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James Harris
- James Harris. Spanish Phonology: A Study of the Phonological Component of a Transformational Generative Grammar of Spanish. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Intstitute of Technology, 1964-67.
- James Harris. Sound change in spanish and the theory of markedness. Language, 45:538-552, 1969.
- James Harris. Spanish Phonology. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1969.
- James Harris. Distinctive feature theory and nasal assimilation in spanish. Linguistics, 58:30-37, 1970.
- James Harris. A note on spanish plural formation. Language, 46:928-930, 1970.
- James Harris. Sequences of vowels in spanish. Linguistic Inquiry, 1:129-134, 1970.
- James Harris. Los fundamentos de la grammatica transformacional, chapter Aspectos del consonantismo espanol, pages 164-185. Siglo XXI, Mexico City, 1971.
- James Harris. Generative Studies in Romance Languages, chapter Five classes of irregular verbs in Spanish, pages 247-271. Newbury House, Rowley, MA, 1972.
- James Harris. A Festschrift for Morris Halle, chapter On the order of certain phonological rules in Spanish, pages 59-76. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York, 1973.
- James Harris. Language and International Studies, chapter Linguistics and language teaching: applications versus implications, pages 11-18. Georgetown University Press, Washington, 1973.
- James Harris. Las formas verbales de segunda persona plural y otras cuestiones de fonologÌa y morfologÌa. Revista de linguìstica teurica y aplicada, 11:31-60, 1973.
- James Harris. Evidence from portuguese for the elsewhere condition in phonology. Linguistic Inquiry, 4:61-80, 1974.
- James Harris. Linguistic Studies in Romance Languages, chapter Morphologization of phonological rules: and example from Chicano Spanish, pages 8-27. Georgetown University Press, Washington, 1974.
- James Harris. On certain claims concerning spanish phonology. Linguistic Inquiry, 4:271-282, 1974.
- James Harris. Colloquium on Spanish and Portuguese Linguistics, chapter Stress assignmnt rules in Spanish, pages 56-83. Georgetown University Press, Washington, 1975.
- James Harris. Diachronic Studies in Romance Linguistics, chapter Dipthongization, monophthongization, metaphony revisited,, pages 85-97. Mouton, The Hague, 1975.
- James Harris. FonologÌa generativa del espanol. Editorial Planeta, Madrid, 1975. (Translation of Spanish Phonology [1969] with additional material.).
- James Harris. Morphological change and generative grammar. Romance Philology, 28:535-545, 1975.
- James Harris. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the North Eastern Linguistic Society, chapter Spanish vowel alternations, diacritic features, and the structure of the lexicon, pages 99-113. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1977.
- James Harris. Remarks on diphthongization in spanish. Lingua, 41:261-305, 1977.
- James Harris. Studies in Romance Linguistics, chapter Aspects of Spanish verb morphology, pages 44-60. Newbury House, Rowley, MA, 1977.
- James Harris. A rejoinder to `vocalic variations in spanish verbs'. Glossa, 12:83-100, 1978.
- James Harris. Two theories of nonautomatic morphophonological alternations: evidence from spanish. Language, 54:41-60, 1978.
- James Harris. Current Approaches to Phonological Theory, chapter Some observtions on `Substantive principles in natural generative phonology', pages 281-293. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1979.
- James Harris. `voiced' versus [+voice] in spanish obstruents. Hispania, 65:342-344, 1979.
- James Harris. La estructura funica de la lengua castellana: fonologìa, morfologìa, dialectologìa, chapter Lo morfologico en una grammatica generativa: alternancias vocalicas en las formas verbales del espanol, pages 141-199. Anagrama, Barcelona, 1980.
- James Harris. Nonconcatenative morphology and spanish plurals. Journal of Linguistic Research, 1:15-31, 1980.
- James Harris. Current Research in Romance Languages, chapter Spanish syllable structure assignment is cyclic, pages 71-85. Indiana University Linguistics Club, Bloomington, 1981.
- James Harris. Syllable Structure and Stress in Spanish: a Nonlinear Analysis. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1983. Linguistic Inquiry Monograph Eight.
- James Harris. Estudis Gramaticals I, chapter La espirantizacion en castellano y la representacion fonologica autosegmental, pages 149-167. Publicacions del Departament de Filologia Hispanica de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Serie Linguìstica, Barcelona, 1984.
- James Harris. Language Sound Structure: Studies in Phonology Presented to Morris Halle by his Teacher and Students, chapter Autosegmental phonology, lexical phonology, and Spanish nasals, pages 67-82. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1984.
- James Harris. Papers from the XIIth Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, chapter Theories of phonological representation and nasal consonants in Spanish, pages 153-168. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 1984.
- James Harris. Current Issues in Hispanic Morphology and Phonology, chapter Spanish word markers, pages 34-54. Indiana University Linguistics Club, Bloomington, 1985.
- James Harris. Selected Papers from the XIIIth Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, chapter Autosegmental phonology and liquid assimilation in Havana Spanish, pages 127-148. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 1985.
- James Harris. Spanish diphthongization and stress: a paradox resolved. Phonology Yearbook, 2:31-45, 1985.
- James Harris. Acerca de la naturaleza de las representaciones fonologicas. Revista Argentina de Linguìstica, 2:3-20, 1986.
- James Harris. Actas del Y Congreso Internacional de la Asociacion de Linguistica y Filologia de Amèrica Latina, chapter Tendencias actuales en fonologÌa generativa y problemas tradicionales en fonologÌa espanola, pages 59-85. Instituto de FilologÌa Andrès Bello, Caracas, 1986.
- James Harris. Estudios sobre La fonologìa del espanol del Caribe, chapter El modelo multidimensional de la fonologÌa y la dialectologia caribena, pages 41-51. La Casa de Bello (Coleccion Zona Torrida, Estudios Linguisticos), Caracas, 1986.
- James Harris. The accentual patterns of verb paradigms in spanish. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 5:61-90, 1987.
- James Harris. Disagreement rules, referral rules, and the spanish feminine article el. Journal of Linguistics, 23:177-183, 1987.
- James Harris. Studies in Romance Languages, chapter Epenthesis processes in Spanish, pages 107-122. Foris Publications, Dordrecht, 1987.
- James Harris. American Spanish Pronunciation, chapter Our present understanding of Spanish syllable structure, pages 151-169. Georgetown University press, Washington, 1989.
- James Harris. Current Research in Romace Linguistics, chapter Sonority and syllabification in Spanish, pages 139-153. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 1989.
- James Harris. How different is verb stress in spanish? Probus, 1:241-258, 1989.
- James Harris. The stress erasure convention and cliticization in spanish. Linguistic Inquiry, 20:339-363, 1989.
- James Harris with G. Lawton-Alfonso, M. Ezcurra J. Garcia-Rodriguez, and D. Morgenstern. En ruta!: Spanish Review Grammar. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1985.
- James Harris with G. Segreda. Spanish: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1976. Second edition (first edition 1970).
- James Harris with J.E. Carey and M. Gonzalez de la Garza. Audio-Lingual Materials, Spanish: Level III. Harcourt Brace and World, New York, 1964.
- James Harris with M. Gonzalez de la Garza and G. Segreda. Audio-Lingual Materials, Spanish: Level IV. Harcourt Brace and World, New York, 1965