROTOKEYWORDS_COUNT)) return "(proto keyword invalid)";
7608  return PROTOKEYWORDS[st];
7609 }
7611 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the MULTITEXTUREMODE keyword type */
7612 const char *stringMULTITEXTUREMODEType (int st) {
7613  if ((st < 0) || (st >= MULTITEXTUREMODE_COUNT)) return "(special keyword invalid)";
7614  return MULTITEXTUREMODE[st];
7615 }
7617 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the MULTITEXTURESOURCE keyword type */
7618 const char *stringMULTITEXTURESOURCEType (int st) {
7619  if ((st < 0) || (st >= MULTITEXTURESOURCE_COUNT)) return "(special keyword invalid)";
7620  return MULTITEXTURESOURCE[st];
7621 }
7623 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the MULTITEXTUREFUNCTION keyword type */
7624 const char *stringMULTITEXTUREFUNCTIONType (int st) {
7625  if ((st < 0) || (st >= MULTITEXTUREFUNCTION_COUNT)) return "(special keyword invalid)";
7627 }
7629 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the X3DSPECIAL keyword type */
7630 const char *stringX3DSPECIALType (int st) {
7631  if ((st < 0) || (st >= X3DSPECIAL_COUNT)) return "(special keyword invalid)";
7632  return X3DSPECIAL[st];
7633 }
7635 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the TEXTUREBOUNDARY keyword type */
7636 const char *stringTEXTUREBOUNDARYKeywordType (int st) {
7637  if ((st < 0) || (st >= TEXTUREBOUNDARYKEYWORDS_COUNT)) return "(texture param keyword invalid)";
7639 }
7641 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the TEXTUREMAGNIFICATION keyword type */
7642 const char *stringTEXTUREMAGNIFICATIONKeywordType (int st) {
7643  if ((st < 0) || (st >= TEXTUREMAGNIFICATIONKEYWORDS_COUNT)) return "(texture param keyword invalid)";
7645 }
7647 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the TEXTUREMINIFICATION keyword type */
7648 const char *stringTEXTUREMINIFICATIONKeywordType (int st) {
7649  if ((st < 0) || (st >= TEXTUREMINIFICATIONKEYWORDS_COUNT)) return "(texture param keyword invalid)";
7651 }
7653 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the TEXTURECOMPRESSION keyword type */
7654 const char *stringTEXTURECOMPRESSIONKeywordType (int st) {
7655  if ((st < 0) || (st >= TEXTURECOMPRESSIONKEYWORDS_COUNT)) return "(texture param keyword invalid)";
7657 }
7659 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the GEOSPATIAL keyword type */
7660 const char *stringGEOSPATIALType (int st) {
7661  if ((st < 0) || (st >= GEOSPATIAL_COUNT)) return "(keyword invalid)";
7662  return GEOSPATIAL[st];
7663 }
7665 char mapFieldTypeToEAItype (int st) {
7666  switch (st) {
7667  case FIELDTYPE_SFFloat: return EAI_SFFloat;
7668  case FIELDTYPE_MFFloat: return EAI_MFFloat;
7669  case FIELDTYPE_SFRotation: return EAI_SFRotation;
7670  case FIELDTYPE_MFRotation: return EAI_MFRotation;
7671  case FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f: return EAI_SFVec3f;
7672  case FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f: return EAI_MFVec3f;
7673  case FIELDTYPE_SFBool: return EAI_SFBool;
7674  case FIELDTYPE_MFBool: return EAI_MFBool;
7675  case FIELDTYPE_SFInt32: return EAI_SFInt32;
7676  case FIELDTYPE_MFInt32: return EAI_MFInt32;
7677  case FIELDTYPE_SFNode: return EAI_SFNode;
7678  case FIELDTYPE_MFNode: return EAI_MFNode;
7679  case FIELDTYPE_SFColor: return EAI_SFColor;
7680  case FIELDTYPE_MFColor: return EAI_MFColor;
7681  case FIELDTYPE_SFColorRGBA: return EAI_SFColorRGBA;
7682  case FIELDTYPE_MFColorRGBA: return EAI_MFColorRGBA;
7683  case FIELDTYPE_SFTime: return EAI_SFTime;
7684  case FIELDTYPE_MFTime: return EAI_MFTime;
7685  case FIELDTYPE_SFString: return EAI_SFString;
7686  case FIELDTYPE_MFString: return EAI_MFString;
7687  case FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f: return EAI_SFVec2f;
7688  case FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f: return EAI_MFVec2f;
7689  case FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR: return EAI_FreeWRLPTR;
7690  case FIELDTYPE_SFImage: return EAI_SFImage;
7691  case FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d: return EAI_SFVec3d;
7692  case FIELDTYPE_MFVec3d: return EAI_MFVec3d;
7693  case FIELDTYPE_SFDouble: return EAI_SFDouble;
7694  case FIELDTYPE_MFDouble: return EAI_MFDouble;
7695  case FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3f: return EAI_SFMatrix3f;
7696  case FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix3f: return EAI_MFMatrix3f;
7697  case FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3d: return EAI_SFMatrix3d;
7698  case FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix3d: return EAI_MFMatrix3d;
7699  case FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4f: return EAI_SFMatrix4f;
7700  case FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix4f: return EAI_MFMatrix4f;
7701  case FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4d: return EAI_SFMatrix4d;
7702  case FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix4d: return EAI_MFMatrix4d;
7703  case FIELDTYPE_SFVec2d: return EAI_SFVec2d;
7704  case FIELDTYPE_MFVec2d: return EAI_MFVec2d;
7705  case FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f: return EAI_SFVec4f;
7706  case FIELDTYPE_MFVec4f: return EAI_MFVec4f;
7707  case FIELDTYPE_SFVec4d: return EAI_SFVec4d;
7708  case FIELDTYPE_MFVec4d: return EAI_MFVec4d;
7709  case FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLThread: return EAI_FreeWRLThread;
7710  default: return -1;
7711  }
7712  return -1;
7713 }
7714 /* convert an EAI type to an internal type */
7715 int mapEAItypeToFieldType (char st) {
7716  switch (st) {
7717  case EAI_SFFloat: return FIELDTYPE_SFFloat;
7718  case EAI_MFFloat: return FIELDTYPE_MFFloat;
7719  case EAI_SFRotation: return FIELDTYPE_SFRotation;
7720  case EAI_MFRotation: return FIELDTYPE_MFRotation;
7721  case EAI_SFVec3f: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f;
7722  case EAI_MFVec3f: return FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f;
7723  case EAI_SFBool: return FIELDTYPE_SFBool;
7724  case EAI_MFBool: return FIELDTYPE_MFBool;
7725  case EAI_SFInt32: return FIELDTYPE_SFInt32;
7726  case EAI_MFInt32: return FIELDTYPE_MFInt32;
7727  case EAI_SFNode: return FIELDTYPE_SFNode;
7728  case EAI_MFNode: return FIELDTYPE_MFNode;
7729  case EAI_SFColor: return FIELDTYPE_SFColor;
7730  case EAI_MFColor: return FIELDTYPE_MFColor;
7731  case EAI_SFColorRGBA: return FIELDTYPE_SFColorRGBA;
7732  case EAI_MFColorRGBA: return FIELDTYPE_MFColorRGBA;
7733  case EAI_SFTime: return FIELDTYPE_SFTime;
7734  case EAI_MFTime: return FIELDTYPE_MFTime;
7735  case EAI_SFString: return FIELDTYPE_SFString;
7736  case EAI_MFString: return FIELDTYPE_MFString;
7737  case EAI_SFVec2f: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f;
7738  case EAI_MFVec2f: return FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f;
7739  case EAI_FreeWRLPTR: return FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLPTR;
7740  case EAI_SFImage: return FIELDTYPE_SFImage;
7741  case EAI_SFVec3d: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d;
7742  case EAI_MFVec3d: return FIELDTYPE_MFVec3d;
7743  case EAI_SFDouble: return FIELDTYPE_SFDouble;
7744  case EAI_MFDouble: return FIELDTYPE_MFDouble;
7745  case EAI_SFMatrix3f: return FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3f;
7746  case EAI_MFMatrix3f: return FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix3f;
7747  case EAI_SFMatrix3d: return FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3d;
7748  case EAI_MFMatrix3d: return FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix3d;
7749  case EAI_SFMatrix4f: return FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4f;
7750  case EAI_MFMatrix4f: return FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix4f;
7751  case EAI_SFMatrix4d: return FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4d;
7752  case EAI_MFMatrix4d: return FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix4d;
7753  case EAI_SFVec2d: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec2d;
7754  case EAI_MFVec2d: return FIELDTYPE_MFVec2d;
7755  case EAI_SFVec4f: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f;
7756  case EAI_MFVec4f: return FIELDTYPE_MFVec4f;
7757  case EAI_SFVec4d: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec4d;
7758  case EAI_MFVec4d: return FIELDTYPE_MFVec4d;
7759  case EAI_FreeWRLThread: return FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLThread;
7760  default: return -1;
7761  }
7762  return -1;
7763 }
7764 /* convert an MF type to an SF type */
7765 int convertToSFType (int st) {
7766  switch (st) {
7767  case FIELDTYPE_SFFloat: return FIELDTYPE_SFFloat;
7768  case FIELDTYPE_MFFloat: return FIELDTYPE_SFFloat;
7769  case FIELDTYPE_SFRotation: return FIELDTYPE_SFRotation;
7770  case FIELDTYPE_MFRotation: return FIELDTYPE_SFRotation;
7771  case FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f;
7772  case FIELDTYPE_MFVec3f: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec3f;
7773  case FIELDTYPE_SFBool: return FIELDTYPE_SFBool;
7774  case FIELDTYPE_MFBool: return FIELDTYPE_SFBool;
7775  case FIELDTYPE_SFInt32: return FIELDTYPE_SFInt32;
7776  case FIELDTYPE_MFInt32: return FIELDTYPE_SFInt32;
7777  case FIELDTYPE_SFNode: return FIELDTYPE_SFNode;
7778  case FIELDTYPE_MFNode: return FIELDTYPE_SFNode;
7779  case FIELDTYPE_SFColor: return FIELDTYPE_SFColor;
7780  case FIELDTYPE_MFColor: return FIELDTYPE_SFColor;
7783  case FIELDTYPE_SFTime: return FIELDTYPE_SFTime;
7784  case FIELDTYPE_MFTime: return FIELDTYPE_SFTime;
7785  case FIELDTYPE_SFString: return FIELDTYPE_SFString;
7786  case FIELDTYPE_MFString: return FIELDTYPE_SFString;
7787  case FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f;
7788  case FIELDTYPE_MFVec2f: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec2f;
7790  case FIELDTYPE_SFImage: return FIELDTYPE_SFImage;
7791  case FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d;
7792  case FIELDTYPE_MFVec3d: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec3d;
7793  case FIELDTYPE_SFDouble: return FIELDTYPE_SFDouble;
7794  case FIELDTYPE_MFDouble: return FIELDTYPE_SFDouble;
7795  case FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3f: return FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3f;
7796  case FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix3f: return FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3f;
7797  case FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3d: return FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3d;
7798  case FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix3d: return FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix3d;
7799  case FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4f: return FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4f;
7800  case FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix4f: return FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4f;
7801  case FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4d: return FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4d;
7802  case FIELDTYPE_MFMatrix4d: return FIELDTYPE_SFMatrix4d;
7803  case FIELDTYPE_SFVec2d: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec2d;
7804  case FIELDTYPE_MFVec2d: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec2d;
7805  case FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f;
7806  case FIELDTYPE_MFVec4f: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec4f;
7807  case FIELDTYPE_SFVec4d: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec4d;
7808  case FIELDTYPE_MFVec4d: return FIELDTYPE_SFVec4d;
7809  case FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLThread: return FIELDTYPE_FreeWRLThread;
7810  }
7811  return -1;
7812 }
7813 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the fieldtype type */
7814 const char *stringFieldtypeType (int st) {
7815  if ((st < 0) || (st >= FIELDTYPES_COUNT)) return "(fieldType invalid)";
7816  return FIELDTYPES[st];
7817 }
7819 /* Return a pointer to a string representation of the node type */
7820 const char *stringNodeType (int st) {
7821  if ((st < 0) || (st >= NODES_COUNT)) return "(node invalid)";
7822  return NODES[st];
7823 }
7825 /* create a new node of type. This can be generated by Perl code, much as the Structs.h is */
7826 void *createNewX3DNode0 (int nt) {
7827  void * tmp;
7828  struct X3D_Box *node;
7830  tmp = NULL;
7831  switch (nt) {
7832  case NODE_Anchor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Anchor *, sizeof (struct X3D_Anchor)); break;}
7833  case NODE_Appearance : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Appearance *, sizeof (struct X3D_Appearance)); break;}
7834  case NODE_Arc2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Arc2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_Arc2D)); break;}
7835  case NODE_ArcClose2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ArcClose2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_ArcClose2D)); break;}
7836  case NODE_AudioClip : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_AudioClip *, sizeof (struct X3D_AudioClip)); break;}
7837  case NODE_BackdropBackground : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_BackdropBackground *, sizeof (struct X3D_BackdropBackground)); break;}
7838  case NODE_Background : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Background *, sizeof (struct X3D_Background)); break;}
7839  case NODE_BallJoint : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_BallJoint *, sizeof (struct X3D_BallJoint)); break;}
7840  case NODE_Billboard : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Billboard *, sizeof (struct X3D_Billboard)); break;}
7841  case NODE_BlendedVolumeStyle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle *, sizeof (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle)); break;}
7842  case NODE_BooleanFilter : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_BooleanFilter *, sizeof (struct X3D_BooleanFilter)); break;}
7843  case NODE_BooleanSequencer : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_BooleanSequencer *, sizeof (struct X3D_BooleanSequencer)); break;}
7844  case NODE_BooleanToggle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_BooleanToggle *, sizeof (struct X3D_BooleanToggle)); break;}
7845  case NODE_BooleanTrigger : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_BooleanTrigger *, sizeof (struct X3D_BooleanTrigger)); break;}
7846  case NODE_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle *, sizeof (struct X3D_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle)); break;}
7847  case NODE_BoundedPhysicsModel : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_BoundedPhysicsModel *, sizeof (struct X3D_BoundedPhysicsModel)); break;}
7848  case NODE_Box : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Box *, sizeof (struct X3D_Box)); break;}
7849  case NODE_CADAssembly : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CADAssembly *, sizeof (struct X3D_CADAssembly)); break;}
7850  case NODE_CADFace : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CADFace *, sizeof (struct X3D_CADFace)); break;}
7851  case NODE_CADLayer : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CADLayer *, sizeof (struct X3D_CADLayer)); break;}
7852  case NODE_CADPart : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CADPart *, sizeof (struct X3D_CADPart)); break;}
7853  case NODE_CalibratedCameraSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor)); break;}
7854  case NODE_CartoonVolumeStyle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CartoonVolumeStyle *, sizeof (struct X3D_CartoonVolumeStyle)); break;}
7855  case NODE_Circle2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Circle2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_Circle2D)); break;}
7856  case NODE_ClipPlane : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ClipPlane *, sizeof (struct X3D_ClipPlane)); break;}
7857  case NODE_CollidableOffset : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CollidableOffset *, sizeof (struct X3D_CollidableOffset)); break;}
7858  case NODE_CollidableShape : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CollidableShape *, sizeof (struct X3D_CollidableShape)); break;}
7859  case NODE_Collision : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Collision *, sizeof (struct X3D_Collision)); break;}
7860  case NODE_CollisionCollection : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CollisionCollection *, sizeof (struct X3D_CollisionCollection)); break;}
7861  case NODE_CollisionSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CollisionSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_CollisionSensor)); break;}
7862  case NODE_CollisionSpace : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CollisionSpace *, sizeof (struct X3D_CollisionSpace)); break;}
7863  case NODE_Color : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Color *, sizeof (struct X3D_Color)); break;}
7864  case NODE_ColorChaser : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ColorChaser *, sizeof (struct X3D_ColorChaser)); break;}
7865  case NODE_ColorDamper : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ColorDamper *, sizeof (struct X3D_ColorDamper)); break;}
7866  case NODE_ColorInterpolator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ColorInterpolator *, sizeof (struct X3D_ColorInterpolator)); break;}
7867  case NODE_ColorRGBA : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ColorRGBA *, sizeof (struct X3D_ColorRGBA)); break;}
7868  case NODE_ComposedCubeMapTexture : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture *, sizeof (struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture)); break;}
7869  case NODE_ComposedShader : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ComposedShader *, sizeof (struct X3D_ComposedShader)); break;}
7870  case NODE_ComposedTexture3D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D *, sizeof (struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D)); break;}
7871  case NODE_ComposedVolumeStyle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ComposedVolumeStyle *, sizeof (struct X3D_ComposedVolumeStyle)); break;}
7872  case NODE_CompositeVolumeStyle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CompositeVolumeStyle *, sizeof (struct X3D_CompositeVolumeStyle)); break;}
7873  case NODE_Cone : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Cone *, sizeof (struct X3D_Cone)); break;}
7874  case NODE_ConeEmitter : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ConeEmitter *, sizeof (struct X3D_ConeEmitter)); break;}
7875  case NODE_Contact : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Contact *, sizeof (struct X3D_Contact)); break;}
7876  case NODE_Contour2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Contour2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_Contour2D)); break;}
7877  case NODE_ContourPolyline2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ContourPolyline2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_ContourPolyline2D)); break;}
7878  case NODE_Coordinate : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Coordinate *, sizeof (struct X3D_Coordinate)); break;}
7879  case NODE_CoordinateChaser : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser *, sizeof (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser)); break;}
7880  case NODE_CoordinateDamper : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper *, sizeof (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper)); break;}
7881  case NODE_CoordinateDouble : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CoordinateDouble *, sizeof (struct X3D_CoordinateDouble)); break;}
7882  case NODE_CoordinateInterpolator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator *, sizeof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator)); break;}
7883  case NODE_CoordinateInterpolator2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator2D)); break;}
7884  case NODE_Cylinder : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Cylinder *, sizeof (struct X3D_Cylinder)); break;}
7885  case NODE_CylinderSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_CylinderSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_CylinderSensor)); break;}
7886  case NODE_DISEntityManager : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_DISEntityManager *, sizeof (struct X3D_DISEntityManager)); break;}
7887  case NODE_DISEntityTypeMapping : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping *, sizeof (struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping)); break;}
7888  case NODE_DirectionalLight : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_DirectionalLight *, sizeof (struct X3D_DirectionalLight)); break;}
7889  case NODE_Disk2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Disk2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_Disk2D)); break;}
7890  case NODE_DoubleAxisHingeJoint : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint *, sizeof (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint)); break;}
7891  case NODE_EaseInEaseOut : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut *, sizeof (struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut)); break;}
7892  case NODE_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle *, sizeof (struct X3D_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle)); break;}
7893  case NODE_Effect : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Effect *, sizeof (struct X3D_Effect)); break;}
7894  case NODE_EffectPart : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_EffectPart *, sizeof (struct X3D_EffectPart)); break;}
7895  case NODE_ElevationGrid : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ElevationGrid *, sizeof (struct X3D_ElevationGrid)); break;}
7896  case NODE_EspduTransform : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_EspduTransform *, sizeof (struct X3D_EspduTransform)); break;}
7897  case NODE_ExplosionEmitter : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ExplosionEmitter *, sizeof (struct X3D_ExplosionEmitter)); break;}
7898  case NODE_Extrusion : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Extrusion *, sizeof (struct X3D_Extrusion)); break;}
7899  case NODE_FillProperties : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_FillProperties *, sizeof (struct X3D_FillProperties)); break;}
7900  case NODE_FloatVertexAttribute : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_FloatVertexAttribute *, sizeof (struct X3D_FloatVertexAttribute)); break;}
7901  case NODE_Fog : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Fog *, sizeof (struct X3D_Fog)); break;}
7902  case NODE_FogCoordinate : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_FogCoordinate *, sizeof (struct X3D_FogCoordinate)); break;}
7903  case NODE_FontStyle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_FontStyle *, sizeof (struct X3D_FontStyle)); break;}
7904  case NODE_ForcePhysicsModel : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ForcePhysicsModel *, sizeof (struct X3D_ForcePhysicsModel)); break;}
7905  case NODE_GeneratedCubeMapTexture : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture *, sizeof (struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture)); break;}
7906  case NODE_GeoCoordinate : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_GeoCoordinate *, sizeof (struct X3D_GeoCoordinate)); break;}
7907  case NODE_GeoElevationGrid : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid *, sizeof (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid)); break;}
7908  case NODE_GeoLOD : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_GeoLOD *, sizeof (struct X3D_GeoLOD)); break;}
7909  case NODE_GeoLocation : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_GeoLocation *, sizeof (struct X3D_GeoLocation)); break;}
7910  case NODE_GeoMetadata : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_GeoMetadata *, sizeof (struct X3D_GeoMetadata)); break;}
7911  case NODE_GeoOrigin : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_GeoOrigin *, sizeof (struct X3D_GeoOrigin)); break;}
7912  case NODE_GeoPositionInterpolator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator *, sizeof (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator)); break;}
7913  case NODE_GeoProximitySensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor)); break;}
7914  case NODE_GeoTouchSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor)); break;}
7915  case NODE_GeoTransform : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_GeoTransform *, sizeof (struct X3D_GeoTransform)); break;}
7916  case NODE_GeoViewpoint : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint *, sizeof (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint)); break;}
7917  case NODE_Group : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Group *, sizeof (struct X3D_Group)); break;}
7918  case NODE_HAnimDisplacer : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_HAnimDisplacer *, sizeof (struct X3D_HAnimDisplacer)); break;}
7919  case NODE_HAnimHumanoid : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid *, sizeof (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid)); break;}
7920  case NODE_HAnimJoint : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_HAnimJoint *, sizeof (struct X3D_HAnimJoint)); break;}
7921  case NODE_HAnimSegment : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_HAnimSegment *, sizeof (struct X3D_HAnimSegment)); break;}
7922  case NODE_HAnimSite : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_HAnimSite *, sizeof (struct X3D_HAnimSite)); break;}
7923  case NODE_ImageBackdropBackground : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground *, sizeof (struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground)); break;}
7924  case NODE_ImageCubeMapTexture : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture *, sizeof (struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture)); break;}
7925  case NODE_ImageTexture : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ImageTexture *, sizeof (struct X3D_ImageTexture)); break;}
7926  case NODE_ImageTexture3D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ImageTexture3D *, sizeof (struct X3D_ImageTexture3D)); break;}
7927  case NODE_IndexedFaceSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet)); break;}
7928  case NODE_IndexedLineSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet)); break;}
7929  case NODE_IndexedQuadSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet)); break;}
7930  case NODE_IndexedTriangleFanSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet)); break;}
7931  case NODE_IndexedTriangleSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet)); break;}
7932  case NODE_IndexedTriangleStripSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet)); break;}
7933  case NODE_Inline : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Inline *, sizeof (struct X3D_Inline)); break;}
7934  case NODE_IntegerSequencer : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_IntegerSequencer *, sizeof (struct X3D_IntegerSequencer)); break;}
7935  case NODE_IntegerTrigger : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_IntegerTrigger *, sizeof (struct X3D_IntegerTrigger)); break;}
7936  case NODE_IsoSurfaceVolumeData : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData *, sizeof (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData)); break;}
7937  case NODE_KeySensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_KeySensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_KeySensor)); break;}
7938  case NODE_LOD : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_LOD *, sizeof (struct X3D_LOD)); break;}
7939  case NODE_Layer : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Layer *, sizeof (struct X3D_Layer)); break;}
7940  case NODE_LayerSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_LayerSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_LayerSet)); break;}
7941  case NODE_Layout : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Layout *, sizeof (struct X3D_Layout)); break;}
7942  case NODE_LayoutGroup : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_LayoutGroup *, sizeof (struct X3D_LayoutGroup)); break;}
7943  case NODE_LayoutLayer : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_LayoutLayer *, sizeof (struct X3D_LayoutLayer)); break;}
7944  case NODE_LinePickSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_LinePickSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_LinePickSensor)); break;}
7945  case NODE_LineProperties : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_LineProperties *, sizeof (struct X3D_LineProperties)); break;}
7946  case NODE_LineSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_LineSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_LineSensor)); break;}
7947  case NODE_LineSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_LineSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_LineSet)); break;}
7948  case NODE_LoadSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_LoadSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_LoadSensor)); break;}
7949  case NODE_LocalFog : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_LocalFog *, sizeof (struct X3D_LocalFog)); break;}
7950  case NODE_Material : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Material *, sizeof (struct X3D_Material)); break;}
7951  case NODE_Matrix3VertexAttribute : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Matrix3VertexAttribute *, sizeof (struct X3D_Matrix3VertexAttribute)); break;}
7952  case NODE_Matrix4VertexAttribute : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Matrix4VertexAttribute *, sizeof (struct X3D_Matrix4VertexAttribute)); break;}
7953  case NODE_MetadataBoolean : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataBoolean *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataBoolean)); break;}
7954  case NODE_MetadataDouble : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataDouble *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataDouble)); break;}
7955  case NODE_MetadataFloat : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataFloat *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataFloat)); break;}
7956  case NODE_MetadataInteger : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataInteger *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataInteger)); break;}
7957  case NODE_MetadataMFBool : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFBool *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFBool)); break;}
7958  case NODE_MetadataMFColor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFColor *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFColor)); break;}
7959  case NODE_MetadataMFColorRGBA : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFColorRGBA *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFColorRGBA)); break;}
7960  case NODE_MetadataMFDouble : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFDouble *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFDouble)); break;}
7961  case NODE_MetadataMFFloat : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFFloat *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFFloat)); break;}
7962  case NODE_MetadataMFInt32 : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFInt32 *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFInt32)); break;}
7963  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix3d : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3d *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3d)); break;}
7964  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix3f : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3f *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3f)); break;}
7965  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix4d : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4d *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4d)); break;}
7966  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix4f : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4f *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4f)); break;}
7967  case NODE_MetadataMFNode : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFNode *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFNode)); break;}
7968  case NODE_MetadataMFRotation : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFRotation *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFRotation)); break;}
7969  case NODE_MetadataMFString : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFString *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFString)); break;}
7970  case NODE_MetadataMFTime : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFTime *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFTime)); break;}
7971  case NODE_MetadataMFVec2d : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2d *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2d)); break;}
7972  case NODE_MetadataMFVec2f : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2f *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2f)); break;}
7973  case NODE_MetadataMFVec3d : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3d *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3d)); break;}
7974  case NODE_MetadataMFVec3f : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3f *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3f)); break;}
7975  case NODE_MetadataMFVec4d : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4d *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4d)); break;}
7976  case NODE_MetadataMFVec4f : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4f *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4f)); break;}
7977  case NODE_MetadataSFBool : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFBool *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFBool)); break;}
7978  case NODE_MetadataSFColor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFColor *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFColor)); break;}
7979  case NODE_MetadataSFColorRGBA : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFColorRGBA *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFColorRGBA)); break;}
7980  case NODE_MetadataSFDouble : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFDouble *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFDouble)); break;}
7981  case NODE_MetadataSFFloat : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFFloat *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFFloat)); break;}
7982  case NODE_MetadataSFImage : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFImage *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFImage)); break;}
7983  case NODE_MetadataSFInt32 : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFInt32 *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFInt32)); break;}
7984  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix3d : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3d *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3d)); break;}
7985  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix3f : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3f *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3f)); break;}
7986  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix4d : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4d *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4d)); break;}
7987  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix4f : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4f *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4f)); break;}
7988  case NODE_MetadataSFNode : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFNode *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFNode)); break;}
7989  case NODE_MetadataSFRotation : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFRotation *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFRotation)); break;}
7990  case NODE_MetadataSFString : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFString *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFString)); break;}
7991  case NODE_MetadataSFTime : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFTime *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFTime)); break;}
7992  case NODE_MetadataSFVec2d : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2d *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2d)); break;}
7993  case NODE_MetadataSFVec2f : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2f *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2f)); break;}
7994  case NODE_MetadataSFVec3d : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3d *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3d)); break;}
7995  case NODE_MetadataSFVec3f : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3f *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3f)); break;}
7996  case NODE_MetadataSFVec4d : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4d *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4d)); break;}
7997  case NODE_MetadataSFVec4f : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4f *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4f)); break;}
7998  case NODE_MetadataSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataSet)); break;}
7999  case NODE_MetadataString : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MetadataString *, sizeof (struct X3D_MetadataString)); break;}
8000  case NODE_MotorJoint : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MotorJoint *, sizeof (struct X3D_MotorJoint)); break;}
8001  case NODE_MovieTexture : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MovieTexture *, sizeof (struct X3D_MovieTexture)); break;}
8002  case NODE_MultiTexture : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MultiTexture *, sizeof (struct X3D_MultiTexture)); break;}
8003  case NODE_MultiTextureCoordinate : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MultiTextureCoordinate *, sizeof (struct X3D_MultiTextureCoordinate)); break;}
8004  case NODE_MultiTextureTransform : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_MultiTextureTransform *, sizeof (struct X3D_MultiTextureTransform)); break;}
8005  case NODE_NavigationInfo : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_NavigationInfo *, sizeof (struct X3D_NavigationInfo)); break;}
8006  case NODE_Normal : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Normal *, sizeof (struct X3D_Normal)); break;}
8007  case NODE_NormalInterpolator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_NormalInterpolator *, sizeof (struct X3D_NormalInterpolator)); break;}
8008  case NODE_NurbsCurve : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_NurbsCurve *, sizeof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve)); break;}
8009  case NODE_NurbsCurve2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D)); break;}
8010  case NODE_NurbsOrientationInterpolator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator *, sizeof (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator)); break;}
8011  case NODE_NurbsPatchSurface : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface *, sizeof (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface)); break;}
8012  case NODE_NurbsPositionInterpolator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator *, sizeof (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator)); break;}
8013  case NODE_NurbsSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_NurbsSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_NurbsSet)); break;}
8014  case NODE_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator *, sizeof (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator)); break;}
8015  case NODE_NurbsSweptSurface : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface *, sizeof (struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface)); break;}
8016  case NODE_NurbsSwungSurface : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface *, sizeof (struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface)); break;}
8017  case NODE_NurbsTextureCoordinate : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate *, sizeof (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate)); break;}
8018  case NODE_NurbsTrimmedSurface : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface *, sizeof (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface)); break;}
8019  case NODE_OSC_Sensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor)); break;}
8020  case NODE_OpacityMapVolumeStyle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_OpacityMapVolumeStyle *, sizeof (struct X3D_OpacityMapVolumeStyle)); break;}
8021  case NODE_OrientationChaser : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_OrientationChaser *, sizeof (struct X3D_OrientationChaser)); break;}
8022  case NODE_OrientationDamper : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_OrientationDamper *, sizeof (struct X3D_OrientationDamper)); break;}
8023  case NODE_OrientationInterpolator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_OrientationInterpolator *, sizeof (struct X3D_OrientationInterpolator)); break;}
8024  case NODE_OrthoViewpoint : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint *, sizeof (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint)); break;}
8025  case NODE_PackagedShader : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PackagedShader *, sizeof (struct X3D_PackagedShader)); break;}
8026  case NODE_ParticleSystem : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ParticleSystem *, sizeof (struct X3D_ParticleSystem)); break;}
8027  case NODE_PickableGroup : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PickableGroup *, sizeof (struct X3D_PickableGroup)); break;}
8028  case NODE_PixelTexture : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PixelTexture *, sizeof (struct X3D_PixelTexture)); break;}
8029  case NODE_PixelTexture3D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PixelTexture3D *, sizeof (struct X3D_PixelTexture3D)); break;}
8030  case NODE_PlaneSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PlaneSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_PlaneSensor)); break;}
8031  case NODE_PointEmitter : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PointEmitter *, sizeof (struct X3D_PointEmitter)); break;}
8032  case NODE_PointLight : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PointLight *, sizeof (struct X3D_PointLight)); break;}
8033  case NODE_PointPickSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PointPickSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_PointPickSensor)); break;}
8034  case NODE_PointSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PointSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_PointSet)); break;}
8035  case NODE_Polyline2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Polyline2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_Polyline2D)); break;}
8036  case NODE_PolylineEmitter : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter *, sizeof (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter)); break;}
8037  case NODE_Polypoint2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Polypoint2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_Polypoint2D)); break;}
8038  case NODE_PositionChaser : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PositionChaser *, sizeof (struct X3D_PositionChaser)); break;}
8039  case NODE_PositionChaser2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D)); break;}
8040  case NODE_PositionDamper : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PositionDamper *, sizeof (struct X3D_PositionDamper)); break;}
8041  case NODE_PositionDamper2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D)); break;}
8042  case NODE_PositionInterpolator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator *, sizeof (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator)); break;}
8043  case NODE_PositionInterpolator2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator2D)); break;}
8044  case NODE_PrimitivePickSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor)); break;}
8045  case NODE_ProgramShader : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ProgramShader *, sizeof (struct X3D_ProgramShader)); break;}
8046  case NODE_ProjectionVolumeStyle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ProjectionVolumeStyle *, sizeof (struct X3D_ProjectionVolumeStyle)); break;}
8047  case NODE_Proto : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Proto *, sizeof (struct X3D_Proto)); break;}
8048  case NODE_ProximitySensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ProximitySensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_ProximitySensor)); break;}
8049  case NODE_QuadSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_QuadSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_QuadSet)); break;}
8050  case NODE_ReceiverPdu : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu *, sizeof (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu)); break;}
8051  case NODE_Rectangle2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Rectangle2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_Rectangle2D)); break;}
8052  case NODE_RigidBody : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_RigidBody *, sizeof (struct X3D_RigidBody)); break;}
8053  case NODE_RigidBodyCollection : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection *, sizeof (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection)); break;}
8054  case NODE_ScalarChaser : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ScalarChaser *, sizeof (struct X3D_ScalarChaser)); break;}
8055  case NODE_ScalarDamper : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ScalarDamper *, sizeof (struct X3D_ScalarDamper)); break;}
8056  case NODE_ScalarInterpolator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ScalarInterpolator *, sizeof (struct X3D_ScalarInterpolator)); break;}
8057  case NODE_ScreenFontStyle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle *, sizeof (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle)); break;}
8058  case NODE_ScreenGroup : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ScreenGroup *, sizeof (struct X3D_ScreenGroup)); break;}
8059  case NODE_Script : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Script *, sizeof (struct X3D_Script)); break;}
8060  case NODE_SegmentedVolumeData : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData *, sizeof (struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData)); break;}
8061  case NODE_ShadedVolumeStyle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle *, sizeof (struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle)); break;}
8062  case NODE_ShaderPart : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ShaderPart *, sizeof (struct X3D_ShaderPart)); break;}
8063  case NODE_ShaderProgram : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ShaderProgram *, sizeof (struct X3D_ShaderProgram)); break;}
8064  case NODE_Shape : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Shape *, sizeof (struct X3D_Shape)); break;}
8065  case NODE_SignalPdu : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_SignalPdu *, sizeof (struct X3D_SignalPdu)); break;}
8066  case NODE_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle *, sizeof (struct X3D_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle)); break;}
8067  case NODE_SingleAxisHingeJoint : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint *, sizeof (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint)); break;}
8068  case NODE_SliderJoint : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_SliderJoint *, sizeof (struct X3D_SliderJoint)); break;}
8069  case NODE_Sound : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Sound *, sizeof (struct X3D_Sound)); break;}
8070  case NODE_Sphere : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Sphere *, sizeof (struct X3D_Sphere)); break;}
8071  case NODE_SphereSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_SphereSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_SphereSensor)); break;}
8072  case NODE_SplinePositionInterpolator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator *, sizeof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator)); break;}
8073  case NODE_SplinePositionInterpolator2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D)); break;}
8074  case NODE_SplineScalarInterpolator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator *, sizeof (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator)); break;}
8075  case NODE_SpotLight : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_SpotLight *, sizeof (struct X3D_SpotLight)); break;}
8076  case NODE_SquadOrientationInterpolator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator *, sizeof (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator)); break;}
8077  case NODE_StaticGroup : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_StaticGroup *, sizeof (struct X3D_StaticGroup)); break;}
8078  case NODE_StringSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_StringSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_StringSensor)); break;}
8079  case NODE_SurfaceEmitter : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter *, sizeof (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter)); break;}
8080  case NODE_Switch : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Switch *, sizeof (struct X3D_Switch)); break;}
8081  case NODE_Teapot : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Teapot *, sizeof (struct X3D_Teapot)); break;}
8082  case NODE_TexCoordChaser2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D)); break;}
8083  case NODE_TexCoordDamper2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D)); break;}
8084  case NODE_Text : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Text *, sizeof (struct X3D_Text)); break;}
8085  case NODE_TextureBackground : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TextureBackground *, sizeof (struct X3D_TextureBackground)); break;}
8086  case NODE_TextureCoordinate : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate *, sizeof (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate)); break;}
8087  case NODE_TextureCoordinate3D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate3D *, sizeof (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate3D)); break;}
8088  case NODE_TextureCoordinate4D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate4D *, sizeof (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate4D)); break;}
8089  case NODE_TextureCoordinateGenerator : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TextureCoordinateGenerator *, sizeof (struct X3D_TextureCoordinateGenerator)); break;}
8090  case NODE_TextureProperties : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TextureProperties *, sizeof (struct X3D_TextureProperties)); break;}
8091  case NODE_TextureTransform : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TextureTransform *, sizeof (struct X3D_TextureTransform)); break;}
8092  case NODE_TextureTransform3D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TextureTransform3D *, sizeof (struct X3D_TextureTransform3D)); break;}
8093  case NODE_TextureTransformMatrix3D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TextureTransformMatrix3D *, sizeof (struct X3D_TextureTransformMatrix3D)); break;}
8094  case NODE_TimeSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TimeSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_TimeSensor)); break;}
8095  case NODE_TimeTrigger : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TimeTrigger *, sizeof (struct X3D_TimeTrigger)); break;}
8096  case NODE_ToneMappedVolumeStyle : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ToneMappedVolumeStyle *, sizeof (struct X3D_ToneMappedVolumeStyle)); break;}
8097  case NODE_TouchSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TouchSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_TouchSensor)); break;}
8098  case NODE_TrackingSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TrackingSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_TrackingSensor)); break;}
8099  case NODE_Transform : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Transform *, sizeof (struct X3D_Transform)); break;}
8100  case NODE_TransformSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TransformSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_TransformSensor)); break;}
8101  case NODE_TransmitterPdu : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu *, sizeof (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu)); break;}
8102  case NODE_TriangleFanSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet)); break;}
8103  case NODE_TriangleSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TriangleSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_TriangleSet)); break;}
8104  case NODE_TriangleSet2D : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TriangleSet2D *, sizeof (struct X3D_TriangleSet2D)); break;}
8105  case NODE_TriangleStripSet : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet *, sizeof (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet)); break;}
8106  case NODE_TwoSidedMaterial : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial *, sizeof (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial)); break;}
8107  case NODE_UniversalJoint : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_UniversalJoint *, sizeof (struct X3D_UniversalJoint)); break;}
8108  case NODE_Viewpoint : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Viewpoint *, sizeof (struct X3D_Viewpoint)); break;}
8109  case NODE_ViewpointGroup : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_ViewpointGroup *, sizeof (struct X3D_ViewpointGroup)); break;}
8110  case NODE_Viewport : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_Viewport *, sizeof (struct X3D_Viewport)); break;}
8111  case NODE_VisibilitySensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor)); break;}
8112  case NODE_VolumeData : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_VolumeData *, sizeof (struct X3D_VolumeData)); break;}
8113  case NODE_VolumeEmitter : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter *, sizeof (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter)); break;}
8114  case NODE_VolumePickSensor : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor *, sizeof (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor)); break;}
8115  case NODE_WindPhysicsModel : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_WindPhysicsModel *, sizeof (struct X3D_WindPhysicsModel)); break;}
8116  case NODE_WorldInfo : {tmp = MALLOC (struct X3D_WorldInfo *, sizeof (struct X3D_WorldInfo)); break;}
8117  default: {printf ("createNewX3DNode = unknown type %d, this will fail\n",nt); return NULL;}
8118  }
8120  /* now, fill in the node to DEFAULT values This mimics "alloc_struct" in the Perl code. */
8121  /* the common stuff between all nodes. We'll use a X3D_Box struct, just because. It is used
8122  in this way throughought the code */
8123  node = (struct X3D_Box *) tmp;
8124  node->_renderFlags = 0; /*sensitive, etc */
8125  node->_hit = 0;
8126  node->_change = NODE_CHANGE_INIT_VAL;
8127  node->_parentVector = newVector(struct X3D_Node*, 1);
8128  node->_ichange = 0;
8129  node->_dist = -10000.0; /*sorting for blending */
8131  node->_intern = 0;
8132  node->_nodeType = nt; /* unique integer for each type */
8133  node->referenceCount = 1; /* we have requested this, we want it! */
8134  node->_gc = NULL; /* any node doing non-public field mallocs can register_node_gc(node,p) for auto-freeing */
8135  node->_executionContext = NULL; /* a few places like js need to know the executionContext if non-null */
8137  /* now, fill in the node specific stuff here. the defaults are in */
8138  switch (nt) {
8139  case NODE_Anchor : {
8140  struct X3D_Anchor * tmp2;
8141  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Anchor *) tmp;
8142  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
8143  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
8144  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
8145  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
8146  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
8147  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
8148  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
8149  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8150  tmp2->parameter.n=0; tmp2->parameter.p=0;
8151  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
8152  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
8153  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8154  break;
8155  }
8156  case NODE_Appearance : {
8157  struct X3D_Appearance * tmp2;
8158  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Appearance *) tmp;
8159  tmp2->effects.n=0; tmp2->effects.p=0;
8160  tmp2->fillProperties = NULL;
8161  tmp2->lineProperties = NULL;
8162  tmp2->material = NULL;
8163  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8164  tmp2->shaders.n=0; tmp2->shaders.p=0;
8165  tmp2->texture = NULL;
8166  tmp2->textureTransform = NULL;
8167  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_appearance;
8168  break;
8169  }
8170  case NODE_Arc2D : {
8171  struct X3D_Arc2D * tmp2;
8172  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Arc2D *) tmp;
8173  tmp2->__numPoints = 0;
8174  tmp2->__points.n=0; tmp2->__points.p=0;
8175  tmp2->endAngle = 1.5707f;
8176  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8177  tmp2->radius = 1.0f;
8178  tmp2->startAngle = 0.0f;
8179  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
8180  break;
8181  }
8182  case NODE_ArcClose2D : {
8183  struct X3D_ArcClose2D * tmp2;
8184  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ArcClose2D *) tmp;
8185  tmp2->__numPoints = 0;
8186  tmp2->__points.n=0; tmp2->__points.p=0;
8187  tmp2->closureType = newASCIIString("PIE");
8188  tmp2->endAngle = 1.5707f;
8189  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8190  tmp2->radius = 1.0f;
8191  tmp2->solid = FALSE;
8192  tmp2->startAngle = 0.0f;
8193  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
8194  break;
8195  }
8196  case NODE_AudioClip : {
8197  struct X3D_AudioClip * tmp2;
8198  tmp2 = (struct X3D_AudioClip *) tmp;
8199  tmp2->__inittime = 0;
8200  tmp2->__lasttime = 0;
8201  tmp2->__loadResource = 0;
8202  tmp2->__loadstatus = 0;
8203  tmp2->__sourceNumber = -1;
8204  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
8205  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
8206  tmp2->duration_changed = -1;
8207  tmp2->elapsedTime = 0;
8208  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
8209  tmp2->isPaused = FALSE;
8210  tmp2->loop = FALSE;
8211  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8212  tmp2->pauseTime = 0;
8213  tmp2->pitch = 1.0f;
8214  tmp2->resumeTime = 0;
8215  tmp2->startTime = 0;
8216  tmp2->stopTime = 0;
8217  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
8218  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_source;
8219  break;
8220  }
8221  case NODE_BackdropBackground : {
8222  struct X3D_BackdropBackground * tmp2;
8223  tmp2 = (struct X3D_BackdropBackground *) tmp;
8224  tmp2->__VBO = 0;
8225  tmp2->__texture = 0;
8226  tmp2->bindTime = 0;
8227  tmp2->color.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->color.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->color.c[2] = 0.0f;;
8228  tmp2->isBound = FALSE;
8229  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8230  tmp2->set_bind = 100;
8231  tmp2->transparency = 0.0f;
8232  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
8233  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8234  break;
8235  }
8236  case NODE_Background : {
8237  struct X3D_Background * tmp2;
8238  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Background *) tmp;
8239  tmp2->__VBO = 0;
8240  tmp2->__backTexture = NULL;
8241  tmp2->__bottomTexture = NULL;
8242  tmp2->__colours.n=0; tmp2->__colours.p=0;
8243  tmp2->__frontTexture = NULL;
8244  tmp2->__leftTexture = NULL;
8245  tmp2->__points.n=0; tmp2->__points.p=0;
8246  tmp2->__quadcount = 0;
8247  tmp2->__rightTexture = NULL;
8248  tmp2->__textureright = 0;
8249  tmp2->__topTexture = NULL;
8250  tmp2->_layerId = 0;
8251  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
8252  tmp2->backUrl.n=0; tmp2->backUrl.p=0;
8253  tmp2->bindTime = 0;
8254  tmp2->bottomUrl.n=0; tmp2->bottomUrl.p=0;
8255  tmp2->frontUrl.n=0; tmp2->frontUrl.p=0;
8256  tmp2->groundAngle.n=0; tmp2->groundAngle.p=0;
8257  tmp2->groundColor.n=0; tmp2->groundColor.p=0;
8258  tmp2->isBound = FALSE;
8259  tmp2->leftUrl.n=0; tmp2->leftUrl.p=0;
8260  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8261  tmp2->rightUrl.n=0; tmp2->rightUrl.p=0;
8262  tmp2->set_bind = 100;
8263  tmp2->skyAngle.n=0; tmp2->skyAngle.p=0;
8264  tmp2->skyColor.p = MALLOC (struct SFColor *, sizeof(struct SFColor)*1);
8266  tmp2->skyColor.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
8267  tmp2->skyColor.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
8268  tmp2->skyColor.p[0].c[2] = 0.0f;
8269  tmp2->skyColor.n=1;;
8270  tmp2->topUrl.n=0; tmp2->topUrl.p=0;
8271  tmp2->transparency = 0.0f;
8272  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8273  break;
8274  }
8275  case NODE_BallJoint : {
8276  struct X3D_BallJoint * tmp2;
8277  tmp2 = (struct X3D_BallJoint *) tmp;
8278  tmp2->__old_anchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_anchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_anchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
8279  tmp2->__old_body1 = NULL;
8280  tmp2->__old_body2 = NULL;
8281  tmp2->_forceout = 0;
8282  tmp2->_joint = 0;
8283  tmp2->anchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->anchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->anchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
8284  tmp2->body1 = NULL;
8285  tmp2->body1AnchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->body1AnchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->body1AnchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
8286  tmp2->body2 = NULL;
8287  tmp2->body2AnchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->body2AnchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->body2AnchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
8288  tmp2->forceOutput.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*1);tmp2->forceOutput.p[0] = newASCIIString("NONE");tmp2->forceOutput.n=1; ;
8289  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8290  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_joints;
8291  break;
8292  }
8293  case NODE_Billboard : {
8294  struct X3D_Billboard * tmp2;
8295  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Billboard *) tmp;
8296  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
8297  tmp2->_rotationAngle = 0;
8298  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
8299  tmp2->axisOfRotation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->axisOfRotation.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->axisOfRotation.c[2] = 0.0f;
8300  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
8301  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
8302  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
8303  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8304  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
8305  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8306  break;
8307  }
8308  case NODE_BlendedVolumeStyle : {
8309  struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle * tmp2;
8310  tmp2 = (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle *) tmp;
8311  tmp2->_fbohandles.p = MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*3);
8312  tmp2->_fbohandles.p[0] = 0;
8313  tmp2->_fbohandles.p[1] = 0;
8314  tmp2->_fbohandles.p[2] = 0;
8315  tmp2->_fbohandles.n=3;;
8316  tmp2->_weightFunction1 = 0;
8317  tmp2->_weightFunction2 = 0;
8318  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8319  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8320  tmp2->renderStyle = NULL;
8321  tmp2->surfaceNormals = NULL;
8322  tmp2->voxels = NULL;
8323  tmp2->weightConstant1 = 0.5f;
8324  tmp2->weightConstant2 = 0.5f;
8325  tmp2->weightFunction1 = newASCIIString("CONSTANT");
8326  tmp2->weightFunction2 = newASCIIString("CONSTANT");
8327  tmp2->weightTransferFunction1 = NULL;
8328  tmp2->weightTransferFunction2 = NULL;
8329  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_renderStyle;
8330  break;
8331  }
8332  case NODE_BooleanFilter : {
8333  struct X3D_BooleanFilter * tmp2;
8334  tmp2 = (struct X3D_BooleanFilter *) tmp;
8335  tmp2->inputFalse = FALSE;
8336  tmp2->inputNegate = FALSE;
8337  tmp2->inputTrue = TRUE;
8338  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8339  tmp2->set_boolean = 0;
8340  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8341  break;
8342  }
8343  case NODE_BooleanSequencer : {
8344  struct X3D_BooleanSequencer * tmp2;
8345  tmp2 = (struct X3D_BooleanSequencer *) tmp;
8346  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
8347  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
8348  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8349  tmp2->next = 0;
8350  tmp2->previous = 0;
8351  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
8352  tmp2->value_changed = FALSE;
8353  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8354  break;
8355  }
8356  case NODE_BooleanToggle : {
8357  struct X3D_BooleanToggle * tmp2;
8358  tmp2 = (struct X3D_BooleanToggle *) tmp;
8359  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8360  tmp2->set_boolean = 0;
8361  tmp2->toggle = FALSE;
8362  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8363  break;
8364  }
8365  case NODE_BooleanTrigger : {
8366  struct X3D_BooleanTrigger * tmp2;
8367  tmp2 = (struct X3D_BooleanTrigger *) tmp;
8368  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8369  tmp2->set_triggerTime = 0;
8370  tmp2->triggerTrue = FALSE;
8371  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8372  break;
8373  }
8374  case NODE_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle : {
8375  struct X3D_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle * tmp2;
8376  tmp2 = (struct X3D_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle *) tmp;
8377  tmp2->boundaryOpacity = 0.9f;
8378  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8379  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8380  tmp2->opacityFactor = 2.0f;
8381  tmp2->retainedOpacity = 0.2f;
8382  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_renderStyle;
8383  break;
8384  }
8385  case NODE_BoundedPhysicsModel : {
8386  struct X3D_BoundedPhysicsModel * tmp2;
8387  tmp2 = (struct X3D_BoundedPhysicsModel *) tmp;
8388  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8389  tmp2->geometry = NULL;
8390  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8391  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_physics;
8392  break;
8393  }
8394  case NODE_Box : {
8395  struct X3D_Box * tmp2;
8396  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Box *) tmp;
8397  tmp2->__points.n=0; tmp2->__points.p=0;
8398  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8399  tmp2->size.c[0] = 2.0f;tmp2->size.c[1] = 2.0f;tmp2->size.c[2] = 2.0f;
8400  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
8401  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
8402  break;
8403  }
8404  case NODE_CADAssembly : {
8405  struct X3D_CADAssembly * tmp2;
8406  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CADAssembly *) tmp;
8407  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
8408  tmp2->_sortedChildren.n=0; tmp2->_sortedChildren.p=0;
8409  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
8410  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
8411  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
8412  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
8413  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8414  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
8415  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
8416  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8417  break;
8418  }
8419  case NODE_CADFace : {
8420  struct X3D_CADFace * tmp2;
8421  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CADFace *) tmp;
8422  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
8423  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
8424  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8425  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
8426  tmp2->shape = NULL;
8427  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8428  break;
8429  }
8430  case NODE_CADLayer : {
8431  struct X3D_CADLayer * tmp2;
8432  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CADLayer *) tmp;
8433  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
8434  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
8435  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
8436  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
8437  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
8438  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8439  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
8440  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
8441  tmp2->visible.n=0; tmp2->visible.p=0;
8442  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8443  break;
8444  }
8445  case NODE_CADPart : {
8446  struct X3D_CADPart * tmp2;
8447  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CADPart *) tmp;
8448  tmp2->__do_anything = FALSE;
8449  tmp2->__do_center = FALSE;
8450  tmp2->__do_rotation = FALSE;
8451  tmp2->__do_scale = FALSE;
8452  tmp2->__do_scaleO = FALSE;
8453  tmp2->__do_trans = FALSE;
8454  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
8455  tmp2->_sortedChildren.n=0; tmp2->_sortedChildren.p=0;
8456  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
8457  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
8458  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
8459  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[2] = 0.0f;
8460  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
8461  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8462  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
8463  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
8464  tmp2->rotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->rotation.c[3] = 0;;
8465  tmp2->scale.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[2] = 1.0f;
8466  tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[3] = 0;;
8467  tmp2->translation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[2] = 0.0f;
8468  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8469  break;
8470  }
8471  case NODE_CalibratedCameraSensor : {
8472  struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor * tmp2;
8473  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor *) tmp;
8474  tmp2->aspectRatio = 0.0f;
8475  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
8476  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8477  tmp2->fieldOfView = 0.0f;
8478  tmp2->focalPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->focalPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;;
8479  tmp2->fovMode = newASCIIString("");
8480  tmp2->image.n=3; tmp2->image.p=MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*3); tmp2->image.p[0] = 0; tmp2->image.p[1] = 0; tmp2->image.p[2] = 0;;
8481  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
8482  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8483  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8484  break;
8485  }
8486  case NODE_CartoonVolumeStyle : {
8487  struct X3D_CartoonVolumeStyle * tmp2;
8488  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CartoonVolumeStyle *) tmp;
8489  tmp2->colorSteps = 4;
8490  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8491  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8492  tmp2->orthogonalColor.c[0] = 1;tmp2->orthogonalColor.c[1] = 1;tmp2->orthogonalColor.c[2] = 1;tmp2->orthogonalColor.c[3] = 1;;
8493  tmp2->parallelColor.c[0] = 0;tmp2->parallelColor.c[1] = 0;tmp2->parallelColor.c[2] = 0;tmp2->parallelColor.c[3] = 1;;
8494  tmp2->surfaceNormals = NULL;
8495  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_renderStyle;
8496  break;
8497  }
8498  case NODE_Circle2D : {
8499  struct X3D_Circle2D * tmp2;
8500  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Circle2D *) tmp;
8501  tmp2->__numPoints = 0;
8502  tmp2->__points.n=0; tmp2->__points.p=0;
8503  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8504  tmp2->radius = 1.0f;
8505  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
8506  break;
8507  }
8508  case NODE_ClipPlane : {
8509  struct X3D_ClipPlane * tmp2;
8510  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ClipPlane *) tmp;
8511  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8512  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8513  tmp2->plane.c[0] = 0;tmp2->plane.c[1] = 1;tmp2->plane.c[2] = 0;tmp2->plane.c[3] = 0;;
8514  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8515  break;
8516  }
8517  case NODE_CollidableOffset : {
8518  struct X3D_CollidableOffset * tmp2;
8519  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CollidableOffset *) tmp;
8520  tmp2->__do_rotation = FALSE;
8521  tmp2->__do_trans = FALSE;
8522  tmp2->_csensor = 0;
8523  tmp2->_geom = 0;
8524  tmp2->_initialRotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_initialRotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_initialRotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->_initialRotation.c[3] = 0;;
8525  tmp2->_initialTranslation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_initialTranslation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_initialTranslation.c[2] = 0.0f;
8526  tmp2->_initialized = 0;
8527  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
8528  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
8529  tmp2->collidable = NULL;
8530  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8531  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8532  tmp2->rotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->rotation.c[3] = 0;;
