Banerjee | Chen | Condry | Crocker | Culot | de Courtivron | Dunphy | Fendt | Garrels |
Groeger | Harris | Jaeger | Levet | Miyagawa | Morgenstern | Nagaya | Perreau | Teng |
Turk | Wang | Weise | Zhang |
Douglas Morgenstern
¡Ven Conmigo! Nuevas Vistas Advanced Placement Language Preparation Program, contributing author with A.B. Chiquito, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2003.
Designer for ¡Lengua viva! Univision Video Program for ¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura, Zayas-Bazán and Fernández, 492 pp., Prentice Hall, 1993.
Tapescript for Laboratory Tape Program, for Gutiérrez, et. al., ¡Ya verás! Primer nivel, 203 pp., Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1991.
Listening Activity Masters, for Gutiérrez, et. al., ¡Ya verás! Primer nivel, 125 pp., Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1991.
Tapescript for Laboratory Tape Program, with A. B. Chiquito and Posada, for Gutiérrez and Rosser, ¡Ya verás! Segundo nivel, 209 pp., Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1992.
Listening Activity Masters, with A. B. Chiquito and Posada, for Gutiérrez and Rosser, ¡Ya verás! Segundo nivel, 128 pp., Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1992.
Nuevos amigos: Spanish, Level I, with J. Fernández, N. Humbach and M. Cazabón, 394 pp., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989.
Ancillaries for Allen, et al., ¿Habla español? An Introductory Course, Third Ed., Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1985:
Manual de laboratorio, 211 pp. (and script for tape program)
Manual del instructor (Introduction), 30 pp.
Instructor's Annotated Edition, 550 pp.
Exercises for ¡En ruta! Review Grammar, Spanish: Advanced Level, 345 pp., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985.
Ancillaries for ¿Habla español? Essentials, Second Ed., Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1982:
Manual del instructor, 145 pp.
Manual de ejercicios, 254 pp. (including lab exercises and tapescript)
- Manual del instructor for ¿Habla español?, Second Ed., 117 pp., Holt, 1981.
Chapters in Books:
“Using Video in Foreign Language Classrooms,” for the Instructor's Resource Manual, with D. Brain, G. Cowell, M. Gonzalez-Aguilar, and J. Turner for ¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura., Prentice Hall, 1993, pp. 151-179.
Faculty Guide (contributing author) for VanPatten, et. al., Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish, McGraw-Hill, WGBH Educational Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1992, pp. 208-428.
“Technology for Language Learning and Teaching: Designs, Projects, Perspectives,” with G. Furstenberg, Wilga Rivers, ed., Teaching Languages in College--Curriculum and Content, National Textbook Company, 1992, pp. 117-140.
“Simulations on Computers: Elements and Examples,” with J. Higgins, D. Crookall and R. Oxford, eds., Simulation, Gaming, and Language Learning, New York: Newbury House Publishers (Harper and Row), 1990, pp 183-189.
“The Athena Language Learning Project: Design Issues for the Next Generation of Computer-Based Language Learning Tools,” with J. Murray and G. Furstenberg, Wm. Flint Smith, ed., in Modern Technology in Foreign Language Education, ACTFL and National Textbook Company, 1989, pp. 97-118.
“Artifice Versus Real-world Data: Six Simulations for Spanish Learners,” D. Crookall et. al., eds., in Simulation-Gaming in the late 1980's: Proceedings of the International Simulation and Gaming Association's 17th International Conference, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1987, pp. 101-109.
“Tracking the Missing Biologist,” co-authored with J. Murray, Humanities, 16: 5 (1995), pp. 33-38.
“Shifting Paradigms, Shifting Sands: Interactive Multimedia for Language Learning,” Simulation and Gaming: An
International Journal of Theory, Design, and Research 23: 1 (1992), 82-87
“Simulation, Interactive Fiction and Language Learning: Aspects of the MIT Project,” Bulletin del l'ACLA / Bulletin of the CAAL (Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics) 8:2 (1986), pp. 23-33.
“The Athena Language Learning Project,” Hispania 69 (1986), pp. 740-45.
“An Overview of the MIT Athena Language Learning Project,” co-authored with C. Kramsch and J. Murray, The CALICO Journal, June 1985, pp. 31-34.
“Eight Activities for the Conversation Class,” The Modern Language Journal 60 (1976), pp. 35-38.
“Death and Time in Three Poems by Jorge Carrera Andrade, Jaime Torres Bodet and José Gorostiza,” Kentucky Romance Quarterly 23:1 (1976), pp. 63-75.
Other Articles:
“OCW as Knight Errant: OpenCourseWare launches Spanish and Portugues Translations of MIT faculty content,” co-authored with M. Ribas Groeger, The MIT Faculty Newsletter, December/January 2004, p. 26-27 and
- “Students as Designers and Content Creators: An Online Multimedia Exchange between the US and Spain, “ (with A. Plasencia and R. Seiz, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia), Syllabus Magazines: Technology for Higher Education, November 2003, p. 33-34 (condensed version); complete article in
- "Language Film, and Technology Workshop Aligns Humanists with Cambridge-MIT Institute," co-authored with A. Chisholm, E. Garrels, and E.B. Turk, The MIT Faculty Newsletter, October/November 2002.
- Pablo Segarra, "En Massachusetts alucinan con el botellón de los universitarios valencianos," Diario de Valencia, February 2002, p. 8 - 9.
- Enric Bou, “No recuerdo, un programa interactivo: entrevista con Douglas Morgenstern,” Cuadernos Cervantes de la lengua española, No. 6, enero 1996, pp. 58-59.
- “Progress Report on Project Athena,” C.A.L.L. Digest: Computers and Language Learning. Vol. 4, No. 7, Oct. 1988, p. 9.
- "Language and the Computer,” in Proceedings of “Language and the World of Work in the 21st Century,” Bilingual/Foreign Language / ESL Education Symposium, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Southeastern Massachusetts University, 1986.
- “MIT's Athena Language Learning Project: Finding the Right Methodology for the New Technology,” with J. Murray, C. Chvany, S. Flynn, G. Furstenberg and C. Kramsch, Northeast Conference Newsletter 18 (1985), pp. 46-48.
- Gente de la Calle, Student Video CD-ROM designed by Oy Divace (Barcelona), to accompany Gente, first year textbook published by Prentice Hall, 2003, ISBN: 0-13-182388-4,4096,0131823884,00.html
- No recuerdo (CD-ROM for intermediate college Spanish), co-Principal Investigator, with Janet H. Murray, pedagogical designer, video producer and principal author; sponsored by Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting, National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning; developed under the Athena Language Learning Project (1984-92), with the Laboratory for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (1992-96), and with the Center for Educational Computing Initiatives (1997-98)
- Juntos Interactivo (CD-ROM for high school Spanish program), co-content developer w/ A. B. Chiquito, M. González-Aguilar, M. Ribas Groeger, J. Renjilian-Burgy, Learningways and Prentice-Hall, 1996.