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Android APIs
public class


extends Object
implements Serializable

Class Overview

KeyRep is a standardized representation for serialized Key objects.


Nested Classes
enum KeyRep.Type Type enumerates the supported key types. 
Public Constructors
KeyRep(KeyRep.Type type, String algorithm, String format, byte[] encoded)
Constructs a new instance of KeyRep with the specified arguments.
Protected Methods
Object readResolve()
Resolves and returns the Key object.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public KeyRep (KeyRep.Type type, String algorithm, String format, byte[] encoded)

Added in API level 1

Constructs a new instance of KeyRep with the specified arguments. The arguments should be obtained from the Key object that has to be serialized.

type the type of the key.
algorithm the algorithm (obtained by getAlgorithm()).
format the format of the key (obtained by getFormat()).
encoded the encoded byte[] (obtained by getEncoded()).
NullPointerException if type, algorithm, format or encoded is null .

Protected Methods

protected Object readResolve ()

Added in API level 1

Resolves and returns the Key object. Three KeyRep.Type|format combinations are supported:

  • Type.PRIVATE | "PKCS#8" : returns a PrivateKey instance, generated from a key factory (suitable for the algorithm) that is initialized with a PKCS8EncodedKeySpec using the encoded key bytes.
  • Type.SECRET | "RAW" : returns a SecretKeySpec instance, created with the encoded key bytes and the algorithm.
  • Type.PUBLIC | "X.509": returns a PublicKey instance, generated from a key factory (suitable for the algorithm) that is initialized with a X509EncodedKeySpec using the encoded key bytes.

  • the resolved Key object.
ObjectStreamException if the Type|format combination is not recognized, or the resolution of any key parameter fails.