8533  tmp2->translation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[2] = 0.0f;
8534  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_collidables + (FIELDNAMES_geometry << 10) + (FIELDNAMES_collidable << 20);
8535  break;
8536  }
8537  case NODE_CollidableShape : {
8538  struct X3D_CollidableShape * tmp2;
8539  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CollidableShape *) tmp;
8540  tmp2->__do_rotation = FALSE;
8541  tmp2->__do_trans = FALSE;
8542  tmp2->_csensor = 0;
8543  tmp2->_geom = 0;
8544  tmp2->_initialRotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_initialRotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_initialRotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->_initialRotation.c[3] = 0;;
8545  tmp2->_initialTranslation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_initialTranslation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_initialTranslation.c[2] = 0.0f;
8546  tmp2->_initialized = 0;
8547  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
8548  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
8549  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8550  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8551  tmp2->rotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->rotation.c[3] = 0;;
8552  tmp2->shape = NULL;
8553  tmp2->translation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[2] = 0.0f;
8554  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_collidables + (FIELDNAMES_geometry << 10) + (FIELDNAMES_collidable << 20);
8555  break;
8556  }
8557  case NODE_Collision : {
8558  struct X3D_Collision * tmp2;
8559  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Collision *) tmp;
8560  tmp2->__hit = 0;
8561  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
8562  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
8563  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
8564  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
8565  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
8566  tmp2->collide = TRUE;
8567  tmp2->collideTime = -1;
8568  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8569  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8570  tmp2->proxy = NULL;
8571  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
8572  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8573  break;
8574  }
8575  case NODE_CollisionCollection : {
8576  struct X3D_CollisionCollection * tmp2;
8577  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CollisionCollection *) tmp;
8578  tmp2->_appliedParametersMask = 0;
8579  tmp2->_class = 0;
8580  tmp2->_csensor = 0;
8581  tmp2->appliedParameters.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*1);tmp2->appliedParameters.p[0] = newASCIIString("BOUNCE");tmp2->appliedParameters.n=1; ;
8582  tmp2->bounce = 0.0f;
8583  tmp2->collidables.n=0; tmp2->collidables.p=0;
8584  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8585  tmp2->frictionCoefficients.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->frictionCoefficients.c[1] = 0.0f;;
8586  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8587  tmp2->minBounceSpeed = 0.1f;
8588  tmp2->slipFactors.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->slipFactors.c[1] = 0.0f;;
8589  tmp2->softnessConstantForceMix = 0.0001f;
8590  tmp2->softnessErrorCorrection = 0.8f;
8591  tmp2->surfaceSpeed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->surfaceSpeed.c[1] = 0.0f;;
8592  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_collider;
8593  break;
8594  }
8595  case NODE_CollisionSensor : {
8596  struct X3D_CollisionSensor * tmp2;
8597  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CollisionSensor *) tmp;
8598  tmp2->collider = NULL;
8599  tmp2->contacts.n=0; tmp2->contacts.p=0;
8600  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8601  tmp2->intersections.n=0; tmp2->intersections.p=0;
8602  tmp2->isActive = TRUE;
8603  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8604  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8605  break;
8606  }
8607  case NODE_CollisionSpace : {
8608  struct X3D_CollisionSpace * tmp2;
8609  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CollisionSpace *) tmp;
8610  tmp2->_space = 0;
8611  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
8612  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
8613  tmp2->collidables.n=0; tmp2->collidables.p=0;
8614  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8615  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8616  tmp2->useGeometry = FALSE;
8617  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_collidables;
8618  break;
8619  }
8620  case NODE_Color : {
8621  struct X3D_Color * tmp2;
8622  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Color *) tmp;
8623  tmp2->color.n=0; tmp2->color.p=0;
8624  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8625  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_color;
8626  break;
8627  }
8628  case NODE_ColorChaser : {
8629  struct X3D_ColorChaser * tmp2;
8630  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ColorChaser *) tmp;
8631  tmp2->_buffer = NULL;
8632  tmp2->_bufferendtime = 0;
8633  tmp2->_destination.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_destination.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_destination.c[2] = 0.0f;;
8634  tmp2->_p = NULL;
8635  tmp2->_previousvalue.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_previousvalue.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_previousvalue.c[2] = 0.0f;;
8636  tmp2->_steptime = 0;
8637  tmp2->_t = NULL;
8638  tmp2->duration = 1;
8639  tmp2->initialDestination.c[0] = 0.8f;tmp2->initialDestination.c[1] = 0.8f;tmp2->initialDestination.c[2] = 0.8f;;
8640  tmp2->initialValue.c[0] = 0.8f;tmp2->initialValue.c[1] = 0.8f;tmp2->initialValue.c[2] = 0.8f;;
8641  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
8642  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8643  tmp2->set_destination.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_destination.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_destination.c[2] = 0.0f;;
8644  tmp2->set_value.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_value.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_value.c[2] = 0.0f;;
8645  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;;
8646  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8647  break;
8648  }
8649  case NODE_ColorDamper : {
8650  struct X3D_ColorDamper * tmp2;
8651  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ColorDamper *) tmp;
8652  tmp2->_input.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_input.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_input.c[2] = 0.0f;;
8653  tmp2->_lasttick = 0;
8654  tmp2->_p = NULL;
8655  tmp2->_t = NULL;
8656  tmp2->_takefirstinput = TRUE;
8657  tmp2->_tau = 0.3;
8658  tmp2->_values = NULL;
8659  tmp2->initialDestination.c[0] = 0.8f;tmp2->initialDestination.c[1] = 0.8f;tmp2->initialDestination.c[2] = 0.8f;;
8660  tmp2->initialValue.c[0] = 0.8f;tmp2->initialValue.c[1] = 0.8f;tmp2->initialValue.c[2] = 0.8f;;
8661  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
8662  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8663  tmp2->order = 3;
8664  tmp2->set_destination.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_destination.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_destination.c[2] = 0.0f;;
8665  tmp2->set_value.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_value.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_value.c[2] = 0.0f;;
8666  tmp2->tau = 0.3;
8667  tmp2->tolerance = -1.0f;
8668  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;;
8669  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8670  break;
8671  }
8672  case NODE_ColorInterpolator : {
8673  struct X3D_ColorInterpolator * tmp2;
8674  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ColorInterpolator *) tmp;
8675  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
8676  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
8677  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8678  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
8679  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;;
8680  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8681  break;
8682  }
8683  case NODE_ColorRGBA : {
8684  struct X3D_ColorRGBA * tmp2;
8685  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ColorRGBA *) tmp;
8686  tmp2->color.n=0; tmp2->color.p=0;
8687  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8688  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_color;
8689  break;
8690  }
8691  case NODE_ComposedCubeMapTexture : {
8692  struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture * tmp2;
8693  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture *) tmp;
8694  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
8695  tmp2->back = NULL;
8696  tmp2->bottom = NULL;
8697  tmp2->front = NULL;
8698  tmp2->left = NULL;
8699  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8700  tmp2->right = NULL;
8701  tmp2->top = NULL;
8702  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texture;
8703  break;
8704  }
8705  case NODE_ComposedShader : {
8706  struct X3D_ComposedShader * tmp2;
8707  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ComposedShader *) tmp;
8708  tmp2->_initialized = FALSE;
8709  tmp2->_retrievedURLData = FALSE;
8710  tmp2->_shaderLoadThread = _THREAD_NULL_;
8711  tmp2->_shaderUserDefinedFields = NULL;
8712  tmp2->_shaderUserNumber = -1;
8713  tmp2->activate = 0;
8714  tmp2->isSelected = TRUE;
8715  tmp2->isValid = TRUE;
8716  tmp2->language = newASCIIString("");
8717  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8718  tmp2->parts.n=0; tmp2->parts.p=0;
8719  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_shaders;
8720  break;
8721  }
8722  case NODE_ComposedTexture3D : {
8723  struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D * tmp2;
8724  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D *) tmp;
8725  tmp2->__textureTableIndex = 0;
8726  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
8727  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8728  tmp2->repeatR = FALSE;
8729  tmp2->repeatS = FALSE;
8730  tmp2->repeatT = FALSE;
8731  tmp2->texture.n=0; tmp2->texture.p=0;
8732  tmp2->textureProperties = 0;
8733  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texture;
8734  break;
8735  }
8736  case NODE_ComposedVolumeStyle : {
8737  struct X3D_ComposedVolumeStyle * tmp2;
8738  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ComposedVolumeStyle *) tmp;
8739  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8740  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8741  tmp2->renderStyle.n=0; tmp2->renderStyle.p=0;
8742  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_renderStyle;
8743  break;
8744  }
8745  case NODE_CompositeVolumeStyle : {
8746  struct X3D_CompositeVolumeStyle * tmp2;
8747  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CompositeVolumeStyle *) tmp;
8748  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8749  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8750  tmp2->renderStyle.n=0; tmp2->renderStyle.p=0;
8751  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_renderStyle;
8752  break;
8753  }
8754  case NODE_Cone : {
8755  struct X3D_Cone * tmp2;
8756  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Cone *) tmp;
8757  tmp2->__botpoints.n=0; tmp2->__botpoints.p=0;
8758  tmp2->__coneTriangles = 0;
8759  tmp2->__coneVBO = 0;
8760  tmp2->__normals.n=0; tmp2->__normals.p=0;
8761  tmp2->__sidepoints.n=0; tmp2->__sidepoints.p=0;
8762  tmp2->__wireindices = 0;
8763  tmp2->bottom = TRUE;
8764  tmp2->bottomRadius = 1.0f;
8765  tmp2->height = 2.0f;
8766  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8767  tmp2->side = TRUE;
8768  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
8769  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
8770  break;
8771  }
8772  case NODE_ConeEmitter : {
8773  struct X3D_ConeEmitter * tmp2;
8774  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ConeEmitter *) tmp;
8775  tmp2->angle = PIF*.25f;
8776  tmp2->direction.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->direction.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->direction.c[2] = 0.0f;
8777  tmp2->mass = 0.0f;
8778  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8779  tmp2->position.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[2] = 0.0f;
8780  tmp2->speed = 0.0f;
8781  tmp2->surfaceArea = 0.0f;
8782  tmp2->variation = 0.25f;
8783  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_emitter;
8784  break;
8785  }
8786  case NODE_Contact : {
8787  struct X3D_Contact * tmp2;
8788  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Contact *) tmp;
8789  tmp2->_appliedParameters = 0;
8790  tmp2->appliedParameters.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*1);tmp2->appliedParameters.p[0] = newASCIIString("BOUNCE");tmp2->appliedParameters.n=1; ;
8791  tmp2->body1 = NULL;
8792  tmp2->body2 = NULL;
8793  tmp2->bounce = 0.0f;
8794  tmp2->contactNormal.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->contactNormal.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->contactNormal.c[2] = 0.0f;
8795  tmp2->depth = 0.0f;
8796  tmp2->frictionCoefficients.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->frictionCoefficients.c[1] = 0.0f;;
8797  tmp2->frictionDirection.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->frictionDirection.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->frictionDirection.c[2] = 0.0f;
8798  tmp2->geometry1 = NULL;
8799  tmp2->geometry2 = NULL;
8800  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8801  tmp2->minBounceSpeed = 0.0f;
8802  tmp2->position.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[2] = 0.0f;
8803  tmp2->slipCoefficients.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->slipCoefficients.c[1] = 0.0f;;
8804  tmp2->softnessConstantForceMix = 0.0001f;
8805  tmp2->softnessErrorCorrection = 0.8f;
8806  tmp2->surfaceSpeed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->surfaceSpeed.c[1] = 0.0f;;
8807  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8808  break;
8809  }
8810  case NODE_Contour2D : {
8811  struct X3D_Contour2D * tmp2;
8812  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Contour2D *) tmp;
8813  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
8814  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
8815  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
8816  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8817  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
8818  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_trimmingContour;
8819  break;
8820  }
8821  case NODE_ContourPolyline2D : {
8822  struct X3D_ContourPolyline2D * tmp2;
8823  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ContourPolyline2D *) tmp;
8824  tmp2->controlPoint.n=0; tmp2->controlPoint.p=0;
8825  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8826  tmp2->point.n=0; tmp2->point.p=0;
8827  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8828  break;
8829  }
8830  case NODE_Coordinate : {
8831  struct X3D_Coordinate * tmp2;
8832  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Coordinate *) tmp;
8833  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8834  tmp2->point.n=0; tmp2->point.p=0;
8835  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_coord + (FIELDNAMES_skinCoord << 10);
8836  break;
8837  }
8838  case NODE_CoordinateChaser : {
8839  struct X3D_CoordinateChaser * tmp2;
8840  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser *) tmp;
8841  tmp2->_buffer = NULL;
8842  tmp2->_bufferendtime = 0;
8843  tmp2->_destination.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec3f *, sizeof(struct SFVec3f)*1);
8845  tmp2->_destination.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
8846  tmp2->_destination.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
8847  tmp2->_destination.p[0].c[2] = 0.0f;
8848  tmp2->_destination.n=1;;
8849  tmp2->_p = NULL;
8850  tmp2->_previousvalue.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec3f *, sizeof(struct SFVec3f)*1);
8852  tmp2->_previousvalue.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
8853  tmp2->_previousvalue.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
8854  tmp2->_previousvalue.p[0].c[2] = 0.0f;
8855  tmp2->_previousvalue.n=1;;
8856  tmp2->_steptime = 0;
8857  tmp2->_t = NULL;
8858  tmp2->duration = 1;
8859  tmp2->initialDestination.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec3f *, sizeof(struct SFVec3f)*1);
8861  tmp2->initialDestination.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
8862  tmp2->initialDestination.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
8863  tmp2->initialDestination.p[0].c[2] = 0.0f;
8864  tmp2->initialDestination.n=1;;
8865  tmp2->initialValue.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec3f *, sizeof(struct SFVec3f)*1);
8867  tmp2->initialValue.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
8868  tmp2->initialValue.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
8869  tmp2->initialValue.p[0].c[2] = 0.0f;
8870  tmp2->initialValue.n=1;;
8871  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
8872  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8873  tmp2->set_destination.n=0; tmp2->set_destination.p=0;
8874  tmp2->set_value.n=0; tmp2->set_value.p=0;
8875  tmp2->value_changed.n=0; tmp2->value_changed.p=0;
8876  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8877  break;
8878  }
8879  case NODE_CoordinateDamper : {
8880  struct X3D_CoordinateDamper * tmp2;
8881  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper *) tmp;
8882  tmp2->_input.n=0; tmp2->_input.p=0;
8883  tmp2->_lasttick = 0;
8884  tmp2->_p = NULL;
8885  tmp2->_t = NULL;
8886  tmp2->_takefirstinput = TRUE;
8887  tmp2->_tau = 0.3;
8888  tmp2->_values = NULL;
8889  tmp2->initialDestination.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec3f *, sizeof(struct SFVec3f)*1);
8891  tmp2->initialDestination.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
8892  tmp2->initialDestination.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
8893  tmp2->initialDestination.p[0].c[2] = 0.0f;
8894  tmp2->initialDestination.n=1;;
8895  tmp2->initialValue.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec3f *, sizeof(struct SFVec3f)*1);
8897  tmp2->initialValue.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
8898  tmp2->initialValue.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
8899  tmp2->initialValue.p[0].c[2] = 0.0f;
8900  tmp2->initialValue.n=1;;
8901  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
8902  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8903  tmp2->order = 3;
8904  tmp2->set_destination.n=0; tmp2->set_destination.p=0;
8905  tmp2->set_value.n=0; tmp2->set_value.p=0;
8906  tmp2->tau = 0.3;
8907  tmp2->tolerance = -1.0f;
8908  tmp2->value_changed.n=0; tmp2->value_changed.p=0;
8909  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8910  break;
8911  }
8912  case NODE_CoordinateDouble : {
8913  struct X3D_CoordinateDouble * tmp2;
8914  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CoordinateDouble *) tmp;
8915  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8916  tmp2->point.n=0; tmp2->point.p=0;
8917  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_controlPoint;
8918  break;
8919  }
8920  case NODE_CoordinateInterpolator : {
8921  struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator * tmp2;
8922  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator *) tmp;
8923  tmp2->_CPU_Routes_out = 0;
8924  tmp2->_GPU_Routes_out = 0;
8925  tmp2->_keyVBO = 0;
8926  tmp2->_keyValueVBO = 0;
8927  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
8928  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
8929  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8930  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
8931  tmp2->value_changed.n=0; tmp2->value_changed.p=0;
8932  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8933  break;
8934  }
8935  case NODE_CoordinateInterpolator2D : {
8936  struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator2D * tmp2;
8937  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator2D *) tmp;
8938  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
8939  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
8940  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8941  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
8942  tmp2->value_changed.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec2f *, sizeof(struct SFVec2f)*1);
8943  tmp2->value_changed.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
8944  tmp2->value_changed.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
8945  tmp2->value_changed.n=1;
8946  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8947  break;
8948  }
8949  case NODE_Cylinder : {
8950  struct X3D_Cylinder * tmp2;
8951  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Cylinder *) tmp;
8952  tmp2->__cylinderTriangles = 0;
8953  tmp2->__cylinderVBO = 0;
8954  tmp2->__normals.n=0; tmp2->__normals.p=0;
8955  tmp2->__points.n=0; tmp2->__points.p=0;
8956  tmp2->__wireindices = 0;
8957  tmp2->bottom = TRUE;
8958  tmp2->height = 2.0f;
8959  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8960  tmp2->radius = 1.0f;
8961  tmp2->side = TRUE;
8962  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
8963  tmp2->top = TRUE;
8964  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
8965  break;
8966  }
8967  case NODE_CylinderSensor : {
8968  struct X3D_CylinderSensor * tmp2;
8969  tmp2 = (struct X3D_CylinderSensor *) tmp;
8970  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
8971  tmp2->_dlchange = 0;
8972  tmp2->_oldrotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_oldrotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_oldrotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->_oldrotation.c[3] = 0;;
8973  tmp2->_oldtrackPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldtrackPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldtrackPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
8974  tmp2->_origPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_origPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_origPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
8975  tmp2->_radius = 0.0f;
8976  tmp2->autoOffset = TRUE;
8977  tmp2->axisRotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->axisRotation.c[1] = 1;tmp2->axisRotation.c[2] = 0;tmp2->axisRotation.c[3] = 0;;
8978  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
8979  tmp2->diskAngle = 0.262f;
8980  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
8981  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
8982  tmp2->isOver = FALSE;
8983  tmp2->maxAngle = -1.0f;
8984  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
8985  tmp2->minAngle = 0.0f;
8986  tmp2->offset = 0.0f;
8987  tmp2->rotation_changed.c[0] = 0;tmp2->rotation_changed.c[1] = 0;tmp2->rotation_changed.c[2] = 1;tmp2->rotation_changed.c[3] = 0;;
8988  tmp2->trackPoint_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->trackPoint_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->trackPoint_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
8989  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
8990  break;
8991  }
8992  case NODE_DISEntityManager : {
8993  struct X3D_DISEntityManager * tmp2;
8994  tmp2 = (struct X3D_DISEntityManager *) tmp;
8995  tmp2->addedEntities.n=0; tmp2->addedEntities.p=0;
8996  tmp2->address = newASCIIString("localhost");
8997  tmp2->applicationID = 1;
8998  tmp2->mapping.n=0; tmp2->mapping.p=0;
8999  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9000  tmp2->port = 0;
9001  tmp2->removedEntities.n=0; tmp2->removedEntities.p=0;
9002  tmp2->siteID = 0;
9003  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9004  break;
9005  }
9006  case NODE_DISEntityTypeMapping : {
9007  struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping * tmp2;
9008  tmp2 = (struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping *) tmp;
9009  tmp2->category = 0;
9010  tmp2->country = 0;
9011  tmp2->domain = 0;
9012  tmp2->extra = 0;
9013  tmp2->kind = 0;
9014  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9015  tmp2->specific = 0;
9016  tmp2->subcategory = 0;
9017  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
9018  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9019  break;
9020  }
9021  case NODE_DirectionalLight : {
9022  struct X3D_DirectionalLight * tmp2;
9023  tmp2 = (struct X3D_DirectionalLight *) tmp;
9024  tmp2->_amb.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_amb.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_amb.c[2] = 0;tmp2->_amb.c[3] = 0;;
9025  tmp2->_col.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_col.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_col.c[2] = 0;tmp2->_col.c[3] = 0;;
9026  tmp2->_dir.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_dir.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_dir.c[2] = 0;tmp2->_dir.c[3] = 0;;
9027  tmp2->ambientIntensity = 0.0f;
9028  tmp2->color.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->color.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->color.c[2] = 1.0f;;
9029  tmp2->direction.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->direction.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->direction.c[2] = -1.0f;
9030  tmp2->global = FALSE;
9031  tmp2->intensity = 1.0f;
9032  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9033  tmp2->on = TRUE;
9034  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9035  break;
9036  }
9037  case NODE_Disk2D : {
9038  struct X3D_Disk2D * tmp2;
9039  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Disk2D *) tmp;
9040  tmp2->__numPoints = 0;
9041  tmp2->__points.n=0; tmp2->__points.p=0;
9042  tmp2->__simpleDisk = TRUE;
9043  tmp2->__texCoords.n=0; tmp2->__texCoords.p=0;
9044  tmp2->__wireindices = 0;
9045  tmp2->innerRadius = 0.0f;
9046  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9047  tmp2->outerRadius = 1.0f;
9048  tmp2->solid = FALSE;
9049  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
9050  break;
9051  }
9052  case NODE_DoubleAxisHingeJoint : {
9053  struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint * tmp2;
9054  tmp2 = (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint *) tmp;
9055  tmp2->__old_anchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_anchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_anchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
9056  tmp2->__old_axis1.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_axis1.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_axis1.c[2] = 0.0f;
9057  tmp2->__old_axis2.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_axis2.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_axis2.c[2] = 0.0f;
9058  tmp2->__old_body1 = NULL;
9059  tmp2->__old_body2 = NULL;
9060  tmp2->_forceout = 0;
9061  tmp2->_joint = 0;
9062  tmp2->_motor1 = 0;
9063  tmp2->_motor2 = 0;
9064  tmp2->anchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->anchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->anchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
9065  tmp2->axis1.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->axis1.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->axis1.c[2] = 0.0f;
9066  tmp2->axis1Angle = 0.0f;
9067  tmp2->axis2.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->axis2.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->axis2.c[2] = 0.0f;
9068  tmp2->body1 = NULL;
9069  tmp2->body1AnchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->body1AnchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->body1AnchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
9070  tmp2->body1Axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->body1Axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->body1Axis.c[2] = 0.0f;
9071  tmp2->body2 = NULL;
9072  tmp2->body2AnchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->body2AnchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->body2AnchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
9073  tmp2->body2Axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->body2Axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->body2Axis.c[2] = 0.0f;
9074  tmp2->desiredAngularVelocity1 = 0.0f;
9075  tmp2->desiredAngularVelocity2 = 0.0f;
9076  tmp2->forceOutput.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*1);tmp2->forceOutput.p[0] = newASCIIString("NONE");tmp2->forceOutput.n=1; ;
9077  tmp2->hinge1Angle = 0.0f;
9078  tmp2->hinge1AngleRate = 0.0f;
9079  tmp2->hinge2Angle = 0.0f;
9080  tmp2->hinge2AngleRate = 0.0f;
9081  tmp2->maxAngle1 = PIF+.0f;
9082  tmp2->maxTorque1 = 0.0f;
9083  tmp2->maxTorque2 = 0.0f;
9084  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9085  tmp2->minAngle1 = -PIF+.0f;
9086  tmp2->stopBounce1 = 0.0f;
9087  tmp2->stopConstantForceMix1 = 0.001f;
9088  tmp2->stopErrorCorrection1 = 0.8f;
9089  tmp2->suspensionErrorCorrection = 0.8f;
9090  tmp2->suspensionForce = 0.0f;
9091  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_joints;
9092  break;
9093  }
9094  case NODE_EaseInEaseOut : {
9095  struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut * tmp2;
9096  tmp2 = (struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut *) tmp;
9097  tmp2->easeInEaseOut.n=0; tmp2->easeInEaseOut.p=0;
9098  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
9099  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9100  tmp2->modifiedFraction_changed = 0.0f;
9101  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
9102  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9103  break;
9104  }
9105  case NODE_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle : {
9106  struct X3D_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle * tmp2;
9107  tmp2 = (struct X3D_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle *) tmp;
9108  tmp2->edgeColor.c[0] = 0;tmp2->edgeColor.c[1] = 0;tmp2->edgeColor.c[2] = 0;tmp2->edgeColor.c[3] = 1;;
9109  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
9110  tmp2->gradientThreshold = 0.4f;
9111  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9112  tmp2->surfaceNormals = NULL;
9113  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_renderStyle;
9114  break;
9115  }
9116  case NODE_Effect : {
9117  struct X3D_Effect * tmp2;
9118  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Effect *) tmp;
9119  tmp2->_initialized = FALSE;
9120  tmp2->_retrievedURLData = FALSE;
9121  tmp2->_shaderLoadThread = _THREAD_NULL_;
9122  tmp2->_shaderUserDefinedFields = NULL;
9123  tmp2->_shaderUserNumber = -1;
9124  tmp2->activate = 0;
9125  tmp2->isSelected = TRUE;
9126  tmp2->isValid = TRUE;
9127  tmp2->language = newASCIIString("");
9128  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9129  tmp2->parts.n=0; tmp2->parts.p=0;
9130  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9131  break;
9132  }
9133  case NODE_EffectPart : {
9134  struct X3D_EffectPart * tmp2;
9135  tmp2 = (struct X3D_EffectPart *) tmp;
9136  tmp2->__loadResource = 0;
9137  tmp2->__loadstatus = 0;
9138  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
9139  tmp2->_shaderUserDefinedFields = NULL;
9140  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9141  tmp2->type = newASCIIString("VERTEX");
9142  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
9143  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_parts;
9144  break;
9145  }
9146  case NODE_ElevationGrid : {
9147  struct X3D_ElevationGrid * tmp2;
9148  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ElevationGrid *) tmp;
9149  tmp2->_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->_coordIndex.p=0;
9150  tmp2->attrib.n=0; tmp2->attrib.p=0;
9151  tmp2->ccw = TRUE;
9152  tmp2->color = NULL;
9153  tmp2->colorPerVertex = TRUE;
9154  tmp2->creaseAngle = 0.0f;
9155  tmp2->fogCoord = NULL;
9156  tmp2->height.n=0; tmp2->height.p=0;
9157  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9158  tmp2->normal = NULL;
9159  tmp2->normalPerVertex = TRUE;
9160  tmp2->set_height.n=0; tmp2->set_height.p=0;
9161  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
9162  tmp2->texCoord = NULL;
9163  tmp2->xDimension = 0;
9164  tmp2->xSpacing = 1.0f;
9165  tmp2->zDimension = 0;
9166  tmp2->zSpacing = 1.0f;
9167  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
9168  break;
9169  }
9170  case NODE_EspduTransform : {
9171  struct X3D_EspduTransform * tmp2;
9172  tmp2 = (struct X3D_EspduTransform *) tmp;
9173  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
9174  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
9175  tmp2->address = newASCIIString("localhost");
9176  tmp2->applicationID = 1;
9177  tmp2->articulationParameterArray.n=0; tmp2->articulationParameterArray.p=0;
9178  tmp2->articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArr.n=0; tmp2->articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArr.p=0;
9179  tmp2->articulationParameterCount = 0;
9180  tmp2->articulationParameterDesignatorArray.n=0; tmp2->articulationParameterDesignatorArray.p=0;
9181  tmp2->articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToAr.n=0; tmp2->articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToAr.p=0;
9182  tmp2->articulationParameterTypeArray.n=0; tmp2->articulationParameterTypeArray.p=0;
9183  tmp2->articulationParameterValue0_changed = 0.0f;
9184  tmp2->articulationParameterValue1_changed = 0.0f;
9185  tmp2->articulationParameterValue2_changed = 0.0f;
9186  tmp2->articulationParameterValue3_changed = 0.0f;
9187  tmp2->articulationParameterValue4_changed = 0.0f;
9188  tmp2->articulationParameterValue5_changed = 0.0f;
9189  tmp2->articulationParameterValue6_changed = 0.0f;
9190  tmp2->articulationParameterValue7_changed = 0.0f;
9191  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
9192  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
9193  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[2] = 0.0f;
9194  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
9195  tmp2->collideTime = 0;
9196  tmp2->collisionType = 0;
9197  tmp2->deadReckoning = 0;
9198  tmp2->detonateTime = 0;
9199  tmp2->detonationLocation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->detonationLocation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->detonationLocation.c[2] = 0.0f;
9200  tmp2->detonationRelativeLocation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->detonationRelativeLocation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->detonationRelativeLocation.c[2] = 0.0f;
9201  tmp2->detonationResult = 0;
9202  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
9203  tmp2->entityCategory = 0;
9204  tmp2->entityCountry = 0;
9205  tmp2->entityDomain = 0;
9206  tmp2->entityExtra = 0;
9207  tmp2->entityID = 0;
9208  tmp2->entityKind = 0;
9209  tmp2->entitySpecific = 0;
9210  tmp2->entitySubCategory = 0;
9211  tmp2->eventApplicationID = 1;
9212  tmp2->eventEntityID = 0;
9213  tmp2->eventNumber = 0;
9214  tmp2->eventSiteID = 0;
9215  tmp2->fireMissionIndex = 0;
9216  tmp2->fired1 = FALSE;
9217  tmp2->fired2 = FALSE;
9218  tmp2->firedTime = 0;
9219  tmp2->firingRange = 0.0f;
9220  tmp2->firingRate = 0;
9221  tmp2->forceID = 0;
9222  tmp2->fuse = 0;
9223  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
9224  tmp2->isCollided = FALSE;
9225  tmp2->isDetonated = FALSE;
9226  tmp2->isNetworkReader = FALSE;
9227  tmp2->isNetworkWriter = FALSE;
9228  tmp2->isRtpHeaderHeard = FALSE;
9229  tmp2->isStandAlone = FALSE;
9230  tmp2->linearAcceleration.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->linearAcceleration.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->linearAcceleration.c[2] = 0.0f;
9231  tmp2->linearVelocity.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->linearVelocity.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->linearVelocity.c[2] = 0.0f;
9232  tmp2->marking = newASCIIString("");
9233  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9234  tmp2->multicastRelayHost = newASCIIString("");
9235  tmp2->multicastRelayPort = 0;
9236  tmp2->munitionApplicationID = 1;
9237  tmp2->munitionEndPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->munitionEndPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->munitionEndPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
9238  tmp2->munitionEntityID = 0;
9239  tmp2->munitionQuantity = 0;
9240  tmp2->munitionSiteID = 0;
9241  tmp2->munitionStartPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->munitionStartPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->munitionStartPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
9242  tmp2->networkMode = newASCIIString("standAlone");
9243  tmp2->port = 0;
9244  tmp2->readInterval = 0.1;
9245  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
9246  tmp2->rotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->rotation.c[3] = 0;;
9247  tmp2->rtpHeaderExpected = FALSE;
9248  tmp2->scale.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[2] = 1.0f;
9249  tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[3] = 0;;
9250  tmp2->set_articulationParameterValue0 = 0.0f;
9251  tmp2->set_articulationParameterValue1 = 0.0f;
9252  tmp2->set_articulationParameterValue2 = 0.0f;
9253  tmp2->set_articulationParameterValue3 = 0.0f;
9254  tmp2->set_articulationParameterValue4 = 0.0f;
9255  tmp2->set_articulationParameterValue5 = 0.0f;
9256  tmp2->set_articulationParameterValue6 = 0.0f;
9257  tmp2->set_articulationParameterValue7 = 0.0f;
9258  tmp2->siteID = 0;
9259  tmp2->timestamp = 0;
9260  tmp2->translation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[2] = 0.0f;
9261  tmp2->warhead = 0;
9262  tmp2->writeInterval = 1;
9263  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9264  break;
9265  }
9266  case NODE_ExplosionEmitter : {
9267  struct X3D_ExplosionEmitter * tmp2;
9268  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ExplosionEmitter *) tmp;
9269  tmp2->mass = 0.0f;
9270  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9271  tmp2->position.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[2] = 0.0f;
9272  tmp2->speed = 0.0f;
9273  tmp2->surfaceArea = 0.0f;
9274  tmp2->variation = 0.25f;
9275  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_emitter;
9276  break;
9277  }
9278  case NODE_Extrusion : {
9279  struct X3D_Extrusion * tmp2;
9280  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Extrusion *) tmp;
9281  tmp2->beginCap = TRUE;
9282  tmp2->ccw = TRUE;
9283  tmp2->convex = TRUE;
9284  tmp2->creaseAngle = 0.0f;
9285  tmp2->crossSection.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec2f *, sizeof(struct SFVec2f)*5);
9286  tmp2->crossSection.p[0].c[0] = 1.0f;
9287  tmp2->crossSection.p[0].c[1] = 1.0f;
9288  tmp2->crossSection.p[1].c[0] = 1.0f;
9289  tmp2->crossSection.p[1].c[1] = -1.0f;
9290  tmp2->crossSection.p[2].c[0] = -1.0f;
9291  tmp2->crossSection.p[2].c[1] = -1.0f;
9292  tmp2->crossSection.p[3].c[0] = -1.0f;
9293  tmp2->crossSection.p[3].c[1] = 1.0f;
9294  tmp2->crossSection.p[4].c[0] = 1.0f;
9295  tmp2->crossSection.p[4].c[1] = 1.0f;
9296  tmp2->crossSection.n=5;
9297  tmp2->endCap = TRUE;
9298  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9299  tmp2->orientation.p = MALLOC (struct SFRotation *, sizeof(struct SFRotation)*1);
9301  tmp2->orientation.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
9302  tmp2->orientation.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
9303  tmp2->orientation.p[0].c[2] = 1.0f;
9304  tmp2->orientation.p[0].c[3] = 0.0f;
9305  tmp2->orientation.n=1;;
9306  tmp2->scale.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec2f *, sizeof(struct SFVec2f)*1);
9307  tmp2->scale.p[0].c[0] = 1.0f;
9308  tmp2->scale.p[0].c[1] = 1.0f;
9309  tmp2->scale.n=1;
9310  tmp2->set_crossSection.n=0; tmp2->set_crossSection.p=0;
9311  tmp2->set_orientation.n=0; tmp2->set_orientation.p=0;
9312  tmp2->set_scale.n=0; tmp2->set_scale.p=0;
9313  tmp2->set_spine.n=0; tmp2->set_spine.p=0;
9314  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
9315  tmp2->spine.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec3f *, sizeof(struct SFVec3f)*2);
9317  tmp2->spine.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
9318  tmp2->spine.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
9319  tmp2->spine.p[0].c[2] = 0.0f;
9320  tmp2->spine.p[1].c[0] = 0.0f;
9321  tmp2->spine.p[1].c[1] = 1.0f;
9322  tmp2->spine.p[1].c[2] = 0.0f;
9323  tmp2->spine.n=2;;
9324  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
9325  break;
9326  }
9327  case NODE_FillProperties : {
9328  struct X3D_FillProperties * tmp2;
9329  tmp2 = (struct X3D_FillProperties *) tmp;
9330  tmp2->_enabled = TRUE;
9331  tmp2->_hatchScale.c[0] = 0.1f;tmp2->_hatchScale.c[1] = 0.1f;;
9332  tmp2->filled = TRUE;
9333  tmp2->hatchColor.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->hatchColor.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->hatchColor.c[2] = 1.0f;;
9334  tmp2->hatchStyle = 1;
9335  tmp2->hatched = TRUE;
9336  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9337  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_fillProperties;
9338  break;
9339  }
9340  case NODE_FloatVertexAttribute : {
9341  struct X3D_FloatVertexAttribute * tmp2;
9342  tmp2 = (struct X3D_FloatVertexAttribute *) tmp;
9343  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9344  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
9345  tmp2->numComponents = 4;
9346  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
9347  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9348  break;
9349  }
9350  case NODE_Fog : {
9351  struct X3D_Fog * tmp2;
9352  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Fog *) tmp;
9353  tmp2->__fogScale = 1.0f;
9354  tmp2->__fogType = 1;
9355  tmp2->_layerId = 0;
9356  tmp2->bindTime = -1;
9357  tmp2->color.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->color.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->color.c[2] = 1.0f;;
9358  tmp2->fogType = newASCIIString("LINEAR");
9359  tmp2->isBound = FALSE;
9360  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9361  tmp2->set_bind = 100;
9362  tmp2->visibilityRange = 0.0f;
9363  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9364  break;
9365  }
9366  case NODE_FogCoordinate : {
9367  struct X3D_FogCoordinate * tmp2;
9368  tmp2 = (struct X3D_FogCoordinate *) tmp;
9369  tmp2->depth.n=0; tmp2->depth.p=0;
9370  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9371  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_fogCoord;
9372  break;
9373  }
9374  case NODE_FontStyle : {
9375  struct X3D_FontStyle * tmp2;
9376  tmp2 = (struct X3D_FontStyle *) tmp;
9377  tmp2->family.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*1);tmp2->family.p[0] = newASCIIString("SERIF");tmp2->family.n=1; ;
9378  tmp2->horizontal = TRUE;
9379  tmp2->justify.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*1);tmp2->justify.p[0] = newASCIIString("BEGIN");tmp2->justify.n=1; ;
9380  tmp2->language = newASCIIString("");
9381  tmp2->leftToRight = TRUE;
9382  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9383  tmp2->size = 1.0f;
9384  tmp2->spacing = 1.0f;
9385  tmp2->style = newASCIIString("PLAIN");
9386  tmp2->topToBottom = TRUE;
9387  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_fontStyle;
9388  break;
9389  }
9390  case NODE_ForcePhysicsModel : {
9391  struct X3D_ForcePhysicsModel * tmp2;
9392  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ForcePhysicsModel *) tmp;
9393  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
9394  tmp2->force.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->force.c[1] = -9.8f;tmp2->force.c[2] = 0.0f;
9395  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9396  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_physics;
9397  break;
9398  }
9399  case NODE_GeneratedCubeMapTexture : {
9400  struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture * tmp2;
9401  tmp2 = (struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture *) tmp;
9402  tmp2->__regenSubTextures = FALSE;
9403  tmp2->__subTextures.n=0; tmp2->__subTextures.p=0;
9404  tmp2->__textureTableIndex = 0;
9405  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
9406  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9407  tmp2->size = 128;
9408  tmp2->textureProperties = NULL;
9409  tmp2->update = newASCIIString("NONE");
9410  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texture;
9411  break;
9412  }
9413  case NODE_GeoCoordinate : {
9414  struct X3D_GeoCoordinate * tmp2;
9415  tmp2 = (struct X3D_GeoCoordinate *) tmp;
9416  tmp2->__geoSystem.n=0; tmp2->__geoSystem.p=0;
9417  tmp2->__movedCoords.n=0; tmp2->__movedCoords.p=0;
9418  tmp2->geoOrigin = NULL;
9419  tmp2->geoSystem.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->geoSystem.p[0] = newASCIIString("GD");tmp2->geoSystem.p[1] = newASCIIString("WE");tmp2->geoSystem.n=2; ;
9420  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9421  tmp2->point.n=0; tmp2->point.p=0;
9422  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_coord;
9423  break;
9424  }
9425  case NODE_GeoElevationGrid : {
9426  struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid * tmp2;
9427  tmp2 = (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid *) tmp;
9428  tmp2->__geoSystem.n=0; tmp2->__geoSystem.p=0;
9429  tmp2->_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->_coordIndex.p=0;
9430  tmp2->ccw = FALSE;
9431  tmp2->color = NULL;
9432  tmp2->colorPerVertex = TRUE;
9433  tmp2->creaseAngle = 0;
9434  tmp2->geoGridOrigin.c[0] = 0;tmp2->geoGridOrigin.c[1] = 0;tmp2->geoGridOrigin.c[2] = 0;;
9435  tmp2->geoOrigin = NULL;
9436  tmp2->geoSystem.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->geoSystem.p[0] = newASCIIString("GD");tmp2->geoSystem.p[1] = newASCIIString("WE");tmp2->geoSystem.n=2; ;
9437  tmp2->height.p = MALLOC (double *, sizeof(double)*2);
9438  tmp2->height.p[0] = 0;
9439  tmp2->height.p[1] = 0;
9440  tmp2->height.n=2;;
9441  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9442  tmp2->normal = NULL;
9443  tmp2->normalPerVertex = TRUE;
9444  tmp2->set_height.n=0; tmp2->set_height.p=0;
9445  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
9446  tmp2->texCoord = NULL;
9447  tmp2->xDimension = 0;
9448  tmp2->xSpacing = 1;
9449  tmp2->yScale = 1.0f;
9450  tmp2->zDimension = 0;
9451  tmp2->zSpacing = 1;
9452  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
9453  break;
9454  }
9455  case NODE_GeoLOD : {
9456  struct X3D_GeoLOD * tmp2;
9457  tmp2 = (struct X3D_GeoLOD *) tmp;
9458  tmp2->__child1Node = NULL;
9459  tmp2->__child2Node = NULL;
9460  tmp2->__child3Node = NULL;
9461  tmp2->__child4Node = NULL;
9462  tmp2->__childloadstatus = 0;
9463  tmp2->__geoSystem.n=0; tmp2->__geoSystem.p=0;
9464  tmp2->__inRange = FALSE;
9465  tmp2->__level = -1;
9466  tmp2->__movedCoords.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__movedCoords.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__movedCoords.c[2] = 0;;
9467  tmp2->__rootUrl = NULL;
9468  tmp2->__rooturlloadstatus = 0;
9469  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
9470  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
9471  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0;tmp2->center.c[2] = 0;;
9472  tmp2->child1Url.n=0; tmp2->child1Url.p=0;
9473  tmp2->child2Url.n=0; tmp2->child2Url.p=0;
9474  tmp2->child3Url.n=0; tmp2->child3Url.p=0;
9475  tmp2->child4Url.n=0; tmp2->child4Url.p=0;
9476  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
9477  tmp2->geoOrigin = NULL;
9478  tmp2->geoSystem.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->geoSystem.p[0] = newASCIIString("GD");tmp2->geoSystem.p[1] = newASCIIString("WE");tmp2->geoSystem.n=2; ;
9479  tmp2->level_changed = 0;
9480  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9481  tmp2->range = 10.0f;
9482  tmp2->rootNode.n=0; tmp2->rootNode.p=0;
9483  tmp2->rootUrl.n=0; tmp2->rootUrl.p=0;
9484  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9485  break;
9486  }
9487  case NODE_GeoLocation : {
9488  struct X3D_GeoLocation * tmp2;
9489  tmp2 = (struct X3D_GeoLocation *) tmp;
9490  tmp2->__geoSystem.n=0; tmp2->__geoSystem.p=0;
9491  tmp2->__localOrient.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__localOrient.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__localOrient.c[2] = 1;;
9492  tmp2->__movedCoords.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__movedCoords.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__movedCoords.c[2] = 0;;
9493  tmp2->__oldChildren.n=0; tmp2->__oldChildren.p=0;
9494  tmp2->__oldgeoCoords.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__oldgeoCoords.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__oldgeoCoords.c[2] = 0;;
9495  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
9496  tmp2->_sortedChildren.n=0; tmp2->_sortedChildren.p=0;
9497  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
9498  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
9499  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
9500  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
9501  tmp2->geoCoords.c[0] = 0;tmp2->geoCoords.c[1] = 0;tmp2->geoCoords.c[2] = 0;;
9502  tmp2->geoOrigin = NULL;
9503  tmp2->geoSystem.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->geoSystem.p[0] = newASCIIString("GD");tmp2->geoSystem.p[1] = newASCIIString("WE");tmp2->geoSystem.n=2; ;
9504  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9505  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
9506  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9507  break;
9508  }
9509  case NODE_GeoMetadata : {
9510  struct X3D_GeoMetadata * tmp2;
9511  tmp2 = (struct X3D_GeoMetadata *) tmp;
9512  tmp2->data.n=0; tmp2->data.p=0;
9513  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9514  tmp2->summary.n=0; tmp2->summary.p=0;
9515  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
9516  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9517  break;
9518  }
9519  case NODE_GeoOrigin : {
9520  struct X3D_GeoOrigin * tmp2;
9521  tmp2 = (struct X3D_GeoOrigin *) tmp;
9522  tmp2->__geoSystem.n=0; tmp2->__geoSystem.p=0;
9523  tmp2->__movedCoords.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__movedCoords.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__movedCoords.c[2] = 0;;
9524  tmp2->__oldMFString.n=0; tmp2->__oldMFString.p=0;
9525  tmp2->__oldgeoCoords.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__oldgeoCoords.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__oldgeoCoords.c[2] = 0;;
9526  tmp2->__rotyup.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__rotyup.c[1] = 1;tmp2->__rotyup.c[2] = 0;;
9527  tmp2->geoCoords.c[0] = 0;tmp2->geoCoords.c[1] = 0;tmp2->geoCoords.c[2] = 0;;
9528  tmp2->geoSystem.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->geoSystem.p[0] = newASCIIString("GD");tmp2->geoSystem.p[1] = newASCIIString("WE");tmp2->geoSystem.n=2; ;
9529  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9530  tmp2->rotateYUp = FALSE;
9531  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geoOrigin;
9532  break;
9533  }
9534  case NODE_GeoPositionInterpolator : {
9535  struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator * tmp2;
9536  tmp2 = (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator *) tmp;
9537  tmp2->__geoSystem.n=0; tmp2->__geoSystem.p=0;
9538  tmp2->__movedValue.n=0; tmp2->__movedValue.p=0;
9539  tmp2->__oldKeyPtr.n=0; tmp2->__oldKeyPtr.p=0;
9540  tmp2->__oldKeyValuePtr.n=0; tmp2->__oldKeyValuePtr.p=0;
9541  tmp2->geoOrigin = NULL;
9542  tmp2->geoSystem.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->geoSystem.p[0] = newASCIIString("GD");tmp2->geoSystem.p[1] = newASCIIString("WE");tmp2->geoSystem.n=2; ;
9543  tmp2->geovalue_changed.c[0] = 0;tmp2->geovalue_changed.c[1] = 0;tmp2->geovalue_changed.c[2] = 0;;
9544  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
9545  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
9546  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9547  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
9548  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
9549  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9550  break;
9551  }
9552  case NODE_GeoProximitySensor : {
9553  struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor * tmp2;
9554  tmp2 = (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor *) tmp;
9555  tmp2->__geoSystem.n=0; tmp2->__geoSystem.p=0;
9556  tmp2->__hit = 0;
9557  tmp2->__localOrient.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__localOrient.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__localOrient.c[2] = 1;;
9558  tmp2->__movedCoords.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__movedCoords.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__movedCoords.c[2] = 0;;
9559  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
9560  tmp2->__oldGeoCenter.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__oldGeoCenter.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__oldGeoCenter.c[2] = 0;;
9561  tmp2->__oldSize.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__oldSize.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__oldSize.c[2] = 0.0f;
9562  tmp2->__t1.c[0] = 10000000.0f;tmp2->__t1.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__t1.c[2] = 0.0f;
9563  tmp2->__t2.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__t2.c[1] = 1;tmp2->__t2.c[2] = 0;tmp2->__t2.c[3] = 0;;
9564  tmp2->centerOfRotation_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->centerOfRotation_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->centerOfRotation_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
9565  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
9566  tmp2->enterTime = -1;
9567  tmp2->exitTime = -1;
9568  tmp2->geoCenter.c[0] = 0;tmp2->geoCenter.c[1] = 0;tmp2->geoCenter.c[2] = 0;;
9569  tmp2->geoCoord_changed.c[0] = 0;tmp2->geoCoord_changed.c[1] = 0;tmp2->geoCoord_changed.c[2] = 0;;
9570  tmp2->geoOrigin = NULL;
9571  tmp2->geoSystem.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->geoSystem.p[0] = newASCIIString("GD");tmp2->geoSystem.p[1] = newASCIIString("WE");tmp2->geoSystem.n=2; ;
9572  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
9573  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9574  tmp2->orientation_changed.c[0] = 0;tmp2->orientation_changed.c[1] = 0;tmp2->orientation_changed.c[2] = 1;tmp2->orientation_changed.c[3] = 0;;
9575  tmp2->position_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->position_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->position_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
9576  tmp2->size.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->size.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->size.c[2] = 0.0f;
9577  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9578  break;
9579  }
9580  case NODE_GeoTouchSensor : {
9581  struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor * tmp2;
9582  tmp2 = (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor *) tmp;
9583  tmp2->__geoSystem.n=0; tmp2->__geoSystem.p=0;
9584  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
9585  tmp2->_oldhitNormal.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldhitNormal.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldhitNormal.c[2] = 0.0f;
9586  tmp2->_oldhitPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldhitPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldhitPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
9587  tmp2->_oldhitTexCoord.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldhitTexCoord.c[1] = 0.0f;;
9588  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
9589  tmp2->enabled = FALSE;
9590  tmp2->geoOrigin = NULL;
9591  tmp2->geoSystem.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->geoSystem.p[0] = newASCIIString("GD");tmp2->geoSystem.p[1] = newASCIIString("WE");tmp2->geoSystem.n=2; ;
9592  tmp2->hitGeoCoord_changed.c[0] = 0;tmp2->hitGeoCoord_changed.c[1] = 0;tmp2->hitGeoCoord_changed.c[2] = 0;;
9593  tmp2->hitNormal_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->hitNormal_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->hitNormal_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
9594  tmp2->hitPoint_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->hitPoint_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->hitPoint_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
9595  tmp2->hitTexCoord_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->hitTexCoord_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;;
9596  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
9597  tmp2->isOver = FALSE;
9598  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9599  tmp2->touchTime = -1;
9600  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9601  break;
9602  }
9603  case NODE_GeoTransform : {
9604  struct X3D_GeoTransform * tmp2;
9605  tmp2 = (struct X3D_GeoTransform *) tmp;
9606  tmp2->__do_center = 0;
9607  tmp2->__do_rotation = 0;
9608  tmp2->__do_scale = 0;
9609  tmp2->__do_scaleO = 0;
9610  tmp2->__do_trans = 0;
9611  tmp2->__geoSystem.n=0; tmp2->__geoSystem.p=0;
9612  tmp2->__localOrient.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__localOrient.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__localOrient.c[2] = 1;;
9613  tmp2->__movedCoords.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__movedCoords.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__movedCoords.c[2] = 0;;
9614  tmp2->__oldChildren.n=0; tmp2->__oldChildren.p=0;
9615  tmp2->__oldGeoCenter.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__oldGeoCenter.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__oldGeoCenter.c[2] = 0;;
9616  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
9617  tmp2->_sortedChildren.n=0; tmp2->_sortedChildren.p=0;
9618  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
9619  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
9620  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
9621  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
9622  tmp2->geoCenter.c[0] = 0;tmp2->geoCenter.c[1] = 0;tmp2->geoCenter.c[2] = 0;;
9623  tmp2->geoOrigin = NULL;
9624  tmp2->geoSystem.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->geoSystem.p[0] = newASCIIString("GD");tmp2->geoSystem.p[1] = newASCIIString("WE");tmp2->geoSystem.n=2; ;
9625  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9626  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
9627  tmp2->rotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->rotation.c[3] = 0;;
9628  tmp2->scale.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[2] = 1.0f;
9629  tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[3] = 0;;
9630  tmp2->translation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[2] = 0.0f;
9631  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9632  break;
9633  }
9634  case NODE_GeoViewpoint : {
9635  struct X3D_GeoViewpoint * tmp2;
9636  tmp2 = (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint *) tmp;
9637  tmp2->__geoSystem.n=0; tmp2->__geoSystem.p=0;
9638  tmp2->__movedOrientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__movedOrientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__movedOrientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->__movedOrientation.c[3] = 0;;
9639  tmp2->__movedPosition.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__movedPosition.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__movedPosition.c[2] = 0;;
9640  tmp2->__oldFieldOfView = 0.785398f;
9641  tmp2->__oldHeadlight = TRUE;
9642  tmp2->__oldJump = TRUE;
9643  tmp2->__oldMFString.n=0; tmp2->__oldMFString.p=0;
9644  tmp2->__oldSFString = newASCIIString("");
9645  tmp2->_donethispass = 0;
9646  tmp2->_layerId = 0;
9647  tmp2->bindTime = -1;
9648  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
9649  tmp2->fieldOfView = 0.785398f;
9650  tmp2->geoOrigin = NULL;
9651  tmp2->geoSystem.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->geoSystem.p[0] = newASCIIString("GD");tmp2->geoSystem.p[1] = newASCIIString("WE");tmp2->geoSystem.n=2; ;
9652  tmp2->headlight = TRUE;
9653  tmp2->isBound = FALSE;
9654  tmp2->jump = TRUE;
9655  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9656  tmp2->navType.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->navType.p[0] = newASCIIString("EXAMINE");tmp2->navType.p[1] = newASCIIString("ANY");tmp2->navType.n=2; ;
9657  tmp2->orientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->orientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->orientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->orientation.c[3] = 0;;
9658  tmp2->position.c[0] = 0;tmp2->position.c[1] = 0;tmp2->position.c[2] = 100000;;
9659  tmp2->set_bind = 100;
9660  tmp2->set_orientation.c[0] = IO_FLOAT;tmp2->set_orientation.c[1] = IO_FLOAT;tmp2->set_orientation.c[2] = IO_FLOAT;tmp2->set_orientation.c[3] = IO_FLOAT;;
9661  tmp2->set_position.c[0] = IO_FLOAT;tmp2->set_position.c[1] = IO_FLOAT;tmp2->set_position.c[2] = IO_FLOAT;;
9662  tmp2->speedFactor = 1.0f;
9663  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9664  break;
9665  }
9666  case NODE_Group : {
9667  struct X3D_Group * tmp2;
9668  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Group *) tmp;
9669  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
9670  tmp2->_sortedChildren.n=0; tmp2->_sortedChildren.p=0;
9671  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
9672  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
9673  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
9674  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
9675  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9676  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
9677  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9678  break;
9679  }
9680  case NODE_HAnimDisplacer : {
9681  struct X3D_HAnimDisplacer * tmp2;
9682  tmp2 = (struct X3D_HAnimDisplacer *) tmp;
9683  tmp2->coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->coordIndex.p=0;
9684  tmp2->displacements.n=0; tmp2->displacements.p=0;
9685  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9686  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
9687  tmp2->weight = 0.0f;
9688  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_displacers;
9689  break;
9690  }
9691  case NODE_HAnimHumanoid : {
9692  struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid * tmp2;
9693  tmp2 = (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid *) tmp;
9694  tmp2->_JT = 0;
9695  tmp2->_NV = 0;
9696  tmp2->_PVI = 0;
9697  tmp2->_PVW = 0;
9698  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
9699  tmp2->_origCoords = 0;
9700  tmp2->_origNorms = 0;
9701  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
9702  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
9703  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[2] = 0.0f;
9704  tmp2->info.n=0; tmp2->info.p=0;
9705  tmp2->joints.n=0; tmp2->joints.p=0;
9706  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9707  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
9708  tmp2->rotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->rotation.c[3] = 0;;
9709  tmp2->scale.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[2] = 1.0f;
9710  tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[3] = 0;;
9711  tmp2->segments.n=0; tmp2->segments.p=0;
9712  tmp2->sites.n=0; tmp2->sites.p=0;
9713  tmp2->skeleton.n=0; tmp2->skeleton.p=0;
9714  tmp2->skin.n=0; tmp2->skin.p=0;
9715  tmp2->skinCoord = NULL;
9716  tmp2->skinNormal = NULL;
9717  tmp2->translation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[2] = 0.0f;
9718  tmp2->version = newASCIIString("");
9719  tmp2->viewpoints.n=0; tmp2->viewpoints.p=0;
9720  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9721  break;
9722  }
9723  case NODE_HAnimJoint : {
9724  struct X3D_HAnimJoint * tmp2;
9725  tmp2 = (struct X3D_HAnimJoint *) tmp;
9726  tmp2->__do_anything = 0;
9727  tmp2->__do_center = 0;
9728  tmp2->__do_rotation = 0;
9729  tmp2->__do_scale = 0;
9730  tmp2->__do_scaleO = 0;
9731  tmp2->__do_trans = 0;
9732  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
9733  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
9734  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
9735  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
9736  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[2] = 0.0f;
9737  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
9738  tmp2->displacers.n=0; tmp2->displacers.p=0;
9739  tmp2->limitOrientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->limitOrientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->limitOrientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->limitOrientation.c[3] = 0;;
9740  tmp2->llimit.n=0; tmp2->llimit.p=0;
9741  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9742  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
9743  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
9744  tmp2->rotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->rotation.c[3] = 0;;
9745  tmp2->scale.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[2] = 1.0f;
9746  tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[3] = 0;;
9747  tmp2->skinCoordIndex.n=0; tmp2->skinCoordIndex.p=0;
9748  tmp2->skinCoordWeight.n=0; tmp2->skinCoordWeight.p=0;
9749  tmp2->stiffness.p = MALLOC (float *, sizeof(float)*3);
9750  tmp2->stiffness.p[0] = 0.0f;
9751  tmp2->stiffness.p[1] = 0.0f;
9752  tmp2->stiffness.p[2] = 0.0f;
9753  tmp2->stiffness.n=3;;
9754  tmp2->translation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[2] = 0.0f;
9755  tmp2->ulimit.n=0; tmp2->ulimit.p=0;
9756  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_joints;
9757  break;
9758  }
9759  case NODE_HAnimSegment : {
9760  struct X3D_HAnimSegment * tmp2;
9761  tmp2 = (struct X3D_HAnimSegment *) tmp;
9762  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
9763  tmp2->_origCoords = 0;
9764  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
9765  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
9766  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
9767  tmp2->centerOfMass.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->centerOfMass.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->centerOfMass.c[2] = 0.0f;
9768  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
9769  tmp2->coord = NULL;
9770  tmp2->displacers.n=0; tmp2->displacers.p=0;
9771  tmp2->mass = 0.0f;
9772  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9773  tmp2->momentsOfInertia.p = MALLOC (float *, sizeof(float)*9);
9774  tmp2->momentsOfInertia.p[0] = 0.0f;
9775  tmp2->momentsOfInertia.p[1] = 0.0f;
9776  tmp2->momentsOfInertia.p[2] = 0.0f;
9777  tmp2->momentsOfInertia.p[3] = 0.0f;
9778  tmp2->momentsOfInertia.p[4] = 0.0f;
9779  tmp2->momentsOfInertia.p[5] = 0.0f;
9780  tmp2->momentsOfInertia.p[6] = 0.0f;
9781  tmp2->momentsOfInertia.p[7] = 0.0f;
9782  tmp2->momentsOfInertia.p[8] = 0.0f;
9783  tmp2->momentsOfInertia.n=9;;
9784  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
9785  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
9786  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_segments;
9787  break;
9788  }
9789  case NODE_HAnimSite : {
9790  struct X3D_HAnimSite * tmp2;
9791  tmp2 = (struct X3D_HAnimSite *) tmp;
9792  tmp2->__do_anything = 0;
9793  tmp2->__do_center = 0;
9794  tmp2->__do_rotation = 0;
9795  tmp2->__do_scale = 0;
9796  tmp2->__do_scaleO = 0;
9797  tmp2->__do_trans = 0;
9798  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
9799  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
9800  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
9801  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
9802  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[2] = 0.0f;
9803  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
9804  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9805  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
9806  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
9807  tmp2->rotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->rotation.c[3] = 0;;
9808  tmp2->scale.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[2] = 1.0f;
9809  tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[3] = 0;;
9810  tmp2->translation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[2] = 0.0f;
9811  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_sites;
9812  break;
9813  }
9814  case NODE_ImageBackdropBackground : {
9815  struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground * tmp2;
9816  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground *) tmp;
9817  tmp2->__VBO = 0;
9818  tmp2->__texture = 0;
9819  tmp2->bindTime = 0;
9820  tmp2->color.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->color.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->color.c[2] = 0.0f;;
9821  tmp2->image.n=3; tmp2->image.p=MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*3); tmp2->image.p[0] = 0; tmp2->image.p[1] = 0; tmp2->image.p[2] = 0;;
9822  tmp2->isBound = FALSE;
9823  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9824  tmp2->set_bind = 100;
9825  tmp2->transparency = 0.0f;
9826  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
9827  break;
9828  }
9829  case NODE_ImageCubeMapTexture : {
9830  struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture * tmp2;
9831  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture *) tmp;
9832  tmp2->__regenSubTextures = FALSE;
9833  tmp2->__subTextures.n=0; tmp2->__subTextures.p=0;
9834  tmp2->__textureTableIndex = 0;
9835  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
9836  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9837  tmp2->textureProperties = NULL;
9838  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
9839  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texture;
9840  break;
9841  }
9842  case NODE_ImageTexture : {
9843  struct X3D_ImageTexture * tmp2;
9844  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ImageTexture *) tmp;
9845  tmp2->__textureTableIndex = 0;
9846  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
9847  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9848  tmp2->repeatS = TRUE;
9849  tmp2->repeatT = TRUE;
9850  tmp2->textureProperties = 0;
9851  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
9852  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texture;
9853  break;
9854  }
9855  case NODE_ImageTexture3D : {
9856  struct X3D_ImageTexture3D * tmp2;
9857  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ImageTexture3D *) tmp;
9858  tmp2->__textureTableIndex = 0;
9859  tmp2->_needs_gradient = FALSE;
9860  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
9861  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9862  tmp2->repeatR = FALSE;
9863  tmp2->repeatS = FALSE;
9864  tmp2->repeatT = FALSE;
9865  tmp2->textureProperties = 0;
9866  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
9867  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texture;
9868  break;
9869  }
9870  case NODE_IndexedFaceSet : {
9871  struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet * tmp2;
9872  tmp2 = (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet *) tmp;
9873  tmp2->attrib.n=0; tmp2->attrib.p=0;
9874  tmp2->ccw = TRUE;
9875  tmp2->color = NULL;
9876  tmp2->colorIndex.n=0; tmp2->colorIndex.p=0;
9877  tmp2->colorPerVertex = TRUE;
9878  tmp2->convex = TRUE;
9879  tmp2->coord = NULL;
9880  tmp2->coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->coordIndex.p=0;
9881  tmp2->creaseAngle = 0.0f;
9882  tmp2->fogCoord = NULL;
9883  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9884  tmp2->normal = NULL;
9885  tmp2->normalIndex.n=0; tmp2->normalIndex.p=0;
9886  tmp2->normalPerVertex = TRUE;
9887  tmp2->set_colorIndex.n=0; tmp2->set_colorIndex.p=0;
9888  tmp2->set_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->set_coordIndex.p=0;
9889  tmp2->set_normalIndex.n=0; tmp2->set_normalIndex.p=0;
9890  tmp2->set_texCoordIndex.n=0; tmp2->set_texCoordIndex.p=0;
9891  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
9892  tmp2->texCoord = NULL;
9893  tmp2->texCoordIndex.n=0; tmp2->texCoordIndex.p=0;
9894  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
9895  break;
9896  }
9897  case NODE_IndexedLineSet : {
9898  struct X3D_IndexedLineSet * tmp2;
9899  tmp2 = (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet *) tmp;
9900  tmp2->__segCount = 0;
9901  tmp2->__vertArr = 0;
9902  tmp2->__vertIndx = 0;
9903  tmp2->__vertexCount = 0;
9904  tmp2->__vertices = 0;
9905  tmp2->__xcolours = 0;
9906  tmp2->attrib.n=0; tmp2->attrib.p=0;
9907  tmp2->color = NULL;
9908  tmp2->colorIndex.n=0; tmp2->colorIndex.p=0;
9909  tmp2->colorPerVertex = TRUE;
9910  tmp2->coord = NULL;
9911  tmp2->coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->coordIndex.p=0;
9912  tmp2->fogCoord = NULL;
9913  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9914  tmp2->set_colorIndex.n=0; tmp2->set_colorIndex.p=0;
9915  tmp2->set_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->set_coordIndex.p=0;
9916  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
9917  break;
9918  }
9919  case NODE_IndexedQuadSet : {
9920  struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet * tmp2;
9921  tmp2 = (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet *) tmp;
9922  tmp2->_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->_coordIndex.p=0;
9923  tmp2->attrib.n=0; tmp2->attrib.p=0;
9924  tmp2->ccw = TRUE;
9925  tmp2->color = NULL;
9926  tmp2->colorPerVertex = TRUE;
9927  tmp2->coord = NULL;
9928  tmp2->fogCoord = NULL;
9929  tmp2->index.n=0; tmp2->index.p=0;
9930  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9931  tmp2->normal = NULL;
9932  tmp2->normalPerVertex = TRUE;
9933  tmp2->set_index.n=0; tmp2->set_index.p=0;
9934  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
9935  tmp2->texCoord = NULL;
9936  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
9937  break;
9938  }
9939  case NODE_IndexedTriangleFanSet : {
9940  struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet * tmp2;
9941  tmp2 = (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet *) tmp;
