Banerjee | Chen | Condry | Crocker | Culot | de Courtivron | Dunphy | Fendt | Garrels |
Groeger | Harris | Jaeger | Levet | Miyagawa | Morgenstern | Nagaya | Perreau | Teng |
Turk | Wang | Weise | Zhang |
Edward Baron Turk
- 2011 (forthcoming). French Theatre Today: The View from New York, Paris, and Avignon. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. 522 pp. (typescript).
- 2002 Marcel Carné et lâge dor du cinéma français. Paris: LHarmattan. 325 pp. Translated by Noel Burch.
- 1998 Hollywood Diva: A Biography of Jeanette MacDonald. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 467 pp. + xix. Paperback edition (University of California Press): Spring 2000.
- 1989 Child of Paradise: Marcel Carné and the Golden Age of French Cinema. Cambridge, MA. and London, England: Harvard University Press. 495 pp. + xi. Paperback edition (Harvard University Press): Fall 1992. Portions translated in Les Enfants du paradis, ed. Geneviève Sellier, Paris: Nathan, 1992.
- 1978 Baroque Fiction-Making: A Study of Gomberville's "Polexandre." Chapel Hill: North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures. 166 pp.
Co-edited special issue of refereed journal:
- 2006 “Special Issue on Cinemas,” The French Review, vol. 79, no. 6 (May), pp. 1168-1350, twelve articles.
Papers in Refereed Journals:
- 2008 “The Sixty-first Avignon Festival (6-27 July 2007): A Tradition of Renewal, The French Review, vol. 83, no. 1 (October).
- 2007 “Isabelle Huppert; or, the Gallic Valkyrie Who Bewitched Brooklyn," Camera Obscura, no. 65, vol. 22, no. 2 (Fall), pp. 158-164.
- 2007 “The French Stage: 2006-2007,” The French Review, vol. 81, no. 1 (October), pp. 45-60.
- 2006 “A Year of Theater: 2005-2006,” The French Review, vol. 82, no. 1 (October), pp. 30-43.
- 1999 “Le ‘film maudit’ d’Agnieszka Holland, Rimbaud Verlaine et sa réception.” Iris, no. 26, pp. 163-76.
- 1998 “Agnieszka Holland’s Total Eclipse, a Contemporary ‘Film Maudit.’” The French Review 72, no. 2, pp. 260-72.
- 1995 "Deriding the Voice of Jeanette MacDonald: Notes on Psychoanalysis and the American Film Musical." (Abridgment and revision of 1991 article.) In Leslie C. Dunn and Nancy A. Jones, eds., Embodied Voices: Representing Female Vocality in Western Culture (Cambridge University Press), pp. 103-19.
- 1991 "Deriding the Voice of Jeanette MacDonald: Notes on Psychoanalysis and the American Film Musical." Camera Obscura nos. 25/26, pp. 225-49.
- 1988 "The Politics of Cinematic Reception: Les Visiteurs du soir, Narrative Tempo, and the Debacle." The French Review 61, no. 5, pp. 593-604.
- 1984 "On Teaching Malherbe." Modern Language Studies XIV, no. 1 (Winter), pp. 65-69.
- 1981 "Verbal Game Play in Rotrou's La Soeur." Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature VII, no. 15, pp. 359-64.
- 1980 "Marcel Carné's Deceptive Comedy: Drôle de Drame." Literature/Film Quarterly 8, no. 3, pp. 165-69.
- 1980 "The Film Adaptation of Cocteau's Les Enfants terribles." Cinema Journal 19, no. 2, pp. 25-40.
- 1979 "Comedy and Psychoanalysis: The Verbal Component." Philosophy and Rhetoric 12, no. 2, pp. 95-113.
- 1978 "Scarron's Dom Japhet d'Arménie: Metaphor, Burlesque, and the Nature of Comic Language." Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, no. 10, pp. 33-50.
- 1976 "La Fontaine: mythologue et mythologicien." French Literature Series 3, pp. 28-37.
- 2009 “Marcel Carné,” in Célébrations nationales (Paris: Direction des archives de France/Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication).
- 2004 Program Notes for Jean-Marie Besset’s Grande Ecole, Jacques Doillon’s Raja, Richard Berry’s Moi, César, Arnaud and Jean-Marie Larrieu’s Un homme, un vrai, and Manuel de Oliveira’s Talking Film, French Film Festival, Museum of Fine Arts, June.
- 2002 “Language, Film, and Technology Workshop Aligns Humanities with Cambridge-MIT Institute,” co-authored with Douglas Morgenstern, Alex Chisolm, and Elizabeth Garrels, MIT Faculty Newsletter, October-November, p. 13.
- 2002 “Marcel Carné.” Bio-critical article, Encyclopedia Americana, print edition. Grolier Educational Corp
- 2002 “François Truffaut.” Bio-critical article. Encyclopedia Americana, print edition. Grolier Educational Corp.
- 2000 “Jeanette MacDonald and Gene Raymond: The Golden Couple’s Honeymoon House in Bel-Air.” Architectural Digest, special Oscar issue (April), pp. 342-45, 384-85.
- 2000 “Marcel Carné.” Bio-critical article, Encyclopedia Americana, On-line.
