Banerjee | Chen | Condry | Crocker | Culot | de Courtivron | Dunphy | Fendt | Garrels |
Groeger | Harris | Jaeger | Levet | Miyagawa | Morgenstern | Nagaya | Perreau | Teng |
Turk | Wang | Weise | Zhang |
Shigeru Miyagawa
Books and Monographs:
- Case, Argument Structure, and Word Order. Leading Linguists Series. Routledge. To appear (publication planned for 2012).
- Why Agree? Why Move? Unifying Agreement-based and Discourse-configurational Languages. Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 54, MIT Press, 2010.
- Oxford Handbook of Japanese Linguistics. Oxford University Press. November 2008 (editor, with Mamoru Saito).
- Historical Development of the Accusative Case Marking in Japanese as Seen in Classical Literary Texts, special issue of Journal of Japanese Linguistics, vol. 19, 105 pp., 2003 (with Fusae Ekida).
- Structure and Case Marking in Japanese, Academic Press, 259 pp., 1989.
- Studies in Japanese Language Use: Papers in Linguistics Monograph Series, Alberta, Canada, co-edited with Chisato Kitagawa, 1984.
- Complex Verbs and the Lexicon, Coyote Papers, Vol. I, University of Arizona Linguistics Circle, 1981 (1980 University of Arizona doctoral dissertation).
- “Genitive Subjects in Altaic and Specification of Phase,” Lingua, special volume on nominaliztion edited by Jaklin Kornfilt and John Whitman. 2011 Vol. 121, pp. 1265-1282.
- "Optionality," The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Minimalism, ed. Cedrix Boeckx, Oxford UP. 2011, pp. 354-376.
- “Blocking and causatives: Unexpected competition between derivations.” Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 5, MITWPL. 2010.
- “Genitive Subjects in Altaic,” 2009. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.
- “Meishi-ka to Kou-kouzou (Nominalization and argument structure),” Festrischft for Taro Kageyama, Kurosio Publications, Tokyo. 2009.
- “Locality in Syntax and Floated Numeral Quantifiers,” Linguistic Inquiry 38.4: 645-670, 2007. with Koji Arikawa.
- “Unifying agreement and agreementless languages.” In Meltem Kelepir and Balkiz Öztürk, eds., MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 54: Proceedings of the Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics II, 47–66. Cambridge, MA: MITWPL. 2007.
- “On the ‘Undoing’ Nature of Scrambling: a Response to Boskovic,” Linguistic Inquiry 37.4: 607-624, 2006.
- “Locality in Syntax and Floated Numeral Quantifiers in Japanese and Korean,” Proceedings of Japanese/Korean Linguistics, 2006.
- “Moving to the Edge,” Proceedings of the 2006 KALS-KASELL International Conference on English and Linguistics, pp. 3-18. Pusan National University, Busan, Korea, 2006.
- “EPP and Semantically Vacuous Scrambling,” Joachim Sabel and Mamoru Saito, eds., The Free Word Order Phenomenon: Its Syntactic Sources and Diversity, pp. 181-220. Mouton de Gruyter. 2005.
- “On the EPP,” In Martha McGinnis and Norvin Richards, eds., Perspectives on Phases, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 49, 201–236. Cambridge, MA: MITWPL, 2005.
- “A-chain Maturation Re-examined: a response to Sano, et al,” Andrea Gualmini, et al, eds., MIT Working Papers on Linguistics, Fall 2004 (with Nanako Machida and Ken Wexler).
- “Decomposing Ditransitive Verbs,” Proceedings of SICGG, Summer 2004 (with Yeun-Jin Jung).
- “The EPP, Unaccusativity, and the Resultative Constructions in Japanese,” Scientific Approaches to Language No. 3, Center for Language Sciences, Kanda University of International Studies, Kanda, Japan. April 2004 (with Maria Babyonyshev).
- “Wh-in-situ and Scrambling in the Context of Comparative Altaic Syntax,” Proceedings of the First Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. Spring 2004.
- “Argument Structure and Ditransitive Verbs in Japanese,” Journal of East Asian Linguistics 13, 2004, 1-38.
- A-movement Scrambling and Options Wthout Optionality, Word Order and Scrambling. Simin Karimi, ed., Blackwell Publishers, 2003.
- MITs Open Courseware Initiative: A Case Study in Institutional Decision-Making, Academe (Journal of AAUP), with Steve Lerman, (to appear). Japanese version to appear in IDE: Higher Education. 2002.
- Personal Media, Technos Quarterly, 2002.
- Causatives, Natsuko Tsujimura, ed., The Handbook of Japanese Linguistics, Blackwell, pp. 236-268, 2001.
- EPP, Scrambling, and Wh-in-situ, Ken Hale: A Life in Language. Michael Kenstowicz, ed., MIT Press, 2001, pp. 293-338.
- Attachment and Japanese Relative Clause, Journal of Language Processing (with Edson Miyamoto, Ted Gibson, and Takako Aikawa) 2000.
- Light Verb Make and the Notion of Cause, Festrischft for Kazuko Inoue, 2000.
- Nominative Case Ga in Acquisition, Proceedings of the BU Conference on Language Acquisition (with Edson Miyamoto, Ken Wexler, and Takako Aikawa) 2000.