9942  tmp2->_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->_coordIndex.p=0;
9943  tmp2->attrib.n=0; tmp2->attrib.p=0;
9944  tmp2->ccw = TRUE;
9945  tmp2->color = NULL;
9946  tmp2->colorPerVertex = TRUE;
9947  tmp2->coord = NULL;
9948  tmp2->fogCoord = NULL;
9949  tmp2->index.n=0; tmp2->index.p=0;
9950  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9951  tmp2->normal = NULL;
9952  tmp2->normalPerVertex = TRUE;
9953  tmp2->set_index.n=0; tmp2->set_index.p=0;
9954  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
9955  tmp2->texCoord = NULL;
9956  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
9957  break;
9958  }
9959  case NODE_IndexedTriangleSet : {
9960  struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet * tmp2;
9961  tmp2 = (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet *) tmp;
9962  tmp2->_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->_coordIndex.p=0;
9963  tmp2->attrib.n=0; tmp2->attrib.p=0;
9964  tmp2->ccw = TRUE;
9965  tmp2->color = NULL;
9966  tmp2->colorPerVertex = TRUE;
9967  tmp2->coord = NULL;
9968  tmp2->fogCoord = NULL;
9969  tmp2->index.n=0; tmp2->index.p=0;
9970  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9971  tmp2->normal = NULL;
9972  tmp2->normalPerVertex = TRUE;
9973  tmp2->set_index.n=0; tmp2->set_index.p=0;
9974  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
9975  tmp2->texCoord = NULL;
9976  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
9977  break;
9978  }
9979  case NODE_IndexedTriangleStripSet : {
9980  struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet * tmp2;
9981  tmp2 = (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet *) tmp;
9982  tmp2->_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->_coordIndex.p=0;
9983  tmp2->attrib.n=0; tmp2->attrib.p=0;
9984  tmp2->ccw = TRUE;
9985  tmp2->color = NULL;
9986  tmp2->colorPerVertex = TRUE;
9987  tmp2->coord = NULL;
9988  tmp2->fogCoord = NULL;
9989  tmp2->index.n=0; tmp2->index.p=0;
9990  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
9991  tmp2->normal = NULL;
9992  tmp2->normalPerVertex = TRUE;
9993  tmp2->set_index.n=0; tmp2->set_index.p=0;
9994  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
9995  tmp2->texCoord = NULL;
9996  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
9997  break;
9998  }
9999  case NODE_Inline : {
10000  struct X3D_Inline * tmp2;
10001  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Inline *) tmp;
10002  tmp2->__DEFnames = 0;
10003  tmp2->__EXPORTS = 0;
10004  tmp2->__GC = 0;
10005  tmp2->__IMPORTS = 0;
10006  tmp2->__IS = 0;
10007  tmp2->__ROUTES = 0;
10008  tmp2->__afterPound = 0;
10009  tmp2->__children.n=0; tmp2->__children.p=0;
10010  tmp2->__externProtoDeclares = 0;
10011  tmp2->__loadResource = 0;
10012  tmp2->__loadstatus = 0;
10013  tmp2->__nodes = 0;
10014  tmp2->__oldload = FALSE;
10015  tmp2->__oldurl.n=0; tmp2->__oldurl.p=0;
10016  tmp2->__parentProto = NULL;
10017  tmp2->__protoDeclares = 0;
10018  tmp2->__protoDef = 0;
10019  tmp2->__protoFlags = 0;
10020  tmp2->__prototype = NULL;
10021  tmp2->__scripts = 0;
10022  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
10023  tmp2->__subcontexts = 0;
10024  tmp2->__typename = 0;
10025  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
10026  tmp2->_sortedChildren.n=0; tmp2->_sortedChildren.p=0;
10027  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
10028  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
10029  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
10030  tmp2->load = TRUE;
10031  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10032  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
10033  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
10034  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10035  break;
10036  }
10037  case NODE_IntegerSequencer : {
10038  struct X3D_IntegerSequencer * tmp2;
10039  tmp2 = (struct X3D_IntegerSequencer *) tmp;
10040  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
10041  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
10042  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10043  tmp2->next = 0;
10044  tmp2->previous = 0;
10045  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
10046  tmp2->value_changed = 0;
10047  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10048  break;
10049  }
10050  case NODE_IntegerTrigger : {
10051  struct X3D_IntegerTrigger * tmp2;
10052  tmp2 = (struct X3D_IntegerTrigger *) tmp;
10053  tmp2->integerKey = 0;
10054  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10055  tmp2->set_boolean = 0;
10056  tmp2->triggerValue = 0;
10057  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10058  break;
10059  }
10060  case NODE_IsoSurfaceVolumeData : {
10061  struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData * tmp2;
10062  tmp2 = (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData *) tmp;
10063  tmp2->_boxtris = NULL;
10064  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
10065  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
10066  tmp2->contourStepSize = 0.0f;
10067  tmp2->dimensions.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->dimensions.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->dimensions.c[2] = 1.0f;
10068  tmp2->gradients = NULL;
10069  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10070  tmp2->renderStyle.n=0; tmp2->renderStyle.p=0;
10071  tmp2->surfaceTolerance = 0.0f;
10072  tmp2->surfaceValues.n=0; tmp2->surfaceValues.p=0;
10073  tmp2->voxels = NULL;
10074  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10075  break;
10076  }
10077  case NODE_KeySensor : {
10078  struct X3D_KeySensor * tmp2;
10079  tmp2 = (struct X3D_KeySensor *) tmp;
10080  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
10081  tmp2->actionKeyPress = 0;
10082  tmp2->actionKeyRelease = 0;
10083  tmp2->altKey = TRUE;
10084  tmp2->controlKey = TRUE;
10085  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
10086  tmp2->isActive = TRUE;
10087  tmp2->keyPress = newASCIIString("");
10088  tmp2->keyRelease = newASCIIString("");
10089  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10090  tmp2->shiftKey = TRUE;
10091  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10092  break;
10093  }
10094  case NODE_LOD : {
10095  struct X3D_LOD * tmp2;
10096  tmp2 = (struct X3D_LOD *) tmp;
10097  tmp2->__isX3D = (inputFileVersion[0]==3);
10098  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
10099  tmp2->_selected = 0;
10100  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
10101  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
10102  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
10103  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[2] = 0.0f;
10104  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
10105  tmp2->forceTransitions = FALSE;
10106  tmp2->level.n=0; tmp2->level.p=0;
10107  tmp2->levelChanged = 0;
10108  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10109  tmp2->range.n=0; tmp2->range.p=0;
10110  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
10111  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10112  break;
10113  }
10114  case NODE_Layer : {
10115  struct X3D_Layer * tmp2;
10116  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Layer *) tmp;
10117  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
10118  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
10119  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
10120  tmp2->isPickable = TRUE;
10121  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10122  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
10123  tmp2->viewport = NULL;
10124  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_layers;
10125  break;
10126  }
10127  case NODE_LayerSet : {
10128  struct X3D_LayerSet * tmp2;
10129  tmp2 = (struct X3D_LayerSet *) tmp;
10130  tmp2->activeLayer = 0;
10131  tmp2->layers.n=0; tmp2->layers.p=0;
10132  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10133  tmp2->order.p = MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*1);
10134  tmp2->order.p[0] = 0;
10135  tmp2->order.n=1;;
10136  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10137  break;
10138  }
10139  case NODE_Layout : {
10140  struct X3D_Layout * tmp2;
10141  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Layout *) tmp;
10142  tmp2->_align.p = MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*2);
10143  tmp2->_align.p[0] = 0;
10144  tmp2->_align.p[1] = 0;
10145  tmp2->_align.n=2;;
10146  tmp2->_offsetUnits.p = MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*2);
10147  tmp2->_offsetUnits.p[0] = 0;
10148  tmp2->_offsetUnits.p[1] = 0;
10149  tmp2->_offsetUnits.n=2;;
10150  tmp2->_scale.p = MALLOC (float *, sizeof(float)*2);
10151  tmp2->_scale.p[0] = 1.0f;
10152  tmp2->_scale.p[1] = 1.0f;
10153  tmp2->_scale.n=2;;
10154  tmp2->_scaleMode.p = MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*2);
10155  tmp2->_scaleMode.p[0] = 0;
10156  tmp2->_scaleMode.p[1] = 0;
10157  tmp2->_scaleMode.n=2;;
10158  tmp2->_sizeUnits.p = MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*2);
10159  tmp2->_sizeUnits.p[0] = 0;
10160  tmp2->_sizeUnits.p[1] = 0;
10161  tmp2->_sizeUnits.n=2;;
10162  tmp2->align.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->align.p[0] = newASCIIString("CENTER");tmp2->align.p[1] = newASCIIString("CENTER");tmp2->align.n=2; ;
10163  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10164  tmp2->offset.p = MALLOC (float *, sizeof(float)*2);
10165  tmp2->offset.p[0] = 0.0f;
10166  tmp2->offset.p[1] = 0.0f;
10167  tmp2->offset.n=2;;
10168  tmp2->offsetUnits.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->offsetUnits.p[0] = newASCIIString("WORLD");tmp2->offsetUnits.p[1] = newASCIIString("WORLD");tmp2->offsetUnits.n=2; ;
10169  tmp2->scaleMode.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->scaleMode.p[0] = newASCIIString("NONE");tmp2->scaleMode.p[1] = newASCIIString("NONE");tmp2->scaleMode.n=2; ;
10170  tmp2->size.p = MALLOC (float *, sizeof(float)*2);
10171  tmp2->size.p[0] = 1.0f;
10172  tmp2->size.p[1] = 1.0f;
10173  tmp2->size.n=2;;
10174  tmp2->sizeUnits.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->sizeUnits.p[0] = newASCIIString("WORLD");tmp2->sizeUnits.p[1] = newASCIIString("WORLD");tmp2->sizeUnits.n=2; ;
10175  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_layout;
10176  break;
10177  }
10178  case NODE_LayoutGroup : {
10179  struct X3D_LayoutGroup * tmp2;
10180  tmp2 = (struct X3D_LayoutGroup *) tmp;
10181  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
10182  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
10183  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
10184  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = 0.0f;
10185  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
10186  tmp2->layout = NULL;
10187  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10188  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
10189  tmp2->viewport = NULL;
10190  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10191  break;
10192  }
10193  case NODE_LayoutLayer : {
10194  struct X3D_LayoutLayer * tmp2;
10195  tmp2 = (struct X3D_LayoutLayer *) tmp;
10196  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
10197  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
10198  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
10199  tmp2->isPickable = TRUE;
10200  tmp2->layout = NULL;
10201  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10202  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
10203  tmp2->viewport = NULL;
10204  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_layers;
10205  break;
10206  }
10207  case NODE_LinePickSensor : {
10208  struct X3D_LinePickSensor * tmp2;
10209  tmp2 = (struct X3D_LinePickSensor *) tmp;
10210  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
10211  tmp2->enabled = FALSE;
10212  tmp2->intersectionType = newASCIIString("BOUNDS");
10213  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
10214  tmp2->matchCriterion = newASCIIString("MATCH_ANY");
10215  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10216  tmp2->objectType.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*3);tmp2->objectType.p[0] = newASCIIString("ALL");tmp2->objectType.p[1] = newASCIIString("NONE");tmp2->objectType.p[2] = newASCIIString("TERRAIN");tmp2->objectType.n=3; ;
10217  tmp2->pickTarget.n=0; tmp2->pickTarget.p=0;
10218  tmp2->pickedGeometry.n=0; tmp2->pickedGeometry.p=0;
10219  tmp2->pickedNormal.n=0; tmp2->pickedNormal.p=0;
10220  tmp2->pickedPoint.n=0; tmp2->pickedPoint.p=0;
10221  tmp2->pickedTextureCoordinate.n=0; tmp2->pickedTextureCoordinate.p=0;
10222  tmp2->pickingGeometry = NULL;
10223  tmp2->sortOrder = newASCIIString("CLOSEST");
10224  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10225  break;
10226  }
10227  case NODE_LineProperties : {
10228  struct X3D_LineProperties * tmp2;
10229  tmp2 = (struct X3D_LineProperties *) tmp;
10230  tmp2->applied = TRUE;
10231  tmp2->linetype = 1;
10232  tmp2->linewidthScaleFactor = 0.0f;
10233  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10234  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_lineProperties;
10235  break;
10236  }
10237  case NODE_LineSensor : {
10238  struct X3D_LineSensor * tmp2;
10239  tmp2 = (struct X3D_LineSensor *) tmp;
10240  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
10241  tmp2->_oldtrackPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldtrackPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldtrackPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
10242  tmp2->_oldtranslation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldtranslation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldtranslation.c[2] = 0.0f;
10243  tmp2->_origPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_origPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_origPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
10244  tmp2->autoOffset = TRUE;
10245  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
10246  tmp2->direction.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->direction.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->direction.c[2] = 0.0f;
10247  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
10248  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
10249  tmp2->isOver = FALSE;
10250  tmp2->maxPosition = -1.0f;
10251  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10252  tmp2->minPosition = 0.0f;
10253  tmp2->offset = 0.0f;
10254  tmp2->trackPoint_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->trackPoint_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->trackPoint_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
10255  tmp2->translation_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
10256  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10257  break;
10258  }
10259  case NODE_LineSet : {
10260  struct X3D_LineSet * tmp2;
10261  tmp2 = (struct X3D_LineSet *) tmp;
10262  tmp2->__segCount = 0;
10263  tmp2->__vertArr = 0;
10264  tmp2->__vertIndx = 0;
10265  tmp2->attrib.n=0; tmp2->attrib.p=0;
10266  tmp2->color = NULL;
10267  tmp2->coord = NULL;
10268  tmp2->fogCoord = NULL;
10269  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10270  tmp2->vertexCount.n=0; tmp2->vertexCount.p=0;
10271  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
10272  break;
10273  }
10274  case NODE_LoadSensor : {
10275  struct X3D_LoadSensor * tmp2;
10276  tmp2 = (struct X3D_LoadSensor *) tmp;
10277  tmp2->__StartLoadTime = 0;
10278  tmp2->__finishedloading = TRUE;
10279  tmp2->__loading = TRUE;
10280  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
10281  tmp2->enabled = FALSE;
10282  tmp2->isActive = TRUE;
10283  tmp2->isLoaded = TRUE;
10284  tmp2->loadTime = 0;
10285  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10286  tmp2->progress = 0.0f;
10287  tmp2->timeOut = 0;
10288  tmp2->watchList.n=0; tmp2->watchList.p=0;
10289  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10290  break;
10291  }
10292  case NODE_LocalFog : {
10293  struct X3D_LocalFog * tmp2;
10294  tmp2 = (struct X3D_LocalFog *) tmp;
10295  tmp2->__fogScale = 1.0f;
10296  tmp2->__fogType = 1;
10297  tmp2->color.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->color.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->color.c[2] = 1.0f;;
10298  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
10299  tmp2->fogType = newASCIIString("LINEAR");
10300  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10301  tmp2->visibilityRange = 0.0f;
10302  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10303  break;
10304  }
10305  case NODE_Material : {
10306  struct X3D_Material * tmp2;
10307  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Material *) tmp;
10308  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p = MALLOC (float *, sizeof(float)*17);
10309  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[0] = 0.0f;
10310  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[1] = 0.0f;
10311  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[2] = 0.0f;
10312  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[3] = 0.0f;
10313  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[4] = 0.0f;
10314  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[5] = 0.0f;
10315  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[6] = 0.0f;
10316  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[7] = 0.0f;
10317  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[8] = 0.0f;
10318  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[9] = 0.0f;
10319  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[10] = 0.0f;
10320  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[11] = 0.0f;
10321  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[12] = 0.0f;
10322  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[13] = 0.0f;
10323  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[14] = 0.0f;
10324  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[15] = 0.0f;
10325  tmp2->_verifiedColor.p[16] = 0.0f;
10326  tmp2->_verifiedColor.n=17;;
10327  tmp2->ambientIntensity = 0.2f;
10328  tmp2->diffuseColor.c[0] = 0.8f;tmp2->diffuseColor.c[1] = 0.8f;tmp2->diffuseColor.c[2] = 0.8f;;
10329  tmp2->emissiveColor.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->emissiveColor.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->emissiveColor.c[2] = 0.0f;;
10330  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10331  tmp2->shininess = 0.2f;
10332  tmp2->specularColor.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->specularColor.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->specularColor.c[2] = 0.0f;;
10333  tmp2->transparency = 0.0f;
10334  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_material;
10335  break;
10336  }
10337  case NODE_Matrix3VertexAttribute : {
10338  struct X3D_Matrix3VertexAttribute * tmp2;
10339  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Matrix3VertexAttribute *) tmp;
10340  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10341  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
10342  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10343  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10344  break;
10345  }
10346  case NODE_Matrix4VertexAttribute : {
10347  struct X3D_Matrix4VertexAttribute * tmp2;
10348  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Matrix4VertexAttribute *) tmp;
10349  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10350  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
10351  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10352  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10353  break;
10354  }
10355  case NODE_MetadataBoolean : {
10356  struct X3D_MetadataBoolean * tmp2;
10357  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataBoolean *) tmp;
10358  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10359  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
10360  tmp2->reference = newASCIIString("");
10361  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10362  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10363  break;
10364  }
10365  case NODE_MetadataDouble : {
10366  struct X3D_MetadataDouble * tmp2;
10367  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataDouble *) tmp;
10368  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10369  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
10370  tmp2->reference = newASCIIString("");
10371  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10372  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10373  break;
10374  }
10375  case NODE_MetadataFloat : {
10376  struct X3D_MetadataFloat * tmp2;
10377  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataFloat *) tmp;
10378  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10379  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
10380  tmp2->reference = newASCIIString("");
10381  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10382  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10383  break;
10384  }
10385  case NODE_MetadataInteger : {
10386  struct X3D_MetadataInteger * tmp2;
10387  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataInteger *) tmp;
10388  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10389  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
10390  tmp2->reference = newASCIIString("");
10391  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10392  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10393  break;
10394  }
10395  case NODE_MetadataMFBool : {
10396  struct X3D_MetadataMFBool * tmp2;
10397  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFBool *) tmp;
10398  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10399  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10400  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10401  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10402  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10403  break;
10404  }
10405  case NODE_MetadataMFColor : {
10406  struct X3D_MetadataMFColor * tmp2;
10407  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFColor *) tmp;
10408  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10409  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10410  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10411  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10412  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10413  break;
10414  }
10415  case NODE_MetadataMFColorRGBA : {
10416  struct X3D_MetadataMFColorRGBA * tmp2;
10417  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFColorRGBA *) tmp;
10418  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10419  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10420  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10421  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10422  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10423  break;
10424  }
10425  case NODE_MetadataMFDouble : {
10426  struct X3D_MetadataMFDouble * tmp2;
10427  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFDouble *) tmp;
10428  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10429  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10430  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10431  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10432  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10433  break;
10434  }
10435  case NODE_MetadataMFFloat : {
10436  struct X3D_MetadataMFFloat * tmp2;
10437  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFFloat *) tmp;
10438  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10439  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10440  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10441  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10442  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10443  break;
10444  }
10445  case NODE_MetadataMFInt32 : {
10446  struct X3D_MetadataMFInt32 * tmp2;
10447  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFInt32 *) tmp;
10448  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10449  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10450  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10451  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10452  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10453  break;
10454  }
10455  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix3d : {
10456  struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3d * tmp2;
10457  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3d *) tmp;
10458  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10459  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10460  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10461  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10462  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10463  break;
10464  }
10465  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix3f : {
10466  struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3f * tmp2;
10467  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3f *) tmp;
10468  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10469  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10470  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10471  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10472  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10473  break;
10474  }
10475  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix4d : {
10476  struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4d * tmp2;
10477  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4d *) tmp;
10478  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10479  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10480  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10481  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10482  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10483  break;
10484  }
10485  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix4f : {
10486  struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4f * tmp2;
10487  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4f *) tmp;
10488  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10489  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10490  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10491  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10492  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10493  break;
10494  }
10495  case NODE_MetadataMFNode : {
10496  struct X3D_MetadataMFNode * tmp2;
10497  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFNode *) tmp;
10498  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10499  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10500  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10501  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10502  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10503  break;
10504  }
10505  case NODE_MetadataMFRotation : {
10506  struct X3D_MetadataMFRotation * tmp2;
10507  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFRotation *) tmp;
10508  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10509  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10510  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10511  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10512  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10513  break;
10514  }
10515  case NODE_MetadataMFString : {
10516  struct X3D_MetadataMFString * tmp2;
10517  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFString *) tmp;
10518  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10519  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10520  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10521  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10522  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10523  break;
10524  }
10525  case NODE_MetadataMFTime : {
10526  struct X3D_MetadataMFTime * tmp2;
10527  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFTime *) tmp;
10528  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10529  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10530  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10531  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10532  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10533  break;
10534  }
10535  case NODE_MetadataMFVec2d : {
10536  struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2d * tmp2;
10537  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2d *) tmp;
10538  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10539  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10540  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10541  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10542  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10543  break;
10544  }
10545  case NODE_MetadataMFVec2f : {
10546  struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2f * tmp2;
10547  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2f *) tmp;
10548  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10549  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10550  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10551  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10552  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10553  break;
10554  }
10555  case NODE_MetadataMFVec3d : {
10556  struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3d * tmp2;
10557  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3d *) tmp;
10558  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10559  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10560  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10561  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10562  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10563  break;
10564  }
10565  case NODE_MetadataMFVec3f : {
10566  struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3f * tmp2;
10567  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3f *) tmp;
10568  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10569  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10570  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10571  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10572  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10573  break;
10574  }
10575  case NODE_MetadataMFVec4d : {
10576  struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4d * tmp2;
10577  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4d *) tmp;
10578  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10579  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10580  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10581  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10582  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10583  break;
10584  }
10585  case NODE_MetadataMFVec4f : {
10586  struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4f * tmp2;
10587  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4f *) tmp;
10588  tmp2->setValue.n=0; tmp2->setValue.p=0;
10589  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10590  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10591  tmp2->valueChanged.n=0; tmp2->valueChanged.p=0;
10592  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10593  break;
10594  }
10595  case NODE_MetadataSFBool : {
10596  struct X3D_MetadataSFBool * tmp2;
10597  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFBool *) tmp;
10598  tmp2->setValue = FALSE;
10599  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10600  tmp2->value = FALSE;
10601  tmp2->valueChanged = FALSE;
10602  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10603  break;
10604  }
10605  case NODE_MetadataSFColor : {
10606  struct X3D_MetadataSFColor * tmp2;
10607  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFColor *) tmp;
10608  tmp2->setValue.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->setValue.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->setValue.c[2] = 0.0f;;
10609  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10610  tmp2->value.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->value.c[2] = 0.0f;;
10611  tmp2->valueChanged.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->valueChanged.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->valueChanged.c[2] = 0.0f;;
10612  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10613  break;
10614  }
10615  case NODE_MetadataSFColorRGBA : {
10616  struct X3D_MetadataSFColorRGBA * tmp2;
10617  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFColorRGBA *) tmp;
10618  tmp2->setValue.c[0] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[1] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[2] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[3] = 0;;
10619  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10620  tmp2->value.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value.c[1] = 0;tmp2->value.c[2] = 0;tmp2->value.c[3] = 0;;
10621  tmp2->valueChanged.c[0] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[1] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[2] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[3] = 0;;
10622  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10623  break;
10624  }
10625  case NODE_MetadataSFDouble : {
10626  struct X3D_MetadataSFDouble * tmp2;
10627  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFDouble *) tmp;
10628  tmp2->setValue = 0;
10629  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10630  tmp2->value = 0;
10631  tmp2->valueChanged = 0;
10632  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10633  break;
10634  }
10635  case NODE_MetadataSFFloat : {
10636  struct X3D_MetadataSFFloat * tmp2;
10637  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFFloat *) tmp;
10638  tmp2->setValue = 0.0f;
10639  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10640  tmp2->value = 0.0f;
10641  tmp2->valueChanged = 0.0f;
10642  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10643  break;
10644  }
10645  case NODE_MetadataSFImage : {
10646  struct X3D_MetadataSFImage * tmp2;
10647  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFImage *) tmp;
10648  tmp2->setValue.n=3; tmp2->setValue.p=MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*3); tmp2->setValue.p[0] = 0; tmp2->setValue.p[1] = 0; tmp2->setValue.p[2] = 0;;
10649  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10650  tmp2->value.n=3; tmp2->value.p=MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*3); tmp2->value.p[0] = 0; tmp2->value.p[1] = 0; tmp2->value.p[2] = 0;;
10651  tmp2->valueChanged.n=3; tmp2->valueChanged.p=MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*3); tmp2->valueChanged.p[0] = 0; tmp2->valueChanged.p[1] = 0; tmp2->valueChanged.p[2] = 0;;
10652  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10653  break;
10654  }
10655  case NODE_MetadataSFInt32 : {
10656  struct X3D_MetadataSFInt32 * tmp2;
10657  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFInt32 *) tmp;
10658  tmp2->setValue = 0;
10659  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10660  tmp2->value = 0;
10661  tmp2->valueChanged = 0;
10662  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10663  break;
10664  }
10665  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix3d : {
10666  struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3d * tmp2;
10667  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3d *) tmp;
10668  tmp2->setValue.c[0] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[1] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[2] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[3] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[4] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[5] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[6] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[7] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[8] = 0;;
10669  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10670  tmp2->value.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value.c[1] = 0;tmp2->value.c[2] = 0;tmp2->value.c[3] = 0;tmp2->value.c[4] = 0;tmp2->value.c[5] = 0;tmp2->value.c[6] = 0;tmp2->value.c[7] = 0;tmp2->value.c[8] = 0;;
10671  tmp2->valueChanged.c[0] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[1] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[2] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[3] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[4] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[5] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[6] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[7] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[8] = 0;;
10672  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10673  break;
10674  }
10675  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix3f : {
10676  struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3f * tmp2;
10677  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3f *) tmp;
10678  tmp2->setValue.c[0] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[1] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[2] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[3] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[4] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[5] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[6] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[7] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[8] = 0;;
10679  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10680  tmp2->value.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value.c[1] = 0;tmp2->value.c[2] = 0;tmp2->value.c[3] = 0;tmp2->value.c[4] = 0;tmp2->value.c[5] = 0;tmp2->value.c[6] = 0;tmp2->value.c[7] = 0;tmp2->value.c[8] = 0;;
10681  tmp2->valueChanged.c[0] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[1] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[2] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[3] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[4] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[5] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[6] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[7] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[8] = 0;;
10682  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10683  break;
10684  }
10685  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix4d : {
10686  struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4d * tmp2;
10687  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4d *) tmp;
10688  tmp2->setValue.c[0] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[1] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[2] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[3] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[4] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[5] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[6] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[7] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[8] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[9] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[10] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[11] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[12] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[13] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[14] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[15] = 0;;
10689  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10690  tmp2->value.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value.c[1] = 0;tmp2->value.c[2] = 0;tmp2->value.c[3] = 0;tmp2->value.c[4] = 0;tmp2->value.c[5] = 0;tmp2->value.c[6] = 0;tmp2->value.c[7] = 0;tmp2->value.c[8] = 0;tmp2->value.c[9] = 0;tmp2->value.c[10] = 0;tmp2->value.c[11] = 0;tmp2->value.c[12] = 0;tmp2->value.c[13] = 0;tmp2->value.c[14] = 0;tmp2->value.c[15] = 0;;
10691  tmp2->valueChanged.c[0] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[1] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[2] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[3] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[4] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[5] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[6] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[7] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[8] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[9] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[10] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[11] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[12] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[13] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[14] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[15] = 0;;
10692  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10693  break;
10694  }
10695  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix4f : {
10696  struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4f * tmp2;
10697  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4f *) tmp;
10698  tmp2->setValue.c[0] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[1] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[2] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[3] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[4] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[5] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[6] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[7] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[8] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[9] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[10] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[11] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[12] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[13] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[14] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[15] = 0;;
10699  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10700  tmp2->value.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value.c[1] = 0;tmp2->value.c[2] = 0;tmp2->value.c[3] = 0;tmp2->value.c[4] = 0;tmp2->value.c[5] = 0;tmp2->value.c[6] = 0;tmp2->value.c[7] = 0;tmp2->value.c[8] = 0;tmp2->value.c[9] = 0;tmp2->value.c[10] = 0;tmp2->value.c[11] = 0;tmp2->value.c[12] = 0;tmp2->value.c[13] = 0;tmp2->value.c[14] = 0;tmp2->value.c[15] = 0;;
10701  tmp2->valueChanged.c[0] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[1] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[2] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[3] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[4] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[5] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[6] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[7] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[8] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[9] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[10] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[11] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[12] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[13] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[14] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[15] = 0;;
10702  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10703  break;
10704  }
10705  case NODE_MetadataSFNode : {
10706  struct X3D_MetadataSFNode * tmp2;
10707  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFNode *) tmp;
10708  tmp2->setValue = 0;
10709  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10710  tmp2->value = 0;
10711  tmp2->valueChanged = 0;
10712  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10713  break;
10714  }
10715  case NODE_MetadataSFRotation : {
10716  struct X3D_MetadataSFRotation * tmp2;
10717  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFRotation *) tmp;
10718  tmp2->setValue.c[0] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[1] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[2] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[3] = 0;;
10719  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10720  tmp2->value.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value.c[1] = 0;tmp2->value.c[2] = 0;tmp2->value.c[3] = 0;;
10721  tmp2->valueChanged.c[0] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[1] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[2] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[3] = 0;;
10722  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10723  break;
10724  }
10725  case NODE_MetadataSFString : {
10726  struct X3D_MetadataSFString * tmp2;
10727  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFString *) tmp;
10728  tmp2->setValue = newASCIIString("");
10729  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10730  tmp2->value = newASCIIString("");
10731  tmp2->valueChanged = newASCIIString("");
10732  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10733  break;
10734  }
10735  case NODE_MetadataSFTime : {
10736  struct X3D_MetadataSFTime * tmp2;
10737  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFTime *) tmp;
10738  tmp2->setValue = 0;
10739  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10740  tmp2->value = 0;
10741  tmp2->valueChanged = 0;
10742  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10743  break;
10744  }
10745  case NODE_MetadataSFVec2d : {
10746  struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2d * tmp2;
10747  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2d *) tmp;
10748  tmp2->setValue.c[0] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[1] = 0;;
10749  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10750  tmp2->value.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value.c[1] = 0;;
10751  tmp2->valueChanged.c[0] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[1] = 0;;
10752  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10753  break;
10754  }
10755  case NODE_MetadataSFVec2f : {
10756  struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2f * tmp2;
10757  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2f *) tmp;
10758  tmp2->setValue.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->setValue.c[1] = 0.0f;;
10759  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10760  tmp2->value.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value.c[1] = 0.0f;;
10761  tmp2->valueChanged.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->valueChanged.c[1] = 0.0f;;
10762  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10763  break;
10764  }
10765  case NODE_MetadataSFVec3d : {
10766  struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3d * tmp2;
10767  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3d *) tmp;
10768  tmp2->setValue.c[0] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[1] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[2] = 0;;
10769  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10770  tmp2->value.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value.c[1] = 0;tmp2->value.c[2] = 0;;
10771  tmp2->valueChanged.c[0] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[1] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[2] = 0;;
10772  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10773  break;
10774  }
10775  case NODE_MetadataSFVec3f : {
10776  struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3f * tmp2;
10777  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3f *) tmp;
10778  tmp2->setValue.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->setValue.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->setValue.c[2] = 0.0f;
10779  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10780  tmp2->value.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->value.c[2] = 0.0f;
10781  tmp2->valueChanged.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->valueChanged.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->valueChanged.c[2] = 0.0f;
10782  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10783  break;
10784  }
10785  case NODE_MetadataSFVec4d : {
10786  struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4d * tmp2;
10787  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4d *) tmp;
10788  tmp2->setValue.c[0] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[1] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[2] = 0;;
10789  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10790  tmp2->value.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value.c[1] = 0;tmp2->value.c[2] = 0;;
10791  tmp2->valueChanged.c[0] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[1] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[2] = 0;;
10792  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10793  break;
10794  }
10795  case NODE_MetadataSFVec4f : {
10796  struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4f * tmp2;
10797  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4f *) tmp;
10798  tmp2->setValue.c[0] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[1] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[2] = 0;tmp2->setValue.c[3] = 0;;
10799  tmp2->tickTime = 0;
10800  tmp2->value.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value.c[1] = 0;tmp2->value.c[2] = 0;tmp2->value.c[3] = 0;;
10801  tmp2->valueChanged.c[0] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[1] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[2] = 0;tmp2->valueChanged.c[3] = 0;;
10802  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10803  break;
10804  }
10805  case NODE_MetadataSet : {
10806  struct X3D_MetadataSet * tmp2;
10807  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataSet *) tmp;
10808  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10809  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
10810  tmp2->reference = newASCIIString("");
10811  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10812  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10813  break;
10814  }
10815  case NODE_MetadataString : {
10816  struct X3D_MetadataString * tmp2;
10817  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MetadataString *) tmp;
10818  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10819  tmp2->name = newASCIIString("");
10820  tmp2->reference = newASCIIString("");
10821  tmp2->value.n=0; tmp2->value.p=0;
10822  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_metadata;
10823  break;
10824  }
10825  case NODE_MotorJoint : {
10826  struct X3D_MotorJoint * tmp2;
10827  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MotorJoint *) tmp;
10828  tmp2->__old_axis1Angle = 0.0f;
10829  tmp2->__old_axis2Angle = 0.0f;
10830  tmp2->__old_axis3Angle = 0.0f;
10831  tmp2->__old_body1 = NULL;
10832  tmp2->__old_body2 = NULL;
10833  tmp2->__old_motor1Axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_motor1Axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_motor1Axis.c[2] = 0.0f;
10834  tmp2->__old_motor2Axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_motor2Axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_motor2Axis.c[2] = 0.0f;
10835  tmp2->__old_motor3Axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_motor3Axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_motor3Axis.c[2] = 0.0f;
10836  tmp2->_forceout = 0;
10837  tmp2->_joint = 0;
10838  tmp2->autoCalc = FALSE;
10839  tmp2->axis1Angle = 0.0f;
10840  tmp2->axis1Torque = 0.0f;
10841  tmp2->axis2Angle = 0.0f;
10842  tmp2->axis2Torque = 0.0f;
10843  tmp2->axis3Angle = 0.0f;
10844  tmp2->axis3Torque = 0.0f;
10845  tmp2->body1 = NULL;
10846  tmp2->body2 = NULL;
10847  tmp2->enabledAxes = 1;
10848  tmp2->forceOutput.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*1);tmp2->forceOutput.p[0] = newASCIIString("NONE");tmp2->forceOutput.n=1; ;
10849  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10850  tmp2->motor1Angle = 0.0f;
10851  tmp2->motor1AngleRate = 0.0f;
10852  tmp2->motor1Axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->motor1Axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->motor1Axis.c[2] = 0.0f;
10853  tmp2->motor2Angle = 0.0f;
10854  tmp2->motor2AngleRate = 0.0f;
10855  tmp2->motor2Axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->motor2Axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->motor2Axis.c[2] = 0.0f;
10856  tmp2->motor3Angle = 0.0f;
10857  tmp2->motor3AngleRate = 0.0f;
10858  tmp2->motor3Axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->motor3Axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->motor3Axis.c[2] = 0.0f;
10859  tmp2->stop1Bounce = 0.0f;
10860  tmp2->stop1ErrorCorrection = 0.8f;
10861  tmp2->stop2Bounce = 0.0f;
10862  tmp2->stop2ErrorCorrection = 0.8f;
10863  tmp2->stop3Bounce = 0.0f;
10864  tmp2->stop3ErrorCorrection = 0.8f;
10865  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_joints;
10866  break;
10867  }
10868  case NODE_MovieTexture : {
10869  struct X3D_MovieTexture * tmp2;
10870  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MovieTexture *) tmp;
10871  tmp2->__ctex = 0;
10872  tmp2->__frac = 0.0f;
10873  tmp2->__fw_movie = 0;
10874  tmp2->__highest = 0;
10875  tmp2->__inittime = 0;
10876  tmp2->__lasttime = 0;
10877  tmp2->__loadResource = 0;
10878  tmp2->__loadstatus = 0;
10879  tmp2->__lowest = 0;
10880  tmp2->__sourceNumber = -1;
10881  tmp2->__textureTableIndex = 0;
10882  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
10883  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
10884  tmp2->duration_changed = -1;
10885  tmp2->elapsedTime = 0;
10886  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
10887  tmp2->isPaused = FALSE;
10888  tmp2->loop = FALSE;
10889  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10890  tmp2->pauseTime = 0;
10891  tmp2->pitch = 1.0f;
10892  tmp2->repeatS = TRUE;
10893  tmp2->repeatT = TRUE;
10894  tmp2->resumeTime = 0;
10895  tmp2->speed = 1.0f;
10896  tmp2->startTime = 0;
10897  tmp2->stopTime = 0;
10898  tmp2->textureProperties = 0;
10899  tmp2->url.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*1);tmp2->url.p[0] = newASCIIString("");tmp2->url.n=1; ;
10900  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texture + (FIELDNAMES_source << 10);
10901  break;
10902  }
10903  case NODE_MultiTexture : {
10904  struct X3D_MultiTexture * tmp2;
10905  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MultiTexture *) tmp;
10906  tmp2->__xparams = 0;
10907  tmp2->alpha = 1.0f;
10908  tmp2->color.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->color.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->color.c[2] = 1.0f;;
10909  tmp2->function.n=0; tmp2->function.p=0;
10910  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10911  tmp2->mode.n=0; tmp2->mode.p=0;
10912  tmp2->source.n=0; tmp2->source.p=0;
10913  tmp2->texture.n=0; tmp2->texture.p=0;
10914  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texture;
10915  break;
10916  }
10917  case NODE_MultiTextureCoordinate : {
10918  struct X3D_MultiTextureCoordinate * tmp2;
10919  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MultiTextureCoordinate *) tmp;
10920  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10921  tmp2->texCoord.n=0; tmp2->texCoord.p=0;
10922  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texCoord;
10923  break;
10924  }
10925  case NODE_MultiTextureTransform : {
10926  struct X3D_MultiTextureTransform * tmp2;
10927  tmp2 = (struct X3D_MultiTextureTransform *) tmp;
10928  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10929  tmp2->textureTransform.n=0; tmp2->textureTransform.p=0;
10930  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_textureTransform;
10931  break;
10932  }
10933  case NODE_NavigationInfo : {
10934  struct X3D_NavigationInfo * tmp2;
10935  tmp2 = (struct X3D_NavigationInfo *) tmp;
10936  tmp2->_layerId = 0;
10937  tmp2->avatarSize.p = MALLOC (float *, sizeof(float)*3);
10938  tmp2->avatarSize.p[0] = 0.25f;
10939  tmp2->avatarSize.p[1] = 1.6f;
10940  tmp2->avatarSize.p[2] = 0.75f;
10941  tmp2->avatarSize.n=3;;
10942  tmp2->bindTime = -1;
10943  tmp2->headlight = TRUE;
10944  tmp2->isBound = FALSE;
10945  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10946  tmp2->set_bind = 100;
10947  tmp2->speed = 1.0f;
10948  tmp2->transitionComplete = FALSE;
10949  tmp2->transitionTime = 1;
10950  tmp2->transitionType.n=0; tmp2->transitionType.p=0;
10951  tmp2->type.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*2);tmp2->type.p[0] = newASCIIString("EXAMINE");tmp2->type.p[1] = newASCIIString("ANY");tmp2->type.n=2; ;
10952  tmp2->visibilityLimit = 0.0f;
10953  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10954  break;
10955  }
10956  case NODE_Normal : {
10957  struct X3D_Normal * tmp2;
10958  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Normal *) tmp;
10959  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10960  tmp2->vector.n=0; tmp2->vector.p=0;
10961  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_normal;
10962  break;
10963  }
10964  case NODE_NormalInterpolator : {
10965  struct X3D_NormalInterpolator * tmp2;
10966  tmp2 = (struct X3D_NormalInterpolator *) tmp;
10967  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
10968  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
10969  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10970  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
10971  tmp2->value_changed.n=0; tmp2->value_changed.p=0;
10972  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
10973  break;
10974  }
10975  case NODE_NurbsCurve : {
10976  struct X3D_NurbsCurve * tmp2;
10977  tmp2 = (struct X3D_NurbsCurve *) tmp;
10978  tmp2->__numPoints = 0;
10979  tmp2->__points.n=0; tmp2->__points.p=0;
10980  tmp2->_tscale = 1.0f;
10981  tmp2->closed = FALSE;
10982  tmp2->controlPoint = NULL;
10983  tmp2->knot.n=0; tmp2->knot.p=0;
10984  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10985  tmp2->order = 3;
10986  tmp2->tessellation = 0;
10987  tmp2->weight.n=0; tmp2->weight.p=0;
10988  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
10989  break;
10990  }
10991  case NODE_NurbsCurve2D : {
10992  struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D * tmp2;
10993  tmp2 = (struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D *) tmp;
10994  tmp2->_tscale = 1.0f;
10995  tmp2->closed = FALSE;
10996  tmp2->controlPoint.n=0; tmp2->controlPoint.p=0;
10997  tmp2->knot.n=0; tmp2->knot.p=0;
10998  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
10999  tmp2->order = 3;
11000  tmp2->tessellation = 0;
11001  tmp2->weight.n=0; tmp2->weight.p=0;
11002  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11003  break;
11004  }
11005  case NODE_NurbsOrientationInterpolator : {
11006  struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator * tmp2;
11007  tmp2 = (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator *) tmp;
11008  tmp2->_OK = 0;
11009  tmp2->_knot.n=0; tmp2->_knot.p=0;
11010  tmp2->_knotrange.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_knotrange.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11011  tmp2->_xyzw.n=0; tmp2->_xyzw.p=0;
11012  tmp2->controlPoint = NULL;
11013  tmp2->knot.n=0; tmp2->knot.p=0;
11014  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11015  tmp2->order = 3;
11016  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
11017  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 0;tmp2->value_changed.c[3] = 0;;
11018  tmp2->weight.n=0; tmp2->weight.p=0;
11019  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11020  break;
11021  }
11022  case NODE_NurbsPatchSurface : {
11023  struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface * tmp2;
11024  tmp2 = (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface *) tmp;
11025  tmp2->_tscale = 1.0f;
11026  tmp2->controlPoint = NULL;
11027  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11028  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
11029  tmp2->texCoord = NULL;
11030  tmp2->uClosed = FALSE;
11031  tmp2->uDimension = 0;
11032  tmp2->uKnot.n=0; tmp2->uKnot.p=0;
11033  tmp2->uOrder = 3;
11034  tmp2->uTessellation = 0;
11035  tmp2->vClosed = FALSE;
11036  tmp2->vDimension = 0;
11037  tmp2->vKnot.n=0; tmp2->vKnot.p=0;
11038  tmp2->vOrder = 3;
11039  tmp2->vTessellation = 0;
11040  tmp2->weight.n=0; tmp2->weight.p=0;
11041  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
11042  break;
11043  }
11044  case NODE_NurbsPositionInterpolator : {
11045  struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator * tmp2;
11046  tmp2 = (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator *) tmp;
11047  tmp2->_OK = 0;
11048  tmp2->_knot.n=0; tmp2->_knot.p=0;
11049  tmp2->_knotrange.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_knotrange.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11050  tmp2->_xyzw.n=0; tmp2->_xyzw.p=0;
11051  tmp2->controlPoint = NULL;
11052  tmp2->knot.n=0; tmp2->knot.p=0;
11053  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11054  tmp2->order = 3;
11055  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
11056  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
11057  tmp2->weight.n=0; tmp2->weight.p=0;
11058  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11059  break;
11060  }
11061  case NODE_NurbsSet : {
11062  struct X3D_NurbsSet * tmp2;
11063  tmp2 = (struct X3D_NurbsSet *) tmp;
11064  tmp2->addGeometry.n=0; tmp2->addGeometry.p=0;
11065  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
11066  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
11067  tmp2->geometry.n=0; tmp2->geometry.p=0;
11068  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11069  tmp2->removeGeometry.n=0; tmp2->removeGeometry.p=0;
11070  tmp2->tessellationScale = 1.0f;
11071  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11072  break;
11073  }
11074  case NODE_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator : {
11075  struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator * tmp2;
11076  tmp2 = (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator *) tmp;
11077  tmp2->_OK = 0;
11078  tmp2->_controlPoint.n=0; tmp2->_controlPoint.p=0;
11079  tmp2->_uKnot.n=0; tmp2->_uKnot.p=0;
11080  tmp2->_vKnot.n=0; tmp2->_vKnot.p=0;
11081  tmp2->controlPoint = NULL;
11082  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11083  tmp2->normal_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->normal_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->normal_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
11084  tmp2->position_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->position_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->position_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
11085  tmp2->set_fraction.c[0] = 0; tmp2->set_fraction.c[1] = 1;;
11086  tmp2->uDimension = 0;
11087  tmp2->uKnot.n=0; tmp2->uKnot.p=0;
11088  tmp2->uOrder = 3;
11089  tmp2->vDimension = 0;
11090  tmp2->vKnot.n=0; tmp2->vKnot.p=0;
11091  tmp2->vOrder = 3;
11092  tmp2->weight.n=0; tmp2->weight.p=0;
11093  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11094  break;
11095  }
11096  case NODE_NurbsSweptSurface : {
11097  struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface * tmp2;
11098  tmp2 = (struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface *) tmp;
11099  tmp2->_method = 2;
11100  tmp2->_patch = NULL;
11101  tmp2->ccw = TRUE;
11102  tmp2->crossSectionCurve = NULL;
11103  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11104  tmp2->method = newASCIIString("FULL");
11105  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
11106  tmp2->trajectoryCurve = NULL;
11107  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
11108  break;
11109  }
11110  case NODE_NurbsSwungSurface : {
11111  struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface * tmp2;
11112  tmp2 = (struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface *) tmp;
11113  tmp2->_patch = NULL;
11114  tmp2->ccw = TRUE;
11115  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11116  tmp2->profileCurve = NULL;
11117  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
11118  tmp2->trajectoryCurve = NULL;
11119  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
11120  break;
11121  }
11122  case NODE_NurbsTextureCoordinate : {
11123  struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate * tmp2;
11124  tmp2 = (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate *) tmp;
11125  tmp2->_controlPoint.n=0; tmp2->_controlPoint.p=0;
11126  tmp2->_uKnot.n=0; tmp2->_uKnot.p=0;
11127  tmp2->_vKnot.n=0; tmp2->_vKnot.p=0;
11128  tmp2->controlPoint.n=0; tmp2->controlPoint.p=0;
11129  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11130  tmp2->uDimension = 0;
11131  tmp2->uKnot.n=0; tmp2->uKnot.p=0;
11132  tmp2->uOrder = 3;
11133  tmp2->vDimension = 0;
11134  tmp2->vKnot.n=0; tmp2->vKnot.p=0;
11135  tmp2->vOrder = 3;
11136  tmp2->weight.n=0; tmp2->weight.p=0;
11137  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texCoord;
11138  break;
11139  }
11140  case NODE_NurbsTrimmedSurface : {
11141  struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface * tmp2;
11142  tmp2 = (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface *) tmp;
11143  tmp2->_tscale = 1.0f;
11144  tmp2->addTrimmingContour.n=0; tmp2->addTrimmingContour.p=0;
11145  tmp2->controlPoint = NULL;
11146  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11147  tmp2->removeTrimmingContour.n=0; tmp2->removeTrimmingContour.p=0;
11148  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
11149  tmp2->texCoord = NULL;
11150  tmp2->trimmingContour.n=0; tmp2->trimmingContour.p=0;
11151  tmp2->uClosed = FALSE;
11152  tmp2->uDimension = 0;
11153  tmp2->uKnot.n=0; tmp2->uKnot.p=0;
11154  tmp2->uOrder = 3;
11155  tmp2->uTessellation = 0;
11156  tmp2->vClosed = FALSE;
11157  tmp2->vDimension = 0;
11158  tmp2->vKnot.n=0; tmp2->vKnot.p=0;
11159  tmp2->vOrder = 3;
11160  tmp2->vTessellation = 0;
11161  tmp2->weight.n=0; tmp2->weight.p=0;
11162  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
11163  break;
11164  }
11165  case NODE_OSC_Sensor : {
11166  struct X3D_OSC_Sensor * tmp2;
11167  tmp2 = (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor *) tmp;
11168  tmp2->FIFOsize = 64;
11169  tmp2->__oldmetadata = 0;
11170  tmp2->_floatInpFIFO = 0;
11171  tmp2->_floatOutFIFO = 0;
11172  tmp2->_int32InpFIFO = 0;
11173  tmp2->_int32OutFIFO = 0;
11174  tmp2->_status = -1;
11175  tmp2->_stringInpFIFO = 0;
11176  tmp2->_stringOutFIFO = 0;
11177  tmp2->_talkToNodes.n=0; tmp2->_talkToNodes.p=0;
11178  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
11179  tmp2->enabled = FALSE;
11180  tmp2->filter = newASCIIString("");
11181  tmp2->floatInp = 0.0f;
11182  tmp2->gotEvents = 0;
11183  tmp2->handler = newASCIIString("");
11184  tmp2->int32Inp = 0;
11185  tmp2->listenfor = newASCIIString("");
11186  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11187  tmp2->port = 7000;
11188  tmp2->protocol = newASCIIString("UDP");
11189  tmp2->stringInp = newASCIIString("");
11190  tmp2->talksTo.n=0; tmp2->talksTo.p=0;
11191  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11192  break;
11193  }
11194  case NODE_OpacityMapVolumeStyle : {
11195  struct X3D_OpacityMapVolumeStyle * tmp2;
11196  tmp2 = (struct X3D_OpacityMapVolumeStyle *) tmp;
11197  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
11198  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11199  tmp2->transferFunction = NULL;
11200  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_renderStyle;
11201  break;
11202  }
11203  case NODE_OrientationChaser : {
11204  struct X3D_OrientationChaser * tmp2;
11205  tmp2 = (struct X3D_OrientationChaser *) tmp;
11206  tmp2->_buffer = NULL;
11207  tmp2->_bufferendtime = 0;
11208  tmp2->_destination.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_destination.c[1] = 1;tmp2->_destination.c[2] = 0;tmp2->_destination.c[3] = 0;;
11209  tmp2->_p = NULL;
11210  tmp2->_previousvalue.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_previousvalue.c[1] = 1;tmp2->_previousvalue.c[2] = 0;tmp2->_previousvalue.c[3] = 0;;
11211  tmp2->_steptime = 0;
11212  tmp2->_t = NULL;
11213  tmp2->duration = 1;
11214  tmp2->initialDestination.c[0] = 0;tmp2->initialDestination.c[1] = 1;tmp2->initialDestination.c[2] = 0;tmp2->initialDestination.c[3] = 0;;
11215  tmp2->initialValue.c[0] = 0;tmp2->initialValue.c[1] = 1;tmp2->initialValue.c[2] = 0;tmp2->initialValue.c[3] = 0;;
11216  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
11217  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11218  tmp2->set_destination.c[0] = 0;tmp2->set_destination.c[1] = 1;tmp2->set_destination.c[2] = 0;tmp2->set_destination.c[3] = 0;;
11219  tmp2->set_value.c[0] = 0;tmp2->set_value.c[1] = 1;tmp2->set_value.c[2] = 0;tmp2->set_value.c[3] = 0;;
11220  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 1;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 0;tmp2->value_changed.c[3] = 0;;
11221  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11222  break;
11223  }
11224  case NODE_OrientationDamper : {
11225  struct X3D_OrientationDamper * tmp2;
11226  tmp2 = (struct X3D_OrientationDamper *) tmp;
11227  tmp2->_input.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_input.c[1] = 1;tmp2->_input.c[2] = 0;tmp2->_input.c[3] = 0;;
11228  tmp2->_lasttick = 0;
11229  tmp2->_p = NULL;
11230  tmp2->_t = NULL;
11231  tmp2->_takefirstinput = TRUE;
11232  tmp2->_tau = 0.3;
11233  tmp2->_values = NULL;
11234  tmp2->initialDestination.c[0] = 0;tmp2->initialDestination.c[1] = 1;tmp2->initialDestination.c[2] = 0;tmp2->initialDestination.c[3] = 0;;
11235  tmp2->initialValue.c[0] = 0;tmp2->initialValue.c[1] = 1;tmp2->initialValue.c[2] = 0;tmp2->initialValue.c[3] = 0;;
11236  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
11237  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11238  tmp2->order = 3;
11239  tmp2->set_destination.c[0] = 0;tmp2->set_destination.c[1] = 1;tmp2->set_destination.c[2] = 0;tmp2->set_destination.c[3] = 0;;
11240  tmp2->set_value.c[0] = 0;tmp2->set_value.c[1] = 1;tmp2->set_value.c[2] = 0;tmp2->set_value.c[3] = 0;;
11241  tmp2->tau = 0.3;
11242  tmp2->tolerance = -1.0f;
11243  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 1;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 0;tmp2->value_changed.c[3] = 0;;
11244  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11245  break;
11246  }
11247  case NODE_OrientationInterpolator : {
11248  struct X3D_OrientationInterpolator * tmp2;
11249  tmp2 = (struct X3D_OrientationInterpolator *) tmp;
11250  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
11251  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
11252  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11253  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
11254  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 1;tmp2->value_changed.c[3] = 0;;
11255  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11256  break;
11257  }
11258  case NODE_OrthoViewpoint : {
11259  struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint * tmp2;
11260  tmp2 = (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint *) tmp;
11261  tmp2->_donethispass = 0;
11262  tmp2->_layerId = 0;
11263  tmp2->bindTime = -1;
11264  tmp2->centerOfRotation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->centerOfRotation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->centerOfRotation.c[2] = 0.0f;
11265  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
11266  tmp2->fieldOfView.p = MALLOC (float *, sizeof(float)*4);
11267  tmp2->fieldOfView.p[0] = -1.0f;
11268  tmp2->fieldOfView.p[1] = -1.0f;
11269  tmp2->fieldOfView.p[2] = 1.0f;
11270  tmp2->fieldOfView.p[3] = 1.0f;
11271  tmp2->fieldOfView.n=4;;
11272  tmp2->isBound = FALSE;
11273  tmp2->jump = TRUE;
11274  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11275  tmp2->orientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->orientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->orientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->orientation.c[3] = 0;;
11276  tmp2->position.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[2] = 10.0f;
11277  tmp2->retainUserOffsets = FALSE;
11278  tmp2->set_bind = 100;
11279  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11280  break;
11281  }
11282  case NODE_PackagedShader : {
11283  struct X3D_PackagedShader * tmp2;
11284  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PackagedShader *) tmp;
11285  tmp2->_initialized = FALSE;
11286  tmp2->_retrievedURLData = FALSE;
11287  tmp2->_shaderLoadThread = _THREAD_NULL_;
11288  tmp2->_shaderUserDefinedFields = NULL;
11289  tmp2->_shaderUserNumber = -1;
11290  tmp2->activate = 0;
11291  tmp2->isSelected = TRUE;
11292  tmp2->isValid = TRUE;
11293  tmp2->language = newASCIIString("");
11294  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11295  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
11296  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_shaders;
11297  break;
11298  }
11299  case NODE_ParticleSystem : {
11300  struct X3D_ParticleSystem * tmp2;
11301  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ParticleSystem *) tmp;
11302  tmp2->_geometryType = 0;
11303  tmp2->_lasttime = 0;
11304  tmp2->_ltex = NULL;
11305  tmp2->_particles = NULL;
11306  tmp2->_remainder = 0.0f;
11307  tmp2->_shaderflags_base = 0;
11308  tmp2->_shaderflags_effects = 0;
11309  tmp2->_shaderflags_usershaders = 0;
11310  tmp2->_tris = NULL;
11311  tmp2->_ttex = NULL;
11312  tmp2->appearance = NULL;
11313  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
11314  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
11315  tmp2->colorKey.n=0; tmp2->colorKey.p=0;
11316  tmp2->colorRamp = NULL;
11317  tmp2->createParticles = TRUE;
11318  tmp2->emitter = NULL;
11319  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
11320  tmp2->geometry = NULL;
11321  tmp2->geometryType = newASCIIString("QUAD");
11322  tmp2->isActive = TRUE;
11323  tmp2->lifetimeVariation = 0.25f;
11324  tmp2->maxParticles = 200;
11325  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11326  tmp2->particleLifetime = 5.0f;
11327  tmp2->particleSize.c[0] = 0.02f;tmp2->particleSize.c[1] = 0.02f;;
11328  tmp2->physics.n=0; tmp2->physics.p=0;
11329  tmp2->texCoordKey.n=0; tmp2->texCoordKey.p=0;
11330  tmp2->texCoordRamp = NULL;
11331  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_shape;
11332  break;
11333  }
11334  case NODE_PickableGroup : {
11335  struct X3D_PickableGroup * tmp2;
