
Yoshimi Nagaya

  • Yoshimi Nagaya. Issues in japanese language use and language pedagogy. Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1995


  • “An Integrated Use of Computer Technologies in Teaching Japanese,” Proceedings of the Workshop on Teaching Japanese for the 21st Century: Technical Japanese, Distance Language Learning, and Technology for Language Learning. Technical Japanese Program, University of Washington, 1997, Tsutsui, M. (ed.), p. 46.

Works in Progress:

  • Web-based reading materials for the third-year MIT Japanese courses Advanced Japanese I (21F.505) and Advanced Japanese II (21F.506).

  • “Kawariyuku Nihon no Syakai: Advanced Japanese Textbook,”for fourth-year Japanese (funded by a grant from the Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning). Projectedcompletion date: 2005.

  • Content designer,Kawariyuki Nihon no Syakai web site, (http://web.mit.edu/21f.507/www/testsite/index.html) an online site that complements the textbook to provide students with interactive teaching materials including video clips, dictionary link sub-texts, and links to Japanese language sites. (Web interface designed by K. Iijima.)


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