- 2000 “Jeanette MacDonald.” Bio-critical article. Encyclopedia Americana, On-line.
- 2000 “Louis Malle.” Bio-critical article. Encyclopedia Americana, On-line.
- 2000 “Jean Marais.” Bio-critical article. Encyclopedia Americana, On-line.
- 2000 “François Truffaut.” Bio-critical article. Encyclopedia Americana, On-line.
- 1999 Program Notes for “Jeanette MacDonald: Hollywood Diva,” film series at the Walter Reade Theater (Lincoln Center, NYC), 31 March-6April.
- 1997 Program Notes for Denis Langlois, The Escort, and for Karen Everett, I Shall Note Be Removed: The Life of Marlon Riggs, 13th Annual Boston Gay and Lesbian Film/Video Festival, Museum of Fine Arts, June.
- 1994 Program Notes for "Landmark Technicolor Musicals: The Vagabond King and Sweethearts," Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 4 March and 10 March.
- 1993 "Colorful, Yes; Nelson Eddy, No," The Washington Post (Letter to the Editor), 27 July 1993, p. A 16.
- 1992 "Speaking of Sex." Civitas 1, no. 2, pp. 1-4.
- 1991 "Golden-Age Director Has New Film Ready." San Francisco Chronicle, 2 May 1991, p. E 5.
- 1983 "Fan Club Fan." American Film 9, no. 9, p. 3.
- 1981 "A Conversation with Arletty." American Film 7, no. 2, pp. 68-70.
- 1980 "Pagnol's Marseilles Trilogy." American Film 6, no. 1, pp. 20-22.
- 1980 "Film Treasures of the Palais de Chaillot." American Film 5, no. 8 (cover story), pp. 18-20, 54-56.
- 1979 "The Birth of Children of Paradise." American Film 4, no. 9, pp. 42-49.
- 2000 Naomi Greene’s Landscapes of Loss: The National Past in Postwar French Cinema. The French Review, 73, pp. 1235-36.
- 1995 Richard Abel's The Ciné Goes to Town: French Cinema 1896-1914 . The French Review, 69, pp. 177-78.
- 1992 Richard Dyer's Now You See It: Studies on Lesbian and Gay Film. The French Review, 66, pp. 354-55.
- 1992 Hayward, Susan and Ginette Vincendeau, eds. French Film: Texts and Contexts. Film Quarterly, 45, pp. 58-60.
- 1992 Freddy Buache's Le Cinéma français des années 70. The French Review, 65, p. 329.
- 1991 Robert Stam's Subversive Pleasures: Bakhtin, Cultural Criticism, and Film. The French Review , 65, pp. 164-65.
- 1991 Claire Blakeway's Jacques Prévert: Popular French Theater and Cinema. Film Quarterly, 44, pp. 57-58.
- 1990 Josée Cathala's Louis Jouvet. The French Review, 64, pp. 373-74.
- 1990 Anne Gillain, ed. Le Cinéma selon François Truffaut. The French Review , 63, pp. 1084-85.
- 1989 Pierre Brasseur's Ma Vie en vrac and Saturnin Fabre's Douche écossaise. The French Review, 63, pp. 399-400.
- 1988 Louis Delluc's Ecrits cinématographiques I: Le Cinéma et les cinéastes. The French Review, 61, pp. 644-45.
- 1987 François Garçon's De Blum à Pétain: cinéma et société française. The French Review, 61, p. 309.
- 1987 Langlois, Georges P. and Glenn Myrent's Henri Langlois: premier citoyen du cinéma. The French Review, 61, pp. 136-37.
- 1985 Bandy, Mary Lea, ed. Rediscovering French Film. The French Review, 58, pp. 747-48.
- 1985 François Guérif's Le Cinéma policier français. The French Review, 58, pp. 465-66.
- 1984 Jean-Pierre Bertin-Maghit's Le Cinéma sous Vichy: Les Films français de 1940 à 1944. The French Review, 57, pp. 442-43
- 1983 Kevin Brownlow's Napoléon: Abel Gance's Silent Classic. The Movies 1, no. 4, p. 74.
- 1983 Richard Koszarski's The Man You Loved to Hate: Erich von Stroheim and Hollywood. The Movies 1, no. 1, pp. 81-82.
- 1980 "Balm of Gilliatt: Penelope Gilliatt's Three-Quarter Profile." American Film 5, no. 10, pp. 60-61.
- 1979 "The Contemporary French Film Festival at MIT." The French Review, 53, pp. 336-37.
- 1979 "History and Ideology: Sadoul's French Film." The French Review, 52, pp. 498-99.
- 1978 Cecile Insdorf's Montaigne and Feminism. The French Review, 52, pp. 342-43.
- 1978 Dudley Andrew's André Bazin. The French Review, 52, pp. 342-43.
- 1978 "The Proust Screenplay." Yale Daily News Magazine, 30 March, p. 16.
- 1978 "Films and Dreams: François Truffaut's La Nuit Américaine." The French Review, 51, pp. 762-63.
- 1978 "Nature and Women: Jean Renoir's Une Partie de campagne." The French Review, 51, pp. 447-48.