11336  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PickableGroup *) tmp;
11337  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
11338  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
11339  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
11340  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
11341  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
11342  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11343  tmp2->objectType.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*3);tmp2->objectType.p[0] = newASCIIString("ALL");tmp2->objectType.p[1] = newASCIIString("NONE");tmp2->objectType.p[2] = newASCIIString("TERRAIN");tmp2->objectType.n=3; ;
11344  tmp2->pickable = TRUE;
11345  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
11346  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11347  break;
11348  }
11349  case NODE_PixelTexture : {
11350  struct X3D_PixelTexture * tmp2;
11351  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PixelTexture *) tmp;
11352  tmp2->__textureTableIndex = 0;
11353  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
11354  tmp2->image.n=3; tmp2->image.p=MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*3); tmp2->image.p[0] = 0; tmp2->image.p[1] = 0; tmp2->image.p[2] = 0;;
11355  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11356  tmp2->repeatS = TRUE;
11357  tmp2->repeatT = TRUE;
11358  tmp2->textureProperties = 0;
11359  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texture;
11360  break;
11361  }
11362  case NODE_PixelTexture3D : {
11363  struct X3D_PixelTexture3D * tmp2;
11364  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PixelTexture3D *) tmp;
11365  tmp2->__textureTableIndex = 0;
11366  tmp2->_needs_gradient = FALSE;
11367  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
11368  tmp2->image.n=0; tmp2->image.p=0;
11369  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11370  tmp2->repeatR = FALSE;
11371  tmp2->repeatS = FALSE;
11372  tmp2->repeatT = FALSE;
11373  tmp2->textureProperties = 0;
11374  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texture;
11375  break;
11376  }
11377  case NODE_PlaneSensor : {
11378  struct X3D_PlaneSensor * tmp2;
11379  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PlaneSensor *) tmp;
11380  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
11381  tmp2->_oldtrackPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldtrackPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldtrackPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
11382  tmp2->_oldtranslation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldtranslation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldtranslation.c[2] = 0.0f;
11383  tmp2->_origPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_origPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_origPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
11384  tmp2->autoOffset = TRUE;
11385  tmp2->axisRotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->axisRotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->axisRotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->axisRotation.c[3] = 0;;
11386  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
11387  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
11388  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
11389  tmp2->isOver = FALSE;
11390  tmp2->maxPosition.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->maxPosition.c[1] = -1.0f;;
11391  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11392  tmp2->minPosition.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->minPosition.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11393  tmp2->offset.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->offset.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->offset.c[2] = 0.0f;
11394  tmp2->trackPoint_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->trackPoint_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->trackPoint_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
11395  tmp2->translation_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
11396  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11397  break;
11398  }
11399  case NODE_PointEmitter : {
11400  struct X3D_PointEmitter * tmp2;
11401  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PointEmitter *) tmp;
11402  tmp2->direction.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->direction.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->direction.c[2] = 0.0f;
11403  tmp2->mass = 0.0f;
11404  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11405  tmp2->position.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[2] = 0.0f;
11406  tmp2->speed = 0.0f;
11407  tmp2->surfaceArea = 0.0f;
11408  tmp2->variation = 0.25f;
11409  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_emitter;
11410  break;
11411  }
11412  case NODE_PointLight : {
11413  struct X3D_PointLight * tmp2;
11414  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PointLight *) tmp;
11415  tmp2->_amb.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_amb.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_amb.c[2] = 0;tmp2->_amb.c[3] = 0;;
11416  tmp2->_col.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_col.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_col.c[2] = 0;tmp2->_col.c[3] = 0;;
11417  tmp2->_loc.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_loc.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_loc.c[2] = 0;tmp2->_loc.c[3] = 0;;
11418  tmp2->ambientIntensity = 0.0f;
11419  tmp2->attenuation.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->attenuation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->attenuation.c[2] = 0.0f;
11420  tmp2->color.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->color.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->color.c[2] = 1.0f;;
11421  tmp2->global = TRUE;
11422  tmp2->intensity = 1.0f;
11423  tmp2->location.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->location.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->location.c[2] = 0.0f;
11424  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11425  tmp2->on = TRUE;
11426  tmp2->radius = 100.0f;
11427  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11428  break;
11429  }
11430  case NODE_PointPickSensor : {
11431  struct X3D_PointPickSensor * tmp2;
11432  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PointPickSensor *) tmp;
11433  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
11434  tmp2->_bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
11435  tmp2->_bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->_bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->_bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
11436  tmp2->_oldisActive = FALSE;
11437  tmp2->_oldpickTarget.n=0; tmp2->_oldpickTarget.p=0;
11438  tmp2->_oldpickedGeometry.n=0; tmp2->_oldpickedGeometry.p=0;
11439  tmp2->_oldpickedPoint.n=0; tmp2->_oldpickedPoint.p=0;
11440  tmp2->enabled = FALSE;
11441  tmp2->intersectionType = newASCIIString("BOUNDS");
11442  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
11443  tmp2->matchCriterion = newASCIIString("MATCH_ANY");
11444  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11445  tmp2->objectType.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*3);tmp2->objectType.p[0] = newASCIIString("ALL");tmp2->objectType.p[1] = newASCIIString("NONE");tmp2->objectType.p[2] = newASCIIString("TERRAIN");tmp2->objectType.n=3; ;
11446  tmp2->pickTarget.n=0; tmp2->pickTarget.p=0;
11447  tmp2->pickedGeometry.n=0; tmp2->pickedGeometry.p=0;
11448  tmp2->pickedPoint.n=0; tmp2->pickedPoint.p=0;
11449  tmp2->pickingGeometry = NULL;
11450  tmp2->set_intersectionType = newASCIIString("");
11451  tmp2->set_sortOrder = newASCIIString("");
11452  tmp2->sortOrder = newASCIIString("CLOSEST");
11453  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11454  break;
11455  }
11456  case NODE_PointSet : {
11457  struct X3D_PointSet * tmp2;
11458  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PointSet *) tmp;
11459  tmp2->_colourSize = 0;
11460  tmp2->_coloursVBO = 0;
11461  tmp2->_npoints = 0;
11462  tmp2->_pointsVBO = 0;
11463  tmp2->attrib.n=0; tmp2->attrib.p=0;
11464  tmp2->color = NULL;
11465  tmp2->coord = NULL;
11466  tmp2->fogCoord = NULL;
11467  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11468  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
11469  break;
11470  }
11471  case NODE_Polyline2D : {
11472  struct X3D_Polyline2D * tmp2;
11473  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Polyline2D *) tmp;
11474  tmp2->lineSegments.n=0; tmp2->lineSegments.p=0;
11475  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11476  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
11477  break;
11478  }
11479  case NODE_PolylineEmitter : {
11480  struct X3D_PolylineEmitter * tmp2;
11481  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter *) tmp;
11482  tmp2->_method = 0;
11483  tmp2->_nseg = 0;
11484  tmp2->_portions = NULL;
11485  tmp2->_segs = NULL;
11486  tmp2->coord = NULL;
11487  tmp2->coordIndex.p = MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*1);
11488  tmp2->coordIndex.p[0] = -1;
11489  tmp2->coordIndex.n=1;;
11490  tmp2->direction.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->direction.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->direction.c[2] = 0.0f;
11491  tmp2->mass = 0.0f;
11492  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11493  tmp2->set_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->set_coordIndex.p=0;
11494  tmp2->speed = 0.0f;
11495  tmp2->surfaceArea = 0.0f;
11496  tmp2->variation = 0.25f;
11497  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_emitter;
11498  break;
11499  }
11500  case NODE_Polypoint2D : {
11501  struct X3D_Polypoint2D * tmp2;
11502  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Polypoint2D *) tmp;
11503  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11504  tmp2->point.n=0; tmp2->point.p=0;
11505  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
11506  break;
11507  }
11508  case NODE_PositionChaser : {
11509  struct X3D_PositionChaser * tmp2;
11510  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PositionChaser *) tmp;
11511  tmp2->_buffer = NULL;
11512  tmp2->_bufferendtime = 0;
11513  tmp2->_destination.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_destination.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_destination.c[2] = 0.0f;
11514  tmp2->_p = NULL;
11515  tmp2->_previousvalue.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_previousvalue.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_previousvalue.c[2] = 0.0f;
11516  tmp2->_steptime = 0;
11517  tmp2->_t = NULL;
11518  tmp2->duration = 1;
11519  tmp2->initialDestination.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->initialDestination.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->initialDestination.c[2] = 0.0f;
11520  tmp2->initialValue.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->initialValue.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->initialValue.c[2] = 0.0f;
11521  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
11522  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11523  tmp2->set_destination.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_destination.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_destination.c[2] = 0.0f;
11524  tmp2->set_value.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_value.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_value.c[2] = 0.0f;
11525  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
11526  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11527  break;
11528  }
11529  case NODE_PositionChaser2D : {
11530  struct X3D_PositionChaser2D * tmp2;
11531  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D *) tmp;
11532  tmp2->_buffer = NULL;
11533  tmp2->_bufferendtime = 0;
11534  tmp2->_destination.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_destination.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11535  tmp2->_p = NULL;
11536  tmp2->_previousvalue.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_previousvalue.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11537  tmp2->_steptime = 0;
11538  tmp2->_t = NULL;
11539  tmp2->duration = 1;
11540  tmp2->initialDestination.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->initialDestination.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11541  tmp2->initialValue.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->initialValue.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11542  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
11543  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11544  tmp2->set_destination.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_destination.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11545  tmp2->set_value.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_value.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11546  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11547  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11548  break;
11549  }
11550  case NODE_PositionDamper : {
11551  struct X3D_PositionDamper * tmp2;
11552  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PositionDamper *) tmp;
11553  tmp2->_input.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_input.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_input.c[2] = 0.0f;
11554  tmp2->_lasttick = 0;
11555  tmp2->_p = NULL;
11556  tmp2->_t = NULL;
11557  tmp2->_takefirstinput = TRUE;
11558  tmp2->_tau = 0.3;
11559  tmp2->_values = NULL;
11560  tmp2->initialDestination.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->initialDestination.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->initialDestination.c[2] = 0.0f;
11561  tmp2->initialValue.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->initialValue.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->initialValue.c[2] = 0.0f;
11562  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
11563  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11564  tmp2->order = 3;
11565  tmp2->set_destination.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_destination.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_destination.c[2] = 0.0f;
11566  tmp2->set_value.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_value.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_value.c[2] = 0.0f;
11567  tmp2->tau = 0.3;
11568  tmp2->tolerance = -1.0f;
11569  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
11570  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11571  break;
11572  }
11573  case NODE_PositionDamper2D : {
11574  struct X3D_PositionDamper2D * tmp2;
11575  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D *) tmp;
11576  tmp2->_input.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_input.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11577  tmp2->_lasttick = 0;
11578  tmp2->_p = NULL;
11579  tmp2->_t = NULL;
11580  tmp2->_takefirstinput = TRUE;
11581  tmp2->_tau = 0.3;
11582  tmp2->_values = NULL;
11583  tmp2->initialDestination.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->initialDestination.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11584  tmp2->initialValue.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->initialValue.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11585  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
11586  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11587  tmp2->order = 3;
11588  tmp2->set_destination.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_destination.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11589  tmp2->set_value.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->set_value.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11590  tmp2->tau = 0.3;
11591  tmp2->tolerance = -1.0f;
11592  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11593  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11594  break;
11595  }
11596  case NODE_PositionInterpolator : {
11597  struct X3D_PositionInterpolator * tmp2;
11598  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator *) tmp;
11599  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
11600  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
11601  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11602  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
11603  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
11604  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11605  break;
11606  }
11607  case NODE_PositionInterpolator2D : {
11608  struct X3D_PositionInterpolator2D * tmp2;
11609  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator2D *) tmp;
11610  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
11611  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
11612  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11613  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
11614  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;;
11615  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11616  break;
11617  }
11618  case NODE_PrimitivePickSensor : {
11619  struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor * tmp2;
11620  tmp2 = (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor *) tmp;
11621  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
11622  tmp2->enabled = FALSE;
11623  tmp2->intersectionType = newASCIIString("BOUNDS");
11624  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
11625  tmp2->matchCriterion = newASCIIString("MATCH_ANY");
11626  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11627  tmp2->objectType.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*3);tmp2->objectType.p[0] = newASCIIString("ALL");tmp2->objectType.p[1] = newASCIIString("NONE");tmp2->objectType.p[2] = newASCIIString("TERRAIN");tmp2->objectType.n=3; ;
11628  tmp2->pickTarget.n=0; tmp2->pickTarget.p=0;
11629  tmp2->pickedGeometry.n=0; tmp2->pickedGeometry.p=0;
11630  tmp2->pickingGeometry = NULL;
11631  tmp2->sortOrder = newASCIIString("CLOSEST");
11632  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11633  break;
11634  }
11635  case NODE_ProgramShader : {
11636  struct X3D_ProgramShader * tmp2;
11637  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ProgramShader *) tmp;
11638  tmp2->_initialized = FALSE;
11639  tmp2->_retrievedURLData = FALSE;
11640  tmp2->_shaderLoadThread = _THREAD_NULL_;
11641  tmp2->_shaderUserNumber = -1;
11642  tmp2->activate = 0;
11643  tmp2->isSelected = TRUE;
11644  tmp2->isValid = TRUE;
11645  tmp2->language = newASCIIString("");
11646  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11647  tmp2->programs.n=0; tmp2->programs.p=0;
11648  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_shaders;
11649  break;
11650  }
11651  case NODE_ProjectionVolumeStyle : {
11652  struct X3D_ProjectionVolumeStyle * tmp2;
11653  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ProjectionVolumeStyle *) tmp;
11654  tmp2->_type = 0;
11655  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
11656  tmp2->intensityThreshold = 0.0f;
11657  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11658  tmp2->type = newASCIIString("MAX");
11659  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_renderStyle;
11660  break;
11661  }
11662  case NODE_Proto : {
11663  struct X3D_Proto * tmp2;
11664  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Proto *) tmp;
11665  tmp2->__DEFnames = 0;
11666  tmp2->__EXPORTS = 0;
11667  tmp2->__GC = 0;
11668  tmp2->__IMPORTS = 0;
11669  tmp2->__IS = 0;
11670  tmp2->__ROUTES = 0;
11671  tmp2->__afterPound = 0;
11672  tmp2->__children.n=0; tmp2->__children.p=0;
11673  tmp2->__externProtoDeclares = 0;
11674  tmp2->__loadResource = 0;
11675  tmp2->__loadstatus = 0;
11676  tmp2->__nodes = 0;
11677  tmp2->__oldload = FALSE;
11678  tmp2->__oldurl.n=0; tmp2->__oldurl.p=0;
11679  tmp2->__parentProto = NULL;
11680  tmp2->__protoDeclares = 0;
11681  tmp2->__protoDef = 0;
11682  tmp2->__protoFlags = 0;
11683  tmp2->__prototype = NULL;
11684  tmp2->__scripts = 0;
11685  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
11686  tmp2->__subcontexts = 0;
11687  tmp2->__typename = 0;
11688  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
11689  tmp2->_sortedChildren.n=0; tmp2->_sortedChildren.p=0;
11690  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
11691  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
11692  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
11693  tmp2->load = TRUE;
11694  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11695  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
11696  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
11697  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11698  break;
11699  }
11700  case NODE_ProximitySensor : {
11701  struct X3D_ProximitySensor * tmp2;
11702  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ProximitySensor *) tmp;
11703  tmp2->__hit = 0;
11704  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
11705  tmp2->__t1.c[0] = 10000000.0f;tmp2->__t1.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__t1.c[2] = 0.0f;
11706  tmp2->__t2.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__t2.c[1] = 1;tmp2->__t2.c[2] = 0;tmp2->__t2.c[3] = 0;;
11707  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[2] = 0.0f;
11708  tmp2->centerOfRotation_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->centerOfRotation_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->centerOfRotation_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
11709  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
11710  tmp2->enterTime = -1;
11711  tmp2->exitTime = -1;
11712  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
11713  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11714  tmp2->orientation_changed.c[0] = 0;tmp2->orientation_changed.c[1] = 0;tmp2->orientation_changed.c[2] = 1;tmp2->orientation_changed.c[3] = 0;;
11715  tmp2->position_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->position_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->position_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
11716  tmp2->size.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->size.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->size.c[2] = 0.0f;
11717  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11718  break;
11719  }
11720  case NODE_QuadSet : {
11721  struct X3D_QuadSet * tmp2;
11722  tmp2 = (struct X3D_QuadSet *) tmp;
11723  tmp2->_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->_coordIndex.p=0;
11724  tmp2->attrib.n=0; tmp2->attrib.p=0;
11725  tmp2->ccw = TRUE;
11726  tmp2->color = NULL;
11727  tmp2->colorPerVertex = TRUE;
11728  tmp2->coord = NULL;
11729  tmp2->fogCoord = NULL;
11730  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11731  tmp2->normal = NULL;
11732  tmp2->normalPerVertex = TRUE;
11733  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
11734  tmp2->texCoord = NULL;
11735  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
11736  break;
11737  }
11738  case NODE_ReceiverPdu : {
11739  struct X3D_ReceiverPdu * tmp2;
11740  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu *) tmp;
11741  tmp2->address = newASCIIString("localhost");
11742  tmp2->applicationID = 1;
11743  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
11744  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
11745  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
11746  tmp2->entityID = 0;
11747  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
11748  tmp2->isNetworkReader = FALSE;
11749  tmp2->isNetworkWriter = FALSE;
11750  tmp2->isRtpHeaderHeard = FALSE;
11751  tmp2->isStandAlone = FALSE;
11752  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11753  tmp2->multicastRelayHost = newASCIIString("");
11754  tmp2->multicastRelayPort = 0;
11755  tmp2->networkMode = newASCIIString("standAlone");
11756  tmp2->port = 0;
11757  tmp2->radioID = 0;
11758  tmp2->readInterval = 0.1f;
11759  tmp2->receivedPower = 0.0f;
11760  tmp2->receiverState = 0;
11761  tmp2->rtpHeaderExpected = FALSE;
11762  tmp2->siteID = 0;
11763  tmp2->timestamp = 0;
11764  tmp2->transmitterApplicationID = 1;
11765  tmp2->transmitterEntityID = 0;
11766  tmp2->transmitterRadioID = 0;
11767  tmp2->transmitterSiteID = 0;
11768  tmp2->whichGeometry = 1;
11769  tmp2->writeInterval = 1.0f;
11770  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11771  break;
11772  }
11773  case NODE_Rectangle2D : {
11774  struct X3D_Rectangle2D * tmp2;
11775  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Rectangle2D *) tmp;
11776  tmp2->__numPoints = 0;
11777  tmp2->__points.n=0; tmp2->__points.p=0;
11778  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11779  tmp2->size.c[0] = 2.0f;tmp2->size.c[1] = 2.0f;;
11780  tmp2->solid = FALSE;
11781  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
11782  break;
11783  }
11784  case NODE_RigidBody : {
11785  struct X3D_RigidBody * tmp2;
11786  tmp2 = (struct X3D_RigidBody *) tmp;
11787  tmp2->__old_angularVelocity.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_angularVelocity.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_angularVelocity.c[2] = 0.0f;
11788  tmp2->__old_centerOfMass.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_centerOfMass.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_centerOfMass.c[2] = 0.0f;
11789  tmp2->__old_finiteRotationAxis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_finiteRotationAxis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_finiteRotationAxis.c[2] = 0.0f;
11790  tmp2->__old_linearVelocity.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_linearVelocity.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_linearVelocity.c[2] = 0.0f;
11791  tmp2->__old_orientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__old_orientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->__old_orientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->__old_orientation.c[3] = 0;;
11792  tmp2->__old_position.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_position.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_position.c[2] = 0.0f;
11793  tmp2->_body = 0;
11794  tmp2->_geomIdentityTransform = 0;
11795  tmp2->angularDampingFactor = 0.001f;
11796  tmp2->angularVelocity.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->angularVelocity.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->angularVelocity.c[2] = 0.0f;
11797  tmp2->autoDamp = FALSE;
11798  tmp2->autoDisable = FALSE;
11799  tmp2->centerOfMass.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->centerOfMass.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->centerOfMass.c[2] = 0.0f;
11800  tmp2->disableAngularSpeed = 0.0f;
11801  tmp2->disableLinearSpeed = 0.0f;
11802  tmp2->disableTime = 0.0f;
11803  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
11804  tmp2->finiteRotationAxis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->finiteRotationAxis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->finiteRotationAxis.c[2] = 0.0f;
11805  tmp2->fixed = FALSE;
11806  tmp2->forces.n=0; tmp2->forces.p=0;
11807  tmp2->geometry.n=0; tmp2->geometry.p=0;
11808  tmp2->inertia.c[0] = 1;tmp2->inertia.c[1] = 0;tmp2->inertia.c[2] = 0;tmp2->inertia.c[3] = 0;tmp2->inertia.c[4] = 1;tmp2->inertia.c[5] = 0;tmp2->inertia.c[6] = 0;tmp2->inertia.c[7] = 0;tmp2->inertia.c[8] = 1;;
11809  tmp2->linearDampingFactor = 0.001f;
11810  tmp2->linearVelocity.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->linearVelocity.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->linearVelocity.c[2] = 0.0f;
11811  tmp2->mass = 1.0f;
11812  tmp2->massDensityModel = NULL;
11813  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11814  tmp2->orientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->orientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->orientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->orientation.c[3] = 0;;
11815  tmp2->position.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[2] = 0.0f;
11816  tmp2->torques.n=0; tmp2->torques.p=0;
11817  tmp2->useFiniteRotation = FALSE;
11818  tmp2->useGlobalGravity = TRUE;
11819  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_bodies;
11820  break;
11821  }
11822  case NODE_RigidBodyCollection : {
11823  struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection * tmp2;
11824  tmp2 = (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection *) tmp;
11825  tmp2->_group = 0;
11826  tmp2->_world = 0;
11827  tmp2->autoDisable = FALSE;
11828  tmp2->bodies.n=0; tmp2->bodies.p=0;
11829  tmp2->collider = NULL;
11830  tmp2->constantForceMix = 0.0001f;
11831  tmp2->contactSurfaceThickness = 0.0f;
11832  tmp2->disableAngularSpeed = 0.0f;
11833  tmp2->disableLinearSpeed = 0.0f;
11834  tmp2->disableTime = 0.0f;
11835  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
11836  tmp2->errorCorrection = 0.8f;
11837  tmp2->gravity.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->gravity.c[1] = -9.8f;tmp2->gravity.c[2] = 0.0f;
11838  tmp2->iterations = 10;
11839  tmp2->joints.n=0; tmp2->joints.p=0;
11840  tmp2->maxCorrectionSpeed = -1.8f;
11841  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11842  tmp2->preferAccuracy = FALSE;
11843  tmp2->set_contacts.n=0; tmp2->set_contacts.p=0;
11844  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11845  break;
11846  }
11847  case NODE_ScalarChaser : {
11848  struct X3D_ScalarChaser * tmp2;
11849  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ScalarChaser *) tmp;
11850  tmp2->_buffer = NULL;
11851  tmp2->_bufferendtime = 0;
11852  tmp2->_destination = 0.0f;
11853  tmp2->_p = NULL;
11854  tmp2->_previousvalue = 0.0f;
11855  tmp2->_steptime = 0;
11856  tmp2->_t = NULL;
11857  tmp2->duration = 1;
11858  tmp2->initialDestination = 0.0f;
11859  tmp2->initialValue = 0.0f;
11860  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
11861  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11862  tmp2->set_destination = 0.0f;
11863  tmp2->set_value = 0.0f;
11864  tmp2->value_changed = 0.0f;
11865  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11866  break;
11867  }
11868  case NODE_ScalarDamper : {
11869  struct X3D_ScalarDamper * tmp2;
11870  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ScalarDamper *) tmp;
11871  tmp2->_input = 0.0f;
11872  tmp2->_lasttick = 0;
11873  tmp2->_p = NULL;
11874  tmp2->_t = NULL;
11875  tmp2->_takefirstinput = TRUE;
11876  tmp2->_tau = 0.3;
11877  tmp2->_values = NULL;
11878  tmp2->initialDestination = 0.0f;
11879  tmp2->initialValue = 0.0f;
11880  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
11881  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11882  tmp2->order = 3;
11883  tmp2->set_destination = 0.0f;
11884  tmp2->set_value = 0.0f;
11885  tmp2->tau = 0.3;
11886  tmp2->tolerance = -1.0f;
11887  tmp2->value_changed = 0.0f;
11888  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11889  break;
11890  }
11891  case NODE_ScalarInterpolator : {
11892  struct X3D_ScalarInterpolator * tmp2;
11893  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ScalarInterpolator *) tmp;
11894  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
11895  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
11896  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11897  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
11898  tmp2->value_changed = 0.0f;
11899  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11900  break;
11901  }
11902  case NODE_ScreenFontStyle : {
11903  struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle * tmp2;
11904  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle *) tmp;
11905  tmp2->family.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*1);tmp2->family.p[0] = newASCIIString("SERIF");tmp2->family.n=1; ;
11906  tmp2->horizontal = TRUE;
11907  tmp2->justify.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*1);tmp2->justify.p[0] = newASCIIString("BEGIN");tmp2->justify.n=1; ;
11908  tmp2->language = newASCIIString("");
11909  tmp2->leftToRight = TRUE;
11910  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11911  tmp2->pointSize = 12.0f;
11912  tmp2->spacing = 1.0f;
11913  tmp2->style = newASCIIString("PLAIN");
11914  tmp2->topToBottom = TRUE;
11915  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_fontStyle;
11916  break;
11917  }
11918  case NODE_ScreenGroup : {
11919  struct X3D_ScreenGroup * tmp2;
11920  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ScreenGroup *) tmp;
11921  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
11922  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
11923  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
11924  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
11925  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
11926  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11927  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
11928  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11929  break;
11930  }
11931  case NODE_Script : {
11932  struct X3D_Script * tmp2;
11933  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Script *) tmp;
11934  tmp2->__scriptObj = 0;
11935  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
11936  tmp2->directOutput = FALSE;
11937  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11938  tmp2->mustEvaluate = FALSE;
11939  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
11940  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11941  break;
11942  }
11943  case NODE_SegmentedVolumeData : {
11944  struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData * tmp2;
11945  tmp2 = (struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData *) tmp;
11946  tmp2->_boxtris = NULL;
11947  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
11948  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
11949  tmp2->dimensions.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->dimensions.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->dimensions.c[2] = 1.0f;
11950  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11951  tmp2->renderStyle.n=0; tmp2->renderStyle.p=0;
11952  tmp2->segmentEnabled.n=0; tmp2->segmentEnabled.p=0;
11953  tmp2->segmentIdentifiers = NULL;
11954  tmp2->voxels = NULL;
11955  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
11956  break;
11957  }
11958  case NODE_ShadedVolumeStyle : {
11959  struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle * tmp2;
11960  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle *) tmp;
11961  tmp2->_phaseFunction = 0;
11962  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
11963  tmp2->lighting = FALSE;
11964  tmp2->material = NULL;
11965  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11966  tmp2->phaseFunction = newASCIIString("Henyey-Greenstein");
11967  tmp2->shadows = FALSE;
11968  tmp2->surfaceNormals = NULL;
11969  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_renderStyle;
11970  break;
11971  }
11972  case NODE_ShaderPart : {
11973  struct X3D_ShaderPart * tmp2;
11974  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ShaderPart *) tmp;
11975  tmp2->__loadResource = 0;
11976  tmp2->__loadstatus = 0;
11977  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
11978  tmp2->_shaderUserDefinedFields = NULL;
11979  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11980  tmp2->type = newASCIIString("VERTEX");
11981  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
11982  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_parts;
11983  break;
11984  }
11985  case NODE_ShaderProgram : {
11986  struct X3D_ShaderProgram * tmp2;
11987  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ShaderProgram *) tmp;
11988  tmp2->__loadResource = 0;
11989  tmp2->__loadstatus = 0;
11990  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
11991  tmp2->_shaderUserDefinedFields = NULL;
11992  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
11993  tmp2->type = newASCIIString("");
11994  tmp2->url.n=0; tmp2->url.p=0;
11995  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_programs;
11996  break;
11997  }
11998  case NODE_Shape : {
11999  struct X3D_Shape * tmp2;
12000  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Shape *) tmp;
12001  tmp2->__Samples = -1;
12002  tmp2->__occludeCheckCount = -1;
12003  tmp2->__visible = 0;
12004  tmp2->_shaderflags_base = 0;
12005  tmp2->_shaderflags_effects = 0;
12006  tmp2->_shaderflags_usershaders = 0;
12007  tmp2->appearance = NULL;
12008  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
12009  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
12010  tmp2->geometry = NULL;
12011  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12012  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children + (FIELDNAMES_shape << 10);
12013  break;
12014  }
12015  case NODE_SignalPdu : {
12016  struct X3D_SignalPdu * tmp2;
12017  tmp2 = (struct X3D_SignalPdu *) tmp;
12018  tmp2->address = newASCIIString("localhost");
12019  tmp2->applicationID = 1;
12020  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
12021  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
12022  tmp2->data.n=0; tmp2->data.p=0;
12023  tmp2->dataLength = 0;
12024  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
12025  tmp2->encodingScheme = 0;
12026  tmp2->entityID = 0;
12027  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
12028  tmp2->isNetworkReader = FALSE;
12029  tmp2->isNetworkWriter = FALSE;
12030  tmp2->isRtpHeaderHeard = FALSE;
12031  tmp2->isStandAlone = FALSE;
12032  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12033  tmp2->multicastRelayHost = newASCIIString("");
12034  tmp2->multicastRelayPort = 0;
12035  tmp2->networkMode = newASCIIString("standAlone");
12036  tmp2->port = 0;
12037  tmp2->radioID = 0;
12038  tmp2->readInterval = 0.1f;
12039  tmp2->rtpHeaderExpected = FALSE;
12040  tmp2->sampleRate = 0;
12041  tmp2->samples = 0;
12042  tmp2->siteID = 0;
12043  tmp2->tdlType = 0;
12044  tmp2->timestamp = FALSE;
12045  tmp2->whichGeometry = 1;
12046  tmp2->writeInterval = 1.0f;
12047  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12048  break;
12049  }
12050  case NODE_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle : {
12052  tmp2 = (struct X3D_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle *) tmp;
12053  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
12054  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12055  tmp2->silhouetteBoundaryOpacity = 0.0f;
12056  tmp2->silhouetteRetainedOpacity = 1.0f;
12057  tmp2->silhouetteSharpness = 0.5f;
12058  tmp2->surfaceNormals = NULL;
12059  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_renderStyle;
12060  break;
12061  }
12062  case NODE_SingleAxisHingeJoint : {
12063  struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint * tmp2;
12064  tmp2 = (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint *) tmp;
12065  tmp2->__old_anchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_anchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_anchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
12066  tmp2->__old_axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_axis.c[2] = 0.0f;
12067  tmp2->__old_body1 = NULL;
12068  tmp2->__old_body2 = NULL;
12069  tmp2->_forceout = 0;
12070  tmp2->_joint = 0;
12071  tmp2->anchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->anchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->anchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
12072  tmp2->angle = 0.0f;
12073  tmp2->angleRate = 0.0f;
12074  tmp2->axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->axis.c[2] = 1.0f;
12075  tmp2->body1 = NULL;
12076  tmp2->body1AnchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->body1AnchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->body1AnchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
12077  tmp2->body2 = NULL;
12078  tmp2->body2AnchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->body2AnchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->body2AnchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
12079  tmp2->forceOutput.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*1);tmp2->forceOutput.p[0] = newASCIIString("NONE");tmp2->forceOutput.n=1; ;
12080  tmp2->maxAngle = PIF+.0f;
12081  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12082  tmp2->minAngle = -PIF+.0f;
12083  tmp2->stopBounce = 0.0f;
12084  tmp2->stopErrorCorrection = 0.8f;
12085  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_joints;
12086  break;
12087  }
12088  case NODE_SliderJoint : {
12089  struct X3D_SliderJoint * tmp2;
12090  tmp2 = (struct X3D_SliderJoint *) tmp;
12091  tmp2->__old_axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_axis.c[2] = 0.0f;
12092  tmp2->__old_body1 = NULL;
12093  tmp2->__old_body2 = NULL;
12094  tmp2->_forceout = 0;
12095  tmp2->_joint = 0;
12096  tmp2->axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->axis.c[2] = 0.0f;
12097  tmp2->body1 = NULL;
12098  tmp2->body2 = NULL;
12099  tmp2->forceOutput.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*1);tmp2->forceOutput.p[0] = newASCIIString("NONE");tmp2->forceOutput.n=1; ;
12100  tmp2->maxSeparation = 1.0f;
12101  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12102  tmp2->minSeparation = 0.0f;
12103  tmp2->separation = 0.0f;
12104  tmp2->separationRate = 0.0f;
12105  tmp2->sliderForce = 0.0f;
12106  tmp2->stopBounce = 0.0f;
12107  tmp2->stopErrorCorrection = 1.0f;
12108  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_joints;
12109  break;
12110  }
12111  case NODE_Sound : {
12112  struct X3D_Sound * tmp2;
12113  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Sound *) tmp;
12114  tmp2->__lastlocation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__lastlocation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__lastlocation.c[2] = 0.0f;
12115  tmp2->__lasttime = 0;
12116  tmp2->__sourceNumber = -1;
12117  tmp2->direction.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->direction.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->direction.c[2] = 1.0f;
12118  tmp2->intensity = 1.0f;
12119  tmp2->location.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->location.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->location.c[2] = 0.0f;
12120  tmp2->maxBack = 10.0f;
12121  tmp2->maxFront = 10.0f;
12122  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12123  tmp2->minBack = 1.0f;
12124  tmp2->minFront = 1.0f;
12125  tmp2->priority = 0.0f;
12126  tmp2->source = NULL;
12127  tmp2->spatialize = FALSE;
12128  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12129  break;
12130  }
12131  case NODE_Sphere : {
12132  struct X3D_Sphere * tmp2;
12133  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Sphere *) tmp;
12134  tmp2->__SphereIndxVBO = 0;
12135  tmp2->__pindices = 0;
12136  tmp2->__points.n=0; tmp2->__points.p=0;
12137  tmp2->__wireindicesVBO = 0;
12138  tmp2->_sideVBO = 0;
12139  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12140  tmp2->radius = 1.0f;
12141  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
12142  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
12143  break;
12144  }
12145  case NODE_SphereSensor : {
12146  struct X3D_SphereSensor * tmp2;
12147  tmp2 = (struct X3D_SphereSensor *) tmp;
12148  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
12149  tmp2->_oldrotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_oldrotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_oldrotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->_oldrotation.c[3] = 0;;
12150  tmp2->_oldtrackPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldtrackPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldtrackPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
12151  tmp2->_origNormalizedPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_origNormalizedPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_origNormalizedPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
12152  tmp2->_origPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_origPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_origPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
12153  tmp2->_radius = 0.0f;
12154  tmp2->autoOffset = TRUE;
12155  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
12156  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
12157  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
12158  tmp2->isOver = FALSE;
12159  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12160  tmp2->offset.c[0] = 0;tmp2->offset.c[1] = 1;tmp2->offset.c[2] = 0;tmp2->offset.c[3] = 0;;
12161  tmp2->rotation_changed.c[0] = 0;tmp2->rotation_changed.c[1] = 0;tmp2->rotation_changed.c[2] = 1;tmp2->rotation_changed.c[3] = 0;;
12162  tmp2->trackPoint_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->trackPoint_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->trackPoint_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
12163  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12164  break;
12165  }
12166  case NODE_SplinePositionInterpolator : {
12167  struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator * tmp2;
12168  tmp2 = (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator *) tmp;
12169  tmp2->_T0.n=0; tmp2->_T0.p=0;
12170  tmp2->_T1.n=0; tmp2->_T1.p=0;
12171  tmp2->closed = FALSE;
12172  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
12173  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
12174  tmp2->keyVelocity.n=0; tmp2->keyVelocity.p=0;
12175  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12176  tmp2->normalizeVelocity = FALSE;
12177  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
12178  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
12179  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12180  break;
12181  }
12182  case NODE_SplinePositionInterpolator2D : {
12183  struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D * tmp2;
12184  tmp2 = (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D *) tmp;
12185  tmp2->_T0.n=0; tmp2->_T0.p=0;
12186  tmp2->_T1.n=0; tmp2->_T1.p=0;
12187  tmp2->closed = FALSE;
12188  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
12189  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
12190  tmp2->keyVelocity.n=0; tmp2->keyVelocity.p=0;
12191  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12192  tmp2->normalizeVelocity = FALSE;
12193  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
12194  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;;
12195  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12196  break;
12197  }
12198  case NODE_SplineScalarInterpolator : {
12199  struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator * tmp2;
12200  tmp2 = (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator *) tmp;
12201  tmp2->_T0.n=0; tmp2->_T0.p=0;
12202  tmp2->_T1.n=0; tmp2->_T1.p=0;
12203  tmp2->closed = FALSE;
12204  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
12205  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
12206  tmp2->keyVelocity.n=0; tmp2->keyVelocity.p=0;
12207  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12208  tmp2->normalizeVelocity = FALSE;
12209  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
12210  tmp2->value_changed = 0.0f;
12211  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12212  break;
12213  }
12214  case NODE_SpotLight : {
12215  struct X3D_SpotLight * tmp2;
12216  tmp2 = (struct X3D_SpotLight *) tmp;
12217  tmp2->_amb.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_amb.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_amb.c[2] = 0;tmp2->_amb.c[3] = 0;;
12218  tmp2->_col.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_col.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_col.c[2] = 0;tmp2->_col.c[3] = 0;;
12219  tmp2->_dir.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_dir.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_dir.c[2] = 0;tmp2->_dir.c[3] = 0;;
12220  tmp2->_loc.c[0] = 0;tmp2->_loc.c[1] = 0;tmp2->_loc.c[2] = 0;tmp2->_loc.c[3] = 0;;
12221  tmp2->ambientIntensity = 0.0f;
12222  tmp2->attenuation.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->attenuation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->attenuation.c[2] = 0.0f;
12223  tmp2->beamWidth = 1.570796f;
12224  tmp2->color.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->color.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->color.c[2] = 1.0f;;
12225  tmp2->cutOffAngle = 0.785398f;
12226  tmp2->direction.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->direction.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->direction.c[2] = -1.0f;
12227  tmp2->global = TRUE;
12228  tmp2->intensity = 1.0f;
12229  tmp2->location.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->location.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->location.c[2] = 0.0f;
12230  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12231  tmp2->on = TRUE;
12232  tmp2->radius = 100.0f;
12233  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12234  break;
12235  }
12236  case NODE_SquadOrientationInterpolator : {
12237  struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator * tmp2;
12238  tmp2 = (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator *) tmp;
12239  tmp2->_normkey.n=0; tmp2->_normkey.p=0;
12240  tmp2->_normkeyValue.n=0; tmp2->_normkeyValue.p=0;
12241  tmp2->closed = FALSE;
12242  tmp2->key.n=0; tmp2->key.p=0;
12243  tmp2->keyValue.n=0; tmp2->keyValue.p=0;
12244  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12245  tmp2->normalizeVelocity = FALSE;
12246  tmp2->set_fraction = 0.0f;
12247  tmp2->value_changed.c[0] = 0;tmp2->value_changed.c[1] = 0;tmp2->value_changed.c[2] = 1;tmp2->value_changed.c[3] = 0;;
12248  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12249  break;
12250  }
12251  case NODE_StaticGroup : {
12252  struct X3D_StaticGroup * tmp2;
12253  tmp2 = (struct X3D_StaticGroup *) tmp;
12254  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
12255  tmp2->__solid = -1;
12256  tmp2->__transparency = -1;
12257  tmp2->_sortedChildren.n=0; tmp2->_sortedChildren.p=0;
12258  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
12259  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
12260  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
12261  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12262  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12263  break;
12264  }
12265  case NODE_StringSensor : {
12266  struct X3D_StringSensor * tmp2;
12267  tmp2 = (struct X3D_StringSensor *) tmp;
12268  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
12269  tmp2->_initialized = FALSE;
12270  tmp2->deletionAllowed = TRUE;
12271  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
12272  tmp2->enteredText = newASCIIString("");
12273  tmp2->finalText = newASCIIString("");
12274  tmp2->isActive = TRUE;
12275  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12276  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12277  break;
12278  }
12279  case NODE_SurfaceEmitter : {
12280  struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter * tmp2;
12281  tmp2 = (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter *) tmp;
12282  tmp2->_ifs = NULL;
12283  tmp2->coordIndex.p = MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*1);
12284  tmp2->coordIndex.p[0] = -1;
12285  tmp2->coordIndex.n=1;;
12286  tmp2->geometry = NULL;
12287  tmp2->mass = 0.0f;
12288  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12289  tmp2->set_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->set_coordIndex.p=0;
12290  tmp2->speed = 0.0f;
12291  tmp2->surface = NULL;
12292  tmp2->surfaceArea = 0.0f;
12293  tmp2->variation = 0.25f;
12294  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_emitter;
12295  break;
12296  }
12297  case NODE_Switch : {
12298  struct X3D_Switch * tmp2;
12299  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Switch *) tmp;
12300  tmp2->__isX3D = (inputFileVersion[0]==3);
12301  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
12302  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
12303  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
12304  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
12305  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
12306  tmp2->choice.n=0; tmp2->choice.p=0;
12307  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12308  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
12309  tmp2->whichChoice = -1;
12310  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12311  break;
12312  }
12313  case NODE_Teapot : {
12314  struct X3D_Teapot * tmp2;
12315  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Teapot *) tmp;
12316  tmp2->__ifsnode = 0;
12317  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12318  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
12319  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
12320  break;
12321  }
12322  case NODE_TexCoordChaser2D : {
12323  struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D * tmp2;
12324  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D *) tmp;
12325  tmp2->_buffer = NULL;
12326  tmp2->_bufferendtime = 0;
12327  tmp2->_destination.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec2f *, sizeof(struct SFVec2f)*1);
12328  tmp2->_destination.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
12329  tmp2->_destination.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
12330  tmp2->_destination.n=1;
12331  tmp2->_p = NULL;
12332  tmp2->_previousvalue.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec2f *, sizeof(struct SFVec2f)*1);
12333  tmp2->_previousvalue.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
12334  tmp2->_previousvalue.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
12335  tmp2->_previousvalue.n=1;
12336  tmp2->_steptime = 0;
12337  tmp2->_t = NULL;
12338  tmp2->duration = 1;
12339  tmp2->initialDestination.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec2f *, sizeof(struct SFVec2f)*1);
12340  tmp2->initialDestination.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
12341  tmp2->initialDestination.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
12342  tmp2->initialDestination.n=1;
12343  tmp2->initialValue.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec2f *, sizeof(struct SFVec2f)*1);
12344  tmp2->initialValue.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
12345  tmp2->initialValue.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
12346  tmp2->initialValue.n=1;
12347  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
12348  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12349  tmp2->set_destination.n=0; tmp2->set_destination.p=0;
12350  tmp2->set_value.n=0; tmp2->set_value.p=0;
12351  tmp2->value_changed.n=0; tmp2->value_changed.p=0;
12352  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12353  break;
12354  }
12355  case NODE_TexCoordDamper2D : {
12356  struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D * tmp2;
12357  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D *) tmp;
12358  tmp2->_input.n=0; tmp2->_input.p=0;
12359  tmp2->_lasttick = 0;
12360  tmp2->_p = NULL;
12361  tmp2->_t = NULL;
12362  tmp2->_takefirstinput = TRUE;
12363  tmp2->_tau = 0.3;
12364  tmp2->_values = NULL;
12365  tmp2->initialDestination.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec2f *, sizeof(struct SFVec2f)*1);
12366  tmp2->initialDestination.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
12367  tmp2->initialDestination.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
12368  tmp2->initialDestination.n=1;
12369  tmp2->initialValue.p = MALLOC (struct SFVec2f *, sizeof(struct SFVec2f)*1);
12370  tmp2->initialValue.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
12371  tmp2->initialValue.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
12372  tmp2->initialValue.n=1;
12373  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
12374  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12375  tmp2->order = 3;
12376  tmp2->set_destination.n=0; tmp2->set_destination.p=0;
12377  tmp2->set_value.n=0; tmp2->set_value.p=0;
12378  tmp2->tau = 0.3;
12379  tmp2->tolerance = -1.0f;
12380  tmp2->value_changed.n=0; tmp2->value_changed.p=0;
12381  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12382  break;
12383  }
12384  case NODE_Text : {
12385  struct X3D_Text * tmp2;
12386  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Text *) tmp;
12387  tmp2->_isScreen = 0;
12388  tmp2->_screendata = 0;
12389  tmp2->fontStyle = NULL;
12390  tmp2->length.n=0; tmp2->length.p=0;
12391  tmp2->lineBounds.n=0; tmp2->lineBounds.p=0;
12392  tmp2->maxExtent = 0.0f;
12393  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12394  tmp2->origin.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->origin.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->origin.c[2] = 0.0f;
12395  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
12396  tmp2->string.n=0; tmp2->string.p=0;
12397  tmp2->textBounds.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->textBounds.c[1] = 0.0f;;
12398  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
12399  break;
12400  }
12401  case NODE_TextureBackground : {
12402  struct X3D_TextureBackground * tmp2;
12403  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TextureBackground *) tmp;
12404  tmp2->__VBO = 0;
12405  tmp2->__colours.n=0; tmp2->__colours.p=0;
12406  tmp2->__points.n=0; tmp2->__points.p=0;
12407  tmp2->__quadcount = 0;
12408  tmp2->_layerId = 0;
12409  tmp2->_parentResource = getInputResource();
12410  tmp2->backTexture = NULL;
12411  tmp2->bindTime = 0;
12412  tmp2->bottomTexture = NULL;
12413  tmp2->frontTexture = NULL;
12414  tmp2->groundAngle.n=0; tmp2->groundAngle.p=0;
12415  tmp2->groundColor.n=0; tmp2->groundColor.p=0;
12416  tmp2->isBound = FALSE;
12417  tmp2->leftTexture = NULL;
12418  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12419  tmp2->rightTexture = NULL;
12420  tmp2->set_bind = 100;
12421  tmp2->skyAngle.n=0; tmp2->skyAngle.p=0;
12422  tmp2->skyColor.p = MALLOC (struct SFColor *, sizeof(struct SFColor)*1);
12424  tmp2->skyColor.p[0].c[0] = 0.0f;
12425  tmp2->skyColor.p[0].c[1] = 0.0f;
12426  tmp2->skyColor.p[0].c[2] = 0.0f;
12427  tmp2->skyColor.n=1;;
12428  tmp2->topTexture = NULL;
12429  tmp2->transparency.p = MALLOC (float *, sizeof(float)*1);
12430  tmp2->transparency.p[0] = 0.0f;
12431  tmp2->transparency.n=1;;
12432  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12433  break;
12434  }
12435  case NODE_TextureCoordinate : {
12436  struct X3D_TextureCoordinate * tmp2;
12437  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate *) tmp;
12438  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12439  tmp2->point.n=0; tmp2->point.p=0;
12440  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texCoord;
12441  break;
12442  }
12443  case NODE_TextureCoordinate3D : {
12444  struct X3D_TextureCoordinate3D * tmp2;
12445  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate3D *) tmp;
12446  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12447  tmp2->point.n=0; tmp2->point.p=0;
12448  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texCoord;
12449  break;
12450  }
12451  case NODE_TextureCoordinate4D : {
12452  struct X3D_TextureCoordinate4D * tmp2;
12453  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate4D *) tmp;
12454  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12455  tmp2->point.n=0; tmp2->point.p=0;
12456  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texCoord;
12457  break;
12458  }
12459  case NODE_TextureCoordinateGenerator : {
12460  struct X3D_TextureCoordinateGenerator * tmp2;
12461  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TextureCoordinateGenerator *) tmp;
12462  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12463  tmp2->mode = newASCIIString("SPHERE");
12464  tmp2->parameter.n=0; tmp2->parameter.p=0;
12465  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_texCoord;
12466  break;
12467  }
12468  case NODE_TextureProperties : {
12469  struct X3D_TextureProperties * tmp2;
12470  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TextureProperties *) tmp;
12471  tmp2->anisotropicDegree = 1.0f;
12472  tmp2->borderColor.c[0] = 0;tmp2->borderColor.c[1] = 0;tmp2->borderColor.c[2] = 0;tmp2->borderColor.c[3] = 0;;
12473  tmp2->borderWidth = 0;
12474  tmp2->boundaryModeR = newASCIIString("REPEAT");
12475  tmp2->boundaryModeS = newASCIIString("REPEAT");
12476  tmp2->boundaryModeT = newASCIIString("REPEAT");
12477  tmp2->generateMipMaps = FALSE;
12478  tmp2->magnificationFilter = newASCIIString("FASTEST");
12479  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12480  tmp2->minificationFilter = newASCIIString("FASTEST");
12481  tmp2->textureCompression = newASCIIString("FASTEST");
12482  tmp2->texturePriority = 0.0f;
12483  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_textureProperties;
12484  break;
12485  }
12486  case NODE_TextureTransform : {
12487  struct X3D_TextureTransform * tmp2;
12488  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TextureTransform *) tmp;
12489  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0.0f;;
12490  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12491  tmp2->rotation = 0.0f;
12492  tmp2->scale.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[1] = 1.0f;;
12493  tmp2->translation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[1] = 0.0f;;
12494  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_textureTransform;
12495  break;
12496  }
12497  case NODE_TextureTransform3D : {
12498  struct X3D_TextureTransform3D * tmp2;
12499  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TextureTransform3D *) tmp;
12500  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[2] = 0.0f;
12501  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12502  tmp2->rotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->rotation.c[3] = 0;;
12503  tmp2->scale.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[2] = 1.0f;
12504  tmp2->translation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[2] = 0.0f;
12505  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_textureTransform;
12506  break;
12507  }
12508  case NODE_TextureTransformMatrix3D : {
12509  struct X3D_TextureTransformMatrix3D * tmp2;
12510  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TextureTransformMatrix3D *) tmp;
12511  tmp2->matrix.c[0] = 1;tmp2->matrix.c[1] = 0;tmp2->matrix.c[2] = 0;tmp2->matrix.c[3] = 0;tmp2->matrix.c[4] = 0;tmp2->matrix.c[5] = 1;tmp2->matrix.c[6] = 0;tmp2->matrix.c[7] = 0;tmp2->matrix.c[8] = 0;tmp2->matrix.c[9] = 0;tmp2->matrix.c[10] = 1;tmp2->matrix.c[11] = 0;tmp2->matrix.c[12] = 0;tmp2->matrix.c[13] = 0;tmp2->matrix.c[14] = 0;tmp2->matrix.c[15] = 1;;
12512  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12513  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_textureTransform;
12514  break;
12515  }
12516  case NODE_TimeSensor : {
12517  struct X3D_TimeSensor * tmp2;
12518  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TimeSensor *) tmp;
12519  tmp2->__ctflag = 10;
12520  tmp2->__inittime = 0;
12521  tmp2->__lasttime = 0;
12522  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
12523  tmp2->cycleInterval = 1;
12524  tmp2->cycleTime = -1;
12525  tmp2->elapsedTime = 0;
12526  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
12527  tmp2->fraction_changed = 0.0f;
12528  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
12529  tmp2->isPaused = 0;
12530  tmp2->loop = FALSE;
12531  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12532  tmp2->pauseTime = 0;
12533  tmp2->resumeTime = 0;
12534  tmp2->startTime = 0;
12535  tmp2->stopTime = 0;
12536  tmp2->time = -1;
12537  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12538  break;
12539  }
12540  case NODE_TimeTrigger : {
12541  struct X3D_TimeTrigger * tmp2;
12542  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TimeTrigger *) tmp;
12543  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12544  tmp2->set_boolean = 0;
12545  tmp2->triggerTime = 0;
12546  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12547  break;
12548  }
12549  case NODE_ToneMappedVolumeStyle : {
12550  struct X3D_ToneMappedVolumeStyle * tmp2;
12551  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ToneMappedVolumeStyle *) tmp;
12552  tmp2->coolColor.c[0] = 0;tmp2->coolColor.c[1] = 0;tmp2->coolColor.c[2] = 1;tmp2->coolColor.c[3] = 0;;
12553  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
12554  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12555  tmp2->surfaceNormals = NULL;
12556  tmp2->warmColor.c[0] = 1;tmp2->warmColor.c[1] = 1;tmp2->warmColor.c[2] = 0;tmp2->warmColor.c[3] = 1;;
12557  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_renderStyle;
12558  break;
12559  }
12560  case NODE_TouchSensor : {
12561  struct X3D_TouchSensor * tmp2;
12562  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TouchSensor *) tmp;
12563  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
12564  tmp2->_oldhitNormal.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldhitNormal.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldhitNormal.c[2] = 0.0f;
12565  tmp2->_oldhitPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldhitPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldhitPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
12566  tmp2->_oldhitTexCoord.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->_oldhitTexCoord.c[1] = 0.0f;;
12567  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
12568  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
12569  tmp2->hitNormal_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->hitNormal_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->hitNormal_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
12570  tmp2->hitPoint_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->hitPoint_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->hitPoint_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
12571  tmp2->hitTexCoord_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->hitTexCoord_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;;
12572  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
12573  tmp2->isOver = FALSE;
12574  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12575  tmp2->touchTime = -1;
12576  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12577  break;
12578  }
12579  case NODE_TrackingSensor : {
12580  struct X3D_TrackingSensor * tmp2;
12581  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TrackingSensor *) tmp;
12582  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
12583  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
12584  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
12585  tmp2->isPositionAvailable = FALSE;
12586  tmp2->isRotationAvailable = FALSE;
12587  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12588  tmp2->position.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[2] = 0.0f;
12589  tmp2->rotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->rotation.c[3] = 0;;
12590  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12591  break;
12592  }
12593  case NODE_Transform : {
12594  struct X3D_Transform * tmp2;
12595  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Transform *) tmp;
12596  tmp2->__do_anything = FALSE;
12597  tmp2->__do_center = FALSE;
12598  tmp2->__do_rotation = FALSE;
12599  tmp2->__do_scale = FALSE;
12600  tmp2->__do_scaleO = FALSE;
12601  tmp2->__do_trans = FALSE;
12602  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
12603  tmp2->_sortedChildren.n=0; tmp2->_sortedChildren.p=0;
12604  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
12605  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
12606  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
12607  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[2] = 0.0f;
12608  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
12609  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12610  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
12611  tmp2->rotation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->rotation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->rotation.c[3] = 0;;
12612  tmp2->scale.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->scale.c[2] = 1.0f;
12613  tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->scaleOrientation.c[3] = 0;;
12614  tmp2->translation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->translation.c[2] = 0.0f;
12615  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12616  break;
12617  }
12618  case NODE_TransformSensor : {
12619  struct X3D_TransformSensor * tmp2;
12620  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TransformSensor *) tmp;
12621  tmp2->__hit = 0;
12622  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
12623  tmp2->__t1.c[0] = 10000000.0f;tmp2->__t1.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__t1.c[2] = 0.0f;
12624  tmp2->__t2.c[0] = 0;tmp2->__t2.c[1] = 1;tmp2->__t2.c[2] = 0;tmp2->__t2.c[3] = 0;;
12625  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[2] = 0.0f;
12626  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
12627  tmp2->enterTime = -1;
12628  tmp2->exitTime = -1;
12629  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
12630  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12631  tmp2->orientation_changed.c[0] = 0;tmp2->orientation_changed.c[1] = 0;tmp2->orientation_changed.c[2] = 1;tmp2->orientation_changed.c[3] = 0;;
12632  tmp2->position_changed.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->position_changed.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->position_changed.c[2] = 0.0f;
12633  tmp2->size.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->size.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->size.c[2] = 0.0f;
12634  tmp2->targetObject = NULL;
12635  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12636  break;
12637  }
12638  case NODE_TransmitterPdu : {
12639  struct X3D_TransmitterPdu * tmp2;
12640  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu *) tmp;
12641  tmp2->address = newASCIIString("localhost");
12642  tmp2->antennaLocation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->antennaLocation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->antennaLocation.c[2] = 0.0f;
12643  tmp2->antennaPatternLength = 0;
12644  tmp2->antennaPatternType = 0;
12645  tmp2->applicationID = 1;
12646  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
12647  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
12648  tmp2->cryptoKeyID = 0;
12649  tmp2->cryptoSystem = 0;
12650  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
12651  tmp2->entityID = 0;
12652  tmp2->frequency = 0;
12653  tmp2->inputSource = 0;
12654  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
12655  tmp2->isNetworkReader = FALSE;
12656  tmp2->isNetworkWriter = FALSE;
12657  tmp2->isRtpHeaderHeard = FALSE;
12658  tmp2->isStandAlone = FALSE;
12659  tmp2->lengthOfModulationParameters = 0;
12660  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12661  tmp2->modulationTypeDetail = 0;
12662  tmp2->modulationTypeMajor = 0;
12663  tmp2->modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum = 0;
12664  tmp2->modulationTypeSystem = 0;
12665  tmp2->multicastRelayHost = newASCIIString("");
12666  tmp2->multicastRelayPort = 0;
12667  tmp2->networkMode = newASCIIString("standAlone");
12668  tmp2->port = 0;
12669  tmp2->power = 0.0f;
12670  tmp2->radioEntityTypeCategory = 0;
12671  tmp2->radioEntityTypeCountry = 0;
12672  tmp2->radioEntityTypeDomain = 0;
12673  tmp2->radioEntityTypeKind = 0;
12674  tmp2->radioEntityTypeNomenclature = 0;
12675  tmp2->radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion = 0;
12676  tmp2->radioID = 0;
12677  tmp2->readInterval = 0.1f;
12678  tmp2->relativeAntennaLocation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->relativeAntennaLocation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->relativeAntennaLocation.c[2] = 0.0f;
12679  tmp2->rtpHeaderExpected = FALSE;
12680  tmp2->siteID = 0;
12681  tmp2->timestamp = 0;
12682  tmp2->transmitFrequencyBandwidth = 0.0f;
12683  tmp2->transmitState = 0;
12684  tmp2->whichGeometry = 1;
12685  tmp2->writeInterval = 1.0f;
12686  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12687  break;
12688  }
12689  case NODE_TriangleFanSet : {
12690  struct X3D_TriangleFanSet * tmp2;
12691  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet *) tmp;
12692  tmp2->_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->_coordIndex.p=0;
12693  tmp2->attrib.n=0; tmp2->attrib.p=0;
12694  tmp2->ccw = TRUE;
12695  tmp2->color = NULL;
12696  tmp2->colorPerVertex = TRUE;
12697  tmp2->coord = NULL;
12698  tmp2->fanCount.p = MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*1);
12699  tmp2->fanCount.p[0] = 3;
12700  tmp2->fanCount.n=1;;
12701  tmp2->fogCoord = NULL;
12702  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12703  tmp2->normal = NULL;
12704  tmp2->normalPerVertex = TRUE;
12705  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
12706  tmp2->texCoord = NULL;
12707  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
12708  break;
12709  }
12710  case NODE_TriangleSet : {
12711  struct X3D_TriangleSet * tmp2;
12712  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TriangleSet *) tmp;
12713  tmp2->_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->_coordIndex.p=0;
12714  tmp2->attrib.n=0; tmp2->attrib.p=0;
12715  tmp2->ccw = TRUE;
12716  tmp2->color = NULL;
12717  tmp2->colorPerVertex = TRUE;
12718  tmp2->coord = NULL;
12719  tmp2->fogCoord = NULL;
12720  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12721  tmp2->normal = NULL;
12722  tmp2->normalPerVertex = TRUE;
12723  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
12724  tmp2->texCoord = NULL;
12725  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
12726  break;
12727  }
12728  case NODE_TriangleSet2D : {
12729  struct X3D_TriangleSet2D * tmp2;
12730  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TriangleSet2D *) tmp;
12731  tmp2->__texCoords.n=0; tmp2->__texCoords.p=0;
12732  tmp2->__wireindices = 0;
12733  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12734  tmp2->solid = FALSE;
12735  tmp2->vertices.n=0; tmp2->vertices.p=0;
12736  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
12737  break;
12738  }
12739  case NODE_TriangleStripSet : {
12740  struct X3D_TriangleStripSet * tmp2;
