Banerjee | Chen | Condry | Crocker | Culot | de Courtivron | Dunphy | Fendt | Garrels |
Groeger | Harris | Jaeger | Levet | Miyagawa | Morgenstern | Nagaya | Perreau | Teng |
Turk | Wang | Weise | Zhang |
Tong Chen
- With Dachuan Zhu, Lijun He, et al, Classified Chinese-English Dictionary, Tianjin Science and Technology Translation Publishing Corporation, Tianjin, China, 1997.
- With Lichang Su, Spoken English 600 for Foreign Trade, Tianjin Science and Technology Translation Publishing Corporation, Tianjin, China, 1995.
- With Xiuzhen Yang and Min Wan, Spoken English 600 for Everyday Use, Tianjin Science and Technology Translation Publishing Corporation Tianjin, China, 1994.
- With Yingjun Ma, Ruilian Zhang, Hui Xiao, et al, Chinese-English, English-Chinese Dictionary for International Trade, Tianjin Science and Technology Translation Publishing Corporation, Tianjin, China, 1994.
- With Yongzhun Jin, Tao Wang, et al, English-Chinese Dictionary for Junior and Senior High School Students, Tianjin Science & Technology Translation Publishing Corporation, Tianjin, China, 1992.
- “Creating a Natural Language Environment for International Students,” in Proceedings of the Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Wuhan Science and Technology University. 2000, 4 pp
- Translation of the Executive Summary from English into Chinese of the “NFLC Guide for Basic Chinese Language Programs,” The Ohio State University National Foreign Language Resource Center and the OSU Foreign Language Publications Office, Columbus, Ohio. 1997, pp. 21 - 37.