Banerjee | Chen | Condry | Crocker | Culot | de Courtivron | Dunphy | Fendt | Garrels |
Groeger | Harris | Jaeger | Levet | Miyagawa | Morgenstern | Nagaya | Perreau | Teng |
Turk | Wang | Weise | Zhang |
Jing Wang
- Brand New China: Advertising, Media, and Commercial Culture. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2008, 432 pp.
- The Story of Stone: Intertextuality, Ancient Chinese Stone Lore, and the Stone Symbolism of "Dream of the Red Chamber," "Water Margin," and “Journey to the West." In book series “Contemporary Interventions” (ed. Fredric Jameson and Stanley Fish). Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1992. [Second printing, 2000]
- High Culture Fever: Politics, Aesthetics, and Ideology in Deng's China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996, 399 pp.
Edited Volumes:
- Locating China: Space, Place, and Popular Culture. In the series of “China in Transition” (ed. David S. G. Goodman). London and New York: Routledge, 2005.
- Edited with Tani Barlow, Cinema and Desire: Feminist Marxism and the Cultural Politics in the Work of Dai Jinhua. New York & London: Verso. 2002.
- China's Avant-Garde Fiction: An Anthology. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1998, [Second Printing, 2004].
- The State Question and Chinese Popular Culture, a special issue of positions: east asia cultures critique, 9:1 (Spring 2001), 275 pp. [Nominated for the 2001 MLA Award for the category of Best Special Issue from journals.]
Book Manuscript:
- Brand New China: Advertising, Consumerism, and the Production of Commercial Culture Corporate Culture
- “The Politics and Production of Scales in China: How Does Geography Matter to Studies of Local, Popular Culture?” an introduction to Locating China: Space, Place, and Popular Culture. London and New York: Routledge. 2005.
- “Bourgeois Bohemians in China? Neo-Tribes and the Urban Imaginary,’ China Quarterly, No. 183, September, 2005.
- “Youth Culture, Music, and Cell Phone Branding in China,” Global Media and Communication, vol. 1, no. 2, 2005.
- “Modern and Contemporary Chinese Advertising,” vRoutledge Encyclopedia on Contemporary Chinese Culture. London and New York: Routledge. 2005.
- “The Global Reach of a New Discourse: How Far Can `Creative Industries’ Travel?” International Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 7, no. 1, 2004.
- “Framing Chinese Advertising: Some Industry Perspectives on the Production of Culture,” Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, Vol. 17, No 3 (2004), pp. 247-260.
- “Who Am I?: Questions of Voluntarism in the Paradigm of Socialist Alienation,” New Asian Marxisms, ed. Tani E. Barlow. London and Durham: Duke University Press. 2002.
- "Introduction," Cinema and Desire. Ed. Jing Wang and Tani Barlow. London and New York: Verso. 2002.
- “Pornography in China,” Censorship: An International Encyclopedia,” ed. Derek Jones, London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, (December 2001), pp. 504-505.
- "The State Question in Chinese Popular Cultural Studies," Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Journal, No. 4, 2001, pp. 33-52.
- "A Critical Introduction: The Chinese Popular: Agendas and Methodologies," in The State Question and Chinese Popular Culture ed. Jing Wang, a special issue of positions: east asia cultures critique, 9:1 (Spring, 2001), pp. 1 - 27.
- "Culture as Leisure and Culture as Capital," The State Question and Chinese Popular Culture, a special issue of positions: east asia cultures critique, 9:1 (Spring, 2001), pp. 68-104.
- “Zhongguo dazhong wenhua yanjiu zhong de guojia wenti” (The State Question in Chinese Popular Cultural Studies) (unabridged), Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies (Taiwan shehui yanjiu jikan), 38 (March 2000).
- "Dazhong wenhua yu su wenhua: yige kuaxueke de yanjiu jihua” (Mass Culture and Popular Culture: An Interdisciplinary Project), Sixiang wenzong (Journal of Intellectual Thoughts), 1 (August, 1999.)
- "Dazhong wenhuaxue de yicheng" (On the Agendas of Popular Cultural Studies), Dushu (Reading), 10 (October, 1999).
- "Introduction," Chinese Avant-Garde Fiction: An Anthology. Duke University Press, 1998.
- "Who Am I?--The Question of Voluntarism in the Paradigm of Socialist Alienation," positions: east asia cultures critique (spring, 1996), pp. 448-480.
- "Romancing the Subject: The Utopian Moments in the Chinese Aesthetics of the 1980s," Social Discourse, 6: 1-2 (Winter-Spring, 1994), pp. 115-140.
- "The Mirage of Chinese Postmodernism: Ge Fei, Self-Positioning, and the Avant-garde Showcase," positions: east asia cultures critique, l: 2 (Fall, 1993), pp. 349-388.
- "Modern Sinology in America: A Theoretical Proposal," Working Paper Series of Asian Pacific Studies Institute, June 1992.
- "Benwei wenhua qingjie yu da yuejin xintai" (The Cultural Complex of Sinfication and Great Leap Forward), Jintian (Today) 2 (1991).
- "He shang and the Paradoxes of Chinese Enlightenment", Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 23: 3 (July-Sept. 1991).
- "The Poetics of Chinese Narrative: An Analysis of Andrew Plaks' Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber,"Comparative Literature Studies, 26: 3 (Dec. 1989), pp. 252-270.
- "The Rise of Children's Poetry in Contemporary Taiwan," Modern Chinese Literature, 3:l & 2 (Spring/Fall 1987), pp. 57-70.
- "Taiwan Hsiang-t'u Literature: Perspectives in the Evolution of a Literary Movement," Chinese Fiction from Taiwan. Ed. Jeannette L. Faurot. Bloomington:Indiana UP, 1980.
- "Review on Dialectic of the Chinese Revolution, by Ci Jiwei. Chinese Literature, Essays, Articles, and Reviews, 21 (1997).
- "Review on Enchantment and Disenchantment: Love and Illusion in Chinese Literature, by Li Wai-yee. China Review International, 1: 2 (Fall, 1994).
- "Review on The Drowning of An Old Cat and Other Stories by Hwang Chun-ming (translated from the Chinese by Howard Goldblatt), Chinese Literature: Essays,Articles and Reviews, 4: 2 (July 1982).
Other Mediums:
- "Chinese-American Crosscurrents," a digital sound disc, produced by the National Humanities Center, Program no. 667. July 1993.
- "Chinese Popular Culture Studies, A Luce Project, 1997-2001," The Faculty Forum (Duke University Publication), guest- edited issue, September 1998.