12741  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet *) tmp;
12742  tmp2->_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->_coordIndex.p=0;
12743  tmp2->attrib.n=0; tmp2->attrib.p=0;
12744  tmp2->ccw = TRUE;
12745  tmp2->color = NULL;
12746  tmp2->colorPerVertex = TRUE;
12747  tmp2->coord = NULL;
12748  tmp2->fogCoord = NULL;
12749  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12750  tmp2->normal = NULL;
12751  tmp2->normalPerVertex = TRUE;
12752  tmp2->solid = TRUE;
12753  tmp2->stripCount.n=0; tmp2->stripCount.p=0;
12754  tmp2->texCoord = NULL;
12755  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_geometry;
12756  break;
12757  }
12758  case NODE_TwoSidedMaterial : {
12759  struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial * tmp2;
12760  tmp2 = (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial *) tmp;
12761  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p = MALLOC (float *, sizeof(float)*17);
12762  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[0] = 0.0f;
12763  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[1] = 0.0f;
12764  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[2] = 0.0f;
12765  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[3] = 0.0f;
12766  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[4] = 0.0f;
12767  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[5] = 0.0f;
12768  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[6] = 0.0f;
12769  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[7] = 0.0f;
12770  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[8] = 0.0f;
12771  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[9] = 0.0f;
12772  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[10] = 0.0f;
12773  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[11] = 0.0f;
12774  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[12] = 0.0f;
12775  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[13] = 0.0f;
12776  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[14] = 0.0f;
12777  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[15] = 0.0f;
12778  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.p[16] = 0.0f;
12779  tmp2->_verifiedBackColor.n=17;;
12780  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p = MALLOC (float *, sizeof(float)*17);
12781  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[0] = 0.0f;
12782  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[1] = 0.0f;
12783  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[2] = 0.0f;
12784  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[3] = 0.0f;
12785  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[4] = 0.0f;
12786  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[5] = 0.0f;
12787  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[6] = 0.0f;
12788  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[7] = 0.0f;
12789  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[8] = 0.0f;
12790  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[9] = 0.0f;
12791  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[10] = 0.0f;
12792  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[11] = 0.0f;
12793  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[12] = 0.0f;
12794  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[13] = 0.0f;
12795  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[14] = 0.0f;
12796  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[15] = 0.0f;
12797  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.p[16] = 0.0f;
12798  tmp2->_verifiedFrontColor.n=17;;
12799  tmp2->ambientIntensity = 0.2f;
12800  tmp2->backAmbientIntensity = 0.2f;
12801  tmp2->backDiffuseColor.c[0] = 0.8f;tmp2->backDiffuseColor.c[1] = 0.8f;tmp2->backDiffuseColor.c[2] = 0.8f;;
12802  tmp2->backEmissiveColor.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->backEmissiveColor.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->backEmissiveColor.c[2] = 0.0f;;
12803  tmp2->backShininess = 0.2f;
12804  tmp2->backSpecularColor.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->backSpecularColor.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->backSpecularColor.c[2] = 0.0f;;
12805  tmp2->backTransparency = 0.0f;
12806  tmp2->diffuseColor.c[0] = 0.8f;tmp2->diffuseColor.c[1] = 0.8f;tmp2->diffuseColor.c[2] = 0.8f;;
12807  tmp2->emissiveColor.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->emissiveColor.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->emissiveColor.c[2] = 0.0f;;
12808  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12809  tmp2->separateBackColor = FALSE;
12810  tmp2->shininess = 0.2f;
12811  tmp2->specularColor.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->specularColor.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->specularColor.c[2] = 0.0f;;
12812  tmp2->transparency = 0.0f;
12813  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_material;
12814  break;
12815  }
12816  case NODE_UniversalJoint : {
12817  struct X3D_UniversalJoint * tmp2;
12818  tmp2 = (struct X3D_UniversalJoint *) tmp;
12819  tmp2->__old_anchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_anchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_anchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
12820  tmp2->__old_axis1.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_axis1.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_axis1.c[2] = 0.0f;
12821  tmp2->__old_axis2.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_axis2.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->__old_axis2.c[2] = 0.0f;
12822  tmp2->__old_body1 = NULL;
12823  tmp2->__old_body2 = NULL;
12824  tmp2->_forceout = 0;
12825  tmp2->_joint = 0;
12826  tmp2->anchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->anchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->anchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
12827  tmp2->axis1.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->axis1.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->axis1.c[2] = 0.0f;
12828  tmp2->axis2.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->axis2.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->axis2.c[2] = 0.0f;
12829  tmp2->body1 = NULL;
12830  tmp2->body1AnchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->body1AnchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->body1AnchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
12831  tmp2->body1Axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->body1Axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->body1Axis.c[2] = 0.0f;
12832  tmp2->body2 = NULL;
12833  tmp2->body2AnchorPoint.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->body2AnchorPoint.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->body2AnchorPoint.c[2] = 0.0f;
12834  tmp2->body2Axis.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->body2Axis.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->body2Axis.c[2] = 0.0f;
12835  tmp2->forceOutput.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*1);tmp2->forceOutput.p[0] = newASCIIString("NONE");tmp2->forceOutput.n=1; ;
12836  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12837  tmp2->stop1Bounce = 0.0f;
12838  tmp2->stop1ErrorCorrection = 0.8f;
12839  tmp2->stop2Bounce = 0.0f;
12840  tmp2->stop2ErrorCorrection = 0.8f;
12841  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_joints;
12842  break;
12843  }
12844  case NODE_Viewpoint : {
12845  struct X3D_Viewpoint * tmp2;
12846  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Viewpoint *) tmp;
12847  tmp2->_donethispass = 0;
12848  tmp2->_layerId = 0;
12849  tmp2->aspectRatio = 0.785398f;
12850  tmp2->bindTime = -1;
12851  tmp2->centerOfRotation.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->centerOfRotation.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->centerOfRotation.c[2] = 0.0f;
12852  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
12853  tmp2->fieldOfView = 0.785398f;
12854  tmp2->fovMode = newASCIIString("");
12855  tmp2->isBound = FALSE;
12856  tmp2->jump = TRUE;
12857  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12858  tmp2->orientation.c[0] = 0;tmp2->orientation.c[1] = 0;tmp2->orientation.c[2] = 1;tmp2->orientation.c[3] = 0;;
12859  tmp2->position.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->position.c[2] = 10.0f;
12860  tmp2->retainUserOffsets = FALSE;
12861  tmp2->set_bind = 100;
12862  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12863  break;
12864  }
12865  case NODE_ViewpointGroup : {
12866  struct X3D_ViewpointGroup * tmp2;
12867  tmp2 = (struct X3D_ViewpointGroup *) tmp;
12868  tmp2->__proxNode = NULL;
12869  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[2] = 0.0f;
12870  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
12871  tmp2->description = newASCIIString("");
12872  tmp2->displayed = TRUE;
12873  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12874  tmp2->retainUserOffsets = FALSE;
12875  tmp2->size.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->size.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->size.c[2] = 0.0f;
12876  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12877  break;
12878  }
12879  case NODE_Viewport : {
12880  struct X3D_Viewport * tmp2;
12881  tmp2 = (struct X3D_Viewport *) tmp;
12882  tmp2->__sibAffectors.n=0; tmp2->__sibAffectors.p=0;
12883  tmp2->addChildren.n=0; tmp2->addChildren.p=0;
12884  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
12885  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
12886  tmp2->children.n=0; tmp2->children.p=0;
12887  tmp2->clipBoundary.n=0; tmp2->clipBoundary.p=0;
12888  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12889  tmp2->removeChildren.n=0; tmp2->removeChildren.p=0;
12890  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_viewport;
12891  break;
12892  }
12893  case NODE_VisibilitySensor : {
12894  struct X3D_VisibilitySensor * tmp2;
12895  tmp2 = (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor *) tmp;
12896  tmp2->__Samples = 0;
12897  tmp2->__occludeCheckCount = -1;
12898  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
12899  tmp2->__points.n=0; tmp2->__points.p=0;
12900  tmp2->__visible = 0;
12901  tmp2->center.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->center.c[2] = 0.0f;
12902  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
12903  tmp2->enterTime = -1;
12904  tmp2->exitTime = -1;
12905  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
12906  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12907  tmp2->size.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->size.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->size.c[2] = 0.0f;
12908  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12909  break;
12910  }
12911  case NODE_VolumeData : {
12912  struct X3D_VolumeData * tmp2;
12913  tmp2 = (struct X3D_VolumeData *) tmp;
12914  tmp2->_boxtris = NULL;
12915  tmp2->bboxCenter.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[1] = 0.0f;tmp2->bboxCenter.c[2] = 0.0f;
12916  tmp2->bboxSize.c[0] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[1] = -1.0f;tmp2->bboxSize.c[2] = -1.0f;
12917  tmp2->dimensions.c[0] = 1.0f;tmp2->dimensions.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->dimensions.c[2] = 1.0f;
12918  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12919  tmp2->renderStyle = NULL;
12920  tmp2->voxels = NULL;
12921  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12922  break;
12923  }
12924  case NODE_VolumeEmitter : {
12925  struct X3D_VolumeEmitter * tmp2;
12926  tmp2 = (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter *) tmp;
12927  tmp2->_ifs = NULL;
12928  tmp2->coord = NULL;
12929  tmp2->coordIndex.p = MALLOC (int *, sizeof(int)*1);
12930  tmp2->coordIndex.p[0] = -1;
12931  tmp2->coordIndex.n=1;;
12932  tmp2->direction.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->direction.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->direction.c[2] = 0.0f;
12933  tmp2->internal = TRUE;
12934  tmp2->mass = 0.0f;
12935  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12936  tmp2->set_coordIndex.n=0; tmp2->set_coordIndex.p=0;
12937  tmp2->speed = 0.0f;
12938  tmp2->surfaceArea = 0.0f;
12939  tmp2->variation = 0.25f;
12940  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_emitter;
12941  break;
12942  }
12943  case NODE_VolumePickSensor : {
12944  struct X3D_VolumePickSensor * tmp2;
12945  tmp2 = (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor *) tmp;
12946  tmp2->__oldEnabled = TRUE;
12947  tmp2->enabled = FALSE;
12948  tmp2->intersectionType = newASCIIString("BOUNDS");
12949  tmp2->isActive = FALSE;
12950  tmp2->matchCriterion = newASCIIString("MATCH_ANY");
12951  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12952  tmp2->objectType.p = MALLOC (struct Uni_String **, sizeof(struct Uni_String)*3);tmp2->objectType.p[0] = newASCIIString("ALL");tmp2->objectType.p[1] = newASCIIString("NONE");tmp2->objectType.p[2] = newASCIIString("TERRAIN");tmp2->objectType.n=3; ;
12953  tmp2->pickTarget.n=0; tmp2->pickTarget.p=0;
12954  tmp2->pickedGeometry.n=0; tmp2->pickedGeometry.p=0;
12955  tmp2->pickingGeometry = NULL;
12956  tmp2->sortOrder = newASCIIString("CLOSEST");
12957  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12958  break;
12959  }
12960  case NODE_WindPhysicsModel : {
12961  struct X3D_WindPhysicsModel * tmp2;
12962  tmp2 = (struct X3D_WindPhysicsModel *) tmp;
12963  tmp2->_frameSpeed = 0.0f;
12964  tmp2->direction.c[0] = 0.0f;tmp2->direction.c[1] = 1.0f;tmp2->direction.c[2] = 0.0f;
12965  tmp2->enabled = TRUE;
12966  tmp2->gustiness = 0.1f;
12967  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12968  tmp2->speed = 0.1f;
12969  tmp2->turbulence = 0.0f;
12970  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_physics;
12971  break;
12972  }
12973  case NODE_WorldInfo : {
12974  struct X3D_WorldInfo * tmp2;
12975  tmp2 = (struct X3D_WorldInfo *) tmp;
12976  tmp2->info.n=0; tmp2->info.p=0;
12977  tmp2->metadata = NULL;
12978  tmp2->title = newASCIIString("");
12979  tmp2->_defaultContainer = FIELDNAMES_children;
12980  break;
12981  }
12982  };
12983  return tmp;
12984 }
12985 /* create a new node of type. This can be generated by Perl code, much as the Structs.h is */
12986 void *createNewX3DNode (int nt) {
12987  void * tmp;
12988  tmp = createNewX3DNode0(nt);
12990  /* is this a texture holding node? */
12991  registerTexture(tmp);
12992  /* Node Tracking */
12993  registerX3DNode(tmp);
12994  /* is this a bindable node? */
12995  registerBindable(tmp);
12996  /* is this a OSC sensor node? */
12997  add_OSCsensor(tmp); /* WANT_OSC */
12998  /* is this a pick sensor node? */
12999  add_picksensor(tmp); /* DJTRACK_PICKSENSORS */
13000  /* is this a time tick node? */
13001  add_first(tmp);
13002  /* possibly a physics node? */
13003  add_physics(X3D_NODE(tmp));
13004  /* possibly a KeySensor node? */
13005  addNodeToKeySensorList(X3D_NODE(tmp));
13006  return tmp;
13007 }
13008 /* Dump the scene graph. */
13009 #define Boolean int
13010 void dump_scene (FILE *fp, int level, struct X3D_Node* node) {
13011  #define spacer for (lc=0; lc<level; lc++) fprintf (fp," ");
13012  int lc;
13013  int i;
13014  char *nodeName;
13015  #ifdef FW_DEBUG
13016  Boolean allFields;
13017  if (fileno(fp) == fileno(stdout)) { allFields = TRUE; } else { allFields = FALSE; }
13018  #else
13019  Boolean allFields = FALSE;
13020  #endif
13021  /* See vi +/double_conditional codegen/ */
13022  if (node==NULL) return;
13024  fflush(fp);
13025  if (level == 0) fprintf (fp,"starting dump_scene\n");
13026  nodeName = parser_getNameFromNode(node) ;
13027  if (nodeName == NULL) {
13028  spacer fprintf (fp,"L%d: node (%p) () type %s\n",level,node,stringNodeType(node->_nodeType));
13029  } else {
13030  spacer fprintf (fp,"L%d: node (%p) (DEF %s) type %s\n",level,node,nodeName,stringNodeType(node->_nodeType));
13031  }
13032  switch (node->_nodeType) {
13033  case NODE_Anchor : {
13034  struct X3D_Anchor *tmp;
13035  tmp = (struct X3D_Anchor *) node;
13036  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13037  if(allFields) {
13038  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
13039  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
13040  }
13041  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
13042  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
13043  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
13044  if(allFields) {
13045  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13046  }
13047  spacer fprintf (fp," parameter (MFString): \n");
13048  for (i=0; i<tmp->parameter.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->parameter.p[i]->strptr); }
13049  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
13050  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
13051  break;
13052  }
13053  case NODE_Appearance : {
13054  struct X3D_Appearance *tmp;
13055  tmp = (struct X3D_Appearance *) node;
13056  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13057  spacer fprintf (fp," effects (MFNode):\n");
13058  for (i=0; i<tmp->effects.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->effects.p[i]); }
13059  spacer fprintf (fp," fillProperties (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fillProperties);
13060  spacer fprintf (fp," lineProperties (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->lineProperties);
13061  spacer fprintf (fp," material (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->material);
13062  if(allFields) {
13063  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13064  }
13065  spacer fprintf (fp," shaders (MFNode):\n");
13066  for (i=0; i<tmp->shaders.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->shaders.p[i]); }
13067  spacer fprintf (fp," texture (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texture);
13068  spacer fprintf (fp," textureTransform (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->textureTransform);
13069  break;
13070  }
13071  case NODE_Arc2D : {
13072  struct X3D_Arc2D *tmp;
13073  tmp = (struct X3D_Arc2D *) node;
13074  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13075  if(allFields) {
13076  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13077  }
13078  spacer fprintf (fp," radius (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->radius);
13079  break;
13080  }
13081  case NODE_ArcClose2D : {
13082  struct X3D_ArcClose2D *tmp;
13083  tmp = (struct X3D_ArcClose2D *) node;
13084  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13085  if(allFields) {
13086  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13087  }
13088  spacer fprintf (fp," radius (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->radius);
13089  break;
13090  }
13091  case NODE_AudioClip : {
13092  struct X3D_AudioClip *tmp;
13093  tmp = (struct X3D_AudioClip *) node;
13094  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13095  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
13096  spacer fprintf (fp," loop (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->loop);
13097  if(allFields) {
13098  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13099  }
13100  spacer fprintf (fp," pauseTime (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->pauseTime);
13101  spacer fprintf (fp," pitch (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->pitch);
13102  spacer fprintf (fp," resumeTime (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->resumeTime);
13103  spacer fprintf (fp," startTime (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->startTime);
13104  spacer fprintf (fp," stopTime (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stopTime);
13105  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
13106  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
13107  break;
13108  }
13109  case NODE_BackdropBackground : {
13110  struct X3D_BackdropBackground *tmp;
13111  tmp = (struct X3D_BackdropBackground *) node;
13112  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13113  if(allFields) {
13114  spacer fprintf (fp," __texture (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->__texture);
13115  }
13116  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFColor): \t");
13117  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->color.c[i]); }
13118  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13119  if(allFields) {
13120  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13121  }
13122  spacer fprintf (fp," transparency (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->transparency);
13123  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
13124  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
13125  break;
13126  }
13127  case NODE_Background : {
13128  struct X3D_Background *tmp;
13129  tmp = (struct X3D_Background *) node;
13130  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13131  if(allFields) {
13132  spacer fprintf (fp," __backTexture (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__backTexture);
13133  }
13134  if(allFields) {
13135  spacer fprintf (fp," __bottomTexture (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__bottomTexture);
13136  }
13137  if(allFields) {
13138  spacer fprintf (fp," __frontTexture (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__frontTexture);
13139  }
13140  if(allFields) {
13141  spacer fprintf (fp," __leftTexture (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__leftTexture);
13142  }
13143  if(allFields) {
13144  spacer fprintf (fp," __rightTexture (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__rightTexture);
13145  }
13146  if(allFields) {
13147  spacer fprintf (fp," __textureright (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->__textureright);
13148  }
13149  if(allFields) {
13150  spacer fprintf (fp," __topTexture (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__topTexture);
13151  }
13152  spacer fprintf (fp," backUrl (MFString): \n");
13153  for (i=0; i<tmp->backUrl.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->backUrl.p[i]->strptr); }
13154  spacer fprintf (fp," bottomUrl (MFString): \n");
13155  for (i=0; i<tmp->bottomUrl.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->bottomUrl.p[i]->strptr); }
13156  spacer fprintf (fp," frontUrl (MFString): \n");
13157  for (i=0; i<tmp->frontUrl.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->frontUrl.p[i]->strptr); }
13158  spacer fprintf (fp," groundAngle (MFFloat):\n");
13159  for (i=0; i<tmp->groundAngle.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->groundAngle.p[i]); }
13160  spacer fprintf (fp," groundColor (MFColor):\n");
13161  for (i=0; i<tmp->groundColor.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->groundColor.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->groundColor.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->groundColor.p[i]).c[2]); }
13162  spacer fprintf (fp," leftUrl (MFString): \n");
13163  for (i=0; i<tmp->leftUrl.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->leftUrl.p[i]->strptr); }
13164  if(allFields) {
13165  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13166  }
13167  spacer fprintf (fp," rightUrl (MFString): \n");
13168  for (i=0; i<tmp->rightUrl.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->rightUrl.p[i]->strptr); }
13169  spacer fprintf (fp," skyAngle (MFFloat):\n");
13170  for (i=0; i<tmp->skyAngle.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->skyAngle.p[i]); }
13171  spacer fprintf (fp," skyColor (MFColor):\n");
13172  for (i=0; i<tmp->skyColor.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->skyColor.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->skyColor.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->skyColor.p[i]).c[2]); }
13173  spacer fprintf (fp," topUrl (MFString): \n");
13174  for (i=0; i<tmp->topUrl.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->topUrl.p[i]->strptr); }
13175  spacer fprintf (fp," transparency (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->transparency);
13176  break;
13177  }
13178  case NODE_BallJoint : {
13179  struct X3D_BallJoint *tmp;
13180  tmp = (struct X3D_BallJoint *) node;
13181  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13182  if(allFields) {
13183  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_anchorPoint (SFVec3f): \t");
13184  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_anchorPoint.c[i]); }
13185  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13186  }
13187  if(allFields) {
13188  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_body1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__old_body1);
13189  }
13190  if(allFields) {
13191  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_body2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__old_body2);
13192  }
13193  spacer fprintf (fp," anchorPoint (SFVec3f): \t");
13194  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->anchorPoint.c[i]); }
13195  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13196  spacer fprintf (fp," body1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body1);
13197  spacer fprintf (fp," body2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body2);
13198  spacer fprintf (fp," forceOutput (MFString): \n");
13199  for (i=0; i<tmp->forceOutput.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->forceOutput.p[i]->strptr); }
13200  if(allFields) {
13201  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13202  }
13203  break;
13204  }
13205  case NODE_Billboard : {
13206  struct X3D_Billboard *tmp;
13207  tmp = (struct X3D_Billboard *) node;
13208  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13209  if(allFields) {
13210  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
13211  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
13212  }
13213  spacer fprintf (fp," axisOfRotation (SFVec3f): \t");
13214  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->axisOfRotation.c[i]); }
13215  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13216  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
13217  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
13218  if(allFields) {
13219  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13220  }
13221  break;
13222  }
13223  case NODE_BlendedVolumeStyle : {
13224  struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle *tmp;
13225  tmp = (struct X3D_BlendedVolumeStyle *) node;
13226  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13227  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13228  if(allFields) {
13229  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13230  }
13231  spacer fprintf (fp," renderStyle (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->renderStyle);
13232  spacer fprintf (fp," surfaceNormals (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->surfaceNormals);
13233  spacer fprintf (fp," voxels (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->voxels);
13234  spacer fprintf (fp," weightConstant1 (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->weightConstant1);
13235  spacer fprintf (fp," weightConstant2 (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->weightConstant2);
13236  spacer fprintf (fp," weightTransferFunction1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->weightTransferFunction1);
13237  spacer fprintf (fp," weightTransferFunction2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->weightTransferFunction2);
13238  break;
13239  }
13240  case NODE_BooleanFilter : {
13241  struct X3D_BooleanFilter *tmp;
13242  tmp = (struct X3D_BooleanFilter *) node;
13243  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13244  if(allFields) {
13245  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13246  }
13247  break;
13248  }
13249  case NODE_BooleanSequencer : {
13250  struct X3D_BooleanSequencer *tmp;
13251  tmp = (struct X3D_BooleanSequencer *) node;
13252  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13253  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
13254  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
13255  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFBool):\n");
13256  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->keyValue.p[i]); }
13257  if(allFields) {
13258  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13259  }
13260  break;
13261  }
13262  case NODE_BooleanToggle : {
13263  struct X3D_BooleanToggle *tmp;
13264  tmp = (struct X3D_BooleanToggle *) node;
13265  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13266  if(allFields) {
13267  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13268  }
13269  break;
13270  }
13271  case NODE_BooleanTrigger : {
13272  struct X3D_BooleanTrigger *tmp;
13273  tmp = (struct X3D_BooleanTrigger *) node;
13274  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13275  if(allFields) {
13276  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13277  }
13278  break;
13279  }
13280  case NODE_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle : {
13282  tmp = (struct X3D_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle *) node;
13283  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13284  spacer fprintf (fp," boundaryOpacity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->boundaryOpacity);
13285  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13286  if(allFields) {
13287  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13288  }
13289  spacer fprintf (fp," opacityFactor (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->opacityFactor);
13290  spacer fprintf (fp," retainedOpacity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->retainedOpacity);
13291  break;
13292  }
13293  case NODE_BoundedPhysicsModel : {
13294  struct X3D_BoundedPhysicsModel *tmp;
13295  tmp = (struct X3D_BoundedPhysicsModel *) node;
13296  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13297  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13298  spacer fprintf (fp," geometry (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->geometry);
13299  if(allFields) {
13300  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13301  }
13302  break;
13303  }
13304  case NODE_Box : {
13305  struct X3D_Box *tmp;
13306  tmp = (struct X3D_Box *) node;
13307  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13308  if(allFields) {
13309  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13310  }
13311  spacer fprintf (fp," size (SFVec3f): \t");
13312  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->size.c[i]); }
13313  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13314  break;
13315  }
13316  case NODE_CADAssembly : {
13317  struct X3D_CADAssembly *tmp;
13318  tmp = (struct X3D_CADAssembly *) node;
13319  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13320  if(allFields) {
13321  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
13322  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
13323  }
13324  if(allFields) {
13325  spacer fprintf (fp," _sortedChildren (MFNode):\n");
13326  for (i=0; i<tmp->_sortedChildren.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->_sortedChildren.p[i]); }
13327  }
13328  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
13329  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
13330  if(allFields) {
13331  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13332  }
13333  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
13334  break;
13335  }
13336  case NODE_CADFace : {
13337  struct X3D_CADFace *tmp;
13338  tmp = (struct X3D_CADFace *) node;
13339  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13340  if(allFields) {
13341  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13342  }
13343  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
13344  spacer fprintf (fp," shape (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->shape);
13345  break;
13346  }
13347  case NODE_CADLayer : {
13348  struct X3D_CADLayer *tmp;
13349  tmp = (struct X3D_CADLayer *) node;
13350  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13351  if(allFields) {
13352  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
13353  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
13354  }
13355  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
13356  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
13357  if(allFields) {
13358  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13359  }
13360  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
13361  spacer fprintf (fp," visible (MFBool):\n");
13362  for (i=0; i<tmp->visible.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->visible.p[i]); }
13363  break;
13364  }
13365  case NODE_CADPart : {
13366  struct X3D_CADPart *tmp;
13367  tmp = (struct X3D_CADPart *) node;
13368  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13369  if(allFields) {
13370  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
13371  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
13372  }
13373  if(allFields) {
13374  spacer fprintf (fp," _sortedChildren (MFNode):\n");
13375  for (i=0; i<tmp->_sortedChildren.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->_sortedChildren.p[i]); }
13376  }
13377  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec3f): \t");
13378  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
13379  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13380  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
13381  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
13382  if(allFields) {
13383  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13384  }
13385  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
13386  spacer fprintf (fp," rotation (SFRotation): \t");
13387  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->rotation.c[i]); }
13388  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13389  spacer fprintf (fp," scale (SFVec3f): \t");
13390  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scale.c[i]); }
13391  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13392  spacer fprintf (fp," scaleOrientation (SFRotation): \t");
13393  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scaleOrientation.c[i]); }
13394  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13395  spacer fprintf (fp," translation (SFVec3f): \t");
13396  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->translation.c[i]); }
13397  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13398  break;
13399  }
13400  case NODE_CalibratedCameraSensor : {
13401  struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor *tmp;
13402  tmp = (struct X3D_CalibratedCameraSensor *) node;
13403  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13404  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
13405  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13406  if(allFields) {
13407  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13408  }
13409  break;
13410  }
13411  case NODE_CartoonVolumeStyle : {
13412  struct X3D_CartoonVolumeStyle *tmp;
13413  tmp = (struct X3D_CartoonVolumeStyle *) node;
13414  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13415  spacer fprintf (fp," colorSteps (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->colorSteps);
13416  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13417  if(allFields) {
13418  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13419  }
13420  spacer fprintf (fp," orthogonalColor (SFColorRGBA): \t");
13421  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->orthogonalColor.c[i]); }
13422  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13423  spacer fprintf (fp," parallelColor (SFColorRGBA): \t");
13424  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->parallelColor.c[i]); }
13425  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13426  spacer fprintf (fp," surfaceNormals (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->surfaceNormals);
13427  break;
13428  }
13429  case NODE_Circle2D : {
13430  struct X3D_Circle2D *tmp;
13431  tmp = (struct X3D_Circle2D *) node;
13432  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13433  if(allFields) {
13434  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13435  }
13436  spacer fprintf (fp," radius (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->radius);
13437  break;
13438  }
13439  case NODE_ClipPlane : {
13440  struct X3D_ClipPlane *tmp;
13441  tmp = (struct X3D_ClipPlane *) node;
13442  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13443  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13444  if(allFields) {
13445  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13446  }
13447  spacer fprintf (fp," plane (SFVec4f): \t");
13448  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->plane.c[i]); }
13449  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13450  break;
13451  }
13452  case NODE_CollidableOffset : {
13453  struct X3D_CollidableOffset *tmp;
13454  tmp = (struct X3D_CollidableOffset *) node;
13455  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13456  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13457  if(allFields) {
13458  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13459  }
13460  spacer fprintf (fp," rotation (SFRotation): \t");
13461  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->rotation.c[i]); }
13462  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13463  spacer fprintf (fp," translation (SFVec3f): \t");
13464  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->translation.c[i]); }
13465  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13466  break;
13467  }
13468  case NODE_CollidableShape : {
13469  struct X3D_CollidableShape *tmp;
13470  tmp = (struct X3D_CollidableShape *) node;
13471  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13472  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13473  if(allFields) {
13474  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13475  }
13476  spacer fprintf (fp," rotation (SFRotation): \t");
13477  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->rotation.c[i]); }
13478  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13479  spacer fprintf (fp," translation (SFVec3f): \t");
13480  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->translation.c[i]); }
13481  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13482  break;
13483  }
13484  case NODE_Collision : {
13485  struct X3D_Collision *tmp;
13486  tmp = (struct X3D_Collision *) node;
13487  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13488  if(allFields) {
13489  spacer fprintf (fp," __hit (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->__hit);
13490  }
13491  if(allFields) {
13492  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
13493  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
13494  }
13495  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
13496  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
13497  spacer fprintf (fp," collide (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->collide);
13498  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13499  if(allFields) {
13500  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13501  }
13502  break;
13503  }
13504  case NODE_CollisionCollection : {
13505  struct X3D_CollisionCollection *tmp;
13506  tmp = (struct X3D_CollisionCollection *) node;
13507  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13508  spacer fprintf (fp," appliedParameters (MFString): \n");
13509  for (i=0; i<tmp->appliedParameters.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->appliedParameters.p[i]->strptr); }
13510  spacer fprintf (fp," bounce (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->bounce);
13511  spacer fprintf (fp," collidables (MFNode):\n");
13512  for (i=0; i<tmp->collidables.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->collidables.p[i]); }
13513  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13514  spacer fprintf (fp," frictionCoefficients (SFVec2f): \t");
13515  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->frictionCoefficients.c[i]); }
13516  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13517  if(allFields) {
13518  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13519  }
13520  spacer fprintf (fp," minBounceSpeed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->minBounceSpeed);
13521  spacer fprintf (fp," slipFactors (SFVec2f): \t");
13522  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->slipFactors.c[i]); }
13523  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13524  spacer fprintf (fp," softnessConstantForceMix (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->softnessConstantForceMix);
13525  spacer fprintf (fp," softnessErrorCorrection (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->softnessErrorCorrection);
13526  spacer fprintf (fp," surfaceSpeed (SFVec2f): \t");
13527  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->surfaceSpeed.c[i]); }
13528  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13529  break;
13530  }
13531  case NODE_CollisionSensor : {
13532  struct X3D_CollisionSensor *tmp;
13533  tmp = (struct X3D_CollisionSensor *) node;
13534  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13535  spacer fprintf (fp," collider (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->collider);
13536  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13537  if(allFields) {
13538  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13539  }
13540  break;
13541  }
13542  case NODE_CollisionSpace : {
13543  struct X3D_CollisionSpace *tmp;
13544  tmp = (struct X3D_CollisionSpace *) node;
13545  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13546  spacer fprintf (fp," collidables (MFNode):\n");
13547  for (i=0; i<tmp->collidables.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->collidables.p[i]); }
13548  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13549  if(allFields) {
13550  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13551  }
13552  spacer fprintf (fp," useGeometry (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->useGeometry);
13553  break;
13554  }
13555  case NODE_Color : {
13556  struct X3D_Color *tmp;
13557  tmp = (struct X3D_Color *) node;
13558  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13559  spacer fprintf (fp," color (MFColor):\n");
13560  for (i=0; i<tmp->color.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->color.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->color.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->color.p[i]).c[2]); }
13561  if(allFields) {
13562  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13563  }
13564  break;
13565  }
13566  case NODE_ColorChaser : {
13567  struct X3D_ColorChaser *tmp;
13568  tmp = (struct X3D_ColorChaser *) node;
13569  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13570  if(allFields) {
13571  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13572  }
13573  break;
13574  }
13575  case NODE_ColorDamper : {
13576  struct X3D_ColorDamper *tmp;
13577  tmp = (struct X3D_ColorDamper *) node;
13578  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13579  if(allFields) {
13580  spacer fprintf (fp," _tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->_tau);
13581  }
13582  if(allFields) {
13583  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13584  }
13585  spacer fprintf (fp," tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tau);
13586  spacer fprintf (fp," tolerance (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tolerance);
13587  break;
13588  }
13589  case NODE_ColorInterpolator : {
13590  struct X3D_ColorInterpolator *tmp;
13591  tmp = (struct X3D_ColorInterpolator *) node;
13592  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13593  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
13594  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
13595  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFColor):\n");
13596  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[2]); }
13597  if(allFields) {
13598  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13599  }
13600  break;
13601  }
13602  case NODE_ColorRGBA : {
13603  struct X3D_ColorRGBA *tmp;
13604  tmp = (struct X3D_ColorRGBA *) node;
13605  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13606  spacer fprintf (fp," color (MFColorRGBA):\n");
13607  for (i=0; i<tmp->color.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->color.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->color.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->color.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->color.p[i]).c[3]); }
13608  if(allFields) {
13609  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13610  }
13611  break;
13612  }
13613  case NODE_ComposedCubeMapTexture : {
13614  struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture *tmp;
13615  tmp = (struct X3D_ComposedCubeMapTexture *) node;
13616  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13617  spacer fprintf (fp," back (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->back);
13618  spacer fprintf (fp," bottom (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->bottom);
13619  spacer fprintf (fp," front (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->front);
13620  spacer fprintf (fp," left (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->left);
13621  if(allFields) {
13622  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13623  }
13624  spacer fprintf (fp," right (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->right);
13625  spacer fprintf (fp," top (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->top);
13626  break;
13627  }
13628  case NODE_ComposedShader : {
13629  struct X3D_ComposedShader *tmp;
13630  tmp = (struct X3D_ComposedShader *) node;
13631  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13632  if(allFields) {
13633  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13634  }
13635  spacer fprintf (fp," parts (MFNode):\n");
13636  for (i=0; i<tmp->parts.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->parts.p[i]); }
13637  break;
13638  }
13639  case NODE_ComposedTexture3D : {
13640  struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D *tmp;
13641  tmp = (struct X3D_ComposedTexture3D *) node;
13642  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13643  if(allFields) {
13644  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13645  }
13646  spacer fprintf (fp," texture (MFNode):\n");
13647  for (i=0; i<tmp->texture.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texture.p[i]); }
13648  break;
13649  }
13650  case NODE_ComposedVolumeStyle : {
13651  struct X3D_ComposedVolumeStyle *tmp;
13652  tmp = (struct X3D_ComposedVolumeStyle *) node;
13653  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13654  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13655  if(allFields) {
13656  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13657  }
13658  spacer fprintf (fp," renderStyle (MFNode):\n");
13659  for (i=0; i<tmp->renderStyle.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->renderStyle.p[i]); }
13660  break;
13661  }
13662  case NODE_CompositeVolumeStyle : {
13663  struct X3D_CompositeVolumeStyle *tmp;
13664  tmp = (struct X3D_CompositeVolumeStyle *) node;
13665  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13666  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13667  if(allFields) {
13668  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13669  }
13670  spacer fprintf (fp," renderStyle (MFNode):\n");
13671  for (i=0; i<tmp->renderStyle.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->renderStyle.p[i]); }
13672  break;
13673  }
13674  case NODE_Cone : {
13675  struct X3D_Cone *tmp;
13676  tmp = (struct X3D_Cone *) node;
13677  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13678  spacer fprintf (fp," bottom (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->bottom);
13679  if(allFields) {
13680  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13681  }
13682  break;
13683  }
13684  case NODE_ConeEmitter : {
13685  struct X3D_ConeEmitter *tmp;
13686  tmp = (struct X3D_ConeEmitter *) node;
13687  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13688  spacer fprintf (fp," angle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->angle);
13689  spacer fprintf (fp," direction (SFVec3f): \t");
13690  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->direction.c[i]); }
13691  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13692  if(allFields) {
13693  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13694  }
13695  spacer fprintf (fp," position (SFVec3f): \t");
13696  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->position.c[i]); }
13697  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13698  spacer fprintf (fp," speed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->speed);
13699  spacer fprintf (fp," variation (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->variation);
13700  break;
13701  }
13702  case NODE_Contact : {
13703  struct X3D_Contact *tmp;
13704  tmp = (struct X3D_Contact *) node;
13705  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13706  spacer fprintf (fp," appliedParameters (MFString): \n");
13707  for (i=0; i<tmp->appliedParameters.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->appliedParameters.p[i]->strptr); }
13708  spacer fprintf (fp," body1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body1);
13709  spacer fprintf (fp," body2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body2);
13710  spacer fprintf (fp," bounce (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->bounce);
13711  spacer fprintf (fp," contactNormal (SFVec3f): \t");
13712  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->contactNormal.c[i]); }
13713  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13714  spacer fprintf (fp," depth (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->depth);
13715  spacer fprintf (fp," frictionCoefficients (SFVec2f): \t");
13716  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->frictionCoefficients.c[i]); }
13717  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13718  spacer fprintf (fp," frictionDirection (SFVec3f): \t");
13719  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->frictionDirection.c[i]); }
13720  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13721  spacer fprintf (fp," geometry1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->geometry1);
13722  spacer fprintf (fp," geometry2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->geometry2);
13723  if(allFields) {
13724  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13725  }
13726  spacer fprintf (fp," minBounceSpeed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->minBounceSpeed);
13727  spacer fprintf (fp," position (SFVec3f): \t");
13728  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->position.c[i]); }
13729  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13730  spacer fprintf (fp," slipCoefficients (SFVec2f): \t");
13731  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->slipCoefficients.c[i]); }
13732  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13733  spacer fprintf (fp," softnessConstantForceMix (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->softnessConstantForceMix);
13734  spacer fprintf (fp," softnessErrorCorrection (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->softnessErrorCorrection);
13735  spacer fprintf (fp," surfaceSpeed (SFVec2f): \t");
13736  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->surfaceSpeed.c[i]); }
13737  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13738  break;
13739  }
13740  case NODE_Contour2D : {
13741  struct X3D_Contour2D *tmp;
13742  tmp = (struct X3D_Contour2D *) node;
13743  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13744  if(allFields) {
13745  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
13746  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
13747  }
13748  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
13749  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
13750  if(allFields) {
13751  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13752  }
13753  break;
13754  }
13755  case NODE_ContourPolyline2D : {
13756  struct X3D_ContourPolyline2D *tmp;
13757  tmp = (struct X3D_ContourPolyline2D *) node;
13758  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13759  spacer fprintf (fp," controlPoint (MFVec2d):\n");
13760  for (i=0; i<tmp->controlPoint.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->controlPoint.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->controlPoint.p[i]).c[1]); }
13761  if(allFields) {
13762  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13763  }
13764  spacer fprintf (fp," point (MFVec2f):\n");
13765  for (i=0; i<tmp->point.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->point.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->point.p[i]).c[1]); }
13766  break;
13767  }
13768  case NODE_Coordinate : {
13769  struct X3D_Coordinate *tmp;
13770  tmp = (struct X3D_Coordinate *) node;
13771  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13772  if(allFields) {
13773  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13774  }
13775  spacer fprintf (fp," point (MFVec3f):\n");
13776  for (i=0; i<tmp->point.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->point.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->point.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->point.p[i]).c[2]); }
13777  break;
13778  }
13779  case NODE_CoordinateChaser : {
13780  struct X3D_CoordinateChaser *tmp;
13781  tmp = (struct X3D_CoordinateChaser *) node;
13782  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13783  if(allFields) {
13784  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13785  }
13786  break;
13787  }
13788  case NODE_CoordinateDamper : {
13789  struct X3D_CoordinateDamper *tmp;
13790  tmp = (struct X3D_CoordinateDamper *) node;
13791  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13792  if(allFields) {
13793  spacer fprintf (fp," _tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->_tau);
13794  }
13795  if(allFields) {
13796  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13797  }
13798  spacer fprintf (fp," tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tau);
13799  spacer fprintf (fp," tolerance (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tolerance);
13800  break;
13801  }
13802  case NODE_CoordinateDouble : {
13803  struct X3D_CoordinateDouble *tmp;
13804  tmp = (struct X3D_CoordinateDouble *) node;
13805  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13806  if(allFields) {
13807  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13808  }
13809  spacer fprintf (fp," point (MFVec3d):\n");
13810  for (i=0; i<tmp->point.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->point.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->point.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->point.p[i]).c[2]); }
13811  break;
13812  }
13813  case NODE_CoordinateInterpolator : {
13814  struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator *tmp;
13815  tmp = (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator *) node;
13816  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13817  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
13818  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
13819  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFVec3f):\n");
13820  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[2]); }
13821  if(allFields) {
13822  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13823  }
13824  break;
13825  }
13826  case NODE_CoordinateInterpolator2D : {
13827  struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator2D *tmp;
13828  tmp = (struct X3D_CoordinateInterpolator2D *) node;
13829  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13830  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
13831  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
13832  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFVec2f):\n");
13833  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[1]); }
13834  if(allFields) {
13835  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13836  }
13837  break;
13838  }
13839  case NODE_Cylinder : {
13840  struct X3D_Cylinder *tmp;
13841  tmp = (struct X3D_Cylinder *) node;
13842  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13843  spacer fprintf (fp," bottom (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->bottom);
13844  if(allFields) {
13845  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13846  }
13847  spacer fprintf (fp," radius (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->radius);
13848  spacer fprintf (fp," top (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->top);
13849  break;
13850  }
13851  case NODE_CylinderSensor : {
13852  struct X3D_CylinderSensor *tmp;
13853  tmp = (struct X3D_CylinderSensor *) node;
13854  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13855  if(allFields) {
13856  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
13857  }
13858  spacer fprintf (fp," autoOffset (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->autoOffset);
13859  spacer fprintf (fp," axisRotation (SFRotation): \t");
13860  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->axisRotation.c[i]); }
13861  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13862  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
13863  spacer fprintf (fp," diskAngle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->diskAngle);
13864  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
13865  spacer fprintf (fp," maxAngle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->maxAngle);
13866  if(allFields) {
13867  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13868  }
13869  spacer fprintf (fp," minAngle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->minAngle);
13870  spacer fprintf (fp," offset (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->offset);
13871  break;
13872  }
13873  case NODE_DISEntityManager : {
13874  struct X3D_DISEntityManager *tmp;
13875  tmp = (struct X3D_DISEntityManager *) node;
13876  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13877  spacer fprintf (fp," address (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->address->strptr);
13878  spacer fprintf (fp," applicationID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->applicationID);
13879  spacer fprintf (fp," mapping (MFNode):\n");
13880  for (i=0; i<tmp->mapping.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->mapping.p[i]); }
13881  if(allFields) {
13882  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13883  }
13884  spacer fprintf (fp," port (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->port);
13885  spacer fprintf (fp," siteID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->siteID);
13886  break;
13887  }
13888  case NODE_DISEntityTypeMapping : {
13889  struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping *tmp;
13890  tmp = (struct X3D_DISEntityTypeMapping *) node;
13891  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13892  if(allFields) {
13893  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13894  }
13895  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
13896  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
13897  break;
13898  }
13899  case NODE_DirectionalLight : {
13900  struct X3D_DirectionalLight *tmp;
13901  tmp = (struct X3D_DirectionalLight *) node;
13902  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13903  spacer fprintf (fp," ambientIntensity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->ambientIntensity);
13904  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFColor): \t");
13905  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->color.c[i]); }
13906  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13907  spacer fprintf (fp," direction (SFVec3f): \t");
13908  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->direction.c[i]); }
13909  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13910  spacer fprintf (fp," global (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->global);
13911  spacer fprintf (fp," intensity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->intensity);
13912  if(allFields) {
13913  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13914  }
13915  spacer fprintf (fp," on (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->on);
13916  break;
13917  }
13918  case NODE_Disk2D : {
13919  struct X3D_Disk2D *tmp;
13920  tmp = (struct X3D_Disk2D *) node;
13921  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13922  if(allFields) {
13923  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13924  }
13925  break;
13926  }
13927  case NODE_DoubleAxisHingeJoint : {
13928  struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint *tmp;
13929  tmp = (struct X3D_DoubleAxisHingeJoint *) node;
13930  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13931  if(allFields) {
13932  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_anchorPoint (SFVec3f): \t");
13933  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_anchorPoint.c[i]); }
13934  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13935  }
13936  if(allFields) {
13937  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_axis1 (SFVec3f): \t");
13938  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_axis1.c[i]); }
13939  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13940  }
13941  if(allFields) {
13942  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_axis2 (SFVec3f): \t");
13943  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_axis2.c[i]); }
13944  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13945  }
13946  if(allFields) {
13947  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_body1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__old_body1);
13948  }
13949  if(allFields) {
13950  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_body2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__old_body2);
13951  }
13952  spacer fprintf (fp," anchorPoint (SFVec3f): \t");
13953  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->anchorPoint.c[i]); }
13954  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13955  spacer fprintf (fp," axis1 (SFVec3f): \t");
13956  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->axis1.c[i]); }
13957  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13958  spacer fprintf (fp," axis1Angle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->axis1Angle);
13959  spacer fprintf (fp," axis2 (SFVec3f): \t");
13960  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->axis2.c[i]); }
13961  fprintf (fp,"\n");
13962  spacer fprintf (fp," body1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body1);
13963  spacer fprintf (fp," body2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body2);
13964  spacer fprintf (fp," desiredAngularVelocity1 (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->desiredAngularVelocity1);
13965  spacer fprintf (fp," desiredAngularVelocity2 (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->desiredAngularVelocity2);
13966  spacer fprintf (fp," forceOutput (MFString): \n");
13967  for (i=0; i<tmp->forceOutput.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->forceOutput.p[i]->strptr); }
13968  spacer fprintf (fp," maxAngle1 (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->maxAngle1);
13969  spacer fprintf (fp," maxTorque1 (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->maxTorque1);
13970  spacer fprintf (fp," maxTorque2 (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->maxTorque2);
13971  if(allFields) {
13972  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13973  }
13974  spacer fprintf (fp," minAngle1 (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->minAngle1);
13975  spacer fprintf (fp," stopBounce1 (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stopBounce1);
13976  spacer fprintf (fp," stopConstantForceMix1 (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stopConstantForceMix1);
13977  spacer fprintf (fp," stopErrorCorrection1 (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stopErrorCorrection1);
13978  spacer fprintf (fp," suspensionErrorCorrection (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->suspensionErrorCorrection);
13979  spacer fprintf (fp," suspensionForce (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->suspensionForce);
13980  break;
13981  }
13982  case NODE_EaseInEaseOut : {
13983  struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut *tmp;
13984  tmp = (struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut *) node;
13985  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13986  spacer fprintf (fp," easeInEaseOut (MFVec2f):\n");
13987  for (i=0; i<tmp->easeInEaseOut.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->easeInEaseOut.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->easeInEaseOut.p[i]).c[1]); }
13988  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
13989  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
13990  if(allFields) {
13991  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
13992  }
13993  break;
13994  }
13995  case NODE_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle : {
13996  struct X3D_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle *tmp;
13997  tmp = (struct X3D_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle *) node;
13998  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
13999  spacer fprintf (fp," edgeColor (SFColorRGBA): \t");
14000  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->edgeColor.c[i]); }
14001  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14002  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
14003  spacer fprintf (fp," gradientThreshold (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->gradientThreshold);
14004  if(allFields) {
14005  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14006  }
14007  spacer fprintf (fp," surfaceNormals (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->surfaceNormals);
14008  break;
14009  }
14010  case NODE_Effect : {
14011  struct X3D_Effect *tmp;
14012  tmp = (struct X3D_Effect *) node;
14013  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14014  if(allFields) {
14015  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14016  }
14017  spacer fprintf (fp," parts (MFNode):\n");
14018  for (i=0; i<tmp->parts.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->parts.p[i]); }
14019  break;
14020  }
14021  case NODE_EffectPart : {
14022  struct X3D_EffectPart *tmp;
14023  tmp = (struct X3D_EffectPart *) node;
14024  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14025  if(allFields) {
14026  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14027  }
14028  spacer fprintf (fp," type (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->type->strptr);
14029  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
14030  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
14031  break;
14032  }
14033  case NODE_ElevationGrid : {
14034  struct X3D_ElevationGrid *tmp;
14035  tmp = (struct X3D_ElevationGrid *) node;
14036  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14037  spacer fprintf (fp," attrib (MFNode):\n");
14038  for (i=0; i<tmp->attrib.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->attrib.p[i]); }
14039  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
14040  spacer fprintf (fp," fogCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fogCoord);
14041  if(allFields) {
14042  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14043  }
14044  spacer fprintf (fp," normal (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->normal);
14045  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord);
14046  break;
14047  }
14048  case NODE_EspduTransform : {
14049  struct X3D_EspduTransform *tmp;
14050  tmp = (struct X3D_EspduTransform *) node;
14051  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14052  if(allFields) {
14053  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
14054  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
14055  }
14056  spacer fprintf (fp," address (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->address->strptr);
14057  spacer fprintf (fp," applicationID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->applicationID);
14058  spacer fprintf (fp," articulationParameterArray (MFFloat):\n");
14059  for (i=0; i<tmp->articulationParameterArray.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->articulationParameterArray.p[i]); }
14060  spacer fprintf (fp," articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArr (MFInt32):\n");
14061  for (i=0; i<tmp->articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArr.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArr.p[i]); }
14062  spacer fprintf (fp," articulationParameterCount (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->articulationParameterCount);
14063  spacer fprintf (fp," articulationParameterDesignatorArray (MFInt32):\n");
14064  for (i=0; i<tmp->articulationParameterDesignatorArray.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->articulationParameterDesignatorArray.p[i]); }
14065  spacer fprintf (fp," articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToAr (MFInt32):\n");
14066  for (i=0; i<tmp->articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToAr.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToAr.p[i]); }
14067  spacer fprintf (fp," articulationParameterTypeArray (MFInt32):\n");
14068  for (i=0; i<tmp->articulationParameterTypeArray.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->articulationParameterTypeArray.p[i]); }
14069  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec3f): \t");
14070  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
14071  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14072  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
14073  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
14074  spacer fprintf (fp," collisionType (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->collisionType);
14075  spacer fprintf (fp," deadReckoning (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->deadReckoning);
14076  spacer fprintf (fp," detonationLocation (SFVec3f): \t");
14077  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->detonationLocation.c[i]); }
14078  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14079  spacer fprintf (fp," detonationRelativeLocation (SFVec3f): \t");
14080  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->detonationRelativeLocation.c[i]); }
14081  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14082  spacer fprintf (fp," detonationResult (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->detonationResult);
14083  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
14084  spacer fprintf (fp," entityCategory (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->entityCategory);
14085  spacer fprintf (fp," entityCountry (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->entityCountry);
14086  spacer fprintf (fp," entityDomain (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->entityDomain);
14087  spacer fprintf (fp," entityExtra (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->entityExtra);
14088  spacer fprintf (fp," entityID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->entityID);
14089  spacer fprintf (fp," entityKind (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->entityKind);
14090  spacer fprintf (fp," entitySpecific (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->entitySpecific);
14091  spacer fprintf (fp," entitySubCategory (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->entitySubCategory);
14092  spacer fprintf (fp," eventApplicationID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->eventApplicationID);
14093  spacer fprintf (fp," eventEntityID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->eventEntityID);
14094  spacer fprintf (fp," eventNumber (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->eventNumber);
14095  spacer fprintf (fp," eventSiteID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->eventSiteID);
14096  spacer fprintf (fp," fireMissionIndex (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->fireMissionIndex);
14097  spacer fprintf (fp," fired1 (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->fired1);
14098  spacer fprintf (fp," fired2 (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->fired2);
14099  spacer fprintf (fp," firingRange (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->firingRange);
14100  spacer fprintf (fp," firingRate (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->firingRate);
14101  spacer fprintf (fp," forceID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->forceID);
14102  spacer fprintf (fp," fuse (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->fuse);
14103  spacer fprintf (fp," linearAcceleration (SFVec3f): \t");
14104  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->linearAcceleration.c[i]); }
14105  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14106  spacer fprintf (fp," linearVelocity (SFVec3f): \t");
14107  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->linearVelocity.c[i]); }
14108  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14109  spacer fprintf (fp," marking (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->marking->strptr);
14110  if(allFields) {
14111  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14112  }
14113  spacer fprintf (fp," multicastRelayHost (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->multicastRelayHost->strptr);
14114  spacer fprintf (fp," multicastRelayPort (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->multicastRelayPort);
14115  spacer fprintf (fp," munitionApplicationID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->munitionApplicationID);
14116  spacer fprintf (fp," munitionEndPoint (SFVec3f): \t");
14117  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->munitionEndPoint.c[i]); }
14118  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14119  spacer fprintf (fp," munitionEntityID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->munitionEntityID);
14120  spacer fprintf (fp," munitionQuantity (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->munitionQuantity);