- (S)ase as an Elsewhere Causative and the Syntactic Nature of Words, Journal of Japanese Linguistics, 1998 (accepted in 1995).
- Against Optional Scrambling, Linguistic Inquiry 28.1, Winter 1997, pp. 1-25.
- Word Order Restrictions and Nonconfigurationality, Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 2, MITWPL, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT, 1996, pp. 117-142.
- JP NET: Building a Virtual Global Community of Japanese Specialists, Proceedings of the Association of Teachers of Japanese Conference at Georgetown, Association of Teachers of Japanese, Middlebury College, 1995 (with Tomoko Graham and Anne LaVin).
- Scrambling as an Obligatory Movement, Proceedings of the Nanzan Conference on Japanese Linguistics and Language Teaching, 1995.
(S)ase as an Elsewhere Causative, Program of the Conference on Theoretical Linguistics and Japanese Langauge Teaching, Tsuda University, 1994, pp. 61-76. - Case, Agreement, and Ga/No Conversion in Japanese, Proceedings of the San Diego State University Japanese/Korean Linguistic Conference, 1993, pp. 221-235.
- LF Case-checking and Minimal Link Condition, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, 1993, pp. 213-254.
- Transitivity and Case Marking (review article of Wesley Jacobsens The Transitive Structure of Events in Japanese), Journal of Association of Teachers of Japanese, 1993.
- Kara and Node: Extending the Study Based on Phenomenal and Structural Knowledge. Proceedings of the Middlebury Conference on Japanese Linguistics and Language Teaching, 1991.
- The Logic of kara and node, in C. Georgepolis and R. Ishihara, eds., Interdisciplinary Approach to Language: In Honor of S.-Y. Kuroda. Reidel, 1991.
- Light Verbs and the Ergative Hypothesis, Linguistic Inquiry 20.4, 1989, pp. 659-668.
- Predication and Numeral Quantifier, in W. Poser, ed., Proceedings of the Second Japanese Syntax Workshop, pp. 157-192, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, 1988.
- Shiekikei to Goi-bumon, (Causative forms and the Lexicon), in S. Kuno and M. Shibatani, eds., Nihongogaku no Shintenkai (New directions in Japanese Linguistics), Kuroshio Shuppan, 1988.
- Unaccusative Verbs in Japanese, Proceedings of the Eastern States Conference on Linguistics 4, 1988, pp. 199-220.
- Theme Subjects and Numeral Quantifiers, in W. Tawa and N. Nakayama, eds., pp. 132-167, Proceedings of the Japanese Syntax Workshop, Connecticut College, 1987.
- Lexical Categories in Japanese, Lingua 73, 1987, pp. 29-51.
- LF Affix Raising in Japanese, Linguistic Inquiry 18, 1987, pp. 362-367.
- Restructuring in Japanese, in T. Imai and M. Saito, eds., Issues in Japanese Linguistics, Foris Publications, 1987, pp 273-300.
- Wh Phrase and Wa, in John Hinds et al, eds., Perspectives on Topicalization: Studies on the Japanese Wa, Benjamin Press, 1987, pp. 185-217.
- Historical Development of the Accusative Case in Japanese (with Setsuko Matsunaga), Journal of Asian Culture, UCLA Vol. 8, 1986, pp. 87-101.
- Verb Classes in English and Japanese: A Case Study in the Interaction of Syntax, Morphology, and Semantics, (with Naoki Fukui and Carol Tenney), Lexicon Project Working Papers 7, Center for Cognitive Science, MIT, 1985, pp. 87-101.
- Blocking and Japanese Causatives, Lingua 64, 1984, pp. 177-207.
- Pragmatics of Causation in Japanese, Studies in Japanese Language Use, S. Miyagawa and C. Kitagawa, eds., 1984, pp. 147-184.
- Requesting in Japanese, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese 17, 1984, pp. 123-143.
- Self-Sustaining Dialect: A Model for Second Language Teaching (with Galal Walker), Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Linguists, S. Hattori, ed., Tokyo, 1983, pp. 1136-1138.
- Paradigmatic Structures and Word Formation, Coyote Papers 2, University of Arizona Linguistics Circle, 1982, pp. 145-162.
- A Practical Guide for Teachers of Elementary Japanese, by Mutsuko Endo Simon, Journal of the Assocation of Teachers of Japanese 19, 1984-85, pp. 272-277.
- Oxford-Duden English-Japanese Pictorial Dictionary, Oxford Press, Modern Language Journal 68, 1984, pp. 183-184.
- Origins of the Japanese Language by Roy Andrew Miller, Modern Language Journal 66, p. 114.
- Numerous presentations on linguistics and on multimedia and Internet/networked computer use for language and culture instruction. The presentations are at international conferences and also at corporate headquarters.
Electronic Media:
- Visualizing Cultures, a web-based history/culture program, with John W. Dower.
- StarFestival: Return to Japan, a CD-ROM-based multimedia curriculum about cultural identity, 1999.
- StarFestival Network, a broadband interactive non-linear narrative, 2000.
- JP NET, an on-line service for Japanese language and culture, 1995.