Banerjee | Chen | Condry | Crocker | Culot | de Courtivron | Dunphy | Fendt | Garrels |
Groeger | Harris | Jaeger | Levet | Miyagawa | Morgenstern | Nagaya | Perreau | Teng |
Turk | Wang | Weise | Zhang |
Isabelle de Courtivron
- Clara Malraux, Une femme dans le siècle, Paris, Éditions de l'Olivier, Le Seuil, 1992, 287 pp.
- Violette Leduc, Boston, G.K. Hall, 1985, 145 pp.
Books (edited):
- Lives in Translation: Bilingual Writers on Identity and Creativity, N.Y. Palgrave/Mcmillan Press, 2003
- Beyond French Feminism: Debates on Women, Politics, and Culture in Contemporary France, 1980-2002, co-edited with Roger Celestin and Eliane Dalmolin, New York Palgrave/McMillan Press, 2003.
- Significant Others: Creativity and Intimate Partnership, co-edited with Whitney Chadwick, London & N.Y., Thames & Hudson, 1992, 256 pp. (Translated into Spanish, Swedish, Japanese, German, Chinese; Paperback, 1996.)
- Women Writers in Translation: An International Annotated Bibliography 1945-1980, co-edited with Margery
- Resnick. N.Y., Garland Press, 1983, 271 pp.
- New French Feminisms, co-edited with Elaine Marks, Introduction, translation, bibliography, annotations.
- University of Massachusetts Press, 1980; N.Y. Shocken Press paperback, 1982; Harvester Press paperback (Great Britain), 1982, 300 pp.
Chapters in Books:
- "The Story of A Woman’s Life In and Through Time” in Elaine Marks: Life writing, Writing Death, ed. Richard E. Goodkin, U Wisconsin Press, 2007 pp. 57-71.
- “Never Admit: Colette and the Art of Paradox” in The Modern Women Revisited: Paris between the Wars , Ed. Chadwick and Latimer, Rutgers University Press, 2003.
- “Midlife Memoirs and the Bicultural Dilemma,” in Sites: The Journal of 20th Century contemporary French Studies, Volume 4, Issue 1, Spring 2000, pp. 159-171.
- "Violette Leduc" in French Women Writers, Editors: Sartoni and Zimmerman. Wesport, London, N.Y., Greenwood Press, 1991, pp. 285-295.
- "The Sand Image: Weak Men and Fatal Women," in Homosexualities and French Literature, Editors: G. Stambolian and Elaine Marks. Cornell University Press, 1979, pp. 210-227.
- "Rethinking Differences" (translation), an interview with Hélène Cixous, in Homosexualities and French Literature, op.cit. 1979, pp. 70-86.
Articles in Referred Journals:
- “The Incomplete Return” in Life Writing, special issue on Mixed race, Hybrid, Transnational: Writing Lives in National and Global Frameworks; vol. 4, no 1, pp. 31-41.
- “La Politique éditoriale des Editions des femmes” in Regards sur la France des années 80, ed. Brami, Hage, Verdaguer, Stanford: Stanford French & Italian Studies, Spring 1995.
- “The Resistance and the Liberation of Clara Malraux,” in Contemporary French Civilization (special issue on “Memoire et oubli: Women in the French Resistance”), Winter/Spring 1994.
- "The Other Malraux in Indochina," in Biography, January 1989, pp. 29-42.
- "Violette Leduc: Recluse et Vagabonde," in Les Cahiers du Grif, Fall 1988, pp. 49-54.
- "Van bastaard tot pelgrim: riten en geschriften voor Madame," in Lust en Gratie, Amsterdam 1988 (modified version of Yale French Studies article), pp. 66-92.
- "From Bastard to Pilgrim: Rites and Writing for Madame," in Yale French Studies, Spring 1987, pp. 133-148.
- "Women in Movement(s) 1968-1978," French Literature Series, 1979, pp. 121-132.
- "Le Repos du guerrier: Rochefort's Warrior Reconsidered," L'Esprit Créateur, 1979, pp. 23-35.
- "Violette Leduc's L'Affamée: The Courage to Displease," L'Esprit Créateur, 1979, pp. 95-106.
Other Articles:
- “Educating the Global Student,” Chronicle of Higher Education, July 22, 2000.
- “Notes from a Department in Progress,” in Consortium News, Fall 1995.
Book Reviews:
- Colette, by Gonthier and Francis. In NY Times Book Review; February 2000
- Found in Translation. In New York Times Book Review; Dec. 1998
- Albert Camus, by Olivier Todd. In New York Times Book Review; Dec. 1997
- The Memoirs of Brigitte Bardot and Truismes, by Marie Darrieusseq. In New York Times Book Review; June 22,1997.
- Belle du Seigneur, by Albert Cohen. In New York Times Book Review; August 25, 1996.
- The Love Affair As Work of Art, by Dan Hofstadter. In Washington Post Book Review; April 1996.
- Einstein’s Wife: Work and Marriage in the Lives of Five Great Twentieth Century Women, by Andrea Gabor. In The Women's Review of Books, December 1995.
- Dared and done: The Marriage of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning, by Julia Markus. In Washington Post Book Review, February 1995.
- Saint-Exupery, by Stacy Schiff. In New York Times, January 1995.
- Fear of Fifty, by Erica Jong. In Women's Review of Books, October 1994.
- Louise Colet, by Francine du Plessix Gray. In Washington Post Book Review, March 1994.
- Jean Genet, by Edmund White. In New York Times Book Review, October 1993.
- Michel Foucault, by James Miller. In New York Times Book Review, January 1993.
- The War against Women, by Marilyn French. In New York Times Book Review, June 1992.
- Revaluing French Feminism: Critical Essays on Difference, Agency, and Culture, edited by Nancy Fraser and Sandra Lee Bartky. In Harvard’s French Politics and Society, Summer 1992
- La fièvre hexagonale, by Michael Winock. In French Review, June 1988.
- Simone Weil, by John Dunaway. In French Review, March 1986.
- Hélène Cixous: Writing the Feminine, by Verena Andermatt Conley. In French Review, Fall 1985.
- "Women, Prisons and Literature: Review of The Imagination in Confinement." In The Women's Review of Books, February 1984.
- Les Femmes et leurs maîtres, by M.A. Macchiochi; Il était de femmes dans la Resistance, by A. Francos. In French Review, March 1981.
- Solzhenitsin's Children are Making a Lot of Noise in Paris, by M. Rubbo. In French Review, February 1981.
- Le Pouvoir intellectuel en France, by Regis Debray. In French Review, Winter 1980.
Work in Progress:
- Paris Returns (Book in progress about bilingualism)