14121  spacer fprintf (fp," munitionSiteID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->munitionSiteID);
14122  spacer fprintf (fp," munitionStartPoint (SFVec3f): \t");
14123  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->munitionStartPoint.c[i]); }
14124  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14125  spacer fprintf (fp," networkMode (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->networkMode->strptr);
14126  spacer fprintf (fp," port (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->port);
14127  spacer fprintf (fp," readInterval (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->readInterval);
14128  spacer fprintf (fp," rotation (SFRotation): \t");
14129  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->rotation.c[i]); }
14130  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14131  spacer fprintf (fp," scale (SFVec3f): \t");
14132  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scale.c[i]); }
14133  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14134  spacer fprintf (fp," scaleOrientation (SFRotation): \t");
14135  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scaleOrientation.c[i]); }
14136  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14137  spacer fprintf (fp," siteID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->siteID);
14138  spacer fprintf (fp," translation (SFVec3f): \t");
14139  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->translation.c[i]); }
14140  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14141  spacer fprintf (fp," warhead (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->warhead);
14142  spacer fprintf (fp," writeInterval (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->writeInterval);
14143  break;
14144  }
14145  case NODE_ExplosionEmitter : {
14146  struct X3D_ExplosionEmitter *tmp;
14147  tmp = (struct X3D_ExplosionEmitter *) node;
14148  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14149  if(allFields) {
14150  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14151  }
14152  spacer fprintf (fp," position (SFVec3f): \t");
14153  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->position.c[i]); }
14154  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14155  spacer fprintf (fp," speed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->speed);
14156  spacer fprintf (fp," variation (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->variation);
14157  break;
14158  }
14159  case NODE_Extrusion : {
14160  struct X3D_Extrusion *tmp;
14161  tmp = (struct X3D_Extrusion *) node;
14162  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14163  if(allFields) {
14164  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14165  }
14166  spacer fprintf (fp," orientation (MFRotation):\n");
14167  for (i=0; i<tmp->orientation.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->orientation.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->orientation.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->orientation.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->orientation.p[i]).c[3]); }
14168  spacer fprintf (fp," scale (MFVec2f):\n");
14169  for (i=0; i<tmp->scale.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->scale.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->scale.p[i]).c[1]); }
14170  break;
14171  }
14172  case NODE_FillProperties : {
14173  struct X3D_FillProperties *tmp;
14174  tmp = (struct X3D_FillProperties *) node;
14175  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14176  if(allFields) {
14177  spacer fprintf (fp," _enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->_enabled);
14178  }
14179  if(allFields) {
14180  spacer fprintf (fp," _hatchScale (SFVec2f): \t");
14181  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->_hatchScale.c[i]); }
14182  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14183  }
14184  spacer fprintf (fp," filled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->filled);
14185  spacer fprintf (fp," hatchColor (SFColor): \t");
14186  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->hatchColor.c[i]); }
14187  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14188  spacer fprintf (fp," hatchStyle (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->hatchStyle);
14189  spacer fprintf (fp," hatched (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->hatched);
14190  if(allFields) {
14191  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14192  }
14193  break;
14194  }
14195  case NODE_FloatVertexAttribute : {
14196  struct X3D_FloatVertexAttribute *tmp;
14197  tmp = (struct X3D_FloatVertexAttribute *) node;
14198  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14199  if(allFields) {
14200  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14201  }
14202  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
14203  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFFloat):\n");
14204  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->value.p[i]); }
14205  break;
14206  }
14207  case NODE_Fog : {
14208  struct X3D_Fog *tmp;
14209  tmp = (struct X3D_Fog *) node;
14210  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14211  if(allFields) {
14212  spacer fprintf (fp," __fogScale (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->__fogScale);
14213  }
14214  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFColor): \t");
14215  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->color.c[i]); }
14216  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14217  spacer fprintf (fp," fogType (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->fogType->strptr);
14218  if(allFields) {
14219  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14220  }
14221  spacer fprintf (fp," visibilityRange (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->visibilityRange);
14222  break;
14223  }
14224  case NODE_FogCoordinate : {
14225  struct X3D_FogCoordinate *tmp;
14226  tmp = (struct X3D_FogCoordinate *) node;
14227  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14228  spacer fprintf (fp," depth (MFFloat):\n");
14229  for (i=0; i<tmp->depth.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->depth.p[i]); }
14230  if(allFields) {
14231  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14232  }
14233  break;
14234  }
14235  case NODE_FontStyle : {
14236  struct X3D_FontStyle *tmp;
14237  tmp = (struct X3D_FontStyle *) node;
14238  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14239  if(allFields) {
14240  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14241  }
14242  spacer fprintf (fp," size (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->size);
14243  break;
14244  }
14245  case NODE_ForcePhysicsModel : {
14246  struct X3D_ForcePhysicsModel *tmp;
14247  tmp = (struct X3D_ForcePhysicsModel *) node;
14248  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14249  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
14250  spacer fprintf (fp," force (SFVec3f): \t");
14251  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->force.c[i]); }
14252  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14253  if(allFields) {
14254  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14255  }
14256  break;
14257  }
14258  case NODE_GeneratedCubeMapTexture : {
14259  struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture *tmp;
14260  tmp = (struct X3D_GeneratedCubeMapTexture *) node;
14261  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14262  if(allFields) {
14263  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14264  }
14265  spacer fprintf (fp," update (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->update->strptr);
14266  break;
14267  }
14268  case NODE_GeoCoordinate : {
14269  struct X3D_GeoCoordinate *tmp;
14270  tmp = (struct X3D_GeoCoordinate *) node;
14271  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14272  if(allFields) {
14273  spacer fprintf (fp," __movedCoords (MFVec3f):\n");
14274  for (i=0; i<tmp->__movedCoords.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->__movedCoords.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->__movedCoords.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->__movedCoords.p[i]).c[2]); }
14275  }
14276  if(allFields) {
14277  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14278  }
14279  spacer fprintf (fp," point (MFVec3d):\n");
14280  for (i=0; i<tmp->point.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->point.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->point.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->point.p[i]).c[2]); }
14281  break;
14282  }
14283  case NODE_GeoElevationGrid : {
14284  struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid *tmp;
14285  tmp = (struct X3D_GeoElevationGrid *) node;
14286  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14287  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
14288  if(allFields) {
14289  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14290  }
14291  spacer fprintf (fp," normal (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->normal);
14292  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord);
14293  break;
14294  }
14295  case NODE_GeoLOD : {
14296  struct X3D_GeoLOD *tmp;
14297  tmp = (struct X3D_GeoLOD *) node;
14298  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14299  if(allFields) {
14300  spacer fprintf (fp," __child1Node (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__child1Node);
14301  }
14302  if(allFields) {
14303  spacer fprintf (fp," __child2Node (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__child2Node);
14304  }
14305  if(allFields) {
14306  spacer fprintf (fp," __child3Node (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__child3Node);
14307  }
14308  if(allFields) {
14309  spacer fprintf (fp," __child4Node (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__child4Node);
14310  }
14311  if(allFields) {
14312  spacer fprintf (fp," __childloadstatus (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->__childloadstatus);
14313  }
14314  if(allFields) {
14315  spacer fprintf (fp," __inRange (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__inRange);
14316  }
14317  if(allFields) {
14318  spacer fprintf (fp," __level (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->__level);
14319  }
14320  if(allFields) {
14321  spacer fprintf (fp," __movedCoords (SFVec3d): \t");
14322  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__movedCoords.c[i]); }
14323  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14324  }
14325  if(allFields) {
14326  spacer fprintf (fp," __rootUrl (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__rootUrl);
14327  }
14328  if(allFields) {
14329  spacer fprintf (fp," __rooturlloadstatus (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->__rooturlloadstatus);
14330  }
14331  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec3d): \t");
14332  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
14333  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14334  if(allFields) {
14335  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14336  }
14337  break;
14338  }
14339  case NODE_GeoLocation : {
14340  struct X3D_GeoLocation *tmp;
14341  tmp = (struct X3D_GeoLocation *) node;
14342  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14343  if(allFields) {
14344  spacer fprintf (fp," __localOrient (SFVec4d): \t");
14345  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__localOrient.c[i]); }
14346  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14347  }
14348  if(allFields) {
14349  spacer fprintf (fp," __movedCoords (SFVec3d): \t");
14350  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__movedCoords.c[i]); }
14351  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14352  }
14353  if(allFields) {
14354  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldChildren (MFNode):\n");
14355  for (i=0; i<tmp->__oldChildren.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__oldChildren.p[i]); }
14356  }
14357  if(allFields) {
14358  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldgeoCoords (SFVec3d): \t");
14359  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__oldgeoCoords.c[i]); }
14360  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14361  }
14362  if(allFields) {
14363  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
14364  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
14365  }
14366  if(allFields) {
14367  spacer fprintf (fp," _sortedChildren (MFNode):\n");
14368  for (i=0; i<tmp->_sortedChildren.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->_sortedChildren.p[i]); }
14369  }
14370  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
14371  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
14372  spacer fprintf (fp," geoCoords (SFVec3d): \t");
14373  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->geoCoords.c[i]); }
14374  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14375  if(allFields) {
14376  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14377  }
14378  break;
14379  }
14380  case NODE_GeoMetadata : {
14381  struct X3D_GeoMetadata *tmp;
14382  tmp = (struct X3D_GeoMetadata *) node;
14383  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14384  spacer fprintf (fp," data (MFNode):\n");
14385  for (i=0; i<tmp->data.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->data.p[i]); }
14386  if(allFields) {
14387  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14388  }
14389  spacer fprintf (fp," summary (MFString): \n");
14390  for (i=0; i<tmp->summary.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->summary.p[i]->strptr); }
14391  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
14392  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
14393  break;
14394  }
14395  case NODE_GeoOrigin : {
14396  struct X3D_GeoOrigin *tmp;
14397  tmp = (struct X3D_GeoOrigin *) node;
14398  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14399  if(allFields) {
14400  spacer fprintf (fp," __movedCoords (SFVec3d): \t");
14401  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__movedCoords.c[i]); }
14402  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14403  }
14404  if(allFields) {
14405  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldMFString (MFString): \n");
14406  for (i=0; i<tmp->__oldMFString.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->__oldMFString.p[i]->strptr); }
14407  }
14408  if(allFields) {
14409  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldgeoCoords (SFVec3d): \t");
14410  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__oldgeoCoords.c[i]); }
14411  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14412  }
14413  if(allFields) {
14414  spacer fprintf (fp," __rotyup (SFVec4d): \t");
14415  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__rotyup.c[i]); }
14416  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14417  }
14418  spacer fprintf (fp," geoCoords (SFVec3d): \t");
14419  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->geoCoords.c[i]); }
14420  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14421  if(allFields) {
14422  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14423  }
14424  break;
14425  }
14426  case NODE_GeoPositionInterpolator : {
14427  struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator *tmp;
14428  tmp = (struct X3D_GeoPositionInterpolator *) node;
14429  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14430  if(allFields) {
14431  spacer fprintf (fp," __movedValue (MFVec3d):\n");
14432  for (i=0; i<tmp->__movedValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->__movedValue.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->__movedValue.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->__movedValue.p[i]).c[2]); }
14433  }
14434  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
14435  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
14436  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFVec3d):\n");
14437  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[2]); }
14438  if(allFields) {
14439  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14440  }
14441  break;
14442  }
14443  case NODE_GeoProximitySensor : {
14444  struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor *tmp;
14445  tmp = (struct X3D_GeoProximitySensor *) node;
14446  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14447  if(allFields) {
14448  spacer fprintf (fp," __hit (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->__hit);
14449  }
14450  if(allFields) {
14451  spacer fprintf (fp," __localOrient (SFVec4d): \t");
14452  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__localOrient.c[i]); }
14453  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14454  }
14455  if(allFields) {
14456  spacer fprintf (fp," __movedCoords (SFVec3d): \t");
14457  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__movedCoords.c[i]); }
14458  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14459  }
14460  if(allFields) {
14461  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
14462  }
14463  if(allFields) {
14464  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldGeoCenter (SFVec3d): \t");
14465  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__oldGeoCenter.c[i]); }
14466  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14467  }
14468  if(allFields) {
14469  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldSize (SFVec3f): \t");
14470  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__oldSize.c[i]); }
14471  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14472  }
14473  if(allFields) {
14474  spacer fprintf (fp," __t1 (SFVec3f): \t");
14475  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__t1.c[i]); }
14476  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14477  }
14478  if(allFields) {
14479  spacer fprintf (fp," __t2 (SFRotation): \t");
14480  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__t2.c[i]); }
14481  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14482  }
14483  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
14484  spacer fprintf (fp," geoCenter (SFVec3d): \t");
14485  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->geoCenter.c[i]); }
14486  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14487  if(allFields) {
14488  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14489  }
14490  spacer fprintf (fp," size (SFVec3f): \t");
14491  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->size.c[i]); }
14492  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14493  break;
14494  }
14495  case NODE_GeoTouchSensor : {
14496  struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor *tmp;
14497  tmp = (struct X3D_GeoTouchSensor *) node;
14498  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14499  if(allFields) {
14500  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
14501  }
14502  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
14503  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
14504  if(allFields) {
14505  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14506  }
14507  break;
14508  }
14509  case NODE_GeoTransform : {
14510  struct X3D_GeoTransform *tmp;
14511  tmp = (struct X3D_GeoTransform *) node;
14512  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14513  if(allFields) {
14514  spacer fprintf (fp," __localOrient (SFVec4d): \t");
14515  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__localOrient.c[i]); }
14516  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14517  }
14518  if(allFields) {
14519  spacer fprintf (fp," __movedCoords (SFVec3d): \t");
14520  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__movedCoords.c[i]); }
14521  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14522  }
14523  if(allFields) {
14524  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldChildren (MFNode):\n");
14525  for (i=0; i<tmp->__oldChildren.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__oldChildren.p[i]); }
14526  }
14527  if(allFields) {
14528  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldGeoCenter (SFVec3d): \t");
14529  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__oldGeoCenter.c[i]); }
14530  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14531  }
14532  if(allFields) {
14533  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
14534  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
14535  }
14536  if(allFields) {
14537  spacer fprintf (fp," _sortedChildren (MFNode):\n");
14538  for (i=0; i<tmp->_sortedChildren.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->_sortedChildren.p[i]); }
14539  }
14540  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
14541  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
14542  spacer fprintf (fp," geoCenter (SFVec3d): \t");
14543  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->geoCenter.c[i]); }
14544  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14545  if(allFields) {
14546  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14547  }
14548  spacer fprintf (fp," rotation (SFRotation): \t");
14549  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->rotation.c[i]); }
14550  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14551  spacer fprintf (fp," scale (SFVec3f): \t");
14552  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scale.c[i]); }
14553  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14554  spacer fprintf (fp," scaleOrientation (SFRotation): \t");
14555  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scaleOrientation.c[i]); }
14556  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14557  spacer fprintf (fp," translation (SFVec3f): \t");
14558  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->translation.c[i]); }
14559  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14560  break;
14561  }
14562  case NODE_GeoViewpoint : {
14563  struct X3D_GeoViewpoint *tmp;
14564  tmp = (struct X3D_GeoViewpoint *) node;
14565  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14566  if(allFields) {
14567  spacer fprintf (fp," __movedPosition (SFVec3d): \t");
14568  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__movedPosition.c[i]); }
14569  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14570  }
14571  if(allFields) {
14572  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldFieldOfView (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->__oldFieldOfView);
14573  }
14574  if(allFields) {
14575  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldHeadlight (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldHeadlight);
14576  }
14577  if(allFields) {
14578  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldJump (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldJump);
14579  }
14580  if(allFields) {
14581  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldMFString (MFString): \n");
14582  for (i=0; i<tmp->__oldMFString.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->__oldMFString.p[i]->strptr); }
14583  }
14584  if(allFields) {
14585  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldSFString (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->__oldSFString->strptr);
14586  }
14587  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
14588  spacer fprintf (fp," fieldOfView (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->fieldOfView);
14589  spacer fprintf (fp," headlight (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->headlight);
14590  spacer fprintf (fp," jump (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->jump);
14591  if(allFields) {
14592  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14593  }
14594  spacer fprintf (fp," navType (MFString): \n");
14595  for (i=0; i<tmp->navType.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->navType.p[i]->strptr); }
14596  spacer fprintf (fp," orientation (SFRotation): \t");
14597  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->orientation.c[i]); }
14598  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14599  spacer fprintf (fp," position (SFVec3d): \t");
14600  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->position.c[i]); }
14601  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14602  break;
14603  }
14604  case NODE_Group : {
14605  struct X3D_Group *tmp;
14606  tmp = (struct X3D_Group *) node;
14607  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14608  if(allFields) {
14609  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
14610  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
14611  }
14612  if(allFields) {
14613  spacer fprintf (fp," _sortedChildren (MFNode):\n");
14614  for (i=0; i<tmp->_sortedChildren.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->_sortedChildren.p[i]); }
14615  }
14616  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
14617  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
14618  if(allFields) {
14619  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14620  }
14621  break;
14622  }
14623  case NODE_HAnimDisplacer : {
14624  struct X3D_HAnimDisplacer *tmp;
14625  tmp = (struct X3D_HAnimDisplacer *) node;
14626  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14627  spacer fprintf (fp," displacements (MFVec3f):\n");
14628  for (i=0; i<tmp->displacements.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->displacements.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->displacements.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->displacements.p[i]).c[2]); }
14629  if(allFields) {
14630  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14631  }
14632  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
14633  spacer fprintf (fp," weight (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->weight);
14634  break;
14635  }
14636  case NODE_HAnimHumanoid : {
14637  struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid *tmp;
14638  tmp = (struct X3D_HAnimHumanoid *) node;
14639  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14640  if(allFields) {
14641  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
14642  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
14643  }
14644  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec3f): \t");
14645  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
14646  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14647  spacer fprintf (fp," joints (MFNode):\n");
14648  for (i=0; i<tmp->joints.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->joints.p[i]); }
14649  if(allFields) {
14650  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14651  }
14652  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
14653  spacer fprintf (fp," rotation (SFRotation): \t");
14654  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->rotation.c[i]); }
14655  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14656  spacer fprintf (fp," scale (SFVec3f): \t");
14657  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scale.c[i]); }
14658  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14659  spacer fprintf (fp," scaleOrientation (SFRotation): \t");
14660  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scaleOrientation.c[i]); }
14661  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14662  spacer fprintf (fp," segments (MFNode):\n");
14663  for (i=0; i<tmp->segments.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->segments.p[i]); }
14664  spacer fprintf (fp," sites (MFNode):\n");
14665  for (i=0; i<tmp->sites.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->sites.p[i]); }
14666  spacer fprintf (fp," skeleton (MFNode):\n");
14667  for (i=0; i<tmp->skeleton.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->skeleton.p[i]); }
14668  spacer fprintf (fp," skin (MFNode):\n");
14669  for (i=0; i<tmp->skin.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->skin.p[i]); }
14670  spacer fprintf (fp," skinCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->skinCoord);
14671  spacer fprintf (fp," skinNormal (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->skinNormal);
14672  spacer fprintf (fp," translation (SFVec3f): \t");
14673  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->translation.c[i]); }
14674  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14675  spacer fprintf (fp," version (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->version->strptr);
14676  spacer fprintf (fp," viewpoints (MFNode):\n");
14677  for (i=0; i<tmp->viewpoints.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->viewpoints.p[i]); }
14678  break;
14679  }
14680  case NODE_HAnimJoint : {
14681  struct X3D_HAnimJoint *tmp;
14682  tmp = (struct X3D_HAnimJoint *) node;
14683  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14684  if(allFields) {
14685  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
14686  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
14687  }
14688  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec3f): \t");
14689  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
14690  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14691  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
14692  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
14693  spacer fprintf (fp," displacers (MFNode):\n");
14694  for (i=0; i<tmp->displacers.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->displacers.p[i]); }
14695  spacer fprintf (fp," limitOrientation (SFRotation): \t");
14696  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->limitOrientation.c[i]); }
14697  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14698  spacer fprintf (fp," llimit (MFFloat):\n");
14699  for (i=0; i<tmp->llimit.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->llimit.p[i]); }
14700  if(allFields) {
14701  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14702  }
14703  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
14704  spacer fprintf (fp," rotation (SFRotation): \t");
14705  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->rotation.c[i]); }
14706  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14707  spacer fprintf (fp," scale (SFVec3f): \t");
14708  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scale.c[i]); }
14709  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14710  spacer fprintf (fp," scaleOrientation (SFRotation): \t");
14711  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scaleOrientation.c[i]); }
14712  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14713  spacer fprintf (fp," skinCoordIndex (MFInt32):\n");
14714  for (i=0; i<tmp->skinCoordIndex.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->skinCoordIndex.p[i]); }
14715  spacer fprintf (fp," skinCoordWeight (MFFloat):\n");
14716  for (i=0; i<tmp->skinCoordWeight.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->skinCoordWeight.p[i]); }
14717  spacer fprintf (fp," stiffness (MFFloat):\n");
14718  for (i=0; i<tmp->stiffness.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->stiffness.p[i]); }
14719  spacer fprintf (fp," translation (SFVec3f): \t");
14720  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->translation.c[i]); }
14721  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14722  spacer fprintf (fp," ulimit (MFFloat):\n");
14723  for (i=0; i<tmp->ulimit.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->ulimit.p[i]); }
14724  break;
14725  }
14726  case NODE_HAnimSegment : {
14727  struct X3D_HAnimSegment *tmp;
14728  tmp = (struct X3D_HAnimSegment *) node;
14729  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14730  if(allFields) {
14731  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
14732  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
14733  }
14734  spacer fprintf (fp," centerOfMass (SFVec3f): \t");
14735  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->centerOfMass.c[i]); }
14736  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14737  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
14738  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
14739  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
14740  spacer fprintf (fp," displacers (MFNode):\n");
14741  for (i=0; i<tmp->displacers.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->displacers.p[i]); }
14742  spacer fprintf (fp," mass (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->mass);
14743  if(allFields) {
14744  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14745  }
14746  spacer fprintf (fp," momentsOfInertia (MFFloat):\n");
14747  for (i=0; i<tmp->momentsOfInertia.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->momentsOfInertia.p[i]); }
14748  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
14749  break;
14750  }
14751  case NODE_HAnimSite : {
14752  struct X3D_HAnimSite *tmp;
14753  tmp = (struct X3D_HAnimSite *) node;
14754  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14755  if(allFields) {
14756  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
14757  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
14758  }
14759  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec3f): \t");
14760  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
14761  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14762  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
14763  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
14764  if(allFields) {
14765  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14766  }
14767  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
14768  spacer fprintf (fp," rotation (SFRotation): \t");
14769  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->rotation.c[i]); }
14770  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14771  spacer fprintf (fp," scale (SFVec3f): \t");
14772  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scale.c[i]); }
14773  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14774  spacer fprintf (fp," scaleOrientation (SFRotation): \t");
14775  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scaleOrientation.c[i]); }
14776  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14777  spacer fprintf (fp," translation (SFVec3f): \t");
14778  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->translation.c[i]); }
14779  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14780  break;
14781  }
14782  case NODE_ImageBackdropBackground : {
14783  struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground *tmp;
14784  tmp = (struct X3D_ImageBackdropBackground *) node;
14785  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14786  if(allFields) {
14787  spacer fprintf (fp," __texture (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->__texture);
14788  }
14789  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFColor): \t");
14790  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->color.c[i]); }
14791  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14792  spacer fprintf (fp," image (SFImage): (not dumped)\t");
14793  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14794  if(allFields) {
14795  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14796  }
14797  spacer fprintf (fp," transparency (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->transparency);
14798  break;
14799  }
14800  case NODE_ImageCubeMapTexture : {
14801  struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture *tmp;
14802  tmp = (struct X3D_ImageCubeMapTexture *) node;
14803  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14804  if(allFields) {
14805  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14806  }
14807  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
14808  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
14809  break;
14810  }
14811  case NODE_ImageTexture : {
14812  struct X3D_ImageTexture *tmp;
14813  tmp = (struct X3D_ImageTexture *) node;
14814  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14815  if(allFields) {
14816  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14817  }
14818  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
14819  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
14820  break;
14821  }
14822  case NODE_ImageTexture3D : {
14823  struct X3D_ImageTexture3D *tmp;
14824  tmp = (struct X3D_ImageTexture3D *) node;
14825  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14826  if(allFields) {
14827  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14828  }
14829  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
14830  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
14831  break;
14832  }
14833  case NODE_IndexedFaceSet : {
14834  struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet *tmp;
14835  tmp = (struct X3D_IndexedFaceSet *) node;
14836  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14837  spacer fprintf (fp," attrib (MFNode):\n");
14838  for (i=0; i<tmp->attrib.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->attrib.p[i]); }
14839  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
14840  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
14841  spacer fprintf (fp," fogCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fogCoord);
14842  if(allFields) {
14843  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14844  }
14845  spacer fprintf (fp," normal (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->normal);
14846  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord);
14847  break;
14848  }
14849  case NODE_IndexedLineSet : {
14850  struct X3D_IndexedLineSet *tmp;
14851  tmp = (struct X3D_IndexedLineSet *) node;
14852  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14853  spacer fprintf (fp," attrib (MFNode):\n");
14854  for (i=0; i<tmp->attrib.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->attrib.p[i]); }
14855  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
14856  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
14857  spacer fprintf (fp," fogCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fogCoord);
14858  if(allFields) {
14859  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14860  }
14861  break;
14862  }
14863  case NODE_IndexedQuadSet : {
14864  struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet *tmp;
14865  tmp = (struct X3D_IndexedQuadSet *) node;
14866  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14867  spacer fprintf (fp," attrib (MFNode):\n");
14868  for (i=0; i<tmp->attrib.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->attrib.p[i]); }
14869  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
14870  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
14871  spacer fprintf (fp," fogCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fogCoord);
14872  if(allFields) {
14873  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14874  }
14875  spacer fprintf (fp," normal (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->normal);
14876  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord);
14877  break;
14878  }
14879  case NODE_IndexedTriangleFanSet : {
14880  struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet *tmp;
14881  tmp = (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleFanSet *) node;
14882  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14883  spacer fprintf (fp," attrib (MFNode):\n");
14884  for (i=0; i<tmp->attrib.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->attrib.p[i]); }
14885  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
14886  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
14887  spacer fprintf (fp," fogCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fogCoord);
14888  spacer fprintf (fp," index (MFInt32):\n");
14889  for (i=0; i<tmp->index.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->index.p[i]); }
14890  if(allFields) {
14891  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14892  }
14893  spacer fprintf (fp," normal (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->normal);
14894  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord);
14895  break;
14896  }
14897  case NODE_IndexedTriangleSet : {
14898  struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet *tmp;
14899  tmp = (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleSet *) node;
14900  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14901  spacer fprintf (fp," attrib (MFNode):\n");
14902  for (i=0; i<tmp->attrib.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->attrib.p[i]); }
14903  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
14904  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
14905  spacer fprintf (fp," fogCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fogCoord);
14906  spacer fprintf (fp," index (MFInt32):\n");
14907  for (i=0; i<tmp->index.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->index.p[i]); }
14908  if(allFields) {
14909  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14910  }
14911  spacer fprintf (fp," normal (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->normal);
14912  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord);
14913  break;
14914  }
14915  case NODE_IndexedTriangleStripSet : {
14916  struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet *tmp;
14917  tmp = (struct X3D_IndexedTriangleStripSet *) node;
14918  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14919  spacer fprintf (fp," attrib (MFNode):\n");
14920  for (i=0; i<tmp->attrib.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->attrib.p[i]); }
14921  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
14922  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
14923  spacer fprintf (fp," fogCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fogCoord);
14924  spacer fprintf (fp," index (MFInt32):\n");
14925  for (i=0; i<tmp->index.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->index.p[i]); }
14926  if(allFields) {
14927  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14928  }
14929  spacer fprintf (fp," normal (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->normal);
14930  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord);
14931  break;
14932  }
14933  case NODE_Inline : {
14934  struct X3D_Inline *tmp;
14935  tmp = (struct X3D_Inline *) node;
14936  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14937  if(allFields) {
14938  spacer fprintf (fp," __children (MFNode):\n");
14939  for (i=0; i<tmp->__children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__children.p[i]); }
14940  }
14941  if(allFields) {
14942  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
14943  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
14944  }
14945  if(allFields) {
14946  spacer fprintf (fp," _sortedChildren (MFNode):\n");
14947  for (i=0; i<tmp->_sortedChildren.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->_sortedChildren.p[i]); }
14948  }
14949  spacer fprintf (fp," load (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->load);
14950  if(allFields) {
14951  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14952  }
14953  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
14954  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
14955  break;
14956  }
14957  case NODE_IntegerSequencer : {
14958  struct X3D_IntegerSequencer *tmp;
14959  tmp = (struct X3D_IntegerSequencer *) node;
14960  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14961  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
14962  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
14963  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFInt32):\n");
14964  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->keyValue.p[i]); }
14965  if(allFields) {
14966  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14967  }
14968  break;
14969  }
14970  case NODE_IntegerTrigger : {
14971  struct X3D_IntegerTrigger *tmp;
14972  tmp = (struct X3D_IntegerTrigger *) node;
14973  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14974  spacer fprintf (fp," integerKey (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->integerKey);
14975  if(allFields) {
14976  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14977  }
14978  break;
14979  }
14980  case NODE_IsoSurfaceVolumeData : {
14981  struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData *tmp;
14982  tmp = (struct X3D_IsoSurfaceVolumeData *) node;
14983  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
14984  spacer fprintf (fp," contourStepSize (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->contourStepSize);
14985  spacer fprintf (fp," dimensions (SFVec3f): \t");
14986  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->dimensions.c[i]); }
14987  fprintf (fp,"\n");
14988  spacer fprintf (fp," gradients (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->gradients);
14989  if(allFields) {
14990  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
14991  }
14992  spacer fprintf (fp," renderStyle (MFNode):\n");
14993  for (i=0; i<tmp->renderStyle.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->renderStyle.p[i]); }
14994  spacer fprintf (fp," surfaceTolerance (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->surfaceTolerance);
14995  spacer fprintf (fp," surfaceValues (MFFloat):\n");
14996  for (i=0; i<tmp->surfaceValues.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->surfaceValues.p[i]); }
14997  spacer fprintf (fp," voxels (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->voxels);
14998  break;
14999  }
15000  case NODE_KeySensor : {
15001  struct X3D_KeySensor *tmp;
15002  tmp = (struct X3D_KeySensor *) node;
15003  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15004  if(allFields) {
15005  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
15006  }
15007  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
15008  if(allFields) {
15009  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15010  }
15011  break;
15012  }
15013  case NODE_LOD : {
15014  struct X3D_LOD *tmp;
15015  tmp = (struct X3D_LOD *) node;
15016  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15017  if(allFields) {
15018  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
15019  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
15020  }
15021  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec3f): \t");
15022  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
15023  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15024  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
15025  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
15026  spacer fprintf (fp," level (MFNode):\n");
15027  for (i=0; i<tmp->level.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->level.p[i]); }
15028  if(allFields) {
15029  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15030  }
15031  break;
15032  }
15033  case NODE_Layer : {
15034  struct X3D_Layer *tmp;
15035  tmp = (struct X3D_Layer *) node;
15036  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15037  if(allFields) {
15038  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
15039  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
15040  }
15041  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
15042  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
15043  spacer fprintf (fp," isPickable (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->isPickable);
15044  if(allFields) {
15045  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15046  }
15047  spacer fprintf (fp," viewport (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->viewport);
15048  break;
15049  }
15050  case NODE_LayerSet : {
15051  struct X3D_LayerSet *tmp;
15052  tmp = (struct X3D_LayerSet *) node;
15053  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15054  spacer fprintf (fp," activeLayer (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->activeLayer);
15055  spacer fprintf (fp," layers (MFNode):\n");
15056  for (i=0; i<tmp->layers.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->layers.p[i]); }
15057  if(allFields) {
15058  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15059  }
15060  spacer fprintf (fp," order (MFInt32):\n");
15061  for (i=0; i<tmp->order.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->order.p[i]); }
15062  break;
15063  }
15064  case NODE_Layout : {
15065  struct X3D_Layout *tmp;
15066  tmp = (struct X3D_Layout *) node;
15067  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15068  spacer fprintf (fp," align (MFString): \n");
15069  for (i=0; i<tmp->align.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->align.p[i]->strptr); }
15070  if(allFields) {
15071  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15072  }
15073  spacer fprintf (fp," offset (MFFloat):\n");
15074  for (i=0; i<tmp->offset.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->offset.p[i]); }
15075  spacer fprintf (fp," offsetUnits (MFString): \n");
15076  for (i=0; i<tmp->offsetUnits.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->offsetUnits.p[i]->strptr); }
15077  spacer fprintf (fp," scaleMode (MFString): \n");
15078  for (i=0; i<tmp->scaleMode.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->scaleMode.p[i]->strptr); }
15079  spacer fprintf (fp," size (MFFloat):\n");
15080  for (i=0; i<tmp->size.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->size.p[i]); }
15081  spacer fprintf (fp," sizeUnits (MFString): \n");
15082  for (i=0; i<tmp->sizeUnits.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->sizeUnits.p[i]->strptr); }
15083  break;
15084  }
15085  case NODE_LayoutGroup : {
15086  struct X3D_LayoutGroup *tmp;
15087  tmp = (struct X3D_LayoutGroup *) node;
15088  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15089  if(allFields) {
15090  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
15091  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
15092  }
15093  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
15094  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
15095  spacer fprintf (fp," layout (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->layout);
15096  if(allFields) {
15097  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15098  }
15099  spacer fprintf (fp," viewport (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->viewport);
15100  break;
15101  }
15102  case NODE_LayoutLayer : {
15103  struct X3D_LayoutLayer *tmp;
15104  tmp = (struct X3D_LayoutLayer *) node;
15105  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15106  if(allFields) {
15107  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
15108  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
15109  }
15110  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
15111  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
15112  spacer fprintf (fp," isPickable (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->isPickable);
15113  spacer fprintf (fp," layout (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->layout);
15114  if(allFields) {
15115  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15116  }
15117  spacer fprintf (fp," viewport (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->viewport);
15118  break;
15119  }
15120  case NODE_LinePickSensor : {
15121  struct X3D_LinePickSensor *tmp;
15122  tmp = (struct X3D_LinePickSensor *) node;
15123  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15124  if(allFields) {
15125  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
15126  }
15127  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
15128  spacer fprintf (fp," matchCriterion (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->matchCriterion->strptr);
15129  if(allFields) {
15130  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15131  }
15132  spacer fprintf (fp," objectType (MFString): \n");
15133  for (i=0; i<tmp->objectType.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->objectType.p[i]->strptr); }
15134  spacer fprintf (fp," pickTarget (MFNode):\n");
15135  for (i=0; i<tmp->pickTarget.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->pickTarget.p[i]); }
15136  spacer fprintf (fp," pickingGeometry (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->pickingGeometry);
15137  break;
15138  }
15139  case NODE_LineProperties : {
15140  struct X3D_LineProperties *tmp;
15141  tmp = (struct X3D_LineProperties *) node;
15142  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15143  spacer fprintf (fp," applied (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->applied);
15144  spacer fprintf (fp," linetype (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->linetype);
15145  spacer fprintf (fp," linewidthScaleFactor (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->linewidthScaleFactor);
15146  if(allFields) {
15147  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15148  }
15149  break;
15150  }
15151  case NODE_LineSensor : {
15152  struct X3D_LineSensor *tmp;
15153  tmp = (struct X3D_LineSensor *) node;
15154  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15155  if(allFields) {
15156  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
15157  }
15158  spacer fprintf (fp," autoOffset (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->autoOffset);
15159  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
15160  spacer fprintf (fp," direction (SFVec3f): \t");
15161  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->direction.c[i]); }
15162  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15163  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
15164  spacer fprintf (fp," maxPosition (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->maxPosition);
15165  if(allFields) {
15166  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15167  }
15168  spacer fprintf (fp," minPosition (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->minPosition);
15169  spacer fprintf (fp," offset (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->offset);
15170  break;
15171  }
15172  case NODE_LineSet : {
15173  struct X3D_LineSet *tmp;
15174  tmp = (struct X3D_LineSet *) node;
15175  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15176  spacer fprintf (fp," attrib (MFNode):\n");
15177  for (i=0; i<tmp->attrib.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->attrib.p[i]); }
15178  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
15179  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
15180  spacer fprintf (fp," fogCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fogCoord);
15181  if(allFields) {
15182  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15183  }
15184  spacer fprintf (fp," vertexCount (MFInt32):\n");
15185  for (i=0; i<tmp->vertexCount.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->vertexCount.p[i]); }
15186  break;
15187  }
15188  case NODE_LoadSensor : {
15189  struct X3D_LoadSensor *tmp;
15190  tmp = (struct X3D_LoadSensor *) node;
15191  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15192  if(allFields) {
15193  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
15194  }
15195  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
15196  if(allFields) {
15197  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15198  }
15199  spacer fprintf (fp," timeOut (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->timeOut);
15200  spacer fprintf (fp," watchList (MFNode):\n");
15201  for (i=0; i<tmp->watchList.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->watchList.p[i]); }
15202  break;
15203  }
15204  case NODE_LocalFog : {
15205  struct X3D_LocalFog *tmp;
15206  tmp = (struct X3D_LocalFog *) node;
15207  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15208  if(allFields) {
15209  spacer fprintf (fp," __fogScale (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->__fogScale);
15210  }
15211  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFColor): \t");
15212  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->color.c[i]); }
15213  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15214  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
15215  spacer fprintf (fp," fogType (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->fogType->strptr);
15216  if(allFields) {
15217  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15218  }
15219  spacer fprintf (fp," visibilityRange (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->visibilityRange);
15220  break;
15221  }
15222  case NODE_Material : {
15223  struct X3D_Material *tmp;
15224  tmp = (struct X3D_Material *) node;
15225  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15226  spacer fprintf (fp," ambientIntensity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->ambientIntensity);
15227  spacer fprintf (fp," diffuseColor (SFColor): \t");
15228  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->diffuseColor.c[i]); }
15229  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15230  spacer fprintf (fp," emissiveColor (SFColor): \t");
15231  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->emissiveColor.c[i]); }
15232  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15233  if(allFields) {
15234  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15235  }
15236  spacer fprintf (fp," shininess (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->shininess);
15237  spacer fprintf (fp," specularColor (SFColor): \t");
15238  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->specularColor.c[i]); }
15239  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15240  spacer fprintf (fp," transparency (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->transparency);
15241  break;
15242  }
15243  case NODE_Matrix3VertexAttribute : {
15244  struct X3D_Matrix3VertexAttribute *tmp;
15245  tmp = (struct X3D_Matrix3VertexAttribute *) node;
15246  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15247  if(allFields) {
15248  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15249  }
15250  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
15251  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFMatrix3f):\n");
15252  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f ]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[3],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[4],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[5],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[6],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[7],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[8]); }
15253  break;
15254  }
15255  case NODE_Matrix4VertexAttribute : {
15256  struct X3D_Matrix4VertexAttribute *tmp;
15257  tmp = (struct X3D_Matrix4VertexAttribute *) node;
15258  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15259  if(allFields) {
15260  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15261  }
15262  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
15263  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFMatrix4f):\n");
15264  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f ]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[3],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[4],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[5],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[6],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[7],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[8],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[9],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[10],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[11],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[12],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[13],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[14],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[15]); }
15265  break;
15266  }
15267  case NODE_MetadataBoolean : {
15268  struct X3D_MetadataBoolean *tmp;
15269  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataBoolean *) node;
15270  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15271  if(allFields) {
15272  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15273  }
15274  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
15275  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFBool):\n");
15276  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->value.p[i]); }
15277  break;
15278  }
15279  case NODE_MetadataDouble : {
15280  struct X3D_MetadataDouble *tmp;
15281  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataDouble *) node;
15282  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15283  if(allFields) {
15284  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15285  }
15286  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
15287  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFDouble):\n");
15288  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->value.p[i]); }
15289  break;
15290  }
15291  case NODE_MetadataFloat : {
15292  struct X3D_MetadataFloat *tmp;
15293  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataFloat *) node;
15294  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15295  if(allFields) {
15296  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15297  }
15298  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
15299  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFFloat):\n");
15300  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->value.p[i]); }
15301  break;
15302  }
15303  case NODE_MetadataInteger : {
15304  struct X3D_MetadataInteger *tmp;
15305  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataInteger *) node;
15306  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15307  if(allFields) {
15308  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15309  }
15310  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
15311  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFInt32):\n");
15312  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->value.p[i]); }
15313  break;
15314  }
15315  case NODE_MetadataMFBool : {
15316  struct X3D_MetadataMFBool *tmp;
15317  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFBool *) node;
15318  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15319  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFBool):\n");
15320  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->value.p[i]); }
15321  break;
15322  }
15323  case NODE_MetadataMFColor : {
15324  struct X3D_MetadataMFColor *tmp;
15325  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFColor *) node;
15326  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15327  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFColor):\n");
15328  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[2]); }
15329  break;
15330  }
15331  case NODE_MetadataMFColorRGBA : {
15332  struct X3D_MetadataMFColorRGBA *tmp;
15333  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFColorRGBA *) node;
15334  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15335  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFColorRGBA):\n");
15336  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[3]); }
15337  break;
15338  }
15339  case NODE_MetadataMFDouble : {
15340  struct X3D_MetadataMFDouble *tmp;
15341  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFDouble *) node;
15342  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15343  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFDouble):\n");
15344  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->value.p[i]); }
15345  break;
15346  }
15347  case NODE_MetadataMFFloat : {
15348  struct X3D_MetadataMFFloat *tmp;
15349  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFFloat *) node;
15350  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15351  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFFloat):\n");
15352  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->value.p[i]); }
15353  break;
15354  }
15355  case NODE_MetadataMFInt32 : {
15356  struct X3D_MetadataMFInt32 *tmp;
15357  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFInt32 *) node;
15358  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15359  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFInt32):\n");
15360  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->value.p[i]); }
15361  break;
15362  }
15363  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix3d : {
15364  struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3d *tmp;
15365  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3d *) node;
15366  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15367  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFMatrix3d):\n");
15368  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f ]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[3],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[4],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[5],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[6],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[7],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[8]); }
15369  break;
15370  }
15371  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix3f : {
15372  struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3f *tmp;
15373  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix3f *) node;
15374  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15375  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFMatrix3f):\n");
15376  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f ]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[3],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[4],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[5],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[6],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[7],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[8]); }
15377  break;
15378  }
15379  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix4d : {
15380  struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4d *tmp;
15381  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4d *) node;
15382  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15383  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFMatrix4d):\n");
15384  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f ]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[3],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[4],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[5],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[6],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[7],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[8],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[9],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[10],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[11],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[12],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[13],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[14],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[15]); }
15385  break;
15386  }
15387  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix4f : {
15388  struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4f *tmp;
15389  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFMatrix4f *) node;
15390  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15391  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFMatrix4f):\n");
15392  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f ]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[3],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[4],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[5],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[6],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[7],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[8],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[9],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[10],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[11],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[12],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[13],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[14],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[15]); }
15393  break;
15394  }
15395  case NODE_MetadataMFNode : {
15396  struct X3D_MetadataMFNode *tmp;
15397  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFNode *) node;
15398  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15399  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFNode):\n");
15400  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->value.p[i]); }
15401  break;
15402  }
15403  case NODE_MetadataMFRotation : {
15404  struct X3D_MetadataMFRotation *tmp;
15405  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFRotation *) node;
15406  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15407  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFRotation):\n");
15408  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[3]); }
15409  break;
15410  }
15411  case NODE_MetadataMFString : {
15412  struct X3D_MetadataMFString *tmp;
15413  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFString *) node;
15414  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15415  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFString): \n");
15416  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->value.p[i]->strptr); }
15417  break;
15418  }
15419  case NODE_MetadataMFTime : {
15420  struct X3D_MetadataMFTime *tmp;
15421  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFTime *) node;
15422  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15423  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFTime):\n");
15424  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->value.p[i]); }
15425  break;
15426  }
15427  case NODE_MetadataMFVec2d : {
15428  struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2d *tmp;
15429  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2d *) node;
15430  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15431  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFVec2d):\n");
15432  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1]); }
15433  break;
15434  }
15435  case NODE_MetadataMFVec2f : {
15436  struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2f *tmp;
15437  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec2f *) node;
15438  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15439  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFVec2f):\n");
15440  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1]); }
15441  break;
15442  }
15443  case NODE_MetadataMFVec3d : {
15444  struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3d *tmp;
15445  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3d *) node;
15446  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15447  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFVec3d):\n");
15448  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[2]); }
15449  break;
15450  }
15451  case NODE_MetadataMFVec3f : {
15452  struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3f *tmp;
15453  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec3f *) node;
15454  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15455  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFVec3f):\n");
15456  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[2]); }
15457  break;
15458  }
15459  case NODE_MetadataMFVec4d : {
15460  struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4d *tmp;
15461  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4d *) node;
15462  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15463  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFVec4d):\n");
15464  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[3]); }
15465  break;
15466  }
15467  case NODE_MetadataMFVec4f : {
15468  struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4f *tmp;
15469  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataMFVec4f *) node;
15470  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15471  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFVec4f):\n");
15472  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->value.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->value.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->value.p[i]).c[3]); }
15473  break;
15474  }
15475  case NODE_MetadataSFBool : {
15476  struct X3D_MetadataSFBool *tmp;
15477  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFBool *) node;
15478  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15479  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->value);
15480  break;
15481  }
15482  case NODE_MetadataSFColor : {
15483  struct X3D_MetadataSFColor *tmp;
15484  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFColor *) node;
15485  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15486  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFColor): \t");
15487  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->value.c[i]); }
15488  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15489  break;
15490  }
15491  case NODE_MetadataSFColorRGBA : {
15492  struct X3D_MetadataSFColorRGBA *tmp;
15493  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFColorRGBA *) node;
15494  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15495  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFColorRGBA): \t");
15496  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->value.c[i]); }
15497  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15498  break;
15499  }
15500  case NODE_MetadataSFDouble : {
15501  struct X3D_MetadataSFDouble *tmp;
15502  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFDouble *) node;
15503  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15504  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFDouble) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->value);
15505  break;
15506  }
15507  case NODE_MetadataSFFloat : {
15508  struct X3D_MetadataSFFloat *tmp;
15509  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFFloat *) node;
15510  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15511  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->value);
15512  break;
15513  }
15514  case NODE_MetadataSFImage : {
15515  struct X3D_MetadataSFImage *tmp;
15516  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFImage *) node;
15517  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15518  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFImage): (not dumped)\t");
15519  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15520  break;
15521  }
15522  case NODE_MetadataSFInt32 : {
15523  struct X3D_MetadataSFInt32 *tmp;
15524  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFInt32 *) node;
15525  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15526  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->value);
15527  break;
15528  }
15529  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix3d : {
15530  struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3d *tmp;
15531  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3d *) node;
15532  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15533  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFMatrix3d): \t");
15534  for (i=0; i<9; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->value.c[i]); }
15535  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15536  break;
15537  }
15538  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix3f : {
15539  struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3f *tmp;
15540  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix3f *) node;
15541  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15542  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFMatrix3f): \t");
15543  for (i=0; i<9; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->value.c[i]); }
15544  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15545  break;
15546  }
15547  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix4d : {
15548  struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4d *tmp;
15549  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4d *) node;
15550  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15551  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFMatrix4d): \t");
15552  for (i=0; i<16; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->value.c[i]); }
15553  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15554  break;
15555  }
15556  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix4f : {
15557  struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4f *tmp;
15558  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFMatrix4f *) node;
15559  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15560  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFMatrix4f): \t");
15561  for (i=0; i<16; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->value.c[i]); }
15562  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15563  break;
15564  }
15565  case NODE_MetadataSFNode : {
15566  struct X3D_MetadataSFNode *tmp;
15567  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFNode *) node;
15568  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15569  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->value);
15570  break;
15571  }
15572  case NODE_MetadataSFRotation : {
15573  struct X3D_MetadataSFRotation *tmp;
15574  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFRotation *) node;
15575  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15576  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFRotation): \t");
15577  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->value.c[i]); }
15578  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15579  break;
15580  }
15581  case NODE_MetadataSFString : {
15582  struct X3D_MetadataSFString *tmp;
15583  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFString *) node;
15584  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15585  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->value->strptr);
15586  break;
15587  }
15588  case NODE_MetadataSFTime : {
15589  struct X3D_MetadataSFTime *tmp;
15590  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFTime *) node;
15591  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15592  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->value);
15593  break;
15594  }
15595  case NODE_MetadataSFVec2d : {
15596  struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2d *tmp;
15597  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2d *) node;
15598  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15599  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFVec2d): \t");
15600  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->value.c[i]); }
15601  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15602  break;
15603  }
15604  case NODE_MetadataSFVec2f : {
15605  struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2f *tmp;
15606  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec2f *) node;
15607  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15608  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFVec2f): \t");
15609  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->value.c[i]); }
15610  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15611  break;
15612  }
15613  case NODE_MetadataSFVec3d : {
15614  struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3d *tmp;
15615  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3d *) node;
15616  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15617  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFVec3d): \t");
15618  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->value.c[i]); }
15619  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15620  break;
15621  }
15622  case NODE_MetadataSFVec3f : {
15623  struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3f *tmp;
15624  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec3f *) node;
15625  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15626  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFVec3f): \t");
15627  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->value.c[i]); }
15628  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15629  break;
15630  }
15631  case NODE_MetadataSFVec4d : {
15632  struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4d *tmp;
15633  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4d *) node;
15634  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15635  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFVec4d): \t");
15636  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->value.c[i]); }
15637  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15638  break;
15639  }
15640  case NODE_MetadataSFVec4f : {
15641  struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4f *tmp;
15642  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSFVec4f *) node;
15643  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15644  spacer fprintf (fp," value (SFVec4f): \t");
15645  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->value.c[i]); }
15646  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15647  break;
15648  }
15649  case NODE_MetadataSet : {
15650  struct X3D_MetadataSet *tmp;
15651  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataSet *) node;
15652  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15653  if(allFields) {
15654  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15655  }
15656  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
15657  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFNode):\n");
15658  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->value.p[i]); }
15659  break;
15660  }
15661  case NODE_MetadataString : {
15662  struct X3D_MetadataString *tmp;
15663  tmp = (struct X3D_MetadataString *) node;
15664  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15665  if(allFields) {
15666  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15667  }
15668  spacer fprintf (fp," name (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->name->strptr);
15669  spacer fprintf (fp," value (MFString): \n");
15670  for (i=0; i<tmp->value.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->value.p[i]->strptr); }
15671  break;
15672  }
15673  case NODE_MotorJoint : {
15674  struct X3D_MotorJoint *tmp;
15675  tmp = (struct X3D_MotorJoint *) node;
15676  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15677  if(allFields) {
15678  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_axis1Angle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->__old_axis1Angle);
15679  }
15680  if(allFields) {
15681  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_axis2Angle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->__old_axis2Angle);
15682  }
15683  if(allFields) {
15684  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_axis3Angle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->__old_axis3Angle);
15685  }
15686  if(allFields) {
15687  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_body1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__old_body1);
15688  }
15689  if(allFields) {
15690  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_body2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__old_body2);
15691  }
15692  spacer fprintf (fp," axis1Angle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->axis1Angle);
15693  spacer fprintf (fp," axis1Torque (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->axis1Torque);
15694  spacer fprintf (fp," axis2Angle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->axis2Angle);
15695  spacer fprintf (fp," axis2Torque (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->axis2Torque);
15696  spacer fprintf (fp," axis3Angle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->axis3Angle);
15697  spacer fprintf (fp," axis3Torque (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->axis3Torque);
15698  spacer fprintf (fp," body1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body1);
15699  spacer fprintf (fp," body2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body2);
15700  spacer fprintf (fp," enabledAxes (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->enabledAxes);
15701  spacer fprintf (fp," forceOutput (MFString): \n");
15702  for (i=0; i<tmp->forceOutput.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->forceOutput.p[i]->strptr); }
15703  if(allFields) {
15704  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15705  }
15706  spacer fprintf (fp," stop1Bounce (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stop1Bounce);
15707  spacer fprintf (fp," stop1ErrorCorrection (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stop1ErrorCorrection);
15708  spacer fprintf (fp," stop2Bounce (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stop2Bounce);
15709  spacer fprintf (fp," stop2ErrorCorrection (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stop2ErrorCorrection);
15710  spacer fprintf (fp," stop3Bounce (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stop3Bounce);
15711  spacer fprintf (fp," stop3ErrorCorrection (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stop3ErrorCorrection);
15712  break;
15713  }
15714  case NODE_MovieTexture : {
15715  struct X3D_MovieTexture *tmp;
15716  tmp = (struct X3D_MovieTexture *) node;
15717  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15718  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
15719  spacer fprintf (fp," loop (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->loop);
15720  if(allFields) {
15721  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15722  }
15723  spacer fprintf (fp," pauseTime (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->pauseTime);
15724  spacer fprintf (fp," pitch (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->pitch);
15725  spacer fprintf (fp," resumeTime (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->resumeTime);
15726  spacer fprintf (fp," speed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->speed);
15727  spacer fprintf (fp," startTime (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->startTime);
15728  spacer fprintf (fp," stopTime (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stopTime);
15729  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
15730  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
15731  break;
15732  }
15733  case NODE_MultiTexture : {
15734  struct X3D_MultiTexture *tmp;
15735  tmp = (struct X3D_MultiTexture *) node;
15736  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15737  spacer fprintf (fp," alpha (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->alpha);
15738  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFColor): \t");
15739  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->color.c[i]); }
15740  fprintf (fp,"\n");
15741  spacer fprintf (fp," function (MFString): \n");
15742  for (i=0; i<tmp->function.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->function.p[i]->strptr); }
15743  if(allFields) {
15744  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15745  }
15746  spacer fprintf (fp," mode (MFString): \n");
15747  for (i=0; i<tmp->mode.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->mode.p[i]->strptr); }
15748  spacer fprintf (fp," source (MFString): \n");
15749  for (i=0; i<tmp->source.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->source.p[i]->strptr); }
15750  spacer fprintf (fp," texture (MFNode):\n");
15751  for (i=0; i<tmp->texture.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texture.p[i]); }
15752  break;
15753  }
15754  case NODE_MultiTextureCoordinate : {
15755  struct X3D_MultiTextureCoordinate *tmp;
15756  tmp = (struct X3D_MultiTextureCoordinate *) node;
15757  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15758  if(allFields) {
15759  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15760  }
15761  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (MFNode):\n");
15762  for (i=0; i<tmp->texCoord.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord.p[i]); }
15763  break;
15764  }
15765  case NODE_MultiTextureTransform : {
15766  struct X3D_MultiTextureTransform *tmp;
15767  tmp = (struct X3D_MultiTextureTransform *) node;
15768  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15769  if(allFields) {
15770  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15771  }
15772  spacer fprintf (fp," textureTransform (MFNode):\n");
15773  for (i=0; i<tmp->textureTransform.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->textureTransform.p[i]); }
15774  break;
15775  }
15776  case NODE_NavigationInfo : {
15777  struct X3D_NavigationInfo *tmp;
15778  tmp = (struct X3D_NavigationInfo *) node;
15779  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15780  spacer fprintf (fp," avatarSize (MFFloat):\n");
15781  for (i=0; i<tmp->avatarSize.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->avatarSize.p[i]); }
15782  spacer fprintf (fp," headlight (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->headlight);
15783  if(allFields) {
15784  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15785  }
15786  spacer fprintf (fp," speed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->speed);
15787  spacer fprintf (fp," transitionTime (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->transitionTime);
15788  spacer fprintf (fp," transitionType (MFString): \n");
15789  for (i=0; i<tmp->transitionType.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->transitionType.p[i]->strptr); }
15790  spacer fprintf (fp," type (MFString): \n");
15791  for (i=0; i<tmp->type.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->type.p[i]->strptr); }
15792  spacer fprintf (fp," visibilityLimit (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->visibilityLimit);
15793  break;
15794  }
15795  case NODE_Normal : {
15796  struct X3D_Normal *tmp;
15797  tmp = (struct X3D_Normal *) node;
15798  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15799  if(allFields) {
15800  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15801  }
15802  spacer fprintf (fp," vector (MFVec3f):\n");
15803  for (i=0; i<tmp->vector.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->vector.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->vector.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->vector.p[i]).c[2]); }
15804  break;
15805  }
15806  case NODE_NormalInterpolator : {
15807  struct X3D_NormalInterpolator *tmp;
15808  tmp = (struct X3D_NormalInterpolator *) node;
15809  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15810  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
15811  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
15812  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFVec3f):\n");
15813  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[2]); }
15814  if(allFields) {
15815  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15816  }
15817  break;
15818  }
15819  case NODE_NurbsCurve : {
15820  struct X3D_NurbsCurve *tmp;
15821  tmp = (struct X3D_NurbsCurve *) node;
15822  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15823  spacer fprintf (fp," controlPoint (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->controlPoint);
15824  if(allFields) {
15825  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15826  }
15827  spacer fprintf (fp," order (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->order);
15828  spacer fprintf (fp," tessellation (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->tessellation);
15829  spacer fprintf (fp," weight (MFDouble):\n");
15830  for (i=0; i<tmp->weight.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->weight.p[i]); }
15831  break;
15832  }
15833  case NODE_NurbsCurve2D : {
15834  struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D *tmp;
15835  tmp = (struct X3D_NurbsCurve2D *) node;
15836  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15837  spacer fprintf (fp," controlPoint (MFVec2d):\n");
15838  for (i=0; i<tmp->controlPoint.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->controlPoint.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->controlPoint.p[i]).c[1]); }
15839  if(allFields) {
15840  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15841  }
15842  spacer fprintf (fp," order (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->order);
15843  spacer fprintf (fp," tessellation (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->tessellation);
15844  spacer fprintf (fp," weight (MFDouble):\n");
15845  for (i=0; i<tmp->weight.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->weight.p[i]); }
15846  break;
15847  }
15848  case NODE_NurbsOrientationInterpolator : {
15850  tmp = (struct X3D_NurbsOrientationInterpolator *) node;
15851  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15852  if(allFields) {
15853  spacer fprintf (fp," _OK (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->_OK);
15854  }
15855  if(allFields) {
15856  spacer fprintf (fp," _knot (MFFloat):\n");
15857  for (i=0; i<tmp->_knot.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->_knot.p[i]); }
15858  }
15859  if(allFields) {
15860  spacer fprintf (fp," _xyzw (MFVec4f):\n");
15861  for (i=0; i<tmp->_xyzw.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->_xyzw.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->_xyzw.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->_xyzw.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->_xyzw.p[i]).c[3]); }
15862  }
15863  spacer fprintf (fp," controlPoint (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->controlPoint);
15864  spacer fprintf (fp," knot (MFDouble):\n");
15865  for (i=0; i<tmp->knot.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->knot.p[i]); }
15866  if(allFields) {
15867  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15868  }
15869  spacer fprintf (fp," order (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->order);
15870  spacer fprintf (fp," weight (MFDouble):\n");
15871  for (i=0; i<tmp->weight.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->weight.p[i]); }
15872  break;
15873  }
15874  case NODE_NurbsPatchSurface : {
15875  struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface *tmp;
15876  tmp = (struct X3D_NurbsPatchSurface *) node;
15877  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15878  spacer fprintf (fp," controlPoint (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->controlPoint);
15879  if(allFields) {
15880  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15881  }
15882  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord);
15883  spacer fprintf (fp," uDimension (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->uDimension);
15884  spacer fprintf (fp," uOrder (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->uOrder);
15885  spacer fprintf (fp," uTessellation (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->uTessellation);
15886  spacer fprintf (fp," vDimension (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->vDimension);
15887  spacer fprintf (fp," vOrder (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->vOrder);
15888  spacer fprintf (fp," vTessellation (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->vTessellation);
15889  spacer fprintf (fp," weight (MFDouble):\n");
15890  for (i=0; i<tmp->weight.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->weight.p[i]); }
15891  break;
15892  }
15893  case NODE_NurbsPositionInterpolator : {
15894  struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator *tmp;
15895  tmp = (struct X3D_NurbsPositionInterpolator *) node;
15896  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15897  if(allFields) {
15898  spacer fprintf (fp," _OK (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->_OK);
15899  }
15900  if(allFields) {
15901  spacer fprintf (fp," _knot (MFFloat):\n");
15902  for (i=0; i<tmp->_knot.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->_knot.p[i]); }
15903  }
15904  if(allFields) {
15905  spacer fprintf (fp," _xyzw (MFVec4f):\n");
15906  for (i=0; i<tmp->_xyzw.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->_xyzw.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->_xyzw.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->_xyzw.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->_xyzw.p[i]).c[3]); }
15907  }
15908  spacer fprintf (fp," controlPoint (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->controlPoint);
15909  spacer fprintf (fp," knot (MFDouble):\n");
15910  for (i=0; i<tmp->knot.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->knot.p[i]); }
15911  if(allFields) {
15912  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15913  }
15914  spacer fprintf (fp," order (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->order);
15915  spacer fprintf (fp," weight (MFDouble):\n");
15916  for (i=0; i<tmp->weight.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->weight.p[i]); }
15917  break;
15918  }
15919  case NODE_NurbsSet : {
15920  struct X3D_NurbsSet *tmp;
15921  tmp = (struct X3D_NurbsSet *) node;
15922  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15923  spacer fprintf (fp," geometry (MFNode):\n");
15924  for (i=0; i<tmp->geometry.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->geometry.p[i]); }
15925  if(allFields) {
15926  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15927  }
15928  spacer fprintf (fp," tessellationScale (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tessellationScale);
15929  break;
15930  }
15931  case NODE_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator : {
15932  struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator *tmp;
15933  tmp = (struct X3D_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator *) node;
15934  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15935  if(allFields) {
15936  spacer fprintf (fp," _OK (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->_OK);
15937  }
15938  if(allFields) {
15939  spacer fprintf (fp," _controlPoint (MFVec4f):\n");
15940  for (i=0; i<tmp->_controlPoint.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->_controlPoint.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->_controlPoint.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->_controlPoint.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->_controlPoint.p[i]).c[3]); }
15941  }
15942  spacer fprintf (fp," controlPoint (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->controlPoint);
15943  if(allFields) {
15944  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15945  }
15946  spacer fprintf (fp," uDimension (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->uDimension);
15947  spacer fprintf (fp," uOrder (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->uOrder);
15948  spacer fprintf (fp," vDimension (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->vDimension);
15949  spacer fprintf (fp," vOrder (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->vOrder);
15950  spacer fprintf (fp," weight (MFDouble):\n");
15951  for (i=0; i<tmp->weight.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->weight.p[i]); }
15952  break;
15953  }
15954  case NODE_NurbsSweptSurface : {
15955  struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface *tmp;
15956  tmp = (struct X3D_NurbsSweptSurface *) node;
15957  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15958  spacer fprintf (fp," crossSectionCurve (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->crossSectionCurve);
15959  if(allFields) {
15960  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15961  }
15962  spacer fprintf (fp," trajectoryCurve (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->trajectoryCurve);
15963  break;
15964  }
15965  case NODE_NurbsSwungSurface : {
15966  struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface *tmp;
15967  tmp = (struct X3D_NurbsSwungSurface *) node;
15968  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15969  if(allFields) {
15970  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15971  }
15972  spacer fprintf (fp," profileCurve (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->profileCurve);
15973  spacer fprintf (fp," trajectoryCurve (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->trajectoryCurve);
15974  break;
15975  }
15976  case NODE_NurbsTextureCoordinate : {
15977  struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate *tmp;
15978  tmp = (struct X3D_NurbsTextureCoordinate *) node;
15979  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
15980  if(allFields) {
15981  spacer fprintf (fp," _controlPoint (MFVec4f):\n");
15982  for (i=0; i<tmp->_controlPoint.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->_controlPoint.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->_controlPoint.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->_controlPoint.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->_controlPoint.p[i]).c[3]); }
15983  }
15984  spacer fprintf (fp," controlPoint (MFVec2f):\n");
15985  for (i=0; i<tmp->controlPoint.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->controlPoint.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->controlPoint.p[i]).c[1]); }
15986  if(allFields) {
15987  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
15988  }
15989  spacer fprintf (fp," uDimension (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->uDimension);
15990  spacer fprintf (fp," uOrder (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->uOrder);
15991  spacer fprintf (fp," vDimension (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->vDimension);
15992  spacer fprintf (fp," vOrder (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->vOrder);
15993  spacer fprintf (fp," weight (MFFloat):\n");
15994  for (i=0; i<tmp->weight.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->weight.p[i]); }
15995  break;
15996  }
15997  case NODE_NurbsTrimmedSurface : {
15998  struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface *tmp;
15999  tmp = (struct X3D_NurbsTrimmedSurface *) node;
16000  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16001  spacer fprintf (fp," controlPoint (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->controlPoint);
16002  if(allFields) {
16003  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16004  }
16005  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord);
16006  spacer fprintf (fp," trimmingContour (MFNode):\n");
16007  for (i=0; i<tmp->trimmingContour.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->trimmingContour.p[i]); }
16008  spacer fprintf (fp," uDimension (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->uDimension);
16009  spacer fprintf (fp," uOrder (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->uOrder);
16010  spacer fprintf (fp," uTessellation (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->uTessellation);
16011  spacer fprintf (fp," vDimension (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->vDimension);
16012  spacer fprintf (fp," vOrder (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->vOrder);
16013  spacer fprintf (fp," vTessellation (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->vTessellation);
16014  spacer fprintf (fp," weight (MFDouble):\n");
16015  for (i=0; i<tmp->weight.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->weight.p[i]); }
16016  break;
16017  }
16018  case NODE_OSC_Sensor : {
16019  struct X3D_OSC_Sensor *tmp;
16020  tmp = (struct X3D_OSC_Sensor *) node;
16021  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16022  spacer fprintf (fp," FIFOsize (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->FIFOsize);
16023  if(allFields) {
16024  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldmetadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__oldmetadata);
16025  }
16026  if(allFields) {
16027  spacer fprintf (fp," _status (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->_status);
16028  }
16029  if(allFields) {
16030  spacer fprintf (fp," _talkToNodes (MFNode):\n");
16031  for (i=0; i<tmp->_talkToNodes.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->_talkToNodes.p[i]); }
16032  }
16033  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
16034  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16035  spacer fprintf (fp," filter (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->filter->strptr);
16036  spacer fprintf (fp," floatInp (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->floatInp);
16037  spacer fprintf (fp," gotEvents (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->gotEvents);
16038  spacer fprintf (fp," handler (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->handler->strptr);
16039  spacer fprintf (fp," int32Inp (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->int32Inp);
16040  spacer fprintf (fp," listenfor (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->listenfor->strptr);
16041  if(allFields) {
16042  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16043  }
16044  spacer fprintf (fp," port (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->port);
16045  spacer fprintf (fp," protocol (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->protocol->strptr);
16046  spacer fprintf (fp," stringInp (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->stringInp->strptr);
16047  spacer fprintf (fp," talksTo (MFString): \n");
16048  for (i=0; i<tmp->talksTo.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->talksTo.p[i]->strptr); }
16049  break;
16050  }
16051  case NODE_OpacityMapVolumeStyle : {
16052  struct X3D_OpacityMapVolumeStyle *tmp;
16053  tmp = (struct X3D_OpacityMapVolumeStyle *) node;
16054  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16055  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16056  if(allFields) {
16057  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16058  }
16059  spacer fprintf (fp," transferFunction (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->transferFunction);
16060  break;
16061  }
16062  case NODE_OrientationChaser : {
16063  struct X3D_OrientationChaser *tmp;
16064  tmp = (struct X3D_OrientationChaser *) node;
16065  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16066  if(allFields) {
16067  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16068  }
16069  break;
16070  }
16071  case NODE_OrientationDamper : {
16072  struct X3D_OrientationDamper *tmp;
16073  tmp = (struct X3D_OrientationDamper *) node;
16074  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16075  if(allFields) {
16076  spacer fprintf (fp," _tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->_tau);
16077  }
16078  if(allFields) {
16079  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16080  }
16081  spacer fprintf (fp," tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tau);
16082  spacer fprintf (fp," tolerance (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tolerance);
16083  break;
16084  }
16085  case NODE_OrientationInterpolator : {
16086  struct X3D_OrientationInterpolator *tmp;
16087  tmp = (struct X3D_OrientationInterpolator *) node;
16088  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16089  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
16090  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
16091  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFRotation):\n");
16092  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[3]); }
16093  if(allFields) {
16094  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16095  }
16096  break;
16097  }
16098  case NODE_OrthoViewpoint : {
16099  struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint *tmp;
16100  tmp = (struct X3D_OrthoViewpoint *) node;
16101  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16102  spacer fprintf (fp," centerOfRotation (SFVec3f): \t");
16103  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->centerOfRotation.c[i]); }
16104  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16105  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
16106  spacer fprintf (fp," fieldOfView (MFFloat):\n");
16107  for (i=0; i<tmp->fieldOfView.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->fieldOfView.p[i]); }
16108  spacer fprintf (fp," jump (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->jump);
16109  if(allFields) {
16110  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16111  }
16112  spacer fprintf (fp," orientation (SFRotation): \t");
16113  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->orientation.c[i]); }
16114  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16115  spacer fprintf (fp," position (SFVec3f): \t");
16116  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->position.c[i]); }
16117  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16118  spacer fprintf (fp," retainUserOffsets (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->retainUserOffsets);
16119  break;
16120  }
16121  case NODE_PackagedShader : {
16122  struct X3D_PackagedShader *tmp;
16123  tmp = (struct X3D_PackagedShader *) node;
16124  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16125  if(allFields) {
16126  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16127  }
16128  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
16129  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
16130  break;
16131  }
16132  case NODE_ParticleSystem : {
16133  struct X3D_ParticleSystem *tmp;
16134  tmp = (struct X3D_ParticleSystem *) node;
16135  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16136  spacer fprintf (fp," appearance (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->appearance);
16137  spacer fprintf (fp," createParticles (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->createParticles);
16138  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16139  spacer fprintf (fp," geometry (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->geometry);
16140  spacer fprintf (fp," lifetimeVariation (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->lifetimeVariation);
16141  spacer fprintf (fp," maxParticles (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->maxParticles);
16142  if(allFields) {
16143  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16144  }
16145  spacer fprintf (fp," particleLifetime (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->particleLifetime);
16146  spacer fprintf (fp," particleSize (SFVec2f): \t");
16147  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->particleSize.c[i]); }
16148  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16149  break;
16150  }
16151  case NODE_PickableGroup : {
16152  struct X3D_PickableGroup *tmp;
16153  tmp = (struct X3D_PickableGroup *) node;
16154  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16155  if(allFields) {
16156  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
16157  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
16158  }
16159  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
16160  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
16161  if(allFields) {
16162  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16163  }
16164  spacer fprintf (fp," objectType (MFString): \n");
16165  for (i=0; i<tmp->objectType.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->objectType.p[i]->strptr); }
16166  spacer fprintf (fp," pickable (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->pickable);
16167  break;
16168  }
16169  case NODE_PixelTexture : {
16170  struct X3D_PixelTexture *tmp;
16171  tmp = (struct X3D_PixelTexture *) node;
16172  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16173  spacer fprintf (fp," image (SFImage): (not dumped)\t");
16174  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16175  if(allFields) {
16176  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16177  }
16178  break;
16179  }
16180  case NODE_PixelTexture3D : {
16181  struct X3D_PixelTexture3D *tmp;
16182  tmp = (struct X3D_PixelTexture3D *) node;
16183  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16184  spacer fprintf (fp," image (MFInt32):\n");
16185  for (i=0; i<tmp->image.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->image.p[i]); }
16186  if(allFields) {
16187  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16188  }
16189  break;
16190  }
16191  case NODE_PlaneSensor : {
16192  struct X3D_PlaneSensor *tmp;
16193  tmp = (struct X3D_PlaneSensor *) node;
16194  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16195  if(allFields) {
16196  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
16197  }
16198  spacer fprintf (fp," autoOffset (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->autoOffset);
16199  spacer fprintf (fp," axisRotation (SFRotation): \t");
16200  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->axisRotation.c[i]); }
16201  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16202  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
16203  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16204  spacer fprintf (fp," maxPosition (SFVec2f): \t");
16205  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->maxPosition.c[i]); }
16206  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16207  if(allFields) {
16208  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16209  }
16210  spacer fprintf (fp," minPosition (SFVec2f): \t");
16211  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->minPosition.c[i]); }
16212  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16213  spacer fprintf (fp," offset (SFVec3f): \t");
16214  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->offset.c[i]); }
16215  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16216  break;
16217  }
16218  case NODE_PointEmitter : {
16219  struct X3D_PointEmitter *tmp;
16220  tmp = (struct X3D_PointEmitter *) node;
16221  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16222  spacer fprintf (fp," direction (SFVec3f): \t");
16223  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->direction.c[i]); }
16224  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16225  if(allFields) {
16226  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16227  }
16228  spacer fprintf (fp," position (SFVec3f): \t");
16229  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->position.c[i]); }
16230  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16231  spacer fprintf (fp," speed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->speed);
16232  spacer fprintf (fp," variation (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->variation);
16233  break;
16234  }
16235  case NODE_PointLight : {
16236  struct X3D_PointLight *tmp;
16237  tmp = (struct X3D_PointLight *) node;
16238  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16239  spacer fprintf (fp," ambientIntensity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->ambientIntensity);
16240  spacer fprintf (fp," attenuation (SFVec3f): \t");
16241  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->attenuation.c[i]); }
16242  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16243  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFColor): \t");
16244  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->color.c[i]); }
16245  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16246  spacer fprintf (fp," global (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->global);
16247  spacer fprintf (fp," intensity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->intensity);
16248  spacer fprintf (fp," location (SFVec3f): \t");
16249  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->location.c[i]); }
16250  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16251  if(allFields) {
16252  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16253  }
16254  spacer fprintf (fp," on (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->on);
16255  spacer fprintf (fp," radius (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->radius);
16256  break;
16257  }
16258  case NODE_PointPickSensor : {
16259  struct X3D_PointPickSensor *tmp;
16260  tmp = (struct X3D_PointPickSensor *) node;
16261  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16262  spacer fprintf (fp," _nparents (int) %d\n",vectorSize(tmp->_parentVector)); /* DJTRACK_PICKSENSORS */
16263  for (i=0; i<vectorSize(tmp->_parentVector); i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: %p\n",i, vector_get(struct X3D_Node *, tmp->_parentVector,i)); }
16264  if(allFields) {
16265  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
16266  }
16267  if(allFields) {
16268  spacer fprintf (fp," _oldpickTarget (MFNode):\n");
16269  for (i=0; i<tmp->_oldpickTarget.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->_oldpickTarget.p[i]); }
16270  }
16271  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16272  spacer fprintf (fp," matchCriterion (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->matchCriterion->strptr);
16273  if(allFields) {
16274  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16275  }
16276  spacer fprintf (fp," objectType (MFString): \n");
16277  for (i=0; i<tmp->objectType.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->objectType.p[i]->strptr); }
16278  spacer fprintf (fp," pickTarget (MFNode):\n");
16279  for (i=0; i<tmp->pickTarget.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->pickTarget.p[i]); }
16280  spacer fprintf (fp," pickingGeometry (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->pickingGeometry);
16281  break;
16282  }
16283  case NODE_PointSet : {
16284  struct X3D_PointSet *tmp;
16285  tmp = (struct X3D_PointSet *) node;
16286  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16287  spacer fprintf (fp," attrib (MFNode):\n");
16288  for (i=0; i<tmp->attrib.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->attrib.p[i]); }
16289  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
16290  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
16291  spacer fprintf (fp," fogCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fogCoord);
16292  if(allFields) {
16293  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16294  }
16295  break;
16296  }
16297  case NODE_Polyline2D : {
16298  struct X3D_Polyline2D *tmp;
16299  tmp = (struct X3D_Polyline2D *) node;
16300  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16301  if(allFields) {
16302  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16303  }
16304  break;
16305  }
16306  case NODE_PolylineEmitter : {
16307  struct X3D_PolylineEmitter *tmp;
16308  tmp = (struct X3D_PolylineEmitter *) node;
16309  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16310  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
16311  spacer fprintf (fp," direction (SFVec3f): \t");
16312  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->direction.c[i]); }
16313  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16314  if(allFields) {
16315  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16316  }
16317  spacer fprintf (fp," speed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->speed);
16318  spacer fprintf (fp," variation (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->variation);
16319  break;
16320  }
16321  case NODE_Polypoint2D : {
16322  struct X3D_Polypoint2D *tmp;
16323  tmp = (struct X3D_Polypoint2D *) node;
16324  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16325  if(allFields) {
16326  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16327  }
16328  spacer fprintf (fp," point (MFVec2f):\n");
16329  for (i=0; i<tmp->point.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->point.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->point.p[i]).c[1]); }
16330  break;
16331  }
16332  case NODE_PositionChaser : {
16333  struct X3D_PositionChaser *tmp;
16334  tmp = (struct X3D_PositionChaser *) node;
16335  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16336  if(allFields) {
16337  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16338  }
16339  break;
16340  }
16341  case NODE_PositionChaser2D : {
16342  struct X3D_PositionChaser2D *tmp;
16343  tmp = (struct X3D_PositionChaser2D *) node;
16344  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16345  if(allFields) {
16346  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16347  }
16348  break;
16349  }
16350  case NODE_PositionDamper : {
16351  struct X3D_PositionDamper *tmp;
16352  tmp = (struct X3D_PositionDamper *) node;
16353  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16354  if(allFields) {
16355  spacer fprintf (fp," _tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->_tau);
16356  }
16357  if(allFields) {
16358  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16359  }
16360  spacer fprintf (fp," tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tau);
16361  spacer fprintf (fp," tolerance (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tolerance);
16362  break;
16363  }
16364  case NODE_PositionDamper2D : {
16365  struct X3D_PositionDamper2D *tmp;
16366  tmp = (struct X3D_PositionDamper2D *) node;
16367  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16368  if(allFields) {
16369  spacer fprintf (fp," _tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->_tau);
16370  }
16371  if(allFields) {
16372  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16373  }
16374  spacer fprintf (fp," tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tau);
16375  spacer fprintf (fp," tolerance (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tolerance);
16376  break;
16377  }
16378  case NODE_PositionInterpolator : {
16379  struct X3D_PositionInterpolator *tmp;
16380  tmp = (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator *) node;
16381  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16382  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
16383  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
16384  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFVec3f):\n");
16385  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[2]); }
16386  if(allFields) {
16387  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16388  }
16389  break;
16390  }
16391  case NODE_PositionInterpolator2D : {
16392  struct X3D_PositionInterpolator2D *tmp;
16393  tmp = (struct X3D_PositionInterpolator2D *) node;
16394  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16395  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
16396  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
16397  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFVec2f):\n");
16398  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[1]); }
16399  if(allFields) {
16400  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16401  }
16402  break;
16403  }
16404  case NODE_PrimitivePickSensor : {
16405  struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor *tmp;
16406  tmp = (struct X3D_PrimitivePickSensor *) node;
16407  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16408  if(allFields) {
16409  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
16410  }
16411  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16412  spacer fprintf (fp," matchCriterion (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->matchCriterion->strptr);
16413  if(allFields) {
16414  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16415  }
16416  spacer fprintf (fp," objectType (MFString): \n");
16417  for (i=0; i<tmp->objectType.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->objectType.p[i]->strptr); }
16418  spacer fprintf (fp," pickTarget (MFNode):\n");
16419  for (i=0; i<tmp->pickTarget.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->pickTarget.p[i]); }
16420  spacer fprintf (fp," pickingGeometry (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->pickingGeometry);
16421  break;
16422  }
16423  case NODE_ProgramShader : {
16424  struct X3D_ProgramShader *tmp;
16425  tmp = (struct X3D_ProgramShader *) node;
16426  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16427  if(allFields) {
16428  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16429  }
16430  spacer fprintf (fp," programs (MFNode):\n");
16431  for (i=0; i<tmp->programs.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->programs.p[i]); }
16432  break;
16433  }
16434  case NODE_ProjectionVolumeStyle : {
16435  struct X3D_ProjectionVolumeStyle *tmp;
16436  tmp = (struct X3D_ProjectionVolumeStyle *) node;
16437  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16438  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16439  spacer fprintf (fp," intensityThreshold (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->intensityThreshold);
16440  if(allFields) {
16441  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16442  }
16443  break;
16444  }
16445  case NODE_Proto : {
16446  struct X3D_Proto *tmp;
16447  tmp = (struct X3D_Proto *) node;
16448  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16449  if(allFields) {
16450  spacer fprintf (fp," __children (MFNode):\n");
16451  for (i=0; i<tmp->__children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__children.p[i]); }
16452  }
16453  if(allFields) {
16454  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
16455  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
16456  }
16457  if(allFields) {
16458  spacer fprintf (fp," _sortedChildren (MFNode):\n");
16459  for (i=0; i<tmp->_sortedChildren.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->_sortedChildren.p[i]); }
16460  }
16461  spacer fprintf (fp," load (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->load);
16462  if(allFields) {
16463  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16464  }
16465  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
16466  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
16467  break;
16468  }
16469  case NODE_ProximitySensor : {
16470  struct X3D_ProximitySensor *tmp;
16471  tmp = (struct X3D_ProximitySensor *) node;
16472  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16473  if(allFields) {
16474  spacer fprintf (fp," __hit (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->__hit);
16475  }
16476  if(allFields) {
16477  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
16478  }
16479  if(allFields) {
16480  spacer fprintf (fp," __t1 (SFVec3f): \t");
16481  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__t1.c[i]); }
16482  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16483  }
16484  if(allFields) {
16485  spacer fprintf (fp," __t2 (SFRotation): \t");
16486  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__t2.c[i]); }
16487  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16488  }
16489  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec3f): \t");
16490  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
16491  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16492  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16493  if(allFields) {
16494  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16495  }
16496  spacer fprintf (fp," size (SFVec3f): \t");
16497  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->size.c[i]); }
16498  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16499  break;
16500  }
16501  case NODE_QuadSet : {
16502  struct X3D_QuadSet *tmp;
16503  tmp = (struct X3D_QuadSet *) node;
16504  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16505  spacer fprintf (fp," attrib (MFNode):\n");
16506  for (i=0; i<tmp->attrib.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->attrib.p[i]); }
16507  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
16508  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
16509  spacer fprintf (fp," fogCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fogCoord);
16510  if(allFields) {
16511  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16512  }
16513  spacer fprintf (fp," normal (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->normal);
16514  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord);
16515  break;
16516  }
16517  case NODE_ReceiverPdu : {
16518  struct X3D_ReceiverPdu *tmp;
16519  tmp = (struct X3D_ReceiverPdu *) node;
16520  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16521  spacer fprintf (fp," address (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->address->strptr);
16522  spacer fprintf (fp," applicationID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->applicationID);
16523  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16524  spacer fprintf (fp," entityID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->entityID);
16525  if(allFields) {
16526  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16527  }
16528  spacer fprintf (fp," multicastRelayHost (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->multicastRelayHost->strptr);
16529  spacer fprintf (fp," multicastRelayPort (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->multicastRelayPort);
16530  spacer fprintf (fp," networkMode (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->networkMode->strptr);
16531  spacer fprintf (fp," port (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->port);
16532  spacer fprintf (fp," radioID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->radioID);
16533  spacer fprintf (fp," readInterval (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->readInterval);
16534  spacer fprintf (fp," receivedPower (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->receivedPower);
16535  spacer fprintf (fp," receiverState (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->receiverState);
16536  spacer fprintf (fp," rtpHeaderExpected (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->rtpHeaderExpected);
16537  spacer fprintf (fp," siteID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->siteID);
16538  spacer fprintf (fp," transmitterApplicationID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->transmitterApplicationID);
16539  spacer fprintf (fp," transmitterEntityID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->transmitterEntityID);
16540  spacer fprintf (fp," transmitterRadioID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->transmitterRadioID);
16541  spacer fprintf (fp," transmitterSiteID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->transmitterSiteID);
16542  spacer fprintf (fp," whichGeometry (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->whichGeometry);
16543  spacer fprintf (fp," writeInterval (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->writeInterval);
16544  break;
16545  }
16546  case NODE_Rectangle2D : {
16547  struct X3D_Rectangle2D *tmp;
16548  tmp = (struct X3D_Rectangle2D *) node;
16549  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16550  if(allFields) {
16551  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16552  }
16553  spacer fprintf (fp," size (SFVec2f): \t");
16554  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->size.c[i]); }
16555  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16556  break;
16557  }
16558  case NODE_RigidBody : {
16559  struct X3D_RigidBody *tmp;
16560  tmp = (struct X3D_RigidBody *) node;
16561  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16562  if(allFields) {
16563  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_angularVelocity (SFVec3f): \t");
16564  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_angularVelocity.c[i]); }
16565  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16566  }
16567  if(allFields) {
16568  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_centerOfMass (SFVec3f): \t");
16569  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_centerOfMass.c[i]); }
16570  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16571  }
16572  if(allFields) {
16573  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_finiteRotationAxis (SFVec3f): \t");
16574  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_finiteRotationAxis.c[i]); }
16575  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16576  }
16577  if(allFields) {
16578  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_linearVelocity (SFVec3f): \t");
16579  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_linearVelocity.c[i]); }
16580  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16581  }
16582  if(allFields) {
16583  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_orientation (SFRotation): \t");
16584  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_orientation.c[i]); }
16585  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16586  }
16587  if(allFields) {
16588  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_position (SFVec3f): \t");
16589  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_position.c[i]); }
16590  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16591  }
16592  spacer fprintf (fp," angularDampingFactor (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->angularDampingFactor);
16593  spacer fprintf (fp," angularVelocity (SFVec3f): \t");
16594  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->angularVelocity.c[i]); }
16595  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16596  spacer fprintf (fp," autoDamp (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->autoDamp);
16597  spacer fprintf (fp," autoDisable (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->autoDisable);
16598  spacer fprintf (fp," centerOfMass (SFVec3f): \t");
16599  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->centerOfMass.c[i]); }
16600  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16601  spacer fprintf (fp," disableAngularSpeed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->disableAngularSpeed);
16602  spacer fprintf (fp," disableLinearSpeed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->disableLinearSpeed);
16603  spacer fprintf (fp," disableTime (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->disableTime);
16604  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16605  spacer fprintf (fp," finiteRotationAxis (SFVec3f): \t");
16606  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->finiteRotationAxis.c[i]); }
16607  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16608  spacer fprintf (fp," fixed (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->fixed);
16609  spacer fprintf (fp," forces (MFVec3f):\n");
16610  for (i=0; i<tmp->forces.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->forces.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->forces.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->forces.p[i]).c[2]); }
16611  spacer fprintf (fp," geometry (MFNode):\n");
16612  for (i=0; i<tmp->geometry.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->geometry.p[i]); }
16613  spacer fprintf (fp," inertia (SFMatrix3f): \t");
16614  for (i=0; i<9; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->inertia.c[i]); }
16615  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16616  spacer fprintf (fp," linearDampingFactor (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->linearDampingFactor);
16617  spacer fprintf (fp," linearVelocity (SFVec3f): \t");
16618  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->linearVelocity.c[i]); }
16619  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16620  spacer fprintf (fp," mass (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->mass);
16621  spacer fprintf (fp," massDensityModel (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->massDensityModel);
16622  if(allFields) {
16623  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16624  }
16625  spacer fprintf (fp," orientation (SFRotation): \t");
16626  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->orientation.c[i]); }
16627  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16628  spacer fprintf (fp," position (SFVec3f): \t");
16629  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->position.c[i]); }
16630  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16631  spacer fprintf (fp," torques (MFVec3f):\n");
16632  for (i=0; i<tmp->torques.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->torques.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->torques.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->torques.p[i]).c[2]); }
16633  spacer fprintf (fp," useFiniteRotation (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->useFiniteRotation);
16634  spacer fprintf (fp," useGlobalGravity (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->useGlobalGravity);
16635  break;
16636  }
16637  case NODE_RigidBodyCollection : {
16638  struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection *tmp;
16639  tmp = (struct X3D_RigidBodyCollection *) node;
16640  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16641  spacer fprintf (fp," autoDisable (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->autoDisable);
16642  spacer fprintf (fp," bodies (MFNode):\n");
16643  for (i=0; i<tmp->bodies.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->bodies.p[i]); }
16644  spacer fprintf (fp," collider (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->collider);
16645  spacer fprintf (fp," constantForceMix (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->constantForceMix);
16646  spacer fprintf (fp," contactSurfaceThickness (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->contactSurfaceThickness);
16647  spacer fprintf (fp," disableAngularSpeed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->disableAngularSpeed);
16648  spacer fprintf (fp," disableLinearSpeed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->disableLinearSpeed);
16649  spacer fprintf (fp," disableTime (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->disableTime);
16650  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16651  spacer fprintf (fp," errorCorrection (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->errorCorrection);
16652  spacer fprintf (fp," gravity (SFVec3f): \t");
16653  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->gravity.c[i]); }
16654  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16655  spacer fprintf (fp," iterations (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->iterations);
16656  spacer fprintf (fp," joints (MFNode):\n");
16657  for (i=0; i<tmp->joints.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->joints.p[i]); }
16658  spacer fprintf (fp," maxCorrectionSpeed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->maxCorrectionSpeed);
16659  if(allFields) {
16660  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16661  }
16662  spacer fprintf (fp," preferAccuracy (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->preferAccuracy);
16663  break;
16664  }
16665  case NODE_ScalarChaser : {
16666  struct X3D_ScalarChaser *tmp;
16667  tmp = (struct X3D_ScalarChaser *) node;
16668  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16669  if(allFields) {
16670  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16671  }
16672  break;
16673  }
16674  case NODE_ScalarDamper : {
16675  struct X3D_ScalarDamper *tmp;
16676  tmp = (struct X3D_ScalarDamper *) node;
16677  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16678  if(allFields) {
16679  spacer fprintf (fp," _tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->_tau);
16680  }
16681  if(allFields) {
16682  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16683  }
16684  spacer fprintf (fp," tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tau);
16685  spacer fprintf (fp," tolerance (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tolerance);
16686  break;
16687  }
16688  case NODE_ScalarInterpolator : {
16689  struct X3D_ScalarInterpolator *tmp;
16690  tmp = (struct X3D_ScalarInterpolator *) node;
16691  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16692  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
16693  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
16694  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFFloat):\n");
16695  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->keyValue.p[i]); }
16696  if(allFields) {
16697  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16698  }
16699  break;
16700  }
16701  case NODE_ScreenFontStyle : {
16702  struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle *tmp;
16703  tmp = (struct X3D_ScreenFontStyle *) node;
16704  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16705  if(allFields) {
16706  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16707  }
16708  spacer fprintf (fp," pointSize (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->pointSize);
16709  break;
16710  }
16711  case NODE_ScreenGroup : {
16712  struct X3D_ScreenGroup *tmp;
16713  tmp = (struct X3D_ScreenGroup *) node;
16714  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16715  if(allFields) {
16716  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
16717  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
16718  }
16719  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
16720  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
16721  if(allFields) {
16722  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16723  }
16724  break;
16725  }
16726  case NODE_Script : {
16727  struct X3D_Script *tmp;
16728  tmp = (struct X3D_Script *) node;
16729  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16730  if(allFields) {
16731  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16732  }
16733  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
16734  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
16735  break;
16736  }
16737  case NODE_SegmentedVolumeData : {
16738  struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData *tmp;
16739  tmp = (struct X3D_SegmentedVolumeData *) node;
16740  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16741  spacer fprintf (fp," dimensions (SFVec3f): \t");
16742  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->dimensions.c[i]); }
16743  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16744  if(allFields) {
16745  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16746  }
16747  spacer fprintf (fp," renderStyle (MFNode):\n");
16748  for (i=0; i<tmp->renderStyle.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->renderStyle.p[i]); }
16749  spacer fprintf (fp," segmentEnabled (MFBool):\n");
16750  for (i=0; i<tmp->segmentEnabled.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->segmentEnabled.p[i]); }
16751  spacer fprintf (fp," segmentIdentifiers (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->segmentIdentifiers);
16752  spacer fprintf (fp," voxels (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->voxels);
16753  break;
16754  }
16755  case NODE_ShadedVolumeStyle : {
16756  struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle *tmp;
16757  tmp = (struct X3D_ShadedVolumeStyle *) node;
16758  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16759  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16760  spacer fprintf (fp," lighting (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->lighting);
16761  spacer fprintf (fp," material (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->material);
16762  if(allFields) {
16763  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16764  }
16765  spacer fprintf (fp," shadows (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->shadows);
16766  spacer fprintf (fp," surfaceNormals (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->surfaceNormals);
16767  break;
16768  }
16769  case NODE_ShaderPart : {
16770  struct X3D_ShaderPart *tmp;
16771  tmp = (struct X3D_ShaderPart *) node;
16772  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16773  if(allFields) {
16774  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16775  }
16776  spacer fprintf (fp," type (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->type->strptr);
16777  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
16778  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
16779  break;
16780  }
16781  case NODE_ShaderProgram : {
16782  struct X3D_ShaderProgram *tmp;
16783  tmp = (struct X3D_ShaderProgram *) node;
16784  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16785  if(allFields) {
16786  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16787  }
16788  spacer fprintf (fp," type (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->type->strptr);
16789  spacer fprintf (fp," url (MFString): \n");
16790  for (i=0; i<tmp->url.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->url.p[i]->strptr); }
16791  break;
16792  }
16793  case NODE_Shape : {
16794  struct X3D_Shape *tmp;
16795  tmp = (struct X3D_Shape *) node;
16796  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16797  spacer fprintf (fp," appearance (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->appearance);
16798  spacer fprintf (fp," geometry (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->geometry);
16799  if(allFields) {
16800  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16801  }
16802  break;
16803  }
16804  case NODE_SignalPdu : {
16805  struct X3D_SignalPdu *tmp;
16806  tmp = (struct X3D_SignalPdu *) node;
16807  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16808  spacer fprintf (fp," address (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->address->strptr);
16809  spacer fprintf (fp," applicationID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->applicationID);
16810  spacer fprintf (fp," data (MFInt32):\n");
16811  for (i=0; i<tmp->data.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%d\n",i,tmp->data.p[i]); }
16812  spacer fprintf (fp," dataLength (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->dataLength);
16813  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16814  spacer fprintf (fp," encodingScheme (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->encodingScheme);
16815  spacer fprintf (fp," entityID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->entityID);
16816  if(allFields) {
16817  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16818  }
16819  spacer fprintf (fp," multicastRelayHost (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->multicastRelayHost->strptr);
16820  spacer fprintf (fp," multicastRelayPort (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->multicastRelayPort);
16821  spacer fprintf (fp," networkMode (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->networkMode->strptr);
16822  spacer fprintf (fp," port (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->port);
16823  spacer fprintf (fp," radioID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->radioID);
16824  spacer fprintf (fp," readInterval (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->readInterval);
16825  spacer fprintf (fp," rtpHeaderExpected (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->rtpHeaderExpected);
16826  spacer fprintf (fp," sampleRate (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->sampleRate);
16827  spacer fprintf (fp," samples (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->samples);
16828  spacer fprintf (fp," siteID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->siteID);
16829  spacer fprintf (fp," tdlType (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->tdlType);
16830  spacer fprintf (fp," whichGeometry (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->whichGeometry);
16831  spacer fprintf (fp," writeInterval (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->writeInterval);
16832  break;
16833  }
16834  case NODE_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle : {
16836  tmp = (struct X3D_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle *) node;
16837  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16838  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16839  if(allFields) {
16840  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16841  }
16842  spacer fprintf (fp," silhouetteBoundaryOpacity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->silhouetteBoundaryOpacity);
16843  spacer fprintf (fp," silhouetteRetainedOpacity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->silhouetteRetainedOpacity);
16844  spacer fprintf (fp," silhouetteSharpness (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->silhouetteSharpness);
16845  spacer fprintf (fp," surfaceNormals (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->surfaceNormals);
16846  break;
16847  }
16848  case NODE_SingleAxisHingeJoint : {
16849  struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint *tmp;
16850  tmp = (struct X3D_SingleAxisHingeJoint *) node;
16851  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16852  if(allFields) {
16853  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_anchorPoint (SFVec3f): \t");
16854  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_anchorPoint.c[i]); }
16855  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16856  }
16857  if(allFields) {
16858  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_axis (SFVec3f): \t");
16859  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_axis.c[i]); }
16860  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16861  }
16862  if(allFields) {
16863  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_body1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__old_body1);
16864  }
16865  if(allFields) {
16866  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_body2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__old_body2);
16867  }
16868  spacer fprintf (fp," anchorPoint (SFVec3f): \t");
16869  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->anchorPoint.c[i]); }
16870  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16871  spacer fprintf (fp," axis (SFVec3f): \t");
16872  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->axis.c[i]); }
16873  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16874  spacer fprintf (fp," body1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body1);
16875  spacer fprintf (fp," body2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body2);
16876  spacer fprintf (fp," forceOutput (MFString): \n");
16877  for (i=0; i<tmp->forceOutput.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->forceOutput.p[i]->strptr); }
16878  spacer fprintf (fp," maxAngle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->maxAngle);
16879  if(allFields) {
16880  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16881  }
16882  spacer fprintf (fp," minAngle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->minAngle);
16883  spacer fprintf (fp," stopBounce (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stopBounce);
16884  spacer fprintf (fp," stopErrorCorrection (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stopErrorCorrection);
16885  break;
16886  }
16887  case NODE_SliderJoint : {
16888  struct X3D_SliderJoint *tmp;
16889  tmp = (struct X3D_SliderJoint *) node;
16890  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16891  if(allFields) {
16892  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_axis (SFVec3f): \t");
16893  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_axis.c[i]); }
16894  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16895  }
16896  if(allFields) {
16897  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_body1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__old_body1);
16898  }
16899  if(allFields) {
16900  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_body2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__old_body2);
16901  }
16902  spacer fprintf (fp," axis (SFVec3f): \t");
16903  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->axis.c[i]); }
16904  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16905  spacer fprintf (fp," body1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body1);
16906  spacer fprintf (fp," body2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body2);
16907  spacer fprintf (fp," forceOutput (MFString): \n");
16908  for (i=0; i<tmp->forceOutput.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->forceOutput.p[i]->strptr); }
16909  spacer fprintf (fp," maxSeparation (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->maxSeparation);
16910  if(allFields) {
16911  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16912  }
16913  spacer fprintf (fp," minSeparation (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->minSeparation);
16914  spacer fprintf (fp," sliderForce (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->sliderForce);
16915  spacer fprintf (fp," stopBounce (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stopBounce);
16916  spacer fprintf (fp," stopErrorCorrection (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stopErrorCorrection);
16917  break;
16918  }
16919  case NODE_Sound : {
16920  struct X3D_Sound *tmp;
16921  tmp = (struct X3D_Sound *) node;
16922  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16923  spacer fprintf (fp," direction (SFVec3f): \t");
16924  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->direction.c[i]); }
16925  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16926  spacer fprintf (fp," intensity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->intensity);
16927  spacer fprintf (fp," location (SFVec3f): \t");
16928  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->location.c[i]); }
16929  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16930  spacer fprintf (fp," maxBack (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->maxBack);
16931  spacer fprintf (fp," maxFront (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->maxFront);
16932  if(allFields) {
16933  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16934  }
16935  spacer fprintf (fp," minBack (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->minBack);
16936  spacer fprintf (fp," minFront (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->minFront);
16937  spacer fprintf (fp," priority (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->priority);
16938  spacer fprintf (fp," source (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->source);
16939  break;
16940  }
16941  case NODE_Sphere : {
16942  struct X3D_Sphere *tmp;
16943  tmp = (struct X3D_Sphere *) node;
16944  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16945  if(allFields) {
16946  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16947  }
16948  spacer fprintf (fp," radius (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->radius);
16949  break;
16950  }
16951  case NODE_SphereSensor : {
16952  struct X3D_SphereSensor *tmp;
16953  tmp = (struct X3D_SphereSensor *) node;
16954  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16955  if(allFields) {
16956  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
16957  }
16958  spacer fprintf (fp," autoOffset (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->autoOffset);
16959  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
16960  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
16961  if(allFields) {
16962  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16963  }
16964  spacer fprintf (fp," offset (SFRotation): \t");
16965  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->offset.c[i]); }
16966  fprintf (fp,"\n");
16967  break;
16968  }
16969  case NODE_SplinePositionInterpolator : {
16970  struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator *tmp;
16971  tmp = (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator *) node;
16972  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16973  spacer fprintf (fp," closed (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->closed);
16974  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
16975  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
16976  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFVec3f):\n");
16977  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[2]); }
16978  spacer fprintf (fp," keyVelocity (MFVec3f):\n");
16979  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyVelocity.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->keyVelocity.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->keyVelocity.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->keyVelocity.p[i]).c[2]); }
16980  if(allFields) {
16981  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16982  }
16983  spacer fprintf (fp," normalizeVelocity (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->normalizeVelocity);
16984  break;
16985  }
16986  case NODE_SplinePositionInterpolator2D : {
16987  struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D *tmp;
16988  tmp = (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D *) node;
16989  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
16990  spacer fprintf (fp," closed (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->closed);
16991  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
16992  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
16993  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFVec2f):\n");
16994  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[1]); }
16995  spacer fprintf (fp," keyVelocity (MFVec2f):\n");
16996  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyVelocity.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->keyVelocity.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->keyVelocity.p[i]).c[1]); }
16997  if(allFields) {
16998  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
16999  }
17000  spacer fprintf (fp," normalizeVelocity (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->normalizeVelocity);
17001  break;
17002  }
17003  case NODE_SplineScalarInterpolator : {
17004  struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator *tmp;
17005  tmp = (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator *) node;
17006  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17007  spacer fprintf (fp," closed (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->closed);
17008  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
17009  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
17010  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFFloat):\n");
17011  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->keyValue.p[i]); }
17012  spacer fprintf (fp," keyVelocity (MFFloat):\n");
17013  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyVelocity.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->keyVelocity.p[i]); }
17014  if(allFields) {
17015  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17016  }
17017  spacer fprintf (fp," normalizeVelocity (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->normalizeVelocity);
17018  break;
17019  }
17020  case NODE_SpotLight : {
17021  struct X3D_SpotLight *tmp;
17022  tmp = (struct X3D_SpotLight *) node;
17023  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17024  spacer fprintf (fp," ambientIntensity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->ambientIntensity);
17025  spacer fprintf (fp," attenuation (SFVec3f): \t");
17026  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->attenuation.c[i]); }
17027  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17028  spacer fprintf (fp," beamWidth (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->beamWidth);
17029  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFColor): \t");
17030  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->color.c[i]); }
17031  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17032  spacer fprintf (fp," cutOffAngle (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->cutOffAngle);
17033  spacer fprintf (fp," direction (SFVec3f): \t");
17034  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->direction.c[i]); }
17035  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17036  spacer fprintf (fp," global (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->global);
17037  spacer fprintf (fp," intensity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->intensity);
17038  spacer fprintf (fp," location (SFVec3f): \t");
17039  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->location.c[i]); }
17040  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17041  if(allFields) {
17042  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17043  }
17044  spacer fprintf (fp," on (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->on);
17045  spacer fprintf (fp," radius (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->radius);
17046  break;
17047  }
17048  case NODE_SquadOrientationInterpolator : {
17049  struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator *tmp;
17050  tmp = (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator *) node;
17051  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17052  if(allFields) {
17053  spacer fprintf (fp," _normkey (MFFloat):\n");
17054  for (i=0; i<tmp->_normkey.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->_normkey.p[i]); }
17055  }
17056  if(allFields) {
17057  spacer fprintf (fp," _normkeyValue (MFRotation):\n");
17058  for (i=0; i<tmp->_normkeyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->_normkeyValue.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->_normkeyValue.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->_normkeyValue.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->_normkeyValue.p[i]).c[3]); }
17059  }
17060  spacer fprintf (fp," closed (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->closed);
17061  spacer fprintf (fp," key (MFFloat):\n");
17062  for (i=0; i<tmp->key.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->key.p[i]); }
17063  spacer fprintf (fp," keyValue (MFRotation):\n");
17064  for (i=0; i<tmp->keyValue.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->keyValue.p[i]).c[3]); }
17065  if(allFields) {
17066  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17067  }
17068  spacer fprintf (fp," normalizeVelocity (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->normalizeVelocity);
17069  break;
17070  }
17071  case NODE_StaticGroup : {
17072  struct X3D_StaticGroup *tmp;
17073  tmp = (struct X3D_StaticGroup *) node;
17074  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17075  if(allFields) {
17076  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
17077  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
17078  }
17079  if(allFields) {
17080  spacer fprintf (fp," _sortedChildren (MFNode):\n");
17081  for (i=0; i<tmp->_sortedChildren.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->_sortedChildren.p[i]); }
17082  }
17083  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
17084  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
17085  if(allFields) {
17086  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17087  }
17088  break;
17089  }
17090  case NODE_StringSensor : {
17091  struct X3D_StringSensor *tmp;
17092  tmp = (struct X3D_StringSensor *) node;
17093  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17094  if(allFields) {
17095  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
17096  }
17097  spacer fprintf (fp," deletionAllowed (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->deletionAllowed);
17098  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
17099  if(allFields) {
17100  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17101  }
17102  break;
17103  }
17104  case NODE_SurfaceEmitter : {
17105  struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter *tmp;
17106  tmp = (struct X3D_SurfaceEmitter *) node;
17107  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17108  spacer fprintf (fp," geometry (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->geometry);
17109  if(allFields) {
17110  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17111  }
17112  spacer fprintf (fp," speed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->speed);
17113  spacer fprintf (fp," surface (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->surface);
17114  spacer fprintf (fp," variation (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->variation);
17115  break;
17116  }
17117  case NODE_Switch : {
17118  struct X3D_Switch *tmp;
17119  tmp = (struct X3D_Switch *) node;
17120  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17121  if(allFields) {
17122  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
17123  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
17124  }
17125  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
17126  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
17127  spacer fprintf (fp," choice (MFNode):\n");
17128  for (i=0; i<tmp->choice.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->choice.p[i]); }
17129  if(allFields) {
17130  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17131  }
17132  spacer fprintf (fp," whichChoice (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->whichChoice);
17133  break;
17134  }
17135  case NODE_Teapot : {
17136  struct X3D_Teapot *tmp;
17137  tmp = (struct X3D_Teapot *) node;
17138  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17139  if(allFields) {
17140  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17141  }
17142  break;
17143  }
17144  case NODE_TexCoordChaser2D : {
17145  struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D *tmp;
17146  tmp = (struct X3D_TexCoordChaser2D *) node;
17147  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17148  if(allFields) {
17149  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17150  }
17151  break;
17152  }
17153  case NODE_TexCoordDamper2D : {
17154  struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D *tmp;
17155  tmp = (struct X3D_TexCoordDamper2D *) node;
17156  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17157  if(allFields) {
17158  spacer fprintf (fp," _tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->_tau);
17159  }
17160  if(allFields) {
17161  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17162  }
17163  spacer fprintf (fp," tau (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tau);
17164  spacer fprintf (fp," tolerance (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->tolerance);
17165  break;
17166  }
17167  case NODE_Text : {
17168  struct X3D_Text *tmp;
17169  tmp = (struct X3D_Text *) node;
17170  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17171  if(allFields) {
17172  spacer fprintf (fp," _isScreen (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->_isScreen);
17173  }
17174  spacer fprintf (fp," fontStyle (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fontStyle);
17175  spacer fprintf (fp," length (MFFloat):\n");
17176  for (i=0; i<tmp->length.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->length.p[i]); }
17177  spacer fprintf (fp," maxExtent (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->maxExtent);
17178  if(allFields) {
17179  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17180  }
17181  spacer fprintf (fp," string (MFString): \n");
17182  for (i=0; i<tmp->string.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->string.p[i]->strptr); }
17183  break;
17184  }
17185  case NODE_TextureBackground : {
17186  struct X3D_TextureBackground *tmp;
17187  tmp = (struct X3D_TextureBackground *) node;
17188  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17189  spacer fprintf (fp," backTexture (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->backTexture);
17190  spacer fprintf (fp," bottomTexture (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->bottomTexture);
17191  spacer fprintf (fp," frontTexture (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->frontTexture);
17192  spacer fprintf (fp," groundAngle (MFFloat):\n");
17193  for (i=0; i<tmp->groundAngle.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->groundAngle.p[i]); }
17194  spacer fprintf (fp," groundColor (MFColor):\n");
17195  for (i=0; i<tmp->groundColor.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->groundColor.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->groundColor.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->groundColor.p[i]).c[2]); }
17196  spacer fprintf (fp," leftTexture (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->leftTexture);
17197  if(allFields) {
17198  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17199  }
17200  spacer fprintf (fp," rightTexture (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->rightTexture);
17201  spacer fprintf (fp," skyAngle (MFFloat):\n");
17202  for (i=0; i<tmp->skyAngle.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->skyAngle.p[i]); }
17203  spacer fprintf (fp," skyColor (MFColor):\n");
17204  for (i=0; i<tmp->skyColor.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->skyColor.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->skyColor.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->skyColor.p[i]).c[2]); }
17205  spacer fprintf (fp," topTexture (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->topTexture);
17206  spacer fprintf (fp," transparency (MFFloat):\n");
17207  for (i=0; i<tmp->transparency.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->transparency.p[i]); }
17208  break;
17209  }
17210  case NODE_TextureCoordinate : {
17211  struct X3D_TextureCoordinate *tmp;
17212  tmp = (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate *) node;
17213  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17214  if(allFields) {
17215  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17216  }
17217  spacer fprintf (fp," point (MFVec2f):\n");
17218  for (i=0; i<tmp->point.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->point.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->point.p[i]).c[1]); }
17219  break;
17220  }
17221  case NODE_TextureCoordinate3D : {
17222  struct X3D_TextureCoordinate3D *tmp;
17223  tmp = (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate3D *) node;
17224  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17225  if(allFields) {
17226  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17227  }
17228  spacer fprintf (fp," point (MFVec3f):\n");
17229  for (i=0; i<tmp->point.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->point.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->point.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->point.p[i]).c[2]); }
17230  break;
17231  }
17232  case NODE_TextureCoordinate4D : {
17233  struct X3D_TextureCoordinate4D *tmp;
17234  tmp = (struct X3D_TextureCoordinate4D *) node;
17235  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17236  if(allFields) {
17237  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17238  }
17239  spacer fprintf (fp," point (MFVec4f):\n");
17240  for (i=0; i<tmp->point.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->point.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->point.p[i]).c[1],(tmp->point.p[i]).c[2],(tmp->point.p[i]).c[3]); }
17241  break;
17242  }
17243  case NODE_TextureCoordinateGenerator : {
17244  struct X3D_TextureCoordinateGenerator *tmp;
17245  tmp = (struct X3D_TextureCoordinateGenerator *) node;
17246  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17247  if(allFields) {
17248  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17249  }
17250  spacer fprintf (fp," mode (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->mode->strptr);
17251  spacer fprintf (fp," parameter (MFFloat):\n");
17252  for (i=0; i<tmp->parameter.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->parameter.p[i]); }
17253  break;
17254  }
17255  case NODE_TextureProperties : {
17256  struct X3D_TextureProperties *tmp;
17257  tmp = (struct X3D_TextureProperties *) node;
17258  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17259  spacer fprintf (fp," anisotropicDegree (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->anisotropicDegree);
17260  spacer fprintf (fp," borderColor (SFColorRGBA): \t");
17261  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->borderColor.c[i]); }
17262  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17263  spacer fprintf (fp," borderWidth (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->borderWidth);
17264  spacer fprintf (fp," boundaryModeR (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->boundaryModeR->strptr);
17265  spacer fprintf (fp," boundaryModeS (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->boundaryModeS->strptr);
17266  spacer fprintf (fp," boundaryModeT (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->boundaryModeT->strptr);
17267  spacer fprintf (fp," magnificationFilter (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->magnificationFilter->strptr);
17268  if(allFields) {
17269  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17270  }
17271  spacer fprintf (fp," minificationFilter (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->minificationFilter->strptr);
17272  spacer fprintf (fp," textureCompression (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->textureCompression->strptr);
17273  spacer fprintf (fp," texturePriority (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->texturePriority);
17274  break;
17275  }
17276  case NODE_TextureTransform : {
17277  struct X3D_TextureTransform *tmp;
17278  tmp = (struct X3D_TextureTransform *) node;
17279  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17280  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec2f): \t");
17281  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
17282  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17283  if(allFields) {
17284  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17285  }
17286  spacer fprintf (fp," rotation (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->rotation);
17287  spacer fprintf (fp," scale (SFVec2f): \t");
17288  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scale.c[i]); }
17289  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17290  spacer fprintf (fp," translation (SFVec2f): \t");
17291  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->translation.c[i]); }
17292  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17293  break;
17294  }
17295  case NODE_TextureTransform3D : {
17296  struct X3D_TextureTransform3D *tmp;
17297  tmp = (struct X3D_TextureTransform3D *) node;
17298  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17299  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec3f): \t");
17300  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
17301  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17302  if(allFields) {
17303  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17304  }
17305  spacer fprintf (fp," rotation (SFRotation): \t");
17306  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->rotation.c[i]); }
17307  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17308  spacer fprintf (fp," scale (SFVec3f): \t");
17309  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scale.c[i]); }
17310  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17311  spacer fprintf (fp," translation (SFVec3f): \t");
17312  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->translation.c[i]); }
17313  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17314  break;
17315  }
17316  case NODE_TextureTransformMatrix3D : {
17317  struct X3D_TextureTransformMatrix3D *tmp;
17318  tmp = (struct X3D_TextureTransformMatrix3D *) node;
17319  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17320  spacer fprintf (fp," matrix (SFMatrix4f): \t");
17321  for (i=0; i<16; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->matrix.c[i]); }
17322  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17323  if(allFields) {
17324  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17325  }
17326  break;
17327  }
17328  case NODE_TimeSensor : {
17329  struct X3D_TimeSensor *tmp;
17330  tmp = (struct X3D_TimeSensor *) node;
17331  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17332  if(allFields) {
17333  spacer fprintf (fp," __ctflag (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->__ctflag);
17334  }
17335  if(allFields) {
17336  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
17337  }
17338  spacer fprintf (fp," cycleInterval (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->cycleInterval);
17339  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
17340  spacer fprintf (fp," loop (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->loop);
17341  if(allFields) {
17342  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17343  }
17344  spacer fprintf (fp," pauseTime (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->pauseTime);
17345  spacer fprintf (fp," resumeTime (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->resumeTime);
17346  spacer fprintf (fp," startTime (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->startTime);
17347  spacer fprintf (fp," stopTime (SFTime) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stopTime);
17348  break;
17349  }
17350  case NODE_TimeTrigger : {
17351  struct X3D_TimeTrigger *tmp;
17352  tmp = (struct X3D_TimeTrigger *) node;
17353  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17354  if(allFields) {
17355  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17356  }
17357  break;
17358  }
17359  case NODE_ToneMappedVolumeStyle : {
17360  struct X3D_ToneMappedVolumeStyle *tmp;
17361  tmp = (struct X3D_ToneMappedVolumeStyle *) node;
17362  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17363  spacer fprintf (fp," coolColor (SFColorRGBA): \t");
17364  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->coolColor.c[i]); }
17365  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17366  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
17367  if(allFields) {
17368  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17369  }
17370  spacer fprintf (fp," surfaceNormals (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->surfaceNormals);
17371  spacer fprintf (fp," warmColor (SFColorRGBA): \t");
17372  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->warmColor.c[i]); }
17373  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17374  break;
17375  }
17376  case NODE_TouchSensor : {
17377  struct X3D_TouchSensor *tmp;
17378  tmp = (struct X3D_TouchSensor *) node;
17379  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17380  if(allFields) {
17381  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
17382  }
17383  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
17384  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
17385  if(allFields) {
17386  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17387  }
17388  break;
17389  }
17390  case NODE_TrackingSensor : {
17391  struct X3D_TrackingSensor *tmp;
17392  tmp = (struct X3D_TrackingSensor *) node;
17393  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17394  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
17395  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
17396  if(allFields) {
17397  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17398  }
17399  break;
17400  }
17401  case NODE_Transform : {
17402  struct X3D_Transform *tmp;
17403  tmp = (struct X3D_Transform *) node;
17404  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17405  if(allFields) {
17406  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
17407  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
17408  }
17409  if(allFields) {
17410  spacer fprintf (fp," _sortedChildren (MFNode):\n");
17411  for (i=0; i<tmp->_sortedChildren.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->_sortedChildren.p[i]); }
17412  }
17413  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec3f): \t");
17414  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
17415  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17416  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
17417  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
17418  if(allFields) {
17419  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17420  }
17421  spacer fprintf (fp," rotation (SFRotation): \t");
17422  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->rotation.c[i]); }
17423  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17424  spacer fprintf (fp," scale (SFVec3f): \t");
17425  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scale.c[i]); }
17426  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17427  spacer fprintf (fp," scaleOrientation (SFRotation): \t");
17428  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->scaleOrientation.c[i]); }
17429  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17430  spacer fprintf (fp," translation (SFVec3f): \t");
17431  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->translation.c[i]); }
17432  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17433  break;
17434  }
17435  case NODE_TransformSensor : {
17436  struct X3D_TransformSensor *tmp;
17437  tmp = (struct X3D_TransformSensor *) node;
17438  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17439  if(allFields) {
17440  spacer fprintf (fp," __hit (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->__hit);
17441  }
17442  if(allFields) {
17443  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
17444  }
17445  if(allFields) {
17446  spacer fprintf (fp," __t1 (SFVec3f): \t");
17447  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__t1.c[i]); }
17448  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17449  }
17450  if(allFields) {
17451  spacer fprintf (fp," __t2 (SFRotation): \t");
17452  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__t2.c[i]); }
17453  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17454  }
17455  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec3f): \t");
17456  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
17457  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17458  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
17459  if(allFields) {
17460  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17461  }
17462  spacer fprintf (fp," size (SFVec3f): \t");
17463  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->size.c[i]); }
17464  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17465  spacer fprintf (fp," targetObject (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->targetObject);
17466  break;
17467  }
17468  case NODE_TransmitterPdu : {
17469  struct X3D_TransmitterPdu *tmp;
17470  tmp = (struct X3D_TransmitterPdu *) node;
17471  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17472  spacer fprintf (fp," address (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->address->strptr);
17473  spacer fprintf (fp," antennaLocation (SFVec3f): \t");
17474  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->antennaLocation.c[i]); }
17475  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17476  spacer fprintf (fp," antennaPatternLength (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->antennaPatternLength);
17477  spacer fprintf (fp," antennaPatternType (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->antennaPatternType);
17478  spacer fprintf (fp," applicationID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->applicationID);
17479  spacer fprintf (fp," cryptoKeyID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->cryptoKeyID);
17480  spacer fprintf (fp," cryptoSystem (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->cryptoSystem);
17481  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
17482  spacer fprintf (fp," entityID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->entityID);
17483  spacer fprintf (fp," frequency (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->frequency);
17484  spacer fprintf (fp," inputSource (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->inputSource);
17485  spacer fprintf (fp," lengthOfModulationParameters (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->lengthOfModulationParameters);
17486  if(allFields) {
17487  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17488  }
17489  spacer fprintf (fp," modulationTypeDetail (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->modulationTypeDetail);
17490  spacer fprintf (fp," modulationTypeMajor (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->modulationTypeMajor);
17491  spacer fprintf (fp," modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum);
17492  spacer fprintf (fp," modulationTypeSystem (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->modulationTypeSystem);
17493  spacer fprintf (fp," multicastRelayHost (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->multicastRelayHost->strptr);
17494  spacer fprintf (fp," multicastRelayPort (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->multicastRelayPort);
17495  spacer fprintf (fp," networkMode (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->networkMode->strptr);
17496  spacer fprintf (fp," port (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->port);
17497  spacer fprintf (fp," power (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->power);
17498  spacer fprintf (fp," radioEntityTypeCategory (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->radioEntityTypeCategory);
17499  spacer fprintf (fp," radioEntityTypeCountry (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->radioEntityTypeCountry);
17500  spacer fprintf (fp," radioEntityTypeDomain (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->radioEntityTypeDomain);
17501  spacer fprintf (fp," radioEntityTypeKind (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->radioEntityTypeKind);
17502  spacer fprintf (fp," radioEntityTypeNomenclature (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->radioEntityTypeNomenclature);
17503  spacer fprintf (fp," radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion);
17504  spacer fprintf (fp," radioID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->radioID);
17505  spacer fprintf (fp," readInterval (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->readInterval);
17506  spacer fprintf (fp," relativeAntennaLocation (SFVec3f): \t");
17507  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->relativeAntennaLocation.c[i]); }
17508  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17509  spacer fprintf (fp," rtpHeaderExpected (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->rtpHeaderExpected);
17510  spacer fprintf (fp," siteID (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->siteID);
17511  spacer fprintf (fp," transmitFrequencyBandwidth (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->transmitFrequencyBandwidth);
17512  spacer fprintf (fp," transmitState (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->transmitState);
17513  spacer fprintf (fp," whichGeometry (SFInt32) \t%d\n",tmp->whichGeometry);
17514  spacer fprintf (fp," writeInterval (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->writeInterval);
17515  break;
17516  }
17517  case NODE_TriangleFanSet : {
17518  struct X3D_TriangleFanSet *tmp;
17519  tmp = (struct X3D_TriangleFanSet *) node;
17520  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17521  spacer fprintf (fp," attrib (MFNode):\n");
17522  for (i=0; i<tmp->attrib.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->attrib.p[i]); }
17523  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
17524  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
17525  spacer fprintf (fp," fogCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fogCoord);
17526  if(allFields) {
17527  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17528  }
17529  spacer fprintf (fp," normal (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->normal);
17530  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord);
17531  break;
17532  }
17533  case NODE_TriangleSet : {
17534  struct X3D_TriangleSet *tmp;
17535  tmp = (struct X3D_TriangleSet *) node;
17536  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17537  spacer fprintf (fp," attrib (MFNode):\n");
17538  for (i=0; i<tmp->attrib.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->attrib.p[i]); }
17539  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
17540  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
17541  spacer fprintf (fp," fogCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fogCoord);
17542  if(allFields) {
17543  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17544  }
17545  spacer fprintf (fp," normal (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->normal);
17546  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord);
17547  break;
17548  }
17549  case NODE_TriangleSet2D : {
17550  struct X3D_TriangleSet2D *tmp;
17551  tmp = (struct X3D_TriangleSet2D *) node;
17552  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17553  if(allFields) {
17554  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17555  }
17556  spacer fprintf (fp," vertices (MFVec2f):\n");
17557  for (i=0; i<tmp->vertices.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t[%4.3f, %4.3f]\n",i,(tmp->vertices.p[i]).c[0], (tmp->vertices.p[i]).c[1]); }
17558  break;
17559  }
17560  case NODE_TriangleStripSet : {
17561  struct X3D_TriangleStripSet *tmp;
17562  tmp = (struct X3D_TriangleStripSet *) node;
17563  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17564  spacer fprintf (fp," attrib (MFNode):\n");
17565  for (i=0; i<tmp->attrib.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->attrib.p[i]); }
17566  spacer fprintf (fp," color (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->color);
17567  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
17568  spacer fprintf (fp," fogCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->fogCoord);
17569  if(allFields) {
17570  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17571  }
17572  spacer fprintf (fp," normal (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->normal);
17573  spacer fprintf (fp," texCoord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->texCoord);
17574  break;
17575  }
17576  case NODE_TwoSidedMaterial : {
17577  struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial *tmp;
17578  tmp = (struct X3D_TwoSidedMaterial *) node;
17579  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17580  spacer fprintf (fp," ambientIntensity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->ambientIntensity);
17581  spacer fprintf (fp," backAmbientIntensity (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->backAmbientIntensity);
17582  spacer fprintf (fp," backDiffuseColor (SFColor): \t");
17583  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->backDiffuseColor.c[i]); }
17584  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17585  spacer fprintf (fp," backEmissiveColor (SFColor): \t");
17586  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->backEmissiveColor.c[i]); }
17587  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17588  spacer fprintf (fp," backShininess (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->backShininess);
17589  spacer fprintf (fp," backSpecularColor (SFColor): \t");
17590  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->backSpecularColor.c[i]); }
17591  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17592  spacer fprintf (fp," backTransparency (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->backTransparency);
17593  spacer fprintf (fp," diffuseColor (SFColor): \t");
17594  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->diffuseColor.c[i]); }
17595  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17596  spacer fprintf (fp," emissiveColor (SFColor): \t");
17597  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->emissiveColor.c[i]); }
17598  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17599  if(allFields) {
17600  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17601  }
17602  spacer fprintf (fp," separateBackColor (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->separateBackColor);
17603  spacer fprintf (fp," shininess (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->shininess);
17604  spacer fprintf (fp," specularColor (SFColor): \t");
17605  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->specularColor.c[i]); }
17606  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17607  spacer fprintf (fp," transparency (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->transparency);
17608  break;
17609  }
17610  case NODE_UniversalJoint : {
17611  struct X3D_UniversalJoint *tmp;
17612  tmp = (struct X3D_UniversalJoint *) node;
17613  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17614  if(allFields) {
17615  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_anchorPoint (SFVec3f): \t");
17616  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_anchorPoint.c[i]); }
17617  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17618  }
17619  if(allFields) {
17620  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_axis1 (SFVec3f): \t");
17621  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_axis1.c[i]); }
17622  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17623  }
17624  if(allFields) {
17625  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_axis2 (SFVec3f): \t");
17626  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->__old_axis2.c[i]); }
17627  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17628  }
17629  if(allFields) {
17630  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_body1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__old_body1);
17631  }
17632  if(allFields) {
17633  spacer fprintf (fp," __old_body2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__old_body2);
17634  }
17635  spacer fprintf (fp," anchorPoint (SFVec3f): \t");
17636  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->anchorPoint.c[i]); }
17637  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17638  spacer fprintf (fp," axis1 (SFVec3f): \t");
17639  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->axis1.c[i]); }
17640  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17641  spacer fprintf (fp," axis2 (SFVec3f): \t");
17642  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->axis2.c[i]); }
17643  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17644  spacer fprintf (fp," body1 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body1);
17645  spacer fprintf (fp," body2 (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->body2);
17646  spacer fprintf (fp," forceOutput (MFString): \n");
17647  for (i=0; i<tmp->forceOutput.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->forceOutput.p[i]->strptr); }
17648  if(allFields) {
17649  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17650  }
17651  spacer fprintf (fp," stop1Bounce (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stop1Bounce);
17652  spacer fprintf (fp," stop1ErrorCorrection (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stop1ErrorCorrection);
17653  spacer fprintf (fp," stop2Bounce (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stop2Bounce);
17654  spacer fprintf (fp," stop2ErrorCorrection (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->stop2ErrorCorrection);
17655  break;
17656  }
17657  case NODE_Viewpoint : {
17658  struct X3D_Viewpoint *tmp;
17659  tmp = (struct X3D_Viewpoint *) node;
17660  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17661  spacer fprintf (fp," aspectRatio (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->aspectRatio);
17662  spacer fprintf (fp," centerOfRotation (SFVec3f): \t");
17663  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->centerOfRotation.c[i]); }
17664  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17665  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
17666  spacer fprintf (fp," fieldOfView (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->fieldOfView);
17667  spacer fprintf (fp," fovMode (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->fovMode->strptr);
17668  spacer fprintf (fp," jump (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->jump);
17669  if(allFields) {
17670  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17671  }
17672  spacer fprintf (fp," orientation (SFRotation): \t");
17673  for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->orientation.c[i]); }
17674  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17675  spacer fprintf (fp," position (SFVec3f): \t");
17676  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->position.c[i]); }
17677  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17678  spacer fprintf (fp," retainUserOffsets (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->retainUserOffsets);
17679  break;
17680  }
17681  case NODE_ViewpointGroup : {
17682  struct X3D_ViewpointGroup *tmp;
17683  tmp = (struct X3D_ViewpointGroup *) node;
17684  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17685  if(allFields) {
17686  spacer fprintf (fp," __proxNode (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__proxNode);
17687  }
17688  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec3f): \t");
17689  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
17690  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17691  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
17692  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
17693  spacer fprintf (fp," description (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->description->strptr);
17694  spacer fprintf (fp," displayed (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->displayed);
17695  if(allFields) {
17696  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17697  }
17698  spacer fprintf (fp," retainUserOffsets (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->retainUserOffsets);
17699  spacer fprintf (fp," size (SFVec3f): \t");
17700  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->size.c[i]); }
17701  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17702  break;
17703  }
17704  case NODE_Viewport : {
17705  struct X3D_Viewport *tmp;
17706  tmp = (struct X3D_Viewport *) node;
17707  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17708  if(allFields) {
17709  spacer fprintf (fp," __sibAffectors (MFNode):\n");
17710  for (i=0; i<tmp->__sibAffectors.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->__sibAffectors.p[i]); }
17711  }
17712  spacer fprintf (fp," children (MFNode):\n");
17713  for (i=0; i<tmp->children.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->children.p[i]); }
17714  spacer fprintf (fp," clipBoundary (MFFloat):\n");
17715  for (i=0; i<tmp->clipBoundary.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%4.3f\n",i,tmp->clipBoundary.p[i]); }
17716  if(allFields) {
17717  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17718  }
17719  break;
17720  }
17721  case NODE_VisibilitySensor : {
17722  struct X3D_VisibilitySensor *tmp;
17723  tmp = (struct X3D_VisibilitySensor *) node;
17724  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17725  if(allFields) {
17726  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
17727  }
17728  spacer fprintf (fp," center (SFVec3f): \t");
17729  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->center.c[i]); }
17730  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17731  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
17732  if(allFields) {
17733  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17734  }
17735  spacer fprintf (fp," size (SFVec3f): \t");
17736  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->size.c[i]); }
17737  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17738  break;
17739  }
17740  case NODE_VolumeData : {
17741  struct X3D_VolumeData *tmp;
17742  tmp = (struct X3D_VolumeData *) node;
17743  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17744  spacer fprintf (fp," dimensions (SFVec3f): \t");
17745  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->dimensions.c[i]); }
17746  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17747  if(allFields) {
17748  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17749  }
17750  spacer fprintf (fp," renderStyle (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->renderStyle);
17751  spacer fprintf (fp," voxels (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->voxels);
17752  break;
17753  }
17754  case NODE_VolumeEmitter : {
17755  struct X3D_VolumeEmitter *tmp;
17756  tmp = (struct X3D_VolumeEmitter *) node;
17757  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17758  spacer fprintf (fp," coord (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->coord);
17759  spacer fprintf (fp," direction (SFVec3f): \t");
17760  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->direction.c[i]); }
17761  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17762  spacer fprintf (fp," internal (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->internal);
17763  if(allFields) {
17764  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17765  }
17766  spacer fprintf (fp," speed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->speed);
17767  spacer fprintf (fp," variation (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->variation);
17768  break;
17769  }
17770  case NODE_VolumePickSensor : {
17771  struct X3D_VolumePickSensor *tmp;
17772  tmp = (struct X3D_VolumePickSensor *) node;
17773  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17774  if(allFields) {
17775  spacer fprintf (fp," __oldEnabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->__oldEnabled);
17776  }
17777  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
17778  spacer fprintf (fp," matchCriterion (SFString) \t%s\n",tmp->matchCriterion->strptr);
17779  if(allFields) {
17780  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17781  }
17782  spacer fprintf (fp," objectType (MFString): \n");
17783  for (i=0; i<tmp->objectType.n; i++) { spacer fprintf (fp," %d: \t%s\n",i,tmp->objectType.p[i]->strptr); }
17784  spacer fprintf (fp," pickTarget (MFNode):\n");
17785  for (i=0; i<tmp->pickTarget.n; i++) { dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->pickTarget.p[i]); }
17786  spacer fprintf (fp," pickingGeometry (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->pickingGeometry);
17787  break;
17788  }
17789  case NODE_WindPhysicsModel : {
17790  struct X3D_WindPhysicsModel *tmp;
17791  tmp = (struct X3D_WindPhysicsModel *) node;
17792  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17793  spacer fprintf (fp," direction (SFVec3f): \t");
17794  for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fprintf (fp,"%4.3f ",tmp->direction.c[i]); }
17795  fprintf (fp,"\n");
17796  spacer fprintf (fp," enabled (SFBool) \t%d\n",tmp->enabled);
17797  spacer fprintf (fp," gustiness (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->gustiness);
17798  if(allFields) {
17799  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17800  }
17801  spacer fprintf (fp," speed (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->speed);
17802  spacer fprintf (fp," turbulence (SFFloat) \t%4.3f\n",tmp->turbulence);
17803  break;
17804  }
17805  case NODE_WorldInfo : {
17806  struct X3D_WorldInfo *tmp;
17807  tmp = (struct X3D_WorldInfo *) node;
17808  UNUSED(tmp); // compiler warning mitigation
17809  if(allFields) {
17810  spacer fprintf (fp," metadata (SFNode):\n"); dump_scene(fp,level+1,tmp->metadata);
17811  }
17812  break;
17813  }
17814  default: {}
17815  }
17816  fflush(fp) ;
17817  spacer fprintf (fp,"L%d end\n",level);
17818  if (level == 0) fprintf (fp,"ending dump_scene\n");
17819 }
17821 int getSAI_X3DNodeType (int FreeWRLNodeType) {
17822  switch (FreeWRLNodeType) {
17823  case NODE_Anchor: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17824  case NODE_Appearance: return X3DAppearanceNode; break;
17825  case NODE_Arc2D: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17826  case NODE_ArcClose2D: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17827  case NODE_AudioClip: return X3DSoundSourceNode; break;
17828  case NODE_BackdropBackground: return X3DBackgroundNode; break;
17829  case NODE_Background: return X3DBackgroundNode; break;
17830  case NODE_BallJoint: return X3DRigidJointNode; break;
17831  case NODE_Billboard: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17832  case NODE_BlendedVolumeStyle: return X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode; break;
17833  case NODE_BooleanFilter: return X3DChildNode; break;
17834  case NODE_BooleanSequencer: return X3DSequencerNode; break;
17835  case NODE_BooleanToggle: return X3DChildNode; break;
17836  case NODE_BooleanTrigger: return X3DTriggerNode; break;
17837  case NODE_BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle: return X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode; break;
17838  case NODE_BoundedPhysicsModel: return X3DParticlePhysicsModelNode; break;
17839  case NODE_Box: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17840  case NODE_CADAssembly: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17841  case NODE_CADFace: return X3DProductStructureChildNode; break;
17842  case NODE_CADLayer: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17843  case NODE_CADPart: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17844  case NODE_CalibratedCameraSensor: return X3DSensorNode; break;
17845  case NODE_CartoonVolumeStyle: return X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode; break;
17846  case NODE_Circle2D: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17847  case NODE_ClipPlane: return X3DChildNode; break;
17848  case NODE_CollidableOffset: return X3DNBodyCollidableNode; break;
17849  case NODE_CollidableShape: return X3DNBodyCollidableNode; break;
17850  case NODE_Collision: return X3DEnvironmentalSensorNode; break;
17851  case NODE_CollisionCollection: return X3DChildNode; break;
17852  case NODE_CollisionSensor: return X3DSensorNode; break;
17853  case NODE_CollisionSpace: return X3DNBodyCollidableNode; break;
17854  case NODE_Color: return X3DColorNode; break;
17855  case NODE_ColorChaser: return X3DChaserNode; break;
17856  case NODE_ColorDamper: return X3DDamperNode; break;
17857  case NODE_ColorInterpolator: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
17858  case NODE_ColorRGBA: return X3DColorNode; break;
17859  case NODE_ComposedCubeMapTexture: return X3DEnvironmentTextureNode; break;
17860  case NODE_ComposedShader: return X3DShaderNode; break;
17861  case NODE_ComposedTexture3D: return X3DTexture3DNode; break;
17862  case NODE_ComposedVolumeStyle: return X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode; break;
17863  case NODE_CompositeVolumeStyle: return X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode; break;
17864  case NODE_Cone: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17865  case NODE_ConeEmitter: return X3DParticleEmitterNode; break;
17866  case NODE_Contact: return X3DSFNode; break;
17867  case NODE_Contour2D: return X3DSFNode; break;
17868  case NODE_ContourPolyline2D: return X3DNurbsControlCurveNode; break;
17869  case NODE_Coordinate: return X3DCoordinateNode; break;
17870  case NODE_CoordinateChaser: return X3DChaserNode; break;
17871  case NODE_CoordinateDamper: return X3DDamperNode; break;
17872  case NODE_CoordinateDouble: return X3DCoordinateNode; break;
17873  case NODE_CoordinateInterpolator: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
17874  case NODE_CoordinateInterpolator2D: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
17875  case NODE_Cylinder: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17876  case NODE_CylinderSensor: return X3DPointingDeviceSensorNode; break;
17877  case NODE_DISEntityManager: return X3DChildNode; break;
17878  case NODE_DISEntityTypeMapping: return X3DInfoNode; break;
17879  case NODE_DirectionalLight: return X3DLightNode; break;
17880  case NODE_Disk2D: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17881  case NODE_DoubleAxisHingeJoint: return X3DRigidJointNode; break;
17882  case NODE_EaseInEaseOut: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
17883  case NODE_EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle: return X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode; break;
17884  case NODE_Effect: return X3DShaderNode; break;
17885  case NODE_EffectPart: return X3DUrlObject; break;
17886  case NODE_ElevationGrid: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17887  case NODE_EspduTransform: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17888  case NODE_ExplosionEmitter: return X3DParticleEmitterNode; break;
17889  case NODE_Extrusion: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17890  case NODE_FillProperties: return X3DAppearanceChildNode; break;
17891  case NODE_FloatVertexAttribute: return X3DVertexAttributeNode; break;
17892  case NODE_Fog: return X3DBindableNode; break;
17893  case NODE_FogCoordinate: return X3DGeometricPropertyNode; break;
17894  case NODE_FontStyle: return X3DFontStyleNode; break;
17895  case NODE_ForcePhysicsModel: return X3DParticlePhysicsModelNode; break;
17896  case NODE_GeneratedCubeMapTexture: return X3DEnvironmentTextureNode; break;
17897  case NODE_GeoCoordinate: return X3DCoordinateNode; break;
17898  case NODE_GeoElevationGrid: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17899  case NODE_GeoLOD: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17900  case NODE_GeoLocation: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17901  case NODE_GeoMetadata: return X3DChildNode; break;
17902  case NODE_GeoOrigin: return X3DChildNode; break;
17903  case NODE_GeoPositionInterpolator: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
17904  case NODE_GeoProximitySensor: return X3DEnvironmentalSensorNode; break;
17905  case NODE_GeoTouchSensor: return X3DPointingDeviceSensorNode; break;
17906  case NODE_GeoTransform: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17907  case NODE_GeoViewpoint: return X3DBindableNode; break;
17908  case NODE_Group: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17909  case NODE_HAnimDisplacer: return X3DGeometricPropertyNode; break;
17910  case NODE_HAnimHumanoid: return X3DChildNode; break;
17911  case NODE_HAnimJoint: return X3DChildNode; break;
17912  case NODE_HAnimSegment: return X3DChildNode; break;
17913  case NODE_HAnimSite: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17914  case NODE_ImageBackdropBackground: return X3DBackgroundNode; break;
17915  case NODE_ImageCubeMapTexture: return X3DEnvironmentTextureNode; break;
17916  case NODE_ImageTexture: return X3DTextureNode; break;
17917  case NODE_ImageTexture3D: return X3DTextureNode; break;
17918  case NODE_IndexedFaceSet: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17919  case NODE_IndexedLineSet: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17920  case NODE_IndexedQuadSet: return X3DComposedGeometryNode; break;
17921  case NODE_IndexedTriangleFanSet: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17922  case NODE_IndexedTriangleSet: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17923  case NODE_IndexedTriangleStripSet: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17924  case NODE_Inline: return X3DNetworkSensorNode; break;
17925  case NODE_IntegerSequencer: return X3DSequencerNode; break;
17926  case NODE_IntegerTrigger: return X3DTriggerNode; break;
17927  case NODE_IsoSurfaceVolumeData: return X3DVolumeDataNode; break;
17928  case NODE_KeySensor: return X3DKeyDeviceSensorNode; break;
17929  case NODE_LOD: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17930  case NODE_Layer: return X3DLayerNode; break;
17931  case NODE_LayerSet: return X3DLayerSetNode; break;
17932  case NODE_Layout: return X3DLayoutNode; break;
17933  case NODE_LayoutGroup: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17934  case NODE_LayoutLayer: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
17935  case NODE_LinePickSensor: return X3DSensorNode; break;
17936  case NODE_LineProperties: return X3DAppearanceChildNode; break;
17937  case NODE_LineSensor: return X3DPointingDeviceSensorNode; break;
17938  case NODE_LineSet: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
17939  case NODE_LoadSensor: return X3DNetworkSensorNode; break;
17940  case NODE_LocalFog: return X3DChildNode; break;
17941  case NODE_Material: return X3DMaterialNode; break;
17942  case NODE_Matrix3VertexAttribute: return X3DVertexAttributeNode; break;
17943  case NODE_Matrix4VertexAttribute: return X3DVertexAttributeNode; break;
17944  case NODE_MetadataBoolean: return X3DChildNode; break;
17945  case NODE_MetadataDouble: return X3DChildNode; break;
17946  case NODE_MetadataFloat: return X3DChildNode; break;
17947  case NODE_MetadataInteger: return X3DChildNode; break;
17948  case NODE_MetadataMFBool: return X3DChildNode; break;
17949  case NODE_MetadataMFColor: return X3DChildNode; break;
17950  case NODE_MetadataMFColorRGBA: return X3DChildNode; break;
17951  case NODE_MetadataMFDouble: return X3DChildNode; break;
17952  case NODE_MetadataMFFloat: return X3DChildNode; break;
17953  case NODE_MetadataMFInt32: return X3DChildNode; break;
17954  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix3d: return X3DChildNode; break;
17955  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix3f: return X3DChildNode; break;
17956  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix4d: return X3DChildNode; break;
17957  case NODE_MetadataMFMatrix4f: return X3DChildNode; break;
17958  case NODE_MetadataMFNode: return X3DChildNode; break;
17959  case NODE_MetadataMFRotation: return X3DChildNode; break;
17960  case NODE_MetadataMFString: return X3DChildNode; break;
17961  case NODE_MetadataMFTime: return X3DChildNode; break;
17962  case NODE_MetadataMFVec2d: return X3DChildNode; break;
17963  case NODE_MetadataMFVec2f: return X3DChildNode; break;
17964  case NODE_MetadataMFVec3d: return X3DChildNode; break;
17965  case NODE_MetadataMFVec3f: return X3DChildNode; break;
17966  case NODE_MetadataMFVec4d: return X3DChildNode; break;
17967  case NODE_MetadataMFVec4f: return X3DChildNode; break;
17968  case NODE_MetadataSFBool: return X3DChildNode; break;
17969  case NODE_MetadataSFColor: return X3DChildNode; break;
17970  case NODE_MetadataSFColorRGBA: return X3DChildNode; break;
17971  case NODE_MetadataSFDouble: return X3DChildNode; break;
17972  case NODE_MetadataSFFloat: return X3DChildNode; break;
17973  case NODE_MetadataSFImage: return X3DChildNode; break;
17974  case NODE_MetadataSFInt32: return X3DChildNode; break;
17975  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix3d: return X3DChildNode; break;
17976  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix3f: return X3DChildNode; break;
17977  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix4d: return X3DChildNode; break;
17978  case NODE_MetadataSFMatrix4f: return X3DChildNode; break;
17979  case NODE_MetadataSFNode: return X3DChildNode; break;
17980  case NODE_MetadataSFRotation: return X3DChildNode; break;
17981  case NODE_MetadataSFString: return X3DChildNode; break;
17982  case NODE_MetadataSFTime: return X3DChildNode; break;
17983  case NODE_MetadataSFVec2d: return X3DChildNode; break;
17984  case NODE_MetadataSFVec2f: return X3DChildNode; break;
17985  case NODE_MetadataSFVec3d: return X3DChildNode; break;
17986  case NODE_MetadataSFVec3f: return X3DChildNode; break;
17987  case NODE_MetadataSFVec4d: return X3DChildNode; break;
17988  case NODE_MetadataSFVec4f: return X3DChildNode; break;
17989  case NODE_MetadataSet: return X3DChildNode; break;
17990  case NODE_MetadataString: return X3DChildNode; break;
17991  case NODE_MotorJoint: return X3DRigidJointNode; break;
17992  case NODE_MovieTexture: return X3DTextureNode; break;
17993  case NODE_MultiTexture: return X3DTextureNode; break;
17994  case NODE_MultiTextureCoordinate: return X3DTextureCoordinateNode; break;
17995  case NODE_MultiTextureTransform: return X3DTextureTransformNode; break;
17996  case NODE_NavigationInfo: return X3DBindableNode; break;
17997  case NODE_Normal: return X3DNormalNode; break;
17998  case NODE_NormalInterpolator: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
17999  case NODE_NurbsCurve: return X3DParametricGeometryNode; break;
18000  case NODE_NurbsCurve2D: return X3DNurbsControlCurveNode; break;
18001  case NODE_NurbsOrientationInterpolator: return X3DChildNode; break;
18002  case NODE_NurbsPatchSurface: return X3DNurbsSurfaceGeometryNode; break;
18003  case NODE_NurbsPositionInterpolator: return X3DChildNode; break;
18004  case NODE_NurbsSet: return X3DChildNode; break;
18005  case NODE_NurbsSurfaceInterpolator: return X3DChildNode; break;
18006  case NODE_NurbsSweptSurface: return X3DParametricGeometryNode; break;
18007  case NODE_NurbsSwungSurface: return X3DParametricGeometryNode; break;
18008  case NODE_NurbsTextureCoordinate: return X3DSFNode; break;
18009  case NODE_NurbsTrimmedSurface: return X3DNurbsSurfaceGeometryNode; break;
18010  case NODE_OSC_Sensor: return X3DNetworkSensorNode; break;
18011  case NODE_OpacityMapVolumeStyle: return X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode; break;
18012  case NODE_OrientationChaser: return X3DChaserNode; break;
18013  case NODE_OrientationDamper: return X3DDamperNode; break;
18014  case NODE_OrientationInterpolator: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
18015  case NODE_OrthoViewpoint: return X3DBindableNode; break;
18016  case NODE_PackagedShader: return X3DProgrammableShaderObject; break;
18017  case NODE_ParticleSystem: return X3DShapeNode; break;
18018  case NODE_PickableGroup: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
18019  case NODE_PixelTexture: return X3DTextureNode; break;
18020  case NODE_PixelTexture3D: return X3DTextureNode; break;
18021  case NODE_PlaneSensor: return X3DPointingDeviceSensorNode; break;
18022  case NODE_PointEmitter: return X3DParticleEmitterNode; break;
18023  case NODE_PointLight: return X3DLightNode; break;
18024  case NODE_PointPickSensor: return X3DSensorNode; break;
18025  case NODE_PointSet: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
18026  case NODE_Polyline2D: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
18027  case NODE_PolylineEmitter: return X3DParticleEmitterNode; break;
18028  case NODE_Polypoint2D: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
18029  case NODE_PositionChaser: return X3DChaserNode; break;
18030  case NODE_PositionChaser2D: return X3DChaserNode; break;
18031  case NODE_PositionDamper: return X3DDamperNode; break;
18032  case NODE_PositionDamper2D: return X3DDamperNode; break;
18033  case NODE_PositionInterpolator: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
18034  case NODE_PositionInterpolator2D: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
18035  case NODE_PrimitivePickSensor: return X3DSensorNode; break;
18036  case NODE_ProgramShader: return X3DProgrammableShaderObject; break;
18037  case NODE_ProjectionVolumeStyle: return X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode; break;
18038  case NODE_Proto: return X3DProtoInstance; break;
18039  case NODE_ProximitySensor: return X3DEnvironmentalSensorNode; break;
18040  case NODE_QuadSet: return X3DComposedGeometryNode; break;
18041  case NODE_ReceiverPdu: return X3DChildNode; break;
18042  case NODE_Rectangle2D: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
18043  case NODE_RigidBody: return X3DSFNode; break;
18044  case NODE_RigidBodyCollection: return X3DChildNode; break;
18045  case NODE_ScalarChaser: return X3DChaserNode; break;
18046  case NODE_ScalarDamper: return X3DDamperNode; break;
18047  case NODE_ScalarInterpolator: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
18048  case NODE_ScreenFontStyle: return X3DFontStyleNode; break;
18049  case NODE_ScreenGroup: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
18050  case NODE_Script: return X3DScriptNode; break;
18051  case NODE_SegmentedVolumeData: return X3DVolumeDataNode; break;
18052  case NODE_ShadedVolumeStyle: return X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode; break;
18053  case NODE_ShaderPart: return X3DUrlObject; break;
18054  case NODE_ShaderProgram: return X3DUrlObject; break;
18055  case NODE_Shape: return X3DBoundedObject; break;
18056  case NODE_SignalPdu: return X3DChildNode; break;
18057  case NODE_SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle: return X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode; break;
18058  case NODE_SingleAxisHingeJoint: return X3DRigidJointNode; break;
18059  case NODE_SliderJoint: return X3DRigidJointNode; break;
18060  case NODE_Sound: return X3DSoundSourceNode; break;
18061  case NODE_Sphere: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
18062  case NODE_SphereSensor: return X3DPointingDeviceSensorNode; break;
18063  case NODE_SplinePositionInterpolator: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
18064  case NODE_SplinePositionInterpolator2D: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
18065  case NODE_SplineScalarInterpolator: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
18066  case NODE_SpotLight: return X3DLightNode; break;
18067  case NODE_SquadOrientationInterpolator: return X3DInterpolatorNode; break;
18068  case NODE_StaticGroup: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
18069  case NODE_StringSensor: return X3DKeyDeviceSensorNode; break;
18070  case NODE_SurfaceEmitter: return X3DParticleEmitterNode; break;
18071  case NODE_Switch: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
18072  case NODE_Teapot: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
18073  case NODE_TexCoordChaser2D: return X3DChaserNode; break;
18074  case NODE_TexCoordDamper2D: return X3DDamperNode; break;
18075  case NODE_Text: return X3DTextNode; break;
18076  case NODE_TextureBackground: return X3DBackgroundNode; break;
18077  case NODE_TextureCoordinate: return X3DTextureCoordinateNode; break;
18078  case NODE_TextureCoordinate3D: return X3DTextureCoordinateNode; break;
18079  case NODE_TextureCoordinate4D: return X3DTextureCoordinateNode; break;
18080  case NODE_TextureCoordinateGenerator: return X3DTextureCoordinateNode; break;
18081  case NODE_TextureProperties: return X3DSFNode; break;
18082  case NODE_TextureTransform: return X3DTextureTransformNode; break;
18083  case NODE_TextureTransform3D: return X3DTextureTransformNode; break;
18084  case NODE_TextureTransformMatrix3D: return X3DTextureTransformNode; break;
18085  case NODE_TimeSensor: return X3DSensorNode; break;
18086  case NODE_TimeTrigger: return X3DTriggerNode; break;
18087  case NODE_ToneMappedVolumeStyle: return X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode; break;
18088  case NODE_TouchSensor: return X3DPointingDeviceSensorNode; break;
18089  case NODE_TrackingSensor: return X3DSensorNode; break;
18090  case NODE_Transform: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
18091  case NODE_TransformSensor: return X3DEnvironmentalSensorNode; break;
18092  case NODE_TransmitterPdu: return X3DChildNode; break;
18093  case NODE_TriangleFanSet: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
18094  case NODE_TriangleSet: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
18095  case NODE_TriangleSet2D: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
18096  case NODE_TriangleStripSet: return X3DGeometryNode; break;
18097  case NODE_TwoSidedMaterial: return X3DMaterialNode; break;
18098  case NODE_UniversalJoint: return X3DRigidJointNode; break;
18099  case NODE_Viewpoint: return X3DBindableNode; break;
18100  case NODE_ViewpointGroup: return X3DGroupingNode; break;
18101  case NODE_Viewport: return X3DViewportNode; break;
18102  case NODE_VisibilitySensor: return X3DEnvironmentalSensorNode; break;
18103  case NODE_VolumeData: return X3DVolumeDataNode; break;
18104  case NODE_VolumeEmitter: return X3DParticleEmitterNode; break;
18105  case NODE_VolumePickSensor: return X3DSensorNode; break;
18106  case NODE_WindPhysicsModel: return X3DParticlePhysicsModelNode; break;
18107  case NODE_WorldInfo: return X3DChildNode; break;
18108  default:return -1;
18109  }
18110 }
Definition: Viewer.h:174